Reindeer Games
You understand, of course, that Western Civ’s mass formation psychosis, like a horror movie franchise, requires the constant re-invention of its monsters and hobgoblins, and a constantly refreshed arsenal of weapons to defeat them. Covid is our mutating monster, but Big Pharma’s silver bullets and wooden stakes have proven quite lame. So, the resourceful superhero, Dr. Fauci (“The Science”), has induced his magic messenger, Santa Claus (a.k.a. the FDA), to deliver two brand-new light-sabers to humankind to keep millions of disordered minds churning with hope of slaying the object of their fear.
Enter stage-right-and-left: Paxlovid from Pfizer and Molnupiravir from Merck. The names alone sound like mysterious invocations from a druidical rite of redemption. How many times have you muttered Mol-Nu-Pir-a-Vir opening the fridge in hopes of finding at least one last beer tucked away behind the mayonnaise and miso?
Paxlovid, you see, works as a DNA polymerase inhibitor, the same as (sshhhhh) ivermectin, except that, unlike ivermectin — which is considered about the safest drug in the world, and which won a Nobel prize for its inventor — Paxlovid is hardly tested at all. It is actually a two-drug treatment, requiring the HIV-drug ritonavir to give it a buddy-boost. The FDA calls it an “investigational drug,” meaning it is subject to Murphy’s Law, as the “vaccines” have proved to be. Nor has it passed through any approval process so far. It’s being released under an FDA emergency use authorization, which relieves Pfizer of any liability problem if people are harmed by it.)
Molnupiravir is a nucleoside agonist (that is, an ersatz component that can be plugged into nucleic acids….both RNA and DNA…. so that it’s availability causes nonsense RNA and DNA to be synthesized and that in turn mucks up reproduction of viruses (albeit with risk as well to mammalian cells…hence it’s limitation to 5 days of use only.
Molnupiravir will cost $700 for a five-day course of treatment (ten pills) compared to $20 for a course of ivermectin. The US government bought $2.2 billion worth of Molnupiravir. The US government bought $5-billion worth of Paxlovid.
And so now we see why US public health officialdom and the non compos mentis “Joe Biden” & Co. worked so hard, along with social media and cable news, to outlaw all the other cheap and highly-effective Covid early treatment drugs on the scene. Not just ivermectin but fluvoxamine, hydroxychloroquine and so on. They’ve even interfered with deliveries of monoclonal antibodies to stifle their use. You can see clearly what a racketeering operation this has been all along between the FDA, the CDC, Dr. Fauci’s NIAID and the pharmaceutical industry.
There is also the shell game currently being played by Pfizer and its two “vaccines” — the one still under an emergency use authorization called BioNTech, and Pfizer’s replacement for that, Comirnaty, which has received an FDA approval under shady circumstances. The catch is, Pfizer refuses to release Comirnaty in the USA because approved drugs do not enjoy that shield against liability. Pfizer’s BioNTech vaxx has injured and killed many thousands of people the past year. If the two vaxxes are the same, you can expect Comirnaty to kill and injure plenty of victims, and Pfizer will be sued up its pfizoo.
Therefore, Pfizer is also working hard to confuse the public about whether the two drugs are actually the same or not. Ohio University tried to pull a switcheroo with its vaxx mandate, saying they’d made Comirnaty available to students, which is obviously untrue, since Pfizer won’t release it. They are using the unapproved BioNTech. Ohio law (HB 244, in effect this past October) prevents Ohio public schools from mandating vaccines not approved by the FDA. Hence, students at Ohio University are suing the school over its vaccine mandate.
Alas, the Omicron variant has turned into the Grinch that is stealing their Christmas. Omicron is so mild an illness that there has been perhaps one death from it in America — and who knows how chronically ill that patient was? (They won’t say, of course.) All week long, as it became increasingly evident Omicron was nothing to get worked-up about, the “Joe Biden” regime went into overdrive trying to cow the nation into another round of submission and more booster shots.
On Tuesday, the worked-up so-called president rolled out the phony trope that this latest act in the melodrama is a “crisis of the unvaccinated” — despite the fact that both vaxxed and unvaxxed are equally susceptible to Omicron, and the additional fact that Omicron spreads so effectively that in just a month it is displacing all the previous and more deadly Covid variants. Notice, though, that “Joe Biden” didn’t dare lay any lockdowns on the country, while the Supreme Court is preparing to give “JB” his second colonoscopy of the season when they reconvene after New Year’s to hear the cases against his vaxx mandate.
You can infer that this might mean the end of the Covid 19 pandemic extravaganza that has so benefited the party in power. It has given them free rein to the only policy exercise they know: pushing people around. If there’s any lesson that Americans need to draw about the Democratic Party’s motives during this two-year Covid horror show it is that “progressives” are determined to punish, coerce, and persecute the people of this land, while stealing as much of their wealth as possible, and driving our culture into a ditch.
So, with Omicron on the scene like an unexpected reality-test, the Democrats may be fresh out of monsters to terrify the populace. As the horror movie ends and the screen fades to black, the audience is apt to walk out from under that mass formation spell into the winter sunlight, blinking and gasping at the insane ordeal they’ve been subjected to. It’s already happening in a bunch of blue cities whose Democratic bosses have discovered that de-funding the police was a shuck-and-jive they now have to answer for.
Plenty of other matters await answering too, including perhaps the fate of Dr. Fauci and his many co-conspirators in the operation to kill more than a million Americans — when you figure in both Covid deaths and vaxx-related deaths, not to mention suicides and deaths by drugs and despair, not to mention countless injuries that people will not recover from. Robert F. Kennedy’s excellent book, The Real Anthony Fauci, is a comprehensive manual for bringing Dr. Fauci and dozens of his cohorts and accomplices into a court-of-law.
Get this: the SARs Covid-19 episode has been an engineered mind-fuck from start to finish. Western Civ has been taken for a ride, fleeced, shot in the head, and left in the trunk of a car abandoned on a lonely stretch of highway. As we turn the corner into 2022, millions of surviving, de-programmed Americans may get a little worked-up about what has been done to our country and just who is responsible for it.
This Christmas Eve, along with the valiant RFK, Jr., we can’t omit great thanks to some of the other brave medical researchers and doctors across the country who have sacrificed livelihoods to fight both for the peoples’ health and against the torrents of bad faith and dishonesty spewed out against the people of this land by their own government and its propaganda legions. Kudos to Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCollough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Dr. Scott Atlas, Dr. Chris Martenson, Dr. David Martin, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Bret Weinstein, Del Bigtree, Alex Berenson, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Glenn Greenwald, and many many others who are standing up against tyranny and coercion.
Correction: an earlier edition had Molnupiravir as a DNA polymerase inhibitor, but actually that is the action of Paxlovid. Molnupiravir is a nucleoside agonist. Thanks to Dr. Eric Zelnick for the assist.
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