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Only Half Gone

“The Democrats are self-immolating on the altar of their own tenuous relationship with common decency.” — Tom Luongo

Clusterfuck Nation

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     “Life imitates art,” Oscar Wilde was fond of saying. And so, all of a sudden on Sunday, the USA became an episode of Veep, after President “Joe Biden” had that fateful sit-down with God he’d hinted at a week or so ago:

     God: Yeah, it’s me again. What I told you ‘bout dis ‘lection bidness?

     “JB”: (cough cough) I gotta finish the job. (cough cough.)

     God: Job, my ass. You ain’t done nuttin’ but eat ice cream cones, spend money dat don’t exist, and sniff up every chile come near you.

     “JB”: No, you don’t understand! I’m defending democracy.

     God: Oh yeah? Since when my will subject to some pissant caucus? In my mansion dey’s many doors, and this one is da exit, son. What I say, go. And when I say, ‘go,’ dat mean you git yo’self gone! I done wrote the letter and you signin’ on da dotted line right now.

     “JB”: What if I won’t?

     God: I’ma have to smite yo’ ass.

     “JB”: Well, since you put it that way. . . but, say, do you happen to also have that pardon document we talked about. . .?

     And so it went in the study at Rehoboth Beach Sunday afternoon. And all of a sudden, Veep Kamala Harris is elevated to be the putative nominee of the Party of Chaos going into the August convention. Most of the other talked-about replacements instantly endorsed her — Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Pete Buttigieg, et al. — as a convocation of mullahs might bless a goat about to be sacrificed. Kamala issued a stirring war cry: “Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.” Yawn. . . .

     It was all pretend, of course, or, shall we say, a continuation of the pretend that is the core operating principle of the party. Everything it does is fake. Case in point, the marvelous statement by HRC (a.k.a. She-Whose-Turn-it-Ever-Is or Rodan the Flying Reptile), who put out this smarmy gem:

President Biden has capped his extraordinary career of service with a Presidency that has lifted America out of an unprecedented pandemic, created millions of new jobs, rebuilt a battered economy, strengthened our democracy, and restored our standing in the world. By any measure, he has advanced our founders’ charge to build a more perfect union and his own stated goal of restoring the soul of our nation.”

     “Joe Biden” did all that? Hillary, you see, is buttering up the cloacal vent of the party so that she can wriggle up there and eat its brain, like one of those parasitical wasp larvae that get into a caterpillar. She’s supporting Kamala until it becomes opportune not to, which is to say when the Deep State blob gets the heebie-jeebies about failing to steal the election, losing its positions of power and perqs, and very possibly facing prosecution for serious crimes. Of course, the weekend developments suggest that “Joe Biden” will have to vacate his position as Commander-in-Chief altogether. It’s too self-evident to even rehearse the particulars. It’s only a matter of when, and that probably hinges on his negotiated severance package — basically something that keeps his various  family members out of prison. Kamala will then rise to the Oval, ha ha ha.

     In this moment of maximum uncertainty, then, the Party of Chaos will pretend to go along with Ms. Harris for a week or two, allowing the first woman president of-color many chances to utter world-scaring inanities and fall into cackling fits so as to demonstrate she can’t possibly be taken seriously.  Suddenly you will see the long knives come out slicing and dicing Kamala like a daikon radish on the hibachi table, and anyone else besides HRC who dares to step up will get the same treatment.  Notice that Mr. Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Hakim, and Chuck (Nine-Ways-From-Sunday) Schumer haven’t chimed in for Kamala. They will, by God, get their convention free-for-all, though every bit of it will be scrupulously managed by the Big Dawgs. And out of that pandemonium will fly the indomitable Hillary, screeching, “Caw caw, abortion! Caw caw, Russia!” Could it work? No way. In a truly fair election, Hillary would be run over by the Trump-Vance convoy and left a bit of smoldering roadkill, drawing flies, a sad end to all that coruscating ambition.

     Not to change the subject too abruptly, but here goes. . . have you caught that little convo on YouTube between George Gammon and Robert Barnes on the Trump assassination attempt? Woo-wee, this one will rock your weltanschauung. Here it is in a nutshell:

     The attempted rub-out at Butler, PA, (Mr. Barnes theorizes) was a NeverTrumper / blob / neo-con joint operation that was supposed to work as follows: Nikki Haley and Mike Pompeo, Deep Staters both, are on the outs with a GOP solidifying around Mr. Trump. Before the Milwaukee GOP Convention opens, they are chatting-up delegates in preparation for a kind of coup. The Butler, PA, op is timed before any nomination can occur. It’s (obviously) intended to eliminate the former president for once and for all and make sure there’s no veep candidate to step into his shoes. The blob then blames the Trump assassination on Iran, instantly conjuring up a fresh new war to distract the nation. The GOP Convention nominates war goddess Nikki for president and Pompeo for veep. The DC war party carries on in triumph. Fait accompli.

     Notice, Mr. Barnes says, that CNN and other news networks that usually avoid broadcasting Trump rallies, are actually covering the Butler, PA, event live. They want all of America to see Donald Trump’s head explode like a Crenshaw melon on TV — sending the message: this is what happens to anyone who challenges the blob. Many other observers and investigators unconnected with the government are busy looking into the site forensics, lines of fire, shot acoustics, the strange facts around the alleged “shooter” (possibly patsy) Thomas Matthew Crooks, the stupendous failures of the Secret Service. A picture is resolving.

     The old Sicilian adage goes, revenge is a dish best served cold. Surely, Mr. Trump knows a thing or two about what really went down July 13. His adversaries know he knows, and he knows they know he knows. Notice Mr. Trump is not jumping up and down going woo-woo-woo over all this. Rather, he’s sitting tight and calmly holding his cards close to his chest. He will eventually be coming to settle accounts. So, you must suppose they’ll try again. Or figure out a way to postpone the election indefinitely. Nothing is beneath these fiends. Strangely — a lot of people have noticed — it seems that God is on our side. Stand by and keep your hats on.

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About James Howard Kunstler

View all posts by James Howard Kunstler
James Howard Kunstler is the author of many books including (non-fiction) The Geography of Nowhere, The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency and the four-book series of World Made By Hand novels, set in a post economic crash American future. His most recent book is Living in the Long Emergency; Global Crisis, the Failure of the Futurists, and the Early Adapters Who Are Showing Us the Way Forward. Jim lives on a homestead in Washington County, New. York, where he tends his garden and communes with his chickens.

895 Responses to “Only Half Gone”

  1. RaymondR July 22, 2024 at 9:41 am #

    It gets crazier and crazier. You are right JHK, America is in for a wild ride!

    • Socrates-Detroit July 22, 2024 at 9:47 am #

      Several good points, but God is NOT on “America’s side”. Sorry.

      Russia’s side, maybe.

      • mary.m July 22, 2024 at 9:52 am #

        Maybe Russia is on God’s side…

        • elysianfield July 22, 2024 at 10:32 am #

          Excellent comment.

          • nancyd July 22, 2024 at 2:09 pm #

            Thumbs up …

        • Ron Anselmo July 22, 2024 at 11:10 am #

          Yes, seconded.

        • MiTurn July 22, 2024 at 3:49 pm #

          God isn’t on either side. God is on His own side (see Joshua 5:13-14, if you’re curious…)

          • Breck July 22, 2024 at 6:28 pm #

            Your thought into my mind. Or God’s. I was curious. I looked at the two verses. The man with the drawn sword, commander of the army of the Lord.

      • Uncle Abraham July 22, 2024 at 9:53 am #

        Jim didn’t say America’s side. He said “our side.” You don’t know who we are because you’re not one of us.

        • Socrates-Detroit July 22, 2024 at 10:02 am #

          Jonathan Pollard, aka @Uncle Abraham

          I presumed Kunstler was an American, he has written so.

          I happen to be an American.

          Are you saying JHK is a delusional Zionist like you? And you two are on the same “side”?

          I hope not, for his sake, because God certainly is not on your side, as you will find out.

          As for America, with it’s bloody imperial track record, from Vietnam to the present day, aka Gaza, we have much to atone for.

          Many Americans can sense we are the verge of something “big”. And most of them don’t think it will be for the better.

          We will find out.

          Until then, like a good movie, things have to “build up”, and that is what is going on.

          • Uncle Bob July 22, 2024 at 11:02 am #

            And you want those of us of Jewish heritage dead — just like Hamas, Iran, etc. You’re as bad as the Squad. Hopefully you havent married any of your siblings like Ilhan Omar did.

            Now, you may not believe YHWH gives a flying fuck about Israel and believe He gave up on them after calling them the apple of His eye, but you’re going to witness a huge miracle when He sends the archangel Michael to annihilate the Islamist and Russian forces arrayed against Israel. If YHWH no longer cares about Israel, please explain why He resurrected a nation 2000 years after it disappeared so He could fulfill his own prophecies.

          • hmuller July 22, 2024 at 11:42 am #

            As I recall, Uncle Bob, those prophesies talk of massive death and destruction in Israel (among other places).

          • Socrates-Detroit July 22, 2024 at 12:20 pm #

            @Uncle Bob

            Where did I say I want all Jews dead? Or any Jews dead? Or even Zionists dead?

            No. You can’t refute the fact that the Israeli government is committing war crimes on a massive scale, so you something up.

            All Jews are not Zionists.

            And even all Zionists don’t agree with what Israel is doing in Gaza.

            And what makes you think I’m a Moslem?

            Did you know there are Jews who are not Zionists? And there are ISRAELI Jews, as well as American Jews, who strongly disagree with Israeli policies vis-a-vis the Palestinians before Oct 07, let alone since.

            Gideon Levy and Miko Peled. Both were in the IDF.

            Ilan Pappe. Israeli historian. DETAINED at Detroit Metro Airport for two hours upon entering the US because of what he has written regarding Israeli history, after reviewing declassified ISRAELI material in the 1980s.

            You’ve got Max Blumenthal. He sort reminds of me of JHK. Like JHK, he was a GOOD NY Times reporter when he was younger, and he’s not a “conformist, mainstream media” journalist/writer.

            I think JHK should do a podcast with him.

            Now Max is freelance. He helped break the story about how the IDF killed a lot of the “victims” of Oct 07 which Hamas was blamed for.

            You had Rachel Corrie, American Jew, bulldozed to death in 2003 because she stood in front of some Palestinian home about to be bulldozed. 2003!

            A quick google search: In 2003 US student Rachel Corrie tried to help a Palestinian family who’s home was getting demolished. Israeli bulldozer crushed her out of spite. Her last words: “I think I broke my back.” Israelis made fun of her by making pancakes in her name. They also threatened her family.

            Today, you have all these (very brave!) American Jews getting arrested wearing “not in my name T-shirts”.

            Albert Einstein signed his name on a letter to the NY Times criticizing the visit of Terrorist Menachem Begin. Did you know that? Or was Einstein a closet “Islamist”? Do you want me to post a link for you?

            Why don’t you set aside your biases and hatreds, and familiarize yourself with the truth and the facts?

          • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 12:39 pm #

            I didn’t know Rachel Corrie was Jewish. From the pov of the worldly, she was a fool messing in other people’s business. But as an American and a Jew, how was what is done with our money and in her name not her business?

            As St Paul said, the wisdom of the world is foolishness in the eyes of Spirit. And vice versa.

            I got Mika to admit that the bulldozer that killed her has been kept and is a shrine to the hardcore.

          • Uncle Abraham July 22, 2024 at 1:16 pm #

            As I said, Soc, you don’t know who we are. You’re a Muslim in spirit, which explains your delusions and constant lying mixed up with facts to poison the well. The Truth is your enemy.

            What I said has nothing to do with Jews or Israel, the obsession revealing your foul spirit.

          • Breck July 22, 2024 at 6:31 pm #

            God is on the side of righteousness, which is how this republic was founded. So was Israel once upon a time in the ancient days. Both nations lost their way and lost their God, and God’s support. All as a lesson to all men.

          • Blackbird July 22, 2024 at 7:17 pm #

            Careful Sox. You know that to question – let alone disagree with – the actions of the Israeli government is anti-semitism. That makes you Hitler. And you know all about time travel and Hitler…

            Listen to your uncles Bob and Abe, they have a direct line to YHWH (who you would slur as “God” – as if the goyim could comprehend the Creator of the universe!).

            When America’s golden messiah returns, pray that He quickly and gently puts you out of your genocidal misery, rather than nailing you to the fate you deserve.

          • Everybody & Their Uncle July 23, 2024 at 2:24 am #

            State-based Zion– the State– isn’t in the Jews or Zionists’ best interests. Or anyone else’s, maybe including those behind the Belt And Road Initiative.

            Wakey wakey and smell the kosher koffee.

            ‘Sip It Like You Mean It Kosher/Halal Kafe’, now open!

            ‘We are the only cafe with a Palestine section and an Israel section and a daily-replenished basket of water-balloons, generously-donated by our local MIC Balloons manufacturer! Ok, it’s a mess at the end of the day, but that’s how we like it! Any excuse to come in and fill a cup and balloon!’


            @Socrates-Detroit, where did you get Uncle Abraham’s Jonathan Pollard?

            “…YHWH…” ~ Blackbird

            What’s that? A stockmarket acronym? Is it a good stock investment?

            ~ Zaz

          • Anthea July 23, 2024 at 5:46 am #

            I doubt that the Zionist Globo-Home crowd enjoys the divine mandate.

      • izzy July 22, 2024 at 10:18 am #

        In 1944, Edgar Cayce prophesied that “Russia will be the hope of the world”.

        • malthuss July 22, 2024 at 10:39 am #

          In his Health book he says ‘put kerosene on varicose veins’
          and ‘eat 2 almonds daily n never get cancer’–those who did
          eat the almonds got cancer.


          • Blackbird July 22, 2024 at 7:21 pm #

            But Cayce (allegedly) did predict a hidden chamber between the front paws of the Sphinx – which is apparently there.

          • Anthea July 23, 2024 at 5:48 am #

            Many of Cayce’s treatments for various ailments were highly successful.

        • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 11:22 am #

          The Holy Mother presented to three kids at Fatima that the integration of Russia into the European community was a prerequisite to avoiding world catastrophe.

          If that is so, does the blocking of Russian integration by the MIC of the USA make us a very bad country?

          • malthuss July 22, 2024 at 11:38 am #

            world catastrophe.


            Endless war


          • Anthea July 22, 2024 at 1:26 pm #

            @ JohnAZ:

            Our Blessed Mother did not say anything of the kind.

          • Target_on_my_Back July 22, 2024 at 8:44 pm #

            That’s not what Our Lady of Fatima told the three children. What you’re thinking of is what happened some years later in a separate apparition when she appeared once again to Lucia, one of the children, who had become a nun, and told her that unless the pope in union with all the bishops of the world publicly consecrated Russia to her Immaculate Heart, the errors of Russia would spread throughout the world. The “errors of Russia” are generally regarded as atheistic Communism. She also said that if the consecration were done, Russia would be converted, and there would be a period of world peace. So far there have been two or three half-hearted attempts at doing the consecration, but it’s never been done the way she asked. Russia has not been converted, Communism is now running rampant throughout the world, even here in the US where the “woke” left is unabashedly Marxist, and there has not been a period of world peace. Our Lady also said that eventually her Immaculate Heart would triumph.

          • Anthea July 23, 2024 at 5:54 am #

            @ Target_on_my_Back:

            Thank you. Yes, you have summarized what Our Lady said.

            She also said that, failing the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart, “various nations will be annihilated.”

            I would say that Russia has been converted, or is at least well on its way to converstion. Russia has thrown off atheistic Communism, but these errors have continued to spread throughout the world.

          • Jarek July 23, 2024 at 12:57 pm #

            Russia is no longer Communist, but Fascist. But it certainly did spread Communism throughout the world when it was. Of course, Communist headquarters was always Manhattan and London – Capitalist headquarters in other words since Communism is a project of Capitalism.

            Our Lady left that part out. Russia has had a modest spiritual renaissance – in the form of its own Orthodox church. The idea that they are going to convert to Catholicism is ludicrous and grotesque.

          • hmuller July 24, 2024 at 1:35 pm #

            Jarek, the Slavs don’t have to abandon Orthodoxy. It’s possible the Orthodox churches could reunite with Rome – just another big, happy part of the new world order agenda.

      • Cankerpuss July 22, 2024 at 10:33 am #

        If there is a God then I would have to hope that that God is on the side of righteousness. God would have to be on the side of the righteous. Otherwise, who’d ever want to have faith that in that God.

        There are still many good people in the USA. Not as many as there used to be but they are still out there. Perhaps this God is hearing the prayers of the righteous and is using “small and simple things” bring about great change.

        Who knows. The fact that Trump is alive simply because he turned his head to look at a monitor at the exact time a bullet was speeding by his head is amazing to me. Somethings just can’t be explained away as coincidence.

        • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 11:26 am #


          You are missing a point.

          God is righteousness. He defines righteousness. You say he is on the side of righteousness? As defined by whom?

          God is the source of good, holiness and righteousness in the human animal. He is the source of everything.

          • Cankerpuss July 22, 2024 at 11:42 am #

            Sorry JohnAZ, you lost me on this one. Usually your comments are on point but this time I think you are overshooting the mark.

            Please clarify?

          • hmuller July 22, 2024 at 11:49 am #

            The bigger question, JohnAz, is who speaks for God, who knows His will?

            Some people who claim to speak for God, really enjoy war and killing a bit too much.

            This is not entirely surprising given the character of the Israelite war god Yahweh. If you think that hateful, bombastic reptilian is the true Infinite Deity, you’ll never understand this world.

          • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 12:22 pm #

            Okay, I will try.

            God of the Bible is no an infinitely nice guy. He loves people who believe in Him and make Him number one in their lives.

            That is very few people.

            You say God is on the side of righteousness. Righteousness as defined by who?

            God is holy, he is the source of righteousness.

            He loves His people, according to Revelation, He is going to destroy His enemies on earth.

            Jesus predicted many false prophets would emerge and for us to protect ourselves from them by following what the Bible says.


            This world is inherently evil, Yahweh is God and Jesus is His son. Jesus is the judge of all people and He will fulfill Revelation.

            You do not believe in Yahweh, who do you believe in?

          • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 12:45 pm #

            Let me translate: Get with the big Guy! Even if what he commands is evil, it is good because He said it. If he says 2+2 is 22, then it is. What about it being 4? Sometimes, Winston, sometimes. Just follow orders. Keep it simple, stupid.

            Needless to say, this is far from the God who is not merely righteous, but Righteousness and Truth itself.

          • hmuller July 22, 2024 at 2:08 pm #

            Jarek, you got to the point more succinctly than I could. Well stated!

          • Blackbird July 22, 2024 at 7:25 pm #

            If God is omniscient and omnipotent, then why is he constantly tweaking his creation?

            My answer: “He” isn’t constantly tweaking.

          • hmuller July 23, 2024 at 11:57 am #

            Are you saying “She” is doing the tweaking?

            I always suspected Mrs God is even more invasive than Doctor Jill.

      • Alfred July 22, 2024 at 1:58 pm #

        The question is never “whose side is God on.” The question to ask is are WE on God’s side?

        Casual thoughts need not apply. Deep thinking is required.

        • SAM July 22, 2024 at 3:31 pm #


  2. studejack July 22, 2024 at 9:46 am #

    You said it: nothing is beyond these people, who will do anything to stay in power. I have friends of 30 and 40 years with whom I cannot have a conversation, so immersed in Trump hatred are they. I tell them that Donald Trump must be pretty good at real estate because he’s living rent-free in their brains. I also tell them they should pick up a copy of Moby Dick and reread it. This is a good time to remind everybody what happened to the Pequod and its hapless crew including Mr. Starbuck himself. The harpoons didn’t work on M.B. or on D.J.T.

    • Cankerpuss July 22, 2024 at 10:52 am #

      Power and money are their God and they worship this God with all the emphasis of their souls. Their entire reason for existence is to get gain and they will use all methods to continue to get gain as their God demands they never stop. They will rob, murder, spy, plunder, rape, pillage and destroy to continue to amass more wealth and power and any other filthy lucre of the world.

      This is why the “love of money” is the root of all evil.

      • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 11:27 am #

        Wealth leads to power, power is the ultimate.

  3. cowbell81 July 22, 2024 at 9:50 am #

    Don’t ever forget this clip….she is a woman wearing a blue suit….


    • jgalt July 22, 2024 at 10:05 am #

      Evidence seems to point to multiple FBI and possibly CIA agents in the crowd and around the perimeter, including a suspected FBI shooter on the water tower. The FBI lady in the front row was not a shooter, only a shooter of pictures of the expected assassination to go into the yearbook for the FBI. Crooks was simply a cutout and designed to be eliminated as the assassin in chief. The fact that they failed on this attempt tells everyone that their corruption has made them careless with their planning. Mike Adams does an incredible job of dissecting the entire attempt including the multiple rifle shots from different locations. As a likely participant, and proven totally corrupt, the FBI will come up with a total BS report designed to cover theirs, and other’s rear ends. The Demoncraps have a planned insurrection by their storm troopers, antifa and blm, aided by the millions of illegal invaders, this summer and fall. Funny how they have been so quiet during the most corrupt Demoncrap administration in history, but perfectly understandable.

      • mary.m July 22, 2024 at 11:03 am #

        How long before the elites wake up to the fact that the crapification of everything has come home to bite them.

        Even their assassinations have been crapified…

      • NickelthroweR July 22, 2024 at 12:21 pm #


        I’m not so sure your coalition of wokeness will work this time. BLM is well aware of the Great Replacement and are not at all happy about it. Why would they team up with the illegal immigrants? Next, Antifa is awfully quiet and I suspect that being 4x vaxxed has quieted them down. It is hard to riot when exercise might bring on a heart attack or stroke.

        The college crowd is too busy fuming about the genocide in Gaza to be much help and the dems can no longer point at Trump and call him Hitler when it is the Biden administration funneling $$ and weapons to Israel.

        You could bring on the feminists but women hate nothing more than other women especially one that worked her way to the top on her knees. No feminist is going to riot for Kamala.

        • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 4:20 pm #

          “No feminist is going to riot for Kamala.”

          No feminist is going to riot for anybody. That’s what men are for — cannon fodder. Some feminists will show, when it’s safe, for a looting clean-up with the other college kids and Blacks.

        • Blackbird July 22, 2024 at 7:34 pm #

          The Great Replacement is about replacing whites – no reason for Burn Loot ‘n’ Murder to be unhappy about that. Their hate for whitey blinds them to the fact that their masters will sell them down the river too when the time comes.

          The left’s crazies have been mostly peaceful during the regime of the Big Guy because the crazies are in power. Wait until the Second Coming of the Golden Messiah and watch the flying monkeys of the left take wing!

      • Breck July 22, 2024 at 12:30 pm #

        Didn’t Mike Adams get most of his stuff from the unsung John Cullen? Oh, and there was no one up at the very top of the water tower. Any real shooter would laugh at that. The videos/stills of that tower are a mess of distortions from heat waves and low quality video.

      • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 12:49 pm #

        He believes Trump is good and they really wanted to kill him? Then it’s easy to construct a narrative of multiple shooters. The hard question then is why did they fail. Trump was exposed again once he stood up thanks to being guarded by a female dwarf. Perfect shot.

        I tend to believe that they wanted to glorify him, not kill him. That’s a harder narrative to hold.

        • Blackbird July 22, 2024 at 7:41 pm #

          “Perfect shot.” Indeed.

