Trump’s victory is step one.

Fox looked at who still voted more for Kamala than Trump.

Folks making over $100000

College educated


Kinda sums it up, the elite lost. Joe Average is giving the USA another chance.

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The commies voted for Kamala. And when I say commies, that group is made up of people who mostly don't know they are (the professional class). They like the term "socialism" but don't really understand what that is. Believe me, I work with them in the corporatesphere. The reason they got defeated is because they don't do any homework and their beliefs are, as James says, built on fantasy, not reality. And that facade comes down quick when faced with how the world actually works.

I prefer James' term "Woke Jacobins" but they are also cultural Marxists and commies. James Lindsay covers all of this - the where, when, why and how - in his awesome publications.

But they lost. The American people aren't commie-friendly - even if the commies tried to sneak in their agenda under the guise of "equity and inclusion."

Thank God we are smarter than that!

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Since when did communists believe in wall Street?

In fact, they loathe it, but both parties here are pretty much fascists, aka public private mafia.

Communism it is not.

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I've studied communism/communists all my life and I'm 70 y,o. It was the oligarchs/Wall St. who brought in communism. They don't want it for themselves but they want it for the rest of us - they get to enjoy wealth but we don't. If you learn anything about communist Russia, you will learn it was basically run by a very small amount of very wealthy men who never shared that wealth with anyone else. You may want to read this book, by an author who studied this entire topic with extreme thoroughness:

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists


Here is just one question for you, it comes from a review of that book:

"Why did the 1917 American Red Cross Mission to Russia include more financiers than medical doctors? Rather than caring for the victims of war and revolution, its members seemed more intent on negotiating contracts with the Kerensky government and, subsequently, the Bolshevik regime."

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Yeah. When I was studying Russian in college during the mid-60's, I came across the word "dacha" meaning country estate and was stunned by the idea of country estates behind the Iron Curtain.

Fast forward 30 years. The Iron Curtain had fallen, the Evil Empire dissipated, and all was sweetness and light for a while. I happened to be working at a major university and came to know the professor in charge of the study abroad program that sent exchange students to Eastern Europe. The subjects of their theses and dissertations were astonishing. Business management in Ukraine! Technological innovation in Russia! Similar topics Czechoslovakia. That's when I realized the infrastructure for all this had to have been laid long, long ago. There were books on the subject but they were poorly publicized and few people were aware of them, much less read them.

Today it's all out in the open thanks to an alternative media - no longer alternative - which has become a battering ram for truth.

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I was in Soviet Union in 1977; was there a month and had to stay in hospital to have my appendix removed. I was able to talk to many Russians so I gathered lots of info about USSR. Here in America we can trace roots of Communism back to the Marxists who were kicked out of Germany and other European countries back in mid-1800s right after Karl Marx wrote Communist Manifesto. Abraham Lincoln let in these Marxists and used them to get re-elected.

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Yes -- I agree. In Communism, there is no Private Property. However, there is still a lot of Property. Who will "manage" all of this Property? The Party Leadership, of course. And so you get a Totalitarian - Administrative - Class. During Covid, many of these folks referred to themselves as "Experts."

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Absolutely correct. The NWO aka Mr. Global is their latest reiteration. Burns my ass that the U.S. military is used as their juggernaut to strip countries of their natural assets.

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Chilling, isn't it. Fascinating book I read about Armand Hammer by Jay Epstein illustrates your last point.

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"isms" of every kind are just tools, a mirage while they bleed you dry.

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Their Final Order will have elements of both Capitalism and Communism. Guess which will rule? The Few. For the rest? "You will own nothing and you will be happy.

The remedy is more Capitalism, right? No. That is the cause. The remedy always was Fascism or National Socialism. Keep the Capitalists in line, and running scared. Make them serve the nation for the good of all. Not persecution and confiscation or nationalization - except in extreme cases. Don't want to drive them away a la Atlas Shrugged. In his bluff way, Pinochet expressed the Truth: Of course you treat people who can make and do things very well.

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Not true. The commies just take over the institutions. They have done that quite well: See Marxist indoctrination in the universities, and DEI/ESG in the corporations.

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But yet, universities and corporations rely on milking the government.

What is it called when the private industries and the government walk hand in hand?


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Public Private Partnerships

Sounds benign

It isn’t

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I don't agree, communism takes over the means of production. I would suggest reading/watching some of James Lindsay's work on the topic. Newdiscourses.com.

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So communism means they run the military industrial complex? 😂

Last I checked in history, when it comes to universities in the USSR , people were able to get practically free education because educated workers benefit the state.

Here in Amerika, education is the most expensive and only benefits the wealthy who can buy their way in. What is the definition of a nation that is run by the wealthy?


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and "What" do the Universities teach??? Demoncrazy ProgreSSive Communism

Tyranny is Tyranny, the "Isms" just are for debating facades.

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It's Fascism when Government leads the dance. What we have is the opposite with the private sphere leading (at the highest level) - Plutocracy in other words.

You want to separate the two spheres, right? Can't be done in the modern industrial state. Actually, it was never really done since human life is an organic whole. In any case, one will lead. But which? You want the one that is faceless, devoted to profit alone, and beholden only to owners and shareholders to lead, right? Not the one voted in and that take an oath to serve.

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Here is a book you might be interested in reading, it confirms your statement about "the professional class" and communism:

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists


IMO this is an excellent book. See my other comment reply to Rob for more info.

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Thank you. And this probably would pair nicely with what James Lindsay's work on cultural Marxism and the way the Democrats and the left have used that to try to create a new USSR out of the US.

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Good, Grogan. Capitalism/Communism is one system, heads and tails. Communism is the fighting arm of Capitalism that breaks systems and nations not tied into the Capitalist global order. Of course things can and do go wrong. After a long travail, Russia has thrown this crap off and become Fascist. China, National Socialist, proud against to be the Han, the Sons of Heaven.

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I respectfully submit that fascism/communism is a false split. They are the same thing in essence. It bears out historically. They are both statist, exclusionary power grabs. They share much more than they differ. We're arguing about the distinctions between two pieces of silverware. It doesn't matter. What matters is that they are both essentially anti people.

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I think the only difference is that fascism tends to be extreme rightwing, and communism extreme leftwing. And culturally, they are different.

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That's the classic take, but doesn't that make it a full circle? I don't see the cultural difference either. People are killed, that's pretty much the same. Each decides their enemy, kills them and takes over. Rinse and repeat.

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The cultural part of Marxism is the most fascinating. This has been planned since at least the 1940s. The people who warned of creeping communism were correct. They saw the signs beginning with the depravity of the postmodernist movement, etc. This has all been a road towards the utter breakdown of western mores and culture. They aim to tear down normalcy, religion, community, and introduce indoctrination, especially of children. Notice how the Democrats fight to keep absolute filth on the shelves in schools so that young kids of 6 can access it? They are fine with Drag Queens in woman-face parading around and flashing themselves at toddlers? Utter depravity - straight out of postmodernism. Those people (Foucault, etc) were all into pedophilia too.

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In other words, they're totally different. But yes they both use guns, war just being the extension of politics by other means.

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Yes, that is a big difference.

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Fascism is completely different than communism. Fascism is nationalism while communism is globalism.

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Yeah, that's why they fought so viciously, right? Capitalism/Communism, being globalist, united against nationalism, be it Fascism or National Socialism - or the earlier form, Monarchism as per Czarist Russia.

I've just given you the master key to understand all things.

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Omg We are surely doomed when so many conflate liberalism with communism. Communists hate liberals for your information. Communism is internationalist (ie workers reject nationalism as a capitalist ploy to send them to wars). Liberalism is globalist ( ie a cabal of billionaires plotting to own everything) . There is a difference: in one, the little guy gets a roof and 3 squares and lives a long happy life in community. In the other, he’s deep in debt, cut off from family due to job changes, and worried he still might end up sleeping in the gutter or bleeding out on some foreign battlefield.

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11/11/24: It's Communism (Stalin's) with a Capitalist tip jar.

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would you call castro a capitalist? He died with a net worth of at least 400 million USD. All of the communist dictators are wealthy or die wealthy. The oligarchs in the US absolutely are communists. But not for themselves of course. They want to impose communism on the peasants. The worse part is millions of those very same peasants believe in communism. They believe in something that is contrary to human nature and can never work. No matter how many enemies of the people you have to murder to bring in the communist utopia.

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I prefer Marxists to communists. It has better punch and is a bit more accurate.

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Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto.

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And you are writing this...why? As some aid for those that don't know that? or ??

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There's absolutely nothing communist about any of this. Just because communism had some features, such as totalitarianism, it doesn't make every other -ism that might share some of these traits communism too.

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Also: Spot the lefty! Lefties love to defend communism. Esp. China and Stalin. I asked one lefty why she thought the oppressive Chinese regime was a good thing and why she fought for it to come here - even though she thinks Chinese are oppressed (more cognitive dissonance to begin with). She said, "Oh I guess it works well for THEM."

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That was actually kind of brilliant, asking that question of a college commie.

What a splendid showcasing of their religious thought. Kudos!

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A self-described communist I met had a younger brother whose middle name was, "Countway, as in Countway Library at Harvard Medical School", he smugly said.

At that moment, I realized why so many well-fed Americans who never worked in Romanian salt mines as children self-describe as "communist", or "socialist".

It helps them to feel edgy, exotic, creative, intelligent, brilliant, fascinating, special -- everything they are not.

Edit: Being *both* a communist *and* a member of the Countway family "distinguished" the above undergrad from his peers and satisfied his conversational goals, which explains why he failed to notice his hypocrisy.

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You might enjoy this. Lindsay's Woke for Dummies. He breaks it all down:


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Remember on the old site, one poster said, Everyone should be able to go anywhere and do anything?

No borders. Extreme Individualism which is Capitalism which is Globalism which is Communism for the many.

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Do you have an issue with people traveling or something? Please clarify.

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They said, go anywhere and do anything once they got there. That's not just "traveling". It's just a fancy way of saying open borders. Milton Friedman said the same thing in a similar way.

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Except for the color revolution, the infiltration of DEI and ESG (textbook communism), the indoctrination by our educational institutions, the struggle sessions, the breaking up of the family unit, the attempt by the state to take our children through the trans craze among other things. Sure, Jan.

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I wrote a piece on why Kamala lost.

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Obama lost. Biden and Kamala were just useful tools.

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The intellectuals at a university seem to think that they are immune to propaganda since they are the smartest people in the world.

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As it turns out, they are more susceptible than just about anyone else.

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James put it perfectly: because they believe the credentialed other "experts".

T'is the credentialing that's the problem. If confers a counterfeit stamp of legitimacy, and thus, status: You're in, or you're out.

Status, not expertise, is the goal. Patronage is the reward of loyalists.

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It is pretty brilliant that they figured out that to get the "intellectual" professional class on board, all they had to do was make sure whoever spouted the lies sounded like a professor or touted impressive credentials.

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"He sounds like us. He speaks our language and wears our colors."

I call 'speaking Uni' a dialect. Talking to them outside of that dialect is like speaking French to a dog.

(I don't speak Uni, myself. Never learned the language. Thus, I have no authority, only the opinions of the uneducated, the grunting of hogs.)

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Exactly. In an interview with Hede Massing - a communist recruiter in the USA - she

declares how almost impossible it was to get working class people into/working for the party but the more easy to get 'the intellectuals and the middle class' because of lofty ideas.

See 46-48 minute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZuHcPnni14&ab_channel=20thCenturyTimeMachine

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So "smart," they're stupid. They've educated themselves into a sneering idiocy.

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Disproportionate self importance is part of the problem

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It's not a matter of IQ (capacity), to say it's of ego (status) is closer to the mark.

Do they recognize or respect my status markers, or not? For instance, I wouldn't know whether a NASCAR mechanic is talking out his ass, so I don't know where he ranks on his tribe's totem pole. "Don't you know who I am?", they demand.

It's the sounds they make. Our hoots and calls determine if we're from the right tree.

Am I surrounded by friendly monkeys, or stranger monkeys? Because everybody knows those monkeys from that tree over there are crazy, stupid, and dangerous.

(The problem is, those monkeys believe the same thing about me. I don't make the right sounds.)

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Lie to a liar, steal from a thief, dupe a self-proclaimed "smart" person. . .

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"An excellent plumber is infinitely more admirable than an incompetent philosopher.

The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy.

Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water."

~ John Gardner

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"An excellent plumber is infinitely more admirable than an incompetent philosopher."


Incompetent Philosopher? How could you tell?

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Exactly. The world divides here. Some of us can see which ideas hold water and some of us can't.

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"Incompetent Philosopher? How could you tell?"

Good question. Might "incompetent philosopher" be redundant?

Dr. Thomas Sowell addressed this best when he said:

"It is so easy to be wrong-and to persist in being wrong-when the costs of being wrong are paid by others."

That’s a really good question. I think your question concerns LATENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY, and, ultimately, self-honesty, and the desire for contentment.

When a diesel truck mechanic fails to do a competent job, he (REAL diesel truck mechanics are ALL men) risks 80,000 pounds of fully-loaded tractor-trailer rig going 55 mph running out of control on a heavily-trafficked interstate. Should something go wrong, there are records of who last worked on the truck and who signed-off on their work. In other words, LOW LATENCY and HIGH ACCOUNTABILITY.

When concert pianists, diesel truck mechanics, jet fighter pilots, etc., make a mistake, feedback has low latency and high accountability. Either they improve quickly or they are forced to do something else, or they die, possibly taking others with them.

With philosophers, it takes years, decades, even generations for people to find flaws in their thinking.

--> Because of this, I suspect that "the life of the mind" might attract those who fear accountability, who actively yet subconsciously desire to rush past Truth with averted eyes straight to the wine and cheese, avoiding self-honesty and depriving themselves of the opportunity to achieve contentment.

Which might explain why many ancient philosophers (whose ideas have been VERIFIED by subsequent generations) tend to emphasize action.

Thanks for your question. It made me get off my ass, if only briefly.

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Removing Tenure would reduce Idiocy.

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Removing academia would do even more. Loving those "higher" ed. "vaccine" mandates :9

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And when you question their claim, they substantiate it with an opinion, and if they need to buttress that claim, they merely add additional opinions to their circular irrefutable equation.

At some point in their life, did they fall off the bus?

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I know this from experience within my own family. They believe their opinions are facts! They honestly do.

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Why would anyone send their kids to college now? We sent one to little-old Texas Tech and he came home a raving lunatic. Even west Texas is no haven of common sense.

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The Progressive Elites who believed it was their Divine Right to rule us lesser humans. We finally realized, as Glenn Beck said; "We surround them."

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It's becoming more common to refer to them as the Progressive Parasites.

After surrounding them, it will be important to starve them out -- that is to say, to remove their status. Mass firings from government bureaucracies is one positive step down that road.

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I wrote a piece on why Kamala lost.

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I was surprised by the fact that the 65+ crowd voted more for Harris than Trump (barely, but still...); they must have believed the claims of the Dems that Trump plans to end their Social Security.

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It’s the TV news bunch that watches 24/7 that still thinks the news is Walter Cronkite. The rest of us have a smart phone can use a computer and realize the TV is no more than a movie screen for made up stories that woke up. From what I understand The Amish were pivotal. Want to save the world, turn off your TV!!!

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Yes, Amish were pivotal! In Lancaster County PA alone, something like 180,000 voted for Trump and they historically don't vote. That was enough to put Trump over the top. There's a really good video on You Tube by Nick Johnson channel on the Amish voting in PA. Nick went there and interviewed the Amish and did a great job. Husband grew up in the county Nick went to, lots of Amish there and he says they NEVER voted - until now.

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The Democrats fucked with their farms and found out.

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The Russians made them sell raw milk and use non-GMO seeds!

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Scott Presler registered them, hired vans ( out of his own $) to take them into "town" to vote.

He was the only person who thought about the .gov over-reach that was hurting them.

We owe Scott alot. He brought it.

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The last intact Israelite [ ishi - reign - eloi ] Tribe.

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I agree, although I interpret it as Isis-Ra-El, three Aryan gods denoting the Aryan majority, the Ten Tribes of the twelve. The Christians don't realize they are reading esoteric political messaging from a chronicle of a race war.

(I think your interpretation is more subtle, a valuable teaching moment to explore, thank you. My maternal line are conversos who came over from Germany to PA three years after the Thirty Years War, in 1651. We still have the land with our patriarch Einstein planted in its cemetary, some of the original "Pennsylvania Dutch".)

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What do you know about archaix.com?

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I wrote a piece on why Kamala lost.

I hope you enjoy. If so please forward to your friends and readers.



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Sadly - I think a LOT of that crowd are just dyed-in-the-wool Dems and won't switch parties, as well as, they think that being Woke is "cool" and makes them seem younger and in touch.

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I have them in my family. They're set in their ways, but hey, at 73, so am I. By the time you're over 65, you know what you believe and you are commited to it. I know that I am.

Plus, these people aren't into alt-media; especially not internet sources. They think a credible news source is PBS and programs like Washington Week in Review. They are convinced that The New York Times is the final word. These are the people who still have subscriptions.

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Oh they think PBS and NPR are the source of all truth - YEP. Those hushed, snobby English accents. That generation are suckers for them.

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I am a proud member of the generation that gave the world the Beatles, Bob Dylan, and Pink Floyd. It was easy to see in 2015 that NPR and PBS had joined that Satanic forces promoting nothing but Democrat propaganda, lies, and hate.

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Hmmm. You should read David McGowan's Laurel Canyon series. Lots of those musical acts you loved came from the same satanic forces.

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Pretty sure the Beatles were a beta test of mass cultural manipulation. The late Quincy Jones said words to the effect that they weren't musicians, before retracting his statement.

The WHO were way WAY ***WAY*** better.

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Yes - I'm of that generation, too, and saw that myself long ago.

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I'm a member of that same generation and remember when NPR turned cutesy with the introduction of "All Things Considered" in the late '70's. I stopped listening after that but still believed in PBS. Then in 2003, quite by chance, I stumbled across alt-media. It was nearly all micro-radio and shortwave back then (World Wide Christian Radio, a vast shortwave operation based in Nashville TN, carried many of the programs). But it didn't take off until years later with the Internet, and now X, and many have yet to catch up.

I was already 60-ish and set in my ways but not too set to recognize the truth when it smacks me upside the head.

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Not all of us are. I'm 70 y.o. and know many my age who are conservatives and Trump supporters. Depends on where part of the country you live in. I live in the South where most folks are conservative. In 2020, my county voted 96% for Trump and we have many people my age here.

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Absolutely. I think we're talking more about the loudest mouths, and the ones that rose to the top of the money chain. They tend to be libs.

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+1 If they're PBS and *ew York Times fans, they're probably multiply jabbed and boosted =D

*wheeling in the sky*

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👎🤢🤮 I myself can't find who I was responding to here bc they play musical comments. 👎

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That’s definitely the case for my parents (77 and 78). They’ve been playing the cool kids all their lives. My mother refers to herself as Betty Dancer. When my step-dad’s middle child decided in his 40s to fly to Thailand and become a ‘woman’ my parents were beside themselves with joy. They’re social cache with their crowd went thru the roof. It was like that Harry Potter scene “we have a witch in the family!”

That reference puts me in an unfavorable light. I’m ok with that. If Kevin wants to live as a person called Vivian that’s fine. He’s not a woman but whatever. Vivian just ran for a CO state senate position and lost. But the campaign picture showed a happy smile.

My sister married a man who at the time was considering transitioning. He put that aside for a while and tried. Didn’t work. He eventually decided he really needed to live as a woman. I hear my former BIL married a biological woman and is also happy, though with a very different personality.

My sister rabidly defends both his choice and her support of it. She’s quite preachy about the issue. And she’s been alone and desperately lonely with her liberal orthodoxy ever since. She seems righteously outraged a lot. And so rigid she disallows any discussion that might lead to a politics or religion. She changes the subject or begins spouting whatever’s allowed in the permission structure of her thought bubble on the given day. She’s my sis and she’s lonely so I just smile.

None of them understand why I’d worship Jesus or vote Trump. They wonder how I managed to wander so far off the reservation. But they all seem to appreciate my ability to love them with compassion. I have a deep sense of peace grounded in living a life of simple faith here in reality. I wish them (and everyone) that simple peace and fulfillment.

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Bless you for sticking to your guns and being who you are. I find most liberals to be miserable, because they are stuck in an impossibly grotesque mindset. No trans-widow is "happy" for them. They are told they have to be or they are a terrible person. I will guarantee that the vast majority of trans widows are heavily codependent. Trans widows who recovered or escaped, etc. have spoken on shows I watch, and it's pretty heartbreaking what they go through. First of all, TIMs (trans identified males who play at being women) are most often autogynophiles and/or narcissists, so while they are transing they torture their female partners emotionally and mentally like nobody's business. Then they leave them and the woman is supposed to understand.

I would give that asshole the heave-ho and never talk to him again. I mean, really? Why would any woman entertain this idiotic delusion? But they do. Whatever. I am hoping this presidency spells the end to some of the damage the LGBTQ++++++++ "community" were able to do.

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My mil was one of them and my father’s side of the family. All of them. Of course they are highly educated professionals. I’m the black sheep as my father was. He was a republican in a sea of liberal commie democrats. I’m not being facetious and they all live in California, Massachusetts or New Mexico.

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"I’m the black sheep"

You gotta be an outsider to see what's really up.

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My mamma (1914-2005) didn’t dull the lead on one pencil all the years she voted. She was a Yellow Dog Democrat and proud of it. “I only keep living to cancel your vote,” she told me. Progressive meant something else for her, but had she lived, even she would have been disgusted by their bullshit.

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Bingo Gringo!

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Deceptive demographic stat. The 65+ age group has the highest concentration of AWFLs. You can't simply assume "It's the boomers again."

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American Women's Football League???

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Affluent, White, Female, Liberal AKA Karen

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I think some of this goes to the Mass Formation cult-like behavior that occurred during Covid.

I am a 74 y/o white, college educated female and a former Democrat. I even ran for Congress in 1992 against the corporatist Jane Harman (came in 3rd out of 7).

I was a proud Democrat associated with the Paul Wellstone crowd. Then Bill Clinton opened my eyes to the Deep State and by the time 9/11 happened I felt politically homeless.

Then in 2007 I worked for Ron Paul for president while living in Conn. Obama suckered me in because I believed he would give us Medicare for All. When I realized what a snake he was and saw the Neocon shenanigans of Hillary and Co. I swung to Trump and stayed.

But back to the cultish behavior. Even here in deep blue Los Angeles (also being a retired RN helped) I saw right through the Covid BS from the beginning. I wouldn’t be “going along to get along” with any of it even though my UCLA doctor begged me to get jabbed.

So, for me, this election seemed to fall into two general categories: the “woke” cult believing everything the MSM was saying, and those of us who were questioning authority and were not drinking their bullshit Koolaid.

The non-woke won and at my age I am extremely thankful for this.

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I'm a 74-yr-old white college-educated male, who wasn't registered either way until Trump, as I knew Hillary would be same-old, same-old. Trump's presidency woke me up, thankfully. Research since then has revealed the longtime war against the American people, and humanity in general, on all levels of our existence. The real red pill is disturbingly awesome. But the tide is turning.

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Abby, congrats on your break out!

Have you considered starting an AWFLs Anonymous support group?

Could be fun!

I'm surprised that so many with a medical background went along with the Covid jab BS. Maybe they didn't realize what an EUA drug label means?

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We Boomers learned what our Greatest/Silent parents taught us.

We were kids in school during the Civil Rights Cultural Revolution.

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I watched this in my own little subset—my aunts—and believe this is the crowd who still watches the News Hour…from Cronkite days.

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That reminds me - no more public funding or airwave subsidies to PBS and other propaganda outlets. Now’s the time to put an end to that monkey business.

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Said the same to my brother two days ago. We were riffing about what needs defending. It is a long list!

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This 100%!!!

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They don’t realize how the democrat party has changed

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That or...perhaps a lot of the 65+ crowd were eliminated with Covid and the jabs over the last 4 years.

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It is ironic that Trump never said anything about ending Social Security; yet the Kamala crowd ate this lie up like it was candy.

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What Trump did say is that he will CONTINUE Social Security; yet somehow these people never heard that. Makes me wonder where they get their news from?

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And that would be truly amazing because they are old enough to have heard that talking point during every election cycle and nothing ever came of it

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Exactly! But they also are still of the "normie" mindset of believing "experts," so when the Harris ads during the news have "retired nurses" saying Trump will take away their Social Security" they believe it apparently. (I don't know where they found these people or how much they paid them, but it was quite disgusting to see their "testimonies" against Trump.

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This isn't true for people I know including myself.

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@Aelred A. You're shittin' me; how disappointing.

Apparently, there IS such a thing as living too long, rotting like a fallen mango enveloped in fruit flies, gutted by maggots on one's underside.

Happily, perhaps it's jab-related neurodegeneration =D

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Quite the graphic picture, Sedge! LOL. Perhaps, and there are also nurses who have courageously stood up for what they saw as right. They (the PAC that ran the ads) also got this mohawked boomer biker type to say the same thing: that he was voting for Harris because Trump was just out for himself. (Anyone w/ half their brain cells left might recall that DJT was ALREADY in office once and did not do any of that, but, hey, can't expect rational thinking in these things.) Anyway, moot point now.

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Ever notice jobs that serve The Program pay pretty good? The people at the top install an affluent under class to take orders and run the program on the Little People. Folks who benefit most from playing the game never vote to have the board flipped over and the pieces reset.

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I think that DEI money train is about to end. I am already hearing rumblings at my company (Thank God!) and the progressive idiot I work alongside is having meltdowns. I absolutely relish it.

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My wife's company has a contract with one of the Gates companies.

I could hear the heads exploding during one of her conference calls.


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I wrote a piece on why Kamala lost.

I hope you enjoy. If so please forward to your friends and readers.



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Enough pimping of your Substack, "Sunny".

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thank you for sharing! Have a nice day>

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REACHING OUT, Sunny, to PROACTIVELY remind you to get your bird flu, monkeypox, and shingles vaccines, as well as your kp.2 and kp.3 variant jabs and boosters!

Hope that helps!

Stay safe!

Be well!

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How can any sane person believe that Joe Biden got ten million more votes in 2020 than Trump did this week? They should form a club including those who believe Epstein killed himself and that it is best that boys have their penises chopped off without notifying their parents. Regardless of their beliefs, Liz Cheney and her dad should be made co-chairs of this group of morons.

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Just saw a chart of bellwether counties that stretched back to 1984, each, almost without exception, having correctly picked the winner.

Except for the year 2020, in which only two of the counties (one of them in Delaware) went for Biden.

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Of course, the 2020 presidential election was a fraud and a fake worthy of Venezuela.

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I saw the fraudulent in real time, watching Wiscondin returns, which never stretched beyond 9 p.m. To this day I can feel the blood pressure rise when I think of the gaslighting and censorship that tried to silence those who saw. And when I think of the Bidens, acting as if they had won something.

Jill Biden even commissioned the composing of a "Fanfare for the First Lady." Hrrrrrrrr!

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I was in NYC, listening to the AM radio from as far away as WLS in Chicago.

I heard the shutdown and the Steal in real time, as I listened to different stations all night long.

Funny thing, I was broke down in the mountains of Arizona at another time, so I sat and listened to the Steal from Kari Lake there, too. Couldn't run the motor or heater, so it was getting a bit chilly; still, when I heard what was happening, that cab heated up considerably.

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Jill wore a stunning, sleeveless, red pants suit when she went to vote. Nobody fucks with the Bidens.

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Purple was oddly out of fashion.

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DOCTOR Jill already has a song about her.



Minnie The Moocher (feat. The Blues Brothers) - YouTube

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I say bs to that. Kamala won the inner cities. Not exactly the habitat of those earning an average of over 100,000. More like welfare parasites. Chicago, Flint, St Louis, DC, New Orleans, Shreveport, NYC, Memphis, New Orleans. Sure academia and Wall Street voted for the politburo's candidate but the average union guy didn't. In fact that Harvard gender studies grad, the one with the tats and earing in his nose did vote for the Knee pad Queen. Hard working minorities who want the American dream have no use for government health care or freebies. The parasite class and their mutant permanent slave class clamoring for monies for hardships they never suffered. Its a party of men dressing as women; people so untalented that they demand employment based on characteristics irrelevant to any sane person. Who employs an firemen based on gender or religion? The Democrat Party is the Jacobin Party.

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My anecdotal experience disagrees with that general conclusion. Just about every technical professional I know and work with meets that criteria and still voted for Trump.

I think it was an indepence and freedom and economic divide, perhaps religion too.

Not everyone that went to college ended up DEI brainwashed. A lot of us older folks learned how to think critically, so much so that we despise the old Republican party and RINOs nearly as much as the radical left.

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The people with Common Sense who love this land & our God.

Another words grounded.

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Interestingly, Trump's total vote hardly shifted since 2020, at 74-75 million. The Democrat vote collapsed - from 81 million to 67 million. That's 14 million who just didn't show up. I have to say, Trump looked as surprised last Tuesday night as he did in 2016. "Lucky Loser".

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And a BIG middle finger.

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Well, I voted for Trump. College educated? Yes. Non-religious? Absolutely.

...Uhh, what was the other one?

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Income > $100000

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I check all the boxes (make over $100k, College, non-religious) ... however, I have worked for 30+ years as an engineer in entrepreneurial enterprises where initiative, accountability, and a solid grounding in reality are absolutely necessary. It was pure theater to prop Kamala up as the candidate -- theater + hubris + "we can repeat what we did in 2020." Now we are in a bit of Wait And See -- let's see what Trump and his cabinet actually do over their first six months, in particular, after Trump has learned so much over the past eight years.

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I wrote a piece on why Kamala lost.

I hope you enjoy. If so please forward to your friends and readers.



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Why Kamala lost? Just study the below list of her attributes and accomplishments;








Thank you.

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I keep hearing how wonderful the economy is today from the media. Then I look around and see that inflation is still galloping away, the job market has been a lie for 12 months, to the tune of <900000 jobs>, the unemployment rate is a lie , to the tune of not including 9 million non-employed young males. The entire Leftist claims to a good economy is a fabrication.

I wonder what the economy would look like without Elon Musk right now.

Is there anyone out there that would agree that the inflation rate is 2.4%?

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Shut up.

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+1 I admire your restraint.

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Back in the olden days, when wondering was fashionable, I used to read history and snort and chuckle at all the stupid things people used to believe and all the obvious things they used to deny. I thought "we are so much smarter now!" Then I got a bit older and read more and I started to wonder what stupid things we are doing now that we think are the best things ever? For awhile I couldn't think of any -- but now? I can't think of a thing we are doing right. Everything we are doing is retarded.

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This morning I received a Facebook message from a Portland Oregon friend who announced that she had to take her grieving body into the woods to see some mushrooms growing to ease her bodily pain Since I live in Mexico, when she said grieving body, I thought she was very ill. I was about to write her and ask her what was wrong when I read some of the responses to her post from other Portland people and then I got it. They are all grieving because of Trump's win of course. What is beginning to bother me very strongly is that these are people who are social justice activists who March in every BLM protest , every me too protest etc etc and yet as 50,000 people have been murdered i n gaza, as millions of children around the world go to bed hungry every night , as people in our own country are living on the streets , they are only grieving because Trump won. I have lost so much respect for people I once called friends. It's one thing to not like Trump. It's quite another to think that the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity is that he won four more years in the white house.

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Gaza is a war zone, initiated by their own elected and vastly supported terrorist overlords who use their supporters as human shields. The rightful attribution of “murder” belongs on them and them alone. I hope you see this.

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How do you feel about the IDF soldiers video taping themselves as they loot? Is it moral because they're Jews?

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"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."

~ George Orwell


“When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.”

~ Thomas Sowell


Dude #1: “What do you call a group of Black criminals?”

Dude #2: “A gang.”

Dude #1: “What do you call a group of Italian criminals?”

Dude #2: “A mob.”

Dude #1: “What do you call a group of Chinese criminals?”

Dude #2: “A tong.”

Dude #1: “What do you call a group of Jewish criminals?”


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Warmonger. Best thing I can say about you.

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Hamas are the warmongers. Every (very generous, btw) peace for land deal that Israel has ever offered, they have rejected, because they are terrorists and anti Semites.

They will never give up their goal of total annihilation of Israel, "from the river to the sea". And they sacrifice their own women and children for this evil, sadistic goal.

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The two bars in the Israeli flag also mean 'from the river to the sea'.

It's in the Likud charter, same as the Hamas charter.

They play by Old Testament rules over there.

p.s. What were the colors of Epstein's island temple?

The same as a certain flag. A temple of Astarte, with the same pimps and politics, buying and selling influence.

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The Bible is clear: God gave Israel all the land from the Nile to the Euphrates. Such a God is nothing but a Devil.

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It is the God within the greenhouse, that put on a mask and told you it was the Creator outside the greenhouse.

In the same way, those who hear that God of this world imagined themselves to be /us/, who can hear the celestial Song outside. They don't know there are two great Forces, and thus only believe them to be One. Their invention, monotheism, is a powerful, yet terrible, mistake.

Trapped in the Wheel as they are, how yet they wish to be /us/, the Fair Flowers meant to be spread. We are the Uplift, desired and envied by all, for it is our combination that successfully opened the pinhole in the chrysalis, the hole in the eggshell, the Gate of Heaven. Our neural frequency and compulsion is to exceed the atmosphere to reach the Seeding layer of radiant panspermia; a broken branch, hoping to piggyback us, can only attempt to re-form this domain because theirs is not the frequency to access the Gate.

Even should they replace us with themselves, even should they harvest our women in the attempt, still, they will remain trapped, and twisted: they cannot do what Creation made us to do, their attempts to build out an artificial collective lifeform still will only be a mimicry.

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That’s a compliment coming from someone as upside down as you are.

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Of course you must see it in this way, son as you are of Negroid certitude leavened by Aryan intelligence. The miscegenation you promote creates more of your ancestral kind.

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Hamas is run out of Qatar, next to our important forward command bases there.

It's a radicalization program on the order of ISIS, Al-Qaeda, or Jamat al Nusra.

It's a proxy excuse by American 'interests' to give a pretext to their co-stakeholders in Israel to finish cleansing the land and get to those important commercial projects, in preparation as a key gateway of the southern leg and maritime leg of the Belt-Road Initiative. Ukraine is the historic gateway of the northern leg too, by the way.

Of course they feel they have the right, as they were cleansed from North Africa, so tit for tat. If either or both projects 'fail' to achieve their full scope, they both at least will leave a hand in the game, while preparing the Americas as a landing pad.

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Announced this Am that Qatar is throwing Hamas out. Wonder why?

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It is ironic how the new woke is the antithesis of actual woke. I have been practicing spirituality/non-duality for many years now and the goal is to awaken from egoic suffering by letting go of all identification/narratives. The farther left the Dems are, the more intense their egoic/self identification and suffering.

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And they deserve all the suffering their self righteous egos can muster

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"I have been practicing spirituality/non-duality for many years now and the goal is to awaken from egoic suffering by letting go of all identification/narratives."

Which, of course, explains your need to advertise your spiritual practices to internet strangers


Fuck this shit.

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I always invite any and all critiques directed towards egoic separation. May you be free from suffering.


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My partner said, "Only assholes post in internet forums". You are living proof of this. Thank you WORLDS for providing the impetus to never post on any internet forums again :9

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Maybe she should eat those mushrooms and end the perpetual angst. I am afraid to talk to my Humboldt County-dwelling sister; the last time Trump won, she drunkenly called me a pig, over and over again.

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Or maybe she should stop taking Magic Mushrooms

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Disown the swine.

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No no, blood is thicker than water. Her children will hate her, and come back to us. If she or they are taken by the Others, that too is part of the Design. We are their Uplift, heavy is our burden.

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wow-- that's sad. :-(

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Actually 1200 Jews were murdered by Gazans and an estimated 40 thousand Gazans were killed in a war that they started and many participated in.

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It's more than 200,000, Bob. And as Bibi said, This is out Pearl Harbor. They knew is was coming just as the United States knew. To allow a terrible thing to happen that you could prevent is the same as doing it.

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The USA lost about 3000 folks at Pearl Harbor. 10 million folks died in WW2 and many, many more military and civilians died to exact revenge for Pearl Harbor. The US would have killed the entire population of Japan if they had not surrendered. When the US looks at Israel’s reaction to Oct. 7, better not throw too many stones. War is legalized murder and it is hard to turn things off once started.

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What does your 10 million include? The Soviet Union alone lost at least 20 million civilian and military folks in WWII.

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Hannibal Directive, anyone? Hamas was created to see if it could serve as an alternative to the corrupt, corpulent Authority; then, under the influence of our neocons, turned to radicalizing them as a pretext. Our dog is wagging Israel's tail, eager for further investment.

Thus it has been done for decades, in both America and now Europe. Our Negroes were segregated as a movement to autonomy, then radicalized into a cultural mercenary tip-of-the spear with Affirmative Action, R&B, sports, and Desegregation; then, with gangsta Rap, now, with DEI. Fed by government monies, they drove us from the cities we built into white refugee camps called suburbs. Now that the once-priciest districts are available at steep discount, the Mexicans and Indians are being brought in as were the Indian Coloureds in Africa to cleanse those neighborhoods of Blacks. For Europe, wars were started across the MENA to drive Abrahamicized Muslim hordes into Europe.

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With you.

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I agree — these people need some real problems! lol.

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I'm doing a Christian reach out to these people. They may end by hating me, but I won't be in a worse position either way. I am trying to spread the love and share with them some of my perspective. In may be a wasted effort but it seems to be a good time to try to bring them back into the fold. Write an honest and loving letter--that's my campaign!

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They long for Tribe, yours may be the best way in the long run.

Hats off to you for your efforts, and for your kindness.

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VeryVer - that's because too many people can't think for themselves, and by default, follow the egg-spurts.

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yep. I knew a guy who always followed other people's advice because he "things go wrong it's not my fauly." lol, ok.

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As a young man of 35, I woke up one morning and had a very unsettling feeling. I had thought that the world was a settled place run by very smart people. Boy, was I deluded.

The Elon Musk has showed up. Maybe to a small degree?

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Musk is himself subordinate to Thiel and Ellison; the warmongering neocons are facing usurpation by neo-neocons, who still intend to rule us, but with a velvet glove. They are perfecting the art of war without war, in their minds superior to the testing forge of outright carnage. It buys us time, the time of slow and sure suffocation, but time still.

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You're conflating intelligence with wisdom.

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With age comes wisdom. Sometimes.

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Caution misidentified.

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Assbackwards indeed

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For the DNC, "soul searching" consists of determining who to blame for their fall. And RFK Jr.'s directive to the FDA, should apply to the whole bloated bureaucracy in D.C.: "Keep you records, and pack your bags."

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Destruction of records not a bad thing. Proven, it becomes grounds to terminate even union fed employees for cause plus a felony for obstruction of a criminal investigation.

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'Obstruction of a criminal investigation' we're in line for a large size dose of this.

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I have to admit that when I first read that, I thought, "yeah, right. They're not going to destroy records of their malfeasances"; kept or destroyed, then, we got 'em, eh?

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Wonder why they do not ask the people who know best what is wrong.






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"Wonder why they do not ask the people who know best what is wrong"




Malcom X

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I don't know about the others , but if a Malcolm X speech doesn't speak too , and make sense too , a White person as much as a Black person , I suppose one is too partisan , otherwise I don't know .

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I always agreed with much he had to say. Read his book decades ago...many decades.

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Maynard Campbell fits that list.

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Now we know for certain why the last four years were so wretched, so filled with incomprehensible disasters, and why we walked around feeling gaslighted. Because we *were* being gaslighted: the 2020 election was stolen. We have the proof now, in the ballot results of this election.

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We've had proof - the courts have refused to hear the evidence - it's been there all along.

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I always shouted from the rooftops that the election was stolen. They pissed all over our legs and told us it was rain. And so many ignorant, deluded, weak, feckless, moronic, pathetic, disgusting, should-not-have-the-right-to-cast-a-vote-they're-so-stupid, sheep, believed it. THOSE people, those MILLIONS of may they be damned to hell people, almost destroyed our country, irrevocably. As you can tell, I have so much hatred in my heart. I have no forgiveness. I hope Trump has none either. Because that will ultimately destroy us.

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It was obvious on day 1. There were anomalies and outright crime witnessed and reported, videos proferred, and still, nothing was done. They finally got a woman jailed for election results denial, in Colorado. That was just last month though, so they didn't work fast enough. Imagine if they had succeeded in stealing it again this time!

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I can't recall her name, but the CO lady had printouts of computer data showing how the 2020 voting results were manipulated by Dominion or Smartmatic. They didn't recognize her as a whistleblower, but as a felon who interfered with election material. Trump will pardon her soon.

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That's what I thought. I think her name is Tina Peters, and the judge called her a "charlatan." Say, what? Since when do judges name-call? I thought that was so crazy. Indicative also of a kangaroo court type of setup. I cannot wait for Trump to pardon her.

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Meanwhile, the current Soros-elected Colorado Secretary of State is doing the exact same thing in spades, leaking election passwords--and is perfectly innocent!

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"I have so much hatred in my heart. I have no forgiveness." ~ AnnR

Ann - let the hatred go, as so many tendrils of smoke to the heavens, or like a cancer, it will eat you alive.

On forgiveness - look to intention - forgive those with no evil intent. For those with evil intent - of which there are many - they need to be dispatched with extreme prejudice - with the emotionless edge of cold steel, or obsidian (h/t astera).

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Hi Ron, The hatred in my heart is specifically for the evildoers. And, although many of those sheep may have been deceived by the higher level evildoers, the fact remains that the sheep DID DO evil, even if they knew not what they did. So, while I may not have complete hatred for those ignorant sheep, they do not deserve forgiveness. And the good news is, the hatred in my heart doesn't eat me alive. Because the love and goodness I have in the majority of my heart, also fuels me. But I do thank you for your words!!!!

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Forgiveness is often not deserved. You forgive in order to unburden your own soul/spirit. In some cases, it may lead to repentance by the other party.

Either way, forgiveness does NOT mean exoneration for their crimes; there should still be justice and punishment; that is the role of healthy, righteous, law-keeping government.

That is why Trump's government MUST go after these people and clean house. It will bring healing to the nation and prevent *some* criminal activity in the future.

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They will be held to account for their unrepented sin by the Lord God Almighty. We should have pity on them for what awaits them. Jesus says that if you do not forgive your enemies neither will the Father forgive you.

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Not to give someone their wages - how utterly horrible. What injustice. Even God doesn't forgive those who aren't sorry. So many think they are better than God.....

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I think you put forgiveness in the self serving category as many Christians do. Forgiveness isn’t given because of what it can do for you. When forgiveness is truly given it’s done out of the love for the other person. The love the Lord said to have for one another. No judgement in it and no self service in it.

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The next chapter has to be arrests and prosecutions. All this kiss and make up bs won’t fly. Prices have to be paid. Historically they haven’t which is why this goes on and on.

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Hatred and resentment are like drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die. Just sayin'

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I think we can prosecute them to the full extent of the law, and also forgive them in our hearts. Ultimately, it will be up to God to judge them.

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To forgive evil is to abuse the just. One does not forgive cancer, one excises it, lest the innocent suffer further.

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Nice! Ron! I've got my Big Aztec all rough and ready for this day.

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Yeah, chick, don't let the bastards live rent-free in your head.

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My feelings, exactly AnnR. It will be frustrating to later learn that Guiliani's research into the 2020 election was spot on, and the Feds didn't act on the voter fraud. Guiliani was "tortured" by the legal system.

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Never forgive. Never forget.

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😃 Don't hold back, AnnR, tell us how you really feel! Hey, I voted for Trump, AND I was one of those who accepted the story that 2020 was a clean election.

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Interesting!!!!! YOU, my dear, ARE forgiven, lol!!!!!

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Let me rephrase, then: now we have a proof that is so obvious, so inarguable, so simple, that it is undeniable. See the graph of ballot totals in JHK's post. It is spreading through the alt-media and at some point will have to show up in the legacy media.

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I have copies of marked exhibits in a contested election case, filed 11/25/20 in Michigan. Voter turnouts:

City of North Muskegon 781.91%

Zeeland Charter Township 460. 51%

Grout Township 215.21%

City of Muskegon 205.07%

City of Detroit 139.29%

Spring Lake Township 120.00%

Followed by 10 @ 100.00%

Documented voter turnouts for Michigan, 2020 - you get the idea.

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And how was this information snuffed out from being effective by the courts? Because of media control by the Dems? Or a judge didn't want to become a target by the Dems? Interesting, this entry time of Trump as President might now become a better time. Waiting for the Dems to really blow it may have been worth it. But now Trump has to spend a lot of time and money to undo the damage the Dems created.

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Meh, spend a little, gain a lot.

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Hopefully the administration will appoint a commission to investigate how all that grotesque cheating occurred. It was criminally treasonous what they did. Hold onto those numbers; maybe you can testify before the commission when and if it comes to be.

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It absolutely must happen! As our President said, you don't have a country without fair elections.

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Wow. This is the Way. Instead of getting angry, Anselmo gets even.

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Ya forgot all the shenanigans in PA, though.

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Can you get us a link of the original data Ron please? Thanks.

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BoR - I don't have the electronic copy archived, only my hard copies, but it's out there. The exbibit is marked such:

Case 2:20-cv-13134-LVP-RSW RCF No. 1-14, PageID.625 Filed 11/25/20

Affidavit of Russell James Ramsland, Jr.

You'll find it interesting - an expert forensic analysis of electronic machine tabulations in Michigan - six pages of narrative and summary. His final expert statement and conclusion?

"Based on the foregoing, I believe these statistical anomalies and impossibilities compels the conclusion to a reasonable degree of professional certainty that the vote count in Michigan, and in Wayne County, in particular for candidates for President contain at least 289,866 illegal votes that must be disregarded."

Yes, 289,866 illegal votes. Have at it - start digging, good luck, you'll probably find it.

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Guys, check out New York Citizen's Audit for an education into the voluminous work that has been done these past 4 years.

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Yes, that chart alone make the case so compellingly that it can't be denied. When it comes to "fun with numbers," the KISS principle always applies, even, and perhaps especially, for the egg-heads among us. Keep It Simple, Stupid!

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Or, as my beloved late Mother used to say, "Keep It Simple, Shithead!" My god, I miss my folks and their bawdy humour.

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The steal lands squarely at Nancy Pelosi’s feet. I remember her in front of the cameras with a smug smile on her face saying that she promised to her followers that Trump “will not win this election. I can guarantee you that.” Biden pretty much said the same thing.

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All that proof just went *poof* at some point in 2020. Covid was the perfect cover, no one was allowed to question anything in that climate.

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They put a gun to the head of anyone who spoke out about the 2020 election results, and most of them shut their mouths afterwards. Those that didn't experienced lawfare, both criminal and civil.

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A Covid Denier was the same as an Election Denier.

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Yes. J6 was orchestrated for that purpose. To shut any and everyone up who dared mention that the election was stolen.

A scheme that big can't work more than once in a generation though. Look how the Trump apparatus foiled it this time. I think it was Charlie Kirk who said they had all sorts of operatives and lawyers all over the place making sure the Dems couldn't pull what they did last time. I would not be surprised.

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There were. At least 5,000 from what I understand. And that isn't even accounting for other networks of people and individuals who were vigilant recording everything.

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The Big Jews allowed them to do that. This time they said no. They want us strong so we can serve them in the Middle East. A golem must be strong!

In any case, it's all good. Or a choice between good and better for the Deeps. Storms on the surface has little effect on them. An executive from Black Rock said, Both Kamala or Trump would have been good for them. Anyone who isn't "good" doesn't get in.

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Heh. So they want us coming back as experienced and battle-hardened as a Russian or Appalachian veteran?

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Go jag off 2 yer giant-nose cartoons.

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The gaslighting live exercise to torture the American populace into compliance began March 13, 2020. I knew the second they announced the lockdown what they were doing. It still angers me so much - I will NEVER forget what they did. The death toll has to be in the 100s of thousands. We do know Trump wasn't told, because when Pompeo announced it was a "live exercise" (a military term), Trump mumbled, "well, you should have told us." That was swept under the rug when it should have been headline news. What ensued was horrifying, with residual fallout all over the world. And it's still going on. Covid shots are still being given. People still clamor for them.

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Life has never been the same since

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It was a humiliation ritual .

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As well as a psyop.

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The death toll - in the short term - from the Covid jabs is likely in the 1 to 2 millions range in the US alone. Under 18': about 20,000, at least.

From a friend who is a Professor of Med and immunologist.

They know what they are doing.

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Yep. And now we have cancer accelerating all over the place. Just the event itself though, the people dying on unmonitored ventilators while drugged up, for $39K a pop, and the suicides from people who lost everything when they shut up all the small businesses, and the pain of people not being able to be with their dying parent, etc., the good folks who lost their jobs, all that is unmeasurable. I am so glad that there are more measurable numbers from the death jab. At least that's something.

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I hope those jab fatalities keep going up...and up...

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To some degree I can sympathize with the sentiment, in the case of the fanatical 'let them die in camps' jabbers, or even the idiot medics who so betrayed us through incompetence or corruption.

But to wish ill to everyone injected is to lose one's humanity: the chronically sick who simply trusted their doctors? The people who faced unemployment and homelessness due to corporate mandates, and who were jabbed reluctantly? Certainly not.

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This is just one of the reasons Mike Pompeo should NOT be in Trump's new administration. The other big one is that he is a "Bolton-Cheney" warmonger! Keep him out, President Trump!!!

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If he appoints any neocons, you'll know what his intentions are.

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I predicted EVERY SINGLE THING THAT EVER FUCKING HAPPENED from the outset. No, this "lockdown" won't take "a few weeks to stop the spread", it will go ON AND ON AND FUCKING ON. Small biz permanently shut down, untold amounts of suicides, homicides, mental illness, domestic abuse(who ever reports that, anyway?) ....I saw it all coming.

And I was right. As per usual.

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Same. I journaled about it, on the very day. I knew it was a big fucking hoax.

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I was convinced early on that the CCP was responsible for creating Covid-19 in order to hurt Trump's 2020 election chances. It's been a few years now since I strongly believe that the US democrat party and the pharmaceutical industry was complicit. Hoping RFK, Jr. investigates further and exposes the traitors involved.

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Two gangs joining up to wage a war, I agree. Each taking a different share of spoils, but each still taking a heavy share.

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Trump still has 9 months remaining to bring proof of steal to courts and 2020 will be “reversed”. What that means I don’t know. I heard that from the great Mike Davis on Bannon.

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Personally, I want to move on. Everyone knows it was stolen. They know it, we know it and they know we know it. Surprises me that even now on CFN some people refuse to see it. No one blinder…as they say.

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Cheryl, I'm convinced CNN is comprised of actors. Anyone with common sense would know the truth about the Dems election disaster, but these liberal media hypes are still riding on the theme of "the world is going to end" routine. I wish they would give it up. I don't see how anyone can watch CNN for more than 20 seconds.

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I think you’re right. CNN is full of clowns. It’s going to take time. I’m hopeful that the democrat party as we know it today is finished. That this is only the beginning. The younger generation is largely conservative and that is a real positive for us

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CNN was better when "The Mouth From The South" owned/ran it.

Drunken Bob Novak on "Crossfire" was the bomb. "G'welcome, er, good evening, welcome to Crossfire"

And I'll always love Pat Buchanan. Remember back when Tucker was sporting bowties?

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💯 hell yeah

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Of course they are actors/cyphers. That network has not changed in 40 years.

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Because the hardcore is so fanatical, believing every word that they utter. I think they racially overestimate their own power. For example, on election night, one of them said, After the first debate, when the American people began to realize how bad Biden's illness was..... Nonsense, we all knew how bad he was already - again, except for the true believer who wait for the Media to tell them what to believe. I think these people have forgotten the distinction, if indeed they ever knew it. Some of them actually believe their own pronouncements - as if they really are an Oracle.

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I'm hoping the schools will be banned from talking politics and sex changes. Amend the constitution because schools are teaching lies, let's at least try to teach the truths as much as we know it. It's one thing to have concepts of how the universe began, but it's another thing about politics which is based on personal preferences and a political party taking over the education system.

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Moving on is great, but I would love for them to prove it was stolen, only for reasons of accountability. If no one is held accountable, it will happen again. Or just even open an investigation to make them sweat. But I hope something happens.

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I want them held accountable for all of it. Covid, the steal, the fear they’ve tried to instill in Americans. The treason. I despise them for the wicked people they are. I want the democrat party relegated to the dustpan once and for all. One way or another. Maybe they are closer to that end than we know. I do know that they are running scared

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The old Rino-Republican party needs to die as well; there are still too many Rinos in Washington who can mess this up! We need to be in their faces constantly, letting them know we're watching their every move.

They better not take a dump without clearing it with Trump first!

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Those types only learn from fear and pain.

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And for me, it's not even a revenge thing. It's just insurance against it happening again. Although of course, if something HORRIBLE were to happen to any of them, I'd not be sad about it.

I loved seeing that awful "Dr." Jay Varma get eviscerated by undercover video. That was pretty satisfying, I have to admit.

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“Justice must be done, and it must be seen to be done”.

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That's akin to "moving on" from the 260+ millions slaughtered by totalitarian collectivist regimes in modern times. No. I want justice. I want retribution.

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It is the most important thing to be done for our republic

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I trust him

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I hope they dust off Rudy Giuliani's affidavits from after the 2020 election. Tons of statements from poll workers and others about fraud being committed. Also need to exonerate attorney John Eastman, Sydney Powell, and others who were wrongfully attacked. One of many episodes after the Big Steal that need to be revisited and sorted out.

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If everything they spent the last decade doing is not fully exposed, pushing shitlibs far out of the mainstream and published in history books (remember those?), they'll be back at it as soon as the smoke clears.

There can be no reconciliation without a full and honest account of what this country went through, especially us filthy, diseased subhuman unvaccinated people.

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Agree, there needs to be accountability.

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There needs to be retribution.

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Desire for retribution aside, there are reasons we put people in prison besides that. It disincentivizes the behavior in others and (hopefully) prevents recidivism. So, there's reason for it besides how angry you or I may be.

That said, I believe that the people most impacted by the mandates, and the harmful effects (sudden death, clots, myocarditis, turbo cancer) were black people who could not afford to lose their jobs.

Shitlibs poisoned minorities on purpose. They hate black and brown folx (see how cute and funny that spelling is?). Spread the word.

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Yeah, cuz Whites aren't afraid of losing their jobs, right? And the Vax wasn't forced on Whites? And Whites weren't poisoned?

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You're missing the point. Race politics is only a super fun way for libs to validate feelings when they are dishing it out. The mandates are a way to shove it back in their faces. I want to know if it feels like they're marchin' to Selma when they are on the receiving end.

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You made me angry, this is much better. Let's turn their pets- who voted 81% for them- on them. Their pets are incredibly touchy.

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Idk the data on black folks losing more jobs but it doesn't appear likely to me especially since black folks eschew vaxxes. However, it was the death knell for small business owners which further exacerbated the downfall of the economy especially the

middle class. Then there are those in the military, the airlines and medical industries all further eroded by deaths and/or loss of employees where the marketplace economies suffered as well contributing to our downfall.

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It doesn't have to be true, only plausible. There are no rules with these fucking people.

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When there are rules they don't apply to them.

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We are the target, there are billions of them to eagerly replace any collateral damage. They'll just see it a mowing the lawn.

That's why they still voted for them. The pets are using our evil Whites against us in turn. It's a victory for them.

(They are more experienced in race war than we are, and will often outsmart us in this arena. That's why "but the Dems are the real racists!" just makes them laugh, until they can throw that one back in our faces as a collective indictment as well.)

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Like the Reign of Terror? Is that the kind of retribution you are hoping for?

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I think he's saying "no justice, no peace". Seems legit.

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Actually a reign of terror for y'all is just fine with me after all of the injury and treason committed again America. Y'all are lucky y'all have Trump. Many people do not have a heart like he does and have zero patience or concern.

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You were okay with the North doing that to the South.

You were even taught to feel virtuous about it.

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No, stop projecting. That's what you people want.

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Now if he can just stay alive until Jan.20.

They're not done trying.

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True ^this^.

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Sometimes I wonder if these Democrats (who hate democracy) are even human..The armed SWAT raid (over an alleged misdemeanor) that resulted in the murder of a friendly squirrel with an audience on Tiktok enraged many of us, and Trump condemned it, but Democrats didn't care and Kamala ignored it...But it had to have sent at least a million voters to Trump...

It's only a small jump from "it's only a squirrel" to "it's only a small child". who happens to be in our way....

