The Resistance Digs Their Hole Deeper
Clusterfuck Nation
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“No, you don’t understand. It was the Russians, I tell you, the Russians!” And so, with a holiday recess for Adam Schiff’s impeachment soap opera, and news that DOJ Inspector General Horowitz will unload in early December, the media vassals of the Deep State are giving you their own turkey gristle to chew on: “The Russians did it! Yes, really, they did! Believe us!”
Perhaps The New York Times has hooked up to a direct line of Burisma’s product as they flood the darkened arena with eerie blue gaslight. Friday, they featured a story — Russia Inquiry Review Is Said to Criticize F.B.I. but Rebuff Claims of Biased Acts — geared to make readers think that the entire FBI FISA warrant hair-ball came down to one lowly lawyer chump named Kevin Clinesmith messing with an email. Later, Times reporter Adam Goldman, posted this howler on Twitter.

These truthless assertions are meant to let both the CIA and the FBI off-the-hook for opening the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation on bogus evidence they furnished to the FISA judges. Both Goldman’s news story and his tweet omit the name of the company that packaged and retailed the Russia Collusion narrative: Fusion GPS — the company that Robert Mueller testified to having no knowledge of in his July House appearance.
That oafish attempt to get out ahead of the IG’s report was followed by, whaddaya know, a Times op-ed penned by none other than Glenn Simpson, the impresario of Fusion GPS (and his partner Peter Fritsch), The Double-Barreled Dream World of Trump and His Enablers, aimed at re-selling their shopworn Russia collusion story to distract from any attention that voters might be paying to Ukraine’s collusion in the scheme to overthrow the 2016 US election and the Bidens’ grifting operation following the 2014 CIA / State Department sponsored overthrow of Ukraine’s government.
CBS 60-Minutes joined the gaslighting rotation Sunday night with a reality-optional Russia Hacked Our Election story. This was another obvious attempt to deflect attention from the actual story, which is how the company named Crowdstrike, owned by Ukrainian oligarch Dmitri Alperovitch, cooked up the Russian hacking story in the first place. Crowdstrike, you see, had been hired by the Democratic National Committee, and their nominee, Hillary Clinton, to interfere in the 2016 election. Crowdstrike later became the sole entity that was allowed to perform a forensic inquiry on the DNC’s server. Somehow, they persuaded the FBI to not look into the matter. In other words, the DNC’s contractor investigated its own mischief. Does anyone wonder how that worked?
NBC joined the gaslighting brigade Sunday, hauling Fusion GPS’s Simpson & Fritsch on Meet the Press, with talking cockatoo Chuck Todd, to pimp their new “book” extolling the most excellent British spy Christopher Steele, the designated patsy for the notorious dossier composed by Simpson himself, with help from others, including Fusion GPS contractor Nellie Ohr, wife of former associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr, who funneled all the Fusion GPS “product” into the RussiaGate coup-stream. Two notes here: 1) the dauntless Mr. Steele has by now fessed up to federal attorney John Durham and flipped on his former associates, who made him the bag-holder for their deeds. And 2) during the Meet the Press interview, no one on-screen (Todd, Simpson, Fritsch) mentioned that Fusion GPS had been hired by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to compile said dossier, a curious omission.
Yes, I know this sounds complex and convoluted. Part of the media campaign this week is to absolutely confound the American public as to what happened the past three years. Obfuscation has also been, in part, the mission of Mr. Schiff in his impeachment hearings. And they may all believe that it is working because the numbers show that the public is losing interest in a story being made to appear incomprehensible at best, while it is utterly false at bottom (and at worst). In the process the American news media is committing suicide along with the Democratic Party.
The CIA, the FBI, the State Department have all been players in the coup to overthrow Mr. Trump and the news media played along the whole way. They doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down on their dishonest narrative and now they are trapped in it. They are desperate to evade responsibility for all this. Many people think they will succeed. Many people want to believe the story that Russia hacked the 2016 election to help Mr. Trump defeat Hillary. The story is not true. The perps are finally being found out. They are willing to bring the country down rather than face the consequences.
Great Winter Reading!

At Ponsonby Hall, a new Hampshire prep school for screw-ups, things are far from all right.
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A child is born… but not exactly the way he thought it happened. And now he must leave home at Christmas time. $7.50 — Cheap! Buy!

Something Strange is going on at Camp Timahoe in Lost Indian, Vermont, summer of 1962.
“Rollicking fun”
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Other Books by JHK
The World Made By Hand Series:
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Book 3: