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Back in the day, LSD trips were mostly a matter of personal choice. Today, though, all you have to do is wake up somewhere between Montauk and the Farallon Islands and your senses are overwhelmed with hallucinations. The public used to depend on newspapers and TV networks to suss out reality, but that filter is long gone, replaced by a relentless “narrative” machine, and all it does is spin out one technicolor whopper after another.

The trouble is: narrative is not the truth. Generally, it’s the opposite of the truth. It’s manufactured counter-truth. The more narrative you spin, the faster you must spin off new supporting narrative to conceal the untruth of your previous narrative — until the national hive mind is lit up in unreality where nothing makes sense and the very language that separates humanity from the rough beasts becomes a social poison. And is “Joe Biden” not the perfect gibbering epitome of this mess, a ghost in the narrative machine, beckoning us into chaos?

America is on a bad trip. The country has lost its way psychologically. Two things will be required to bring it out of the fugue state it tripped into five years ago: some significant shocks to the system and the passage of time. Those shocks are in the offing and the “Joe Biden” regime — meaning Barack Obama and his wing-people who run things — are looking more and more desperate as auguries manifest.

Their current tactical hustle is to amp up paranoia over the receding Covid-19 episode. It looks like an attempt to smokescreen the emerging evidence of massive and widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, and the growing eagerness of a few other states besides Arizona to mount audits of what went on last November 3rd. The supposed surge in new Covid cases is really just a tiny blip, considering it comes off a baseline of close to zero cases in many places. 11,140 so far have died from Covid vaccinations, according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Last week 2,092 deaths from vaccinations were added versus 1,918 deaths from the virus. Countries with the highest vaccination rates are showing the most new Covid cases.

Yet, it’s looking like the idea is to set up the unvaxed for blame as “Joe Biden’s” legitimacy dissolves and the country finds itself in a political crisis because there’s nothing in the constitution that provides for removing a president elected fraudulently, even if the nation is crumbling around him. Vaccine disinformation is killing people, Mr. “B” warned last week. CBS 60-Minutes led its Sunday night show with more Covid scare stories. The message is everywhere that you must get vaxed-up, and, if you don’t, there may be severe penalties. Those likely to opt out of a vax are exactly those people who distrust what the government tells them, meaning probably people who did not vote for the current occupant of the White House. As it happens, though, the number of people who distrust government is expanding even beyond that demographic.

The regime must know that evidence of massive voting fraud and the loss of political legitimacy will coincide with a financial train wreck that looks to be chugging out of the station this very morning with all asset indexes tanking as I write. There are even fresh reports of an asteroid heading directly towards Washington DC this week. (So said Devin Nunes, ranking member on the House Intel Committee, over the weekend.) The asteroid is the long-rumored return from deep space of Special Prosecutor John Durham with some interesting announcements concerning the most poisonous narrative of this era: the RussiaGate collusion hoax finally revealed as a seditious conspiracy by high government officials in the Department of Justice and the Intel agencies. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Obama and his wing-people turned up in that mix. Won’t that be a nice accessory to “Joe Biden’s” presidential flame-out? And won’t that be just the ripe moment for China to move against Taiwan? Lawkes a’mighty… feets don’t desert me now!

The turmoil could get pretty hairy by summer’s end. Money will be flooding the system with the predictable loss of money’s legitimacy, at the same time that a massive debt repudiation gets under way. Hyperinflation and debt default at the same time? Sounds improbable, I know, since the former means too much money and the latter means money is disappearing like crazy. What it really means is that everything gets repriced rapidly and violently, and not necessarily in US dollars. Banks will not like this one teensy weensy bit.

All this will certainly lead to a lot of people suddenly going hungry, because that’s how going hungry works — it only takes a couple of days of not eating. Goodness knows what will be happening in the streets then. These are the sort of shocks we’re facing. Things get very real, elbowing out the hallucinations. The long, strange trip sputters out. And then begins the long hard job of finding a way to live that actually makes sense. Hint: it’s smaller, slower, closer to home, and in many ways better.

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About James Howard Kunstler

View all posts by James Howard Kunstler
James Howard Kunstler is the author of many books including (non-fiction) The Geography of Nowhere, The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency and the four-book series of World Made By Hand novels, set in a post economic crash American future. His most recent book is Living in the Long Emergency; Global Crisis, the Failure of the Futurists, and the Early Adapters Who Are Showing Us the Way Forward. Jim lives on a homestead in Washington County, New. York, where he tends his garden and communes with his chickens.

1,342 Responses to “The Counter-truths Unspin”

  1. hmuller July 19, 2021 at 10:14 am #

    “Last week 2,092 deaths from vaccinations were added versus 1,918 deaths from the virus” – JHK

    Wow. More people now dying from the vaccine than the Covid. And that’s just the official numbers they’ll admit to. 2,000 people per week and growing is a lot of people dropping dead from “the cure”.

    Eventually, even the fact checkers and social media “guardians of truth” won’t be able to cover this up.

    • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 10:19 am #

      They will cover it up. They place blame for the poisoned dropping like flies on the unjabbed perculating variants.


      RL, St EF – Are you dipshits watching? These are the predictions that I’ve been making here on CFN with nothing incorrect as God’s Word is fulfilled.

      • stelmosfire July 19, 2021 at 10:32 am #

        O. G. don’t drag me into your sewer. I may be a lot of things. But dipshit is not one of them. Take your Jesus bullshit somewhere else. Jesus was a good man. But still a man. I went through this crap with Vlad years ago.

      • amb July 19, 2021 at 11:03 am #

        Your “God’s Word” might be a narrative too. Ever think about that? Do you have any science on it? Documented evidence? Facts? Nope… all you have is “faith” and “belief”. Come down off your high horse and stop insulting people. Just that alone would make you a “holier” person.

        • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 11:26 am #

          I am not dragging you into anything, St EF.

          You sniped me.

          You declared War against me.

          Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the Son of God while I never met this Vlad fella of which you speak.

          • messianicdruid July 19, 2021 at 12:32 pm #

            OG : when someone offers dung, bury it right their by you. Your soil will improve, metaphorically.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 12:49 pm #

            Thank you, MD. God bless you, sir!

          • stelmosfire July 19, 2021 at 1:27 pm #

            J.C. a man, Sniped? I think not. You have spoken with Satan? WTF did he say? I worked the bonebox for 33 years. I’ve seen the dregs of the dregs. You ain’t seen shit. Murder, mayhem, child abuse, you name it, I picked up a coupla’ heads. they’re heavy. No brag, just fact. Bite me . God is a vengeful prick.

          • amb July 19, 2021 at 1:52 pm #

            You never met Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the Son of God either.

        • mumbai July 20, 2021 at 7:39 am #

          Was if Samuel Clemens who wrote “Faith is what is needed to (pretend to) believe something which you know to be untrue.”?
          When will religion be recognised as clutching for Nanny from humanity’s infancy?

          • pranah July 20, 2021 at 12:40 pm #

            Yes. “Faith is believing what you know ain’t so.” — Samuel Clemens

          • Anthea July 21, 2021 at 12:01 am #

            The word “faith” is usually used in that sense, and I am all too familiar with Christian whose belief system consists almost entirely of the idea that, if they are very, very good–and say the magic words–God will make sure they are spared any suffering.

            I personally define “faith” in its religious sense to mean “fidelity”–in the sense of a high-fidelity recording. You and I are God in the microcosm, and God is our highest and truest self. Are we “high fidelity”–“faithful”–representations of this truest self? That is God-men?

      • oroyrodajes July 19, 2021 at 3:33 pm #

        I’m vaxxed, but do not trust the goobermint. We got vaxxed because we want to travel, perhaps the last time (if JHK is right is right about the nightmare ahead).

        Of course they’ll cover up inconvenient facts re the vax. And blame the usual suspects.

    • abbybwood July 19, 2021 at 1:05 pm #

      What must be making the Biden puppet masters’ heads spin this morning is the study recently released by MIT saying that the “vaccine hesitant” are “highly informed, scientifically literate and sophisticated”:


      So, there is your “control group”.

      Expect MIT to be cancelled forthwith.

      • ThorsHammer July 19, 2021 at 2:30 pm #


        “Expect MIT to be cancelled forthwith.” Love it!

        For those of us who think that Truth can be discovered, or at least approached by the use of the scientific method and open fact-based discourse we should be thankful for the current state of propaganda. By assuming that all information supported by censorship is a lie we have a good basis for starting to uncover the truth.

        Start with everything the Government, Big Pharma medical totalitarianism, The spook agencies in charge of manufacturing consent, and the Malignant Overlord censors from silicon valley, and distrust every thing they say. Consider it to be a lie unless proven otherwise.

      • Night Owl July 19, 2021 at 3:12 pm #


      • Unperson37854 July 19, 2021 at 5:22 pm #

        Here’s the problem with the MIT article, it tries ti MIT-splain how both camps can be correct in the thought processes and arguments they use, even if one of them is “wrong”, and then reveals that it thinks the hesitant are wrong making claims that rely on believing some unknowns presented as truths.

        Another institution did a similar article a few weeks ago. Cited the vaccine hesitant as more informed, even though they’re “wrong”, and that’s a “problem” (was the gist of the story).

        Perhaps the MIT article author is getting close to opening their mind – they’re close and they’re in those last throw of denial and trying to explain-away/carry water for a reality they can’t reconcile with the narrative-reality they’re fed every day – I’ve been there, for me it still took a watershed moment to break me out of the trance and see through all the BS.

        Of course, on the flip side, this could be the MIT authors attempt at “reaching” the hesitant via the persuasion tactic of “listening” and flattery.

        • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:03 pm #

          You are describing basically another mindfuck attempt. The issue with the vax is settled for many.

          • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 9:52 am #

            All mindfucks, all day, every day. Yep. That’s how they wear us down.

          • Amman July 22, 2021 at 5:05 pm #

            @MQueen Foreknowledge is fortitude? Or Permanent Immunity?

        • Ricechex July 20, 2021 at 2:36 am #

          Fully agree. As I started reading the article, I thought, “weird, this does not make any sense, why would they say nice things about the unvaccinated?” Yup! Another manipulation!!

          The one minute management technique!

      • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:01 pm #

        What does this article turn most CFN people here into not to mention the Author? Food for thought ; )

    • Bilejones@hotmail.com July 19, 2021 at 1:41 pm #

      And they achieve that despite using higher cycles of PCR tests on the unvaxxed than the vaxxed,


      – may take a while to get through to that site, I suspect DDR attacks.

      In Scotland, the vaxxed are dropping like flies.


      If you read read the whole piece you’ll see that only 596 died of just covid in ten months.

      ““The answer to your question is 596 deaths involving COVID-19 has been registered where there was no pre-existing medical condition between March 2020 and January 2021”

      • draupnir July 19, 2021 at 2:23 pm #

        Here is a video from La Quinta Columna dated today. It’s in Spanish with English subtitles, and is rather technical, but well worth the time.


      • Islander July 21, 2021 at 12:23 pm #

        More from Scotland:

        “Vaccines Not Protecting Over-60s in Scotland From Being Hospitalised with COVID-19”


        • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 9:55 am #

          Pretty horrifying.

    • ThorsHammer July 19, 2021 at 2:47 pm #


      The official numbers from VAERS are exploding off the charts day by day and now exceed the numbers of daily deaths directly from COVID. But discussions based on VAERS alone serve to disguise the severity of the problem.

      A few years back Harvard University did a meta-study of under-reporting in voluntary reporting systems. They concluded that the under-reporting was as high as 100 to 1. Any logical estimate as to the number of deaths associated with the fake vaccines would place the death total closer to 50,000— or five times as high as from COVID itself.

      Step right up all you unpatriotic hesitant sheep. Your masters need a control portal installed forthwith.

      • hmuller July 19, 2021 at 3:31 pm #

        Clif High (exiled to Bitchute) has been claiming the vaccine was a deliberate effort at a mass culling of humanity. That’s tin-foil hat thinking today. It may be undeniable fact tomorrow. We’ll see.

        I seems to me the campaign to vaccinate the unwilling is reaching hysteria proportions. Look at the restrictions announced in France. The unvaxed are now prisoners in their homes. The next step is strap them down and force the vaccine.

        • Unperson37854 July 19, 2021 at 5:34 pm #

          Many in the independent community have noticed the break-neck speed at which the real “misinformation” has been ramped up the last couple weeks.

          The election fraud may have something to do with it, but I think we may be dealing with the efforts of garden-variety hysteria-based extremist ideology bearing its fruits. The shit makes its own gravy at this point.

          You have the “experts” on tv, no more experts than the ones they don’t allow on tv, throwing the essence of their disciplines out the window, unwilling to entertain inconvenient data or apply the scientific method evenly, trading it all for tribalism trumping intellect. Allowing their ego to be exploited. And these, the weaker of the two sets of experts, are the ones who get to declare what is reality, in the face of reality, because they don’t serve the truth, they serve a narrative and belief-system they’ve bought into.

          Heck, I wouldn’t even doubt that there’s no mass-culling intent going on, but just reckless money-making at hand with the unfortunate side-effect of culling – might as well not let a crisis go to waste and cover up the vaccine deaths and use the vaccine-spreaders as a means to blame the unvaccinated and get more people vaccinated. $$$$$$$ this might be all the motive you need.

          • bluedog July 19, 2021 at 6:03 pm #

            Hmm and just what is this election fraud crap for the elections have always held fraud, Fla. In 2000 Ohio in 2004 and many before that, Trump was the chosen one he was put in there as the great divider, and he did his work well, four years of nothing but taking care of the 1%, billions in tax cuts 2 trillion in Wall Street to protect the wealth of the 1% was what he was put in there for.

            And just what do you think will happen if they do find fraud 5 years down the road when it’s all in the dust bin of history

            As the man said, “A people that elect politicians imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims…but accomplices.

          • Justin July 20, 2021 at 4:13 pm #

            Yes, it’s hard not to notice the breakneck speed that the administration misinformation is being increased.
            It makes those already suspicious and untrusting, even more suspicious and untrusting.
            The more they lie, bribe, mandate, manipulate the case numbers, falsify causes of deaths and trespass door to door to force or persuade people to get the shots, the more people will be suspicious and untrusting.
            If there were a real pandemic, which there isn’t, and if there were vaccines that really did prevent it, which there isn’t, there would be no need for lies, bribes, mandates, manipulated case numbers, falsified causes of deaths and door to door trespassing. Not to mention breaking their own HIPPA regs on medical privacy.
            The above was more than enough to make me highly suspicious and untrusting. Aside from the origin of the virus, and how or why it was released.

        • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:05 pm #


          • bluedog July 20, 2021 at 12:37 pm #

            Link? The link is common sense, which is in very short supply today as people let others do their thinking for them.

          • Amman July 20, 2021 at 7:11 pm #

            I asked for a link to the statement “hundreds of thousands have been injured” by the vax as this is a fact I have not found/read anywhere.

        • abbybwood July 19, 2021 at 7:04 pm #

          I was out to lunch today in Manhattan Beach and one of the many T.V.’s happened to be a Spanish language channel.

          I caught what was obviously a Spanish language State of California propaganda piece showing teenage Latinos getting the jabs then hugging their friends. Over and over and over.

          “Get the jab equals safe closeness and normality”.

          Brought to you by Gates, Biden, Warden Newsom and the DNC.

        • bigcollapso July 21, 2021 at 3:34 pm #

          Dr Richard Fleming has a long (1:40) presentation that is a must see. He says that the spike protein delivers a prion disease like mad cow.

    • GoldenRoad July 20, 2021 at 11:53 am #

      Not true. VAERS data is self reported and can lag. The other thing about VAERS data is they all are not even close to dying because they got the vaccine. It just means they died sometime after they got the vaccine from anything. That means an octogenarian could have died from a heart attack blissfully pounding one his many courtesans in the nursing home. He may have had the vaccine 3 months before his rapture. His healthcare professional reports the incident to VAERS. When one talks about false narratives and bending facts to fit them, JHK is just a culpable.

      • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 21, 2021 at 8:46 am #

        When one talks about false narratives and bending facts to fit them, JHK is just a culpable.

        Yes, you’re right. If people would all just believe the one narrative on TV, then everything would work out properly. Because they are right (always!), and anyone choosing to critically think amd point out obvious inconsistencies is now responsible for the evils of the world..

    • abbybwood July 20, 2021 at 4:06 pm #

      Here it comes. The DHS plan to quarantine rural communities:


      Translation: How to punish Trump voters. Oh, and make sure they can’t vote (or have their votes fairly counted)?

  2. O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 10:15 am #

    What a long, strange trip it’s been

    Brilliant article, Mr K!

    Thanks for putting it all together like that.

    • Beryl of Oyl July 19, 2021 at 10:18 am #

      It was very well done, wasn’t it?

      • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 10:33 am #

        He tied it all together in a bow.

        I thought that they would give us a Summer of Peace. It turned out that I was Wrong for a Good reason:

        More people figured out their bull shit than they thought would.

        There are tons of people not going back for 2nd dose of poison. In Canada, for example, Just under 80% of people 13+ are jabbed but only 48.8% are double-jabbed (J&J was not deployed here – AZ & Pfizer are the Canadian poisons).

        Creepy Old Joe – slurring worse than me after a bottle & half of Jack – says that Facebook is “killing people.” Helicopter throttled, stiff-legged corpse zombies to obviously staged reporter question. ABC included subtitles like the cadaver was speaking Swahili.

        For who? Who is buying that shit anymore?

        RL. That’s who. RL & TS. “Those bumbling loveable knuckleheads in Washington sure mess things up in their efforts to provide we, the people, with Good governance … but they wuv me.”

    • ThorsHammer July 19, 2021 at 3:52 pm #


      The annual death toll from Fentanyl overdoses is approaching 100,000 –far higher from non-comorbidity COVID19.

      Some states are reporting 5X increase in child suicides.

      Marijuana is not longer a hippy family farm crop, but with legalization has become the property of the Sinola Cartel and Big Tobacco.

      A long strange trip indeed for the trip down the Acid Highway and the search for Enlightenment.

      • a kullervo July 19, 2021 at 5:06 pm #

        A long strange trip indeed for the trip down the Acid Highway and the search for Enlightenment.

        Nice comment.

        Civilization’s state of affairs = A centuries-old piling up of lies + A steady diet of psychoactives = The hallucination engine

        Reality has not only become optional, it is now the monster lurking under mankind’s bed, ready to devour it as soon as anyone dares to take a peek.

        Annihilation or transcendence; to become nothing or to understand it all. What else can a man aspire to? But alas, any of those will only come to pass when a man proves himself to be worthy of it.

      • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:10 pm #

        So the cartel turns a few staff into civilian businessmen and they just run the show in peace?

      • ThorsHammer July 20, 2021 at 4:30 pm #

        “far higher than from non-comorbidity COVID19”

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:07 pm #

      It’s a great work. A LOT in there.

  3. Beryl of Oyl July 19, 2021 at 10:17 am #

    Good morning.

    I’m trying to figure out how they are going to reconcile that they have been telling us we all need to get the vaccine or we are selfish killers, with the fact that due to the vaccine failures they are going back to “it wasn’t meant to keep you from getting COVID, only to lessen your chances of getting seriously ill or dying from it”.

    We knew that about the vaccines from the start, but the facts didn’t fit with forcing people to take the shot, so they started implying that’s what the vaxx would do, stop you from getting the virus.

    People lining up for the vaccine really believed they were helping eradicate a dangerous disease, as with polio.

    My guess is they just won’t say anything, they will keep the lies going about your responsibility to get vaccinated.

    • abbybwood July 19, 2021 at 1:11 pm #

      And people thought they would be able to ditch the masks.

      With the mask mandate back in most California counties now we are being told both vaccinated and unvaccinated need to mask up (inside).

      Which means all the jadrools will be back in their cars, alone, with masks, shields and gloves.

      • ThorsHammer July 20, 2021 at 5:02 pm #


        Surgical style masks serve no medical function against virus-size particles like COVID. Anybody who cared to look has known that since mid-summer of 2020. And that includes Dr. Faschi. and all the Leaders of the western world.

        So what is their purpose?

        #1—- They act a a comfort blanky to enable wearers to believe they are doing something to save themselves from Pandemicius Horribellicus.

        #2—Their continual presence is a reminder that you are not really free, much like a dog on a tether that never can reach the cat taunting him from the fence top.

        #3 — Masks (AKA muzzles) are a branding system signifying that compliant wearers will accept almost any demand from totalitarianism, however irrational or illogical’. Like the “election” of 2020 in the US. or year-long rolling lock-downs. Functionally they are similar to branding with the swastika on the forehead of subservient races.

        • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 21, 2021 at 9:11 am #

          Pandemicius Horribellicus.

          Very Wile E. Coyote…

    • Night Owl July 19, 2021 at 3:17 pm #

      They will continue to go back and forth on their public announcements. The game is psychological and the tactics being used make no sense by design.

      The end goal is to simply wear people down.

      I would not be surprised to hear the concept of wearing 3-4 masks being discussed again.

      The end goal is a shot in every arm, which the WEF minions like Lena Wen have stated on multiple occasions.

      • Pete July 19, 2021 at 4:46 pm #

        Night Owl,

        I would say that a shot in every arm is an objective on the way to the goal. The goal is unstated.

        And yes, the massive amount of confusion, as a result is intentional, if for no other reason than to obfuscate that goal. And that draws out the full spectrum of opinions and voices, further obfuscating the goal, and it spirals like that, until we don’t even know what the question was. Which is…

        What is the goal?

        • Unperson37854 July 19, 2021 at 5:50 pm #

          For the record, I think you’re both right, but could this be nothing more than the organic manifestation of human nature cycles at work?

          In ancient times perhaps, getting to this point in the cycle might’ve been easier, happened more often, because you could better “control” and motivate smaller masses of people to compliance or war for instance – fast forward to today, and you have the perfect storm of the information age that could both liberate and condemn us to repeat these cycles on an accelerated path on a scale never seen before.

          Right now, you have more than half the information-consuming world living a delusion. Living in irrational fear. A controlled mass-hysteria if you will. Seemingly only a few very short steps from total chaos, neighbor killing neighbor, governments jailing people for not injecting experimental drugs into their bodies and so on.

          • abbybwood July 19, 2021 at 7:11 pm #

            Saw today where one of the Jan. 6th trespassers got an eight month sentence.

            Compared to looters and rioters who torched buildings and were arrested then released to go back out and loot and riot more.

            As long as they were looting and rioting responsibly. I guess that is the new benchmark. Not Constitutional rights.

          • Pete July 20, 2021 at 12:41 pm #

            Human nature is a beast.

            Totally agree that control has always been a much sought after lever in our human experience. Leads me to a personal axiom; Any technology that can be used to control people, will be used to control people. The irony this go-around is that what was once a promise of universal communication and expression, has morphed into the actual suppression of that very promise. What is more, the likes of Google, Facebook and Twitter have brought a juvenile perspective to adult issues. I guess we all go to Columbine High School now.

            Delusional in their Virtual world, like me in this virtual world. I cannot deny that here, is a world where I have a decent expectation of being accepted. I frequently wonder if my leftist contemporaries believe me to be as insane as I believe them to be. I am not, unless I am.

            The day the trucks stop making the rounds at Shop-Rite is the day when that irrational fear will take those very few short steps you mention. But that’s really just one way this get’s started. There’s plenty of Lexington / Concord scenarios to go around.

            Waiting for Godot. I think he’s just around the corner…

        • Night Owl July 19, 2021 at 6:20 pm #

          Yes, the long-term goal is still a bit fuzzy for us schlubs, but if you read the writings of Schwab and the WEF Transhumanist crowd, a clearer picture emerges.

          These people are crazy, like most of history’s tyrants. And, unfortunately, it appears as though we are on a knife’s edge in terms of whether they will be able to force their will.

          Rainer Fuellmich of the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss stated recently that he is now certain that they are attempting a mass genocide.

        • ThorsHammer July 20, 2021 at 5:20 pm #


          Have you ever spent a night in the hospital? The first thing the first year residents do is insert a needle into a vein with a couple of secondary valves on it so that they can draw blood or infuse medicines at will. Think of the fake mRNA “vaccines” as a similar procedure except they provide an access port to your natural immune system. The goal is universal inoculation, not because it provides lifelong protection against the CORVID virus like polio vaccines do against polio, but because it provides lifelong access to your RNA/DNA thru “necessary” booster shots every six months. And incidentally creates a revenue stream as wide as the Amazon river.

          • Pete July 21, 2021 at 8:53 am #

            I get it.

            It seems so anti-climatic to do all this for money.

            It’s insulting actually. I want a super-villain with a diabolical plot to unravel.

            I can get mugged down the street.

          • Q. Shtik July 21, 2021 at 12:30 pm #

            It seems so anti-climatic – Pete



        • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 21, 2021 at 9:39 am #

          I would say that a shot in every arm is an objective on the way to the goal. The goal is unstated. […] What is the goal?

          Why, utopia, of course!

        • dr gonzo July 22, 2021 at 2:50 pm #

          crazy, innit?

          that way madness lies.

      • dr gonzo July 22, 2021 at 2:44 pm #


    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:12 pm #

      Their narration is an attack on reality and it seems that reality somehow persists…

  4. BackRowHeckler July 19, 2021 at 10:18 am #

    Gasoline prices are increasing in this area, over $1 dollar per gallon more than last year at this time. My neighbor is put out by it. Yesterday he was going on about “the greedy oil companies”, “OPEC”, and “those shifty Arabs”, like it was 1973. When I suggested that the Biden administration is full of officials who actually invite higher energy prices in their campaign “to fight global warming”, he called me a crazy conspiracy theorist.

    Gasoline is one thing, but most people round these parts warm their houses in winter with No. 2 heating oil. If the price of that goes to over $4 per gallon, its going to be a problem.


    • hmuller July 19, 2021 at 10:22 am #

      I hope your neighbor reaches the green goal of zero carbon emissions by sitting in his unheated house this winter. LOL

      • Hereward the Woke July 19, 2021 at 10:25 am #

        Hmuller: and also by wearing a mask and breathing back in his own C02 emissions.

      • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 11:27 am #

        Just hook the house up to the compost pile. Problem solved.

        • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 12:14 pm #

          With today’s houses, what compost pile?

          • messianicdruid July 19, 2021 at 12:37 pm #

            Washingtoncom.post should be buried.

          • abbybwood July 19, 2021 at 7:32 pm #

            I have read about sinking pipes down under houses (gopher depth?) and not necessarily “heating” the house but creating a tolerable 68 degree mean where some sweaters and a good fireplace will keep humans comfortable during winter?

            Obviously I need some schooling on this one. Anyone?

          • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 9:20 pm #

            Interesting. How many feet would that be?

            I was kidding based on a posting I saw at the Cambridge Food Co-op where some group was planning to do that. Not only stinking up the house, but conflating the temperature of a good compost pile (high) with the quantity of heat generated (far too little to heat even a small house).

          • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 21, 2021 at 9:35 am #

            Obviously I need some schooling on this one. Anyone?

            My inlaws have this warm-water system in their basement. Pretty slick. Provides a good base for heat coming from below, and then they can just supplement with the woodstove upstairs when it gets cold as balls.

            Hard part is you have to install the pipe-heating system before you lay the basement concrete, otherwise it’s massively cost-prohibitive to dig up foundation.

          • SpeedyBB July 21, 2021 at 11:15 pm #

            Abby woods,

            “Ondol” is the traditional Korean custom of heated floors – though modern construction may have modified or done away with it.

            In 2018 I visited a very gracious ranch-style home above Berkeley. It was a Vietnamese family so we removed our shoes upon entering.

            I could immediately feel the warmth rising from the concrete floor and it was quite pleasant.

        • stelmosfire July 19, 2021 at 1:32 pm #

          Vlad, me thinks me thane is where it be at.

          • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:13 pm #


        • SpeedyBB July 21, 2021 at 11:18 pm #

          Abbybwood, I took care to spell your moniker correctly so Autocorrect “fixed” it for me.

      • abbybwood July 19, 2021 at 1:26 pm #

        And we can’t count on Hugo Chavez to furnish free heating oil to some in the Northeast anymore.0

        I lived in a pretty big house in CT in 2007 and it was major sticker shock when the guy came and topped it off the heating oil then handed me a bill for $500 and needed either cash or a check on the spot.

        • stelmosfire July 19, 2021 at 1:39 pm #

          500 ballons? What a bargon. Shit my tank is 275 gallons. In ’08 a fill up was $3.90 a gallon. Almost 1 G a fillup.


        • ThorsHammer July 19, 2021 at 2:57 pm #

          Worked on a house for a middle class financial princeling in Jackson Hole a decade back. It had a 2,000 gallon diesel tank to supply the underground heating for the patio and driveway so the owner wouldn’t have to hire a Mexican to shovel snow. The system burned through a tank every month.

          But what is money good for if you can’t burn it?

        • hmuller July 19, 2021 at 3:09 pm #

          You can’t count on Hugo Chavez for much of anything. He died in 2013. The current leader of Venezuela is named Maduro.

          Years ago I read someone who claimed “Ceasar Chavez” was the Venezuelan leader. Ceasar Chavez was in fact a farm worker labor union organizer.who died in 1993.

          I guess all those Latinos just blend into one big wet backed persona for you white people. Thank God, we have mandatory CRT classes to set us straight. LOL

          • Jo-G July 19, 2021 at 3:23 pm #

            Cesar Chavez used to be the more famous UFW leader. Would resent being called a wet back. Even wikipedia says “Viewing illegal immigrants as a major source of strike-breakers, he also pushed a campaign against illegal immigration into the U.S.,…”

          • abbybwood July 19, 2021 at 7:41 pm #

            Oliver Stone did a very interesting documentary I think in 2011 about Hugo Chavez, Venezuela and other South American countries:


            I know the difference between Hugo Chavez and Caesar Chavez.

    • Rodster July 19, 2021 at 10:24 am #

      Those are the type of people who deserve “well too damn bad, it sucks to be you”.

      “The dumbing down of America”
      -Pat Moynihan

      • Amman July 20, 2021 at 7:54 am #

        It confirms the stark power of “propaganda.” Hate the word.

    • hortonz July 19, 2021 at 11:17 am #

      The price of gas over here in southern Ontario was $1.35 a liter yesterday. My brother-in-law who worked across the border used to fill up in Michigan but now that the border’s closed he has to fill up his big SUV here. Even with the recent gas spike American gas prices are a bargain compared to the inflated prices Canadians are paying.

    • Kevvia Knack July 19, 2021 at 12:20 pm #

      Mobil station in West Hollywood (Beverly Hills adjacent) has premium above $6 a gallon. Might be that high at other select locations in LA

      • abbybwood July 19, 2021 at 8:33 pm #

        $4.80/gallon at Costco in Hawthorne, CA today.

        • Dr_Wellington_Yueh July 19, 2021 at 9:03 pm #

          $4.50/gl in Nortiridge, CA yesterday. Was as high as $4.90 before 4th. Took a trip end of June, and this was the trend:

          $4.80 Northridge
          $4.40 Mojave
          $4.90 Bishop
          $5.90 Bridgeport
          $4.52 Big Oak Flat

          Avoided the Big Valley on this trip, but it’s usually in line with Mojave and other rural-but-important areas.

    • ThorsHammer July 22, 2021 at 10:34 am #

      In spite of what I have written elsewhere, I’m a believer in masking when done properly. For example I encourage Dr. Fraudski to wear a minimum of 8 masks sufficient to prevent inhaling of oxygen and speaking in public.

      And 8 dollar gasoline serves a vital need as long as it is only used as a pre-cursor to break down raw coca leaves during the manufacture of cocaine instead of being wasted fueling SUV’s.

  5. Rodster July 19, 2021 at 10:22 am #

    So more people died from the “vaccine i.e. experimental cocktail drug than from Covid. That’s awesome. JHK, in the future I hope you could post a link for that so I can share it with those who have fallen for the vaccine and Covid hysteria.

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    • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 10:40 am #

      For Second Week in a Row: More COVID-19 Vaccination Deaths than COVID-19 Deaths in the US According to CDC and VAERS Websites
      JULY 18, 2021

      The VAERS website released its weekly numbers on Friday.
      There are now 11,140 reported deaths from the COVID vaccine in the United States.
      This is up from 9,125 reported deaths from the COVID-19 vaccinations total from last week.


      • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 12:13 pm #

        Define death from the Covid vaccine.

        Remember when everyone was saying that all the deaths were counted as Covid deaths and the number was phony, that Covid was a bad cold.

        Well, you are falling into the same trap with the vaccine. Are all these deaths from the vaccine or is everything just being counted as such. No real data exists. No data reduction, not even cause of death.

        A question, the number of vaccinations per week has hugely declined in the last two months. Why have the number of deaths skyrocketed? There is no data of shot versus death date to see if the number of later reactions have increased. Has there been a surge of actual Covid cases amongst vaxxed folks? Another real issue. What age groups are affected?

        In the words of Sgt. Schulz, “I know nothing, I know nothing”.

        • rainmaker July 19, 2021 at 12:44 pm #

          Hey JAZ – three weeks ago My hubby, his sister and I caught the Delta at the local summer festival here in our little MO town. A couple of days were flu-like, but mostly the symptoms were like having a hangover. We are all Un-Vaxxed, and we lived! For the record, my husband is 63 years old, his sister is 61, and I’m 59. None of us are fat people and none of us are are on any kind of meds for chronic illnesses, so I guess that we are uncommon kind of people for this era.

        • roccofire July 19, 2021 at 2:46 pm #

          Sgt Schulz, if I remember correctly was,” I see nothing, I hear nothing, I know nothing”. I did not know it at the time, but he was a philosopher. OH I hope Marty Mcfly can return to save us, or David Bowman.

          JHK excellent article, but I am wary of both the right and left when quoting stats, remember that fiesty guy Mark once said,” There are 3 kinds of lies, lies, dammed lies, and statistics.

          • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:18 pm #

            One thing the stats can’t fake is the ring of truth.

        • Unperson37854 July 19, 2021 at 6:04 pm #

          JohnAZ, I agree, and in fact, when a recent study in the UK showed that the mortality rate from the Delta variant was exponentially higher than if you were unvaccinated, I noticed there were assumptions made, and of course an article came out that “debunked” the data.

          But ironically, while the “debunking” article did bring up some good points, it didn’t disprove the findings, only made you question even more why the smaller group of people catching the Delta (the vaccinated), were dying in much higher numbers?

          Part of the debunking cited that you couldn’t dismiss the vaccine, because in the study, more unvaccinated people caught the Delta variant, and that was “proof” that the vaccine works, and who knows how many people it protected would’ve died? Fair, but there’s zero proof that all study participants were equally exposed, so that’s just an assumption as well, and still doesn’t explain why more vaccinated people died. You could argue that it’s better that more people total get it via being unvaccinated if less people would die overall.

          Also, the debunker ironically decided to ask, we don’t know how old these people were, or their comorbidities (talking about the vaccinated that died). Oh, so these things only count when vaccinated people die, not the general public? You can’t cherry pick qualifiers to minimize causality in one instance, and maximize causality in the next.

        • ThorsHammer July 20, 2021 at 5:58 pm #

          Yohannon,<Woke, humller, and others..

          It's alright to display your anti-global warming prejudices but please do so by researching facts and sharing them with us instead of engaging in one line shark attacks.

          I personally have examined two zero-net-energy houses located in challenging climates and can verify that the concept is valid.

          The first is located in Cannon Beach Oregon on a coastal site that sees far more fog than sunlight. It stores its heat with a series of bore holes 100' deep into the granite rock underneath. and collects solar radiation in hot water and PV panels. International award winner. Architect: Nathan Goode

          ps The build cost for this 2400 sq ft home was about the same as a 2800 sq ft conventional code standard house .

          The second is the Rocky Mountain Institute house in a very cold location in Old Snowmass.Colorado. It is basically heated by the waste heat from the computers running for the students at the Institute. It has gone 12 days with nighttime temperatures down to -30 with bananas and oranges growing in the atrium and the minimum temperature never falling below 68f. Built 35 years ago at a cost PSF similar to other high end homes in the area.

        • ThorsHammer July 20, 2021 at 6:58 pm #


          You are absolutely right. Without a base of fact all statistics are just another form of lying.

          Deaths from the COVID virus? When the hospitals were paid a bounty for every death “associated” with COVID? When the flu was eradicated from the face of the earth by the simple action of re-naming it the Horribellus Virus? When Death by Harley no longer involved a Hog? And when “cases” were defined as anyone who tested positive on a test that was never intended for diagnosis and yields up to 96% false positives?

          ‘Has there been a surge of actual Covid cases among vaxed folks?'”

          Who knows since the CDC instructed doctors to stop testing “vaxed folks” to the same standard as un-vaxed Delusionals since everyone knows that the fully vaxed are immune.

          So the voluntary reporting system VAERS reports an exponentially rising count of deaths among the “fully vaccinated? Does that include false diagnoses? Of course.

          Consider the social context:

          1- Studies of other voluntary reporting systems show drastic undercounting of up to 100-1.

          2- Who benefits by reporting vaccine associated deaths?

          Doctors or hospitals?
          a) Actually filing a adverse reaction report is time consuming and somewhat onerous (Approximately 1/2 hr. of unpaid time..
          b) Most doctors work within the organizational structure of a large hospital or medical care system. Wasting time and losing billable hours filling out a report that reflects poorly on your employer or their contacts in Pharma may result in censure or being fired.

          3- If you are trained as a MD it is hard to conclude that symptoms in a patient are the result of a medicine you recommended or have taken yourself. Especially when your main source of up-to-date technical information is your drug salesman.

          Are the “fully vaccinated” dying from having received the non-vaccines? Almost certainly. How frequently? Logic says that it is some multiple of the incomplete VAERS reported incidences. ie +-30.000-50,000 Certainly not worthy of ostrich-like behavior!

          • Pat Ormsby July 21, 2021 at 8:48 am #

            Prior to this year, I’ve known two people who suffered severe reactions from flu vaccines 45 and 40 years ago, one wheelchair bound for decades, the other on a respirator for months, and I was unusual in knowing that many. This year so far, one relative and one friend in their 60s had high fevers but recovered, there was one sudden onset of a fatal heart condition in a physically fit older relative, and oddly enough, two lawyers of personal friends in the US, who were involved in litigation against 5G, suffered fatal reactions after receiving the jab. I guess that’s a coincidence, though.
            The latest statistics I’ve heard from Japan were some 350 fatalities, but I don’t have any references. A doctor’s group is suing to halt the vaccination campaign, which Japan appears to have initiated under economic pressure. Since mass vaccination began about a month ago, they’ve had a major spike in cases that appears on the verge of dwarfing the 2500 daily peak in Tokyo that occurred during the New Year’s holidays, despite the fourth declaration of an emergency ten days ago. With the Olympics about to start, it is very easy for them to focus on the handful of athletes entering the country who turn up positive and blame the surge on that. I don’t think “It’s surging because not everybody is getting the vaccine” would fly here somehow. But after a couple weeks of more subdued wheedling for vaccination, I see the TV trying to ramp up the pressure again somehow in a sort of mealy-mouthed manner. I guess they’ve been told by the WEF agendaists to get their act together.

        • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 21, 2021 at 9:41 am #

          JAZ – Define death from the Covid vaccine.

          Define death from the Covid virus.

          • Redneck Liberal July 23, 2021 at 3:43 am #

            You first, Mr. Mango!

      • cowbell81 July 19, 2021 at 4:48 pm #

        Lol, cannot help but laugh about the tautological arguments and shaky math they use in this article!!!


        • oswegatchie July 19, 2021 at 5:05 pm #

          Says the Surgeon General, HA!
          According to Fauci, HA! HA!
          Well, according to my garbage man, Anthony, who owns a bunch of shares of Moderna stock………………… HA! HA! HA!

  6. tractorguy July 19, 2021 at 10:22 am #

    Do you have a link for the covid deaths vs. vaccination deaths info? I’m trying to find it on-line but the search engines aren’t cooperating (no surprise there).


    • lateStarter July 19, 2021 at 10:35 am #

      Automatic Earth had a link up earlier to some site where the guy had graphed it out. Numbers are available, but they (CDC/VAERS) don’t make it obvious for the average person.

    • brb July 19, 2021 at 10:43 am #

      The Gateway Pundit (via theautomaticearth.com) has an article up about the recent death comparison of covid & the vaccines in the USA:


      As I understand it, the VAERS system is weeks if not months behind given that they’ve been overwhelmed so these numbers might get very interesting soon.

      TheAutomaticEarth.com is a good source for daily virus info (amongst other things):

      And on a weekly schedule, I’ve been rather impressed with Del Bigtree’s TheHighwire.com which has had numerous interviews with expert scientists and doctors on their podcast show.

    • elysianfield July 19, 2021 at 11:43 am #

      “Do you have a link for the covid deaths vs. vaccination deaths info?”

      Why go to the trouble? Who are you going to believe? Why?

      When the issue is as intensely politicized as it currently is?

      Pick a “truth” that supports your narrative.

      Who knows?

      • beantownbill. July 19, 2021 at 12:43 pm #

        That’s exactly correct, EF. The only “real science” is evidence-based (using evidence to to prove your point). The problem is, in this current world of pervasive grift, it requires a lot of research to determine the quality of the evidence presented. Just saying a person is qualified isn’t enough. You have to dig in and see if the person has real credentials.

        For example, someone may be called Dr— . But just because the person is really a doctor doesn’t mean they have expertise in the subject matter. There’s one case (of many similar) where a PHD psychiatrist wrote articles about covid. What qualifications do they have in virology? They are using their title (Dr.) to state an opinion. Just because someone posts a lot of articles and has a wide following doesn’t mean they have done acceptable scientifically-based research on the subject.

        • Night Owl July 19, 2021 at 3:09 pm #

          Post the article(s) in question so we can see what the focus was in the Covid context. There are quite a few mental health professionals writing about Covid and the psychological aspects of the hoax.

          Given your previous posts in this area, and inability to understand even the basics of many of the issues critics discuss with regard to the Covid Hoax, I am sure a look at the materials you reference would be most interesting to investigate.

        • JTinMD July 19, 2021 at 4:54 pm #

          Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity is my go to for Covid straight skinny. PHD in pathology. He’s been spot on regarding analysis of numbers, and what the real deal is with most things Covid.

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:19 pm #

      Its posted up in the comments earlier.

  7. Hereward the Woke July 19, 2021 at 10:24 am #

    Great post, Jim. Your final sentence about ending up living smaller and closer to home was quite ironic because that’s exactly what psychopaths like Gates and Schwab want. But it might not quite be the “owning nothing and being happier” that they imagine. I look forward to the day when the government and all its corrupt pols are asking, “Hey, I wonder what the People are up to these days?”

    • Night Owl July 19, 2021 at 3:04 pm #

      I only see scale is being comparable. They want you to have less, but they also want to control what you consume and what you can do.

      The model Jim speaks of is very much how things are already in many parts of Europe — particularly outside of the big cities. Local supply chains never really died here.

      The centralization of the food supply, transportation, etc., and authoritarian means of control such as medical tyranny with social credit scores are an entirely different ball of wax.

      • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:24 pm #

        Entirely different.

    • SpeedyBB July 22, 2021 at 12:04 am #


      This was my amused reaction when authorities everywhere perked up and started bellowing “Your government is here for you! We won’t abandon you!” whereas they were in fact revealing their own fear of being seen as irrelevant – and incompetent.

      Which does of course cut close to the truth.

  8. stelmosfire July 19, 2021 at 10:25 am #

    Hey Tucson, WTF, we’re shooting EMT’s now? I always said my bro’s should be gunned up. I was often on the scene before the coppers arrived.


    • Not_GeorgeT July 19, 2021 at 1:59 pm #

      Quite a few EMS agencies issue body armor. It’s not a new issue, more that it hasn’t made the “news”. Also, who wants to advertise they have body armor? Show and tell really isn’t the best safety plan. Keeping it quiet is a better plan. Said protection mostly stops handgun caliber, is somewhat bulky, and traps body heat. There is still a lot of potential for blunt trauma injury.

  9. SpeedyBB July 19, 2021 at 10:28 am #

    I have to confess I was not prepared for the volume of vitriol triggered by any questioning of the safety of the gene experiments. I unleashed some quite nasty and accusatory responses on the web from people I would otherwise have adjudged balanced and reasonable in considering such issues.

    Why so defensive? Will the house of cards blow away so easily?

    I am prepared to take my shot of Sinovac, a true vaccine (prepared from weakened viruses) as otherwise my Indonesian visa will not be renewed. The other stuff? The more I study the more alarming it gets.

    • Mostly Disagreeable July 19, 2021 at 10:36 am #

      The narrative of vaccine “safety” is firmly ensconsed but the narrative of efficacy is stumbling around like the villain in Wait Until Dark. They were simply not prepared for mounting evidence of vaccine failure.

      • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 10:47 am #

        I Believe that they are prepared. I Believe that they game-planned more thorpughly than an NFL Coaching Staff before a playoff game.

        If more sheeple would’ve got poisoned, they’d’ve given us our final “normal” Summer.

        Instead, they go full-tilt Delta and crank up the zombie hate for the hip in mid-July.

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:26 pm #

      The original Sinovac was weakened or inactivated virus. I would take that before the Chinese go to ‘vector’ or ‘RNA’ vaccines – whatever those damned things are.

      • SpeedyBB July 22, 2021 at 9:28 am #

        Amman, the PRC is leaping onto the bandwagon with their own version of RNA experimental medication. Allows them to appear to be more modern.

        It would not surprise me to see them phasing out the infinitely more predictable [safer] Sinovac in favor of the snazzy and futuristic injection.

        I daresay reports of blot clots and even deaths won’t dissuade them. China has historically not been too concerned with injury to the citizenry. Forty million dead, mostly through starvation, during the Great Leap Forward. That history is conspicuously avoided in the popular narrative today.

        I managed after some terrific workarounds in Jakarta and West Java to get my first Sinovac shot today, to fulfill the requirements of my “Advisor” visa in Indonesia. I’ll get my second one 30 days from now and that’s it.

        Felt a bit sleepy and unsteady an hour after the shot, but two hours later I was riding my Trek mountain bike through heavy traffic. Don’t expect it will kill me but I’m starting to grow epicanthic folds in both eyes. They make me look cute.

        • Amman July 23, 2021 at 7:28 pm #

          Haha. Well, daresay or hearsay, It is a peculiar and established habit from the last century to hold a present generation as culpable for or inclined to repeat real and/or imagined crimes from the past – both of which do exist in the Great Leap forward. We can speculate all we like but I don’t think today’s China will injure its own citizens with a vaccine or hurt any other citizen from another country. All the evidence tells me is the whole vaccine thing is linked to greed, the reset and possibly eugenics. Maybe the Chinese are Eugenic-minded and deem the rest of the world ugly? Possible?

  10. John of Red Hook July 19, 2021 at 10:29 am #

    The number of deaths in the VAERS system must put in their geographic context, especially if you want to compare things in the U.S.

    As of July 9, 5378 of those deaths occurred in the USA or its territories, 5613 are listed as foreign and 1026 have an unknown geography. Yes, I know all these numbers are massive undercounts.

    This is, of course, a disaster practically beyond comprehension. But if you use the 11,140 number and compare it to other data that is for the U.S. only, you risk having the Vaccine Is Perfect crowd trying to debunk what you are saying, since the REAL number of deaths are half what you are claiming. Therefore, anything you say can be disregarded.

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    • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 10:44 am #

      If you took the same quantity of unvaxxed folks, “a control group” with the same percentages of kidney, heart or lung disease, 160 million, I wound er how many deaths would occur in that group.

      This argument of vaxxed deaths is meaningless. Until a difference can be shown between vaxxed groups and real life groups, one to one in samples, the data means nothingdeaths.

      5600 vaxxed deaths, without a description of what they died from, on VAERs. What if the control group shows 3000 deaths?

      5600 – 3000 = 2600. Wouldn’t even be discussing it.

      And with the real vaxx deaths, maybe someone would be working on what the problems are instead of just ignoring things. Anti-vaxxers will not be able to stop vaxxing so maybe working on something constructive might be in order. Maybe curing the viral diseases.

      • Islander July 19, 2021 at 11:01 am #

        The problem is, I think, that there aren’t really any control groups. They haven’t done the phase 3 trials that would have produced solid data. They have not done the autopsies that would have pinpointed cause of death of those who died post-vax. They have not filled out the death certificates, called the Blue Form (cause-of-death section) correctly so that we would have reliable data to analyze and produce some meaningful statistics (after last year’s guidance that mandated ditching the heretofore clear instructions for filling out the immediate cause and contributary cause portions of the Blue Form).

        The problems with lack of data are evident in all efforts to try to come to grips with WTF is going on with any aspect of the covid op. And, it’s all politicized. Because it is not really about health.

        I highly recommend the medical bulletins I get from an English doctor, Sebastion Rushworth, who practices in Denmark (maybe Danish wife). This a.m. he just sent one about the gap between how trials are conducted. Very interesting.


        • Beryl of Oyl July 19, 2021 at 11:35 am #

          They destroyed the control groups deliberately.

          • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 11:58 am #


            They destroyed everything they could, no China data, no WHO data, no CDC or NIH data. VAERs is worthless. Every cure possibility was quashed, no effective preventive ideas were creates after Feb of last year. The only solution was some sort of vaccine that has many adverse effects and they too are being ignored.

            Why? Easy!!

            There are no other solutions except to try to suppress the disease. The Deep State knows it, the globalists know it. In a world used to having someone technical alleviate all problems, this disease is a real problem. When no solutions develop, politics takes over, Hence, here we are.

          • Hereward the Woke July 19, 2021 at 12:42 pm #

            Beryl, we, the unvaxxed, are the control group. So far, so good!