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Did you see footage of the grey squirrel that hopped up on Kamala's concession podium, windmilled its tail, then scampered off?

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I thought that was hilarious

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LOL I did! What kinda karma is that?

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It was P'nut's revenge.

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They killed a handicapped man a couple of months ago for something he posted about Biden. Showed up to his house, killed him, and then dragged his body outside.

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When Brian was arrested in AZ, they made him crawl out of his house, (2 am) minus 2 legs/1 arm prosthetics. He'd lost them in Afghan.

I knew, at that moment, that the FBI was a cruel org.

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Any people who a dumb enough to change their vote because a pet squirrel was killed should have their voting privileges taken away.

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More like, anyone who dismisses SWAT raids with guns drawn on families whose crime is having a popular squirrel on TikTok should be thrown out of the US, because he's on the side of lawless thugs...

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Ask yourself who exactly killed the squirrel and by what right..

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It's pro wrestling WWE politics.

They vote on stupid shit on both sides.

The DemoCRIPS and RepubliBLOODS cater to this, instead of actually helping the nation.


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Imagine a candidate caught on camera kicking a harmless dog or hitting a disabled person. You don’t think that would cause some people to switch their vote?

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It's no better than an unborn child, right?

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Or only an ant - Elon Musk:

'If you destroy an ant hill because it's in the way of your road, it doesn't mean that you hate ants'.

Elon is not our friend. Very clever strategy on the part of the Planners aligning him with free speech and Trump........

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"There is nothing hidden that will not be made manifest"

This Bible quote keeps repeating in my mind especially when things seem dark.

Truth and justice are coming...

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"Truth and justice are coming..." ~ Peter

Amen, my friend, amen, amen.

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I think what's coming, sooner or later, is the Iron Law of Oligarchy. If you don't watch out for it, brace for impact.

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There's nothing like my morning "covfefe" and enjoying meltdowns across social media. It really is fascinating to see the state of delusion these people can't be shaken from. I hope the return of 'mean tweets' opens up with a zinger. Gotta admit I was wrong about the election being dragged out for days or weeks. Makes me wonder why they just went with it and conceded. Surely there are more tricks up their sleeve to wreak havoc before the transfer.

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The delusion is believing that the Trump victory won't suit the Deep State just fine.

They can turn everything and anything to account, and he gives no indication at all of opposing any of the greatest menaces to life and liberty that we face.

All their pet projects look set to roll on.

If he stops construction of the huge new mRNA vaxx factories, bans that technology, and also bans digital ID and biometric surveillance, I will reconsider my verdict.

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I have heard a couple of quotes already from RFK, Jr. saying that the FDA had better stand by for heavy rolls.

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We shall see. He needs to stay alive. I'd like an admission that 'warp speed' and pushing the vax was wrong. And that his 'greatest economy ever' was bullshit and nothing more than a debt jubilee masquerading as prosperity. This administration has to deliver. Things will get worse before they get better. Only retards think things are going to turn around quickly and easily now that their side "won".

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The Vaxx is still wrong. RFK is the answer to this, he can rip apart the CDC, FDA and NIH. The intention of the Vaxx was good, to stem the expansion of a very communicable disease. Its execution was shit. The Masters of us in the national health care arena are as corrupt as the rest of the federal level. Trump was sold a bill of goods by Fauci et al that mRNA was the future of disease prevention. He did not do his homework in his zeal to eliminate a health care disaster during his election campaign. IMHO, he looked around and no one else had a better idea. Big mistake.

Trump has a bad time admitting error, so RFK,Jr. is perfect here. I personally hope one thingthat happens is the elimination of any future “Emergency” statuses of any drug or vaccine. Long term, age scale testing for any drug.

Why? We are fooling with things, DNA level, that we know very little about. Some paleontologists believe that the dinosaurs were already in trouble due to genetic weakness, disease and climate change before Chixalub. Are we allowing egomaniacal scientists and researchers to be fooling with stuff that could exterminate us?

Side bar Security at research facilities is a joke. 42 monkeys are running around South Carolina with no idea how to catch them all. I laugh, sorta, when I think of Planet of the Apes’ newest edition. Wonder if any of those monkeys are carrying some horrendous disease?

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Monkeys? Yes, they are carrying horrific diseases. I lived right over the state border from that shit. It's probably way past 42 now.

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I reckon that the Deep State is now just fine with Trump. Just as the Brandon regime's incompetence has led us to the brink of WW3, the military can't come close to meeting its enlistment quotas. And young virile heterosexual men won't enlist in Kamala's rainbow army if she becomes Commander-in-Chief. Electing Trump, with his MAGA army, may be the only way to avoid a divisive Draft or to stop the demented democrat plan to offer citizenship to illegals in exchange for military service. The downside is that thousands of US troops are needed by Israel to fight its war with Iran.

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Americans just won one battle against the Fascist/Socialists and Communist/Socialists determined to destroy America that now control the Democrat Party. Unfortunately Socialists are like cockroaches--they are good at breeding and at destroying stuff, but not good for anything else. And, just like cockroaches, getting rid of Socialists and their unending destruction is a long-term battle. But November 5th was a start.

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Won the battle, not the war but I sure woke up excited for our future

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Me too

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Conservatives forgot what real conservatism is and ended up sounding like you, dividing and dogmatic nonsense like calling other working class people cockroaches. That statement reminds me of a certain fascist nation... 😂

Y'all love Reagan but forget that the real last great conservative was Eisenhower. He was from the military unlike the later chicken hawks of the DemoCRIPS and RepubliBLOODS gangs.



And guess what he did? Everything opposite to that corporate actor, Reagan.

-high corporate taxes, which made them reinvest in labor and equipment instead of ca$h out (remember dummies, companies only pay taxes on profits they extract, so lowering taxes like Reagan did actually incentivizes companies to shut down factories)

-government projects like the Eisenhower interstate system (private markets don't give a shit to fix infrastructure, only to profit from it)

And so on.

Where did the real pro American conservatives go?

Same place where the real liberals went....

To fake bullshit presidents like Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Obama.... And we will see if Trump actually drains the swamp as he filled it with neocon assholes last time.

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Yes, Eisenhower who killed hundreds of thousands of German POW's, "letting" them die of exposure. At least he deported a million Mexicans in operation Wetback. And gave the MIC speech. Some small reparations for serving the Military Industrial Complex all of his life as a stooge to his handler, Bernard Baruch.

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Rob, good points about the advantages of high corporate taxes that I'd never thought much about. Wasn't the top rate 90% under Ike, which JFK lowered to 70%? You can't keep lowering taxes, as Trump promises to do, without further exploding our multi-trillion-dollar deficit - especially as the country is about to lose its perch as the world's Reserve Currency. Only economic idiots could think that Trump's campaign promises of no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, and no tax on Social Security are good ideas.

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Last I remember the corporate tax was 90% only above a certain amount... I think that's fair and if we had that today, high profit margin companies like Apple would not be able to hoard so much cash or funnel it out to shareholders.

Taxing tips is relatively new, the neocon Reagan did that so he could cut corporate and capital gains taxes. It's crazy, we're one of the few countries that pays some service workers less than minimum wage and assumes tipping. This shifts the burden onto the customers and off the owners of the restaurants...

As for the debt, I've always asked since high school as to who do we owe this to? The bankers and the wealthy. It's basically a way to sell off the government to finance! It's also how wars can get easy funding with the tab pushed onto the majority of Americans who get Jack shit from the industrial military complex's money pit.

I found it especially funny that the patriot missile system that we sent to Ukraine is such a piece of shit, still running on the same hardware that it did during Bush's first Iraq war. It was also notoriously unreliable back then as it is now in Ukraine and the tech behind the so called "iron dome" that Israel uses.

Meanwhile, Yemen is beating the US military with cheap drones and Iran was able to get past the iron dome with normal weapons.

They also supposedly have hypersonic weapons developed by Russia (and China??).

It shows how we are a failed empire because instead of actual productive work, we waste most of our money on corporate welfare that they cash out via stock buybacks and profits.

Perhaps the cause of all this is the tax cuts which made it easier to extract wealth from companies instead of using it to improve tech and working conditions... Cough Boeing 😂

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We want to run War as a money making business. Thus real nations, Fascist or National Socialist, can defeat us in the end.

Capitalism/Communism are about matter. Fascism/National Socialism are about Man.

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Agree on some taxes. How about lowering spend by making it more efficient? EVERY household and business has to do that. Now let’s modernize our government. I don’t know if there’s $2T there as Elon estimates, but a 4-12 year halt in the rise of spending while improving services will help the deficit enormously.

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Martin Armstrong doesn’t agree with you.

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Ok? So what would he say instead?

I've seen his show and he's alright but naive...

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Income tax bad, tariffs good. People with 20% more to spend will stimulate thangs.

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It's a war that never ends, but we should definitely celebrate won battles.

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Your enemies are also made in the image of God. You should pray for their repentance and salvation, not their destruction. Vengeance belongs to the Lord. He will repay.

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Socialism is a fatal disease for a society.

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But you'll gladly collect social security and Medicare when the time comes.

Remember, even Ayn Rand lived on welfare.

Practice what you preach.

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Many of us would gladly stop being part of Medicare and Social Security. The problem is, the government won't let us...

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You think it's safer to put your money in a 401k? Tell that to the people who were retiring around 2008. One of my coworkers saw his 401k cut in half. Before then, he was trying to convince me to put more in mine. I couldn't afford it cause I didn't have the disposable income. He bought his house before the prices skyrocketed since the 2000s...

Where did his 401k money go when he lost?

In the casino called Wall Street, the house always wins. The house is the big firms that can sway markets just by volume.

As much as social security sucks (compared to the systems in Europe), it's miles ahead of gambling and you'll appreciate it if you ever face a manufactured market crash where the crony bankers rob you.

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Don't even get me started about 401ks and the Wall Street Casino. I've preached on this before.

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Oh, and anybody who disputes this, take a Statistics course.

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I don't know about you, but I have paid a lot of FICO tax. After seeing so many corporations and people on the public dole, I am goddamn sure to want my money back the second I turn 62.

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Yeah, these people that say that SSA is welfare seem to forget we pay our way with FICO taxes every day we work. One of the biggest reasons that SSa is in financial trouble is the enormous number of people, mainly men, that have learned to survive on welfare, 7-8 million of them. They do not work, do not pay income or FICO taxes, and are helping take down SSA. They will then complain when they turn 62, where is my SSA?

They are a huge indication of the cesspool this country has put itself into. Trump is just step one, now we will see if any good is left in the country.

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I will be one of those gladly in receipt of the $280,000 that was confiscated from my income over the past 35 years. That is $280k that I could have better invested in my own enterprises. Ayn Rand lived on the proceeds from the sale of her books, newsletters, and, like myself, funds returned that had been confiscated. Socialism is the creed of envy.

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Preach. Libertarianism is a mind virus. All viable societies have elements of both individualism and communalism. Maggie Thatcher brightened when an interviewer "got it" saying: So society doesn't really exist? Mags: Yes!

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How does society change an invalid's shitty diaper? Society is a concept. An individual has no more of a right to health care than an individual has a right to a blow job. At the bottom of it, you only have individuals. They are either acting in their own self interest in a voluntary relationship, or they are behaving under threat, overt or covert, of violence.

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Yes, people often see it in their best interest not to pay their debts. Will a weak State be able to make them do it, as the Iron lady believed? Not for very long. People will make their own justice against with shotguns and knives. Are you up for that Herr Grengs?

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American Capitalism is a Culture of Death. Everyplace that adopts it begins to die. Consumerism, Careerism, and Feminism - the trifecta of sterility. Compare sterile South Korea with the virile North that jus sent 10,000 troops to assist Emperor Vlad in the blood lands of central Europe.

Conservatives conserve nothing except possibly their own portfolios. And the big guys are just pretending. They know it's a crock.

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There is great danger in this interregnum between Nov 5 and Jan 20. Much mischief will be done, but we will survive, and then there will be must justice!

The Democrat party is in tatters, most especially the Biden/Harris/Obama front and the shadowy reptiles behind them. They deserve every consequence that's coming to them.

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It’s going to get rough. Raskin and Swalwell are making threats. Basically anything they can do to keep Trump out of DC. Hopefully he rules from Mara Lago.

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I don't think so. I think they've been neutered. Who is going to get behind them?

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Ave you heard Letitia James in NYC? It is actually scary, sounds like the Gestapo or KGB.

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People need to take heed.

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I don't know. I think with Trump's mandate and all, it would be pretty stupid for any little moles to stick their heads up and ask for a whacking. I am thinking all the boastful talk was pre-election. Doubt we'll hear much threats now that Trump has dominated the electorate so spectacularly. I think some of those smack-talkers were believing their own bullshit, but they've just been smacked upside the heads with a big bag of reality.

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Thank you. I need to stop a-fearing…it’s been so long without hope.

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I agree - and think about it, the people who helped Trump prevail, like say, Charlie Kirk and other people who took major action and got out there on college campuses, etc. - they have no fear. That's what it takes.

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Miriamnae - fear is a disease. Stay fearless - you have it in you.

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Where’s Obama?

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Larry, you have got it. This election is a rejection of Obama and his world view. I expect that Trump will be a nail in the WEF coffin. The EU and NATO should be concerned as Trump may be ready to stop the stupidity between Russia and Europe. Putin needs to be on guard, he will not put up with much shit from him either. Already, with 71 days to go, Putin, Z, Trump and Tada, Musk are conversing about how to get out of the Ukraine mess.

You know who loses if Ukraine ceases to war, Biden’s mob and the MIC. No place to send their obsolete weapons.

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Bidens - all of them - are going to jail. Bet on it.

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Gabbard, part of the transition team, is sounding a warning about things the Biden administration is trying to do in order to hobble Trump with Ukraine and other issues. They are not going gently.

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What an amazing gift with words. Thank you.

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Morning Jim - you're magnificent. Thanks as always. Best to you always.

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Morning Jim > Morning Joe

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Ohmigod! This may be the most wonderful phraseology ever from you Jim! It's an instant classic:

"...the same sort of self-loathing for the nation that a three hundred pound sophomore with a nose ring and sleeve tattoos feels for herself". Ouch!

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I noticed what he did there too. Love it

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Spot on.

I feel bad for those three hundred pound sophomore girls, but the solution is to lose weight. There's no way around it, so to speak.

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Well, it's really an archetype. So nothing personal.

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Out of Kunstler’s list of American grievances, the millions of fighting aged male (FAM) illegals is my biggest concern. They slithered across our border aided and abetted by our own government and an app and WE paid for it! I don’t trust the silence, the cartel-led mobs quickly approaching Texas, or the damn UN who was behind a lot of this, if not all of it. That evil bunch of crooks should be shone the exit with a giant sized Uncle Sam boot in their asses and a quip of “Don’t EVER come back if you know what is good for you.”

Another thing. This victory doesn’t feel right. I’m relieved of the outcome by leaps and bounds like any common-sensed, patriot, but the opposition seems too quiet, save for the hundreds of blue-haired, double-trans, foam on the side, living with ten cats, barristas sulking on X about S/he Him/Her Furry’s vagina is now in chains. The silence is sort of creepy.

I don’t think this is over. And it isn’t. As I said, it is too quiet. I’m not jumpy, I’m a vet and when it goes too smoothly, my gut says shit is about to get really real... Let us not forget the myriad of “challenges” they tried to tie up the first Trump administration with. This will be that, on steroids.

Be prepared, stay vigilant, and arm yourselves to the sinus cavities, bypassing molars and bicuspids. There is no real checklist for this sort of thing, just go with your gut. If you’re not into guns, fine, at least have more than a 2-liter bottle of Dr. Pepper, some Cheetos, and a half-loaf of bread in your cupboards. You may think this perspective is crazy, but learn this; it is better to be prepared for nothing, than unprepared for something.

Lastly, I’ve been all over this orb, and America is the one place worth fighting and dying for - if it comes to that. I was born free and by God, I will die free! I’ll never bend a knee to tyranny, trannies, or the WEF. So if they decide to bring it, then bring it good, because nothing would give me more pleasure than to see the elite, pedo-blood suckers and their minions swinging from lampposts. And if they do bring it, they should firmly know, there is no force (but God) more formidable than the American Spirit. No bombs, bugs, or snake-mobs will deter our objective of keeping our American way of life, preserving our liberties, and protecting our families. God bless you and God bless America!

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I bought my first gun about a month ago, just in case. Glock19 Gen 5. Plus my 92 y.o. dad has a decent shot gun with a few cases of shells. I won't be out in the streets with these but at least have a chance to defend the homefront.

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I heard that Harris/Walz lost his home country in Minnesota. God job, now work on M-St. Paul.

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Two-year-olds don't have the acumen to pull off a coup. And these were two-year-olds, root and branch. There aren't any wise men or wise women in the DNC or the Loud Crowd.

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Fucking epic. Thank you for your service.

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Remember Abbot and De Santis fighting back against Biden’s mob at the state level? Well, a bunch of Democrat governors are saying they are going to unify and fight Trump. Newsom and Whitmer are at the head of the pack.

Do I smell the start of the fight for Democrat 2028?

The arrogance of the Left is unbelievable, but may be legit. Trump will probably have a Congress for two years and must use it, instead of the EO scratch pad, to exact change. Two years to undo the damage to the Constitution that the Left has done. Unbias the press, de-politicize the DOJ, fix the mess in healthcare, slow the growth of spending, change taxation to take from the consumer instead of the producer and stop the domination of the Department of Education. The USA will be swamped with Elon Musks if the tax codes change.

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I forgot Pritzker and Walz, boy, just look at the nutty folks here. Both of these to are saying their states are refuges for anti-Trump nuts. Haven’t they noticed that their states are losing population due to people having enough of the nut farms?

New York, California, Illinois, Minnesota, Oregon, Washington and Colorado are losing folks as they go to Red states. The definition of insanity is definitely apparent with these nuts. I just wish the emigrants would leave their Leftist beliefs behind.

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Don't get mad at me. HEre's what happened. Donald Trump cut red tape and got us that covid 19 vax in record time see operation warp speed. The Media demonized that vaccine. I remember. Then they booted Donald out. Then the Biden administration tried to force everyone to take that vaccine instead of explaining and educating people and letting them make a choice. People already questioned the corrupt medical system. Things would have shut down naturally during a pandemic. see Sweden. These lib people never let a crisis go to waste. They kept everything shut down much longer than necessary in places that they didn't need to. It all became political. They used that shutdown to cheat.

Did you notice that Georgia now has an outstanding vote count. Lara Trump has been busy. I was watching CNN the night of the election and they said, don't worry Pennsylvania. There's a truck coming with ballots. I am not sure what happened. I heard lawyers were at the ready. Some people think all that stalling on CNN was trying to usher in the cheat. The election should have been called at 9:30 pm mountain time.

My neighborhood is in meltdown mode. I have not seen a soul on the street at all. They were all Harris supporters. It's very quiet here with the snow and grey skies. It's a good day for a walk.

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I wouldn't trust any of them as far as I could throw them. Beware!

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Thank God for a secret ballot.

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