          Any closer and Trump would be dead. Any further away and it’s a complete miss. As it is, it probably won’t even leave a scar.

          Only one possible explanation: God saved Trump so Trump could save Israel!

        • Ron Anselmo July 23, 2024 at 12:28 am #

          “…guarded by a female dwarf.” ~ Janos

          The Secret Cervix – from Friday’s post – might be the funniest thing ever said on CFN.

          Bravo, Janos, well done.

          • Jarek July 23, 2024 at 1:01 pm #

            I didn’t come up with it I’m afraid. I wish I had. Thank you anyway.

            I’m so far ahead of you that you think I’m behind you. The above humility is proof of that.

          • Ron Anselmo July 24, 2024 at 2:52 pm #

            Janos – an interpretation of one of your earlier comments, led me to believe you may have taken an oath of poverty. If so, that’s admirable, in that you are far ahead of me.

  4. dilbert113 July 22, 2024 at 9:58 am #

    I eagerly look forward to your posts each Monday and Friday. This has been the most tumultuous period in US politics in my life, and I am in my mid 50’s. The election is now Trump’s to lose. I think that yes, Biden will resign, allowing Kamala Harris to nominate an actual VP–not just a running mate, but a real Vice President working in the White House–and campaign as an incumbent. I respectfully disagree that they can swap Biden for Kamala Harris and then turn around and swap Kamals for Hillary Clinton. They don’t have the time, or the credibility to pull that off and win the White House. It is now about 100 days to the election, going through 3 candidates for president in 30 days or so and then trying to desperately put together a campaign 2-2.5 months before the General Election is a recipe for disaster.

    • Breck July 22, 2024 at 12:31 pm #

      “The election is now Trump’s to lose”.

      Uh no. The election is now the Blob’s to steal – again.

      • dilbert113 July 22, 2024 at 3:44 pm #

        Not really. It’s easy to fix a close election, and that is what they did in 2020. Fixing an election where one side clearly beats the other by a wide margin, that’s a great way to kick off a Secession Crisis and even a Civil War. Frankly, if they announce that multiple swing states have mysteriously decided to “stop counting” on election night, violence will probably start immediately, or just a declaration of independence from several Red State governors. You can’t fool all of the people all of the time. . .

        • Breck July 22, 2024 at 6:59 pm #

          How do we know it was a close election?

    • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 12:50 pm #

      They did something to her to make her half crazy. She was far more cogent just a few years ago.

      • Blackbird July 22, 2024 at 7:43 pm #

        Yeah – they made her Vice President!

        She wasn’t cogent, she just didn’t have the podium as often.

        • Jarek July 23, 2024 at 1:02 pm #

          Oh? How did she do as an attorney general? Any intelligence or just more insanity?

    • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 4:25 pm #

      “and then trying to desperately put together a campaign 2-2.5 months before the General Election is a recipe for disaster.”

      “Let’s Go Brandon” spent the last 2 months of last campaign in his basement, mute and drugged. He still “won” the election.

      • hmuller July 24, 2024 at 1:49 pm #

        Kamala seems fairly drugged and delusional already. Running on an agenda to the left of Pol Pot, she expects to be carried to triumph by the love of the American people.

        And as long as she sticks to the MSM, she’ll get her staged Oprah moments.

  5. SteveK9 July 22, 2024 at 10:00 am #

    Minor note: Don’t fall for the ‘3-names propaganda’ for Crooks, that is to make you think … lone gunman.

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    • oldandtired July 22, 2024 at 10:41 am #

      Most Americans have middle names. Reporters use the middle name for disambiguation. That is all there is to it.

      • hmuller July 24, 2024 at 1:51 pm #

        Old, tired, and clueless. Move along folks, ain’t nothing going on here.

        • oldandtired July 25, 2024 at 8:52 am #

          75% of Americans have middle names. Hermann J. Muller Won the Nobel prize.

  6. SteveK9 July 22, 2024 at 10:02 am #

    Where did the analogy with Rodan for HRC, come? I like it, but don’t know the origin. Or, was it just out of the blue one day?

    • Land of the Banned July 22, 2024 at 10:11 am #

      The illustration in last week’s post.

      • Ron Anselmo July 22, 2024 at 12:45 pm #

        I think the analogy existed prior – can’t remember the origin exactly, but it may very well have been a construct of JHK, if memory serves.

    • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 12:53 pm #

      Isn’t her sur name Rodham or some such WASP thing? These women are too proud to let go of their own names and become one flesh with their husband.

      • hmuller July 24, 2024 at 1:54 pm #

        So they keep the ‘slave names’ they got from their fathers – who are usually males, if we’re allowed to say that.

        • Ron Anselmo July 24, 2024 at 2:56 pm #

          Yes H, since you qualified it as “usually”, you’re OK, you’re being very inclusive.

  7. Wizard of the Saddle July 22, 2024 at 10:03 am #

    They sandbagged Joe yesterday. Me they will sandbag Harris.

    Democrats basically have had 3 problems to solve in 2024:

    1) Getting Biden to quit. – DONE

    2) Getting rid of Kamala – Underway

    3) Defeating Trump – Only possible if #1 and #2 are accomplished.

    Stay tuned for further developments…

    • Wizard of the Saddle July 22, 2024 at 10:04 am #

      They sandbagged Joe yesterday. NEXT they will sandbag Harris.

      Democrats basically have had 3 problems to solve in 2024:

      1) Getting Biden to quit. – DONE

      2) Getting rid of Kamala – Underway

      3) Defeating Trump – Only possible if #1 and #2 are accomplished.

      Stay tuned for further developments…

      • mary.m July 22, 2024 at 11:07 am #

        They need to decide their candidate. Kk amala is Alex Soros’ girl.

        With Hills in the mix there’s gonna be fur & eyeballs all over the place.

        • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 12:55 pm #

          No, they’re giving Huma to Alex. Or rather, Hill is giving Hume to Al.

        • Blackbird July 22, 2024 at 7:51 pm #

          I think the only way the Hildebeast gets in is through appointment. She can’t be cheated into office – anybody remember 2016?

          I haven’t completely given up on the Hildebeast being our last President, but the odds look a lot longer to me now. Trump is too perfect for this moment in time – unless he is found to be complicit in his faked assassination attempt.

          • Grandpa July 23, 2024 at 12:39 am #

            “complicit in his own assassination attempt” wow, just wow. You really have no fucking idea how rifles work, do you…

          • hmuller July 24, 2024 at 2:02 pm #

            If Trump staged the assassination attempt, the plan certainly would not include a bullet coming within an inch of his brainpan. Nobody trusts a sharpshooter that much.

            So that would mean the Trump ear got nicked in some other way. Until we see that bit of legerdemain revealed, I’ll give Orangeman the benefit of the doubt.

          • Blackbird July 25, 2024 at 5:11 pm #

            h’ of course a staged “assassination attempt” would not include a bullet passing anywhere near Trump.

            I the photos I’ve seen of Trump’s ear, I see no evidence of damage by a bullet. In fact I see no clear evidence of any damage at all.

            I would be more inclined to think it was a real assassination attempt if Trump had suffered more than a cosmetic injury.

            A barely nicked ear? What are the odds? Much lower than a direct hit. Much much lower than a complete miss. Too perfect.

            Gramps, “no fucking idea how rifles work”. Did I say a rifle was involved in the “nick” to Trump’s ear? No. Brush up on your reading comprehension. Wow, just wow…

      • Breck July 22, 2024 at 12:40 pm #

        I got it the first time Wiz.

  8. rudyspeaks July 22, 2024 at 10:06 am #

    Idle speculation: The assassination attempt betrayed a split in the Ruling Class (I think). Intel hates him & wanted him gone, but the DNC saw him as salvation for their biggest future problems. We have already lost the Ukraine War, but, if DJT wins, they have an excuse. “We were sold out just short of victory!” Anyone think our $35 trillion debt is going to NOT destroy our “economy”? Wouldn’t the DNC love to hand off this disaster to…anyone else?Just speculation!

    • Cankerpuss July 22, 2024 at 10:48 am #

      It’s an excellent theory. At this point, anything goes, IMO.

    • draupnir July 22, 2024 at 10:58 am #

      The IMF has apparently already recommended that they raise taxes, cut benefits, as well as other unpleasant, austere, and no doubt unpopular steps to deal with the deficit. Bonus army, on a vast scale, here we come.

    • TPTB-USA July 22, 2024 at 12:19 pm #

      “Wouldn’t the DNC love to hand off this disaster to…anyone else?” ~ rudyspeaks

      I would suggest: Only if they are unable to win the election.

      Doug Macgregor has commented that currently there are (on the order of) 43 four-star generals, and during World War II (April 1945) that rank density was 13.

      If a Trump administration should change the focus of war/defense, and reduce the number to 13, consider the hardship that would impose on the public servants, families, relatives, and friends of those who lose their jobs, and consider the economic impact.

      Then consider the impact if all the superfluous government jobs are eliminated.

      Then consider if the Trump administration should head down the austerity path like Javier Milei.

      We are talking about a significant number of democrat voters, and in all likelihood, these guys won’t be picking up jobs in the oil field.

      Wining the election has become an economic life or death proposition.

      • Socrates-Detroit July 22, 2024 at 1:14 pm #


        Col McGregor is correct about the “rank inflation”.

        However, this is not new. I read about this same phenomenon in college in the 1980s, either Edward Luttwak or James Fallows or both, before I went on active duty.

        It’s one of those truths that’s conveniently hidden.

        But it gets even worse. These senior officers have VERY lucrative, expensive pension, for life.

        • TPTB-USA July 22, 2024 at 1:38 pm #

          I should have included: and employees, of employees, of employees, ….

          It is hard to imagine how disaster will be averted, unless we consider the degree.

        • TPTB-USA July 22, 2024 at 7:57 pm #

          Socrates-Detroit, I’d be interested in your current assessment of who you think is running the show at all levels.

          Also, any other opinions, and links to pertinent material.

          • Socrates-Detroit July 24, 2024 at 10:49 am #


            NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY, Gary Allen (and Larry Abraham), 1971

            This book is the cornerstone to understanding events. It is an excellent “dot-connector”, and a “gateway” to understanding why things are the way things are.

            It is by far the most informative book ever about how THIS world works, how and why the US government is controlled by globalists (Allen used “One-worlders”), and how this happens right in front of us.

            It was a best-seller in the early 1970s. Good condition used original paperbacks are plentiful on-line for under $30. Get one ASAP and read it.

          • TPTB-USA July 24, 2024 at 5:49 pm #

            Any sense if the following is a fair summation?

            None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen (Cliff Notes)

          • TPTB-USA July 25, 2024 at 12:50 am #

            Having read Armstrong for a number of years, I am reluctant to believe the extreme nefarious conspiracy theories; but as you imply with the likes of Bill Gates, money can buy influence (just like Massie discussed with Tucker).

            I view people like Bill Gates as control freaks who earnestly believe that they have the best solution, and would like to prove their case by imposing their grand experiment on civilization.

            I can envision that there is a “capstone” at all levels, fore-instance, like a “capstone” for the democratic party. I can also envision that there is just one “capstone” for the world, and this individual could just be the richest person in the world who is managing his affairs in order to increase his wealth and/or power.

            It is my opinion that it is the control freaks (which is likely the mental makeup of many politicians) and their micro management demands, coupled with a flawed format for life, where human nature games the system to extinction.

            Are today’s most vocal critics just republicans who are out of a job because they have been replaced by a democrat?


            People Blame the Federal Reserve & Never Politicians

            The Gross Misunderstanding of Central Banks

            When Bonds Become Money

            The Consequence of War that Led to the German Hyperinflation

            What Kind of System is Better? Parliaments or Fixed Term Republics?

            What If We Just Wiped Out All Debt?