      • hmuller July 19, 2021 at 11:05 am #

        I think it highly unlikely that VAERS and the CDC would “doctor” the numbers to help the anti-vaxer case. But yes there are questions here.

        • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 11:50 am #

          My number one belief that this is geopolitical IS the lack of response to what has happened.

          Think about this, what has happened?

          Fauci, et al, came up with wash hands, separate and use masks, each with a small impact on the new case rate. It wasn’t until third quarter that the disease might be airborne and that none of the above had any effect. The vaxx panic started then, the PTB realized that only vaxx would stop airborne transmission.

          That is it. The only thing being held up for the latest non- surge is masks. Why? Because there is nothing else, nothing. I believe the vaxxed folks will suppress the current minute rise in cases, but it will now peak at small numbers and continue to decline as the non vaxxed people get the disease and become immune. Delta folks have far less intensity disease, and are younger as the vaxx concentrated in the elders. The impact will be minor.

          Unless you are in Wash. DC where the Covid is the end of the world.

      • John of Red Hook July 19, 2021 at 11:12 am #

        For anyone who might be taken in by this argument, VAERS shows a total of 75 deaths in 2021 and 24 deaths in 2021, for the U.S. and it’s territories, from ALL flu vaccines. The administration of flu vaccines should have a similar, if not older, age profile and is probably not a much smaller number of shots (certainly not a order of magnitude smaller).

        • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 11:38 am #

          How many patient, doctor connections report flu shot reactions? How many folks get the flu so bad they even report it to anyone?

          I had reactions to flu shots, mild ones, for forty years? So? Not a single report.

      • Beryl of Oyl July 19, 2021 at 11:19 am #

        Maybe quit suppressing the evidence that we have safe, effective treatment available right now?

        • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 11:39 am #

          A cure stops the political BS.

          • Beryl of Oyl July 19, 2021 at 11:51 am #

            It stops the cash flow too.

      • neurodoc July 19, 2021 at 11:51 am #

        I checked out some of the material you sent me; unfortunately with a lot of supposed ‘medical science’ these days, it is mainly ‘what i think material’ from self proclaimed medical authorities that have spent more time moving up the corporate medicine ladder, stabbing colleagues in the back, and stealing others’ research (think fauchi) than reading and studying. I wouldn’t bet my heath on anything such ‘authorities’ say. I could not find any adequately controlled research supporting the material in your packet to shed light on the issues we discussed. Typical nowadays.
        Thanks anyway.

        • neurodoc July 19, 2021 at 11:52 am #

          this is a response to johnAZ re material he sent me.

      • draupnir July 19, 2021 at 1:17 pm #

        Thomas Renz has just today filed a lawsuit against the government, as he has whistleblower evidence that there have been over 45,000 deaths from the vaccine.

        I don’t know how long this will remain on youtube, but it is already up on bitchute.

        • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 5:41 am #

          It’s still up. Some scary censorship going on right there, huh??? Not.

        • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 5:44 am #

          Your guy is a moron…

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:30 pm #

      It’s just an attack by the propagandists on reality and sincere reasoning. How about Treatment? Treatment would be in normal times least 50 percent of the conversation in the face of this flu.

  11. Mostly Disagreeable July 19, 2021 at 10:30 am #

    I think this short video captures the whole Durham thing even better than him returning from deep space:


    • So many liars July 19, 2021 at 12:06 pm #

      Oh, that was CUTE! Haha!

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:32 pm #

      Yes, that asteroid is swinging by earth never to return IMO.

  12. oilie July 19, 2021 at 10:31 am #

    Speaking of spin, it seems to me that the rumor that Durham is alive has finished its cycle.

    • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 10:45 am #

      Does anybody really know if Durham actually still exists? Is he sitting at home, with his charter removed?

      • hmuller July 19, 2021 at 11:08 am #

        Maybe Durham mind melded with “Q” and now they exist only in cyberspace.

        • Beryl of Oyl July 19, 2021 at 11:24 am #

          Anything is possible.

          Your higher-up government employees seem to be exempt from all employer/employee norms, as in the people who pay your salary are entitled to at least a little bit of information, such as “how’s it coming?” and “when do you expect to wrap things up?”.

          You can’t have served in his capacity as long as Durham has, without being able to give an estimate of those things.

          • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 11:34 am #

            The real deal is

            He who is in charge makes the rules. January 20, actually earlier thanks to Bill Barr, Durham disappeared, along with anything having to do with Hunter.

            He who has the gold, makes the rules.

            The real golden rule.

          • hmuller July 19, 2021 at 3:39 pm #

            When Durham finally hands in his homework, Biden will say “Thank you for your service, don’t let the door hit you in the ass, bye-bye”

            Then he’ll put the report in a drawer never to be seen again.

            It would be nice if crime led to punishment in our society. But C’mon man; is anyone still that naive?

    • Hereward the Woke July 19, 2021 at 12:43 pm #

      He’s alive in the sense that Jimmy Hoffa and Amelia Earhart are alive.

      • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:33 pm #


  13. Zoltar July 19, 2021 at 10:39 am #

    With benefit of having read Jim’s World Made by Hand quadrilogy, I am able to imagine life in The Long Emergency as “smaller, slower, closer to home, and in many ways better,” except for the the undeniable truth of Sartre’s observation that Hell is other people, and of Lenin’s assertion that every society is three meals away from chaos.

    When all of the hyper-elaborate systems and long supply chains break down, as they surely must, the result will be outright savagery until things have sorted themselves out in a Darwinian fashion.
    Those who think they’ve solved that conundrum by having a bug-out bunker in the mountains loaded with guns, ammo, and dried rations will find out that they are just easy targets for the locals
    Population centers will surely settle into perpetually-disputed territories controlled by the warlords of the moment, separated by strips of urban No Man’s Land.

    How much longer before Musk gets that Utopia completed on Mars?

    • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 11:03 am #

      There are no answers. Every solution we hear from special interest groups is baloney.

      You mention cities. No solution. Supply lines already showing shortages. Zero solution populations becoming Dem gimme groups. Concentrated heat islands being a major source of AGM. Let’s see, if we converted all roads back to dirt, how much warming would decline? The greatest disappointment will happen when eliminating all gasoline does nothing to AGW. What has been getting bigger, mor global and moving North over the last 200 years? Cities and the heat islands they cause.

      JHK has prophesied that society will do nothing about Peak oil and global warming because it cannot. I agree with him. What happens will happen. What will the world look like? Take the amount of oil projected and decide by the amount produced now. That factor can be applied against just about everything, population being the most appalling.

      BTW, EIA just pronounced that after being a net exporter of oil in 2020, the US is now a net importer again. Fracking has declined, why? Look at the White House, the Mob and John Kerry.

      • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 11:31 am #

        A typical conundrum?

        We need infrastructure, right. Roads, right.

        We have two types of paved roads.

        Concrete , concrete is the mast productive creator process of CO2 there is right now. Oops, AGW alert.

        Asphalt. Uh huh, fossil fuels alert, AGW alert.

        Dirt!! There is the answer, oops lack of traction makes more gasoline usage, Oops, AGW alert.

        Thinking through these situations show how impossible the oncoming world situation is going to be when we lose one thing, oil.

        Or idiots in DC think that GND will work.

        • thirdcoastlegend July 19, 2021 at 11:37 am #

          GND is a loser any way one cuts it.

          If they actually start implementing it, utterly epic levels of strip-mining will be required for the necessary copper and lithium alone.

          If they simply start removing the existing infrastructure and failing to replace it, they can plan on mass civil unrest.

        • messianicdruid July 19, 2021 at 1:00 pm #

          AGW is like watching an automobile with an internal combustion engine moving, while emitting gases from the tailpipe and concluding that this omissions of gasses is providing thrust to move the vehicle.

          Hubris or presumption?

    • oswegatchie July 19, 2021 at 1:07 pm #

      Well I have run into a supply chain problem now as I am looking to replace my worn out drivetrain on my Specialized mountain bike. Spent hours looking for parts yesterday and nothing is available. Out of stock every time I looked at the status. A bike shop here in Bend looked at it, diagnosed all my issues and sent me out the door with a “good luck”.

      • oswegatchie July 19, 2021 at 1:08 pm #

        I wonder how many other areas of supplies are in the same predicament?

        • Islander July 19, 2021 at 7:02 pm #

          General house wares. Such as replacement coil for electric range.

        • Rain Waters July 20, 2021 at 4:35 pm #

          general aviation is sensing its Achilles heels too. no future is possible outside custom one offs for those w means. My $900 carbon gravel bike took 8 months of continuous web scrounge but with persistence morphed into that on CL over $5k. Youre right, bicycles are being systematically genocided somewhat similar to Ghina in 2009. i have dura ace, ultegra, Xt, and slx just for the disc brakes with Sram gx and xo 11 speed xt crank driveline

          biggest score was Roval C 38 wheelset with 350 hubs 4 1200 !
          and dt swiss 58t star ratchet was also a surprise.

          Even Medford CL is totally dead, sometimes having zero new posted bikes available some days. IN JULY !

          local shop in Reno cannot get ANY rolling stock. NONE !
          cept those evil mopeds for $3 to 12k, but only sizes XS or XL. . .

          I was planning on flipping the gravel bike last year.
          soon as someone needs er real bad and needs rid of $10k. FIRM.

          BUT ONLY if shes. . . nice. too !

      • Dr_Wellington_Yueh July 19, 2021 at 9:31 pm #

        eBay: BikeWagon – rear derailleurs

        I’ve been using BikeWagon for a couple decades, and a few other reputable eBay sellers. No supply issues yet. Recently ordered cassette, chain, ring from 3 different sellers, all arrived promptly. It’s a better situation because they are under time pressure of a listing, so they won’t sell something that maybe they’ll have in a week or two. By contrast, I ordered some brake pads from Amazon…three months ago…and…still waiting…

        My guess is someone is choking the supply lines they can control, but there is stuff on the edges happening anyway.

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:35 pm #

      Too dark. Locals are all types. Resident compassion could be there.

  14. Opie July 19, 2021 at 10:39 am #

    Good read as always Jim. What a long and weird trip it’s been.

    • MisterBimmler July 19, 2021 at 11:03 am #

      One can discern the outlines of the descent beginning already. Supply chains are a mess as is.

      Everyone should take a close look at China in the 20s. Because that’s the best case scenario.

  15. thirdcoastlegend July 19, 2021 at 10:46 am #

    Speaking of supply chain problems….

    The National Guard is allegedly two weeks from collapsing:


    I think that’s a pure extortion play.

    Meanwhile, dozens of F-35s are grounded:


    The most interesting line in the article is the comment that Turkey produces 1000 parts for the F-35.

    Well, US military, there’s your damn problem!

    Now send me my $1 million consulting fee!

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    • Prospero July 19, 2021 at 12:15 pm #

      As far as automobile manufacturing is concerned, the chip shortage seems to be the straw that broke the camel’s back:

      “Although electronic assemblies constitute about 40% of total car costs, according to a Deloitte report, the semiconductors themselves add up to only $400. The average price of a new car is now $40,768 according to Kelly Blue Book. So lack of components that cost just one percent of the total vehicle cost are holding up sales.”


      • thirdcoastlegend July 19, 2021 at 12:50 pm #


        I very much agree.

        Detroit’s issues are cascading.

        I am in the MIC and our electronics volumes are too low to bypass Detroit’s influence for chip allocation.

        I have also noticed that used car prices continue to creep upwards on Autotrader.

      • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:38 pm #


      • Rain Waters July 20, 2021 at 4:41 pm #

        2000 candy apple coupe, v6 with 5 speed, 110k miles, internal combustion, no web, OBD II

        Mint condition, everything works, no codes, 137 thru Amargosa

        $15k also FIRM.

        As “blue books” are the new buggy whips kids. .

  16. teddyboy46 July 19, 2021 at 10:47 am #

    what’s the difference between John Durham and Big Foot? Big Foot has been sighted.

    • abbybwood July 19, 2021 at 2:10 pm #

      I still say somebody should do a wellness check on Durham.

  17. Opie July 19, 2021 at 10:50 am #

    Oh,and a followup on my exposure to the bug. My inlaws who are housed in two seperate facilities a few miles apart tested positive after my wife and I visited on Friday. Both have been vaxxed. The MIL this morning is now too sick to be by herself,so my wife is going over to help. She is vaxxed,I’m not. The assisted facility my MIL is in has 19 cases right now. I’m guessing 99% of those people are vaxxed. You’d think it would be at least a local news story, but NADA word. I’m afraid it’s the leaky vax thing happenning in real time. Story here.

    • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 11:22 am #

      Either the individual response to the vaccine makes it ineffective, or the Vaccine may be causing side effects causing Covid reactions. If the folks check positive, probably the former.

      The most frustrating things about this pandemic is the lack of real interest from the medical PTB about it. We understand very little about it. On purpose? It sure allows every degree of BS to be spun about it.

  18. thirdcoastlegend July 19, 2021 at 10:53 am #

    One easy way to begin getting outside the system and localizing one’s food supply is to start traveling secondary and tertiary roads in nearby rural areas.

    You’d be amazed how many farm markets, mom and pop stands, and roadside honesty boxes are out there.

    • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 11:02 am #

      Shhhh! Don’t tell Bill Gates.

      • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:39 pm #

        F Bill Gates.

        • stelmosfire July 20, 2021 at 8:34 am #

          No Thanks

    • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 11:15 am #

      Now bring out the populations of the cities along those back roads, the local inventories will disappear in 30 minutes.

      • thirdcoastlegend July 19, 2021 at 11:56 am #

        Many of those city folks believe that food simply grows at or magically appears in the supermarkets.

    • elysianfield July 19, 2021 at 11:21 am #

      “traveling secondary and tertiary roads in nearby rural areas.”

      “…Y’all shure got a purty mouf….”

  19. dr gonzo July 19, 2021 at 10:55 am #

    Excellent essay, Mr. K.

    I am struggling to discern the overlay details of this hoax vs The Long Emergency. It is starting to take shape inside my head. Thanks for your synthesis and for the tireless contributions of many on this board.

    You have long advised interpersonal cooperation as essential for the loco-regional reset which must inevitably occur. I agree.

    What I do not know how to do is ‘cooperate’ with folks who cannot grasp the difference between weight and mass and behave as if ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ are equivalent expressions.

    Please advise.

    • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 11:08 am #

      Interpersonal relationships are a victim of the cyber world. Now that Covid is declining, one effect is the fact that people do not want to go back to work.

    • elysianfield July 19, 2021 at 11:35 am #

      “What I do not know how to do is ‘cooperate’ with folks who cannot grasp the difference between weight and mass and behave as if ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ are equivalent expressions.

      Please advise..

      Well, you can begin by being less…pedantic.

      • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:43 pm #

        The work is on him/us.

      • dr gonzo July 22, 2021 at 2:43 pm #

        Sure I am, ready to brag, using my knowledge to gain attention or seem better educated than folks around me. I get it, you’re a pedant, too.

        In the future when it comes to expending resources to so as to build a bridge or even – gasp – understand one another, accuracy in thought/word/deed won’t matter.

        At that point we will have jettisoned the laws or rules for doing everything, including those of physics and of language.

        Idiocracy. It is coming for you.

  20. stelmosfire July 19, 2021 at 11:06 am #

    “Back in the day, LSD trips were mostly a matter of personal choice.”

    Acid was kinda strong.

    I preferred ‘shrooms.i could grow them in my closet. I talked to God, ” Just like O.G.”

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    • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 11:30 am #

      Wow! That’s some disgusting strawman-building, there St EF.

      That’s not what I experienced or have said at all.

      May God bless you with Strength, Perseverance and Wisdom as we enter these Dark Times.

      • stelmosfire July 20, 2021 at 9:17 am #

        O.G. Yohannon , was Janos Skorensy, was Vlad Kranz He’s been here for years. Myself I was Rippedthunder . We all have alter egos.

    • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 11:34 am #

      There are no atheists in fox holes. Or at least very few.

      • elysianfield July 19, 2021 at 11:38 am #

        “There are no atheists in fox holes.”

        I would also assume that there are few gerbils in Atheist’s holes….

        • Hereward the Woke July 19, 2021 at 12:46 pm #

          No foxes either.

        • stelmosfire July 20, 2021 at 8:32 am #

          “God made man, Sam Colt made men equal, but John Browning keeps men free.”

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:49 pm #

      I dropped acid one evening 1st QTR freshman year then went to Russell Sage college in Troy, NY – an all girls school. We were four guys in a cafe surrounded by 50 young women. Their noise was deafening but the trip was in the order of… “Man, the grass is sooo green.’

      • Amman July 19, 2021 at 6:51 pm #

        (Went to visit, not attend.)

    • Rain Waters July 20, 2021 at 4:46 pm #

      Silly Simon said, “Graduate, Dont come around here no more”
      took some damn good fungi and its advice.

      • SpeedyBB July 23, 2021 at 5:38 am #

        “Silli soybeans” Lulu du Ulul, first wife, called them.

  21. PeteAtomic July 19, 2021 at 11:06 am #

    ” The long, strange trip sputters out. And then begins the long hard job of finding a way to live that actually makes sense. Hint: it’s smaller, slower, closer to home, and in many ways better.”

    Perhaps a Big Return of how things were pre-1945!

    Locally made dairy and bakery. Local breweries.

    A return to strong community based on strong local economy.

    I know for all the people shopping at Walmart at 1:30 a.m. this will be a big shock, but picking vegetables and fruit during the day will be much better for them, then their current lives of morbid obesity.

    • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 11:13 am #

      It took a hundred years to create the Happy Motoring paradigm that exists today.

      It will take the same to grieve the loss, which will be sudden, and then create an alternative way of transporting and communicating. Many people will die as society repositions itself.

      • PeteAtomic July 19, 2021 at 11:22 am #

        ya John

        America is a country full of very sick people who inhabit it. Diabetes, heart disease

        too much fat, sugar & salt.. too much shitty food

        The big killer will be starvation in the urban areas.

        • elysianfield July 19, 2021 at 11:48 am #

          “The big killer will be starvation in the urban areas.”

          Maybe not. The big killer in urban areas just might be your neighbors…hungry neighbors.

          • PeteAtomic July 19, 2021 at 12:23 pm #



          • malthuss July 19, 2021 at 1:30 pm #

            I had the same thought as I read his post.

          • BackRowHeckler July 19, 2021 at 3:19 pm #

            Urban dwellers don’t look like they’re missing too many meals, IMHO. Many are obese.

        • Redneck Liberal July 23, 2021 at 5:59 am #

          Surely, MaryQ’s & Narc Troll’s bioweapon vaccines will be quicker and more efficient?

      • abbybwood July 19, 2021 at 2:21 pm #

        Think of all the horses being slaughtered so the meat can be sent overseas.

        When will the insanity stop?

    • Beryl of Oyl July 19, 2021 at 11:29 am #

      Fresh milk in a glass bottle, there on your doorstep, along with the morning paper.

      What made us think we could do better?

      • PeteAtomic July 19, 2021 at 11:36 am #

        yes! ha ha

        glass bottles! just think of it

        • ThorsHammer July 19, 2021 at 4:14 pm #

          Re-usable glass bottles at that—.

          If distributors still had to use glass bottles they would find a way to make them so that crevices in the design would hold bacteria and sour milk so they had to be thrown away.

          • stelmosfire July 20, 2021 at 9:02 am #

            I always bottled my homebrew in 16 0z Carling Black Label bar bottles. Heavy cardboard cases. I would get them empty at the packy for 3 bucks a case with the deposit. The local saloon had them full for a buck and a half for a pint bottle full . Why did this disappear? the bottles had some tales to tell with all the scars.

      • thirdcoastlegend July 19, 2021 at 11:43 am #

        This reminds me of my thoughts that somehow, humankind has surpassed its optimal level of technological advancement.

        Or, alternatively, humankind’s technology has gone in actively harmful, rather than helpful directions.

      • abbybwood July 19, 2021 at 2:24 pm #

        With the cream settled on top.

        We loved the milkman in 1950’s summers when he gave us giant chunks of ice to chew on. Beautiful and clear. We’d hold them up and look at the leaves through them. Good times.

      • Rain Waters July 20, 2021 at 4:48 pm #


    • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 11:37 am #

      Remember the Milk Men? Or the Ice Men? Who want them back? Staring thru the windows at your mother? Are you crazy?

      • PeteAtomic July 19, 2021 at 11:44 am #

        ha ha


        maybe you’d prefer BLM activists, I don’t know

      • malthuss July 19, 2021 at 1:35 pm #

        Not really. Or not too well.

        Now we have the milk person, s/he works for Bezos.
        Postmates etc.

      • Rain Waters July 20, 2021 at 4:49 pm #

        not mine, he was my uncle Louis.

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 7:00 pm #

      I suspect it is quite possible. Pre-1945 means the US has no hands involved in other peoples dirty business and they run a tighter American ship then.

  22. rube-i-con July 19, 2021 at 11:14 am #

    Maricopa county election board member wrote the following in an October 22, 2020 email:

    “Next, we’ve heard you and we know youre hearing issues and concerns about the Sharpie Markers. Starting tomorrow, 10/23 and through 11/2m we are asking that Clerks hand voters BALLPOINT PENS ather than markers. We NEED to use Markers on Election Day, but for now and through 11/2, hand voters a Ballpoint Pen. You have plenty of pens in your supplies right now.”

    Why did they need to use markers on election day???

    the answer is obvious, thin non-authorised paper and bleedthrough

    • rube-i-con July 19, 2021 at 11:17 am #

      since Trump voters would overwhelmingly show up to vote in person

      • rube-i-con July 19, 2021 at 11:19 am #

        From Arizona’s own ballot instructions manual:

        ““DO NOT USE A SHARPIE,” “May Not Be Read By Tabulator””

        So their board of elections tells their state hack drones to hand out sharpies on election day……

        • rube-i-con July 19, 2021 at 11:30 am #

          “Ballots should be filled out with a black or blue ink pen. One bold line connecting the head and tail of the arrow is sufficient for a tabulation machine to count your vote. Do not use a marker or sharpie, since they tend to bleed through and will damage your ballot.”

          • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 11:39 am #

            And no hand sanitizer this time: Some faggots used so much that it gummed up the machine.

            The solution to the Covid Crisis?

            “Stop being a faggot” – Jair Bolsanaro, President of Brazil

          • Redneck Liberal July 23, 2021 at 6:01 am #

            SharpieGate 2.0. Goddam, this getting funnier by the minute!

    • Islander July 19, 2021 at 12:32 pm #

      “moving up the corporate medicine ladder, stabbing colleagues in the back, and stealing others’ research (think fauchi) than reading and studying. ”

      Yes, and how about actually practicing medicine????
      Face to face with patients?? Actually—gasp!!–knowing your patients and their histories? Maybe in their parents’ histories?

      Well, I guess that is just too much to ask of a GP.

      If you do get inside their office they spend the whole time staring at their computer screen trying to figure out something new they can test and charge you for . . .

      • Islander July 19, 2021 at 12:34 pm #

        Whoops, posted to wrong spot. Oh, well, . . .

        RE Sharpies, they have always been standard in my experience of using paper ballots all of my life, never any on-screen voting here in Mass.

        The ballpoint pen is a new one on me.

        And since when are Sharpies a controlled substance??

      • Islander July 19, 2021 at 12:39 pm #

        Re Dr. Simon Rushworth, he is also featured today at Lockdownsceptics.org, a good site to know about:


        I wonder whether they have changed their name to dailysceptic.org.
        I have it bookmarked as Lockdownsceptics.org and it works.

        Comments are also always worth a gander here. The nightmare in the UK is actually worse than in the USA!

        • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 6:25 pm #

          Yes, the US is still trailing Germany, UK, Australia, SAfrica, Canada, in the totalitarian take-over.

          The PTB seem incredibly desperate now.

        • Amman July 19, 2021 at 7:02 pm #

          Well, of course, UK is a small island. We have lakes the size of the UK over here. And the USA is a continent.

  23. PeteAtomic July 19, 2021 at 11:14 am #

    DJIA is down close to 800 points so far, and its 1112 EST.

    I’ve been listening to warning signals for many months, from many different financially-minded individuals out there. A good analogy I heard one say (I believe it was Robert Kiyosaki) was that the next crash is like an avalanche waiting for right snowflake to fall on it.

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 7:04 pm #

      Got news for you – DJI on its way to 40,000.

      • Rain Waters July 20, 2021 at 4:51 pm #

        for who ?

        • Amman July 20, 2021 at 6:46 pm #

          Pete Atomic.

  24. amb July 19, 2021 at 11:15 am #

    If one could purge all of the false, erroneous, and incomplete data… conspiracy and other nonsense… and, truly understood the actual mechanics of our fiscal and monetary systems here in the USA, and, had a basic grasp of the true principals of Economics– one wouldn’t be full of anxiety and worry about “the system collapsing”, “hyper-inflation” (which can never happen in a financial system like this one in the USA), “mad max scenarios”, etc.

    You’re being distracted and confused. This financial path that we are on in this country can continue to go on for a very long time. You have other priorities to be concerned with.

    Also, true wealth and survival-potential are composed of: water, food, shelter, medicine, tools, weapons/ammo, and the like.

    Governments and economic systems will come and go. Empires will continue to collapse and vanish.

    • PeteAtomic July 19, 2021 at 11:28 am #

      I understand economy as the production of goods & services.

      Is this wrong?

      • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 12:12 pm #

        In its purest sense, sure, that is as Good a definition as there is.

        Of course, we all know that from legislators, lawyers, accountants, tycoons, Wall St. shenanigans, tax Law, etc. that global “economy” became a fiat US Petro-dollar Ponzi Scheme.

        The Pyramid Capstone holds all the Real wealth while the genicide survivors will have hundreds of thousands and even millions of Confederate Dollars.

        Now we must “pay the piper.”


        There, RL, TS & St EF. There is another one of my predictions as I see what is coming and you scoff.

      • amb July 19, 2021 at 1:57 pm #

        There is no finite wrong/right. There are degrees of each. Seems like a decent definition to me. I might add… “and the trading or exchange of these goods & services for money or some other form of value.” I’m not an economist.

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 7:06 pm #

      I would add good movies.

  25. Delcimore July 19, 2021 at 11:18 am #

    A point of retrospect takes a while to develop, but finally someone has articulated the accelerating distrust of the people towards the institutions of media and government, laying the blame squarely and accurately at the feet of the offenders:

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  26. Jo-G July 19, 2021 at 11:23 am #

    “… emerging evidence of massive and widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election…”
    What evidence has emerged? I know they obtained mail-in and drop boxes by the fraudulent claim that in person voting is too dangerous but what came out of the Arizona audit? Anything?

    • rube-i-con July 19, 2021 at 11:39 am #


      “What evidence has emerged?”

    • draupnir July 19, 2021 at 1:49 pm #

      Are you kidding? This information is easily acquired. For starters, there were 74,000 mail-in ballots cast for which there was no record of them having been officially mailed out by the county. Where did these ballots come from? There are ballots printed on the wrong paper, lacking a watermark, and lacking a number that was included on proper ballots. There were votes, by people who were not registered until after the election, counted. There were votes counted that were received after the election. There were 18,000 votes counted, from people who were quietly removed from the voter roles after the election. It goes on and on.

      • Jo-G July 19, 2021 at 3:58 pm #

        I meant some official report from the Arizona election audit. Something the major news outlets cant deny. The English language CNN here calls the Arizona audit a “fraudit” or farce.

        • rube-i-con July 19, 2021 at 4:02 pm #

          the results released at the event the other day are just some preliminary findings, they have yet to detail the vote totals discrepancies and other facts

          those will come out in the official report

          it will be horrendous, based on these initial ghastly security etc. shortcomings

        • cbeard July 20, 2021 at 12:08 pm #

          What the hell do you expect from CNN?

  27. PeteAtomic July 19, 2021 at 11:31 am #

    Apart from what goes for “economy” in the US (the production of goods and services) which I’d argue is nascent

    Americans are going to face actual serious problems. Like, where do I find food and water (?)

    Particularly if you are in the western US.

    The MSM will pump more of its bullshit lies & race war crap as distraction. More fear of the Russians, etc

  28. getsome July 19, 2021 at 11:38 am #

    Excellent prose as usual James Howard: Twice jabbed limey minister tests positive. Now, either the jab is quite useless at preventing covid or the test is patently worthless at diagnosing, which it was NEVER intended for. All should be immune at this time to screams of “rising positive cases!!”.
    No vaccine has EVER survived several hundred attributed deaths, no less thousands, before being pulled. Does anyone think the CDC would error on the side of truthfulness on attribution of death to the jab? So multiply reported numbers accordingly. JAZ, when has a virus EVER been cured? Tamed yes, cured hell no! Interesting to observe defense mechanisms at play from an otherwise erudite contributor, but there it is on screen. I am also an RN and all the deaths attributed to covid around southern Virginia were old/obese/poor health. The 98/99% survival rate seems accurate vis-a-vis co workers contracting covid. From bad cold to BAD flu.
    What I cannot fathom is why the MIC is pushing a really bad experimental, untested drug on millions. The cull the heard to reduce our killing Mother Earth is pure toddler monster under the bed tripe. All that makes sense is money and so money it shall be.
    Friday’s ref to the U.N. had me rolling. Having seen these “warriors” in slow to no action, any U.N. “Takeover” would be destroyed by any street gang of dem city origin. Give me 15/20 motivated teens and we’d stop any U.seless (mentally) N.eutered convoy and take their equipment.
    If you don’t have it, move quick or suffer very shortly. As with wood for fuel, when you feel you have sufficient, double it. Nuff Said.

    • Beryl of Oyl July 19, 2021 at 11:48 am #

      It can be both. The shots are useless and the tests are a fraud.

      I don’t know why the idea of an experiment not working as hoped is so inflammatory to some people.

      • thirdcoastlegend July 19, 2021 at 11:58 am #

        Because cultists simply can’t stand having their beliefs in, “the science!” questioned.

        • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 12:28 pm #

          And their minds would snap if they logically accepted that Billy Gates’ nano-technology science is now micro-tearing their arteries lining and depositing in gloms on and in their internal organs.

          They Believed that a madman in a remote Afghan cave (Saudi elite, “ex-” CIA) pulverized 3 Manhattan skyscrapers with 2 airplanes and a NORAD stand-down 1 Tuesday.

          They Believed that Billy Gates loves them.

          They are poisoned morons.

          Nobody wants to hear that. I get it.


          “Don’t you think that it’s time for another jab already? All these people won’t take it. I’ll take it! I’ll take their dose! I’ll take their dose in a heartbeat! I would!

          Or … like … Fuck ’em! Regardless, us vaxxed deserve a booster-jab at the very least. Right? You want a booster-jab, Right? The guy at the Seven-11 is Just itchin’ fer a booster-jab! I was talking to him about that yesterday. We agreed that they shouldn’t make us wait any longer. ‘They should booster-jab us now!’ he was saying.

          Can’t argue with him.

          Anyway … Jabby jab jab jab jab. ‘OK ok ok Just a little pin prick. There’ll be no more “Aaaaaaaarrrrggggghhh!”‘

          Right? I sure would feel safer with a fresh jab. That’s all I’m sayin.’

          Fresh booster-jab!”

          • thirdcoastlegend July 19, 2021 at 1:19 pm #

            I have a terrible feeling something big is planned for the 20th anniversary of the 911 op.

            The controllers just love anniversaries.

    • Q. Shtik July 19, 2021 at 2:30 pm #

      Does anyone think the CDC would error on the side of truthfulness – getsome



      • stelmosfire July 20, 2021 at 9:43 am #

        Q, hows the scoot running. Did the ol’ lady take your keys away? I’ve not had the ’68 Bimmer out in a coupla’ years. Marlin’s got the Enfield up and running.

        • stelmosfire July 20, 2021 at 9:46 am #

          Any crashes to speak of? Black man encounters? Tell us about Pete.

    • draupnir July 19, 2021 at 6:16 pm #

      Money is, of course, nice, but control and power are better. Apparently they have developed a graphene-based, self-assembling neural net, that they expect will be very useful going forward. At least with regard to the people who survive the implantation. There is a paper on it from some time back. I’ll see if I can locate the video where it was mentioned. Such papers are hard to locate and are often hidden behind a paywall. Apparently, it was initially developed to modulate such things as epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease, replacing the more ponderous electrode devices used some years back.

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 7:12 pm #

      F in A.

      • Amman July 19, 2021 at 8:23 pm #


  29. Prospero July 19, 2021 at 11:39 am #

    I have been checking into some stock purchase opportunities and it looks like pharmaceutical manufacturers Pfizer and Moderna might present a very low risk factor during the current economic uncertainties.

    The experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccine drugs produced by Pfizer and Moderna instruct cells to make what is called a “spike protein” which is claimed to provide a way for your body cells to build a defense against the virus that causes COVID?19. The long term effects these radical new experimental drugs are unknown, yet these vaccines are promoted as being both “safe and effective.” Pfizer and Moderna have already made billions of dollars during the COVID pandemic and are sure to make many billions more in the near future.

    Pfizer and Moderna enjoy total immunity from liability if their experimental COVID drugs cause death, disabilities or other problems. Mandatory vaccinations for adults and children are now becoming a requirement for many jobs and for students attending certain schools. Many travel and social gathering restrictions for unvaccinated people also remain in place. Another distinct advantage these pharmaceutical companies enjoy is that the government, mass media and social media are currently censoring or banning reports of adverse reactions to all COVID vaccines.

    A door to door, vaccination campaign may soon become a reality, resulting in additional billions of dollars being spent on these experimental mRNA vaccines. The continual introduction of new COVID “varients” will allow Pfizer and Moderna to produce a wide variety of “booster” vaccines, resulting in many more billions of dollars in profits.

    I have ruled out Johnson and Johnson as a good investment due to their extremely poor management of vaccine production. A manufacturing subcontractor in Baltimore mixed ingredients from the coronavirus vaccines of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca. As a result, 15 million doses needed to be destroyed. It is unknown how many other flawed vaccines Johnson and Johnson produced and what damage they may have caused. Johnson and Johnson is currently considering bankruptcy proceedings due the many lawsuits which resulted from its asbestos-laden baby powder. The company has also recently been found to have cancer-causing Benzene contamination in its sunscreen. While Johnson and Johnson faces zero liability for whatever damage its experimental vaccines may cause, the company still has the legal responsibility of making sure that its other products are safe.

    • elysianfield July 19, 2021 at 12:31 pm #

      “I have been checking into some stock purchase opportunities ”

      The opportunity still exists to purchase stocks of food, barrels of diesel, personal defense items…the window for investment might close at any moment. One thing for certain…arbitraging opportunities abound.

      How to prosper during the coming hard times?

      Rule #1,,,stat away from crowds….

      • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 12:32 pm #

        Like a Washington Nationals’ baseball game, for example.

    • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 12:31 pm #

      Well done!

  30. Beryl of Oyl July 19, 2021 at 11:44 am #

    Karl Denninger has a lot of facts and commentary on the vaccines and scamdemic in one convenient article:

    Plenty of people have tried to discredit “hesitancy” with the Covid shots.

    Calling people “uneducated hicks” and similar slurs is unlikely to lead anyone to believe those pushing the shots, of course.

    Never mind the other lies.

    Oh yes, lies.

    The CDC famously testified before Congress that a mask was better than a vaccine in September of 2020. Had that been true there would have been no winter surge; compliance rates were higher than vaccine herd immunity requirements by far in basically every part of the nation. Yet the surge happened. The claim was false and there was zero accountability for that lie despite being an act of perjury and the hundreds of thousands of corpses generated by it.

    That wasn’t the only false claim. Psaki falsely claimed the other day the shots were “approved” by the FDA. Nope. They have EUAs, but not approvals. Yes, the makers want approvals (obviously) but the President, through his spokesperson, directly lied.


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    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 1:13 pm #

      Unbelievable what they continue to get away with. Simply stunning.

      • Amman July 19, 2021 at 7:14 pm #

        Stop being surprised. Or stunned. That’s so 2020, MQ

        • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 9:04 pm #

          Agree, I don’t know why I still am. I should be way more jaded by now.

          • Amman July 19, 2021 at 11:00 pm #

            Maybe so. Highly informed and skeptical should fit the bill.

  31. PeteAtomic July 19, 2021 at 11:46 am #

    I just figured out a new industry for Janos

    Using drones to deliver glass bottles of milk

    then no one would be staring at your mother thru the window!



    • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 11:50 am #

      You better not fly them over my house, or you’ll lose your bottles of milk.

    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 10:31 pm #

      Except the camera on the drone

  32. Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 11:48 am #

    Le Monde (google translation)

    Two Covid-19 vaccination centers were ransacked in less than 48 hours in France, over the weekend of July 16 to 18. In the department of Isère, a vaccination center was vandalized in Lans-en-Vercors during the night from Friday to Saturday, we learned from the mayor of this town, confirming information from the regional daily The Dauphiné freed.

    “The municipal building in which the vaccination center was installed is completely out of order, all fire-fighting systems have been opened,” explains the mayor of the city, Michaël Kraemer. Furniture, syringes and compresses were also ransacked.

    “1940”, “ARN = danger”, “Vaccine = genocide”: anti-vaccine inscriptions and crosses of Lorraine were also tagged on the building and the tourist office. “We make dubious and despicable shortcuts, it is a lack of culture and total respect for the history of Vercors,” high place of the maquis during the Second World War, denounces Mr. Kraemer.

    Yoho: If all the political parties support the Medical Tyranny, how can there be a political solution?

    • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 12:43 pm #

      The Romanticism of what those kids did in France! That was the meaning in life that I was looking for when I was 18 but all I got was Billy Idol dancing with himself.

      I was an oddball even then as I joined The Rat Race.

      They got everybody. 18 year-old gamers had Mom drive them to the Mall for their second dose weeks ago.

      2020 – Set trap
      2021 – Ensnare
      2022 – RL? TS? St EF?

      You see? It does not take a genius to witness God’s Word fulfilled. It’s easy.

      Repent your sins. Get Right with God. TruStory

      • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 2:25 pm #


        • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 8:05 pm #

          Jabby jab jab, RL. Right?

          “Little booster-jab. To be safe. From the Covids. el Jabarino. Jabfecta.

          Jab jabby jab jab jab jab jab.. Right?

          Boo Ster Jab! Boo Ster Jab! Why should we have to wait? Boo Ster Jabs for everyone! Especially me. Jab, jab, jab. Right?

          Don’t you wonder if they’re going to booster-jab us? And when? I sure do! Wonder, I mean. Like, why the delay? They got … it for people that don’t even want it! I’d take 1 jab in each shoulder if they let me. I would. Wouldn’t you? I sure would.

          Boo Ster Jab!”

          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 5:49 am #

            Are your meds no longer effective?

  33. JackStraw July 19, 2021 at 11:49 am #

    The breakdown of society is revealing itself in many ways. Here’s an interesting story of a restaurant on the Cape shutting down due to incredibly rude and aggressive customers, which was affirmed by other restaurants in the area.


    Cape Cod is so bad now that my elderly mother says she won’t drive anymore on weekends due to the increasing danger posed by tourist’s insane driving habits and their foul gestures.

    Stories like this are also becoming commonplace here in southern Maine. Civility is rapidly disappearing.

    • Beryl of Oyl July 19, 2021 at 12:32 pm #

      I’m only guessing, but it sounds like the obnoxious tourists may be from your basic Northeast Liberal Elites.

      • JackStraw July 19, 2021 at 1:07 pm #

        You’re absolutely right. It’s those lovely Boston and New York liberals practicing their ‘Love is Love’ mantra.

        • Amman July 19, 2021 at 7:19 pm #

          Usually tourists understand they can benefit from the kindness of strangers…

    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 1:04 pm #

      You have to take into consideration that people have gone through 1.6 years of touchless torture, and their brains/psyches have been forever altered. The ones acting out don’t get that, so they are always angry.

    • BackRowHeckler July 19, 2021 at 1:40 pm #

      Jack Straw

      Out on the Cape, do they still have that crazy suicide Lane on Rte. 6?

  34. lizharmon July 19, 2021 at 12:12 pm #

    Work is racist, a false constrict of the white, Eurocentric patriarchy. I don’t know any black people who believe this, unless they happen to be gender confused, too. The gender confused seem to have a problem with work.

    Saving is also wrong. W said that. Said the way we could support the war effort was to get out and spend. Idiot.

    …and thinking, too. No thinking unless it’s right thinking. No reading that EUA that says this vaccine is NOT APPROVED for general use and is available ONLY for emergency use.

    This ain’t my emergency. I’ve been living smaller and closer to home for years now. I’ve been growing food and opting out of woke culture and corporatism and fuck them all to hell.

    • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 12:27 pm #

      Look where the race origins were.

      The African continent provided most of what the humans needed, they did not have to work at it very hard to survive, same with the Natives of North America, or Australia or the East Indies. Most societies were Hunter gatherer until contact with European folks in the 1500 to present.

      Most of the Northern hemisphere, IOW most of the humanized earth, humans had to contend with seasons, freezing temperatures, and their effects on food supply. It is not surprising that most technical innovation over the millennia came fro Europe and East Asia. Neanderthals have been counted as dumb for a long time, BUT could it be that they taught the Homo Sapiens group how to survive in Europe and just interbred with them. We may owe our present Caucasian nature to that blend.

      • gustafson.robert.22 July 19, 2021 at 12:39 pm #

        It’s about time to start seeing the shadow-side of technical innovation, don’t you think? The australian aborigines had a vibrant, stable culture for tens of millennia. European technological civilization is hitting the skids with absurdly disastrous results at 5 centuries. Who wins? Time for “conservatives” to man-up on these comparisons and show a capaciity to raise the mind from the muck of familiar and unsustainable prejudices. If this post sounds “leftist” and “blame whitey” to you…you YOU just may be a prime example of contemporary conservatism’s impotence, intellectual contradictions and failure to confront much less solve contemporary problems

        • SW July 19, 2021 at 2:48 pm #

          Things could be worse:

          “Senior police leadership became political appointees selected for loyalty rather than competence. The end result is a shoddy police force that kills people with hammers for violating COVID-19 lockdowns but abandons the population in the face of lethal riots.”

          This is in South Africa. Their “New Normal.”


        • rube-i-con July 19, 2021 at 3:05 pm #



        • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 3:49 pm #

          “Vibrant” – they hunted people from other tribes as game. Sometimes ate their own newborns as well.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 19, 2021 at 9:56 pm #

            “so what” to both in the right circumstance.

            a simple, shallow comment here

          • malthuss July 20, 2021 at 12:00 am #

            u mentioned that about Abos and how the czar their apologized to them for takin the babies away from them. good c—-.

        • Anthea July 19, 2021 at 5:29 pm #

          I don’t know much about Australian Aborigines, but I think you’d have a hard time making a case that African blacks had a “vibrant, stable culture for tens of millennia.”

          European whites probably also had, in general, a “vibrant, stable culture for tens of millennia.” They too were hunter-gathers during much of that time, or semi-sedentary pastoralists, or early argiculturists.

          These European white cultures probably, for the most part, compared favorably to African culture over the same period. (Tens of millennia is a LONG time, and much depends on time and place.) I don’t think we can know that for sure.

          What European whites DID do was advance technologically, domesticating livestock, including the horse, inventing the wheel and wheeled conveyances, building seaworthy boats, and gradually advancing in metalurgy, architecture, mathematics, and the development of a written language.

          I’m not sure I susbscribe to the belief that these advances were the result of cold-climate survival demands–or at least not wholly.

          I do feel fairly confident in the belief that more advanced societies are “better” and more prosperous–and that this “noble savage” idea that gets so much promotion is mostly horseshit. Here in the US, much of this nonsense is promoted about Native Americans, mostly by Hollywood, when any kind of realistic overview of much of Native American culture shows them to have had little going for them in that department.

          Europeans may not have been any better–though I suspect that they were, overall, at least marginally better culturally, being at least in possession of (and often guided or restrained by) decently humane religious and philosophical tenets. More primitive cultures did not even have that.

          We also see that African blacks and Australian aborigines do not seem to be able to master these advances or the skills that gave rise to them, even when they’re on offer. I’m speaking here as a former teacher who taught in an urban black school district for many years. In a typical 11th grade class, more than half of the kids–maybe as many as 80%–could not read. If a kid can’t read after 12 years in school, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that they are simply not able–though there is a percentage of them that ARE able. I suspect they couldn’t do basic arithmetic either, though I have no direct knowledge of that.

          What should our attitude be to large groups of people who are, in the context of a modern technological society, very low-functioning? This winds up being a moral question, I think.

          There really isn’t any “shadow side” to technology. There is a shadow side to humans.

          • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 9:28 pm #

            Bravo. Making excuses for Blacks is a full time job. They lived in the Tropics! The Jungle! Well other people lived in the tropics and built civilizations. The Maya and the Khymers of Southeast Asia being just two. They didn’t have to? Maybe they wanted to.

            Human Life is more than just reaction to one’s environment a la Darwin or Boas.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 19, 2021 at 9:33 pm #

            This is certainly a very typical outlook you outline.

            However, this blog’s author does not take this typical, i’ll even say hopelessly cliched approach and does not hold the technological “advancement” of western culture in much esteem, in fact blames much of contemporary cultural problems specifically on this (so-called) advancement. Personally, i would probably go even further than he does.

            White pride should not be based on technological successes, in my opinion. Viking exploits, yes. The reindeer herders of northern sweden, yes. Contemporary techno-society, no.

            “Noble savage” exaggerations are an error only in so much as they sugar-coat realities of primitive people. Writing off serious sustainable culture achievements primitive peoples as “noble-savage-ism” is the worst kind of simple-mindedness…a perfect example of the flavor of “contemporary conservatism” i was criticising in my post. In fact, you yourself seem to be a perfect example of the generalities i was criticizing.

            Also, there are plenty of particular african tribal societies with equivalent cultural achievements to native americans, australian aborigines, papua new guineans, as well as the norwegian primitive tribes, the amazonian, all of them.

            One last thing…for you…fuck the god-damn wheel. The wheel in nothing

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 19, 2021 at 9:34 pm #

            the wheel is nothing

          • malthuss July 20, 2021 at 12:01 am #

            The australian aborigines had a vibrant, stable culture for tens of millennia.

            –how so? sleeping in ditches, 3 dog nites?

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 20, 2021 at 2:17 am #

            art, food, nature, family. What more do you want? Thucidides? Mass-production? Little debbie products? Engineered viruses?

          • Islander July 20, 2021 at 8:37 am #

            Encounters between more and less technologically advanced cultures and groups had been taking place for millennia before Europeans managed to cross the Atlantic and also to reach islands in the Pacific. (It is ironic, or paradoxical, that Pacific Islanders possessed the “technology” to make vast passages in the Pacific.)

            I am not a huge fan of Jared Diamond, but I think his main thesis in Guns, Germs, and Steel makes sense: That there was ongoing cross-fertilization of cultures on the Eurasian land mass and this accounts for most of the technical progress made in both China and Europe.

            When Euroupeans crossed the Atlantic they encountered cultures that were generally less advanced except that some were advanced in remarkable ways, even though they did not have the wheel. It seems that some of the most advanced were basically slave societies (Incas).

            This post has gotten longer than I planned. The main point is that the encounter between North American and European culture and society was inevitable. From my reading it seems that virtually all of the Indian societies wanted to acquire the new European artifacts such as guns, copper pots, etc. A portion of them also wanted to acquire the cultural advances: reading, arithmetic, knowledge of history. Many of the women wanted to learn to spin and weave—European textiles were major advances in quality of life in the context of child care. They also grasped that you couldn’t just take what you wanted and continue with the earlier way of life. This was a clock that could not be turned backward.

            But a portion of them only wanted the material advances and weren’t interested in learning to read, etc. This resulted in horrible internal clashes last lasted from the late 17th century up until the the era after the Civil War. These different factions became entangled in the struggles between different groups of Europeans on the American continent. The whites–often missionaries and other religious— who wanted to ensure a decent deal for Indians were soon overwhelmed by land hunger of those who streamed into the continent after the American Revolution, at a time when “the frontier” was western Virginia, Georgia, etc. and “the west” was western Arkansas, Missouri, east Texas, etc.

            A really wonderful book that presents these dilemmas of the Native Americans who were “discovered” by Europeans via the story of two leading Cherokee families (lots of documentation but reads like a novel) is John Ehle’s The Trail of Tears: The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation.

            The Cherokees were not all saints and victims. Native Americans understood power struggles very well. There were also among them ambitious demagogues who used the situ to channel resources to themselves and their clans, kept slaves, etc.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 20, 2021 at 9:25 am #

            I like your post islander. Guns germs and steel is primary reading for me.

            He presents the contact of Native american culture and European culture in the 15th century as inevitable, and inevitably disadvantageous for the natives…disease being the number one factor among many. I absolutely agree. However, it does not argue for European cultural superiority…only the inevitability, and super-human (beyond human) causality of history.

            Native americans are perfect examples of all humanity…we are all savages and none are naturally noble. However, when you judge economic and societal structures against each other, you can conclude things about which is closer to an ideal societal mode for human life. Primitive cultures such as many North american cultures (though not all, certainly not the Mayans for instance), in my opinion, are categorically superior to European technological civilization on economic and societal terms – on the basis of quality of life and sustainability/longevity.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 20, 2021 at 9:29 am #

            …which are the ultimate terms…

          • Anthea July 21, 2021 at 12:31 am #

            In reply to Yohannon:

            Blacks’ low IQ scores are often attributed, by their apologists, to the cultural bias of the tests. The problem with that argument is that blacks appear to be almost the only racial/ethnic group on the planet that are thus handicapped.

          • Anthea July 21, 2021 at 1:27 am #

            In reply to Gustafson:

            The reason African blacks and Australian aborigines did not advance technologically was/is due to sheer, stark intellectual incapacity–which is observable and verifiable today, both by IQ testing and by their manifest inability to master abstract subjects like math, or, in many cases, to even learn to read.

            Whites of European extraction do, for the most part, have these intellectual capabilities. They are not only able to gain at least a basic mastery of reading, mathematics, and logic/reason, but also able to innovate by working from these foundations.

            Your notion that intellectual capacity is no better than–and perhaps even inferior to–an intellectual deficit is not very persuasive.

            Capability is always better than incapability. It is certainly true that intellectual capabilities can be misused and can have negative applications. Unfortunately–and, as a matter of fact, manifestly–intellectual incapability and deficit also leads to a rather bad place. I would go so far as to say that intellectual deficit and incapability will and does lead to a far worse place. I think all of us know this from both broad real-world observation and from personal experience.

            Many of us have neighbors or even family members with intellectual deficits. They can be quite pleasant people (if they are carefully trained). We also know that they would come to grief if left to their own devices, and will inevitably have a life-long status as dependents on others.

            Intellectual deficits are an unqualified “bad thing.” Intellectual competence is, in itself, an unqualified good a superior thing.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 21, 2021 at 5:05 am #

            Anthea can’t even entertain the idea that other cultures simply are not interested in or aroused by his precious mathematics and other SUBJECTS.


            “You’re unconcerned with my glorious TEXTBOOKS? YOU HAVE NO INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT YOU BEAST!”

          • Islander July 21, 2021 at 8:15 am #

            Gustafson, “…which are the ultimate terms…”

            Which would seem to lead directly to population controls.

            Even with the “tread lightly on the land” way of life of Native Americans they majorly affected the surrounding ecosysystems that supported them—that they had to defend against one another their hunting and gathering territories.

            Hence the importance of the warrior culture.

            I admit to knowing (a bit) more about these issues from my reading basically about the Indians of the Northeast and Southeast. Things probably looked a lot different in the Northwest with the incredible abundance of fish and the much more unforgiving Southwest. Perhaps the California Indians had it best!

            There is evidence that Indians of New England were already under population pressure before colonists arrived (analysis of layers of middens, etc.). That is, also before the plague caused by some unknown earlier European contact (fishermen?) that had already depopulated the area.

            An excellent discussion, very readable, of the differences in the ways Indians and English viewed and used the land in the Massachusetts area is William Cronon’s Changes in the Land.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 21, 2021 at 11:02 am #

            Yes. Really, population pressures are a constant possibility for every species. Only deluded societies deny it. Rather live in one that acknowledges the dangers of overpopulation and has traditional behaviors to keep them under control…as opposed to our culture of total denial of a fundamental reality of life on earth.

          • Anthea July 21, 2021 at 3:30 pm #

            @ Gustafson:

            “Anthea can’t even entertain the idea that other cultures simply are not interested in or aroused by his precious mathematics and other SUBJECTS.


            It isn’t that they are “not interested in or arounsed by” abstract subjects. The are simply incapable of comprehending or mastering them, due to cognitive deficits.

            Mathematics, reason and logic, and the scientific method are tools–very valuable tools with limitless practical applications. They are also, and equally importantly, tools for apprehending truth and engaging with reality. They rid the mind of all manner of falsehoods, stupidities, fanciful and wishful thinking, superstittions, gullibility, and emotionalism.

            To argue that this is undesirable is like arguing that humans should never have learned to make fire, and that those who couldn’t figure it out were somehow superior to those who could. Because mastery of tools = BAD. Mental incapacity = GOOD.

            You can look at Africa and see that mental deficiency just does not lead to a good place either culturally or practically, as is also evident with black “culture” in the US.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 21, 2021 at 6:19 pm #


            I’m not opposed to nuance on these issues. I don’t assume every race and lineage of humans is perfectly equal in capacity necessarily. However, your the outlook you describe is the most blunt cliche of a white “racist”…straight out of 1925.

            I think you are simply dead wrong. In large part these people are not interested in western learning. What will they gain personally? Little. On top of that, it’s an admission of cultural defeat.

            Also…you utterly leave out in the most shameless way …these cultures, especially in Africa, are scarred beyond recognition by European colonialist centuries.

            So you’re trying to teach math to people whose cultures have been uprooted entirely for centuries by …you (whites)…and to people who also have next to no motivation to give a shit about your math class.

            You really need to update your incredible myopia

      • messianicdruid July 19, 2021 at 6:33 pm #

        JohnAZ said, “We may owe our present Caucasian nature to that blend.”

        We are called caucasians because our forefathers were travelling through the Caucausus Mountains on the way to “the Isles”. The people that were already there assumed these new people from the SE were from that area so they called them caucasians, and the name stuck.

        “Whereas thou sawest that he gathered another peaceful company, those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of Hosea, the king whom Shalmaneser, the king of Assyria, led away captive; and he carried them away into another land. But they took counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind [ awdawm ] dwelt, that they might keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land. And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow passage [ the gate ] of the river. For the Most High then showed signs for them, and held still the flood till they were passed over, for through that country was a great way to go, namely a year and a half. The same region is called Asaareth [ Ararath, Ararat, Amenia – different forms of the same word ].”

        • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 9:30 pm #

          We are a People who shall dwell alone. Adulteration of our sacred Blood being an unforgivable sin.

      • Socrates-Detroit July 19, 2021 at 10:20 pm #

        FYI, it seems to me the Northern Europeans were pretty much living in darkness until the Romans opened their eyes.

        I’m hard pressed to think of any significant contributions, or great cities or centers of civilization in Northern Europe before the Middle Ages. Please feel free to share. It is quite possible, I am simply ignorant.

        One the other hand, most everyone in this space will know of some, or all of the following:

        The Romans owed a great deal to, and sought to emulate, the ancient Greeks.

        Athens built the Acropolis 2500 years ago.

        Persia was a great civilization. Babylon.

        Ancient Israel and Egypt.

        We know all about them.

        India had a sophisticated civilization (though I know little of it).

        In a world where distances where much bigger, China was the Asian equivalent of the Roman Empire, and the two were separated by thousands of miles, with Persia and India in between.

        Every entity I mentioned above, except for parts of China, has warmer weather than northern Europe.

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 7:26 pm #

      Many blacks are embarrassed at some of the sh-t that is being posted in office web pages on racism without any prompting from a legitimate black source. It’s just so fake. But it’s like, OK let’s go along to get along… but to a point.

  35. MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 12:17 pm #

    Most excellent offering today, James, thank you!

    “Countries with the highest vaccination rates are showing the most new Covid cases.”

    One would think that this would be the headline splashed across the news sites. But there’s that pesky narrative they need to stick to, that ‘vaccines are safe’.

    I do feel like I’m on acid every time I see any ‘news’ reports these days. The surreal aspect of it has hit an all-time high.

    And, what exactly are ‘cases’? We know the PCR test is flawed to the point of being useless. I would like to know how they are detecting these ‘cases’. If they are using the word to describe people who are sick after the jab, that would seem to be vaccine injury, not a ‘case.’ I wish there were some clarity there.

    It does appear that muddying the waters has been the real goal of the covid19 hoax engineers from the beginning.

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    • JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 12:30 pm #


      It allows both groups, Covid ears and anti Covid ears, vaxxers and anti-vaxxers to spout their BS without any info to back them selves up.


      • Hereward the Woke July 19, 2021 at 12:54 pm #

        JohnAZ. “It allows both groups…to spout their BS…” You’re half right.

        • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 1:06 pm #


  36. lost-in-north-dakota July 19, 2021 at 12:45 pm #

    A statistic that gets cited often on cable news, is that among people currently hospitalized with covid-19, something like 99% of the patients were not vaccinated. Comments, please.

    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 1:06 pm #

      They’re flat out lying as they have been since Day 1.

    • Slugoon July 19, 2021 at 1:14 pm #

      When somebody wants to exaggerate something they say 99%. Never 85% or 97%, always 99%. Even if unvaccinated people were dying in larger numbers, which they aren’t, would you expect the figure to be 99% or does that sound like unsubstantiated bullshit to you?

      In England and Wales, 63% of people dying with the Delta variant have been vaccinated, and 36% unvaccinated.

      Source: SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England – Technical briefing 18 published by Public Health England.

      • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 9:06 pm #

        Great point, Slugoon. They don’t even try really. Because they don’t need to. People lap up whatever the TV sqawking heads say.

  37. Prospero July 19, 2021 at 12:49 pm #

    Oh no! I missed getting the $50 California vaccine virtual cash card by 1day! Darn!

    “Not yet vaccinated? Now’s the time. Get your vaccination by July 18 to get a $50 card! Choose between a $50 virtual cash card, Kroger card, or Albertsons card.

    You’re eligible to receive a $50 card if you:

    Live in California,
    Are aged 12 and older,
    And start your vaccination between May 27 and July 18.”


    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 1:07 pm #

      I’m sure there are still many incentive programs available. They seem to be more desperate than ever.

      • Prospero July 19, 2021 at 1:16 pm #

        Maybe California will reinstate the vaccine lottery. This comes from an article dated June 15, 2021:

        “California Gov. Gavin Newsom ushered in the state’s reopening Tuesday and selected 10 more vaccine lottery winners in an event held at Universal Studios Hollywood.

        Each winner will receive $1.5 million for a total of $15 million.

        “We have the biggest cash giveaways and biggest prizes,” Newsom said.”


        • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 5:36 pm #

          And it’s all illegal.

        • Amman July 19, 2021 at 7:37 pm #

          Universal studios, no less. A spectacle that can be described as the withering heights of lunacy. Or as the opening scene from a “Grim’s deadly tales.” How will this time be seen 20 years from now?

          • Rain Waters July 20, 2021 at 5:08 pm #

            as a civilization amusing itself to death perhaps ?

          • Amman July 20, 2021 at 6:45 pm #

            @Rain waters Amusement to death? Scary thought.

  38. sprawlcapital July 19, 2021 at 1:00 pm #

    “Joe Biden” recently stated that the unvaccinated are killing people, On what evidence he bases this, I do not know.

    It’s probably as safe to make such a statement as it is to say the 2020 election was the most secure in history.

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 7:39 pm #

      If they try this tack, can it end well?

    • Prospero July 20, 2021 at 3:27 am #

      Nov 5, 2020 — Joe Biden said: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

  39. UrbanHick July 19, 2021 at 1:07 pm #

    Jim, I’ve gone to trusting what you had to say on urban design to fact checking everything you say the way I do forwarded emails from my octogenarian father.


    “Deaths reported to VAERS are not a “death toll.” The database includes all serious adverse events following vaccination against COVID-19 — regardless of whether the vaccines are to blame. There have been more deaths reported to VAERS following COVID-19 vaccination than for other vaccines, but experts told USA TODAY that’s not because the vaccines are deadly. Anti-vaccine advocates have erroneously cited the database for decades.”

    “After someone receives a COVID-19 vaccine, their healthcare provider is required by law to report all serious adverse health events, even if the provider does not think the vaccine caused that event. These events can include death, inpatient hospitalization or a serious case of COVID-19. That reporting protocol is due to the fact that the FDA authorized the COVID-19 vaccines for emergency use.”

    And it mentions:

    “Perhaps most notably, Fox News host Tucker Carlson featured the number of deaths reported to VAERS in a May 5 segment of “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

    Is that where you’re getting your info?

    I’m glad to hear COVID deaths are low. (Assuming that’s correct, but I’ll also want to fact-check that when I get a chance.) But you know when else they were low? In February and March of 2020.

    And that was when we had a far less contagious version of the bug than the delta variant.

    I’d be happy to leave unvaccinated people to their own devices but my concern is that all these unvaccinated people are going to breed an even more vigorous variant that blooms and blossoms and tears right through the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations alike.

    Spreading unchecked like lies on the internet.

    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 1:09 pm #

      So the jabbed at Micky D’s and Disneyland have medical follow-up? Kinda doubt that.

    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 1:09 pm #

      All of your information is false. Because you get it from the people who are making money hand-over-fist convincing you to take their poison.

    • JackStraw July 19, 2021 at 1:14 pm #

      Are you aware that only 6% of reported Covid deaths are actually due to Covid?

      The current tally for deaths in the US is 613,086, which means only 36,785 people have died from Covid.

      Keep living in fear and believing the lies.

    • Slugoon July 19, 2021 at 1:49 pm #

      Well how about applying the same standards to Covid deaths where any death within 28 days of a positive test is classed as a Covid death regardless of whether Covid is to blame? Maybe if we did that the unchecked lies would even out, huh?

      If you want facts then you may also be interested in the fact that the Delta variant has been cited in more deaths in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated in England & Wales. Sorry if that doesn’t fit your own narrative.

      And have you given any thought to the possibility that mass vaccination itself has caused these so-called variants?

    • Night Owl July 19, 2021 at 2:53 pm #

      The Ghoul returns.

      • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 5:36 pm #

        I was just gonna say…

        • Night Owl July 19, 2021 at 6:01 pm #

          Pure mental illness.

          It would be sad, except it is Tekapo/Carghoul.

          It is therefore hilarious.

          • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 6:14 pm #

            It really is. Notice how this time he tried to be a little more subtle, so that his ass didn’t get tossed. LOL

          • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 10:52 pm #

            I think he also might be UrbanHick.

          • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 5:05 am #

            My post was in reference to “Urban Hick”


          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:09 pm #

            Oh sorry I meant he might also be that Mike guy.

          • Redneck Liberal July 23, 2021 at 6:07 am #

            July 20, 2021 at 11:09 pm #
            Oh sorry I meant he might also be that Mike guy.

            Yeah, well, Narc Troll is always finding spies in the woodpile. He’s 99.99999% wrong, in my experience…so don’t feel bad about he confuses you, MaryQ

    • Jo-G July 19, 2021 at 4:22 pm #

      ” all these unvaccinated people are going to breed an even more vigorous variant that blooms and blossoms and tears right through the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations alike. ”

      What is the selector mechanism operable in the untreated but inoperable in the treated? Since the treated are supposed to have acquired some suppression mechanism, I can understand that the treated would be the breeding ground for a variant that avoids that suppression mechanism. It is like prostitutes who take daily antibiotics to avoid bacterial STDs becoming the source for antibiotic resistant strains.

  40. thirdcoastlegend July 19, 2021 at 1:24 pm #

    Highly vaxxed Israel bans entry for vaxxed tourists:


    You just can’t make this stuff up anymore.

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    • malthuss July 19, 2021 at 1:31 pm #


      • Amman July 19, 2021 at 7:44 pm #

        It’s all trans-ggresive is why.

    • Slugoon July 19, 2021 at 1:43 pm #

      Hmmm, took 120 people there last Thursday. Maybe they were all locals, I didn’t look too hard.

      It will be interesting to see how the media spins the Israel situation.

    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 5:48 pm #

      Completely cuckoo.

  41. Blackbird July 19, 2021 at 1:29 pm #

    Slow, small, and close to home. Ultimately, what else can the individual/family/small community do but unplug from the matrix and begin the long, slow, slog toward self-sufficiency? But for every varmint-chasin’, hail-cursin’, tomato-canner, there are 3 or 4 sages tut-tutting and warning of approaching doom from the cities. Strangely, I never hear any useful suggestions from those who warn against the folly of attempting self-sufficiency. Curl up and die maybe?

    We’re not all Amish out here in flyoverland. A lot of folks with more weapons than patience. Got a stranger in the melon patch? Well step on out there and say “Howdy”, then chamber a round. That interlopin’ sumbitch might not be able to add nothin’ and nothin’ but he’ll learn some manners while setting a record for the hundred yard dash. So he shows up with some friends next time… A gun battle sounds quite different from target shootin’. Your neighbors will hear the noise and realize Tourist Season has begun. Folks in the cities keep sendin’ ‘em, folks in the country keep shootin’ ‘em. Slow, small, and close to home – life and death during the last gasps of the American Empire.

    • Wizard of the Saddle July 19, 2021 at 2:14 pm #

      This is exactly how that’ll play out.

      Best advice for Big City Wokesters: Stay put. Don’t come prowling ‘round small town America in “flyover country” for supplies. Otherwise you may learn just how “deplorable” our response can be.

      • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 3:55 pm #

        And stop going into minority areas and taking their vaccines.

    • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 3:58 pm #

      People want to meet Ellie Mae, but instead they’ll run into Jethro on acid playing with his AR-15.

      • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 5:49 pm #


    • Trean July 19, 2021 at 5:50 pm #

      You know if you shoot them straight off their friends won’t find out where to show up for a fight. You’ll also gain 150lbs of good compost able fertilizer. Better to expend 1 bullet than have to use a hundred.

      • Blackbird July 19, 2021 at 10:25 pm #

        Yeah, I know, but it’s always so hard to shoot the first one. I mean it was just a melon, or two – ok three, and…


        Trean: You were sayin”?

        Me: I’ll get the shovel.

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 7:48 pm #

      I personally think many large cities might be cucked. But its a big country that can re-invent.

      • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 9:35 pm #

        How about your country in the Deep South stretching from Georgia to New Orleans? With Atlanta as the capital and Louis Farakhan as your first president or king?

        • Amman July 19, 2021 at 11:06 pm #

          Lol. Yeah, right. Got any suggestions for names for this place?

          • Rain Waters July 20, 2021 at 5:13 pm #

            Johanasberg of curse

          • Amman July 21, 2021 at 2:17 am #

            Guess the South will rise again.

  42. Billingsgate July 19, 2021 at 1:31 pm #

    Yes, Joe headpiece-filled-with-straw Biden was a brilliant choice to be figurehead of these marvels. Gotta hand it to them.

    • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 3:57 pm #

      Oz never gave nuthin to the spin man
      That he didn’t already have.

    • Amman July 21, 2021 at 2:18 am #

      Hollow man.

  43. 100th Avatar July 19, 2021 at 1:32 pm #

    “CBS 60-Minutes led its Sunday night show with more Covid scare stories.”

    OK Boomer

    CBS is nothing but a vehicle for prescription peddlers.
    Has been for a long time.

    They know their demographic intimately.

    Old people on the top of life’s escalator.
    Next stop: ever-after.

    Sitting at the breakfast table with the S-M-T-W-TH-F-SA med dispenser.
    Now 6” deep per day.

    • thirdcoastlegend July 19, 2021 at 1:54 pm #

      The volume of Big Pharma advertising in the MSM is unbelievable.

      You’d think people would catch on.

      You’d be wrong.

    • Q. Shtik July 19, 2021 at 3:01 pm #

      Sitting at the breakfast table with the S-M-T-W-TH-F-SA med dispenser. – 100th


      OMG! this is sooo true. Peter’s med dispenser has 4 rows each with a slot for each day of the week: morning, lunchtime, before dinner, after dinner. I shit you not.

      • Q. Shtik July 19, 2021 at 3:03 pm #

        In case I’m confusing you…the whole plastic dispenser has 28 pill slots.

        • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 4:00 pm #


          • Blackbird July 19, 2021 at 4:48 pm #

            There’s “I love Big Brother”, then there’s “4×7=82”.

          • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 9:37 pm #

            By Rosicrucian addition (base 10): 8+2=10 and 1+0=1

            There is only ONE, Nightbird!

          • Blackbird July 19, 2021 at 9:52 pm #


            Four times seven really equals 1. And nothing equals more than 9. Now I don’t have to take my shoes off to do math.

          • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 11:40 pm #

            Yes. Now 9/11 – equaling 20 and thus 2. Eternal duality, separation from God. Satanism.

            And if one used Q’s grammar and got 28, it would come out the same as 82.

            Keep your toes just in case. Be practical.

  44. malthuss July 19, 2021 at 1:33 pm #

    This is for Heckler and Yohannon and whoever wants it,

    I have read some of Magnus Hirshfeld’s work (I can’t remember the title) but he literally talks about the strong powerful Transgender German soldiers (and also the black and women soldiers) defending Germany on the western front (though I do recall he did say that most them were terrible soldiers). It reminded me so much of current woke advertisements (e.g. CIA recruitment ads).


    • malthuss July 19, 2021 at 1:33 pm #


      • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 7:40 pm #

        Cheers, Malth!

        • malthuss July 20, 2021 at 12:09 am #

          our JQ is 150.

  45. Not_GeorgeT July 19, 2021 at 1:38 pm #

    “The long, strange trip sputters out. And then begins the long hard job of finding a way to live that actually makes sense. Hint: it’s smaller, slower, closer to home, and in many ways better.”

    Sound to me a lot like what I’ve read in some books.

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    • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 4:03 pm #

      Slow food restaurants in Willoughby. Takes an hour to get served and another hour to eat. Not busy. Too slow. Most people prefer faster and simpler, like peanut butter on bread.

      • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 6:28 pm #

        In Willoughby a man can slow down to a walk and live life full-measure.

        • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 9:40 pm #

          One Crusader commander had his man cut a chair in twain with his broadsword. In response, Saladin had his man float a feather that he caught with his scimitar, cutting the feather in twain.

  46. Slugoon July 19, 2021 at 1:38 pm #

    Jim, you can make that line between Montauk and the Farallon Islands into a great circle and spin it, gimbal-like, any which way around the globe. The insanity is everywhere.

    I’ve been chatting to quite a few people recently about vaccinations. Nobody I’ve spoken to has been bothered about me not having one but a great number of them admit to having had it purely in the hope of avoiding travel restrictions or any of the other increasingly heavy-handed tactics being employed, not because they have any fear of a virus. How screwed up is that?

    Meanwhile, we are celebrating “Freedom Day” here in the UK with the delicious irony that our Prime Minister and Health Secretary (double-jabbed, of course) are both locked in their houses isolating. Roll on that seismic systemic shock.

  47. malthuss July 19, 2021 at 1:39 pm #


    Two centuries ago Sarah Baartman died after years spent in European “freak shows”.

    Now rumours over a possible Hollywood film about Baartman’s life have sparked controversy.

    Sarah Baartman died on 29 December 1815, but her exhibition continued.


  48. wm5135 July 19, 2021 at 1:41 pm #

    “The trouble is: narrative is not the truth.” JHK

    Just what did people think George H.W. Bush had in mind when he spoke the words “New World Order”?

    Just who did people think Gingrich and Kissinger were defining when they spoke of the “Useless Eaters”?

    Why do so many people believe the narrative they have lived and acted out in the late 20th and early 21st centuries is a life raft and not a pair of concrete sneakers?

    What is the difference between Afghanistan and the United States? The citizens of Afghanistan are willing to die for their children’s future and the citizens of the United States are looking for the highest bidder.

    • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 6:35 pm #

      SNL 1988:

      Dana Carvey as GHWB: “A thousand points of light. Stay the course. A thousand points of light.”

      John Lovitz as George Dukakis: “I can’t Believe I’m losing to this guy!”

    • Rain Waters July 20, 2021 at 5:17 pm #

      welcome to Kabul then, enjoy your stay.

  49. BackRowHeckler July 19, 2021 at 1:59 pm #

    I saw that link you posted yesterday Malth.

    I doubt any film about Sarah Baartman would be a blockbuster. She’s not exactly a heroic figure. No doubt a movie featuring this woman would be more about racism and colonialism than anything else. Having said that, circus and carnival sideshows from back in the day that featured ‘freaks’ (mostly people physically and intellectually handicapped)? appealing to the pruriently voyaristic, were both cruel and crude.

    This poor woman was shown around the UK, the promoters made a few bucks, and she died at age 26.

    Malthus, LA is in lockdown apparently. What’s that mean for you, personally? Can you still shop for groceries, order in a restaurant etc. Also, the tens of thousands of homeless people on LA streets, how are they ‘Locking Down’?


    • Blackbird July 19, 2021 at 4:33 pm #

      The Sarah Baartman movie will be a blockbuster and you will love it – or else. Even more popular – and inspiring- than Black Panther. Rave reviews from all the critics. Scoopin’ up awards like a giant pelican. The question is, now as it was over two hundred years ago, how to get a piece of that action.

      • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 9:41 pm #

        Big and Black is the new beauty standard. Maximum junk in the truck. Start eatin’ girls.

        • Blackbird July 19, 2021 at 10:12 pm #

          And for girls who just ain’t got the time to pack the trunk, there are butt-lifts. The mobile clinics (guy in a van in the Walmart parking lot) generally use fix-a-flat, but some have upgraded to cement, with mixed results…

        • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 10:46 pm #

          Lizzo is leading the way, even Beyonce looks skinny now.

        • malthuss July 20, 2021 at 12:10 am #

          I call it ‘shelf butt’.

          • BackRowHeckler July 20, 2021 at 4:40 am #

            The Brothers love it. Big Butts was the main topic of conversation amongst the dudes I worked with.

          • Rain Waters July 20, 2021 at 5:20 pm #

            resembles that used to pop out office chairs on the workin girl

    • malthuss July 20, 2021 at 12:10 am #

      I am using a mask, in stores.
      The shitty seems on the verge of chaos.

      All that is needed is a powerdown.

      • BackRowHeckler July 20, 2021 at 4:42 am #

        JB and his YouTube partner are doing a good job pointing it out.

  50. BackRowHeckler July 19, 2021 at 2:06 pm #

    Haha, CBS News (local) just stated today’s market meltdown is the result of ‘Covid worries’.

    #White Supremacy


    #Climate Change

    The causation for every negative event that ever hapoens.


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    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 2:44 pm #

      You got it. There are no other issues in the world than those three.

      • Blackbird July 19, 2021 at 4:35 pm #

        The last two, of course, were caused by the first.

  51. Roundball Shaman July 19, 2021 at 2:14 pm #

    “… a relentless ‘narrative’ machine, and all it does is spin out one technicolor whopper after another.”

    When we are little kids, we sit down in our Daddy’s lap and say, ‘Tell me a story, Daddy!’ And so Daddy comes up with one or two to humor us the eager youth. A story true or made up – it makes little difference.

    Now that we are ‘adults’, we sit down in the lap of The Indoctrination Box be it television, computer, cellphone, video, whatever… and we say, ‘Tell me a story, My New Daddy!’ And so our New Daddy makes up story after story to humor us eager ‘grownups’. And just about every story that Our New Daddy tells us is a damned lie. And with each story, the lies get bigger and more outlandish.

    But we love our New Daddy and we love to sit in His Lap and we love to be lied to… and so on and on it goes. New Daddy likes it this way. Those who benefit from New Daddy’s stories LOVE it this way. And now, we love it too. And the more outlandish the lies, the more we seem to eat it all up.

    “America is on a bad trip. The country has lost its way…”

    In the early ‘60s there was a TV show called Route 66. It was about two young men who freely moved about the country seeking fun and adventure and short jobs to get money to keep on traveling. And they found that fun and adventure and those jobs in every town they stayed in.

    If ‘Route 66′ were being made today, it would be about two young men or whatever sex they chose to be that day who fought restrictions and waved Covid passports around to be able to move laboriously around the country seeking fun and adventure and short jobs to get money to keep on traveling and finding none
    of any of that. In fact, instead of tooling around the nation from coast to coast they would heading out to cross the border in search of a place like the one they used to know back in the ‘60s.

    “These are the sort of shocks we’re facing. Things get very real, elbowing out the hallucinations. The long, strange trip sputters out. And then begins the long hard job of finding a way to live that actually makes sense.”

    The Route 66 boys are living the answer. Fast… loose… mobile… one step ahead of the devil on their heels that’s chasing them. And never ever sitting in Daddy’s lap ever again.

    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 2:43 pm #

      Excellent post.

    • Rain Waters July 20, 2021 at 5:31 pm #

      sometimes daddys stories transmorgified into a bad trip. .

      Dad and his friends would sing a song for us kids. . .

      i need a woman bout twice my age
      a lady of nobility gentility and rage
      splendid in the dark lightnin on the draw
      well go down thru the book and break each and every law

      i ve got a feelin believe it today
      one more thing ive got to say

      I need a miracle every day

      i need a woman bout twice my height
      statuesque raven dressed a goddess of the night
      her secret incantations candle burnin blue
      well consult the spirits maybe thell know what to do

      and its real believe what i say
      cant get around it cant run away

      we need a miracle every day

      we need a miracle every day

      magic song

  52. SW July 19, 2021 at 2:14 pm #

    South Africa is providing a sober look into a future with no one with any credibility in charge. Unemployment is 43% so people have plenty of time on their hands to think about how bleak the future looks and how mad they are. As far as I can tell, the police were ineffective and now the army has been called out to restore order. They were told 35 years ago after apartheid ended their lives would be better — so, JHK, it appears the narrative had a head on collision with reality.

    Our brave, heroic Democratic legislators have heroically, bravely fled to DC (the Mother Ship) rather than agree that people need an ID to vote.

    Where was the concern for people with diabetes not being able to get insulin? 40,000 US citizens a year dying with treatable diseases? Yet the government is not only willing to give us free — and really expensive — vaccines but wanting to force them on people who do not want them. And it can’t even be said that they place other people at risk b/c at this point, everyone’s been exposed and has natural immunity. And they also know that children are at zero risk but are not beating the drum for them to be vaccinated.

    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 2:36 pm #

      Another dirty Dem stunt. SMH. I hope they all end up losing their jobs.

    • BackRowHeckler July 19, 2021 at 3:13 pm #

      The mob vandalized power plants and dozens of transfer stations; infrastructure from the country’s water system was destroyed. Not only were malls and grocery stores stripped clean, but food warehouses were totally looted too.

      One humorous clip on BBC showed a mall in Durban with every conceivable thing of value stolen, every store in shambles except one: a bookstore went untouched.


      • SW July 19, 2021 at 3:45 pm #

        And there’s a video of people using a forklift to haul off larger items. I would have to say “the mob has become unruly.”

        • Blackbird July 19, 2021 at 4:39 pm #

          I would have to say that the mob has evolved to sophisticated tool use. Look out – at this rate of evolution, in a few thousand generations that bookstore will be in danger.

          • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 5:52 pm #


      • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 4:08 pm #

        If you want to hide something from a Black, put it in a book.

      • rube-i-con July 19, 2021 at 4:12 pm #

        one machine gun could change all that

        just one, with resolve

      • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 10:59 pm #

        Here in the states, at the beginning of the lockdown, people stocked up on…. toilet paper.

        Yeah that’ll keep you alive in a crisis.

        • Blackbird July 20, 2021 at 1:18 am #

          Got enough toilet paper and that box of powdered mashed potatoes is gonna last forever – ask a lunch lady.

          Of course that was the old days. These days toilet paper is so expensive, scented, moisturized, printed, knitted it’s almost a shame to throw it away. TP Taters are only gonna be found in the finest diners of a world made with one hand behind my back.

      • Rain Waters July 20, 2021 at 5:34 pm #

        the vid of that former storage facility is the best one out of SA.


  53. SW July 19, 2021 at 2:17 pm #

    00ps — I meant are now beating the drum for them to be vaccinated.

    The legislators who have fled to DC are from Texas. But Abbot says he’ll keep calling special sessions until he can cancel their pay for nonperformance of duty.

  54. Night Owl July 19, 2021 at 2:50 pm #

    “The long, strange trip sputters out. And then begins the long hard job of finding a way to live that actually makes sense. Hint: it’s smaller, slower, closer to home, and in many ways better.”

    The latter is one of the reasons I moved to Europe. We live in a nice neighborhood not too far from the center of a medium-sized city, but some of our neighbors here have chickens and very impressive gardens, and we help each other out.

    Regarding the former: IDK about that. The WEF’s Covid and Climate hoaxes are far from sputtering out. The French are marching against forced vaccines, and Germany is dealing with what is starting to look like an episode similar to what happened when the power grid was taken out in Texas.

    The question here now seems to be whether the flood waters were purposely released on unsuspecting villages, as the nearby Talsperren were “allowed” to overflow. It would certainly fit with the “predictions” of coming climate catastrophes our DAVOS friends were recently warning of.

    Where have I heard this before?

    • Islander July 19, 2021 at 3:53 pm #

      HI, NO,

      As I started to look at the picture and think about it, I couldn’t help noticing

      (1) that the climate change people started bleating that this was caused by global warming **immediately.**

      It was indecent, really. A new form of “I told you so.”

      Almost like Schadenfreude.

      These types of sentiments are not uttered at a funeral.

      (2) there was a story by an English reporter named I think Stokes, writing for I think a Reading (UK) paper, in which she stated that the weather watchers in Germany give clear information some days before the heavy rains started that a very bad situation was shaping up in *exactly* the areas—the smaller rivers were named that became raging torrents— where the very bad situ shaped up. Question: Why wasn’t this info urgently transmitted to local authorities? Why didn’t the govs of the affected Laender send out emergency vehicles with loud speakers telling people to evacuate and where to go? Etc.

      There is a story in The Times but most of it behind a paywall

      (3) Why didn’t Merkel ***immediately*** returnn from the USA or wherever she was on Wednesday, to take over directing the situation? Could it be that she is incapable of doing so?

      (4) As if on cue, the “global warming” message becomes: There must be a centralized office for all of Europe so that the way emergencies are dealt with is *consistent* throughout Europe. Uh, no. No centralized authority is needed if each country and each province does its job. Just like, say, each Land has its own education authority, etc. To use the failures of (some) local authorities to act professionally is not a good excuse to put idiots in charge of even more!!! Of course such an EU-level “Authority” would quickly manifest mission creep and provide a structure on which all kinds of other enforcement entities could be piggy-backed. All withouit a single vote of the electorate or national parliaments, more behavioral enforcement run from Brussels, one with a great potential to (mis)use and abuse fear to control people’s lives and choices.

      BTW, in the nice area where you live, are you coming under vax pressure, testing pressure, etc. ? Or are people leaving the unjabbed more or less alone?

      • Night Owl July 19, 2021 at 6:14 pm #

        Yep. This is the full-court press to fully realize the New Normal.

        “there was a story by an English reporter named I think Stokes, writing for I think a Reading (UK) paper, in which she stated that the weather watchers in Germany give clear information some days before the heavy rains started that a very bad situation was shaping up in *exactly* the areas—the smaller rivers were named that became raging torrents— where the very bad situ shaped up. Question: Why wasn’t this info urgently transmitted to local authorities? Why didn’t the govs of the affected Laender send out emergency vehicles with loud speakers telling people to evacuate and where to go? Etc.”

        This is an issue, certainly, but the bigger issue IMO (and this is the big debate here atmo) is the Talsperren. It appaers at this point that they let the floodwaters run over. It is one of those things that just doesn’t randomly happen. This is why I compared it to what happened in Texas.

        The fact that there is virtually no aid for the towns affected and (as you mentioned) that Merkel could seem to give a fuck is just another rotes Fähnchen for me.

        Lastly there is the fact that they are refusing to let groups like ElternStehenAuf assist, and they say it is for political reasons. The local politicians are participating in the destruction. And most of these towns are low-income folks ravaged by the lockdowns.

        If the criminals responsible for this ever hang, I will have a front row seat.

        • Islander July 19, 2021 at 6:51 pm #

          Do you have any links re Talsperren?

          • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 5:06 am #

            There is a piece up on Reitschuster right now that discusses it.

          • Islander July 20, 2021 at 9:13 am #


            I understand the words here but I don’t get the point being made (https://reitschuster.de/post/zerstoertes-stolberg-hundertschaft-schuetzt-innenstadt-vor-pluenderern/).

            “Dass die Dreilägerbachtalsperre die Flut ausgelöst hat, ist in Stolberg gesicherte Erkenntnis. Dass die den Grundablass geöffnet haben, glaube ich nicht. Die ist irgendwann übergelaufen, und das war dann der Tropfen, der das Fass zum Überlaufen gebracht hat. Die Fehler wurden im Vorfeld gemacht.

            Die hätten schon am Freitag damit beginnen müssen, den Pegel zu senken. Das hätte vermutlich einen halben Tag Luft geschafft und so den GAU vermieden.”

            In what way did the Dreilägerbachtalsperre cause the flood? Are people saying that it should have been opened early so that the water could flow more gradually? Instead of waiting for the water to spill over the Talsperren? How would that have affected the total mass of water? The rain was falling everywhere, not only behind the Talsperren. From Google maps I can see that the whole area is full of little streams and appears to be tightly “managed.”

            I don’t see that any of the Talsperren broke. I don’t see that there were actual flash floods.
            What are people now saying would have been the best way to handle the huge masses of water?

            Maybe if the authorities had lifted their gaze out of their Corona-nabel for a while and looked at the real world around them this would not have happened. Kurz: screwed-up basic priorities?

          • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 10:16 am #

            As I understand it here, they should have opened them to control or manage the flow instead of allowing them to overflow uncontrollably. Also, they had advanced warning that the dams were in danger of overflowing, but they did nothing. There was also discussion of non-functioning siren systems in a press conference recently.

            Basically, no one appears to have done anything. And of course, it appears local farmers and other private citizens are doing much of the cleanup. Like every other crisis of late, the little guy seems to be paying for everything.

          • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 10:17 am #

            A bit from the press conference I mentioned:


        • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 8:51 pm #

          Sounds like a Katrina-styled gentrification takeover to me.

          This is part of the neo-colonization, in additional to the Great Reset plans… watch someone with $$$ roll in (like Blackrock?) and buy up everything…

    • Slugoon July 19, 2021 at 4:35 pm #

      You’ve probably seen it Owl but Bozo has today announced mandatory vaccination for nightclubbers from September. The vax passes (just a conspiracy theory, of course) are finally on the way starting with the most unaffected demographic. Fucking fascist cunts, I’m not standing for any more of this. When did we turn into East Germany?

      • Night Owl July 19, 2021 at 6:00 pm #

        I have said it since the start. Whatever they say, the opposite is true.

        It just came out in Germany that although the press claimed Merkel would never institute mandatory vaxxes, in private she has been one of the biggest proponets.

        I am right where you are, brother. It is on.

        • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 9:07 pm #

          …in private she has been one of the biggest proponets.(sic)”

          Would this information be coming from “someone familiar with the Chancellor’s thinking”? A source you regularly debunk when others offer it?

          • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 4:58 am #

            Why don’t you tell us? What was my source?

            Go on.

        • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 10:44 pm #

          RL is really cranky tonight. I think he feels he needs to represent for his dissolving Troll Triumvirate. He’s the only one left. LOL!

      • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 7:21 pm #

        Fucking fascist cunts, I’m not standing for any more of this. When did we turn into East Germany?

        What are you gonna do, Slugger? What can we do?

        • Amman July 19, 2021 at 8:02 pm #

          Reach a critical mass of people who ask that question?

        • Slugoon July 20, 2021 at 9:49 am #

          I’m heading down to London, OG, and getting out on the streets. I’ve got a colleague there who has already been to two protests but if they’re starting with this Nazi shit then it’s time to act. It probably won’t make any difference but if I don’t try I won’t forgive myself.

          • GreenAlba July 20, 2021 at 11:47 am #

            Hello Slugoon

            Still not up to commenting much but if you haven’t seen it you will be interested in this I think. My husband sent it to me. That pleased me in itself as I’m sure he’s been thinking I’ve lost the plot.


            It’s long – haven’t read it all yet.

            Take my good wishes to London with you.

          • GreenAlba July 20, 2021 at 11:54 am #

            Interesting who it’s been cc’d to.

          • Amman July 21, 2021 at 2:21 am #

            Good Luck. Your actions help a lot to everyone everywhere else.

          • Slugoon July 21, 2021 at 7:51 am #

            Hi Alba, I hope you’re feeling better and thanks for the link. I’ve read through it several times and I’m not sure what’s worse, the scale of the accusations or the fact that it will just get censored and buried.

            All of the legal points have been discussed here on the blog and called ‘conspiracy theories’ by many: censorship of opposing views, no interest in natural immunity or alternative treatments, pushing vaccines to the exclusion of all else, no system of vaccine follow-up or honest reporting, vaccination to get a vaccination passport and not for clinical need, nepotism, financial ties between government, PPE suppliers, Big Pharma and Bill Gates, fraudulent testing, dishonest presentation of death statistics, inciting fear and overstating risk, blatant lies, back-pedalling and goalpost-moving by government, regular rule breaches by government officials, symbolic and ineffective mask wearing…

            I’ve sent a letter to my local MP that is as strongly worded as I can make it while hopefully avoiding a knock on the door from the TikTok dancing police. Speaking of which, I was disappointed to see Cressida Dick’s name on the Cc list, a bigger tool of the establishment one could not find.

            I’m restarting my position that I’m not anti-vax, I’m pro-choice and, deeply cynical as I am by nature, what’s been going on these past sixteen months has done nothing to convince me that what’s going on here is normal or rational.

          • Slugoon July 21, 2021 at 4:01 pm #

            Oh, and I see that Simon Stevens (Head of the NHS) is in bed with the World Economic Forum along with Gates, Schwab, AZ, Pfizer, J&J and Moderna.


            It really is just one giant circle jerk isn’t it.

    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 5:55 pm #

      I am also beginning to suspect a lot of dirty play with regards to these catastrophic events. We did find that it was the feds who caused the Texas blackout fiasco. And there were many questionable fires in CA, such as the Paradise fire, etc.

      Zero Hedge reported on the fact that warnings went completely unheeded. So that’s good evidence that if it may have actually been planned.

      • Islander July 19, 2021 at 6:53 pm #

        Do you have any links/analysis regarding the Texas fiasco?

        I thouight the story (!!??) was that Texas had refused to link its system to the US grid or something?

        And that’s why there were so many outages?

        • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 8:53 pm #

          No, they were refused. I’m sorry – I didn’t save the article I read, but it was pretty clear that Biden made the decision not to let them have the backup from other states’ grids.

          • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 9:00 pm #

            No, they weren’t “refused” – they declined the offer. The arrogance of The Big State.

          • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 9:18 pm #

            Well your version is from the MSM.

            So, therefore, a lie.

          • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 9:23 pm #

            Also, the feds wouldn’t grant all counties emergency relief: https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/white-house-partially-approves-governor-abbotts-request-for-a-major-disaster-declaration

          • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 5:48 pm #

            Yes, that was the issue.

            They cited environmental reasons for not allowing the plants to increase output to cover for the problem areas.

        • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 8:56 pm #

          This explains it, but of course the fact checkers said it’s not true. But I honestly don’t know how else Texas’ grid would have gone down.


          • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 9:04 pm #

            The fact-checkers are right (again).

            How did the Texas grid go down?

            The administration of the grid decided to save money by not winterizing as recommended, because “it’ll never get that cold”.

            The Texas grid is separate from surrounding networks because the politicians at the time didn’t want to be part of something the Federal government MIGHT regulate. Your ‘fiasco’ was the result, yet the actual villians want to blame the Biden administration. Ha. Ha. Ha.

          • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 9:05 pm #

            Narc Troll had a shot at this argument some months back. He linked to an article that said the exact opposite of what he claimed it said. Pathetic.

          • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 5:50 pm #

            Whoops, I was too quick above.

            “After Texas Gov Abbott declared a state of emergency back on Feb 12 Biden administration ordered ERCOT to throttle energy output by forcing it to comply with environmental green energy standards,”

            That was it, though.

      • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 8:58 pm #

        Do you ever READ what you post?

        “beginning to suspect”; “dirty play”; “the feds caused Texas blackout” (as opposed to the weather & poor planning); “questionable fires”; “So that’s good evidence that if it may have actually been planned”.

        When your a conspiracy hammer, everything is clearly, obviously, without a doubt, a conspiracy nail.

        • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 9:19 pm #

          When you’re an establishment troll, all propaganda is fact.

          That would be you and your Bill Gates’ paid ‘fact checkers’ which you believe in like a religion.

          • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 10:03 pm #


            The actual issue here is that you (and many like you) simply cannot believe a statement unless it is generated from someone creating “alternative facts”.

            The above particular and personal criticism of YOU, MaryQAnon, is the language in which you choose to couch your innuendo-laced bullshit.

          • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 10:08 pm #

            As you said above:

            “Well your version is from the MSM.
            So, therefore, a lie.

            ‘Nuff said. This explains your intensely ignorant worldview.

            To paraphrase your good self, “When you’re a conspiracy-infected, hive-mind unit, all facts are propaganda.”

          • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 10:42 pm #

            Fake Trae you have no credibility. It was shot when you identified/posed as a D-level YouTube ‘influencer’.

            Why are you even bothering?

  55. messianicdruid July 19, 2021 at 3:02 pm #

    amb said, “You never met Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the Son of God either.”

    Trying to guess the intent here – “is” vs. “was” and “either” confuse.

    Is He the ” son of man” as He claimed?

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  56. 100th Avatar July 19, 2021 at 3:13 pm #


    OG Jim Bakker claims he never met him

    SEF says you never met him (jebus) either.

    Religious can’t fill in gaps, eh?

    • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 4:21 pm #

      You are drunk on the Blood of the Saints, just like your hero, Joe Slovo. Here’s a good picture of him, Nelson, and Winnie.

      Winnie used to charm stupid White Liberal reporters, then go put tires around people’s necks.

      The mob spoke the Truth without knowing it when they said, Let his blood be upon us.

    • O.G. Hawkins July 19, 2021 at 7:04 pm #

      OG Jim Bakker. Ha! That’s fair considering how much God & Jesus I’ve been on about lately (while God’s Word is being fulfilled Right before our very eyes).

      That’s a Real Good insult. Ya got me. Kudos.

      Right. I never met Jesus and do not even know what meeting God can possibly look like (other than Moses seeing a burning bush). God has displayed His Power to me many, many times, however.

      God & Satan exist and are, Right now, stretching their hammies for the Big Championship Match. TruStory

  57. messianicdruid July 19, 2021 at 3:34 pm #

    Testimony fills in gaps.

  58. Ed Haskell July 19, 2021 at 3:42 pm #

    Mr. Kunstler,

    Your writing is refreshingly articulate, pithy, and accurate….as always, I look forward to your next article.

  59. cowbell81 July 19, 2021 at 4:14 pm #

    “And, in the thousands, South African authorities have been arresting rioters, not right-wingers. Stateside, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is proceeding energetically not against our BLM domestic terrorists, but against Trump-voting Deplorables; hundreds of whom have been investigated and charged.”

    See the following article at Townhall by Ilana Mercer for more great personal insight to the South African debacle, soon to come to an American theater near you….


    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 6:08 pm #

      Very interesting read. Thank you.

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 8:11 pm #

      I think South Africa is a country which will always have a second chance.

      • Blackbird July 19, 2021 at 10:02 pm #

        Don’t they eventually become third or fourth chances?

        • Amman July 19, 2021 at 11:07 pm #

          Yep. Sooner or later.

  60. KesaAnna July 19, 2021 at 6:11 pm #

    ” The trouble is: narrative is not the truth. Generally, it’s the opposite of the truth. It’s manufactured counter-truth. The more narrative you spin, the faster you must spin off new supporting narrative to conceal the untruth of your previous narrative — until the national hive mind is lit up in unreality where nothing makes sense and the very language that separates humanity from the rough beasts becomes a social poison. ”

    Lol , well , as I have said many times before , you slit your own throat when you not only subscribed too , but jumped in with both feet , on the narrative , ” It was all about slavery ! ” concerning the American Civil War.

    Granted , the Confederacy was fighting to preserve slavery.

    But that is neither here , nor there.

    I’m pretty confident that at least 90% of the people who might read this are dressed head to foot in hats , clothes , underwear , and shoes , manufactured in countries not exactly admired and envied for their high wages and worker benefits , or their labor laws , or their human rights records.

    Ditto your grocery bill. Why do you think your grocery bill is as low as it is ?

    Hint ; It isn’t because fruit -pickers make 25 – dollars – an – hour and take vacations on the Riviera or Yellowstone.

    That is , your economy is as dependent on slave labor in 2021 as it was in 1861.

    Except you don’t call it slavery , which perhaps only indicates you are less honest and have less integrity than those knuckle – dragging Neanderthal Confederates ?

    No , whatever were the Confederate reasons , ” Manifest Destiny ” is a fine – sounding euphemism for Imperialism.

    And that is what Mr. Lincoln and his pals were fighting for.

    Likewise you slit your own throat with this business of underlining , in triplicate , in quadruple , and near 80 years later , the extermination of some Jews.

    As if a half dozen other genocides in the same time frame didn’t happen , or somehow weren’t just as important.

    — They weren’t important.

    The slaughter of some Ukrainians , Cambodians , Tibetans , Rwandans , etc , etc , etc , isn’t particularly of any great significance to the average Joe American.

    The extermination of some Jews in Germany is sooooo emphasized because it suits this narrative that the U.S. Military – Industrial – Complex Empire is necessary.

    Your ( ? ) government didn’t fight the Germans and the Japanese over human rights.

    Like the American Civil War , the motive of the U.S. government in fighting the war was for empire.

    Which brings us up to the present.

    It turns out that the price to be paid for being able to travel from coast to coast without a passport is pretty darn hefty.

    — too hefty for anyone who can’t afford to vacation in Monaco.

    It turns out that Manifest Destiny means the same thing as Globalization ; It means you don’t have a home , a country , anymore.

    As for the Military – Industrial Complex U.S. Empire ;

    History should have taught you that empire is never a good thing for the average Joe.

    But then , sadly , people never do learn from history.

    I suppose then that the end of the Happy Motoring culture , and they can pay Pakistani college graduates half of what they pay you , WILL teach you that empire was never a good thing for the average Joe.

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    • Night Owl July 19, 2021 at 6:27 pm #

      Kesa, the idea that the South was fighting to preserve slavery is debatable.

      As much as I dislike him on certain other issues, Morris Berman has some interesting chapters on this in Why America Failed.

      • KesaAnna July 19, 2021 at 6:46 pm #

        I’m mixed race so …..

        and long story short …..

        …. I don’t exactly , entirely , buy into the morally simplistic Uncle Tom’s Cabin – take on how slavery worked in reality.

        ” the idea that the South was fighting to preserve slavery is debatable. ”

        Like MOST wars , there were MANY issues.

        For example , I myself fly the Confederate flag , 365 days a year , because I subscribe to secession and subsidiarity .

        Secession ; Not slavery.

        Subsidiarity ; Not slavery.

        Naturally it drives me up the wall all these motives ascribed to me that don’t even apply.

        Its folks ascribing THEIR priorities TO ME more often than not.

        Funny that you of all people replied !

        I just posted a German – equivalent directed at you ! Lol. .

      • Islander July 19, 2021 at 7:00 pm #

        The Civil War was a fight for control of the American West.

        I base this contention on Colin Woodard, American Nations; Alvin Josephy, The Civil War in the American West; and John Ehle, Trail of Tears: The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation; also Frederick Law Olmstead, The Cotton Kingdom.

        • Amman July 19, 2021 at 8:27 pm #

          Yes, an intelligent and a-romantic position.

        • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 9:50 pm #

          Yes, two different elites, basically. Promoting two different ways of life, the industrial vs the agricultural. Slavery was the symbol of the latter and the catalyst for what commenced. They did want to extend it, but it obviously would not have played much of a role outside the deep South. And it would have ended sooner or later in any case.

          With the taboo in place against Black farm labor, the Yankees were then enabled to bring in a new hostile people to work the Sacramento valley and ranches in general, namely the Mexicans. Now they’re everywhere, further weakening the Former United States of America (FUSA).

          • Amman July 19, 2021 at 11:11 pm #

            OK, Correct me If I’m wrong but I thought Mexico was and still is an American state. Albeit North…

          • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 11:32 pm #

            No, Mexico isn’t a state but a State, its own separate Nation.

            I thought you were an Afro-American. Are you from the country of Africa?

          • Amman July 20, 2021 at 7:25 am #

            So now you are telling me that Mexico is a separate country from the US? Thanks a peso, Einstein. If you must know, I am an ex-NY’er in 911 exile.

          • Amman July 20, 2021 at 7:30 am #

            Mexico was and still is a (North) American state. – Ed

          • malthuss July 20, 2021 at 11:27 am #


            ‘t I thought Mexico was and still is an American state’

            No, USA is North Mexico. you got it ass backwardz.

          • Islander July 21, 2021 at 5:40 pm #

            Well, maybe two ways of life, or maybe just two ways of viewing the oncoming development of global economies.

            Most of the “advanced” plantations (in Mississippi, LA, east Texas, etc) were run by overseers. Heavily in hock to banks. Supplying commodities to the world market. No “culture” here.

        • Tate July 20, 2021 at 11:37 am #

          Back in my libertardian days, I subscribed to the theory that the War of Northern Aggression was a fight for control of the American West. That argument has a lot of merit going for it.

          But that’s not in essence how to explain that conflict. It was more a war about what to do with a people who are inherently different than the White majority. Why do you think for thousands of years slavery was never a moral issue? But suddenly when one people enslaved a very different people, it became one? It’s because it opened up a host of moral abuses involving slavery that never existed before that era. People in their hearts don’t change, only circumstances do.

    • Amman July 19, 2021 at 8:12 pm #

      Sheesh to you.

    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 8:59 pm #

      “That is , your economy is as dependent on slave labor in 2021 as it was in 1861.

      Except you don’t call it slavery , which perhaps only indicates you are less honest and have less integrity than those knuckle – dragging Neanderthal Confederates ?”

      Completely agree.

      • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 5:54 pm #

        Indeed. The fact that slavery was ongoing in the North through most of the war is also something they never seem to teach the kiddies in school.

        • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:16 pm #

          And that only 7% of Americans owned slaves, is another. They would have us think that almost everyone owned a slave.

        • Islander July 21, 2021 at 8:31 am #

          Do you mean the Civil War?
          In that case I am quite sure you are wrong.

          Pre–Revolution there was slavery throughout the colonies, although it had a very different character in the North from the South.

          States were admitted to the Union (officially, after the Rev) in pairs—no slavery in the north, slavery in the south. “The South” did start surprisingly close to NYC!!

          This page has some interesting tables on this:

          The last northern state that permitted slavery was NY, until 1799.

          There was no single cause of the Civil War. There were many different and overlapping interests. It was IMO in great part a response to the changes wrought by the Industrial Revolution, radiating out from Britain.

          • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 11:33 am #

            There were slave states in the North up to nearly the end of the conflict. The War Aims Resolution of 1861 established why the North was fighting, and stopping slavery was not part of that.

            Five slave states fought for the North and were ending slavery of key importance to the North, they never would have allowed those states to be a part of the coalition. Slavery also continued inofficially in the North even after the war.

            I mentioned before that (among other places), there is a great section in Why America Failed by Morris Berman on why the North was fighting the war.

            We know history is written by the victors, and I think this is a good example of exactly that.

          • Islander July 21, 2021 at 8:34 pm #

            “There were slave states in the North up to nearly the end of the conflict. ”

            Do you have a source or sources for that statement?

            Some years ago read a lot of Morris Berman.

            I found a lot of his ideas interesting.
            Then I discovered that he actually was a s—, full of ridiculous prejudices as expressed in the blog he maintained, populated mostly by sycophants.

            I still found his ideas “interesting” but not so much.

            Not enough to trump the writings of other historians, not to be casually dismissed as the writings of the victors.

            However, he is worth revisiting.

            Will await your sourcing for slavery persisting in nonslave states of the North past the Civil War.

          • SW July 22, 2021 at 7:47 am #

            You might want to check out a series of essays about the South. —
            I’ll Take My Stand: The South and the Agrarian Tradition (Library of Southern Civilization) Paperback – January 1, 1978
            by Twelve Southerners (Author), Jr. Rubin, Louis D. (Introduction)

            Slavery was an abomination and had to be stopped but that wasn’t the only reason for the Civil War.

          • Islander July 22, 2021 at 10:09 am #


            I’ll Take My Stand not in our CLAMS library system.

            Will look for it elsewhere.


            There are many very revealing and thought-provoking comments recorded by Frederick Law Olmstead in his journeys through the states of the antebellum South. He was extremely observant of all facets of the life, agriculture, land, culture, etc. of the South. The South was truly “underdeveloped,” despite the many large and profitable plantations in many regions (not all). The Cotton Kingdom has been criticized by the PC crowd because Olmstead didn’t gild any lilies. He also made an effort to convey how people spoke, and this has made his book enemies.

            Quite a lot of info on how plantations were financed by bank loans, the interest rates charged, the problems with the slave labor system—a system that many wanted to get out of but couldn’t see how. Even Olmstead acknowledged this.

    • Amman July 20, 2021 at 7:48 am #

      @KesaAnna – Sorry but I found your (good) post a tad long. From the details, I sense Germany is not going to be the cavalry for anyone.

  61. KesaAnna July 19, 2021 at 6:38 pm #

    @ Nightowl

    And I would say , roughly , the same thing about Germany.

    Granted , no , people weren’t exactly beating down the doors trying to get into East Germany.

    But , as long as East Germany existed , an alternative existed , however hypothetical the alternative .

    Hypothetical or not , the alternative , and the threat of the alternative , existed.

    Well, I haven’t been on German soil since 1975.

    So I’m guessing.

    And my guess would be that in a united Germany , unless you can afford a Mercedes Benz , and can afford vacations in Monaco , your alternative is …….

    ….. there isn’t one.

    Turns out Merkel has ten times as much power than Honecker could imagine in his wildest dreams.

    So , no , I’m not a Communist or an Atheist , but the idea that this has been progress ? Laughable !

    • Night Owl July 19, 2021 at 6:40 pm #


      Alternatives are good. This is pretty central to most of what I write here.

      • Islander July 19, 2021 at 6:56 pm #

        Daher, AfD?

        • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 4:59 am #

          Die Basis for our household.

          • Islander July 20, 2021 at 9:16 am #


  62. tully July 19, 2021 at 8:16 pm #

    A look inside one of the Covid 19 units at Cox South in Springfield, Mo.


    A staff member in one photo is the sister of a coworker; he was the one who sent me the link which Cox released today.

    Guessing some won’t even look at it, much less read it. Others will say the whole thing is a hoax, and maybe those people are crises actors. They will be wrong. But I can’t read JHK’s post and the comments today and not share a link to this story.

    I still think the bug that arrived in 2020 and ran through this spring was a serious risk only to the frail elderly and those with comorbidities. What showed up here not quite two months ago is worse, and hitting younger, healthier people.

    New info has presented itself locally, and I have had to revise my thinking. Hopefully what is happening here will not spread throughout the country.

    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 9:00 pm #

      What hit us was the vaccines.

      • tully July 20, 2021 at 6:20 am #

        Our vaccination rate is one of the lowest in the country. It took Greene Co 53 days to go from 25% to 40% vaxxed last Friday.
        No, whatever brought this on was not the shots. The bug was first detected in Taney Co (Branson) waste water in late May. That county had and still has a lower vaxx rate than Greene.

      • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 5:56 pm #

        How were the cases uncovered?

        PCR? If so, what are we even talking about?

    • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 9:59 pm #

      Thank you, Tully. I read it all. I guess I’m just gullible but I DON’T doubt the truth and accuracy of the story as told.

      Others, no doubt, will. Some might even dare to say it “in your face” as it were, or simply sit in shameless silence.

      MaryQ’s answer (below) says it all – given her strident declarations that “the virus doesn’t exist”, she chooses to throw her vaccine conspiracy at the article as if that was a valid response.

      • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 10:00 pm #

        Well, her ‘response’ is actually above, but what a pathetic attempt at deflection.

      • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 10:21 pm #

        Fake Trae seems to be doing double duty now that his team has now been reduced 60%.


      • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 10:22 pm #

        P.S. Stats are on my side, as James mentions in his piece, today.

        If you think James is tinfoil hat, why are you even here?

        • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 11:00 pm #


          The stats are on your side?

          The stats that prove the ‘virus doesn’t exist’? Please link us all to those stats.

          • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 11:18 pm #

            Already done. You didn’t like them. Oh well!

        • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 11:20 pm #

          Why am I here? That’s a good question.

          Firstly there’s the “entertainment corner” –
          In this corner, one can have a lot of fun reading your tripe, watching Narc Troll spit venom while constantly declaring he’s known all about it all along, reading faux-intellectual burblings from Vlad, and laughing at benr’s spittle-strewn, impotent, raves & rants.

          It also allows me to keep up with what the latest bullshit theories are out there now without having to spend any time watching Newsmax, OANN, or Fox or following the Twitter Troll Feeds – you guys do that for me. This place is like a can of concentrated Conspiracy Soup – however, a sniff is all that’s required.

          In the other corner, there are real Conservatives – like tucsonspur, St. Elmosfire and Elysianfields. Heck, even JohnAZ would qualify for this group. I lament the departure of Walter & Ol’scratch. From these guys, I get a reading of the political landscape of the Right, the actual Right, not the fruit loopy-Trumpian cohort of weirdos.

          • benr July 20, 2021 at 8:53 am #

            Poor lil majella dim as always.

          • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 6:00 pm #

            I love it when Maj/Redneck feels emboldened.

            This post is written with the same tone that she once wrote about Trump telling us to “inject bleach” into our veins to fight The Coroneau.

            Good times.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:18 pm #

            LOL, he’s very emboldened this week. He may be desperate for a new tag team, and so upping his game, flexing his ‘muscle’.

        • tully July 20, 2021 at 6:51 am #

          The stats in MO, AR and a couple neighboring states contradict the stats you and JHK are referencing. That is why I am passing along the link. I have also yet to hear of anyone locally having serious adverse effects, although the latter is certainly just anecdotal only. Statistically, 97% of those hospitalized here have not had the shots.

          This bug is not just sitting in the Ozarks; it is already moving into KC and StL, both starting to see their own increases in hospitalizations. Once something like this gets to cities, it always seems to start rippling out to other places. In other words, this thing will eventually spread throughout the country.

          This process is why I initially doubted the covid 19 bug last year. All these hand wringing stories from NY and CA, while here, the deaths were a few very sick old folks in nursing homes. We had very few cases. The lecturing from pols like Cuomo and Newsom made questioning the official covid narrative a sensible thing to do, imho.

          We began normalizing in June, then in Aug with the return of college students, we had a spike in cases. Things slowed down again, then spike late Nov into Jan. Dec we had the highest number of hospitalizations which we expect to top this week. Normal viruses do not normally fill lots of hospital beds in July.

          In Jan, cases began dropping undoubtedly due in part to lowering the cycles for PCR tests. It is funny business like this that strengthens people’s resolve not to get the shots. Hospitalizations declined as well.

          By early May, it appeared we were out of the woods. We wouldn’t need a high vaxx rate to finally kill off the bug it seemed.
          Now, we are back with the same level of hospitalizations as winter, only a younger sicker patient load.

          Eventually the thing will burn through the local population but the damage will be significant the way the spread and severe cases are increasing.

    • Islander July 20, 2021 at 9:22 am #

      I certainly don’t say the whole thing is a “hoax.”

      I read this:
      ““We wish everyone could see what we are seeing,” says Jeffrey Atkinson, a respiratory therapist who works in the unit. “Perception is key, and we have very few ways of expressing those images and scenarios. Everyone needs to be doing their best to help see this through. Wear a mask, get a shot, come work an extra shift, whatever you can do. This will likely be our legacy in health care. And no one wants to look back and wish that they had done more.””

      “Wear a mask, get a shot, whatever you can do.”

      This may look reasonable in the local context and as directed toward health-care workers.

      But it is not the basis for an effective public health policy, because it is not science-based. It is emotion-based.

      The point of failure is the failure to apply effective treatment protocols early.

      It is also a failure to transform unavoidable deaths into a campaign of fearmongering that actually lead to more, unnecessary, deaths and imposistion of totalitarian rules in society generally.

      • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 6:05 pm #

        I do. But hoax means different things to different people. There is a virus of some sort that they are labeling Covid-19, but its effects on 99 percent of the population are so impercepitible that it hardly matters what they are. And the test used to find it has been proven to be fraudulent beyond the shadow of a doubt.

        The narrative from start to finish has been a dark comedy, beginning with Wuhan coppers lassoing citizens on the streets and spraying them down with a good coat of Lysol, barring them in their apartments, etc. My favorite moments were citizens appearing to crumple to the ground mid-run and die, like something out of an old B-grade horror film.

        What you will notice here on CFN is that the lowest of IQ play lots of word games, and would appeare to be incapable of understand shades of grey or nuanced thinking.

        It makes for great entertainment.

        • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:20 pm #

          VERY well said, NO.

  63. Amman July 19, 2021 at 8:19 pm #

    Critical Text Theory II

    A relentless “narrative” machine. – Blunt Force Propaganda
    “Narrative is poison.” – Death of old & simple new language needed
    “Shocks to the system”- Milestones of a Long Emergency
    “Wing people.” – Agents of a foreign power/Agenda
    Countries with highest vaxx rates show most new cases.”- Whatever.
    “Get vaxxed-up or severe penalties.” – Beware! Beware!
    “Special Prosecutor John Durham.” – Let’s play the Muzak
    “China to move against Taiwan?” – Is China THAT stupid?
    “Goodness knows what will be happening in the streets then.” – Bad things
    “Finding a way to live that actually makes sense.” – Blood Simple

  64. megaculpa July 19, 2021 at 9:09 pm #

    Jim, I think Durham knows who is now running the country. And, for those who haven’t noticed, the Democrats are not brooking any interference in their program to eradicate all vestiges of Trump and his supporters. Durham’s priority, at this point, is to complete his assignment in a way that will cause the least offence to those who must be obeyed.

    • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 10:14 pm #

      Yeah, what’s the Clinton body count now?

    • tucsonspur July 19, 2021 at 10:25 pm #

      It’s the land of Garland now and a DOJ that knows it’s just us.

  65. Mike Roberts July 19, 2021 at 9:29 pm #

    Jim, you do realise that the Arizona audit found no evidence of widespread fraud, don’t you? What makes you believe that if states other than Arizona and Wisconsin carry out audits, they will find that elusive widespread voter fraud?

    Regarding truth, I’m interested to know how you determine the truth in order to label the MSM as ‘a relentless “narrative” machine, [spinning] out one technicolor whopper after another’? I’m not suggesting everything seen in the MSM is the truth but some of it is. What filter do you use?

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    • tucsonspur July 19, 2021 at 10:18 pm #

      It’s simply grasping at straws, trying to keep doubt and hope alive.

      What do they say, ‘you never know’?

      • Mike Roberts July 20, 2021 at 2:39 am #

        It’s not me that is grasping at straws. Every single attempt to show electoral fraud has failed but JHK still believes good evidence is emerging, even as the opposite is true (e.g. Arizona).

        • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 6:00 am #

          (Mike, you misread TS…he’s agreeing with you…)

          • Mike Roberts July 20, 2021 at 6:43 am #

            Oh. In that case, I did misread it. Sorry, tucsonspur.

        • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 6:08 pm #

          The evidence is rock solid, whether it makes a difference is a different story.

          The game is rigged, son. Good old Sidney wasn’t even allowed to show us her evidence.

          Imagine a situation where a lawyer for the president of the United States is blocked from presenting evidence in a court of law.

          That is how fucked we are.

    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 10:40 pm #


      Take-a-Poo dies, and Mike Roberts is born.

      • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 10:58 pm #

        Huh. I thought you’d already perspicaciously determined that “UrbanHick” is Tekapo..no?

        Or you could just keep slamming anyone who disagrees with you rather than addressing their points.

        • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 11:17 pm #

          Who knows or cares? They’re all losers and will eventually get the boot.


          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 6:51 am #

            A very telling response. You don’t know anything and you don’t care that you don’t know anything. Correct.

          • benr July 20, 2021 at 8:54 am #

            Knowing someone is a liar is enough.
            When points are made that don’t matter or lack truthiness what does it matter?
            In fact the only point you ever make majella is the point on top of your head.

    • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 10:50 pm #

      The Lame Stream Media outlets do, more than just occasionally, deliver facts & truth:


  66. tucsonspur July 19, 2021 at 10:11 pm #

    All Congressional Democrats are vaccinated. So what you say? So are 46 Republican Senators and about 100 House members last count. Remember when Graham and Rubio jumped the line?

    Rand Paul is not getting vaxed because he already had Covid.

    Trump is vaccinated

    DeSantis is vaccinated

    Tucker Carlson is vaccinated-100 to 1 odds

    (Carlson did not respond to a request for comment, and Fox News would not say whether or not the host had received the COVID-19 vaccine, though a network spokesperson did highlight comments that Carlson has made generally supporting the concept of mass vaccinations. (Carlson has hedged his warnings against the COVID-19 vaccine with a vague disclaimer, saying in broad terms that “vaccines are not dangerous. That’s not a guess; we know that pretty conclusively from the official numbers.”))

    TC knows about TV ratings.

    Many Republican governors are urging vaccinations, including ours in AZ.

    The pipsqueaks and mental midgets here are confounded. Why aren’t all these Republicans as smart as them in knowing that it’s all a big Pharma and Democratic money and power grab?

    Oh, the geniuses on this board!

    ‘Those likely to opt out of a vax are exactly those people who distrust what the government tells them, meaning probably people who did not vote for the current occupant of the White House.’ JHK

    Did the above mentioned Republicans vote for Biden?

    I like to step up to the truth ‘counter’ and get as much of it as I can. One of those truths is that spin is everywhere, and my ‘counter’ truths don’t unspin.

    • Yohannon July 19, 2021 at 10:17 pm #

      Yet thousands of Americans have died from the Vax, and hundreds of thousands have been injured. Tucker knows that and talks about it. You do not, obedient to the ruling Ethos to the very end.

      Yet you think yourself a rebel…..

      The lolocoaster laughs at it begins its epic descent.

      • tucsonspur July 19, 2021 at 10:31 pm #

        Rebel with a cause. Many more thousands saved by the vax. I’ve already mentioned the dangers of the vax. The truth, yo, the truth, or will it blind you?

        • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 11:11 pm #

          The vaccine has killed thousands of people and maimed (for life) hundreds of thousands. It’s all recorded in VAERS and other places. That’s why millions are now planning a march against the tryranny.

          It’s a shame you buy into the scam and believe proven liar politicians and the mainstream media personalities over decent humans.

          You choose your side, you live with it (or not – if what many scientists are saying about what will happen to the vaxxed this fall).

          Remember, these people you hold in high esteem at the height of the so-called pandemic were mixing & mingling in close quarters without masks when demanding we lockdown and wear them.

          How gullible. How absolutely gullible.

          • JohnAZ July 20, 2021 at 12:10 am #

            Read my question to Neurodoc later on, MQ.

          • tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 1:36 am #

            ‘It’s a shame you buy into the scam and believe proven liar politicians and the mainstream media personalities over decent humans.’

            I haven’t bought into anything, except maybe the fact that your stupidity is ever more exposed.

            Are you a decent human? Then why try to spook me about what will ‘happen to the vaxxed this fall’? If you are out and about, not wearing a mask (which you probably are, don’t lie), and you’re in crowds (which you will most likely carefully avoid), you will probably wind up hospitalized.

            Live with it. Soon, when you become ill, (maybe you’ll be lucky), you will know the meaning of gullibility.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 10:33 pm #

            I haven’t been sick in 35 years, and I didn’t hide from the scary covids.

            As OG says, “TruStory”.

            I bike 10 miles daily and swim a half a mile. I take vitamin supplements. I’m a vegetarian. I am 57 and have a shitload of energy every day.

            I understand that vitamin d, C and other supplements + a great diet is the key to not getting viruses. So far, so good. No masking, no hand sanitizer, never stopped shaking hands with strangers, hugging or being near other people.

            Healthy as a horse. And when I drop dead, that’s fine. We all die.

          • Mike Roberts July 20, 2021 at 10:52 pm #

            You haven’t been sick in 35 years? How old are you? 15? It’s highly unlikely that anyone can go that long a period and not catch something or not eat anything that’s a bit off, or any of the other ways you might get at least a little bit ill. I haven’t been seriously ill for much longer than 35 years (I’m 67) but I have been ill.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:26 pm #

            It’s called understanding how the body works, and doing healthy things.

            I have a kick-ass immune system. Because I worked on it.

            Most people eat crap and poison themselves every day. I do the opposite.

            I also take detox supplements and take elderberry for lungs, and drink teas that boost immunity.

            People don’t do that and wonder why they are sick. And I work at a college so up until the lockdown I was always intermingling with tons of people on campus, esp. in the cafeteria. Nary a cold.

            I also never get vaccines.

            All my coworkers who do, get sick every single year.

            But that makes me tinfoil hat, for not ‘trusting the science.’

        • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 10:35 pm #

          No one was saved by the vaccine.

          There is zero evidence of this, and impossible to prove.

          • Mike Roberts July 20, 2021 at 10:49 pm #

            There is no “zero” evidence but whether you think the evidence supports the theory or not is up to you. The deaths in the UK certainly suggest that the likelihood of vaccinated people getting seriously ill from COVID-19 is way down, compared to vaccinated people. Same is true of other well vaccinated places.

            But, you’re right, it’s impossible to prove. Maybe the UK just got lucky for a period or are secretly treating the sick with drugs that actually work.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:27 pm #

            Countries with more jabs have more ‘cases’ or deaths or variants or whatever they are calling it now.

            ‘Splain that.

          • Mike Roberts July 21, 2021 at 12:11 am #

            MaryQueen, what data are you looking at? “More” than which countries? For example, the UK has been getting more than 30,000 cases for two weeks but its average daily death count is about 40. South Africa has a much lower vaccination rate (less than 3% fully vaccinated) but is getting an average of more than 300 daily deaths when their average daily cases was under 20,000 a couple of weeks ago (deaths lag cases by 2-3 weeks).

    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 10:24 pm #

      So you know they’ve been vaccinated? Because politicians never lie to you. Esp the ones running the scam.

      Wow the gullibility is off the charts – lol.

      • tucsonspur July 19, 2021 at 10:40 pm #

        What a lame response! They’re lying about getting the vax.

        Desperate to belong. Needing conspiracy, something, anything to hold on to. Except the truth. Too hard, too cold for you.

        Weakness. Desperation. Conspiracy consolation.

        • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 10:55 pm #

          MaryQ is suffering from the most prevalent Dunning-Kruger symptom – she believes she’s superior because SHE knows the “troof” and the rest of us are too ‘stoopid’ to see it.

          • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 11:08 pm #

            You’re melllllting….

          • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 11:20 pm #

            And you’re the minority up here – so… er. “Rest of you” is like 3 people.


        • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 11:08 pm #

          Are you auditioning for the Troll Triumvirate position that Take-a-Poo left open when he got shit-canned?

        • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 11:14 pm #

          The ‘desperate to belong’ would be those afraid to step outside of the mainstream narrative. I have done that.

          You have not. What I do, standing up to the mainstream narrative, is brave. What you do, clinging to it, in desperation, is cowardice.

          You mask up & get jabbed when they snap their fingers.

          You should be ashamed, not proud. But you’re not bright enough to know any better, being a branded sheeple and all.

          • tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 1:16 am #

            I don’t cling to any stream, main or not. Stop playing the brave heroine, because you aren’t one.

            I wore a mask inside, with crowds. Ooooh, when ‘they’ snap their fingers…. How preposterously presumptive!

            As if I would respond to something like that. Certainly not my style.

            What you can’t stand is the fact that you know that I’m far from being one of the ‘sheeple’, truly independent minded and logical, and I’ll beat you on both types of smarts any day of the week. In other words, NYC streets and IQ.

            Again, stop with your self promotion and your false bravado, you’re just another face in the conspiracy crowd and a rather ugly one at that.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 6:36 am #

            TS, are you double jab-jab-jabbied? You rage like a double jab-jab-jabster needin’ a fix. Know wuhm sayin’?

            Mary is heroic. Mary “puts her money where her mouth is.” Mary talks the talk but also walks the walk.

            You Better smarten up, bud. If you’re poisoned, you Best get Right with God. Serious.

          • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 6:15 pm #

            Wracked with fear about taking the shot, Tucson lashes out this week as well.

            Soon he will be telling the unvaxxed that they are going to kill him.


            Imagine being stranded in a desert McMansion with a Keurig and two shots of Moderna rat poison in your veins.

            Good luck, little man.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 9:03 pm #

            @Night Owl, perfect.


            He’s had more epic meltdowns downthread now. I think he’s probably had a few too many.

            No doubt figuring out that you may have destroyed your immune system and limited your days on earth must be daunting and scary.

            Poor little man is right.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 9:07 pm #

            I am a brave heroine. You are a coward.

            I bet you were too scared not to wear a mask in a store. I wasn’t. I did that shit, when 99% were wearing them. That took guts, and I’m proud of it. And I don’t GAF what you or the other asshole jabbees think of me. You’re just some dude commenting on the internet.

            You are a cowardly little toad, Tucsonspur. As cowardly as all the other men who wore their face diapers like good little sheep and wouldn’t meet my eyes in the store when we passed in the aisle because they were ashamed a woman was braver than them.

    • malthuss July 20, 2021 at 11:30 am #

      jabbed with water? or the real kill shot?

      Friend of a friend just died, we suspect from the shot. he wasnt too old.

  67. benr July 19, 2021 at 10:33 pm #

    Can you smell the righteous indignation…how dare those dirty deplorables attempt to over turn our fraud wracked sham of an election!

    How dare they!!!


    • benr July 19, 2021 at 10:35 pm #

      Just a very small release of what was found in AZ audit has several states following the lead and has Biden freaked out!

      Earlier, several disturbing preliminary findings came out at the Arizona Senate hearings: 4,000 absentee ballots lacked documentation, thousands of ballots were duplicated without proper documentation, and most shockingly, over 11,000 voters were not on the November election voter rolls, but showed up later on the December voter rolls. As a reminder, Donald Trump lost Arizona to Joe Biden by 10,457 votes, or merely 0.3 percent of the state’s certified count.

      Or this gem….

      “For example, 74,243 mail-in ballots, where there is no clear record of them being sent,” Logan said. “And just to be clear, here in the state of Arizona there is EB32s and EB33s. EB32s is supposed to give a record of when a mail-in ballot is sent. And EB33 is supposed to give a record of when the mail-in ballot is received.”

      “So there should be an equal… there should be more EB32s, more sent out then there are received. Specifically, with these we can tie them to a specific individual it was mailed to,” he continued. “And so, we have 74,000 where we have, it came back from individuals where we don’t have a clear indication that it was ever sent out to them.”

      “But I think when you have 74,000, it merits knocking on a door and validating some of this information,” he added.

      • tucsonspur July 19, 2021 at 10:45 pm #

        Maybe, just maybe, the truth will win out!

      • benr July 19, 2021 at 10:45 pm #

        Do you deniers understand that this was JUST ONE fucking county in Arizona!

        • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:34 pm #

          Nice work, benr.

      • Redneck Liberal July 19, 2021 at 10:53 pm #

        While knocking on said doors, make sure you offer them a vaccination!

        • benr July 20, 2021 at 8:59 am #

          Now why would anyone do something so absurd?
          If they wanted this monstrosity they would have gone out and sought it.
          Does the thought of people knocking on doors to verify voting integrity cause you concerns?
          The end of the Democrat party might be in the offering should they no longer be allowed to cheat.
          What a shame it would be if the cobbled together party of weirdos suddenly had to swing back towards the center to represent normal average Americans.
          You know there platform from say the 50’s minus the obvious racism and ties to the KKK.

          • hmuller July 21, 2021 at 10:08 am #

            I would guess they ran out of people willing to be vaxed for a free donut. Ghouls like Redneck will have to significantly up the reward; even the dims sense something is wrong here.

  68. tom clark July 19, 2021 at 11:07 pm #

    This week’s blog reminds me of the old saw:

    I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather.

    Not screaming and yelling like the back seat drivers in his car.

    • MaryQueen July 19, 2021 at 11:15 pm #


    • SoftStarLight July 20, 2021 at 2:15 am #

      LOL drive faster Papaw!!

    • Tate July 20, 2021 at 11:45 am #

      Have to remember that one, lol.

    • cbeard July 20, 2021 at 12:19 pm #

      Good’un. Snicker, Snicker

  69. JohnAZ July 19, 2021 at 11:58 pm #


    Please read this, I think it is important.

    Novel Autoantibody Adds Fuel to Covid19 “Firestorm” of Inflammation, Blood Clots – Michigan Health Lab – Michigan Medicine

    “Covid emulates many aspects of systemic autoimmune disorders, including the release of overactive immune cells that produce toxic webs of proteins and DNA called neutriphil extra cellular traps, or NETs.

    My add on

    If Covid does this, if it is the spike proteins that trigger the reaction, and if so could the spike proteins created by the vaccines be triggering the same thing in people susceptible to this. Could it be that whatever this autoimmune response is, it could be affecting people the same whether from the disease or the vaccine.

    • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 6:12 am #

      John AZ –

      Why are you bothering asking the “neurodoc” anything?

      He’s only ever been arrogantly dismissive of you and your medical opinions in the past (‘I don’t waste my time on nurses unless I’m trying them” if I recall correctly).

      He steams in here, gets a hard-on being a “my shit doesn’t stink” know-It-All, then leaves because he has better things to do than sit around gabbing with low IQs like the rest of us.

      One of his earliest posts (IIRC) invoked the nut job CT that ‘the vaccine’ (he didn’t specify which one) was a carrier for a Bill Gates tracking chip, ffs.

      Follow his handle’s link and let us know how his “neurodoc” business looks then. Snake Oil was respectable in comparison.

      • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 6:20 am #


        Maybe JAZ asks this of neurodoc on account of nurses understand that many (most?) doctors are assholes with a God complex and a cottage WAY nicer than your house because nurses also understand that these pricks are the most intelligent and informed people on the subject of medicines and vaccines and JAZ seeks The Truth as opposed to Sharks v Jets.

        You spend your time judging every person rather than simply considering what is being discussed.

        You are also an asshole, RL. Yes, low IQ asshole. TruStory

        • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 6:21 am #

          * low-IQ asshole.

          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 1:05 pm #

            This is you, not judging. Got it.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 6:43 pm #

            What? You called yourself low-IQ and you have proved yourself an asshole repeatedly.

            No judgement here. I’m merely dealing with known facts.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:35 pm #



        • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 6:26 am #

          Lol. Go back to bed, and re-up your meds. The melt-sown upthread would embarrass your mommy.

          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 6:39 am #


            Mr. Hawkins – I know exactly what JohnAZ was on about. I’ve watched “neurodoc” be nothing but a prime prick to JohnAZ since he first appeared. Someone called him out on the “Bill Gates tracking-chips in the vaccine” and “neurodoc” appealed to JHK to have the poster shut down/banned etc.

            JohnAZ has only ever engaged with us all from the perspective of a long-time medical professional. No doubt over his many years in service, he’s gotten to know exactly what types & levels of assholes Specialist doctors can be. However, I don’t have a clue about “neurodoc” aside from what he’s posted. He could be an idiot-savant janitor at John’s Hopkins for all I – or anyone round here – knows.

            The link behind his handle takes you to a weird place…it has a medical veneer to it, but a stridently commercial flavor too. The sort of outfit a link from which I wouldn’t be surprised to get from my mother or a nutty uncle. Try it…maybe he can prescribe something for your currently-rampant psychosis.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 6:46 am #

            I slept like a baby, RL. I had a Great day yesterday. Perhaps the Best day yet in my almost 6-year Legal battle.

            I’ve no idea what meltdown you speak of but you do not concern me. You are a poisoned dope and an asshole to boot.

            “Why won’t they booster-jab us already?” Right?

            Dirty needle junkie.

            Get Right with God, bud. Right quick before Billy Gates controls your mind.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 6:59 am #

            So … You’re this Big Lefty Liberal waving your own, personal rainbow flag for every cock-sucker and tranny in the country but sadistically ridicule the mentally-ill?

            You’re sick.

          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 7:03 am #

            What meltdown????

            ’ TS, are you double jab-jab-jabbied? You rage like a double jab-jab-jabster needin’ a fix. Know wuhm sayin’?

            And that just the most recent of your lunatic ravings about “jabs”. Utterly off-the-rails.

            Once the Family Court judge gets your letter (as posted here recently) I fully expect that local authorities will be notified and you’ll end up “Section 8”ed…for your own safety and the safety of others.

            Otherwise, Saskatoon will (eventually) have a crazy person running naked round downtown, threatening good citizens with a needle, and raving on about how “Jebus is coming to sort this shit show out – any minute now!”

          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 7:12 am #

            What the fuck???!

            ’ So … You’re this Big Lefty Liberal waving your own, personal rainbow flag for every cock-sucker and tranny in the country but sadistically ridicule the mentally-ill?
            You’re sick.

            Fuckwit….! I’m not ‘sadistically ridiculing’ the mentally ill as a class of people. This is all strictly for you, and only you, and very personally.

            You, however, have no compunction about ‘sadistically ridiculing’ a whole class of people, based on who they happen to love. Alan Turing was gay. Michelangelo was gay. Da Vinci was also. There’s plenty of “cocksuckers” in history that leave you in the dirt, playing your “truvinyl” ‘70s records to an audience of… what , seven?

            Just cut out the preaching and constant ad homs. It’s just boring.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 7:26 am #

            Hahaha! That’s funny. That’s the Best laugh that I have had in while. Thank you.

            It probably would not be the first time that someone went berserk with a syringe in Moose Jaw … but so not my style.

            Actually, I filed Criminal Charges against 4 people (including 3 bar-members) yesterday. I Believe that God is indeed making things Right, RL.

            As for my fictitious quotes of your thoughts (now that you are a dirty needle junkie), I have had many addictions in my life. Cigarettes, alcohol (REAL BAD), cocaine. I know how the junkie mind works (or doesn’t, rather).

            You consider it my meltdown in July 2021 but you’ll be climbing the walls for your booster-jab within months. We all know that.

            God & Satan are Real, dipshit. This is not about me.

          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 7:35 am #

            So, the addict’s mindset never changes. You simply swapped out your chemical addictions for dependency on a fiction-addiction. What meds ARE you on? LSD appears to still have a hold on you.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 7:42 am #

            I am always 1 reply behind you.

            OK, so it is fine to sadistically ridicule my mental illness. Would you goof on my tailbone that can no longer allow any more hours crunched on a keyboard or my left knee that will no longer allow it standing up?

            Fuck you that it’s OK to goof on mental illness because you doing it specifically for and to me. Fuck you very much.

            I built the Best customized Equity Research Data Acquisition & Publishing System on Earth solo twice (1992-3 & 1999-2000) and a 3rd time with a partner (2013-14).

            In a track record of accomlishments, https://truvinyl.tv is, by far, the Best project that I ever accomplished. It is a shame that I do not have the respurces to properly market it. I have spoke with my Member of Parliament’s office about entrepreneurial help but presently remain focused on Law Enforcement and the recouping of the over $750,000 that was extorted from me.


            And, at least I Really built https://truvinyl.tv , Sugar Tits Trae.

            I never claimed to be Michelangelo or any other cock-sucker so if they left me in the dust someone should tell them that I was running a different race.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 7:51 am #

            You still don’t get it. I am sharing what I know. Instead of considering what I share, you strike at me.

            You are a dipshit and an asshole.

            You will be climbng the walls for your next jab because they deceived you into being a dirty needle junkie. They were able to do so because you Really Believed that 3 Manhattan skyscrapers were pulverized by 2 airplanes 1 Tuesday.

            Dipshit dirty needle junkie asshole.


            And, c’mon man! Let’s leave our dear mothers out of this, ok?

          • benr July 20, 2021 at 9:05 am #

            Speaking of assholes this site is full of them and well we all like company.
            Enjoy the spectacle from your fellow assholes.
            Ain’t it grand?
            At least we are for the most part allowed to express ourselves as we see fit.

          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 1:09 pm #

            Sugar Tits Trae

            That’s most amusing, Mr Hawkins, as you were the very hyperactive-imagineer who leapt to the conclusion that I was Trae Crouder. Pretty fucking funny there for a week or two! It’s even funnier now that the Troll Detail – Narcky Owl, MaryQadjacent and you – all think that pointing out your foolishness reflects on me. Ha.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 6:39 pm #

            That does not even mske sense.

            I’m getting even while you’re getting odd.

            You want a booster-jab, don’t ya, Sugar Tits Trae?

            A little jabby-jab “to keep from running out.”

            Little pin prick.

            You are a dirty needle junkie while I single-handedly built the Best Classic Rock radio network on the whole interweb.

          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 9:18 pm #

            “Actually, I filed Criminal Charges against 4 people (including 3 bar-members) yesterday.

            Perhaps it is different in Canada, but everywhere else in the English-speaking world that has a judicial system largely derived from the Magna Carta, a private citizen cannot file criminal charges. That power is reserved exclusively for the State.

            So, I guess you could be lying, or be confused and delusional, or just an idiot – possibly all three?

        • JohnAZ July 20, 2021 at 10:27 am #


          Lots of experience with MDs.

          Some bad as you described, many good.

          I learned one thing though, no one on this planet works as hard as an attending physician. 24 hour days, on and on. MDs earned my respect more, the more years I worked.

    • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 6:13 am #


    • Islander July 20, 2021 at 9:34 am #

      This is Dr. Bhakdi’s explanation of how the viruses and jabs work, including the spikes etc.


      • JohnAZ July 20, 2021 at 10:22 am #

        I do not believe in one man opinions because that it exactly what they are. When data supports come from multiple studies and is peer reviewed, then it counts.

        • JohnAZ July 20, 2021 at 10:23 am #

          These “experts” are just more pundits.

          • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 6:22 pm #

            Don’t worry, John. Nothing will penetrate the bubble.

            When you brushed off ex-VP and lead scientist at Pfizer (Yeadon) as a kook, we were all very impressed.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 8:57 pm #

            His denial is getting worse it would appear.

          • Islander July 21, 2021 at 8:45 am #

            Re JAZ, “one man’s opinions” and “pundits,”
            I would certainly give more weight to the information from Dr. Bhakdi, who has no dog in the “vaxx” money game,
            than to faceless CDC or WHO “experts” who continually change their message, do not offer any scientific explanations that the lay population can understand, and suppress those who are trying to help citizens understand the relevant science.

            Dr. Bhakdi is an eminent microbiologist with a very long and distinguished CV in microbiology and a long career as a professor and department head at the U of Mainz.

            In the video I linked up=thread he provides a very clear explanation of the workings of the immune system, presented as one would expect from a longtime teacher of these concepts.

            If someone disagrees with the actual information he presents, they should do it. It may be that the info is correct but his conclusions wrong—fine. Then discuss that.

            When such a genuine expert is simply “canceled,” it is a sign that “someone” does not want to engages in genuine science but just wants to quash certain views.

            Re “pundit,” that is a LOLOLOL.
            Do you even know what the word means?

        • elysianfield July 20, 2021 at 10:59 am #

          “I do not believe in one man opinions because that it exactly what they are. When data supports come from multiple studies and is peer reviewed, then it counts.

          …Ahh…critical thinking…also, the multiple studies also should be studied to vette methodologies and personal predilections of the authors….

          Then lit REALLY counts….

  70. Yohannon July 20, 2021 at 12:39 am #

    Tucker Carlson highlights: The Biden Administration is about to suspend Title 42, a CDC provision that limits immigration during a pandemic. This is expected to precipitate an even larger torrent of aliens into America from everywhere. You see it’s only a big deal if you have Covid, not if immigrants do or if they bring it into America. Or is it no big deal because they know it doesn’t really exist? Just like it was fine when Antifa and BLM mass rioted in the streets during the lockdown?

    New emoji about to appear on your phone: the pregnant man, complete with porn star mustache. How is this to be used exactly? Maybe as in, “This is ridiculously gay.”?

    In the future, if man is still alive, if woman can survive, will women be required to become men in order to give birth?

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    • Blackbird July 20, 2021 at 1:55 am #

      You can choose to emoji or not emoji, but this…

      So, walking through the automatic doors of a grocery store I see the “greeter” (no, it’s not Walmart) very energetically greeting customers. The greeter, large and lumpy, I classified as male due only to the presence of a patchy scattering of reluctant facial hair. The ponytail, as well as the topiary from which it sprung, were blue. It (I didn’t check for genpref) made a point of approaching closely and greeting very loudly every individual to pass through the doors – in and out, the foot traffic at that time allowing basically a running monologue.

      A quick survey of expressions as I escaped into the fruit section (that’s right, escaped into the fruit section) made me think I wasn’t the only one who thought “that was a little strange”. If running that gauntlet becomes a regular event, Talenti Mango Sorbet and Black Diamond Cheddar Cheese may disappear from my fridge. I knew they’d go eventually, but not like this.

      • benr July 20, 2021 at 8:42 am #

        Ugh the first level of hell has been achieved here on earth.

        • Blackbird July 20, 2021 at 10:37 pm #

          Many little hells, popping out all over.

    • SoftStarLight July 20, 2021 at 2:08 am #

      Yes! The borderlands everywhere and in every way now are like by default warzones. Tbh though, the southern border has been such a fiction for so long that we have to be careful now not to fall into the trap of believing it is a reality. Of course we want it to be a reality and we demand it be so! But it has been so lawless for so long that I don’t think anything the CDC does or doesn’t do will impact that flood. No telling what vicious diseases are being imported. And we’ll never know till its too late probably. And yes. Their narrative is that essentially there is no such thing as woman. But don’t get comfortable since man is also unnecessary. A cosmopolitan multiational androgynous human being? is their ideal. But I question that because they would say mentioning human being is anthropocentric and speciest. Sinfully so most likely

      • tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 2:32 am #

        They’re flying them all over the country, and, as Tucker said, the Republicans are doing nothing about it. Right, what’s new.

        It should really be a war zone. Military and machine guns. Might be necessary when the global collapse comes. We’ll have a million Pancho Villas invading the nation otherwise.

        • SoftStarLight July 20, 2021 at 10:42 am #

          I agree. I’m so sick of do nothing Republicans I can’t really even think about them anymore. And even after Tucker covered that issue you haven’t heard not one Republican in Congress say anything at all about the illegal military supported invasion. Official Washington is officially worthless.

      • BackRowHeckler July 20, 2021 at 6:28 am #

        Yes, 150,000 poverty stricken migrants crossing the southern border each month from fetid, disease ridden Central American jungles. What, got a problem with it?


        Meanwhile, nearby (relatively speaking) LA is in lockdown (adopting language from the prison system, applying it to current events),

        “When I began hearing language from the gulag spoken on the streets of Moscow I knew we were finished”- Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

        And amongst the west coast vagrants, hundreds of thousands of them, every 3rd world filthy disease known to man festering on the streets under the hot, unrelenting sun.


        • SoftStarLight July 20, 2021 at 10:46 am #

          Yeah isn’t that something? We actually have “lockdowns” in a “country” that doesn’t even have any borders. The PTB rely on the extreme idiocracy that grips the populace. And basically it works. Chalk it up to the miseducation system and relentless ignorantification of media and culture among other things

        • elysianfield July 20, 2021 at 10:55 am #

          “And amongst the west coast vagrants, hundreds of thousands of them, every 3rd world filthy disease known to man festering on the streets under the hot, unrelenting sun.”

          How many times I gotta say it…”stay away from crowds….”

  71. SoftStarLight July 20, 2021 at 1:43 am #

    A very interesting take imo to describe the core of their power and power making, the sculptured psyche, in terms of anachronisms. Fittingly, the airwaves too no less. And sure their blustering bravado is indeed already passe’ on this here floating rock. But it doesn’t make the plunge any sweeter. And that animal ain’t gone die gracefully.

    I am hoping against hope? that the fraud and thievery will be overturned. But then I start to think that probably Jupiter gobbled up that John Durham asteroid before it could make its way to primetime. Bringing me closer to the conclusion that yes, all of these things going on in far flung places are of little import truth be known. In the end, on the ground, laws and rules are only as good or bad as those who enforce them..or don’t..clearly. And that cuts both ways. Actually it cuts every which way. Eventually these authoritarian dictatorships crumble into failed states. And these bizarre people don’t appear to even be able to enjoy their party before it’s over. It’s actually a human tragedy on such a multitude of levels endless volumes couldn’t capture it all. So I’ll stop there lol 🙂

    • tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 2:24 am #

      Remember when Jupiter gobbled up comet Shoemaker-Levy? Gravitational forces ripped the comet apart and caused multiple impacts.


      • SoftStarLight July 20, 2021 at 10:37 am #

        It is so funny you mention this because a similar video popped up on youtube the other day and I watched it and it was super interesting. I don’t remember the actual event but am so glad there are records of it. Can you imagine that! The explosions generated 50,000 degree heat!! One of the dark plumes left after the explosion looks like a dancing angel. Check it out at 2:05 in the vid. Basically my understanding is the Jupiter is almost a failed Sun. It is that big and gargantuan! And so it basically is the solar systems’ vacuum cleaner and actually plays a big role in keeping Earth safe from wandering comets and asteroids.

        • Blackbird July 20, 2021 at 10:55 pm #

          Like explosions and extreme heat? (Who doesn’t?!) Meet the snapping shrimp (family Alphaeidea).

          Got one hand bigger than the other. Snaps its fingers, collapse of the resulting cavitation bubble reaches temperatures of over 7,700 C (surface of the Sun is a measly 5,500 C). One of only a few species that cooks its dinner. A big snapping shrimp is about 2 inches long.

          A snapping shrimp walks into a bar…

          • SoftStarLight July 21, 2021 at 3:36 am #

            Wow!! That is so neat! I never really knew about the snapping shrimp till now. The level of heat generated for that snap is mind boggling omg! Really unbelievable but yet true

  72. tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 2:06 am #

    My post above was in no way meant to be a criticism of our esteemed host. Obviously, there are many rank and file Republicans.

    ‘The trouble is: narrative is not the truth. Generally, it’s the opposite of the truth. It’s manufactured counter-truth. The more narrative you spin, the faster you must spin off new supporting narrative to conceal the untruth of your previous narrative — until the national hive mind is lit up in unreality where nothing makes sense and the very language that separates humanity from the rough beasts becomes a social poison.’

    Absolutely fantastic, Jim. Simply marvelous. Words can’t describe….but sometimes they can.

  73. gustafson.robert.22 July 20, 2021 at 2:24 am #

    @anthea, malthus, yoho

    “The australian aborigines had a vibrant, stable culture for tens of millennia.”

    Q (Malthus): how so? sleeping in ditches, 3 dog nites?

    A: art, food, nature, family. What more do you want? Thucidides? Mass-production? Little debbie products? Engineered viruses?

    • malthuss July 20, 2021 at 11:33 am #

      boomerangs. wow. static for 1000s of years.

      • gustafson.robert.22 July 20, 2021 at 11:43 am #

        every throw is different

        amazing how many tech worshippers are on this blog.

        A white pride (and/or sense of superiority) based on Euro-industrialist tech-culture accomplishment is like a girl who’s self-image is based on the exquisite shape of her nose. Foolish, shallow, little play long-term, doomed to disappointment

        • Yohannon July 20, 2021 at 12:15 pm #

          Well they do have thicker skulls. That helps in club fighting and perhaps boxing. You should be made to live with them now. Are you ready to huff gas? Sleep on the roads in order to stay warm?

          John Stuart Mill’s education rational (liberal) education brought him to a nervous breakdown. He could not say that a man was no better than a pig as rationality (so called) indicated. You have reached this point, but you haven’t broken down. You are just continuing to the end. Cockroaches are the perfect from of life. Every morsel of food is different….

          Petrol, in the car it goes
          Don’t be rama rama
          Not up your nose.


          These kids have an IQ of about 60. Koko the Gorilla was estimated to have an IQ of 80.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 20, 2021 at 12:23 pm #

            Yoho at his most simplistic here

          • Yohannon July 20, 2021 at 1:11 pm #

            These people don’t see the beauty of nature. They’re too close. They are nature.

            As T.S Elliot said of our homelands, we will spiral back to the primitive but it will be different because we are different. Thus we will see as if for the first time.

          • sevensec July 20, 2021 at 6:13 pm #


            One cannot admire nature if one is too close to it, too one with it. Interesting observation.

            …And yet now we increasingly feel this tremendous gravitation of the natural—this need to surrender to the natural, to become its slave—as the final act of our very charge towards “progress”.

            Does not this material world seem daily to grow heavier and more imposing, also more seductive?

            We make ready to seize and merge with the heavens, and perhaps even *brand* them for “Amazon”, “Virgin” or “SpaceX”; we prepare to blast off into a Gnostic Heaven of self-designed identity-classes (also with its own own set of brands). We have never grabbed more madly for the non-material and the anti-natural. Yet Matter, in reply, simply grabs back, stronger and stronger.

            Remember “the Abolition of Man”? “Man’s conquest of Nature turns out, in the moment of its consummation, to be Nature’s conquest of Man.”

            We are here. Desperate apologists for stupidity, barbarity and leveling, like your esteemed interlocutor, are now a penny a dozen. Many, not incorrectly, feel in their bones that something very bad awaits us but a little ways down the Technological Path. But they somehow do not see that *this path*, too, is one of leveling.

            This is the paradox: those who lean into endless technology or “progress” end up slaves of Nature just as much as these flyweight Romantics who, entranced by some cartoon image of the savage, hope to make “the Natural” an antidote for “progress”.

            What is needed, maybe, is a completely new kind of technology—technology that isn’t technology. Something that stands between these two extremes, which each lead to implosion back into Nature. Your “High Middle”, perhaps…? Who knows?

          • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 12:49 am #

            We conquered outer nature but not our inner nature. Or to put it another way, we didn’t keep pace with our technology. We’re like little kids playing with loaded revolvers.

        • gustafson.robert.22 July 20, 2021 at 1:15 pm #

          I’m not sure i agree that they dont see it categorically, but i do kind of like. But in so far as they do not appreciate or never appreciated what they possessed in the primitive cultural state…it does not mean they are incapable of that appreciation.

          I dont buy any of this “IQ” garbage. IQ is a petty construct

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 7:55 pm #

            It is not a coincidence that High-IQ people run banks while Low-IQ people do not.

            IQ matters.

            Morons think that their little piddly thoughts are every bit as valid as the ponderances of the brilliant. They are, of course, Wrong (as per usual).

  74. BackRowHeckler July 20, 2021 at 4:33 am #

    Before every NFL game this season the Black National Anthem will be played. I can see players standing proudly for the Black Natiobal Anthem, then dropping to one knee when the Star Spengled Banner is played.

    As for you proles, when the Black National Anthem comes on, you’d better stand, hat removed, hand over your heart; if in uniform a salute is required.

    Even if you’re watching the game in your own house you need to do this. You’re kids will be taking note, and making a report Monday morning at school, in their CRT session.

    • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 6:08 am #


    • JohnAZ July 20, 2021 at 10:17 am #

      Uh, no! If that anthem is played in my home, the TV goes off.

  75. O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 5:54 am #

    St EF: J.C. a man, Sniped? I think not. You have spoken with Satan? WTF did he say? I worked the bonebox for 33 years. I’ve seen the dregs of the dregs. You ain’t seen shit. Murder, mayhem, child abuse, you name it, I picked up a coupla’ heads. they’re heavy. No brag, just fact. Bite me . God is a vengeful prick.

    I never said that I have spoken with Satan.

    That is the most disgusting strawman hurled at me in all of the countless strawmen built against me here on CFN.

    I physically witnessed Satan whether you did or not.

    God reveals His Power to me each and every day.

    You can witness God’s Power too. I’m not special. At least no more special than are you.

    It is not for you to judge God, you dope. God judges you.

    Repent your sins and ask God for forgiveness. TruStory

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    • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 7:21 am #

      Funny…you’re well up there in the “judginess” stakes, Mr. Hawkins.

      Tell us about your experience with “Satan”. Go on.

      • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 8:01 am #

        I do not judge, RL. I warn that God judges. I fear my own judgement while I warn you of yours.

        I have already told you, I have physically witnessed Satan in demonic force but will not share the personal details with a public board.

        Judge me on my Track Record. I will keep making seemingly bold predictions and we’ll witness what transpires.

        It’s not that difficult, Really. God has it all written out for us to read and study.

      • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 6:25 pm #

        Borrowing my lines again.

        Not one original thought in that pea brain.


        • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 8:49 pm #

          Just Poor Man’s Trae Crowder, doing his best (worst) impressions.

          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 9:03 pm #

            All of the Tinfoil Three found posting in succession! What fun.

            NarcTroll still thinks he has a copyright on the English language.

            MaryQadjacent was fooled by (and just like) HOG Hawkins, and is now so embarrassed by her gullibility, she just rages impotently.

            Most amusing.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 10:26 pm #

            Who is this person you’re talking about?

            And you think OG hallucinates? LOL.

  76. O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 5:58 am #

    Luke Prokop Comes Out As Gay And Makes NHL History

    High-level female hockey players, such as Olympic gold medalist Meghan Duggan, have previously come out as gay, according to the league. But until Prokop’s announcement Monday, no other player signed to an NHL team — active or retired — had come out in the history of the professional league.

    Prokop’s team and league officials congratulated him on social media, saying the defenseman was setting an example for others.

    “The Nashville Predators organization is proud of Luke for the courage he is displaying in coming out today and we will support him unequivocally in the days, weeks, and years to come as he continues to develop as a prospect,” the team tweeted.




    Wow! Have times ever changed.

    Prokup is a 3rd Round draft pick (#73 over-all in last year’s goofy Covid NHL Amateur Draft) playing Major Junior. Most 3rd Rounders never play a single game in the NHL.

    NHL fans in Boston have been known to throw a banana at a black opponent. I wonder if the Beantowners will yell anything if Luke ever plays against their beloved Bruins at TD Gardens and, if so, what.

  77. O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 7:11 am #

    Anecdotal news:

    The fine young man (Mike) that recently did a plumbing project for my gf dropped dead yesterday.

    Mike was in his late 30s and in perfect health. Mike leaves a widow and 2 small children.

    • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 7:19 am #

      A jabby-jabby-jab victim, no doubt?

      • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 8:02 am #

        Do ya think?

        • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 6:55 pm #

          No, but I’d bet you don’t know, either, and this is just your typical paranoid implication.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 7:50 pm #

            Maybe you do not understand “anecdotal” or maybe you are completely full of shit.

            Before the jabs, my gf (who is a successful hairdresser for 30+ years with many loyal clients) never had any anecdotal deaths.

            In the past few weeks however, 4 mean dropped dead. 3 in their 50s and the other was 35. Plus a 93 year-old woman who hadn’t menstrated since the 1960s was rushed to hospital with vaginal bleeding.

            Pretty well all the jabbed women at the salon have reported bizarre vaginal bleeding.

            Of course this is anecdotal. I have labeled it as such. It is anecdotal but worth considering as we look for trends.

            I get in enough hot water on my own, RL. Stop putting words in my mouth, please & thank you.

          • Mike Roberts July 20, 2021 at 8:12 pm #

            So what is the purpose of putting out anecdotes? Surely, the only explanation is that you want us to infer that bad things often happen after the jab. One might even “drop dead.” Such stuff adds nothing to the discussion except to cement the views of those who have no desire to seek the truth.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:40 pm #

            You offered the jab scenario. Then you call others paranoid.

            Starting to think you’re very mentally unstable.

          • Redneck Liberal July 22, 2021 at 8:53 am #

            Clearly you’re an irony free zone.

    • BackRowHeckler July 20, 2021 at 8:11 am #

      Similar situation here. I had a new garage door installed; crew showed up, a younger guy and an older guy. Older guy was miserable, started out shouting that the company’s sales engineer who measured and priced the job was an ignorant f#kkng xxshole, it all had to be done over. Ok. The younger guy was cool, he was interested in my old motorcycle and a vintage car my nephew stores here. Anyway, they got it installed, took about 4 hours. That night I noticed the door wasn’t working properly, needed adjustment at the least. I called the company, stating the problem, requesting the younger guy come out, not the old guy, who I didn’t want to see again. They told me they couldn’t honor my request. Why not? Well, he died last night. I never found out what from.


      • stelmosfire July 20, 2021 at 9:22 am #

        Marlin, that old sumbitch. Gubner will put him in the VID column. Sucks to be him, Eh?

        • stelmosfire July 20, 2021 at 9:25 am #

          O.G. says the wrath of GOD struck him down. He heard it firsthand. Whispered in his ear.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 2:21 pm #

            You are a piece of shit.

      • PeteAtomic July 20, 2021 at 9:33 am #

        “Well, he died last night. I never found out what from.”

        Geez, what did you say to him??

        ha ha

      • malthuss July 20, 2021 at 11:37 am #

        the young guy died????? how old? ask his employer if vax was required.

        • BackRowHeckler July 20, 2021 at 11:53 am #

          Guy was about 30. Looked like he had some hard miles in him tho.

          • malthuss July 20, 2021 at 9:18 pm #

            tatts? broken teeth? 25 but looked 32?

      • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:44 pm #

        My lawn guy is 10 years younger than me. Since he got the jab, he looks 10 years older than me. Or more.

        He looks like shit.

        He got every single bad symptom for BOTH shots, including 3-4 days of horrid suffering. Hallucinating, his thighs turned purple and blew up, high fevers and vomiting, thought he was going to die, and he walked into a wall and cracked it.

        Now his skin looks grey, even though he’s out in the sun all day every day, and his personality has changed from normal to gloomy.

        • Mike Roberts July 21, 2021 at 12:14 am #

          Perhaps he came across some toxic plant, in his mowing.

          That’s anecdotal as is this: I’ve had two jabs and only had 24 hours of feeling shit, after the 2nd jab. I don’t know of anyone else who had a bad reaction.

        • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 6:26 am #

          Yeah, well, seeing how it’s YOU providing this “testimony” – which is coincidentally extra-supportive of your fucked-up vaccine narrative – I simply don’t BELIEVE you. You’re a mouthpiece of the OANN/Fox/Newsmax/MAGA Denialist crowd of Tinfoilers.

  78. friartuck July 20, 2021 at 7:54 am #

    “The asteroid is the long-rumored return from deep space of Special Prosecutor John Durham with some interesting announcements concerning the most poisonous narrative of this eraThe asteroid is the long-rumored return from deep space of Special Prosecutor John Durham with some interesting announcements concerning the most poisonous narrative of this era”

    Jimbo….you’re full of “champagne wishes and caviar dreams” …or maybe just plain bullshit. There’s more chance of Durham and uncle jo hawking the vax on tv together then there will ever be for a “report”.

    Hint: this joint IS mystery babylon. And when it comes down, it’s com’n down HARD.

    • Amman July 20, 2021 at 8:30 am #

      Now I know why I don’t like this SP- his name reminds me of “BULL DURHAM,” a nonsensical movie from the 80’s.

  79. O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 8:22 am #

    Anger as French protesters compare vaccines to Nazi horrors
    July 19, 2021 GMT

    PARIS (AP) — A French Holocaust survivor has denounced anti-vaccination protesters comparing themselves to Jews who were persecuted by Nazi Germany during World War II. French officials and anti-racism groups joined the 94-year-old in expressing indignation.

    As more than 100,000 people marched around France against government vaccine rules on Saturday, some demonstrators wore yellow stars recalling the ones the Nazis forced Jews to wear. Other demonstrators carried signs evoking the Auschwitz death camp or South Africa’s apartheid regime, claiming the French government was unfairly mistreating them with its anti-pandemic measures.

    “You can’t imagine how much that upset me. This comparison is hateful. We must all rise up against this ignominy,” Holocaust survivor Joseph Szwarc said Sunday during a ceremony commemorating victims of antisemitic and racist acts by the French state, which collaborated with Adolf Hitler’s regime.


    There ya go Beantown Shill. Right down the pipe.

    Do people being persecuted today have the Right to compare themselves to the Jews being persecuted in Nazi Germany? Or do Jews have a monopoly on suffering and genocide as well as most other industries?

  80. Amman July 20, 2021 at 8:25 am #


    Forewarned is forearmed. I would have pegged her as a Republican,a conservative, from the old school. She says ‘Uhh’ or ‘Umm’ eight times in 40 seconds. Like she is blocking nagging signals from her brain.

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    • gustafson.robert.22 July 20, 2021 at 9:09 am #

      Imagine standing at a national press conference and spewing a script you were handed but did not agree with, just to save a shitty career and hang on to your wasted personal investment in washington DC culture

      • Amman July 20, 2021 at 6:36 pm #

        A script. Sort of like in the movies except in DC, you have no choice but to play the part.

    • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:22 am #

      Have you noticed they are now trying to conflate freedom of speech with ‘public health’.

      The public health of the country relies on only ONE narrative so the others have to be shut down.

      But yeah there is no encroaching totalitarianism, according to the Dem/lib wokies.

      • Amman July 20, 2021 at 6:53 pm #

        Encroaching? Full throttle? Who knows what the script is.

    • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:24 am #

      One wonders why they hired a press secretary that sucks at public speaking.

      • Amman July 20, 2021 at 7:06 pm #

        Correction, she said it 10 times. Maybe an off day.

        • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 8:46 pm #

          No she’s been like that since day 1. I was amazed then and remain amazed that a spokesperson who can’t publicly speak is the voice for the WH.

  81. stelmosfire July 20, 2021 at 9:04 am #

    I always bottled my homebrew in 16 0z Carling Black Label bar bottles. Heavy cardboard cases. I would get them empty at the packy for 3 bucks a case with the deposit. The local saloon had them full for a buck and a half for a pint bottle full . Why did this disappear? the bottles had some tales to tell with all the scars.

    • benr July 20, 2021 at 9:06 am #

      reminds me of mexican beer and coke.

      • stelmosfire July 20, 2021 at 9:27 am #

        Fuckin, eh!!

        • stelmosfire July 20, 2021 at 9:31 am #

          Bezo’s blows a wad.

    • PeteAtomic July 20, 2021 at 9:39 am #


    • PeteAtomic July 20, 2021 at 9:40 am #

      I’ve been largely sober for the last 1 1/2.

      before I quit drinking my wife had bought me a home brew kit.

      It’s still in the box! unopened lol

      I need to get on craigslist./ FB markets and sell that thing

      • benr July 20, 2021 at 9:51 am #


      • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 1:32 pm #

        Don’t support FB. “They’re killing people.”

    • elysianfield July 20, 2021 at 10:49 am #

      I’ve been a straight grain brewer since…1986. I use Cornelius Kegs with CO2 infusion. If I want bottles, I then fill the German lock-tops with an over-pressure system.

      Still have about two dozen of the last two brews in the basement…haven’t brewed for several years. Grow my own hops, and have enough grain for another ten or twelve 5 gallon brews.

  82. PeteAtomic July 20, 2021 at 9:38 am #

    High of 66 degrees here today (that’s 19 C) and overcast.

    Still getting that damn wild fire smoke from O.G.’s house on the praire. I wish those fellas would put that out. Maybe they are burning all their excess marijuana out in B.C., I don’t know


    • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:07 am #

      We were getting bad air from some fires for the past few days, but today we have good air so I got out and did a big ride on my bike. Feels great.

      Thank goodness for A/C also. We still are 93-100 every day.

  83. benr July 20, 2021 at 9:49 am #

    Was 85 and humid.
    Ocean temp 70-72 degrees and the bodies littered the beaches.
    Swell out of the west, ssw and se running 1-3 feet.

    Went fishing yesterday and caught an 18″ spotted sea bass also called a kelp bass but wound up giving it away to a grandfather and his grandson who only caught non-keepers.

    The beer was cold and the air was hot.

    • benr July 20, 2021 at 9:50 am #

      Live action shot of the beach.


      • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:09 am #

        Heavenly! I miss the ocean but I don’t miss CA.

        I’m happy doing laps at the local pool for my water fix, and hiking along the Boise river.

        I do have midwest roots though, grew up on a river, I dig them.

        • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 12:07 pm #

          You dig rivers? You’re amazing!

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 8:44 pm #

            My talents are seemingly endless!

  84. JohnAZ July 20, 2021 at 10:04 am #


    I addressed Neurodoc because he and I have had a nice discussion about both sides of the Covid situation. Yeah, once he was a little condescending but if I got pissed at every condescending post on this blog, I would have quit long ago.

    I also know that if I address him, everyone else gets a crack at it. I believed this information the U of M issued might explain a lot of what we a seeing out there, especially with the adverse effects of the vaccine. I also believe that mRNA research is important for the future so that anything learned about understanding good and bad effects of it is a good thing.

    Something that should have been explored long ago is potentially discovered in this study, the possibility that folks that are really affected by the disease will be really affected by the vaccine. From a risk standpoint, very important.

    • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 12:05 pm #

      JAZ keeps seeking The Truth with steadfast determination.

      Kudos, sir!

    • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 8:55 pm #

      JohnAZ – did you intend to include a link to the U of M Study?

  85. JohnAZ July 20, 2021 at 10:13 am #


    We just visited SD about two weeks ago.

    Incredible old folks story

    My wife and I lived one block away from the cliff on Narragansett Ave.overlooking Ocean Beach in a one bedroom apartment while I was stationed at FLEASW school on Nimitz Blvd. It cost us $125 month. 1969.

    We Zillowed it while we were there. Ha, a condo conversion for $1.25 million.

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    • benr July 20, 2021 at 10:17 am #

      Yeah OB is a really weird little beach town now.
      One old salt to another thanks for your service.
      Would have been cool to get a coffee while you were here.

      • 100th Avatar July 20, 2021 at 11:56 am #

        It has been weird for a very long time.

        Yet it will always be the ghetto by the sea

        A few decades ago you wouldn’t be getting coffee at Starbucks
        The neighbors banned it.

        But all fold over time

        • benr July 20, 2021 at 7:48 pm #

          Still only one Starbucks in OB they are on every corner everywhere else.
          On this I kind of agree with Obcians rather get a coffee from better buzz or newbreak coffee shop.

          • benr July 20, 2021 at 7:50 pm #

            Speaking of coffee I got a bumper crop of beans from my Arabica house tree this year after two years now have enough green coffee beans to make a full pot of coffee all grown in my back yard from one tree.
            Considering roasting them and trying them out this weekend.

          • BackRowHeckler July 21, 2021 at 8:16 am #

            Wait a minute Ben. You have a coffee tree?

          • benr July 21, 2021 at 9:52 am #

            Yes there are some attempts at growing coffee in San Diego now.
            Takes some work but is do able.


          • 100th Avatar July 21, 2021 at 5:06 pm #

            Get a rustica tree. Hardier, more caffeine

          • BackRowHeckler July 22, 2021 at 12:58 pm #

            That’s interesting Ben.

            The right soil, enough sunlight, with some irrigation and hard work, and luck, it’s possible then. It’s like wine making in Ct. The grapes here aren’t the best and the growing season is only 150 days, but growers out in the eastern part of the State are making some pretty decent wine, all things considered.


    • malthuss July 20, 2021 at 9:24 pm #

      i thought sd was south dakota.

  86. JohnAZ July 20, 2021 at 10:50 am #

    Yours too. Next time for sure.

  87. MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:03 am #

    “America is on a bad trip. The country has lost its way psychologically. Two things will be required to bring it out of the fugue state it tripped into five years ago: some significant shocks to the system and the passage of time. “

    This sums up well the state of things.

    When the dominating (blue) branch of the uniparty is now celebrating a sort of d’iversity’ which includes pedophilia; when men in dresses are dominating women’s sports, flashing little girls in women’s changing rooms and Drag Queens are rolling around the floor with toddlers in libraries; when it’s verboten to criticize a black person for any reason lest you be labeled a white supremacist nazi literal Hitler; when “Wet Ass Pussy” is considered high art and worthy of an award per the snooty brits at NPR; when it’s fashionable and enviable to chop ones’ self up to the point of grotesquery to gain ‘acceptance’ as a perma-victim winner in the Oppression Olympics all in the name of ‘gender’; when one has to pretend that the POTATUS is not a slurring, drooling, senile puppet; when one has to listen to his press secretary openly advocate for censorship which tramples on the First Amendment; when the press tells the public the exact opposite of what’s actually occurring (esp. with regard to Covid19) and spreads fear all day long; when Twitter holds “two minutes hate” sessions every day on some unlucky person who violated the Rules of the Wokies, yeah, I’d say we’ve hit the nadir of surreal.

    And I suspect it will get much worse still.

    • Amman July 21, 2021 at 5:51 pm #

      Well, it’s a mess, ain’t it, sheriff?

      – If it ain’t, it’ll do till the mess gets here.

      ….from “No Country for Old Men.”

  88. liber8tor July 20, 2021 at 11:35 am #

    The ultimate hallucination and slap in the face is transgender models on the cover of 2021 SI Swimsuit edition.

    Like take-a-knee, I’m sure this will do wonders for season ticket sales, TV deals and an $8 cup of beer at the stadium.

    Here’s the new sound of professional sports….. ::crickets::

  89. malthuss July 20, 2021 at 11:36 am #

    How many people in the USA are dead from the jab?

    • SoftStarLight July 20, 2021 at 11:49 am #

      I read somewhere yesterday that the true number is north of 50K. And in Europe supposedly hundreds of thousands with millions of injuries.
      What do you think?

      • malthuss July 20, 2021 at 9:25 pm #

        I wonder if it will kill or seriously injure most who get it.

        Im not into ‘web bot’ but he says 10-30% in 1-2 years, dead. He has been wrong about things.

        • SoftStarLight July 21, 2021 at 3:25 am #

          I’ll have to look web bot up! I’ve come across numbers like 60-70%. But of course no way to know for sure if that is correct. What does some one have to gain if they were making up vaxxnegative info? It seems like a lot of trouble in this authoritarian environment.

      • elysianfield July 21, 2021 at 12:29 pm #

        “What do you think?”

        I think I would not believe any statistics from any source.


  90. 100th Avatar July 20, 2021 at 12:02 pm #

    Everything is unspinning

    And burning

    Most of the Amazon is gone.
    And sub Saharan Africa is in on the act

    World on fire


    Eaters gotta eat

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    • SoftStarLight July 20, 2021 at 12:09 pm #

      Yes, we are on a spinning rock in the middle of a vast abyss. Eventually the rock will truly be a rock without water and life. Or so they say. But just to add a little. It is winter right now in the Southern Hemisphere. That means a dry season for much of the Cerrado which the map is showing. The Cerrado is grassland and savanna so fires are part of the natural cycle of that ecosystem. That being said, obviously humans are destroying vast areas of ecosystems. But ecosystems can destroy themselves as well. Life and death are a continuum.

      • 100th Avatar July 20, 2021 at 1:38 pm #

        I am speaking to how much of it is gone.

        Now grasslands

        And soy

        Grass burns
        Not so much rainforests
        Unless one wants grass there instead

        The .01% know we’re past the event horizon

        Up up and away

        • SoftStarLight July 20, 2021 at 1:47 pm #

          Yes, you are correct. Lots of the forests have been converted to grasslands because of agriculture. And the Cerrado itself is also being wiped out because of agriculture. Will that eventually decrease the oxygen in the atmosphere?

          • BackRowHeckler July 20, 2021 at 5:30 pm #

            Pretty green round these parts. 2nd rainiest july in 140 years. In fact its downright tropical; poison ivy vines grow about 6 inches a day.

          • SoftStarLight July 21, 2021 at 3:20 am #

            Actually we have had a ton of rain here too. In fact I have a rain gauge and I’ve measured 61.62 inches of rain so far this year. They say its the most in history! Recorded of course. Everything is definitely green and growing in hyper mode

        • Amman July 22, 2021 at 1:32 am #

          You should give more credit to planet earth who will outlast, renew herself and will easily overcome everything thrown at her.

    • hmuller July 20, 2021 at 1:31 pm #

      And speaking of Amazon, Avatar. Jeff Bezos today blasted into space (if you consider 66 miles up space). Unfortunately, he then returned.

      • 100th Avatar July 20, 2021 at 1:35 pm #

        It is space

        If they say it is

    • benr July 20, 2021 at 7:55 pm #

      Most of the Amazon IS not gone there are still huge swaths of it that no one has ever even stepped foot on or in.
      I was very troubled when we went to the gaucharo cave tour at how much area had been chopped down and burned and was slowly running off down the river.

  91. Yohannon July 20, 2021 at 12:28 pm #


    The Olympics are turning out to be an exercise in Covid Theater. Toyota pulled its ads, now wanting to be associated with such a grim exercise in futility. It’s like Victorians who had sex through a hole in the sheet.

    • hmuller July 20, 2021 at 3:38 pm #

      New Zealand Olympic weight lifter Laurel Hubbard was born a male, but has reputedly “transitioned”. Some kill-joys still scream foul because she/he developed muscles as a man and is now using those very same muscles as a woman. That has to be some kind of fraud?! Bait and switch, maybe?

      Meanwhile, American transgender athlete Chelsea Wolfe is on the US Olympic Women’s BMX bike team. I didn’t even know those silly little bicycles were an Olympic event. Even skateboarding has been approved as an Olympic event and frisbee is not far behind. The Olympics are becoming too absurd for words.

      Anyone into cat juggling?

      • malthuss July 20, 2021 at 9:27 pm #

        wimmen can build big muscles. I have seen this.
        Muscles recognize roids, not genitals.

    • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 8:40 pm #


      Olympics = shit show.

      Stopped watching what, 30 years ago?

  92. cowbell81 July 20, 2021 at 12:30 pm #

    Things are becoming more and more unhinged with each and ever passing day:


    Apparently is is racist to refer the invasive species of carp in our Great Lakes and rivers as the Asian Carp, which is where they were rightly imported from. Next up, the Red Headed Woodpecker will just be known as the Pointy Beak Bird because reference to red heads and peckers might be offensive. Ditto with the Horny Toad, the “American” Bald Eagle, and the “North American” Barn Owl.

    • cowbell81 July 20, 2021 at 12:39 pm #

      Just thought of another one: Canadian Geese, racist towards all Canadians??? lol

      • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 1:53 pm #

        I’ve known Canadians who rather enjoy being goosed.

      • Amman July 21, 2021 at 6:03 pm #

        African wild dog won’t last.

    • BackRowHeckler July 20, 2021 at 1:55 pm #

      Everybody is getting in on the act, trying to outdo one another.

      • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 2:52 pm #

        Oppression Olympics! THE most popular olympics around.

        • Islander July 21, 2021 at 8:49 am #


          Victimization Olympics.
          Don’t even have to hold them because we know who is the winner already!
          Don’t we . . . ???

    • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 2:47 pm #

      Everything’s racist.

      Just google any random terms, like for instance, shade trees, with the word ‘racist’ after it, and there will be a story claiming it.

  93. MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 12:31 pm #

    Jo Jo Magoo’s legions are out coercing old and poor people to jab up, just like he promised.

    North Carolina Door-to-Door Vaccine Outreach Violating ‘Zone of Privacy,’ Advocacy Group Says

    “Though North Carolina’s “door-to-door” vaccine outreach program has been called “not confrontational,” a health advocacy group said it veers into violating a “zone of privacy.”

    The zone of privacy is civil liberty constitutionally protected in the Bill of Rights first recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) when it determined that the government can’t restrict the sale and use of contraceptives, invalidating an 1879 law that the court ruled was a violation of “marital privacy.”

    The court’s ruling later became a precedent in the 1973 case of Roe V. Wade, which decided that the government can’t excessively restrict a woman’s right to have an abortion.

    Leslie Manookian, president and founder of the Health Freedom Defense Fund Inc, (HFDF), a nonprofit headquartered in Sandpoint, Idaho, told The Epoch Times that the established zone of privacy is being challenged by the door-to-door campaign.

    “We don’t walk up to people and ask them, are you on anti-depressants? Do you have erectile dysfunction? We don’t ask people personal things like this for a reason, because it’s unethical, and because of this zone of privacy,” Manookian said. “We understand that it’s not our business to meddle in other people’s businesses, and it’s not the government’s business, either.””


  94. Yohannon July 20, 2021 at 12:44 pm #


    She was paralyzed by a vaccine a few years ago. Guillian Barr syndrome. Officials just denied any connection between this vaccine and that syndrome – falsely I believe. By why take the chance in any case? The complete heartlessness and lack of commonsense is simply amazing. The Elite have shaped their minions in their own image.

    Her doctors told her to never get another vaccine. Does Brigham Young (so spiritual!) care? No.

    • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 2:45 pm #

      Insane. Those doctors should be tried for war crimes.

    • Amman July 22, 2021 at 1:42 am #

      You should write “The Criminals.” Elite is a word that should be reserved for those with decency, rectitude, etc.

  95. MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 12:50 pm #

    It would appear – using common sense – that vaccines are making people sick. It’s not giving them ‘covid19’ it’s injuring and killing them. They can’t put the genie back into the bottle, so they make up ‘variants’ and ‘breakthrough cases’ all of which is utter bullshit. But even if you believe in variants and breakthrough ‘cases’ the end result is the same. The illnesses, deaths and hospitalizations have increased since the jabs rolled out.

    I don’t think the PTB planned on it being this deadly. But who knows.

    Zero Hedge:

    “This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit”: mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries

    by Tyler Durden
    Saturday, Jul 17, 2021 – 06:00 PM

    Dr. Robert Malone, a pioneer in the field of mRNA vaccines, shared a viral Twitter thread on Friday which lays out a disturbing trend; the most-vaccinated countries in the world are experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases, while the least-vaccinated countries are not.”


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    • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 6:28 pm #

      Robert Malone — wild conspiracy theorist.

      Get JohnAZ or Keurig Spur on this, stat!

      I want to hear from the big brains.

      • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 8:38 pm #


  96. Yohannon July 20, 2021 at 1:20 pm #

    Gustaph has denied not only the wheel but the Sun Wheel or Evolution. I’m kicking him out of National Socialism.

    • SoftStarLight July 20, 2021 at 1:43 pm #


      Deny the wheel huh? The Sun and the Moon are spheres, if not a bit imperfectly. Denying the wheel is denying the circle is denying the sphere. I so much don’t understand that, that I am just left baffled and astonished

      • Yohannon July 20, 2021 at 3:27 pm #

        He dwells in flatland. The cockroach is very developed. And man is very developed. Neither is better than the other.

        • gustafson.robert.22 July 20, 2021 at 4:49 pm #

          Man is superior to cockroach. So superior in capabilities he may even conjure a fiction, fool himself… his natural superiority is not enough…he must claim some fairy mystical superiority now…”look at the petrochemical manipulations I’ve achieved…I am greater than great…look upon my indesputable INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT ye simpleton brothers and dispairrrr” haha

          • cowbell81 July 20, 2021 at 5:23 pm #

            For a great cockroach story, see The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.


          • elysianfield July 21, 2021 at 12:23 pm #

            “Man is superior to cockroach. So superior in capabilities…”

            Well, from a cockroach’s perspective, it might suggest that their fecundity is superior…as is their carbon neutrality….

        • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 8:37 pm #

          Cockroaches have the edge after a nuclear war.

    • gustafson.robert.22 July 20, 2021 at 2:14 pm #

      I’m fine with evolution any time developments display merit. Evolution is full of dead ends. Fancy, overly complex ones even

  97. O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 1:51 pm #


    What would you say to someone who says:

    “There is no way that all those hospital workers on TV that look like they’ve been through the ringer working 18 hours trying to keep people alive are faking it! No conspiracy can be that Big!”

    • cowbell81 July 20, 2021 at 1:59 pm #

      If Hollywood can spend millions of dollars on a feature production with amazing real life looking special effects, then the Deep State can certainly find a way to fabricate “hospital workers” that appear to be haggard with COVID overwork. All you need are some good actors and a decent make-up artist. I wouldn’t put anything past the fake news Media at this point.

      • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 12:55 am #

        Lots of women are drama queens. And lots of nurses are tired and over worked. Find tired drama queens working in covid units and you’ll get the water works. Nurses who don’t act like that don’t get aired. And you also don’t talk to nurses in empty hospitals if all that starts up again.

        No need for crisis actors on this one, just selective reporting which then reinforces the narrative. Soon you’ll get nurse heroes staring down anti-lockdown protestors like before. Remember that?

    • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 5:33 pm #

      Ask them to show you the number on ICU beds vs previous years.

      It made MSM news a few weeks ago that Merkel and co.’s media simply lied and that ICU beds were no higher than in past years.

      Those hard-working professionals sure had a lot of time to make TikTok videos. Now we know why.

      • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 6:14 pm #

        Thanks. My gf also Just brought up a Good point that should be considered:

        TPTB banned HCQ & Ivermectin. Those 18-hour nursing shifts could have been cut in half with some known, proven inexpensive medicine.

        • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 8:28 pm #

          Yes and it was illegal to release the vaccines because there were other cures. That’s why they made them illegal.

        • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 2:00 pm #

          They did that with HCQ and Ivermectin because had they not, they never could have gained emergency-use authorization.

          Another massive red flag.

    • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 7:10 pm #

      Tell them

      1) Last year, 42 hospitals closed permanently because of lack of patients.

      2) Show them this: https://protect-public.hhs.gov/pages/hospital-utilization

      3) Why wouldn’t the global PTB coordinate? They always have before this. What do they think about WHO and Davos? That’s why they meet. To plan this stuff.

      Good lord.

      • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 7:39 pm #

        Those facts do no Good with what I am up against. They want the exhausted nurses interviewed on MSNBC explained.

        Actors on MSM News?

        • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 8:29 pm #

          You’re asking the wrong person.

          If the moron is watching MSM and propaganda and believing it there is no help for them, as Reiner Fuellmich has pointed out many a time.

          Don’t waste your time.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 7:19 pm #

            I know. But I love my Dad.

  98. BackRowHeckler July 20, 2021 at 4:12 pm #

    Hey, what’s happening in South Africa?

    Let’s see, no food, no water, no electricity.

    Why would water pumping stations, electricity transfer units and food warehouses be hit, everything that simulates modern life?

    This is how a country goes from first world to third world in three decades. It’s a hard fall, and there’s no getting up.

    Avatar to BRH: “You’re a low down Yankee liar.”

    BRH to Avatar: “Prove it.”


    • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 5:31 pm #

      It is the New Normal, friend.

      • BackRowHeckler July 20, 2021 at 6:27 pm #

        I think you’re correct Owl.

        Kabul is under rocket attack at this very moment. Taliban promised Sleepy Joe that they would take Afghanistan, but leave Kabul be. I think Sleepy Joe got left holding the bag.

        Afghanistan is going down in flames too.

        Sleepy Joe is doing a bang up job.


        • Night Owl July 20, 2021 at 6:29 pm #

          I wonder if Joe-Joe is even aware that any of this has occured.?

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 7:11 pm #

            Highly doubt it.

        • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 7:14 pm #

          Nobody ever gave a rat’s ass about Kabul or the Afghan people. The House of Bush wanted 20 more years of family-destroying opium / heroin profits.

          Mission Accomplished

    • 100th Avatar July 20, 2021 at 6:18 pm #

      Simulates? Really? Hmm.. simulates?


      Nah, Avatar without words placed in mouth would say


      • BackRowHeckler July 20, 2021 at 6:29 pm #

        Avatar, you’ve never seen the film ‘Shane’?

  99. tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 6:32 pm #

    This is for the desperate and insecure here who can’t seem to tolerate even a slightly different point of view, and who lash out with false accusations and defamations in response:

    I supported and voted for Trump.

    I was and still am MAGA all the way

    I’m against wokery and the Left

    I believe there was fraud during the election, amt. to be determined

    I’m against never ending diversity and immigration

    I support my race as others support theirs

    I’m against cancel culture

    I’m against crt.

    I want a protected, closed border

    I recognize, love, and defend the monumental achievements of white, Western civilization.

    I supported mask wearing, particularly at peak Covid

    I have already said that I don’t support forced vaccinations and that I respect people’s concern regarding the vaccine’s dangers.

    I got the vaccine

    For this I’m called one of the ‘sheeple’ and a gullible follower of the MSM and its lies. This is what the Democrats do, attack even the slightest deviation from their agenda. It’s an illustration of the stupidity and the intolerance that can exist even on the Right.

    This is you MaryQueen, Hog man, and Night gnat. Stupid and intolerant.

    • benr July 20, 2021 at 7:00 pm #

      I feel left out.
      I had to have posted something worthy of a call out!

      • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 7:21 pm #

        benr, why do you want to stab my eyes with sharp pencils?

        • benr July 20, 2021 at 7:40 pm #

          Might be my punctuation or lack there of but if you go back and read the post it was me stabbing myself in the eye with a pencil.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 8:00 pm #

            Oh! Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification, benr.

            It seemed so out of Left Field as we often see eye-to-eye.

          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 8:49 pm #

            HOG Hawkins to benr:

            ‘It seemed so out of Left Field as we often see eye-to-eye.

            That should worry you, benr.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 10:12 pm #

            Ya, benr. You should think more like Sugar Tits.

          • benr July 22, 2021 at 9:04 am #


            Why should I be worried??
            There is often parity among us humans.
            I’m sure if we compared notes there would be SOME issues you and I agree on.

    • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 7:09 pm #

      I am actually very intelligent and I do tolerate you, TS.

      I tolerate you but also recognize that you are a total goofball and, yes, taking their rat poison into your body is the ultimate litmus-test of sheepledom. D’uh!

      You Believed that a Saudi elite “ex-” CIA pulverized 3 Manhattan skyscrapers with 2 airplanes 1 Tuesday by conspiring with NORAD from a remote Afghan cave! Not exactly Columbo.

      Then you took their kool-aid and became a dirty needle junkie.

      How sheeple can a guy get?


      “I sure don’t see why we have to suffer without a booster-jab. If those selfish assholes won’t take their Moderna shot, I’ll take it! In a heartbeat, I would!

      Wouldn’t you? Get a fresh jab, I mean. Sometimes it’s all I think about. Nice, fresh booster-jab. Right?

      ‘Just a little pin prick.’ Jab me Good! Jab me fine! Jab me often! Jab me all of the time!

      Oh … Sorry … I was Just thinking that, for safety sake and on account of the Covids and all, that all us double jabbers Really deserve a little booster-jabshot. We’ve been Good and followed all the rules so why won’t they booster-jab us already?”

      • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 7:13 pm #

        How can you continue to be such a conflicted, confused idiot?

        • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 7:17 pm #

          Whatever do you mean, RL? I feel neither conflicted nor confused as I witness God’s Word fulfilled.

          Perhaps your filthy needle addiction is causing irrational anger in your toxic-dump little sheeple brain.

          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 8:41 pm #

            Mr. Hawkins

            I’m not surprised that you don’t feel the conflict & confusion, but you generate them like a lighthouse to anyone watching. It’s actually very sad, but that is clearly part of your illness.

            And this new obsession with “filthy needle addiction” – you’re not winning friends or influencing people, you know…

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 9:36 pm #

            I don’t find OG’s posts provacative. I find them entertaining.

            Until someone attacks him, he just posts what he’s thinking. But you and tucsonspur and a few others like to attack him because you don’t like his ‘style’, and when he retaliates, you turn into little squealing wussies instead of acting like men.

            It’s disgusting.

            This is directed at RL who has no purpose up here except to troll and insult people.

          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 9:46 pm #


            You might find HOG’s posts less entertaining if he was casting his nasty aspersions at you for a change.

            However, he won’t do that because you’re his Board Mommy…cosying up to him at every opportunity and he to you. That’s the way your Tinfoil Trio operates.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 10:07 pm #

            Thx, Mary. You are correct. I peacefully seek The Truth.

            When dipshits start sniping, though …

            “Of course you know: This means War!”
            – Bugs Bunny


            RL, my life was like no other. I am neither Happy nor Sad. I am now witness to 7,600,000,000 primates somehow fulfilling God’s Word.

            I call the “vaxxed” “dirty needle junkies” not to make friends but to influence people. If any hestitant read CFN, maybe a soul can be saved.

            I have pure motives while scoffers make Wrong assumptions.


            Anyway, RL, you will likely be dropping dead soon on account of your sheepleness. You should get Right with God. I’m irrelevant in your journey.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 10:08 pm #

            Well well well.

            I see both TS and RL have hit rock bottom.

            They can’t contribute anything worth anything to the conversation, and they can’t shut anyone up, so they are attacking two people whose posts they don’t like. They must be proud of themselves.

            Congrats boys, you have derailed the discussions and shit all over the board. Did Take-a-Poo give you your orders? I’m guessing you must work for him, doing his bidding and all.

            If I were JHK, I’d give you both the heave-ho. You’re essentially the invasive weeds in his garden.

          • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 7:00 am #

            ’… you turn into little squealing wussies instead of acting like men.


    • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 7:34 pm #

      TS, you bought into their phoney bologna Frick v Frack.

      You thought, “Trump Good, Dems Bad.”

      You thought that you were too cool for school.

      You never saw that both Republicans and Democrats are mostly all sheeple.

      You played their reindeer games while they penned ya.

      Now you are poisoned. Now you realize that you were every bit as much a sheeple on their constructed “Right” as those tatted loonies on their constructed “Left.”

      You wanted “normal” so Bad that you stupidly lost your soul by not paying attention.

      Sucks to be you, I’m afraid. You had Best get Right with God as you will likely drop dead soon.

      Sad but True.

      • tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 8:10 pm #

        I’ll take RL over your hogshit any day. Most everybody here thought Trump was good.

        You’re a bellowing blowhard who should immediately be measured for a straight jacket.

        Glad I’m not hog people.

        On top of it all, I can detect your simmering jealously.

        Oh, and don’t forget to fuck your God.

        • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 8:33 pm #

          Wow are you drunk or what?

          Such unprovoked attacks. Maybe you have a temper problem, who knows.

          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 8:44 pm #

            What’s “unprovoked” about that in response to this?

            “You wanted “normal” so Bad that you stupidly lost your soul by not paying attention.
            Sucks to be you, I’m afraid…

            I guess you feel obliged to count HOG Hawkins as an ally because he kisses your ass at every opportunity and takes up whatever tinfoil you’re dispensing at any given time and spews it all over the board for you.

          • tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 8:54 pm #

            Right on Redneck!

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 9:14 pm #

            You two decided to go on all-out attacks on several people up here today for whatever reason. Neither of you know how to respond to comments without attacking the person who posted it. All you do is name-call and troll.

            I hope James boots your obnoxious asses.

          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 9:35 pm #

            “You two decided to go on all-out attacks on several people up here today for whatever reason.”

            The ‘reason’ for any vigorous responses is exceedingly clear to anyone with both eyes open, Little Miss Hypocrite.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 9:55 pm #

            I rarely if ever engage with your stupid moronic comments unless you attack a post of mine.

            You have no ability to scroll on by, and neither does TS.

            And you don’t even really post your own stuff. You just make stupid comments and attacks on other peoples’.

            You’re a pest and an troll and an asshole, and 99% of the board can’t stand you. I hope you go the way of Take-a-Poo the Media Matters failure.

          • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 6:34 am #

            ’ I rarely if ever engage with your stupid moronic comments unless you attack a post of mine

            Ha! Your lack of intellectual honesty is most amusing. You’re a constant hoot, MaryQ. Please don’t stop being a two-faced disingenuous old slapper!. It makes for such fun for the rest of us.

          • benr July 21, 2021 at 10:00 am #


            You’re a pest and an troll and an asshole, and 99% of the board can’t stand you. I hope you go the way of Take-a-Poo the Media Matters failure. -MaryQueen

            Not me while I agree Majella aka RL is just trolling I have no wish that this site become an echo chamber of agreement.

            Double down on tucsonspur he has always had something worthy of reading.
            I even wish cargill had simmered down just a little even he had some content worthy of a read or at least a guffaw.
            Might be time for everyone to simmer down just a bit.

        • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 9:55 pm #

          TS, if I were jealous of you, I could jabbed tomorrow. Pfizer. The Cadillac of Satan Brew.

          Why the fuck would I be jealous of your dumb ass?


          God is aware of your thoughts, TS. Obviously, He is not pleased with you breaking a Ten Commandment in front of all of us.

          Shame on you.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 9:57 pm #

            Isn’t calling someone ‘jealous’ a 6th grade playground taunt?

            Maybe that’s when TS started drinking. He certainly seems to have be stuck in arrested development.

    • Mike Roberts July 20, 2021 at 8:17 pm #

      “This is what the Democrats do”? Because you got the vaccine? I think it is far more likely that Republicans would label you a sheeple for getting the vaccine. I wouldn’t.

      Seems like I disagree with many of your positions but that’s OK. Maybe I didn’t misread you, further up the comments. I’m not sure. All elections probably have fraud but, at least in developed nations, probably not widespread enough to affect the outcome.

      • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 8:34 pm #

        He makes no sense at all. I suspect substance abuse.

        • tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 8:50 pm #

          You suspect a lot. Don’t let suspicion torture your heart.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 9:11 pm #

            Glug glug glug.

            Put the jack back, it’s rotting your brain.

          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 9:33 pm #

            “Neither of you know how to respond to comments without attacking the person who posted it. All you do is name-call and troll.


            Glug glug glug.
            Put the jack back, it’s rotting your brain.
            ” isn’t?

            Your hypocrisy is just astounding. Thanks for your generous ‘instruction’ on how to debate, but you need to practice that which you preach.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 9:58 pm #


            Who began these attacks? It wasn’t me. Anyone can scroll up and see, RL.

            I mean, Fake Trae.

            This is the only time you’ve posted so many comments. Because you got a new Trimvirate troll recruit.


          • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 10:19 pm #

            “… you got a new Trimvirate (sic) troll recruit.

            Ha. I doubt TS would consider me a ‘compatriot’. However, I will admit I’m pleased that there’s at least one other person prepared to push back against your nutty tinfoilery and not take the nasty trolling your buddy HOGboy lying down.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 12:43 am #

            May God have mercy on your soul.

          • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 7:07 am #

            MaryQ, in response to a perfectly reasonable post from Mike Robert’s:

            ’ He makes no sense at all. I suspect substance abuse.

            Then self-defence…

            ’ Who began these attacks? It wasn’t me. Anyone can scroll up and see, RL

            The utter, almost criminal, absence of self-awareness boggles the mind.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 7:16 pm #

            There is no level of absence of self-awareness that is criminal. That was stupid, RL. FYI.

      • tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 8:41 pm #

        You did misread me up above. ‘This is what the Democrats do, attack even the slightest deviation from their agenda.’ Isn’t that clear?

        • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 9:48 pm #

          Says the guy who Believed that 3 skyscrapers were pulverized by 2 airplanes 1 Tuesday so strongly that then he lined up to become one of their dirty needle junkies!

          Baaaaaa baaaaaaa


          “Sure could use a jab. Little booster-jab. Boo! Ster! Jab!

          You want them to jab us again, Right? As much as I do, Right?

          It’s normal to spend all day every day thinking about our glorious booster-jabs, Right?

          Jonesin’ I’ve heard tell. That we’re cold-turkey jonesin’ until we get our much anticipated jabby-jab-jab.

          Sorry. I haven’t myself lately. Sure could use a fresh jab …”

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 9:59 pm #

            Wow I really think he got that side effect some were talking about, where they get volatile without provocation.

        • Mike Roberts July 20, 2021 at 10:34 pm #

          It seems clear. You’re attacking those you think are Democrats for labeling you a “sheeple” because you had the vaccine.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 11:56 pm #

            Right. Taking the poison is the border between the hip and the sheeple. It is binary. The game was afoot but TS thought that he could worry about enjoyng his Denny’s Grand Slam now and his soul later.

            Now he is poisoned, knows it and is pissed that I’m pointing out these simple facts.

          • Mike Roberts July 21, 2021 at 12:16 am #

            I doubt it.

          • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 7:17 am #

            No, Mike Roberts. TS is defending his reasoned decision to be vaccinated against the rabid attacks he suffers from purported ‘conservatives’ – HOG boy & MaryQadjacent – by comparing their insane “cancel culture” to the same intolerance that the fruit-loop Left cohorts apply to anyone who doesn’t sign up to the WHOLE agenda, as they see it.

            The Loopy Left and the Tinfoil Right are the extremes today, but they get far too much oxygen.

            Mr Hawkins is well off the rails, and MaryQ is close behind, but remains cunning enough to ^appear^ to be “fair-minded” until you’ve rad enough of her lunatic, arrogant and disdainful ‘troof’ statements.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 7:13 pm #

            I never claimed to be “conservative” and I rarely (if ever) voice my opinion on “cancel culture.”

            Yes, RL built a strawman of red herrings and then concluded that I am “off the rails.”

            I will stop humiliating RL. He’s cold-turkey & jobesin’ so I Best leave him be while he climbs the walls for his booster-jab.

    • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 8:30 pm #

      I’m not a liberal or a Democrat.

      Get over yourself. No one cares what your positions are.

      • tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 8:45 pm #

        Then why take issue with them, moron.

        • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 9:10 pm #

          Difference between conversation and spouting what your beliefs are. Much like your birthday, no one gives a shit. Most adults understand this.

          But keep name-calling and melting down. Revealing the real YOU.

          • tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 9:53 pm #

            They were listed to make a point, which apparently you didn’t like, sweet honey bun.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 9:59 pm #

            No one cares about your stupid points.

    • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 12:59 am #

      You’re against the system but injected the system inside your body. Just as you savaged Trump about Covid and then voted for him (or so you say). You’re all mixed up.

      • tucsonspur July 21, 2021 at 3:07 am #

        Kibitzing weasel enters the fray. Pile on, I can take all comers, as you well know. But I understand, you must stay with the group.

        Your usual muddled, inaccurate imputations.

        You disappoint me. I thought better of you.

  100. benr July 20, 2021 at 7:05 pm #

    Oops more voter fraud you say?


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    • Redneck Liberal July 20, 2021 at 7:14 pm #


      • benr July 21, 2021 at 10:05 am #

        Refute away sunshine eventually the truth win win out over propaganda.

        Joe Biden is not fit to be county dog catcher much less the big guy.
        All the worst jabs sent Trumps way really do appear to be projections of not only Joe’s failings but also of the corrupt DNC.

        • benr July 22, 2021 at 6:32 pm #

          ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz -chirp chirp

          Whats that RL?

          CHIRP chirp ChIrP

  101. O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 7:26 pm #

    Sadly I’ve more anecdotal news to report:

    An older brother of an coworker of my gf Just keeled over dead. He was 59. He was fine then he was dead.

    Same with Mike that I reported earlier. I’ve since had clarification that he was only 35. As mentioned, Mike left a widow and 2 small children.

    • tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 8:12 pm #

      Tell someone who gives a shit.

      • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 8:32 pm #

        If you weren’t such a control freak, you wouldn’t be so angry about what others talk about. Just a suggestion, scroll on by comments you don’t want to engage with.

        • tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 8:47 pm #

          False accusation. It’s obvious that you’re trying to control here.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 9:09 pm #

            You’ve revealed your true ‘inner you’ today. Now I know just who you are.

            Bitter and ugly.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 9:35 pm #

            And scared shitless!

            TS is a poisoned dirty needle junkie now and he’s Right pissed off that he was so stupid when it was his God-given mandate to avoid foolishly losing his soul for the empty promise of eating at the mall food court without a mask.

          • tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 9:45 pm #

            Alas, the sound of defeat. Can dish it out but can’t take it.

            The ‘inner you’ is always dangerous, so beware.

            Bitter will bite you and ugly will spite you.

          • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 10:00 pm #

            Spoken like a true abusive drunk.

      • O.G. Hawkins July 20, 2021 at 9:38 pm #

        I am aure that Mike’s widow and her 2 small children “give a shit,” TS.

        Wow! Are you ever self-centred!

        Typical dirty needle junkie.

        Same old, same old.

        • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 10:04 pm #

          And RL the clueless, blaming us for TL’s ‘call out’.

          We’re apparently not supposed to defend ourselves, lest that be seen as ‘attacks’ even though the one who did the attacking was TL.

          They remind me of mean boys on the playground in grade school. Sad.

          • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 6:54 am #


          • benr July 21, 2021 at 8:10 pm #

            Actually I believe Cargill posted his thoughts and was called out for them.
            He just responded in kind and later took joy in being a douche and a troll. At some point that was all he did.
            He however did not start out that way.

    • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 9:29 pm #

      The jab would be my first guess.

      Second, car accident.

      Third, suicide.

  102. 100th Avatar July 20, 2021 at 8:00 pm #

    Haven’t listened to NPR, American Propaganda Radio, in ages.

    But Taibbi should know that the charlatan they are criticizing is only a conservative in so much as he and his ilk can shape, control, and manipulate conservatism.

    There are many like him
    Too many

    Neocons need a roost

    • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 10:15 pm #

      I think his point was more about NPR’s hypocrisy than anything else. I thought it was a good article.

      • 100th Avatar July 20, 2021 at 10:35 pm #

        Yes, from Taibbi’s perspective
        A left-of-center bemoaning the leftist autocrat takeover.

        But NPR throwing shade at Shapiro is akin to the Kardashians having a beef with Bieber.

        Clowns vs. clowns

        • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:07 pm #

          LOL, true dat.

  103. JohnAZ July 20, 2021 at 10:01 pm #

    Night Owl

    Scratching my head.

    Why are there geographic boundaries for the virus intensity? Geographic or ethnic (genetic)?

    Are we seeing the effect of the delta mutation on people vaxxed and unvaxxed? I checked out the JH statistics and surges are occurring where the report says. Interesting though, deaths are unchanged, even though some of the surges are six weeks old.

    Surges are occurring where vaxx rate is high, but in some areas where it is low. I think there is some correlation.

    If correlation exists, that might mean that the vaccine may be creating variants. How could that happen. All the pro vaxx literature states that is is impossible.

    However, just a stab (pun intended). What if in the spike protein Genesis mistakes are made in synthesis so that many varieties of proteins are made. Those proteins last 4-6 weeks per the literature. I may be BSing here, but what if those vaxx generated s proteins figured out a way to hook up with the ubiquitous Covid viruses. Could we be generating a soup of Covid that one or two are better adapted and become the next variant? Or more scary, what if many variants are being created by the process and we are identifying only a few.

    More vaccinations, more chances of mutation, more chances of new variants.

    This is purely a straw man. It is a scary one because it means we are chasing our tails. Is this a designed virus?

    • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 11:06 pm #

      It’s the biggest hoax in the history of mankind.

    • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 4:47 am #

      As I understand it, and according to Yeadon and co. the gene therapies create synthesized spike proteins, which make their way through your body and damage blood vessels and organs. There was no evidence that a deadly virus existed before the gene therapies. ICU bed takeup rates were normal, and the common flu disappeared from the statistics.

      I have seen no credible evidence of any variants, or any evidence that the so-called virus is natural.

      Good luck to the gene-therapied.

    • Islander July 21, 2021 at 11:12 am #

      “If correlation exists, that might mean that the vaccine may be creating variants. How could that happen. All the pro vaxx literature states that is is impossible.”

      Selection pressure.

      • Slugoon July 21, 2021 at 5:04 pm #


  104. tucsonspur July 20, 2021 at 10:07 pm #

    I really don’t enjoy smacking people down, but when it’s necessary, it’s just necessary.

    I gave warning, I tried to be fair.

    Out for now.

    • MaryQueen July 20, 2021 at 10:14 pm #

      All you did was shit up the board. Congrats, Tekapo Jr.

      • tucsonspur July 21, 2021 at 3:14 am #

        That’s all you got? I defended myself is what I did. You just can’t take the fight back.

        Don’t be a sore loser.

        • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 11:35 am #

          But no one was ‘attacking’ you.

          You were belittling others and we fought back.

          It’s a real shame, because I, like SSL, have appreciated many of your posts.

      • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 11:03 am #

        I think you are right, Mary.

        We may have a new Tekapo.

        • benr July 21, 2021 at 8:12 pm #


          No way is he even close he has something to say that is worth reading most of the time.

  105. tom clark July 20, 2021 at 10:26 pm #

    I’m a social liberal and a fiscal conservative and an asshole to boot. Imagine my angst.

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    • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 6:38 am #

      You & me Tom Clark, though I’ve yet to suffer the angst.

      • benr July 21, 2021 at 10:16 am #

        There is nothing Conservative about you.
        Please be honest.

        • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 6:20 pm #

          What is a ‘fiscal conservative’ in your way of thinking, benr?

          • benr July 21, 2021 at 8:06 pm #

            Let me save you the pain and point that question right back at you.

            What makes you THINK you are a fiscal Conservative?
            More to the point what makes you think you are a social liberal?
            Or do you think you are a Progressive?

            Make sure your spelling, grammar and punctuation are on point as Q is watching…he is always watching.

          • Redneck Liberal July 22, 2021 at 9:05 am #

            That was one of your (rare) grammatically accurate posts, benr…congratulations. You can do it when you choose to.

            However it was a wholly imperfect deflection. Re-read the conversation…you simply denied my assertion, so it’s for you to define the terms.

            Go on.

  106. No12kiwi July 20, 2021 at 10:58 pm #

    India’s excess deaths during the coronavirus pandemic could be a staggering 10 times the official COVID-19 toll, likely making it modern India’s worst human tragedy, according to the most comprehensive research yet on the ravages of the virus in the South Asian country.

    Most experts believe India’s official toll of more than 414,000 dead is a vast undercount, but the government has dismissed those concerns as exaggerated and misleading.

    The report released Tuesday estimated excess deaths — the gap between those recorded and those that would have been expected — to be 3.4 million to 4.7 million since the pandemic began through last month. It said an accurate figure may “prove elusive,” but the true death toll “is likely to be an order of magnitude greater than the official count.”

    So Covid is nothing to worry about eh?

    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 12:22 am #

      Wow how many socks does Take-a-poo have?

      • benr July 21, 2021 at 10:18 am #

        As many as it takes.

      • stelmosfire July 21, 2021 at 10:28 am #

        Me- Thinks Take-a-poo may be, Cargill, Where did Majella go? Asoka, etc? I’ve been here for years, Marlin, BTB, Q , many others.

        • Redneck Liberal July 22, 2021 at 9:07 am #

          How long has it taken HOGboy and MaryQAnon to take over the board? A matter of weeks.

    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 11:32 am #

      Aren’t some of you fearmongering about so-called covid19 not even interested in the fact it was basically flatlined in December until the vaccinations began?

      Aren’t you interested at all that immunologists have said the most stupid thing to do is vaccinate in the middle of a pandemic? Not that it is a pandemic, since the numbers have flatlined a few times now, only to be revived by false-postive so-called ‘cases’ and now ‘variants’.

      Vaccine injuries are up to 50K by some estimates, and yet the carnage continues.

  107. beantownbill. July 20, 2021 at 11:19 pm #

    This site has turned nasty. We’ve always had basic differences. We’ve always had our arguments, we’ve always knocked heads. But now it’s turned mean – on both sides. Why is that? I believe some posters are inherently nasty. You all can figure out who. Downer people always, always drag others down to their level. When nice people are active, they don’t uplift the nasty ones. Social gravity pulls the good ones down like water seeking its own level. I wish it was the other way around, but mostly it’s not.

    I’ve been here since 2008 or so; I’ve read many of the present day posters. As an example of the above, I’ve seen Tuscon Spur finally get dragged down; I can’t blame him. He’s been maligned so much he’s finally fighting back – unfortunately in like kind. He’s actually a fine writer; I’ve enjoyed a lot of his posts. But this is what happens when not nice persons get a foothold – they turn people into unpleasant versions of themselves.

    I’m scientifically inclined as many readers know, but I do have my eccentricities, too. I can feel some other people’s energy. I can visually picture it. When I read the nasty posters, I can see black, oily clouds pouring out of them. As I said before, we know who you are. There’s now a miasma of bad vibes here now.

    BTW, I’m not commenting very much on the virus/vaccine issue. I’m staying out of the arguments because I’ll probably never be able to learn what’s going on behind the scenes. I don’t have telepathy and I don’t believe in remote viewing. At some point the situation will become clear, but until then, I just don’t know, so I’ll stay out of it.

    Just to be clear, I’ll say I like MaryQueen. I think she’s a little too strident, but I can live with that.

    • Ricechex July 20, 2021 at 11:50 pm #

      Beating up on TucsonSpur, Beantownbill, and sometimes JohnAZ is not right. I know many a Trump voter that took the vax. They are older and they believe it was in their best interest. To put them down and insult them is harming the very people we need to fight totalitarianism. Insulting and derogatory comments are simply no different than the deep state propaganda system. It is judgmental and holier than thou which is always a turn off.

      • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 12:21 am #

        Ricechex, why would vaccinated people care what anyone says if they were happy to get it? I and others have been sharing information we’ve found. They can use the information to find out what they can do to mitigate any damage caused by the vaccines or not.

        If you were given poison and didn’t know it would you rather someone alert you to it and give you information as how to battle it and recover, or would you rather just let it run it’s course and see if you die?

        • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 6:44 am #

          What on earth can a vaccinated person do to change the outcome? What do you offer – if you happened to be right(which you are not)?

          • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 11:29 am #

            What a stupid question. If you read articles we post or watched videos you’d know.

            But you make fun of them.

            So, good luck with your decision to get the jab.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 7:07 pm #

            RL’s cold-turkey & jonesin.’

        • Ricechex July 21, 2021 at 10:05 pm #

          I really like your posts and they are informative. I am hoping to never have to take the vaccine. I think it is poison.

          However, some posters are really derogatory and insulting to those that take the jabs. I just don’t think that is necessary.

          For the record, look at this drama and propaganda. Unbelievable. It is so fake!


          • benr July 22, 2021 at 9:10 am #

            Yes, you can see the pFizer public information officer working overtime to discredit and take down the competition.
            This kind of backfired with J&J and really hurt the effort to get everyone to take this concoction.

          • SpeedyBB July 23, 2021 at 10:09 am #

            In case anyone is interested, I received my first Sinovac shot about 30 hours ago. The only reaction I’ve felt is persistent grogginess – so I’ve had a day of lovely sleep, on and off. No other effects yet.

            Getting the vaccine was a requirement for the renewal of my Indonesian visa; I chose Sinovac because it is a “vaccine”, and thus hopefully immune to the varied weirdnesses and potential medical catastrophes apparent with Pfizer, AstraZeneca and J&J, and elucidated in great detail on the web (and of course in these comments).

            I was looking at having to return to the USA had my visa application been turned down; I discovered that Mexico is administering Sinovac (as well as the gene-gambling variety) so if anyone wanted to cross the border they could probably get a shot, and then claim proudly that they were part of the loyal band (of potential victims, we do suspect), with a safer vaccine.

            I will go in for my second shot in 30 days, and do not expect to suffer any effects. Those reading the international media may recall that there is a huge number of infected here in Indonesia, hospitals are overwhelmed and the authorities are struggling, but seem to be perpetually behind the curve.

            My take on that is that the Javanese are basically a rather weakened tribe (through thousands of years of inbreeding), there is a high rate of obesity and diabetes has skyrocketed, and most people tend to kind of fall apart physically after 35 ~ 40. Now they are starting to exercise and pay more attention to their condition but the average diet is still wretched. Tasty though.

            Sumatrans, Ambonese and Kalimantan folk just seem to be of sturdier stock than the Javanese, from my observation (here since 1988).

      • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 12:32 am #

        I have regularly been accused of holier-than-thou on CFN.

        It is unfair and is based on a preconceived prejudice against Christians. It is not based on my words.

        I am not holier than anyone. I have committed horrific sin. I know that God and Satan exist, try my Best to walk the straight-and-narrow and share what I know.

        When I tell you that you had Best get Good with God Right quick, I say that for your sake, not mine. I, probably more than most, need God’s forgiveness lest I be damned to Hell.

        I am the 1st to admit when someone lands a Good, fair zinger. I’ve many faults providing a ton of ammunition but smply calling a Christian holier-than-thou without reason is lazy.

        • gustafson.robert.22 July 21, 2021 at 5:22 am #

          I like your energy OG. Maybe a little frantic, but so much better than bland.

          Even if in your book i’m a lost fool for entertaining doubts on 9-11 thermite

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 6:59 pm #

            You are using your noggin, GR22. Using your noggin and open to new information regardless of where it leads. That’s all that I can ask of ya.

            Thanks & Cheers!

        • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 7:49 am #

          ’ I have regularly been accused of [being] holier-than-thou on CFN.

          Have you ever tried ANY self-reflection when you are so accused?

          It’s not like the “holier-than-thou the aloofness of Vlad or smarmy arrogance of Narc Troll with you.

          You insist on PREACHING about 9/11, your personal experience of “Satan” (without sharing anything), and your infantile “jabby-jabby-jab” & “filthy needle junkie” bullshit.

          Please…get a fucking grip.

          • Islander July 21, 2021 at 10:09 am #

            You have the option not to read OG’s comments.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 7:00 pm #

            I have a grip, RL. If you only knew.

        • stelmosfire July 21, 2021 at 10:18 am #

          O.G.You talk to GOD? Your fucking whacked. Yea, OK I talk to GOD he tells me your a kook. Knock, Knockens, on Heavens Door

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 7:03 pm #

            Of course I talk to God. You should too but, sadly, you will not.

            You will scoff all the way to Hell if you don’t smarten up Right quick. TruStory

      • Islander July 21, 2021 at 9:50 am #

        “This site has turned nasty. . . .

        I’ve been here since 2008 or so; ”

        I have not been here very long. I have always been interested in JHK’s posts but have not followed on a regular basis.

        I am a political cross-over or perhaps hybrid, similar to JHK, and so I have started to follow this blog more regularly.

        I am surprised at a couple of things here:
        People waste a lot of time in personal frat-boy-level wisecracking- type comments that aren’t very funny and don’t add any info.

        People seem to be obsessive about certain commenters whom they view as trolls but to others also seem troll-like. Why don’t commenters drop mention of some “official” troll? It seems like they keep mentioning the “official” troll in order to troll others.

        Many people here opine that certain groups have no ability to achieve intellectually. Others have the discount, put down, and diss to experts who are high achievers in their fields.

    • Mike Roberts July 21, 2021 at 12:04 am #

      Yes, I don’t know what commenters hope to achieve by the constant insults and belittling. Maybe JHK’s use of belittling phrases doesn’t help (e.g. ‘And is “Joe Biden” not the perfect gibbering epitome of this mess, a ghost in the narrative machine, beckoning us into chaos?’). I would like to think that the avoidance of such phrasing would help raise the level of the discussion. Sadly, I think the language often entrenches positions (in order not to look weak in the face of overwhelming arguments). I’ve seen this over and over on similar web sites that seem to attract people who aren’t seeking answers and don’t want to have reasoned discussions about topics.

      • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 12:21 am #

        If you don’t like JHK’s style what are you even doing here?

        • Mike Roberts July 21, 2021 at 12:40 am #

          I’ve been reading JHK’s books and thoughts for many years. Just like anyone else, I can comment on some of his thoughts. When he’s not fixated on a narrow issue for months, he’s quite insightful. I pop in from time to time, so there will be long periods when you won’t see me here (for which I’m sure you’ll be grateful).

      • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 12:36 am #

        I agree. RL is an asshole.

        • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 9:44 pm #

          Being considered an asshole by you? Nothing to worry about there.

    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 12:16 am #

      Well thank you, BTB, for liking me. I like you too, despite our disagreements.

      I do think things are getting nastier than when I started visiting up here a few months ago.

      Simple explanation or observation – not only are we (as a civilization) on the tank, but we have just undergone 1.6 years of being gaslighted and booted around by tyrannical assholes in charge. People are pissed off, and understandably so. We tend then to lash out at each other. I’m as guilty as the next guy, although I tend not to do so unless someone makes the first move.

      We can see the craziness of society in general reflected here a bit. I think that’s OK. There are ebbs and flows. It will work itself out.

      • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 7:41 am #

        ‘ We tend then to lash out at each other. I’m as guilty as the next guy, although I tend not to do so unless someone makes the first move.

        If only that were so.

        • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 11:26 am #

          When I first started commenting, I had no troubles until GA, Take-a-Poo and you started attacking me out of nowhere.

          It was quite startling at first but I’m used to it now. And yeah, I will fight back most of the time, or choose to ignore (in Alba’s case).

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 6:40 pm #

            I wonder whatever happened to GreenAlba. She kind of disappeared, came back quickly to say that she has not been well and then disappeared again.

            I Pray that she is OK.

            She reminds me of Margaret Howe. Old Scottish lady that I worked with for many years in Toronto. She was Senior Editor as we published reams and reams of Equity Research. I learned a lot from Margaret. Great lady.

          • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 9:42 pm #

            Initially, any so-called “attacks” were entirely at the outrageous, unsubstantiated claims you were making. Your tinfoil was shining on the horizon from the moment you appeared.

            When called out, you immediately pivoted to ad hominems by way of ‘defense’ and now you’re surprised that those who can see through your ridiculous, nutjob ‘certainty’ about what you see to be the “troof”, choose to hit back in the same vein.

            GA called you out from your very first lie and your response to that was nasty & vindictive. As a result, you lost any credibility and she found she had to remind you (because you refused to acknowledge your ‘snotty handkerchieves’) from time to time. You’re such a fecking troll.

          • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:27 pm #

            And yet you WHIIIINE about the attacks on tucsonspur while downplaying yours on me.

            Just pound sand, Fake Trae. You aren’t honest, and you exist just to insult people.


    • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 12:23 am #

      Maybe I’m Just paranoid but I think that the Beantown Shill, after trying to squelch my Free Speech and then declarng himself somehow the keeper of the acceptable CFN topics, is referring to me above.

      Shill, Just so you know, I am here to determine The Truth. I am not here to make friends.

      As Mary said earlier, I share links, facts and analysis on CFN. Mister Bimmler called a recent post “a rollickng good read” on the entertainment front. All Good until somebody like you or RL or TS snipe me. Then there’ll be trouble.

      “Of course you know, this means War!”
      – Bugs Bunny


      I Believe that some people on CFN have been navel-gazing for so very long that now they think that they can Just think forever. Think and yack. Yack and think. Never act. Always hypothetical, philosophical, in the future.

      For 20 years you Believed that 3 skyscrapers were pulverized by 2 airplanes 1 Tuesday so of course you also Believed that Bill Gates loves you!

      You had no clue how you were sealing your fate sheepling through life in a jab line.

      Now you are poisoned, Shill. We all know that. Now the government that you somehow both bitch about but yet also Trusted is killing you and you still want to talk about it all like it’s some hypothetical nebulous thing beyond the horizon of the future.

      You are poisoned now. We all know that.


      Did you see my post about French protestors comparing their persecution to that of the Jews in Nazi Germany?

      In your opinion, Shill, is their opinion kosher or verboten? Your thoughts are appreciated, thank you.

      • Mike Roberts July 21, 2021 at 12:47 am #

        I’m not sure that someone who appears to be a devout can claim to be here to determine the truth (though you used an initial capital so it’s possible you’ve already decided on “The Truth” before you came here).

        • Mike Roberts July 21, 2021 at 12:49 am #

          Damn! The angled brackets don’t work on this site. Perhaps “devout Christian” will do.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 6:34 pm #

            Whom are you quoting, MR? I never said that about myself.

            I’m not “devout.” If I were, I would not now tell St. Elmo’s Fire to go fuck himself, for example.

          • Mike Roberts July 21, 2021 at 9:11 pm #

            Well, you keep going on about God.

    • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 1:15 am #

      There’s a lot of different facets and much misinformation. And I don’t think you’ve made the necessary effort to get a handle on it. But the simplest and clearest two facts are these: That a) Over nine thousand people have died from the vaccine in the United States and b) previous vaccines were taken off the market after 25-50 reported deaths.

      Conclusion to be drawn? Something is very different now. America has changed in the worst possible way.

      • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 1:17 am #

        That was for Bill. I’m not sure how it got down here unless I responded incorrectly.

        • Q. Shtik July 21, 2021 at 1:29 am #

          unless I responded incorrectly. – Yo


          Of course you responded incorrectly. Whataya mean ‘unless?’

          • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 12:07 pm #

            You are a crow looking for refuse to consume. Johnathan Livingstone Crow. Maybe you can be a seagull in your next life and contine on.

          • benr July 22, 2021 at 9:12 am #


            That happens when you get an error posting and then post again it always drops to the bottom of the page.

      • cowbell81 July 21, 2021 at 10:00 am #

        Heaven forbid if 50 people are tested positive for or die from COVID or one of the latest strains, then the entire city will shut down and mask mandates will take effect again. But if an aggregate of 10,000 people just happen to die for some reason after getting the “vaccine”, well that is statistically insignificant, nothing to see here folks….just keep getting those jabs and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!!

    • tully July 21, 2021 at 7:01 am #

      Beantown Bill, thank you for expressing my thoughts better than I could.

      Been reading the recent comments with my morning coffee, and appalled at the nastiness. Like you, I have been reading the blog and comments a long time, though I just recently started chiming in.
      This is the nastiest I have seen board comments in all these years. 🙁

      I am living in the hot spot for a nasty bug the CDC calls the Delta variant. Whatever this illness and its covid predecessor are, I’ve been following local health department stats since the beginning.

      Total daily cases don’t concern me much. Hospitalizations and the number in ICU do. They are climbing daily, 235 yesterday, 103 in ICU. That number will be higher today, and tomorrow. We are not expected to peak until mid to late Aug.

      97% of hospitalizations are unvaxxed. All deaths since the shots were rolled out in Dec are unvaxxed. Four people who did get the shots have then tested positive and been sick enough to be hospitalized. They did not require ICU. There have been other break through infections, but they resulted in mild head cold symptoms.

      This describes the reality I am living in. What has happened here ran counter to what I believed about this crap. I could not deny what I was seeing locally.

      The reality was this new variant spreads faster, and is running a 3-3.5% hospitalization rate. I compared a. 3% chance of hospitalization to serious adverse reactions in the over 50 demographic for the J&J, the latter being around 1 per million blood clot incidents verified. The numbers indicated getting the shot was the better option.

      I got the J&J two weeks ago today. I also continue to take the quercetin/zinc/C/D I’ve taken since late last spring, and the ivermectin I started a couple months ago. Another layer of protection against this shit seemed reasonable.

      So, this undoubtedly will make me persona non grata here, and a filthy needle junky. Such is life. I wish everyone all the best.

      • Slugoon July 21, 2021 at 7:28 am #

        Could you provide sources or links to support the figures you are quoting? Your depiction of the ‘Delta’ variant does not match what is being experienced in the UK. You’re not a persona non grata, but with respect we’ve heard all these scary stats before and they just don’t pan out against official statistics nor my personal observations.

        • tully July 21, 2021 at 9:24 am #

          Slugoon, or anyone else wanting the local stats, here is a link to the Springfield-Greene Co Health Dept covid dashboard. They update Mon-Fri around mid-day. Six pages with various breakdowns of the local info.


          • Slugoon July 21, 2021 at 9:34 am #

            Thank you.

          • Slugoon July 21, 2021 at 10:09 am #

            I’ve had a good browse but cannot see anything that shows hospitalisations or deaths broken down by vaccination status.

            Have you explored this website yourself?

            I can see that there have been 447 deaths in Springfield, of which 446 of them (99.78%) have occurred in people aged 50 and over with not a single person between the ages of 30-49 or 0-19 listed as dying. There is just one death attributed to the 20-29 category and it doesn’t say whether there were underlying co-morbidities in that single case.

            I can see that the case rate has increased in lockstep with the vaccination rate.

            I can see that there are 259 patients hospitalised with Covid out of a population of 159,498 (0.16% – wow) but it doesn’t give any breakdown of age or vaccination status.

            I don’t really know what else to say other than I remain utterly perplexed by society’s reaction to all this.

          • tully July 21, 2021 at 10:39 am #

            Slugoon, the info on deaths broken down by vaxxed/unvaxxed is not on the dashboard. That info came from Steve Edwards’ at Cox Health, where he is passing along info from their system. I only lurk at Twitter, and don’t know how to post links to it. But he is @SDECoxHealth.

            There is a second system, Mercy, I have not been following as closely.

            This link is to page 5 of the Health Dept dashboard which breaks down deaths by age, by month.


            Looking at average age trends for cases, it is trending downwards. The over 70 crowd does have a high vax rate, think 75%+.

            The health department has stopped the daily updates on deaths. The last update was via news release July 6:

            Yes, I have explored the website. Many times since last spring.

          • Slugoon July 21, 2021 at 11:34 am #

            So the data is not on their official website of Covid stats? Okay. Well I’ve got nothing to go on then. The dashboard is telling me the same old story. Over 50s with underlying conditions may, if they are unlucky, get affected by it. Everybody else, no.

            What you are effectively saying, without any real evidence other than hearsay, in fact contrary to the evidence on that website, is that young people have managed to go through sixteen months of a so-called pandemic with just one death out of four-hundred and forty-seven, in itself a miniscule figure, but are now suddenly at grave risk from Delta?

            Are cases increasing in spite of vaccines or because of them? Are these variants being created in spite of vaccines or because of them? Perhaps Steve Edwards could comment on that.

            And who cares about cases? If I make a test sensitive enough to pick up the common cold, should I then go around saying young people are all testing positive for a cold and lock the economy down, inject them with half-tested substances because they might have a sniffle? That is your reasoning for compulsory vaccination of kids?

            The health department stopped the death updates? How convenient. Is that because there is nothing to report? Are they collecting and publishing data on adverse vaccine reactions or being honest about the ZERO risk to children that they are so keen to inject?

            And you support all this? My goodness.

          • tully July 21, 2021 at 5:21 pm #

            259 is a hospitalization spike in a county where the highest daily covid hospital census was 237. Yes, this is a spike in this county with a population just north of 275,000. As of today, a third of patients at Cox Hospital are in covid wards. .

            No, I have never lived through a huge vaccination campaign. Last big one in the US was polio, I think? I wasn’t born yet.

            Have you lived through such a vaccine effort prior to this one? If so, how is it different/or similar to the current efforts?

            Please remember I am not advocating anyone get these shots without doing their due diligence, and making a decision based on their own situation.

            I am sharing what is happening here, as it differs from what is happening elsewhere at this point. People can do with it what they will.

        • malthuss July 21, 2021 at 10:26 am #

          who can believe the numbers?

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 21, 2021 at 11:04 am #

            Not me

          • tully July 21, 2021 at 2:12 pm #

            Slugoon, the references to kids’ hospitalizations have been in Twitter feeds for Steve Edwards at Cox; the health department, and info from an ICU employee via my co-worker.

            I never said the death rate is high for people under 40. Based on Cox info, they are getting more hospitalizations of younger people under 40 including two infants, both recovered. That is showing in a dropping of the average age per month at the dashboard. The dashboard has never reported age breakdowns on hospitalizations since this began.

            I have not advocated compulsory vaccination for kids, or anyone else.

            I have stated I pay little attention to total cases; never have. What I watch is hospitalizations. They have been running 3-3.50% this summer; today they are 3.14%. At the peak last winter, they never ran higher than 2.5%.

            Death totals have been updated today; now at 12 for July, up from the 4 reported earlier. There are now two under 20, so one of those is from this month; it was 1 yesterday. Yes, for the under 50 crowd, death toll is still low. I expect this given the majority of deaths up until June were elderly, many in nursing homes. Total numbers will skew heavy toward older people a long time given the stats from April 2020-May 2021.

            I support skepticism; but I also support revising my take on things when faced with local info that indicated the new variant, at least here, is more contagious, and making people sicker. As someone in their early sixties. I finally opted to get the J&J. Had I been in my 30s, I would not have gotten any shots. J&J is still not recommended for women 18-49, and I would not take the Pfizer/Moderna.

            This whole business is still wonky and suspicious as hell. But I base my actions on what is happening here. A person in an area not seeing increased hospitalizations, especially in the summer when ICU have never been full of people with “flu like” symptoms, on oxygen due to low blood oygenation levels, would undoubtedly make different choices. And they should.

            I do think people should act based on what is happening where they live. But I would suggest if the so called delta variant shows up in someone’s neck of the woods, they might want to at least keep an eye on local hospitalization levels.

          • tully July 21, 2021 at 4:04 pm #

            Hospitalizations at 259 today, topping the previous high of 237 on Dec. 1, 2020.

            Funny old virus, putting more in the hospital in July 2021 than back in December. In all my life, I have never seen a virus put more people in the hospital in July, than during the winter virus season.

          • Slugoon July 21, 2021 at 4:33 pm #

            I bet you’ve never seen an indiscriminate mass vaccination campaign either. Funnily enough, one that coincides with said summer spike. If you can call 259 a spike. 99% unvaccinated, right?

          • tully July 21, 2021 at 6:40 pm #

            259 is a spike when compared to June 14, when hospitalizations were at 95. 97% unvaccinated, as previously stated.

            No, I have not lived through a major vaccination effort; have you? The big polio vaccine effort in the US was before I was born. There have not been any in my lifetime, at least big enough to stick in my memory.

          • Slugoon July 22, 2021 at 3:31 am #

            Polio, that was the one that DID affect all age groups pretty seriously, right? I wonder, did they have to bribe and coerce people to take those vaccines or was it self-evident?

            As for 95.97%, I’m sorry, I just do not believe it. Twitter news. Add it to the long list of lies.

          • tully July 22, 2021 at 6:23 am #

            Polio is more severe than covid; as I said the vaccine roll out was before I was born. By the time I entered school it, along with smallpox and DPT were required. Exemptions were difficult to get.

            But no schools here are requiring the shots. Not the public nor private schools:the city’s 4 colleges/universities are not either. I do not support any mandates whatsoever.

            As for trusting Twitter, I differentiate between a known local person and someone I do not. The Cox spokesman I cited is not in your area, and if you don’t trust him, that’s understandable. It was what I could find quickly. It has been mentioned in local media, but I did not save links. I don’t have a lot of research time during the workweek.

            But have you considered you might be labeling the info a lie simply because it doesn’t fit what you believe? It’s definitely a question I had to ask myself a lot the past few weeks. I had to conclude I had developed a vary narrow Overton Window regarding this mess, and needed to open it a bit.

          • Slugoon July 22, 2021 at 8:00 am #

            I’ve considered the possibility but the problem now Tully is that it’s a case of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.

            In March 2020 the British SAGE group employed a team of behavioural scientists who asserted that “the perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.”

            Since then it’s been one giant psy-op with lie after lie and u-turn after u-turn from government and non-stop promotion of fear (or ’emotional messaging’ as SAGE would say) based on fraudulent PCR testing.

            The death rates from the Office for National Statistics do not reflect the narrative of the previous sixteen months. The data coming out on vaccinations and variants does not reflect the narrative. The empty hospital that I saw with my own eyes and recounted by friends who work there during the time when hospitals were ‘overflowing’ did not match the narrative. The tens of people I know who have caught it have either brushed it off or felt a bit off for a few days.

            You’ll have to forgive me for not believing a fucking word anybody in government or medical world has to say.

          • tully July 22, 2021 at 9:24 am #

            Given what has happened in Great Britain, discounting the official pronouncements of SAGE and the NHS seems reasonable. I still pay no attention to the CDC or the Lawn Gnome.

            Great Britain also did not see increases in hospitalizations from the delta variant.

            Here we are, which has me mulling the possibility of people in different regions reacting to the viruses differently. The only factor that comes to mind would be obesity. MO has a 34.8 obesity rate, roughly middle of the pack in the US. Looks like GB is around 28%. Is that difference a factor in the difference? Dunno.

      • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 7:32 am #

        Hi Tully

        I already thanked you for your link to the bulletin from your local health network, which I found sobering indeed.

        Thanks again for your courage in bringing this to the board’s attention and further for speaking the truth of your reality.

        I only wish those who vilify people with common sense, such as yourself, tucsonspur, beantownbill and JohnAZ would just respect individuals’ considered decisions.

        It MIGHT happen, but probably not as long as Mr Hawkins and his ilk remain loose at their keyboards with nothing better to do than spew venom.

        • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:29 pm #


    • 100th Avatar July 21, 2021 at 8:54 am #

      The “bad vibes” have been here for some time.

      As it is a “doomer porn” blog, I’ll presume he’s referring to the interactions rather than the subject matter.

      But some of the subject matter offered up by the usual suspects gets tiresome, repetitive, lazy, and vile.

      It is all the fault of black, brown, and working-class immigrants.
      It is all the fault of the historically oppressed.

      The foundations of this country are being unwoven before everyone’s eyes, by the extremely powerful, the extremely privileged, the extremely wealthy, the extremely protected, the extremely influential: the proverbial .01%.

      More than many of whom are the vaunted white masters of the universe that a white nation deserves.

      You can’t make this absurdity up.
      And you can’t take being barraged by it

      By the people you’re made to believe are leaders, serve you and your country’s better interests, that lead you to argue with friends and family about.

      But it’s browny’s fault.

      You can be tolerant of this imbecility 99% of the time.
      Clearly many serial posters have nothing better to do, or no means or ability to do something more constructive.

      But some times civility needs to take a back seat and these clueless need a lowbrow-beating

      • gustafson.robert.22 July 21, 2021 at 9:55 am #

        Yes, neither the “it’s whitey’s” nor “it’s browny’s fault” fictions

      • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 12:09 pm #

        They’re taking our jobs, genius. And our living space, etc.

        • gustafson.robert.22 July 21, 2021 at 12:25 pm #

          symptom vs cause

        • 100th Avatar July 21, 2021 at 1:38 pm #

          Why are they “our” jobs?
          And who can be an “our”?

          By what unfailing decree is it your living space?

          In the US you just rent the land. When you stop paying rent (they call it taxes if you’re confused) they reclaim it and sell it to ANYBODY that can pay it.

          In Mexico, brown people live there BTW, you must be a citizen to own land, otherwise you may lease for 100 year terms.

          • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 3:46 pm #

            In other we words, we don’t exist. Or if we do, we shouldn’t and if we listen to you, we won’t.

            Back to the existential attack again. If we don’t exist, Mexicans don’t exist and neither do you people. Logic.

          • 100th Avatar July 21, 2021 at 5:08 pm #

            Your own people did that to you

          • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 11:52 pm #

            Only the addict is to blame and not the pusher? Not in my book.

        • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:31 pm #

          Whites are leading the charge to do that, Yohannon.

  108. SoftStarLight July 21, 2021 at 2:28 am #

    Rand Paul says he will refer Anthony Fauci to the DOJ for criminal inquiry due to Dr. Fauci’s alleged lying to Congress over the funding of gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab. I believe he made the announcement on Hannity* tonight


    *Sean Hannity on Monday professed support for the vaxxes

    • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 4:40 am #

      RE: Hannity and co.: h´His/their actions fit well with what we are seeing nearly everywhere at present: We have hit a tipping point where the vaxxed must go into full denial about what they have done to themselves and about their realization that they were fooled by the criminals behind the New Normal.

      The level of emotion in the press, out on the streets, and even here on CFN is explosive. I would say I have sympathy for those fooled into getting the jab, but I don’t. They are weak and would happily take all of us down with them.

      The level of venom we see expressed toward those who knew and know better is an expression of the realization they have come to.

      Panic has set in.

      • benr July 21, 2021 at 10:31 am #

        Some are being forced to take this experimental mRNA concoction in order to continue working.
        Some countries are now basically saying get it or become a shut in.

        The Virus is not as bad as it is made out to be in most cases and the level of shrill take it or else is troubling.

        My wifes company told her to get it she has actual blood clotting issues and wound up with a massive blood clot on her lungs that put her in hospital for a month and a half.
        When I hauled her into the ER they not only believed she was faking it buit one of the nurses came out and told her she was faking it.
        After the scan they could not move fast enough as she did not present with the classic symptoms of pulmonary embolism.
        Apparently 20 some odd years later she is the subject of a case study locally at the hospital.
        The reality is most people drop dead from this and she not only survived but went untreated for several hours.

        Her doctor a big pharms shill refused to write her note and said the mRNA jab was better than getting the Virus.

        We are currently looking for a better Doctor.

        • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 11:00 am #

          Benr, I apologize if I missed this before, but have you previously told this story about your wife?

          That is terrible. I am happy to hear she has pulled through.

          Crazy stuff.

          • benr July 21, 2021 at 10:47 pm #

            I don’t believe so as the data was never germane to a conversation here until now.

        • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 11:16 am #

          Wow this is horrifying. I just asked my doctor to write me an exemption letter because I have had a blood clot before. The idea of taking a shot that delivers blood clots in so many is horrifying to me. I am not afraid of Covid19 AT ALL. I’m healthy.

          This is terrible. I am so sorry for what your wife must have gone through. And on top of it, to have those medical personnel act like assholes. I see in some instances, they are trying to convince people with adverse reactions that they have ‘anxiety’. Well, yeah, anxiety comes with feeling like you’re about to die!

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 11:37 am #

            And on top of it, to have those medical personnel act like assholes.

            They are not acting.

    • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 7:35 am #

      I found Dr Fauci’s response to be most powerful when asked if he knew it was a crime to lie to Congress and then started his usual GOF trope – “You don’t know what you’re talking about and I’m saying that officially…”

      • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 10:56 am #

        It was indeed powerful. He was shaking with rage and appeared to have been in the process of shitting his pants.

        • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 11:13 am #


          Imagine believing that ghoul is some sort of great humanitarian. It takes a special sort of stupid.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 11:31 am #

            He’s like a little mafia Don who can have you killed before you leave the restaurant.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 21, 2021 at 11:56 am #

            My libber MIL actually said “Rand Paul is an opthalmologist who never even practiced!” to discredit fauci yesterday lmao

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 21, 2021 at 11:57 am #

            Discredit Paul I mean

        • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 11:27 am #

          I found it interesting what Dr Fauci does with an elastic band in his left-hand fingers & thumb as he cranks up the lies.

          Here is the full exchange:


          This is theatre. How could us CFNers possibly know what’s what while Senator Rand Paul catches a vague whiff?

          Theatre. Charade. Limited hang-out. Global coup-de-tait. Sad but True.

          • Islander July 21, 2021 at 12:44 pm #

            Paul should have stuck to the issue of whether GOF research was conducted in Wuhan. Not go into “You are responsible for 4 million deaths.” That gave Fauci an opportunity to grandstand about what Paul was “implying” instead of being forced to answer a simple yes/no question.

            Fauci’s relying on some paper that reviewed the research and said it was not GOF research was also a distraction. The name and authors of the paper should have been read into the Cong. Record so they could be examined for what they actually said, when written, for wnat purpose, etc.

            I mean, who would suddenly get the brainstorm of writing a whole paper about whath something was NOT??
            Sounds like prep for plausible deniability.

            Maybe Fauci identified the paper he was waving about and I missed it.
            The sycophantic ass kissing of Fauci at the end was sickening.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 2:24 pm #

            Saturday afternoon Pro Rasslin.’


            Right. Rand Paul was so very close but then fumbled the ball inside their 10 yard-line.

            I don’t think so.

          • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:33 pm #

            Rand Paul gives credibility to covid19 being a ‘deadly pandemic’ so he doesn’t help.

  109. SvrzoH July 21, 2021 at 2:32 am #

    Luggage strewn all over the train station platform, people heading to the cattle car making a wise cracks how who ever does that to them is “so stupid” and “explaining why, with charts and logic” or bickering among themselves.

    Can’t shake that picture out my head lately.

    • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 11:30 am #

      It will be moore civilized this time. Not cattle cars, for Goodness sake. Commuter trains. Everyone gets a seat.

  110. SoftStarLight July 21, 2021 at 3:09 am #

    An actual 28 Days Later scenario in Scotland?


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    • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 4:30 am #

      Lots of evidence piling up that the gene therapy is deadly. Looks like Yeadon and co. may end up being correct.

      Good luck to those who took it.

      • Islander July 21, 2021 at 10:04 am #

        Dr. Robert Malone explained (that is, if I understand his point correctly and recall correctly) that adverse reactions to the new jabs follow a Bell curve. He showed this in his (long, detailed) interview with Sonia Elijah of Conservative Woman.

        So, many who got the jabs will indeed have no ARs. As for the future we just don’t know.

        Probably among those who have an adverse reaction, actual deaths follow another Bell curve.

        For me the unknown in this whole story from the medical point of view is how many lives could have been saved via early medical treatment.

        The second unknown is, why was this information suppressed. To what end?

        • malthuss July 21, 2021 at 10:31 am #

          no ARs?

          • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 11:10 am #

            Adverse reactions?

        • Slugoon July 21, 2021 at 10:35 am #

          It’s pretty clear to me, but difficult to prove, that Big Pharma, Gates and national governments are in cahoots to make some seriously large profits.

          I read that the American Academy of Pediatrics is demanding that all children over the age of 2 years old wear face masks at schools and nurseries until vaccinated.

          It’s biggest donor…? Pfizer. The criminality is so off the charts, so enormous, I think that’s why nothing is being done. Nobody can bring themselves to accept that this is really going on and so blatantly.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 11:01 am #

            It’s pretty clear to me, but difficult to prove, that Big Pharma, Gates and national governments are in cahoots to make some seriously large profits.

            Your 1st bit is perfect, Slugger. Their motives, however, are more sinister than Just large profits.

            They assassinated Haiti’s President to incur unrecoupable costs to jab 11,000,000 of the most unprofitable souls on all of Earth.

            Their motives are Satanic and about complete control. Complete. Everyone.

            Billy Gates has become the USA’s biggest farmland owner because he plans to profit while he also understands the new economy in the new, soon post-Die-off future.

          • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 11:10 am #

            I am more and more also suspecting they are sterilizing the youth to control population.

          • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 11:18 am #

            I saw the AAOP thing too, Slug. Follow the money.

            Never fails.

          • Slugoon July 21, 2021 at 11:45 am #

            I was skeptical about the Gates link, Owl, because my skepticism works both ways occasionally but I also see that a major UK Covid testing company, Mologic, is being bought by an investment consortium led by… the Soros Economic Development Fund (SEDF) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

            Those two names, always, every time.

            I’m trying hard to find a rational explanation but I’m coming up shorter and shorter every time. How the fuck did a computer nerd end up being the global eugenicist?

          • Islander July 21, 2021 at 12:50 pm #

            Re follow the money:


            I think I posted this before but it is very good on the economics of Big Pharma and how much they need this ongoing vaccine business. And also, just how powerful they are and how enormous their profits really are. Also, how much they actually spend on marketing etc. vs. how much they actually spend on research (the latter, not that much), although this is always the rationale for this industry sector’s existence.

            So, relevant to this portion of the thread.

          • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 1:19 pm #

            We are not that different, Slug. I just started on this stuff a long time ago.

            I have no answer to your question. I do know that many billionaires hide behind “philanthropy,” however.

    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 11:11 am #

      Good lord that is horrific.

      They need to stop this trial.

  111. tucsonspur July 21, 2021 at 4:03 am #

    Thanks for your kind words above, Beantown. Sometimes the gutter seems to be the only way to go. Best of luck.

    • SoftStarLight July 21, 2021 at 4:21 am #

      I think you’re a class act tucson and I enjoy your thoughts and commentaries and essays and poems. Some have no doubt not been around long enough to enjoy them. And we have agreed to disagree several times. Que sera sera. People feel strongly about their beliefs and these are..unstable times so the agitation and conflict are part of the terrain for good and/or bad.

      • tucsonspur July 21, 2021 at 4:36 am #

        Just about to hit the sack, but I wanted to thank Ricechex also for speaking up.

        Class act yourself, SSL, no doubt about it. Yes, we have agreed to disagree, isn’t it wonderful?

        And my heartfelt thanks. Sweet Dreams.

      • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 10:48 am #

        “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
        Matthew 5:9


        TS snipes me and then gets indignant when I War back. I know it well.

        People treat me unJustly, expect me to take it like the millions of other saps that they have treated unJustly and then Hate me because I fight back with The Truth. TruStory


        “Have you seen https://www.drudgereport.com this morning? Delta is the Top Boogeyman now and I say, ‘Fresh jabs for everyone!’

        Right? Who’s with me? Jabmeisters to protect us all. A fresh jabby-jab for you and a heaping, extra jabby-jab for ME!

        It’s a no-brainer, Really. I Just wish that I was rolling up my sleeve Right now! Right? Sleeve roll, tummy rush, ‘Just a little pin prick,’ and the fix … the jab, I mean.

        Oh! Those jabs! I sure miss getting jabbed. If it were up to me, I’d get jabbed every day! Morning, noon and night if they could afford it.

        Anyway, that clearly wouldn’t make medical sense but I sure don’t see why we have to go this long with no booster-jab even solidified yet. That’s Just cruel, Right? We all deserve another jab by now! Right? ‘Course we do. That’s all I’m saying.”


        TS fucked the Wrong guy.

        “Yer dern tootin.'”

        • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 6:02 pm #


  112. Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 4:21 am #

    Eric Clapton tells Boris Johnson to fuck off with his New Normal fascism:


    • SoftStarLight July 21, 2021 at 4:33 am #

      It’s the new apartheid! It’s good to see someone with a bigger microphone standing up for medical privacy and health rights. Too few celebrities and entertainers doing so. So, my body my choice is really an empty opportunistic slogan for many of these “enlightened” folk after all. What a shock lol

      • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 4:41 am #

        The criminals and those fooled into taking the shots are in panic mode.

        We are hitting a tipping point in terms of awareness. The energy has shifted.

        • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 7:22 am #

          Yeah, yeah, yeah…come back in couple of years with some evidence.

          2023 – Trump has been reinstated as POTUS because the election fraud has been proven, and at least 50% of Democrats are dead from the bio-weapon/poison they were tricked into taking. Until then, you’re just another CT nutjob.

          “We all know that.”

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 10:26 am #

            While the 95.7% of non-Americans (neither Republican nor Democrat) are pulled along In this US political game? Those are your “thoughts?”

            You have your head so far up your ass Believing in your own, self-proclaimed exceptionalism that you cannot see the forest for the trees. We all know that, RL.

            We won’t need to wait until 2023 to see The Truth. TPTB timed this perfectly to get as many jabbed as possible during Spring / Summer in Akron but also UK, Germany & Australia before the Fall / Winter natural flu season.

            Use your brain. Queen Lizard and Rothschilds do not wuv you. Neither does Billy Gates nor Dr Anthony Fauci.

            Assuming 2 Real men, either RL or NO will admit that they were Wrong about Covids & the Depop by Dec. 31, 2021.

            That is unless, of course, MSNBC convinces RL that UFOs are killing the jabbed. In that case, these arguments will spill into 2022 (assuming Free Speech).

          • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 10:54 am #

            As usual, I never said either of those things. You have a habit of projecting your stupidity on others.

            Low IQ.

          • Redneck Liberal July 21, 2021 at 6:01 pm #

            It’s a simple extrapolation from all the BS you post, though.

        • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 11:03 am #

          Please see what I posted below, what a German friend commented. I’d like your take on it.

        • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 12:27 pm #

          That certainly is a good explanation for the crazy behavior, alright.

      • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 11:02 am #

        The Wokies are nothing if not huge hypocrites.

    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 11:01 am #


  113. stelmosfire July 21, 2021 at 9:32 am #

    Slugoon and Night Owl . From the last post. Yea, I’ve got a bunch of guitars.A 1960 Gibson Mahogany Melody Maker,, 1972 Blond Tele, an ES 335 , don’t know what year. I have a nice pedal steel And a whole bunch of other Jap shit, amps, pedals, keyboards.I’m a hoarder. I was making music for years on a Sony real to real. All the way back into the ’80’s. That was until I picked up my music pal wrapped around a tree. in ’99. Kinda turned me off the God bullshit that OG spouts. Before that I was a good Catholic boy.

    • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 10:12 am #

      I am sorry about your friend … but am unclear why the incident resulted in considering God thusly.

      God never promised you a rose garden. Your buddy had free will as he skied or drove or fell into a tree. Do you think that God was supposed to miraculously alter science to make the tree disappear for a second?

      Perhaps He wanted to test how you would handle this situation. Perhaps that was your Job moment in life and you failed miserably. Perhaps you will yet succeed gloriously. I pray for the latter for you.

      I do not spout “BS.” There is God. There is Satan. Your thoughts cannot change that Reality. It is not up to you.

    • Slugoon July 21, 2021 at 10:27 am #

      You’re both making me feel very inferior. That’s a nice vintage selection. A Tele is the one guitar that eludes me though I love them in blonde/butterscotch even if they are a bit ubiquitous.

      I’ve just sold my Les Paul, which wasn’t a vintage model but it was damn expensive and that was before the current crazy price rises. I’d like to try a 335. That or a Tele would be my next purchase.

      I’m down to just two guitars now, both Strats. The older one needs a fret job but I couldn’t bring myself to sell it as it plays great and sounds sublime with its CS69 pickups. The new one is an Ultra HSS Strat and is without doubt the best guitar I’ve ever owned. It does everything, incredibly well, but still doesn’t quite have the magic of the CS69s.

      Sorry to hear about your friend.

    • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 10:52 am #

      You have good taste, Stelmo. I’d like to get a vintage Melody Maker or Les Paul, Jr. in TV yellow. So basic, but they sound so good.

      • stelmosfire July 21, 2021 at 12:13 pm #

        1960 Single pick-up Single Cut away away Gibson. I always wanted to play the fiddle. No frets Sorry, I can’t manage. Like JHK. I dabble in the Mandoline, same tuning. EADG Although some tune them different.

        Banjo also.

    • elysianfield July 21, 2021 at 12:08 pm #

      Had many Gibsons (The old pawnbroker, don’t you know)…one time I owned a Les Paul Custom.

      • stelmosfire July 21, 2021 at 12:24 pm #

        El ,Its a model 28.Highway Patrol man N frame. Do you own a Weed Whacker? I figured ya’ did. .357? That’s the ticket.

        • elysianfield July 21, 2021 at 5:02 pm #

          If my post offended, somehow, I apologize. It was not a boast, but rather just a remembrance. Cannot play a lick on the guitar…never could.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 7:13 am #

            Don’t worry about it, EF. St EF is a moron wiff hurt feelz.

    • Slugoon July 21, 2021 at 2:00 pm #

      This is nice, a bit of guitar talk to lighten the mood!

      • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 3:47 pm #

        Regarding your last post — Your next purchase should be a 335. You will not regret it.

        I prefer vintage generally, but they did a superb ice-tea-finish version with parallelogram inlays a few years back which definitely tempted me to pick up a new one.

        Also, if you buy new, it appears Gibson’s quality control is currently better than it has been in about 20 years (excluding Bozeman-made products, which are top notch).

        Do it.

  114. stelmosfire July 21, 2021 at 9:51 am #

    Hey Marlin, What’s that bright thing in the sky?

    • BackRowHeckler July 21, 2021 at 11:33 am #

      The Red Sun.

      Hey Rip, since you’re the DJ here, I got one last request, I promise.

      On youtube, Edison Lighthouse ‘Love Grows’.

      Not the best song, but check out the wild blond dancer, and the twins, who got more movements than a Swiss Watch.


      • stelmosfire July 21, 2021 at 12:58 pm #

        Marlin, yea, they say it’s smoke from out west. Whats up with that the red skies. Smoke? I was out west for the Eclipse in 2017. Maryqueen. Is it smokey in your neck of the woods?

        • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 11:50 pm #

          The fire in Oregon is a doozy, with tornadoes of flame consuming trees in seconds, creating clouds and its own weather. The said the smoke has reached the East Coast. Another big one is in Northern California.

  115. O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 10:02 am #

    Jews are behind the pandemic’ chanted at anti-vaccine protest in Poland
    By GADI ZAIG   JULY 21, 2021 13:16

    ‘Every Pole can see today that behind the ‘plandemic’ are the Jews,’ the crowd chanted

    An anti-vaccine protest that took place in Glogow, Poland, blamed Jews as being responsible for the start of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, according to the website Notes from Poland.

    Those that took part in Monday’s protest chanted: “Jews are behind the pandemic” and that they “rule the world.”



    Hey The Beantown Shill,

    What, do you think, would have given these people such an idea?

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    • malthuss July 21, 2021 at 10:32 am #

      Fauci, Gates, Biden are not joos.

      • malthuss July 21, 2021 at 10:33 am #

        Beantown Shill, it is Mr Bill to you.

      • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 2:34 pm #

        No … but who do you think that they work for?

      • tully July 22, 2021 at 6:47 am #

        James Howard Kunstler is.

        • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 7:11 am #

          This is a Good time to mention that Just as Austria spawned Hitler and Ukraine reared Stalin, the Rothschilds are Jewish.

          Most Austrians, Ukrainians and Jews are fine, upstanding citizens who work hard, pay their taxes and contribute to society.

          It “boils my ham” when legitimate criticism of a small group of people is simply disregarded as anti-Semitic. One can see that if they did, hypothetically, run the World, there’d be no way to shout, “The emperor has no clothes!”

    • 100th Avatar July 21, 2021 at 11:42 am #

      It is so much easier to blame an identifiable “other”

      Than the nebulous amalgam.
      The deciders
      The controllers
      Those in charge

      And certainly easier than blaming your own.
      But again, you believe them to be your own.
      The aspirational reach up. Like infants.

      They certainly do not consider you one of them.
      They did not get this far using ethnicity as a determining factor.

      But they’re relieved you still do.
      Chasing your own tail

      • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 12:26 pm #

        Well said.

      • Disaffected July 21, 2021 at 3:26 pm #

        The aspirational reach up. Like infants.

        Yep. I graduated college late in life, and oh my god was I ever a shameless aspiring bootlicker coming out. But…

        They certainly do not consider you one of them.

        Man, was that ever a hard lesson to learn! But far more valuable than the worthless college education, for sure. If you teach your children nothing, teach them that! Quite frankly, I was smarter at age 18, when I had an innate contempt of rich fucks, than I was 30 years later, when for a brief time I imagined that I too might make the class leap based on capability alone.

      • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 4:15 pm #

        Yet Whites are slandered 24/7 by the media now. So “they” are very interested in ethnicity indeed.

        Who owns the media, btw? Any idea?

        • 100th Avatar July 21, 2021 at 5:04 pm #

          Rich people
          You, if you have a mutual fund, 401K

          • benr July 21, 2021 at 8:03 pm #

            More to the point which nationality owns the lion share of the main stream media now?

            Lots of people say China now has huge shares in much of the media.

    • elysianfield July 21, 2021 at 12:06 pm #

      “What, do you think, would have given these people such an idea?”

      Well…then there’s this;


      • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 2:54 pm #

        You do know that Cohen is Jewish, Right?

        “Make War by deception.”

    • stelmosfire July 21, 2021 at 12:35 pm #

      BTB, has been her for years, piker. Bite me Canuck God asslicker.

      • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 2:55 pm #

        May God have mercy on your blasphemous soul.

  116. MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 10:58 am #

    From a German friend:

    “I‘m watching a report from the disaster area in Germany on German TV. So instead of sending evacuation teams and officials helping with removing the debris etc, they sent mobile test centers and jab clinics!!! ‘Because the last thing that people need right now is to get sick of Covid.’

    Laschet, Merkel‘s probable successor is having a speech after joking around minutes before, saying that what needs to be done is reducing Carbon Emissions. People are booing.”

    Could this disaster have been prevented? Yes, to large degree. Why wasn’t it? Was it yet another beyond-desperate attempt to find a way to jab more of the populace? I don’t know, but this is fishy. It could also just be them taking grotesque advantage of a disaster to move their nefarious agenda forward.

    • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 11:15 am #

      Yep, it has caused quite the stir here.

      BTW, in Corona Comedy news, we were at the local Schwimmbad today to take a dip with the kiddo. We had to wear masks while picking up our tickets in the lobby, but then were allowed to roam the pools and slides maskless. Must have been about 450 people there, was nearly shoulder to shoulder in the kiddie pool.

      The Corona Hoax.

      • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 12:24 pm #

        LMAO! My gawd, the idiocy.

        I guess I should be thankful that here, there is no sign of any pandemic, other than my neighbor ranting the other day that the unvaxxed are causing everyone to die of the variant.

        I told her I was unvaxxed and she said, “oh.” and went back into the house. LOL.

        I go swimming every other day and no one is concerned about any distancing and there are zero masks.

        • messianicdruid July 21, 2021 at 12:44 pm #

          “There is apparently something in the water that is causing Americans to become obtuse, unable to understand their own history, their own government and nuance. Many people who hear my opinions of these topics accuse me of liking it when malevolent and stupid people kill other people by spreading lies about COVID.  They think I like it when harmful false ideas are spread through social media. Many of them are proud Americans who wave flags and celebrate the Fourth of July, but they don’t understand the function and power of the First Amendment and free speech (the latter of which is a broader issue). It’s as though they don’t understand that many truths are complex, making them unendingly imperfect and tentative. It’s as though they don’t understand that by allowing the marketplace of ideas to run its course, we will be in the best position to understand what is going on around us on every topic and every issue. It’s as though they want to completely trust a government that excels in spewing out lies, year after year, administration after administration.”


          • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 1:16 pm #

            Takes me back to the heady days of the early 2000s when France refused to support US actions in the Middle East, so Americans boycotted French fries.

            My German wife was trying out life in DC with me at that time, and I still think that era contributed to her wanting to had back to Europe as soon as possible.

          • Tate July 21, 2021 at 1:54 pm #

            They didn’t boycott ’em, they renamed ’em “Freedom fries,” LOL, talk about stupid.

          • Tate July 21, 2021 at 1:58 pm #

            Not you, N.O. Let’s remember that half the population has only a double digit IQ. And you can’t always tell who’s who by their credentials.

          • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 3:33 pm #

            I remember Freedom Fries and french wine being poured out in the street.

            You can’t fix stupid.

          • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 3:42 pm #

            Yeah, Tate. They did rename them, but that was phase II, once they realized they could never truly do without them.


          • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 5:36 pm #

            Well said.

            And it only took 5 short years to turn a large section of the country, who used to protest against wars, to love the same psychos who perpetrated that war, and are also involved in the current scheme.

    • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 12:40 pm #

      As Bugs Bunny would say, Despicable!

      What does “the Rebel” say to this?

    • Islander July 21, 2021 at 12:58 pm #

      ““I‘m watching a report from the disaster area in Germany on German TV. So instead of sending evacuation teams and officials helping with removing the debris etc, they sent mobile test centers and jab clinics!!! ‘Because the last thing that people need right now is to get sick of Covid.’”

      I cannot believe this1
      If they hadn’t been obsessed with corona pre-flood and actually had been paying attention to important developments in the real world, the castastrophe would have been mitigated. Hmmm, just like the “pandemic” itself, like, “an ounce of prevention, remember?”.

      So it is unabelievable that htey are doubling down on the corona jobs and corona fear mongering and madness as a cure for devastating flooding . . .

      • Islander July 21, 2021 at 12:59 pm #

        Sorry that was supposed to be “corona JABS”

      • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 1:20 pm #

        Yes, they are using a major tragedy to further their agenda. It’s disgusting.

  117. Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 11:12 am #

    “A consortium of investors led by the Soros Economic Development Fund (SEDF) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are buying UK-based COVID testing company, Mologic, which has developed a 10-minute coronavirus test – and is best known for its deep-nostril swab test for the virus.”




    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 12:22 pm #

      Why this doesn’t wake people up, I don’t know.

      They put it right out there in front of us.

      Luciferian in the vaxx ingredients, Moloch swabs now. LOL.

      • Disaffected July 21, 2021 at 3:18 pm #

        News travels slow to those cowering under their beds. Many have been down there for a year and half now. May never come up again.

  118. MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 11:40 am #

    It is a lie that hospitals are overflowing with Covid-19 patients.

    Click the “Inpatient Bed Utilization for COVID-19”

    73.93% of inpatient beds in use – 5,486 hospitals reporting
    4.12% of inpatient beds in use for COVID-19 – 5,339 hospitals reporting


    Unless somehow I’m interpreting that wrong, in which case, please correct me.

    • JohnAZ July 21, 2021 at 2:02 pm #


      It is a lie right now. Saying that the rate has risen by 100% sounds catastrophic. It is baloney. For example, Arizona has gone from 4- 500 a day to a little over 1000. Just like most other states, up 100% or so.

      So what? I happen to believe the Delta, or whatever variant you want to follow is infecting unvaxxed and non converting vaxxed patients. It seem to be much gentler than alpha, probably because we and the virus are adapting. These are parasites, successful parasites do not kill their host. Eventually the folks that are not armed with an immune response will get exposed and build their immunity. When it is complete, it will end.

      I wonder how many viruses accommodate themselves to human bodies and eventually become necessary for good health.

      • Disaffected July 21, 2021 at 3:16 pm #

        So you’ve been touring those facilities personally, or you’re just taking the authorities word for it? Jesus John, you just reinforce my low opinion of the medical community every time you post.

      • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 3:34 pm #

        It is a lie right now.

        Therefore, they are liars lying to us.

      • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 3:46 pm #

        Cases = nonexistent. Lemon juice on it returns a ‘positive’.

        Variant = nonexistent.

        Vaccine injuries = in the 1000s.

  119. Trean July 21, 2021 at 12:12 pm #

    Wow JHK, did you write the WMBH series using a crystal ball? Now we have monkey pox too…. https://mol.im/a/9809489

    • cowbell81 July 21, 2021 at 12:51 pm #

      Quick, they need to rush a vaccine to market for this one too!

      The bigger question I would like answered is, wtf is anyone doing travelling between Nigeria and Texas in this day and age? All international travel of this nature should be shut down and stay that way for the indefinite future. Maybe he is one of those Nigerian princes that was coming to Texas to complete a $5m transfer to an e-mail contact….

      • Tate July 21, 2021 at 2:31 pm #

        Here, here! There should be strenuous vetting of all international travelers between shithole countries & the U.S.

        • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 4:15 pm #

          international travelers between shithole countries & the U.S.

          Hahaha! Have a look around, bud.

  120. messianicdruid July 21, 2021 at 12:25 pm #

    Are dogs smarter than people?


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    • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 21, 2021 at 1:04 pm #


    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 1:13 pm #

      It would appear so.

  121. cowbell81 July 21, 2021 at 1:54 pm #

    People on the West Coast, California, SoCal in particular, are completely off their rockers:


    Says one Frances Vizier: “It is a symptom of the decline in our democracy that so many of our citizens refuse to take a vaccination against a known deadly virus.”

    Well then, I guess I am a Communist.

    • Disaffected July 21, 2021 at 3:13 pm #

      “Known deadly” is doing a whole lotta work there. What people think they know but don’t is the real pandemic. Listening to that stupid ass Jerry Jones pontificate on TV as we speak. Why can’t the dumb shits all just catch the shit and die already?

    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 3:47 pm #

      Morons and paranoids about there, yes. That’s why I got out.

      They believe a police state is ‘for their own good.’

      • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 4:17 pm #

        And we ain’t seen nothing yet.

        • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 5:15 pm #

          No, we ain’t.

    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 5:19 pm #

      It’s like those people who’s child has died from the vaxx that still highly recommend them.

      Sheer and utter insanity.

  122. Tate July 21, 2021 at 2:09 pm #

    The vaccine is the Great Test for non-consent to govt overreach. It is the red-line that we cannot allow the govt to impose on us, mixed metaphor notwithstanding. I am a refusenik. I refuse to allow anyone to tell me what I must or must not put in my own body. I will yield to no amount of pressure to get the Jab. I lost all faith in our overseers years ago. But hopefully, this sad episode has opened the eyes of many others to the incompetence & perhaps pure diabolical evil of our rulers in fomenting the Big Lie.

    The Zman puts out a pretty good summary of what’s been going on here.


    • Disaffected July 21, 2021 at 3:09 pm #


      “It is fairly clear that we are well past the public health concern with Covid. The treatments for those with severe cases are now highly effective. Most of the population has natural immunity. The variants appear to be less severe than the first wave of the virus, which is not uncommon in pandemics. In other words, we are at the point where we can live with Covid, just as we live with the flu. The question now is whether we can live with the people who have spent two years lying about it.

      • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 3:57 pm #

        You’re still assuming there was a pandemic, that covid exists and its variants. All big assumptions.

        • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 4:22 pm #

          He’s also assuming that it is all now winding down and then we’ll all democratically re-assess how we are governed.


          • Tate July 21, 2021 at 4:29 pm #

            Who is “he?” If you’re referring to Zman, you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.

          • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 4:31 pm #

            We’re gonna have to strap him down, Og. You’re the Chief Prosecutor, but I have past lives in the Spanish Inquisition, so I’ll be a strong Second.

          • Tate July 21, 2021 at 4:42 pm #

            The Spanish Inquisition was instigated by some Conversos.

            ((True fact)), as our friend would say.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 4:57 pm #

            @Tate: “He” is Disaffected. I do not know Zman.

            @Yoho: Our … clinic is needed more and more every day. As you know, Kamloops is no longer practical. What about Missoula, Montana?

        • Tate July 21, 2021 at 4:28 pm #

          It doesn’t matter. What matters is the ginned-up hysteria driven by our ruling class. As Rahm Emmanuel said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Keep your eyes on the ball.

    • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 3:53 pm #

      During the height of Stalinist Terror, there were signs saying, “Dare to vote for Stalin!”.

      This is the kind of rebel Tusc is.

  123. JohnAZ July 21, 2021 at 2:09 pm #

    The very stupid human being should not be messing with genetic level stuff like enhancing viruses. We do not have a clue how DNA, RNA, ribosome synthesis networks work. We do not have a clue how an organ’s cells know what the are and how to produce the enzymes they produce.

    I, for one, consider the stuff Fauci et al have been doing as a much greater threat to humanity than AGW. It’s as bad as AOC and Greta being considered experts as energy conversion.

    • Disaffected July 21, 2021 at 3:06 pm #

      And yet, you’ll gladly accept an experimental “vaccine” from the same bunch of criminals. Have you been tested for schizophrenia, or is that just another side-effect of the vaxx?

    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 3:49 pm #

      Why did you trust their vaccine then (that they are making billions off of and is illegal given there are other remedies)?

    • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 3:55 pm #

      Vintage John Az. There’s a split in his consciousness. Fritz Perls called such things, “the impasse”. Tusc has one too, believing that his utter conformity is rebellion.

      • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 4:09 pm #

        I don’t get it at all.

      • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 4:54 pm #

        “Tusc has one too, believing that his utter conformity is rebellion.”

        Yohannon, you have hit the nail on the head so hard that you have driven it through a desert McMansion floor beam.

        • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 5:12 pm #

          He sure did, lol!

      • Islander July 21, 2021 at 8:57 pm #

        I have been trying to get a handle on where JohnAZ is coming from.

        His comments seem quite inconsistent: some of his points or views have implications that completely undermine another position.

        First he seems to argue with “dissenters” here and then to agree with them on other points that don’t match the first position . . .

  124. gustafson.robert.22 July 21, 2021 at 2:51 pm #

    If the Dow drops -18,000 points next Monday I’ll just expect it to bounce back +18,500 on tuesday

    • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 4:27 pm #

      The “smart money” is Buy Low, Sell High. They will continue milking the financial markets until they pull the pin on those very same markets.

      Average Joes will have hundreds of thousands and even millions of nothing.

      Everything is fixed.

      • cowbell81 July 21, 2021 at 4:44 pm #

        Buy silver, gold, and other hard assets. This is the only way to true wealth building and financial freedom. Losses and gains on paper are just that, worth nothing more than the paper it is printed on.

  125. MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 4:06 pm #

    According to the folks in charge, Covid19 is the same thing as the flu. Read the symptoms and you tell me how you tell the difference.

    Reminder: Covid19 is a coronavirus, which is a cold virus. So why does it have flu symptoms? Answer: Because it’s the flu, rebranded.


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    • cowbell81 July 21, 2021 at 4:15 pm #

      Remember when it used to be viewed as so heroic if you were running a fever and seemed deathly ill yet still came into work day in and day out because you were do dedicated to the job?

      Nowadays they would probably take one look at you, figure you have the plague, send you and everyone in contact with you immediately home, and then run a deep sanitation of the entire office building.

      Better yet, just take permanent leave of absence and get on that ever so sweet government unemployment dole.

      • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 4:57 pm #

        Hahahaa! Right?

        “If you think you have it, stay home.” That’s gonna be a LOT of sick days!

    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 4:16 pm #

      Sudden loss of taste or smell seems to be the big difference.

      I will attest that EVERY time I ever had a cold I lost both.

      Sneaky these people who designed this.

    • tully July 21, 2021 at 6:48 pm #

      The difference is reduced blood oxygenation for those whose illnesses move past head cold type symptoms. That is what is sending people to the hospitals locally.

      • Islander July 21, 2021 at 9:01 pm #

        Covid might just pass through like a cold, or it might develop more severe symptoms not seen with a cold, namely flu. Or it might go past flu to cause inflammation and harm to vascular systems and oxygen uptake. Especially absent *early treatment.*

        That is per Dr. Peter McCullough and IMO he is the go-to for the medical aspect of covid.

        • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 6:58 am #

          Anybody who does get sick enough to go to hospital (yuck!) should be sending eMails to local newspaper, lawyers, doctors assoc., etc. demanding Ivermectin.

  126. Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 4:11 pm #

    “When you get close to the impasse, to the point where you just cannot believe that you might be able to survive, then the whirl starts. You get desperate and confused. Suddenly, you don’t understand anything anymore, and here the symptom of the neurotic becomes very clear. The neurotic is a person who does not see the obvious.” Perls states that when one understands the impasse correctly, he/she wakes up and experiences a satori, a Zen word meaning “enlightenment.” He further says: “It’s the awareness, the full experience of how you are stuck, that makes you recover, and realize the whole thing is not reality.” Perls therefore sees the process of therapy as one of becoming aware of and working through the roles that one plays and then experiencing the impasse. This leads to an experience of death or fear of death which then results in an explosion or release. Perls says, “The death layer comes to life, and this explosion is the link-up with the authentic person who is capable of experiencing and expressing his emotions.”

    Gestalt Associates.org

    Yoho: Perhaps 666 can be translated as sick, sick, sick. But healing is possible, if the vax doesn’t get you first. Don’t take any more of them, ok?

    • Tate July 21, 2021 at 4:39 pm #

      Fritz Perls (Friedrich Salomon Perls) was a psychoanalyst, i.e., a Freudian huckster.

      • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 5:39 pm #

        Have you never felt the whirl as your world collapsed? When I found David Duke’s “My Story” on sale on the cart outside the Harvard Coop, I know my world was going to end.

    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 4:46 pm #

      Is an ‘impasse’ the same thing as cognitive dissonance?

      • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 5:36 pm #

        Sounds like that’s part of it or a symptom of it. Of course confusion is natural when learning or when authorities are trying to trick you by telling you different things. The Impasse is deeper than that and not just a stage of learning or temporary confusion. The Impasse is pathological in other words.

        • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:44 pm #


    • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 4:47 pm #

      I Pray that it is not an addiction and that jabbed people can still save themselves from taking the coming Mark of the Beast.

      • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 5:16 pm #

        I’ve been goofing on TS, St EF & RL recently vis-a-vis the the addict’s consuming thoughts of their next fix but was doing so in self-defence as they goof on my testimony, on my Beliefs and even on my God.

        I Pray that these vaxxes have not caused the duped into being dirty, filthy needle junkies.

        Time will tell. It always does.

        • Redneck Liberal July 22, 2021 at 9:24 am #

          I just have to say it, Mr. Hawkins, even if it sees me banished…

          You’re utterly fucked in the head, as you’ve said yourself, previously.

          Yet you persist in this offensive name-calling. You have no filter.

          You have no idea what my vaccine status is. You’d never even think to ask, because it’s actually irrelevant to you in your tinfoil worldview.

          Just keep on spiraling away with your satan fetish, your god-complex and your “jab-jab-jab” poetry-slamming. It’s very sad to watch.

  127. Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 4:27 pm #

    Fritz Perls quotes:

    “Gestalt Prayer
    I do my thing and you do yours.
    I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
    And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
    You are you, and I am I,
    And if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful.
    If not, it can’t be helped.”

    “Lose your mind and come to your senses.”

    “…nobody can stand truth if it is told to him. Truth can be tolerated only if you discover it yourself because then, the pride of discovery makes the truth palatable.”

    “A thousand plastic flowers don’t make a desert bloom. A thousand empty faces don’t fill an empty room”.”

    “The person most in control is the person who can give up control.”

    Yoho: Some good ones. Very 60’s of course – that’s when he was big. The Gestalt Prayer? To be used with caution. Roles are part of being human and one must fulfill ones that have been taken up until they fall away. But one can be aware that one is more than their roles even before then. The prayer is good for people who are awakening and have been too bound by roles and the expectations of others.

    Life comes in stages. Learn your craft and then forget all about it as the French artist said. Then inspiration may flow. The same with roles. If someone adopts the prayer as their credo too soon, then one is a splatter artist like Hunter. Or how about raising kids like that? Imagine not having a Father or Mother to rebel against? Since they let you run wild and didn’t fulfill their role for you?

    • Tate July 21, 2021 at 4:46 pm #

      “The person most in control is the person who can give up control.”

      Reminds me of Walt Disney. He battled all his life with Hollywood. He took some hits but kept coming back. Problem is, there were too many of them.

      • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 4:52 pm #

        Walt was a raving anti-Semite, we are told.

        • Tate July 21, 2021 at 5:20 pm #

          “we are told.” That’s key.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 6:18 pm #

            I know, Right? We don’t know shit. We were told all sorts of stuff but by known, proven liars.

        • Islander July 21, 2021 at 9:03 pm #

          Well, battling Hollywood might have made him one.

  128. cowbell81 July 21, 2021 at 4:50 pm #

    “One of the last things they do before they’re intubated is beg me for the vaccine,” she wrote. “I hold their hand and tell them that I’m sorry, but it’s too late.”


    LOL, who are these people?

    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 5:03 pm #

      Psychopaths + Coronazis

  129. Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 4:52 pm #

    So, it looks like FBI text messages with one of their plants on Jan 6 have been uncovered/published.

    “BREAKING: Text messages between an FBI handler and his informant within the Michigan militia, detailing how to entrap defendants in criminal activity, per court docs

    ‘I have a few goals for today.'”


    Where’s Redneck/Majella of Keurig Spur? We need to get quality updated analysis of the MAGAT Overthrow of the Goberment in light of this new information.

    Bait tossed out. Jello? Keurig?


    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 5:11 pm #

      Well isn’t THAT interesting?

  130. beantownbill. July 21, 2021 at 4:55 pm #

    How about stop being negative? How about elucidating the issues and propose solutions instead of complaining and name calling?

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    • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 5:11 pm #

      In your opinion, is it kosher or verboten for Poles to compare their current persecution to that of the Jews in Nazi Germany?

  131. O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 5:09 pm #

    This Gym Is Banning People Who HAVE Been Vaccinated Against COVID
    Fearless Boxing Club claims it doesn’t want members who “received the experimental Covid vaccine.”
    By Manisha Krishnan

    According to an Instagram post, the gym’s vaccine policy states that people who’ve “received the experimental Covid vaccine” will no longer be accepted as members.


    • cowbell81 July 21, 2021 at 5:18 pm #

      This is exactly what I would encourage and hope will happen in the US if they begin mandating COVID vaccine proof or passports. We need to have businesses that open and cater exclusively to those resistant and opposed to the jab.

      Yes it will be similar to regression like “separate but equal” but at least it will show those in power that we cannot be stopped and excluded from living our normal lives. I would gladly patronize bars, restaurants, stores, etc. that cater exclusively to the unvaxxed.

      • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 5:46 pm #

        We have the right to our own water fountains…..

        • messianicdruid July 21, 2021 at 9:31 pm #

          That’ll never sell.

          You [ they ] have a right to your [ their ] own water fountain.

    • O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 5:27 pm #

      The strip club Filmores told the Toronto Sun its staff are all fully vaccinated and customers will be required to have at least one dose.

      There have been very many doses at Filthy Fil’s over the years. There is no doubt about that.

  132. gustafson.robert.22 July 21, 2021 at 5:20 pm #

    i assume that now that “my body my choice” is adopted to oppose vax tyranny, we’re gonna be done trying to force pregnancies to term via government against the mother’s will?

    • cowbell81 July 21, 2021 at 5:23 pm #

      For consistency sake yes, that should be the case. Allow the opposing party to pick their jaw up from the floor when they learn this is no longer an issue.

  133. BackRowHeckler July 21, 2021 at 5:21 pm #

    Does anybody here know where this so called ‘Delta Variant’ strain of Covid came from? Things were beginning to calm down a bit, then all the sudden I began hearing on the news about a new strain of the virus, run for the hills. Is it a mutation of Covid 19? How did it develope? Or is it something totally new, over from Wuhan China just a few weeks ago, when the media began reporting on it? I remember reading that HIV could change its RNA to defeat the various anti viral medications introduced into the human body to treat it. Is that what’s happening here with Covid, it is mutating around the vaccines that have been introduced? If so, after Delta, can we expect Covid Echo an Covid Foxtrot, and all the way thru the alphabet, forever?

    WTF do I know, I barely got thru Biology 101? On the other hand, I’m convinced the Screw Driver Smoothies tm, have kept me and those around me above ground the past 18 months.


    • cowbell81 July 21, 2021 at 5:25 pm #

      Yes, it will go on and on ad infinitum. I am eagerly awaiting when they finally make it to the COVID Xi variant. The CCP will try suppressing that name for sure!

    • BackRowHeckler July 21, 2021 at 5:38 pm #

      At any rate, these Screw Driver Smoothies stood the test of time. Remember that movie with Cher, she was just an ordinary mom who concocted an elixer that cured her son of some heretofore incurable disease? You got your OJ to boost your immune system with a dose of Vitamin C, 80 proof Vodka (Titos) to kill any lurking viruses, and different spices to make it taste good. Drink an icy pitcher out in the sun, there’s your Vitamin D. Good health and staying alive ensue. So far.


    • Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 5:50 pm #

      The Delta variant comes from the television.

      • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 5:53 pm #

        And possibly the vaccine.

      • BackRowHeckler July 21, 2021 at 7:39 pm #

        Yeah that’s a possibility I never considered, Delta doesn’t even really exist, but was created in some propaganda mill in Manhattan or Zurich.

      • Redneck Liberal July 22, 2021 at 9:26 am #

        You’re starting to read like a ‘bot, repeating the same lines of bullshit over & over.

    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 7:21 pm #

      The virus was essentially gone in June 2020.

      But ‘cases’ kept it alive. And then that was starting to be obvious when they brought in the vaccines and promised it would put things back to normal. That’s when the ‘variant’ and ‘breakthrough’ cases started.

      I will go out on a limb and opine that the vaccine injuries are being marketed as ‘variants’ and they’ve already been caught lying as to who is getting ill with it.

      • Mike Roberts July 21, 2021 at 9:23 pm #

        No, it was not “essentially gone” over a year ago. Of course cases kept it alive; that’s how viruses spread. Variants are occurring all the time; some variants have concerning mutations and get a designation. The Beta variant was first seen in May 2020, in South Africa.

        So pretty much everything you’ve stated is either a truism or wrong.

        • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 9:53 pm #

          The cases aren’t.

          The test doesn’t work.

          Can’t wait ’til this Take a Poo sock gets the boot. The more you comment the more you reveal.

          • Mike Roberts July 21, 2021 at 10:36 pm #

            How do you know that “the cases aren’t?” Is it because you don’t like the numbers? If the cases aren’t cases, then the case fatality rate must be sky high but I doubt that’s the case and I doubt you’d admit that. Or you might counter by saying “the deaths aren’t”. In either case, you have little evidence to back up your claims. Apart from deaths, hospitalisations would be right down, for the same number of cases. This only happens in countries that have been well vaccinated.

            No idea what you’re on about with “Take a Poo”.

            Yes, the more I comment the more I reveal. Thanks for spotting that.

          • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 4:05 am #

            You claim cases kept it alive, Mike. But the way cases are determined is via a test that is fraudulent.

            The PCR test is fraudulent. So what cases are you referring to? How do you know they are real?

            If you are looking at the stats, with regard to deaths, most deaths have anywhere from 3-4 comorbidities attached to them. So who had Corona and how many did it kill, if any?

            Awaiting your detailed breakdown, backed by concrete evidence.

          • Mike Roberts July 22, 2021 at 7:00 am #

            Night Owl, I don’t know the true figures and neither do you. But for a virus to not go extinct, it needs to infect people. They are the cases.

          • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 7:14 am #

            But the test is fraudulent and they are using test-based numbers to push the pandemic.

            So what does that tell you?

        • King of Comedy July 22, 2021 at 10:16 am #


          The Spanish Flu, an H1N1 virus, appeared sometime in Feb-March 1918, made its way around the globe and was largely “gone” by April of 2020. H1N1 viruses did not go away of course but the particular strain of H1N1 that caused the pandemic made its way through the population, ran out of hosts and the “normal” flu resumed its seasonal assault on the human population. Covid will follow the same trajectory and I can say that with confidence because every pandemic/epidemic in human history has done so, most long before the advent of modern medicine.

          In 1918, they didn’t even know viruses existed so they couldn’t designate variants with “concerning mutations” every two months and maybe they were the better for it. Viruses mutate. It’s what they do. Furthermore natural selection favors a virus that is highly transmissible and mildly virulent. Killing the host is not a great thing if your whole purpose on the planet is passing on genetic material (which is the purpose of all life on the planet not just viruses). So, long story short, the “novel” coronavirus will join with its cousins already extant on the planet and cause the dreaded head cold. It’s just a matter of time.

          No doubt there will be hotspots, like the one in parts of Missouri at the moment, but this is due to the uneven distribution of the virus across populations as a function of time and not doomsday mutations like it is presented by the hysterics in the media. We are at the “boy who cried wolf” stage of the variant propaganda.

  134. Night Owl July 21, 2021 at 5:53 pm #

    More details on the German floods emerge.

    I see a pattern.

    “Mindestens in einem Kreis, der von der Flutkatastrophe getroffen wurde, wurden Sirenen absichtlich nicht ausgelöst, um “eine Panik zu vermeiden”. Unfassbar. Wofür haben wir die Dinger denn, wenn wir sie nicht benutzen”

    Translation is that in at least one county affected by the flooding, warning sirens were purposefully not set off, in order to avoid creating panic.

    Hahahahaha. Whoooo boy!


    • gustafson.robert.22 July 21, 2021 at 6:00 pm #

      bit of a contrast with covid strategies

    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 7:18 pm #

      SO now they are not just taking advantage of disasters, they are helping to maximize the damage, so that their agenda can even further benefit.

      How can anyone not understand how evil these psychos in charge are?

    • Islander July 21, 2021 at 9:31 pm #

      “to avoid panic”? What have they been doing for the past 16 months if it hasn’t been creating panic?

      As for people not knowing what the sirens mean, did anyone think about this when they installed the sirens?

      Don’t they have any emergency vehicles with loudspeakers?

      Offhand I don’t think MaryQueen has this quite right. I don’t think anyone intended this outcome.

      It sounds to me as though local officials are totally clueless and spineless to make any independent judgments and take independent action. It may be that htey were lying comforrably in their beds and just didn’t want to get out of bed.

      The same goes for the people manning the Talsperren. They weren’t “sure” and they didn’t want to be made fools of if it turned out that they had been overcautious by letting water out.

      Both Siren-Man and Dam-Man were so concerned about what people think of them that they were unable to focus their minds on actual risk factors and take action.

      The quote at the end of the Twitter thread is a pathetic whine: “No one had any idea of the extent of this . . .” Like, yeah, that’s why you have a Wetterdienst that sends out warnings: For you to take them seriously and take appropriate action, Dummkopf. Is there any town in the betroffene area of Germany where the authorities took any appropriate emergency measures?

      It seems to me that public authorities who failed to take emergency actions could be charged with homicidal negligence. Presumably they have professional qualifications for the positions they hold—are Beamte.

      Then to come along with jabs at the ready and drone an about corona . . . I’d be tempted to smash some of these corona ghouls against a brick wall.

      • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 9:49 pm #

        It is dangerous to believe the people in power are simply incompetent.

        I assure you, they are not.

        • Islander July 21, 2021 at 10:07 pm #

          I don’t think of this type of official as a “person in power.”

          All dark speculations are wild unless and until there is some kind of inquiry or by other means (whistleblowers; transcripts of official communications, etc.) solid info makes its way to the public.

          I agree that the eagerness to push the climate agenda is obvious. But I don’t think this means that TPTB let or caused this to happen. They will use it, but that doesn’t mean they caused it.

          • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 3:52 am #

            I generally agree, Islander. My approach is based on pattern recognition and simply following the money or asking “who benefits”?

            Incompetence could have explained both of these situations, but without some kind of investigation, it is difficult to say.

            One thing that would interest me would be to know who called the shots in these events. I mentioned recently that the group ElternStehenAuf was prevented from providing various forms of aid to the locals due to their “political views” (meaning with regard to Corona). My wife was going to aid this group in providing aid, as she works in mental health.

            This was a very strange occurance in isolation, but not if one looks at the larger pattern of smears and attempts to silence a certain opposition.

        • Islander July 22, 2021 at 6:59 am #

          N.O., re
          “I mentioned recently that the group ElternStehenAuf was prevented from providing various forms of aid to the locals due to their “political views” (meaning with regard to Corona). My wife was going to aid this group in providing aid, as she works in mental health.

          This was a very strange occurance in isolation, but not if one looks at the larger pattern of smears and attempts to silence a certain opposition.”

          Is your point here that some PTB did not shy away from politicizing assistance, by shutting out a group that is associated with dissenting from the mainstream covid narrative? This to prevent this group from getting potential national exposure? Or just to be shits? How can, actually, anyone intervene to prevent a voluntary association or society from helping others who wish and need to be helped???

          I can’t really grasp that! If ElternStehenAuf brought food or clothing or technical help to a town, how can any “authorities” prevent victims from accepting that help—for any reason other than that the town were a no-go area for *everyone* because of physical danger? How can some civil groups be allowed to help and others not? I don’t get that.
          Here in the USA as you know it is not at all uncommon for, say, the Hells Angels (a very rowdy group!) to charge into an emergency situ and provide all kinds of assistance. Perhaps in the current atmosphere that would no longer happen. I am kind of cut off from mainstream and mainland doings. For sure if, here, there is a disaster or a family loses a home to fire or whatever, many local people and orgs spring into action.
          Is it possible that TPTB in emergency response in D’land want to control what “outsiders” actually get to see and perhaps video and tweet out to the world? Maintain an informational cordon sanitaire around the situ?

          I was pretty disgusted yesterday to see at Der Spiegel Nachrichten (German ed.) that flood news was way down the webpage, under a bunch of corrona BS and news of Merkel’s great achievement in getting an “agreement” with the USA regarding NS2. Pathetic. Not a good precedent and not a victory of any kind as I see it to hand power to the USA to force “agreements” with them regarding German-Russian energy arrangements.

          • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 7:11 am #

            They don’t want the group to get positive news coverage, as far as we can tell. The pro-lockdown crowd, media, etc. here do not like this group, as they have been fighting legal battles to end mask mandates for children in schools, as well as to stop the push to mandate the gene therapy in order for childeren to be allowed to return to school.

            They can’t actually prevent the group from assisting, but they made a big show about an official refusal. I have no idea if they will attempt to stop aid via the authorities.

            I would say we are shocked, but it fits a pattern.

          • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 7:12 am #

            BTW, Der Spiegel is not considered a neutral (or some would even say credible) news source here. It is considered quite far left, much as Bild is to the right.

            Spiegel are also open promoters of the WEF agenda.

  135. Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 5:54 pm #


    Dr Who was loved by millions of normal White men. It was already very, very liberal, both feminist and gay wise. But that still wasn’t enough. It had to be utterly destroyed so that White men couldn’t watch it any more.

    Similarly, the Avatars can’t make up their mind whether to rule us or destroy us. Thus they do a bit of both. Destroying us is more fun since they hate us, but maybe not very wise. As Pierce said, they always over-reach.

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    • 100th Avatar July 21, 2021 at 7:48 pm #

      It’s fiction
      It’s whatever the writers and trademark holders want it to be

      Like nihilist Skywalker

      People were disappointed

      But that’s contemporary mythology for you

      Odysseus can’t be woke
      Arrows through handles, b*tch

      Pick better heroes

      • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 8:32 pm #

        Yeah I don’t get why casting for anything is political.

        It’s all about the story and how well written and acted it is.

        That’s it for me.

        • Yohannon July 21, 2021 at 11:44 pm #

          Yeah, male/female, doesn’t matter. Except you don’t really believe that, nor do I, nor does any normal person.

          Just like Santa Claus in a Northern European archetype and can’t be played by a Black. And James Bond is a British archetype, and can’t be played by a Black.

          • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:50 pm #

            Well, it might make a difference if I watched movies any more, but 99% of TV/movies is now crappola so I don’t really care who is starring in what, TBH.

  136. O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 7:47 pm #

    “It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
    – Joseph Stalin

  137. O.G. Hawkins July 21, 2021 at 8:10 pm #

    Whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts Reveals Central Banking Reset Plan!

    Whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts Reveals Central Bankers Plan!

    Bankers agreed during FED meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming to take down the economy with earth shattering implications for millions!



    She covers a lot of ground in 17:31.

    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 9:24 pm #

      Thanks, O.G.

    • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:00 am #

      This is a must-see. She reveals it all.

      Terrible interviewer and format (I hate the foreboding music crap), but Fitts lays it all out. And she ought to know, she was in the pit with them at one point.

  138. MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 9:32 pm #

    UK’s government is ditching them too, and leaving them to fend for themselves, (all under the guise of covid19):


    Coming here soon.

    The government is still syphoning up our money but will cut services and the shelves will be empty. They are laying the groundwork everywhere.

    • 100th Avatar July 21, 2021 at 10:15 pm #

      The planet.

      The great unraveling
      Humanity and its constructs and its devastation
      Beyond repair of their demiurge



      Rex Mundi

    • Slugoon July 22, 2021 at 3:06 am #

      But Mary, please consider for a moment the monumental stupidity of the British people. They have voluntarily put this software on their phones. They are acting upset and surprised when they get ‘pinged’ when that is exactly what the software is designed to. It is all self-inflicted like it has been from day one.

      • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 5:01 am #

        Sheeple gonna sheep.

      • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:10 am #

        Unbelievable stupidity.

        • 100th Avatar July 22, 2021 at 11:50 am #

          I believe prince Stockholm Syndrome Harry calls it “bonkers”

          • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:51 pm #


  139. MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 9:54 pm #

    Mike Roberts = the new Media Matters Muppet

  140. MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 11:21 pm #

    Joseph Mercola: “I am old enough to remember when ‘breakthrough cases’ were called ‘vaccine failures’.”


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    • MaryQueen July 21, 2021 at 11:23 pm #

      ANd, MPs in England are exempting themselves out of the vaccine passports rolling out in September:


      • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 4:55 am #

        Of course they are.

      • Islander July 22, 2021 at 1:44 pm #

        One person pointed out that the relevant point might be that they are exempting themselves from adhering to an *executive order.* The implication is that these rules have not been voted on in Parliament. If MPs are not subject to executive orders, then why should anyone else be?

        If the MPs refuse to accept nosy questions about their vaxx status and refuse to show a vaxx passport in order to enter Parliament it might be a legal precedent for everyone else.

        Remember Nueremberg!!?? Illegal orders must not be followed.

        • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:52 pm #

          Great point.

  141. tom clark July 21, 2021 at 11:32 pm #

    So Ben and Jerrys will cut off supplies to Israel. Damn Jews…they don’t disserve ice cream anyway.

  142. chola3 July 22, 2021 at 2:02 am #

    from Malaysia:
    Used to get SMS saying “wait your turn for the vaccine”, “Dont worry all will receive”.

    Now it is “vaccines are safe”, “dont spread romours” etc.

    Now the PM said we can cross district borders with 2-doses certificate.

    Malays are a very silent people so it is very difficult to gauge sentiments. Nevertheless these news and the fact Malays hardly bring this topic up in my conversations means they are dragging their feet.

    I am with the Anglin guy in “Just a flu bro”.

    Paid trolls and innocent people parrotting things keep the illusion going. Instead of saying a nothing is a nothing, the problem of the Indo European races is to argue endlessly:

    – Vaccice more dangerous than virus
    – Vaccine cannot protect agains variant X.

    – De Santis good. Biden/ Democrat leaders bad.

    Everyone is in it. Why? For the same reason everyone runs out of a building on fire. Or everyone lining up to pass buckets of water to douse a fire. No need for elaborate conspiracy when the situation is critical.

    4 months and you will say De santis turned traitor as you lock down.

    With you guys out and using that black liquid, we are stuck inside. Once you guys go inside, we can run around a while. Vaccine, unvaxxed killers are all stories to keep the arguments going.

    Until we go to a new world where they can release us all, but there is no car to run around or/and nothing to run around for.

    • chola3 July 22, 2021 at 2:13 am #

      in this forum, for example, JohnAz and GreenAlba etc function to bring people to accept the existence of a dangerous virus. Not to say they are paid but they better get paid, for the valuable service they provide TPTB.

      • Slugoon July 22, 2021 at 2:57 am #

        You are so wrong.

        • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 4:52 am #

          I’m with you, Slugger.

          JAZ is a fine man who readily accepts new information and analyzes it. Plus he brings “boots on the ground” Real World medical experience to CFN.

          I Believe that he is hoodwinked by Frick v Frack but that’s all he’s ever known. Frick v Frack is perfectly normal to Americans who have never known anything but. Anything can be “normal.”

          GreenAlba has Scottish Pride and then went back for seconds. She lived her life in the bubble that our elected officials are bumbling fools that mean us well. Her heart is Good.

          I pray that GA gets Right with God Right quick.

    • chola3 July 22, 2021 at 2:19 am #

      On the web, I use a line similar from Zathura: “It is just a flu; it is just a flu”.

      • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:13 am #

        Actually, isn’t it just a cold?

        Coronaviruses have always been in the ‘cold’ category, not the ‘flu’ category.

        Unless I’m missing something.

    • SoftStarLight July 22, 2021 at 2:57 am #

      Oh ok, yes. You are searching for a new world too. Yes, I would like to be released as well and it would be so nice not to have anything to run around for for just a few moments. Hammock. Beach. An actual book. A raspberry cosmopolitan. And I never want to hear about covid or unpaid bills again! And don’t even get me started on that Indo-European penchant for elaborate, ornate bickering. A familiar familial phenomenon. It’s like an asteroid is about to hit and we’re arguing about the material composition of the dang incoming rock. And yes! Why are people generally encouraging such dangerous distractions?

      • chola3 July 22, 2021 at 3:46 am #

        In-group arguing has its advantages but when the arguments are circular, like arguing about how the media/govt lies by using their own data, TPTB can easily manipulate the scene.

        I just limit to anecdotes by reliable individuals in such a situation. That is one thing I learnt from Malays.

        All I know is, no one was dropping dead like what they said about the black death or Ebola. And that once crude oil breaches $65, our “cases” increase.

        If someone says he saw 1000s dying in hospitals and I see none of my neighbours/friends dying, I rather believe my eyes.

        Anecdotes are poor evidence but in this situation, that is what I have left.

        • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 4:40 am #

          Anecdotes are poor evidence but in this situation, that is what I have left.

          Don’t tell St EF. He’ll tell you to go tell someone who gives a shit. St EF readily admits that he does not give a shit about a normal, healthy 35 year-old man suddenly dropping dead leaving a young widow and 2 small children.

          St EF does not understand that, with the MSM & Big Tech commandeered by the official narrative, anecdotes (even like VAERS itself) are all we have in our efforts to ascertain The Truth.

          That is correct: St EF does not seek The Truth. Makes ya wonder what he’s even doing here, Right?

    • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 7:35 am #

      Your last sentence gets straight to the point. What we are witnessing right now is the controller class working to implement things in such a way that they cannot be reversed.

  143. Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 5:03 am #

    Very good article on the IMF, WEF, and Schwab that discusses how the actors in the present manufactured crises use and endorse the rhetoric of their own opponents to push their agenda (cloaking themselves as Greens or progressives, etc.).

    Succinct summary of what I have been hammering on for months around here.


    • tucsonspur July 22, 2021 at 6:13 am #

      Succinct my ass, as if you ever posted something more in depth than this. Hammer on that.

      And you assholes aren’t the only ones who read about Schwab or read zerohedge, or know about Fitts, or know what the elites are capable of doing in the ways of duplicity. You like to think that you’re a select set of savants with rare capability to see what’s really going on.

      As they say, it’s not rocket science dummkopf!

      • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 6:33 am #

        You like to think that you’re a select set of savants with rare capability to see what’s really going on.

        While I only speak for myself, you are Wrong.

        A friend of mine Just yesterday texted, “You’re right again!”

        I replied, “It’s not me. There are millions seeking The Truth.”

        He replied, “I doubt millions.”

        I replied, “Globally, yes.”

        Don’t presume to know my motives. This global story is clearly jot sbout me. D’uh!

        Me & my feelings are irrelevant. We both know that. Yet you attack me and my motives so that you may avoid dealing with The Truth that your beloved gov’t poisoned you.

        Sad but True.

      • Islander July 22, 2021 at 7:04 am #

        What is the reason for this hostile post?

        • Islander July 22, 2021 at 7:06 am #

          That question is directed to Tucson.

          • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 7:20 am #

            Tucson realizes that his Trusted gov’t poisoned him and now, like a baby, he is mad at the people hip enough to not stupidly line up to be poisoned.

            The meek shall inherit the Earth while TS suffers mounting, unstoppble toxic damage.

            TS is strong like ox and smart like chicken.

        • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:20 am #

          He’s been doing it all week. I suspect some sort of breakdown.

      • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 7:06 am #

        The spittle flies.

        You made your bed, now you have to lie in it.

        • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:39 am #

          I can’t decide what is funnier, the bouts of rage, or the bragging about how virile he is.

          • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 11:49 am #

            Keurig coffee pods.

            All of Arizona’s most-virile conservative retirees know.

      • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 2:41 pm #

        He’s posting them so others who may not know about them will. Nothing smug about that. I appreciate the info-sharing.

    • Islander July 22, 2021 at 7:09 am #

      Re Zero Hedge piece you can find the original at Stratetic-Culture.org, a great site where you can also read analyses by the brilliant Alistaire Crooke (he has a new piece up today):


      • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:55 pm #

        Fantastic site – thank you!

  144. O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 6:00 am #

    I feel Really Bad about a few people that I love that are double-jabbed. Dead Man Walking. I will treat them with respect as they suffer their choice.

    But the low-life scumbags that extorted my life’s work from me?

    Expect no mercy.

    For your entertainment, I now share a portion of the eMail that I sent The Cabal this morning.


    SUBJECT: How ya feeling?

    Good morning youse scumbags,

    How are you feeling?

    My girlfriend is a hairdresser in a salon. That puts her “in the know” of much anecdotal evidence.

    Knowing as many clients, colleagues and colleagues’ clients as she does working at the same salon for over 30 years, she has never seen anything like this past month.

    She knows 4 men who were perfectly healthy and then dropped dead. 3 were in their 50s while Mike, 35, leaves a young widow with 2 small children.

    It is becoming increasingly obvious that The Pyramid Capstone is poisoning the masses in their de-population program.

    Sad but True.

    The double-jabbed are going to be dropping like flies for the next couple years as rust never sleeps.

    They will blame the “selfish” unjabbed for growing “variants” like centuries of Real science and medicine no longer matter.

    I am now researching the addictive characteristics of the double-jabbed. Perhaps you can help me out by or even Just with your answers to these questions:

    1) Are you double-jabbed? (Y/N)
    2) Are ya jonesin’ for a booster-jab? (Y/N)
    3) Do you get creepy ulcerations of the skin? (Y/N)
    4) If you could get booster-jabbed tomorrow, would you? (Y/N)
    5) Would you pay $10,000 to get a booster-jab? (Y/N)
    6) Do you get a little tummy rush when you think of a booster-jab? (Y/N)
    7) Would you pay $20,000 to get a booster-jab? (Y/N)
    8) Do you Believe that Billy Gates loves you? (Y/N)
    9) If you identify as female, have you experienced bizarre vaginal bleeding? (Y/N)
    10) Would you trade your mortgage-free house for a booster-jab? (Y/N)
    11) Do you see now that God is displeased with you? (Y/N)
    12) Next time, would you choose Right over Wrong if you have to do this whole life thing yet again? (Y/N)

    All responses will be kept confidential.

    The questionnaire has been kept to Y/N questions so that only aggregate data may displayed or be of any use.

    If you are jonesin,’ that’s between you & God & Pfizer but, like those phoney bologna actors on your TV News “dying of the Covids” and wishing that they’d’ve taken the Devil’s Kool-aid, perhaps others can learn from your mistakes.

    Right? That’s why you took the Devil’s Kool-aid, Right? On account of your overwhelming concern for others. Right?

    The Lord works in mysterious ways.

    [O.G. Hawkins]

    • tucsonspur July 22, 2021 at 6:23 am #

      You’re a cruel mutha fucka who said he hopes those who got vaxxed suffer.

      You want them to drop, don’t you, hog shit.

      Take your research and jam it where the sun don’t shine!

      As for me, I’m humping more than ever, strong as an ox.

      Choke on your scare porn, bitch!

      • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 6:25 am #

        God loves you.

        • tucsonspur July 22, 2021 at 9:51 am #

          I know, thank you, I am serenely sanctified. He shows me the way.

      • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 6:46 am #

        You’re a cruel mutha fucka who said he hopes those who got vaxxed suffer.

        If you only had any idea what these people unJustly did to me, my life, my hard-earned finacial security, my mental health my children, my parents, my 105 year-old Grandma, etc. so that they can drive Porsches and Escalades and cruise the Mediterranean Sea.

        I am a cruel mofo like Liam Neeson after someone fucks his character’s family.

        I never said, “Hope.” Misquoting is the worst of all the strawmen. Argue fairly and logically or go post your comments with the dying over at MSNBC.doa.

        Choke on your scare porn, bitch!

        All will be revealed.

        • Redneck Liberal July 22, 2021 at 9:44 am #


          • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 12:58 pm #

            I do not care what you think, RL. Until you have a half-century of top percentile performance unJustly stolen from you, you have no clue what you are saying.

            Besides, Liam Neeson isn’t wrathing Justice for your dumb-ass sympathy.

        • tucsonspur July 22, 2021 at 9:47 am #

          Suck an ostrich egg, bozo!

          • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 1:00 pm #

            Ostrich egg, eh? Interesting choice considering you’ve got your head in the sand.

    • Redneck Liberal July 22, 2021 at 9:43 am #

      Is this YOUR idea of “good police work”? I

      t might be ‘good enough for govt. work’ but it lacks any semblance of scientific rigor.

      It’s actually very sad, but I can’t help laughing at your posts. Too bad, I suppose…

      • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 1:06 pm #

        I can see why you would conclude that, RL.

        But this actually is Good Police work as these known, proven-beyond-shadow-of-doubt criminals cannot issue a “Cease & Desist” on account of granting me Subpoena Power would result in my easily, scientifically triggering 5 disbarments and a de-robing. TruStory

        People always assume me a dumb-ass because I am acting different than “normal.” They are often surprised as 154 & Relentless steamrolls them with The Truth.

        So there’s that.

        • Redneck Liberal July 23, 2021 at 5:43 am #

          “Normies” run the planet. Sorry for your continuing losses.

    • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:23 am #

      Hilarious, thank you for the comic relief.

  145. MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 22, 2021 at 7:56 am #

    Epoch reports that CDC is walking back the VAERS numbers for this past week. Response when asked to explain why:

    “It is double what it was yesterday and so it definitely is incorrect,” the spokeswoman said. “We checked our stats internally and it’s only 6,000. So someone doing an update misrepresented that or made a mistake, in other words.”

    Funny that they don’t consider it possible that the reason the numbers went up…was that perhaps the numbers went up. Clearly just a mistake! Of course that may be the case, but curious how that is presented as the only possible explanation.

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    • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 22, 2021 at 8:59 am #

      Also curious that they “checked their stats internally” to makes this determination.

      So they are saying that their internal stats are different than the stats they display externally.

      Of course that doesn’t surprise me one bit. But they should at least lie about it, per usual, and come up with an explanation that sounds more legit.

    • Redneck Liberal July 22, 2021 at 9:48 am #

      Maybe MaryQ works for the CDC, remotely. Her goal this week was to see her beloved “vaxx death stats” double so a little judicious hacking had worked wonders for her.

      • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:26 am #

        Are mommy issues the reason behind your unrelenting attempts to garner my attention? I’m guessing ‘yes’.

      • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 22, 2021 at 10:44 am #

        Redneck, thanks for not even addressing the points made in my post, but just taking the opportunity to throw mud at someone else.

        Valuable input, indeed.

        • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 2:37 pm #

          He reminds me of the gorillas that fling poop at people at the zoo.

          • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 3:26 pm #

            Some also masturbate.

            Try explaining that to your kid at the monkey house.

          • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 5:34 pm #

            LOL, thankfully, the one time I saw a spider monkey do that I was with a (adult) friend, but I can imagine the horror when the kid asks, “Daddy, what’s he doing?”

        • Redneck Liberal July 23, 2021 at 5:49 am #

          What “points”?

          First, you reference “Epoch Times” as your source so your “argument” ended there.

          Thereafter, all you offer is your personal interpretation of misreported then-over-cooked supposed statistics. What “points” would you have me address?

          I then pointed it back of the resident Queen of Over-Egged statistics. How’s that flinging mud?

          • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 23, 2021 at 8:13 am #


            I made two points of conversation (yes, on my own like a big boy) based not off “overcooked statistics”, or a “weak source”, but on the actual quote from the actual spokeswoman at the CDC.

            Apparently if the source is Epoch Times or any other rag you don’t like, quotes made by public officials (also cited elsewhere verbatim by mainstream sources) are not to be used in a topical fashion.

          • benr July 23, 2021 at 9:37 am #


            Get over yourself the off name brands seem to be the ones telling the actual truth.
            None of the big outlets do anything but massage reality one way or the other.

    • Slugoon July 22, 2021 at 11:49 am #

      Is VAERS connected to the Dominion servers?

  146. cowbell81 July 22, 2021 at 9:36 am #

    Who still thinks that Boris knows what he is doing?


    • Slugoon July 22, 2021 at 11:52 am #

      Yeah he brought the masks in at the end of July, about two months after the excess deaths had disappeared. Funnily enough they didn’t stop the ‘second’ wave. Symbolic to make people feel better, that’s all.

  147. tucsonspur July 22, 2021 at 9:37 am #

    ‘I have no wish that this site become an echo chamber of agreement.’ Benr

    Yes, thank you for that, although certain people here seem to want just that.

    Tucker Carlson says that his show is the sworn enemy of “lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink.”

    So am I. The pomposity and smugness certainly exist here, lying too, I imagine, but it’s the groupthink that’s grown galore and there’s nothing gallant about it.

    The other day, it was the usual circle of jerks, sticking together in their criticism of me, and I could sense the comfort they were feeling in my absence and the weakness of their contrived, cartoonish camaraderie. Not one of them could stand against me on their own. I’m speaking about yo yo, Hog man, Night gnat and Mary.

    I called yo yo out again yesterday for his usual methodology of ascribing inaccurate imputations, and also in the past for actually outright lying. He’s the group center, (off center?), with Hog man seeming to try and grunt himself into that position, all the while dropping piles of hog shit around this pen of pathetic pontificates.

    Night gnat, as always, is trying to be alluring in his ever so see through nightie, maintaining his stagy seduction to perhaps engage in some steamy Nazi group kink on top of the groupthink.

    Now, last but not least is Mary. The would be heroine who’s really not much more than an annoying horse fly, with that constant buzz over her incessant, ignoratio elenchi links.

    When being taken to task the other day by heated parry, this crunt, behaving like a genuine, pusillanimous pure blooded pussy, tried to seek shelter from our host and hoped that we would be banned. Now there’s a high grade heroine for you.

    I must give credit to RL, and even though we may not be in the same book, here at least we’re on the same page.

    “Mr Hawkins is well off the rails, and MaryQ is close behind, but remains cunning enough to ^appear^ to be “fair-minded” until you’ve read enough of her lunatic, arrogant and disdainful ‘troof’ statements.” RL

    Wonderful take on Mary, cunning and sly. Yo yo must see this, but he prefers the pack. Not wolves, but rats.

    Groupthink. “For the instinct of imitation and absence of courage govern society and the mob alike.”

    ? Marcel Proust, Sodom and Gomorrah

    In a raging street battle against the Left, who among this group would you want by your side, or to protect your back?

    Yo yo? No, it’s strategy for him. Out in the open you go, after he yells ‘Charge’! He’s too white to die.

    Night gnat? Only good with a squad of goons clubbing some poor slob into oblivion. Wants to continue making predictions like ‘Trump will be president.’ He’ll tell you, ‘don’t be afraid to die, you’re immortal’.

    Now, I reluctantly have to admit that Hog man may just be crazy enough to hurl himself at the enemy with such a crazy ferocity that they’ll scatter to the four winds in a second. But then again, I just might get a bullet in the back and then be used as his shield. A cruel mutha fucka wanting the vaccinated to suffer and die, so essentially he’s a loose cannon. Probably should be fragged.

    Again, last but not least, Mary. Yes, a crunt and not a grunt. Maybe favors for the enemy to stay alive? Wouldn’t be surprised. Mata Mary? Yes, cunning and sly, false heroine on high.

    A real troop of a group. Too busy trying to show how smart they are. No wonder the Left is destroying the country.

    • Redneck Liberal July 22, 2021 at 9:53 am #

      Hear, hear.

      • tucsonspur July 22, 2021 at 10:06 am #

        I’m really starting to have fun. Jeez, these people.

        • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:41 am #

          “Old Man Yells At Cloud” comes to mind.

    • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:31 am #

      This is a LOT of butthurt.

      Better sit on some ice for awhile.

      • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 11:44 am #

        Now he is calling people “Nazis”


        • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 2:29 pm #

          Might be watching too much CNN. It angries up the blood.

        • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 2:36 pm #

          He also has fantasies of you in a negligee, it would appear.

          • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 3:25 pm #

            I think he might just be sweet on me.

    • Yohannon July 22, 2021 at 12:13 pm #

      You dared to vote for Stalin! You are a Hero of the Fatherland. A rebel of conformity wielding weapons of peace.

    • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 2:17 pm #

      [Yoho]’s the group center, (off center?), with Hog man seeming to try and grunt himself into that position, all the while dropping piles of hog shit around this pen of pathetic pontificates.

      You should read me more often. I constantly remind youse Americans that you cannot see what is going on on account of you have been raised to delusionally Believe yourselves exceptional!

      Now, if I were trying to become the group centre, I would not regularly spew this to the group … and crickets …

      Right? Your allegations and assumptions of my motives do not withstand simple analysis of facts.

      As for calling my thoughts and analysis “hog shit … pontifications” … well, that’s Just, like, your opinion, man!

      Now, I reluctantly have to admit that Hog man may just be crazy enough to hurl himself at the enemy with such a crazy ferocity that they’ll scatter to the four winds in a second.

      That’s the plan.

      But then again, I just might get a bullet in the back and then be used as his shield.

      Never! My Faith in God is far too Strong to even entertain thought of such a selfish act.

      A cruel mutha fucka wanting the vaccinated to suffer and die, so essentially he’s a loose cannon.

      “Bad news! Kill the messenger!”

      I do not want the double-jabbed to die. I recognize that the double-jabbed will die. Big difference.

      I am not a loose cannon. I am lazer-focused on Good v Evil.

      Probably should be fragged.

      That cracked me up Big-time. So typical of humans.

      “He might shoot me in the back. I Better shoot him.”

      • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 2:34 pm #

        Well he apparently doesn’t see that he accused you of wanting people dead (you don’t) while he says you should be fragged (killed).

        Dude has some real internal violence lurking which he’s projecting onto others.

  148. cowbell81 July 22, 2021 at 9:40 am #

    And here is another one of my favorites, oh so appropriate and spot on with our snowflake generation:


    • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:31 am #

      That’s a good ‘un!

  149. JohnAZ July 22, 2021 at 10:13 am #

    Mary Queen et al

    I think you are right and wrong about the PTB. I get it you think they are the devil, smart ready to screw the troops for profit whenever possible.

    I think that what the real story is that the PTB know that the problems today are impossible to solve. Americans are notorious optimists, thinking the momentum of the country is positive with the government leading the charge. This has been amplified by the Stupidification of the population over the last fifty years.

    The PTB are pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes about what government is all about. The FF put together a system that restricts what the government can do to enslave the public. The last fifty years has been spent by the PTB crowd to take away the gift the FF gave America.

    So today, all the problems are not even being addressed by the PTB. Politics, noise, riots, protests, chain link fences, masks, the press, absolutely NOTHING aimed at fighting the real problems. Total unadulterated BS.

    Look at Covid as an example. Whether you believe in it or not, it is a problem destroying small business in the country. What have the PTB done about it to solve the problem. Masks, separation, wash hands and new vaccines. The only thing that seems to have mattered is the vaccine for a cost. Fauci came out with masks at the very beginning, with absolutely nothing since. I think some posters here are finally figuring out that even with vaccines, the crud is spreading as each mutation occurs and hits unvaxxed and susceptible folks. No solution.

    Another is global warming. Not climate change, AGW. Too many people unwilling to give up Happy Motoring. The PTB try to remove oil from the picture without a substitute that makes sense. The US has already become a net importer again, according to EIA, as the fracking group try to recoil from the PTB duplicity. Oil is going up in price and becoming less available. Hope everyone is saving their money to spend 40% more for EVs. Where is that doubling of electric generation going to come from? “Then a miracle happens”. No answers, ignore and politicize.

    Another is the border. The PTB response, ignore the issue, just ignore it. Let them all in, after all they will vote Democrat. Fly them to cities to increase the Blue voting centers. Wages drop from competition, artificially raise the wage scale with minimum wage increases. In the meantime lunch at McDonalds goes from $10 to $25. Supermarkets charge 20% higher, inflation takes off. The US literally becomes a brown country, a third world country. The PTB smile as they jump ship and go elsewhere leaving behind a cesspool.

    So MQ, no they are not stupid, but they appear so as the flounder about trying to find ways of not doing anything while convincing the very stupid public how wonderful they are.

    Want to see it in action, just watch Biden and his declarations. It is incredible.

    • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:35 am #

      JAZ, I do agree that they can be do seemingly unbelievably stupid things but I think most of that is planned. What seems like blunders to us can be very well orchestrated to look that way. The end result is they are off the hook, because, well, everyone makes mistakes.

      And sure, there is a possibility that they are just incompetent, but I don’t buy it. I don’t think there are any coincidences or accidents that aren’t planned on some level or another.

      The border problem is engineered, so is the climate change bullshit. They all exist to create crises that we must sacrifice more of our rights to ‘fix’ or ‘keep us safe.’

      • JohnAZ July 22, 2021 at 10:54 am #

        My statement is that the PTB use their resources to bullshit us about problems they can do nothing about,

        And that is getting worse day to day.

        As JHK said it will. Government is becoming more ineffectual.

        The PTB appear stupid as their declarations become more absurd.

        • Slugoon July 22, 2021 at 11:57 am #

          I think you and Jim are very close to the bullseye, JAZ.

  150. JohnAZ July 22, 2021 at 10:23 am #

    Someone asked where the Delta came from.


    Are variants responses by the virus as it runs up against different ethnic groups?

    I do notice that the spread has been speeding up with each variety. India was a couple of months ago, the Delta is now 83% of the infection rate as the virus roots out new susceptible folks.

    Adding on to my last post, the border’s Dem opening has raised the infection rate at the border by 900% per Fox News. Not a surprise. The PTB reaction? Nada!!

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  151. JohnAZ July 22, 2021 at 10:29 am #

    Jeopardy question

    “Blank” has caused a huge increase in vitriol in the country and on this blog.

    What is “blank”?

    • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 10:37 am #

      The Troll Triumvirate, which this week TS joined since Take-a-poo got the axe.

      TS seems to be even better able to stir up shit than Agent Po was.

      Quite a talent to be proud of and aspire to, I guess.

      • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 22, 2021 at 10:46 am #

        I’m sorry, Mary, you didn’t phrase that in the form of a question.

        • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 12:01 pm #

          Crap. Points off for that.

      • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 22, 2021 at 10:47 am #

        Then again, JohnAZ also called it a Jeopardy “question”…when it would actually be the answer.

        • JohnAZ July 22, 2021 at 10:50 am #

          True, my bad.

      • JohnAZ July 22, 2021 at 10:49 am #

        What is

        The neo far Left. Wokesters?

        Where did the groups get financed from? This answer are not friends of the US. Remember Bush with the terrorists? We are going to use our intelligence capabilities to track down the terrorists. What aren’t those resources being used to find the domestic terrorists that are tearing the country apart.

        Maybe because the domestic terrorists are a huge part of the same intelligence agencies.

      • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 11:56 am #

        I have opened the lawn chair, and I have a lemonade in hand.

        Things are getting good.

        • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 12:02 pm #

          I’m getting out the popcorn (again).

        • BackRowHeckler July 22, 2021 at 2:56 pm #

          Mike’s Hard Lemonade?

        • BackRowHeckler July 22, 2021 at 2:57 pm #

          Be careful that stuff sneaks up on you.

          • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 3:28 pm #

            I get that with lambic beers.

            Yes, I know I have become Eurofied.

    • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 22, 2021 at 10:55 am #

      I’d say the number one problem in the country right now is the A/B mentality. Everyone is dug in, with one opinion or another. Changing of minds on core issues is about as rare as it was in 1861.

      This camp or that camp. And anyone in the other camp is obviously wrong.

      There really is no center anymore…therefore the center has not held…and without a center you get only vitriol.

      • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 22, 2021 at 10:56 am #

        Shit! “What is…(everything else I wrote above)”?

        • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 3:08 pm #

          What is ‘Frick v Frack,’ Alex?

      • Pete July 22, 2021 at 11:23 am #

        I believe the split is a phenomenon of the Disinformation Funnel, as described by Devin Nunes in his “Countdown to Socialism” pamphlet.

        Also, as has been noted by many, competing echo chambers tend to amplify outrage as it is bounced between them.

        I liken the split to competing expert witnesses in a jury trial. Unfortunately, in our case the jury is also on trial and cannot decide impartially, which expert is ‘most correct.’

        That leaves a heavy burden on us who seek out the truth for themselves. And to have that burden impeded by censorship can be debilitating, physically, mentally, and emotionally when forming a world view.

        The battle for our future is the VAXXED vs. UNVAXXED conflict that is picking up steam. This has real potential to light it off. Here the stressors of disinformation, censorship and the desire for truth will collide.

        Never do we see side by side comparisons of what is truth and what is fiction because to do so is to agree on what is true, and those who control the narrative want to control what is true, and more importantly, they want the power to tattoo FALSE any source of friction.

        • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 11:54 am #

          Vaxxed vs unvaxxed homo-, trans-, pedo-phobic Russian-secret-agent Nazis, bro.

          You should have listened to Keurig Spur.

          Now you’ve made sure that Trump helped the Aliens inject bleach into us all.

          Damn you.

          • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 12:04 pm #


          • Pete July 22, 2021 at 12:12 pm #

            I wish I understood the joke…

            Mary, please ‘esplain.

          • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 1:08 pm #

            He’s riffing on a couple of people up here is my take.

      • Yohannon July 22, 2021 at 12:11 pm #

        You can’t change you race. Transracialism has been rejected, at least when Whites try and do it. And Blacks don’t want Whites adopting their rap culture or idiom. They don’t want to share their sacred culture, lol.

        At a South African funeral for looters who were killed by Indian “vigilantes” (defenders), one Black woman hissed that it was “racism”.

        They are incapable of any introspection whatsoever.

        The goings on have been very stimulating for Avatar, but he must admit they don’t actually sell his vision of peaceful multicultural nations. Not that he ever believed it of course.

        • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 22, 2021 at 12:17 pm #

          Transracialism has been rejected, at least when Whites try and do it.

          Excepting of course the Brit kid that just had six figures of surgery to make him “Korean”. So far no blowback on that one (besides general incredulity).

          • Yohannon July 22, 2021 at 12:25 pm #

            Yeah, he should go to Korea and see how far his new look takes him. The war babies left behind in Korea were ruthlessly persecuted by the Koreans. Who can blame them? They love themselves and want to remain as they are.

          • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 22, 2021 at 12:29 pm #

            Indeed. Not sure how long it takes the surgery to not look like it just happened, but the dude looks like a cartoon goblin at the moment.

          • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 12:44 pm #

            It really is telling that when Rachel Dolziel did it, it wasn’t acceptable, but it’s OK for this dude.

            Maybe because she did it covertly and was discovered, whereas he’s up front?

            In any case, more mental illness passed off as ‘stunning and brave’ by the media, from what I’ve seen.

          • Yohannon July 22, 2021 at 3:54 pm #

            Well Blacks are sacred and East Asians, aren’t. So there’s that.

      • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 12:34 pm #

        History repeats itself because we don’t learn from it. But now I understand why. The establishment/PTB, etc. create a situation whereby it’s almost impossible not to put ones’ self into camp A or B.

        • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 22, 2021 at 12:35 pm #


  152. SoftStarLight July 22, 2021 at 11:30 am #

    I generally mistrust callouts in such settings. Often times they are part of a woven narrative and are actually intended to provide gravity to a specific set of contributors. Typically at the expense of others. So I notice the handles that are consistently mentioned and I pay even more attention to those who are never mentioned. Those are the voices that are truly being marginalized. And so now we are gripped in an irresolvable conflict. As was intended by those who orchestrate the meta narratives. No one is going to change their position. Occasionally=they will but you will probably never even know about it as they are likely lurkers.

    Set aside even the means for the moment and see the ends please. If it wasn’t the virus or virus, it would be climate or “climate” or any other concoction that would be efficacious in herding the good flocks into their respective pens. The primary point being that your country’s autonomy has been dissolved for the service of private “executive” power and profits. Your basic freedoms as a human being have been erased for the same. And now your dignity is to be stripped away completely so that you can be a malleable cog in the wheel of their depravity and barbarism. You know, all of those elite aristocratic qualities that they cunningly project onto those they wish to destroy. Anything to prevent “the people” from seeing themselves, knowing themselves, and more precisely, from knowing that those who are “beneficent shepherds” are actually ravening wolves.

  153. Paul July 22, 2021 at 12:19 pm #

    “Last week 2,092 deaths from vaccinations were added versus 1,918 deaths from the virus” – JHK

    Would Mr. Kunstler kindly share the source from which this observation was taken? Were these statistics aggregated over a similar time-period? I ask out of curiosity because sometimes counting taking place over a longer time period but reported all at once can lead to comparisons, (and conclusions), that are not necessarily accurate.

    I tried locating this info. myself on the CDC website, but without success. I’d appreciate any advice that might be available . . . .

  154. Yohannon July 22, 2021 at 12:22 pm #


    Colorado Bar Association is offering a course in vaccine injury. Big Pharma can’t be sued, but the scumbags who made you take it can be.

    The World divides along IQ lines between those who believe the mainstream media and those that do not. Obviously many Lawyers are smart enough not to publicly object even as the prepare to capitalize on it.

    • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 12:38 pm #

      Well isn’t this interesting? Never let a good disaster go to waste.

      Disaster capitalism right there. I do hope they can set some precedents and see some remedies for their damaged clients. And discourage everyone from giving the poisonous jabs.

    • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 12:53 pm #

      Lawyers. The low shall be high and the first last.

  155. Yohannon July 22, 2021 at 12:35 pm #


    They didn’t want to create a panic. People would start calling the police and overwhelm the system. The siren only works in conjunction with the media – and they didn’t feel like reporting on it.

    The media want to be all in all it seems. But they’re not up to the task. Or someone higher up wanted to cause a disaster.

    As Tucker said, it’s Ok to call fire in a crowded theatre if there really is a fire.

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    • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 12:42 pm #

      Perfect quote by Tucker and I liked the author’s too: “But arguably, people need to “panic” to flee for their own safety. Or would they rather have people drown “calmly”?”

      • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 2:45 pm #

        Today’s Corona Ausschuss meeting covered the flooding response, and more evidence is coming to light that this may have been allowed to happen.

        There has still been virtually no help from the State.

        • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 5:28 pm #

          Reminds me of Katrina in many ways…

        • Islander July 22, 2021 at 11:01 pm #

          Fantastic session. Too bad the reporter on the spot in the flood area, Martin, is not as clear and coherent as Reiner in his verbal delivery. Reiner speaks in sentences. Martin goes on and on with run-on senttences that keep veering off into something else. Still, he gets the basics across. The weirdest thing is the robots suddenly in the background directing in very loud electronic “voices” that no filming is to be done from the air. Like an apocalyptic sci-fi movie, right there in Germany. It does all look increasingly suspekt. I couldn’t quite follow the issue of bunkers in the area.

          And, if they have these robotic loudspeakers, why didn’t they use them BEFORE the deadly flooding.

          Other segments of this session are worth watching. Mathew Ehret is interesting, but he can wander too much. Ilana Rachel Daniel was new to me. Vera Sharav (sp?) is very good on the role of the medical profession under the Third Reich, referencing the T4 program—the forerunner to the rest, which targeted German citizens who were considered “life unworthy of life.” Sequeing to the captures of the medical profession and public health agencies by Big Pharma and Big Philanthropy.

          She starts at ca. 4:00:00. The energy of Fuellmich and Fischer is amazing—these are long sessions, and Reiner is taking notes and then translating.

          If you are pressed for time, Dr. Victor Zelenko’s testimony is super=interesting and maybe most relevant to the understanding the corruption of the medical establishment and how that has played out during the corona panic (which is how I am now referring to the [pandemic]. He is the rabbi-looking fellow toward the end.


          • Islander July 22, 2021 at 11:42 pm #

            I must say I am finding Wolfgang Wodarg a bit annoying.

            He doesn’t seem to get the point that Zelenko is making about experiential medicine vs. clinical trials, and wastes a lot of time interrupting the session.

          • Night Owl July 23, 2021 at 3:41 am #

            Hi, Islander. Yes, Wodarg should have backed off a bit, but I understood his point. He pointing out that you need to have a double blind study to determine how useful HCQ is and at what point. That it has to be documented in a way that allows the medical community to compare it to other treatments.

            He was also pointing out that Zelenko did not identify how he knows the patients had “Covid,” given that the fraudulent PCR test is the only known method in use for determining such a thing.

            I was disappointed that Zelenko did not calmly explain his methods in response. He came across as very insecure. I do not doubt his sincerity though.

          • Islander July 23, 2021 at 8:32 am #

            NO, re Wodarg/Zelenko,
            I am perfectly aware of what Wodarg was saying, and it was directly counter to the point the Zelenko had actually opened with. Wodarg appeared tow ant to devalidate Zelenko’s medical practice re covid by posing, in a hostile tone, qulestions that no doctor could have answered last year. HOw many patients did Wodarg successfully treat for covid—however you want to label it—last year? Let’s have that figure.

            I htought it was Wodarg who came off as insecure, or zumindest completely unaware of the inappropriateness of his questioning. Not the *line of questioning*, but the rude and disruptive way he went about it.

            He presented himself from the get-go as skeptisch of Zelenko’s whole achievement and and naturally that put Zelenko on the defensive. I think Zelenko was absolutley correct to disallow Wodarg from verbally bullying him and reminding him who was the invited guest there. Furthermore Wodarg kept interrupting, his face was getting red, etc. Fuellmich saw this and translated very diplomatically. Frankly, I have noticed in earlier sessions that Wodarg has too much ego, and I think he may even be jealous of the ease with which Reiner goes back and forth between German and English and Reiner’s composure.

            Wodarg should have taken notes on the questions he wanted to pose, then waited until Zelenko was finished with his discussion in particular Z’s construction of his explanation regarding Remsdevir, which was methodical and easy to follow. At the end W should have asked, in a neutral and adult tone of voice withouit the huffing and puffing, about the issue diagnosis of covid, about the quesiton of two ways of gathering information about medical treatment, and then asked them in a neutral, fact=finding way.

            Since Z had gonen into this latter issue in some detail at the beginning of his presentation noe is left with the impression that Wodarg either did not understand what Z said, or that maybe Wodarg was not there ate the beginning of the session and missed Reiner’s translation into German.

            My respect for Wodarg has fallen. He needs some basic lessons in online conduct. Reiner was visibly annoyed, actually, and he and Viviane tried to make it all OK at the end of the session.

          • Night Owl July 23, 2021 at 8:51 am #

            Like I said, he was a bit too confrontational, but I also think it is a German thing. He was simply very direct about his points, and one of his points was very good — that being how did Zelenko know his patients had Covid? This question is problematic to this day. Covid has never been isolated in the traditional manner, and the only test used for detecting it is a fraud. I still have seen no credible evidence that it is anything other than seasonal flu rebranded.

            Zelenko means well, and is a valuable ally, but I think he could have toned it down and just acknowledged the points. They are both working toward the same goals.

          • Islander July 23, 2021 at 11:03 am #

            Re, “He was also pointing out that Zelenko did not identify how he knows the patients had “Covid,” given that the fraudulent PCR test is the only known method in use for determining such a thing.”

            Actually Z provided very specific info on the viruses he was talking about. He described the gene /sequences.

            Z also provided info on the peer-reviewed published paper he co-authored. Wodarg could have read this prior.

            I think it is established that there is no one symptom that differentiates the syndrome labeled covid-`19 from cold/flu. One could also saly there is no way to diagnose a cold because there is no one symptom that is only present with a cold. A cold is a suite of possible symptoms. Same with flu. Same with covid. But my understanding is that it is the progress of the disease and the direction it takes in serious cases, namely, with the inflammatory effects on multiple organs, that is a marker of how covid19 presents. In fact, one could say that the point of early medical intervention is to prevent the development of actual covid19. .

            Regarding “Typical German = ‘direct'” sorry, I don’t buy that. Reiner and Viviane and other Germans are to be seen in the sessions. They are also “typical German.” Wodarg has annoyed other viewers with his style. He needs video coaching.

        • chola3 July 22, 2021 at 11:37 pm #

          I was hoping / waiting for them to tie the lockdowns (reduced economic activity) to global warming.

          Greta didn’t cut it. Is this the start of a new try?

          I believe the crude oil is the issue. Also understand politicians in lots of places might end up in lamp posts if they admit to it.

          But I would rather have the AGW narrative rather than the Covid19 narrative which affects my liberty more. Not to mention having to meet all those “Did you Vax? Why no-lah?” drools everyday.

          • Night Owl July 23, 2021 at 6:19 am #

            Dr. Lexus: “Whycome you don’t have a tattoo?”

        • chola3 July 22, 2021 at 11:56 pm #

          I agree with JohnAZ though that the controllers are not getting smart.

          Media being with them must be making them lazy. The media must be lazy too.

          Why can’t they say the siren didn’t work?

    • SoftStarLight July 22, 2021 at 5:20 pm #

      Still to this day there are people convinced that the levee was blown up after Katrina. I guess loud explosion noises will give that impression. At the time it was so convenient that they said like a gas station or some oil tank blew up or something and that the levee was overcome by water the day after the storm because it just was..

  156. O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 12:49 pm #

    Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony director fired over old Holocaust skit

    Tokyo (AFP)
    The show director for the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony has been fired over a decades-old comedy skit referencing the Holocaust, organisers said Thursday, in the latest blow for the pandemic-delayed Games.

    Kentaro Kobayashi made the comment in a video of the sketch dating from 1998 that emerged online on the eve of Friday’s ceremony.

    “It came to light that during a past performance, (he) used language that mocked a tragic fact of history,” Tokyo 2020 Olympic chief Seiko Hashimoto told reporters.

    In a statement, Kobayashi apologised.

    “In a video that was released in 1998 to introduce young comedians… a skit that I wrote contained lines that were extremely inappropriate,” he said.



    The moral of this story?

    If you have ever, ever, ever questioned the Holocaust or even Just went as far as joked about it with your Free Speech in character in a performance in a very different era, you will have no means of livelihood and you should seriously consider suicide.

    • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 2:55 pm #

      Hahahahaha! World Wide Wokeism, ruining everything everywhere.

    • 100th Avatar July 22, 2021 at 5:40 pm #

      The moral of the story?

      Wikipedia has to devote a page to expulsions

      By country and kingdom

      Someone has to say never again because they never learn


    • Blackbird July 22, 2021 at 11:02 pm #

      Lack of appropriate reverence for the Holocaust isn’t the only landmine out there, but it’s probably the one that has claimed the most victims to date. If you feel valued and secure in your field, you are most likely a gutless slime mold and you should seriously consider suicide.

  157. Q. Shtik July 22, 2021 at 1:01 pm #

    My wife will be taking Peter for a brain scan at 2 PM. I’m expecting they’ll discover that his skull contains a head of cauliflower.

    When family members try to call Peter’s cell he never answers. Normally the reason would be: the phone has no charge, the phone is in the other room, the phone is turned off, the volume is set to zero, etc. Helpful hints and reminders from me are useless and a waste of my breath.

    Then we discovered Peter hadn’t paid his bill and Verizon cut off his service. Peter pays most bills via a debit card but he can’t remember pin numbers, etc so the task falls to my wife. She paid $328 and after a while his service was restored. Now she must catch up on several other long-overdue bills ($1,600, $828 and God knows what others).

    This morning Peter came down from the third floor to the kitchen for a small breakfast and his AM compliment of meds (normally my wife would take these things up to him on a tray) but for whatever reason he came down. He entered the kitchen barefoot…this was a first. I asked “what’s with the bare feet?” He looked down at his feet somewhat surprised and said “I guess I forgot my shoes.”

    • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 2:57 pm #

      Your poor wife having to deal with all that!

      • SoftStarLight July 22, 2021 at 2:59 pm #

        As if it were real LOL

        • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 5:23 pm #

          Oh? Is Q just spinning a tale?

          • rube-i-con July 22, 2021 at 7:57 pm #

            it~s his shtick

      • Q. Shtik July 22, 2021 at 9:11 pm #

        Your poor wife – MQ


        The annoyance continues: Wife called Peter’s cell number to tell him to come down for dinner and his evening meds. No fucking answer!!!
        She had to traipse to the third floor and give him his pills. Dinner was skipped because he ate a pint of ice cream instead. Their is no sense of order, routine or good habits in his life.

      • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 11:01 pm #

        Ice cream is what’s for dinner sometimes.

        I can relate.

        • Blackbird July 22, 2021 at 11:40 pm #

          Actually eating a sugary dessert before dinner stimulates your digestive system in preparation for the main course – I consider it a scientific method of eating.

          The same Bio 101 prof also said that the human body is basically a donut.

          • Islander July 23, 2021 at 8:35 am #

            I hthought that was supposed to be the function of hors d’oevres, or of a soup course at the beginning of a meal.

  158. messianicdruid July 22, 2021 at 1:46 pm #

    He who is open-eyed is open-minded-
    He who is open-minded is open-hearted,
    He who is open-hearted is kingly,
    He who is kingly is godly,
    He who is godly is useful,
    He who is useful is infinite,
    He who is infinite is immune,
    He who is immune is immortal.

    • Q. Shtik July 22, 2021 at 2:31 pm #

      Your quote marks will be aimed the right direction if you don’t use spaces. Like this:

      “He who is open-eyed………
      immune is immortal.”

      But who gives a shit? Right?

      • SoftStarLight July 22, 2021 at 2:48 pm #

        I enjoy breakfast when barefoot and when I speak to money collectors I tell them to get busy printing or creating electrons if they want to see payment lol 😉

        • Yohannon July 22, 2021 at 3:29 pm #

          Good thinking. You don’t have to pay your bills anymore. It’s all just electrons. Or tell them to mine some bitcoin.

          Only God can create electrons. But I’m sure if you stay barefoot, they will be powerless against you.

          • SoftStarLight July 22, 2021 at 5:04 pm #

            Making things as simple as possible seems to just take all the stress away 🙂

      • Slugoon July 22, 2021 at 5:49 pm #

        Your quote marks will be aimed the right direction if you don’t use spaces. – Q. Dick


        aimed in the

        You shouldn’t begin a sentence with ‘but’ either.

        • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 5:55 pm #

          You left out the mega ellipsis!

    • O.G. Hawkins July 22, 2021 at 6:58 pm #

      That is inspirational, MD. Thank you!

  159. Q. Shtik July 22, 2021 at 3:08 pm #

    Surely everyone here has noticed that Black people, on average, have considerably larger buttocks than White folks. My b-i-l Peter is a perfect example of this phenomenon. If I told you Peter has NO ass you would say Q is exaggerating…he is using hyperbole. But I assure you his buttocks are virtually non-existent.

    Until recently when my wife got on his case Peter held up his pants with a belt but a belt just doesn’t work. More than once (and sometimes in public places) I have seen Peter’s pants literally drop to the floor around his ankles. The cure for this is suspenders so now we must make sure he remembers his suspenders.

    Does anybody know what it would cost to have fake buttocks installed? How can I get in touch with Kim K?

    • SoftStarLight July 22, 2021 at 3:20 pm #

      Honestly you would probably make life easier if you contacted her surgeon. Or a concrete company.

      • Blackbird July 22, 2021 at 10:43 pm #

        I mentioned the Fix-a-Flat butt-lift doctor earlier, but negligently didn’t include a link. Here ya go:


        The doc got 10 years in 2017, but being transgender, is probably back out on the streets and looking for work.

        • SoftStarLight July 23, 2021 at 3:06 am #

          Oh ok, I didn’t see your earlier post but yeah this is the story that made me think of the concrete lol. It is a sad story. But wild that people think being so misshapen is ideal. But then again it makes sense considering the entire cultural context and other body mythologies emanating from our wondrous and obligatory ministries of truth.

    • Yohannon July 22, 2021 at 3:31 pm #

      I read yesterday about a woman whose thong was stuck on her daughter’s velcro sandal all day.

      • Blackbird July 22, 2021 at 10:44 pm #

        Was the daughter’s foot still in the sandal?

        • Yohannon July 22, 2021 at 11:12 pm #

          She walked around with it all day.

          • Blackbird July 22, 2021 at 11:30 pm #

            So the daughter’s foot was in the sandal, the sandal was stuck to mama’s thong (after the daughter kicked her in the ass?), in revenge, mama walked around dragging her daughter behind her all day.

            Ok, I can see it now. I can imagine the comments big mama got. Thanks

    • 100th Avatar July 22, 2021 at 3:38 pm #

      Had an acquaintance from Dixieland say to me, “that girl over there is pretty cute, but she’s got no @ss… looks like a frog standin’ up”

    • jim e July 22, 2021 at 5:20 pm #

      My decrepit Ex-Uncle Ray would say about a big bottomed women…
      “If she hauled ass, she would have to make two trips”.

    • Tate July 22, 2021 at 6:32 pm #

      I don’t have much of an ass either. I know the problem of keeping pants up when you lose a few pounds. My brother has a fat womanly ass. Used to kid him about it all the time.

      • Blackbird July 22, 2021 at 10:50 pm #

        Guys, let’s be honest with ourselves, the problem is not the absence of ass, but the excess of belly.

  160. Yohannon July 22, 2021 at 3:51 pm #


    Ann’s friend, Dr Beep, thinks it’s so that when the mass die off begins, people won’t know about it.

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    • SoftStarLight July 22, 2021 at 5:15 pm #

      Wow. Literally a rolling crime against humanity underway right now. Ann is right. Only that there is more. My guess is that they will simply take the internet down. It will be a mass “cyber attack”. And wow, they have been warning us we are so very vulnerable for a long time. Perfect timing. No conversations in person or online. They are that demon possessed that for them it all makes sense and is good in their eyes

      • Night Owl July 22, 2021 at 5:51 pm #

        You are aware that the WEF just ran their Cyber Polygon excercise?

        This is the next big threat (that they have created) according to Klaus and his Transhumanist friends.

        • SoftStarLight July 23, 2021 at 3:17 am #

          Yep I sure am and that is one reason I am thinking that the internet could potentially go offline. Anything seems possible in my mind given that meglomaniacal sociopaths and psychopaths control such a huge share of global resources and production and institutional and political capital too. That is what the eye and the pyramid on the dollar stands for.

    • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 5:27 pm #

      That monster of a woman should be one of the first to be strung up for crimes against humanity.

      • SoftStarLight July 23, 2021 at 3:23 am #

        She appears to lack a normal affect. Devoid of any relatability and emotion.

    • Amman July 22, 2021 at 6:02 pm #


    • Islander July 22, 2021 at 6:18 pm #

      I just saw a headline on the NYT:

      “Weary Nation Learns to Live with Covid”

      Really? Have TPTB decided that they have to dial this thing down now?

      Has the NYT gotten a message from somewhere? Maybe some political pushback that bodes ill?

      Or does “living with covid” mean “mask-vaxx rule forever”?

      • MaryQueen July 22, 2021 at 7:54 pm #

        I’m sure they have a new angle. These people are not giving up.

        • Night Owl July 23, 2021 at 3:34 am #

          There is more resistance than expected. The plan is the same everywhere at the macro level, with the same messaging and psychological tactics, but tailored to each country as required.

          Canada, Australia, and Israel have it the worst, as the have a very compliant citizenry, and Israel has, ofc, already had the green pass system. In Australia, they are now telling people they may no longer talk to one another in public. France is kind of an outlier, which I think is attributable to Macron, who is mentally unstable (claimed he would rule like Roman god Jupiter), a former Rothschild banker, and a major player in the roll-out.

          The mask is a necessary tool to keep a visual reminder of the hoax, and to seperate the individuals intelligent enough not to touch the Frankenshots.

          The latest episode of the Corona Ausschuss was on yesterday, BTW. They all seemed to have arrived at the conclusion that the MRNA shots are genocide, and there was a good segment on previous attempts at a Great Reset as well as the eugenics groups that have been involved in each and every event. Interesting also is that the Swine Flu was the original Covid Hoax, with the events that unfolded being very similar to the Covid Hoax. We are lucky Wolfgang Wodarg is still around, given his role in exposing the former.

          • chola3 July 23, 2021 at 5:24 am #

            Speaking from Asia, the above is correct.

            However, I believe they don’t yet have a firm plan on how to solve the resource/population mismatch.

            I made some calculation: US can handle feeding 500mn. India and China can handle about 1bn each.

            India China Bangladesh Japan are over the limit. Many countries can manage without the need for culling. Malaysia is borderline. Russia, Ukraine, Iran etc in fine shape.

            Thus lies the options and methods.

          • Islander July 23, 2021 at 8:42 am #

            Re Wodarg, yes, he can make a positive contribution. I just don’t think he handled himself very well yesterday. He could have made his point a lot better and we wouild have gotten a much more interesting discussion if he had waited to pose his question about the existence of a pandemic/the swine flu example. If he hadn’t ruffled Z’s feathers, the public would have gotten a more interesting dialogue on how Z, a provincial local doctor, reacted to the ill people he was seeing, and whether more people turned up “sick” because of the propaganda, or they were actually sick with something, regardless of whether there was a “pandemic” or not. then you also have to add in the factor of the testing regime and “casedemic.”

            Wodarg w/ Zelenko would have been a great way to explore th ese issues. But for the purposes of conducting such a dialogue Wodarg has to become less emotionally invested in his own experience and learn how to pose the leading qeustions clearly and succinctly and then to listen respectfully, not act like a petulant child.

  161. tucsonspur July 22, 2021 at 5:30 pm #

    I don’t know if anyone has posted this yet, but if you want Fitts go here.

    A great video on transhumanism, its ethics, its dangers, its weaponization.


    • BackRowHeckler July 22, 2021 at 8:21 pm #


      John D Rockefeller hung on to age 97, but Paul Allen, billionaire, went toes up at 63. Allen’s money didn’t help him much, and if there was ever a candidate for transhumanism, it was him.

      I knew of a few old Yankee farmers in town here who lived into their mid 90s.

      Remember the chapter in Swift’s ‘Gullivers Travels’, when Gulliver visits an island where people live forever, but upon landing, he finds that these ‘people’ are just a mass of slime slithering around on the floor. That’s how it will be with a 150 year old billionaire transhuman, thinking he’s Master of the Universe, until the maid flushes him down the toilet, or sweeps him up in the dustpan.


      • malthuss July 22, 2021 at 8:45 pm #

        Paul helped Jimi Hendrix relatives to fight Reprise / Cayman Islands buisness where JH publishing was.
        He wanted to make the JH museum, now known as Hall of Fame.

        • BackRowHeckler July 22, 2021 at 8:50 pm #

          Well, two Seattle guys, it stands to reason.

      • tucsonspur July 22, 2021 at 9:14 pm #


        Yeah, Sean Parker actually says it, ‘I’m going to be like 160 and I’m going to be part of this class of immortal overlords.’

        Slime is right. With these people you really can’t dismiss depopulation conspiracies out of hand any longer. Keep enough slaves though.

        I can picture those old, grizzled, Yankee farmers, maybe with the big nose and ears, overalls and a pipe. Salt of the Earth.

        • SoftStarLight July 23, 2021 at 3:37 am #

          There are only a few thousand billionaires in the world. The Georgia Guidestones suggest the the desired world population is to be limited to 500 million people.

          • Night Owl July 23, 2021 at 3:45 am #

            Do you watch the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss meetings? They have had Malone, Yeadon, McCullough, and a host of others on, and they have arrived at the conclusion that depopulation/genocide is a major part of the agenda.

            Fuellmich remarked yesterday that if you had told him any of this a year ago he would have asked you to leave his office.

            Follow the evidence. 🙂

          • SoftStarLight July 23, 2021 at 4:08 am #

            Wow! No I haven’t had a chance to watch the sessions yet but that is amazing news. So glad this shift is finally happening. It felt like for so long most people believed people in power would never do things like this. Of course that would be amazing if true too. But it looks like our worst fears and suspicions are being confirmed.

          • Slugoon July 23, 2021 at 4:17 am #

            What’s the current consensus? Depopulation as a direct result of death from vaccines or indirectly through sterilisation of the youngsters?

        • benr July 23, 2021 at 9:33 am #


          Don’t forget to add queer is the new cool.
          Two guys or two girls can’t have kids without help or adopting.
          That might back fire some as the nasty dyke man hating department head where I work has three turkey baster kids.
          Two girls and one boy.
          I feel sorry for the boy I seriously think he will be chopping off his junk in the next decade.

          Also remember China has done away with the one child policy they are now allowing three kids per couple.

  162. tom clark July 22, 2021 at 11:17 pm #

    What has really fucked up this world is too many choices. Relax, kick back and have a beer.

    • SoftStarLight July 23, 2021 at 3:57 am #

      You’re on to something tom. The diminishing returns of what not and what have you. Everything is so pretty and flashy and mega expensive. Choice is the American way! But sometimes choice is destructive. Your philosophical drops are sort of like Q’s, afterthoughts and footnotes. Your exhortation of simplicity and his of the importance of structure and order. At least, these are the communications I am receiving.


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