These paintings of the landscape around Washington County, New York, were made in 2020, except for two that date from back to 2016-18 I hadn’t posted before. Sometimes it takes me a long time to decide whether I consider them worthy of publication. I am increasingly interested in the human detritus on the landscape. The contrast between all that and the natural beauty of this region, can be startling. All were painted sur le motif.
Interested buyers can contact me at jhkunstler@mac.com for sizes and prices.
Portable Platform Machine with a View, Dunbar Road
Lock 5 of the Champlain Canal
Logging Operation, McCormack Road, Spring
Earthmover and Car, Center Falls
The H & V Dam on the Battenkill
The Swimming Hole at Pooks, Shushan — Sold
The Ruins of the RailRoad Bridge, Greenwich
Sacred Heart Lake in September
Ruins of the Railroad Bridge, Greenwich 2
Redfield Road, Early Evening —SOLD
Looking East from Scotch Hill
Ruined Railroad Trestles in the Fall
The Hollingsworth & Vose Factory, Clarks Mills, Spring — SOLD
You can own Jim’s paintings in book form. For information, click here.