            Is the Federal Government a Sovereign or a Corporation?

            Jewish Bankers vs. All Bankers

            Why Austrian School of Economics is Outdated

          • TPTB-USA July 25, 2024 at 1:22 am #

            Capitalism is the perfect match with human nature.

            If you want to win the game, it helps to be at the front of the line. It helps to have more money/resources/power than other players.

            People like playing this game as long as they think that they can gain by applying their talent.

            So, is the individual who happens to be the “capstone” the problem, or is it the game (format for life) which allowed that individual to be elevated?

            The same applies for nations. If a nation does not have access to money or resources, it will likely lose by default.

            If an individual wants to be THE “capstone”, then they will need capitalism or an army.

            In my lifetime, if a person did not borrow the money to buy a house, they would likely have lost by default.

            Armstrong’s solution is that a government needs to recognize and manage the cycles.

        • TPTB-USA July 23, 2024 at 1:43 am #

          That which I am interested in is making sense of the various relationships between the US and Israel.

          I am in agreement with many of Doug Macgregor’s conclusions, assuming his assessments are valid.

          “Joe Biden” has a stated mission to implement the 2030 Agenda, and it makes sense that they want peace among all the players in the ME, and their mode of operation looks to be appeasement.

          Up until recently, it is a fit with how they have dealt with Iran, Saudi Vision 2030, etc., and the other regional players.

          They find the extermination in Gaza unacceptable, and have been at odds with “Bibi” Netanyahu for several months; and yet there is an obvious alliance. I assume that this is because the Israel lobbies own our government to some degree.

          It is my impression that Trump will side with and accommodate “Bibi” Netanyahu, and I assume that some of his actions are influenced by Jared Kushner.

          I can accept that “the capstone” is Western World US$ dominance, and it appears that many CFR members may be sponsored/related to “the capstone” in some fashion. But it looks to me like 2024 GOP PLATFORM MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!, Agenda 47, and Project 2025 are the GOP replacement version of the CFR, and anti 2030 Agenda.

          But, at this point, things don’t seem to be so tidy. I assume that there are at least two dominant factions within Israel. Do both of these factions essentially “own” US politicians?

          I assume that “Bibi” wants to claim territory. What does the other faction want? Does either faction endorse the 2030 Agenda? Is the 2030 Agenda essentially a “Capstone” creation?

          … many more questions, but I have run out of thought.

        • TPTB-USA July 24, 2024 at 1:14 am #

          No one is ever held accountable.

          Is there any chance that authority has been transitioned to a NWO government under “Joe Biden’s” watch?

          • TPTB-USA July 24, 2024 at 2:59 am #

            Hungary Being Pushed out of the EU?

            “There is no European Union. There is a European authority within the pretend union that controls all members.”

          • Socrates-Detroit July 24, 2024 at 10:56 am #

            The EU is an enabler toward globalization.

            It may have been NOMINALLY conceived as a customs union, a way to foster commerce and prosperity among different European nations, a way for the Europeans to pool their resources so they were not so much under control of Americans (France’s De Gaulle liked that), but in reality, it has usurped much of the sovereignty of European nation-states, especially smaller ones like Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Denmark, etc by centralizing control.

            In turn, this centralized EU has adopted an aggressive “globalist” view: COVID mRNA injections, and war in Ukraine at any cost (and the people of Europe are paying a very real cost in the loss of oil and gas, and inflation).

            And that happens to be the view of the US government.

            And while much of the European public sees this, and voted against it, nonetheless, Ursula Van Der Leyen, a very unpopular woman was just “re-elected” President of the European Commission–a very powerful bureaucrat.

            One-world government. Globalism. With big capital calling the shots. That’s the goal.

          • Socrates-Detroit July 24, 2024 at 11:12 am #

            More books/writers that connect some dots, or contain puzzle pieces, or both.

            There is no definitive single “Guide to who actually is pulling the strings of those who pull the strings of the puppets we vote for”

            But rest assured, a small, powerful group of people is doing just that. They want to literally LORD it over everyone else. They want to play God. However, that is inimical to God (see the first two Commandments).

            “First, the trilateralists shape private ruling consensus, government policy, and public opinion. Second, the parameters of ‘responsible’ public discourse have been tightened, even as field of contending establishment candidates has grown”

            That is from the book Trilateralism, Holly Sklar, 1980, p. 555

            More books/sources:

            The Creature from Jekyll Island, Edward Griffin, 1992-2008 (multiple printings/updates)

            Who Rules America Now, G. William Domhoff, 1983

            Who’s Running America, Thomas R. Dye, 1976-90 (multiple printings/updates)

            Good writers–they may have liberal/progressive views (many of which I don’t agree), but they also say what the MSM never does:

            Noam Chomsky
            Chalmers Johnson
            Chris Hedges

            The Deep State, Mike Lofgren, 2016.

            It’s an excellent book that shows how in reality, the USA is largely controlled society, under the veneer of a “republic”. But Lofgren is unwilling to go further down the rabbit hole, beyond the first tier of puppet string pullers (big money, military industrial complex, big Pharma, Israeli Lobby).

            WHO is behind big money? For example, Bill Ackman is on board, he is a very wealthy man. Big Money and an ardent supporter of Israel. But is Ackman really the top of the pyramid? Is Bill Gates? Or is there some one, or some THING, higher? That is hard to discern.

            Certainly Gates and Ackman are at very close to the top.

        • TPTB-USA July 24, 2024 at 2:43 am #

          Who Really Controls Your Access to Politicians? The SWAMP!

          • Socrates-Detroit July 24, 2024 at 11:18 am #

            You mentioned the ongoing extermination operation in Gaza.

            Well, here are two excellent books as to why the US supports Israel diplomatically, militarily, and economically:

            The Israeli Lobby, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, 2007

            The Dare to Speak Out, Paul Findlay, 1985

    • Breck July 22, 2024 at 12:41 pm #

      Too much 3-D Chess ideation Rudy.

  9. VeryVer July 22, 2024 at 10:07 am #

    Well, it was an inside job for sure. Mr. Crookeds was probably shot by the local PD after all. And how can Ms. Cheat-all explain why nobody told Trump to not take the stage?

    • Breck July 22, 2024 at 12:46 pm #

      I found a video where a guy drove over to the Butler Fair site the day after and no one was there. Not one soul. Where were the FBI investigators? Searching for cartridge casings? Evidence of second shooters in amongst all those trees? On the buildings? Etc. This was a crime scene of epic proportions and the FBI had it all investigated the afternoon and evening of the day itself? Come on everyone. Keep your thinking simple.

  10. Clarksonfarms July 22, 2024 at 10:10 am #

    In keeping with the demorats policy of “accusing Trump of doing every evil thing, then dems, of course. doing it themselves”, they are blaming Trump for the assasination saying it was staged.

    The lemmings believe it, lock, stock, and barrel. Brainwashed masses make perfect demorat asses.

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    • NickelthroweR July 22, 2024 at 1:07 pm #

      You can only believe that the emperor is dressed in the finest of garments until such time that fantasy thinking brings about real-world consequences. mRna experimental therapy is just such an event.

  11. Wizard of the Saddle July 22, 2024 at 10:13 am #

    The “Referendum on Biden” has been resolved.

    My biggest concern now:

    Trump has already solved the Biden problem by defeating him 4 months ahead of schedule.

    This means that squishy moderates who were holding their noses to vote for the Donald are now free to consider any new candidate the Dems care to nominate in Biden’s place.

    Many of these people will flip back to the Democrats because they will now seek to rid the country of Trump – whom they previously had considered to be the “lesser of two evils” PRIOR to Biden’s exit.

    We should all pray that Kamala manages to get the nomination. She is still defeatable. But any other Democrat may benefit from a stampede of squishy moderates, wine Mom’s, and people who squirm over mean tweets – all of whom will once again flee from Trump.

    Trump must prevent the race from becoming all about HIM again. He must keep the voters focused on the policy disasters of the past 3.5 years of Democrat misrule.

    If this becomes a referendum on Trump we lose.

    • Cankerpuss July 22, 2024 at 10:46 am #

      Meh, Wizard. We lose either way in my opinion.

      None of these candidates will do anything to solve the problems in which the USA is embroiled.

      They won’t stop spending money we don’t have.

      They won’t stop immigration or send the illegal immigrants home.

      They will continue to keep the USA in a state of perpetual war.

      They won’t reduce the size of the Federal Government.

      Mr. Trump may throw out some band aids that look good but in the long run he won’t address the core issues that are wiping out our economy and our savings. Spending. None of them will. Congress won’t.

      Al though the election is entertaining, I have no illusions of hope that anything is really going to change for the better under either candidate or anyone else to manages to be appointed by TPTB to that position.

      • malthuss July 22, 2024 at 11:41 am #

        Mr. Trump may throw out some band aids that look good but in the long run he won’t address the core issues that are wiping out the UNITED states.

        ergo more and more people. population explosion.

      • stoneyhonestman July 22, 2024 at 12:09 pm #

        @Canker, agreed. More and more theatre until the day you and I die. It has always baffled me how glib and unquestioning we Americans are of ‘donors’ and ‘lobbyists,’ as if they somehow organically evolved from a constitutional republic.

        I see no civilization in history that has ever put forth anything other than a tyrannical monarchy at worst, and an oligarchy at best.

        Watery tarts throwing swords is no basis for a system of government. Ditto the wealthy elite, whose aim is only slightly better.

      • Breck July 22, 2024 at 1:00 pm #

        I tend to agree Puss. Whenever I consider Donald Trump in his entirety, my mind goes back to the Fall of 2020 when he did nothing to deal with the massive FRAUD, when he had the power to do so. Back then, there were quite a few folks who suggested that Trump exercise his prerogative to invoke an existing Executive Order declaring a State of Emergency, ironically under the Insurrection clause. Word was then that he feared the repercussions from such a radical act. Once again, the need to be loved, admired, thought well of, came forth (what will people think?). Also ironically, he got just what he wanted to avoid, i.e. having half the nation hate him. He should have just bit the bullet and done what needed to be done to protect the voting process in these United States as the Chief Executive. Donald Trump is a wussie. He has no backbone.

        • Breck July 22, 2024 at 2:51 pm #

          Many think his raised fist right after the wounding showed “true grit”, etc. I think it showed drama, which Trump loves. It was an impulse. But once he settles down after one of his impulses, he entertains ‘Second Thoughts’, and that’s when the wuss comes out.

    • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 11:30 am #

      Good post.

    • C.O.Jones July 22, 2024 at 12:13 pm #

      Think about what you said @ Wizard.

      Do you really think Trump can put his ego aside and NOT make the election a referendum on himself?

      I’m a betting man and at this point, I bet Trump takes office again. If and when he does, I bet the first thing he does is cut taxes on billionaires. That may be translated as cutting taxes on the deep state and translated further as cutting taxes on the people who tried and failed to assassinate him, you know – to fix the economy. He’s that stupid.

      Contrast that with defunding the military by 50%, calling all US troops on foreign soil home and applying the money not spent toward the deficit instead of giving it away to special interests. What effect would that have on our moribund economy? Bobby Kennedy could make that happen but won’t get a chance. Demo-deep state will never stand for it.

      • Breck July 22, 2024 at 3:07 pm #

        “I’m a betting man and at this point, I bet Trump takes office again. If and when he does, I bet the first thing he does is cut taxes on billionaires”.

        They don’t pay taxes. What I’m waiting for is ‘The Greatest Deportation in History’. Let’s see him actually pull that off.

        • cbeard July 24, 2024 at 7:28 am #

          “The Greatest Deportation In History” is what all sane White Americans demand.

  12. Jo-G July 22, 2024 at 10:17 am #

    Back when feminism was called “Women’s Lib” and they were burning their bras one of the “first females” was a news presenter called Barbara Walters. She advised young career girls that you can’t sleep your way up the career ladder. Kamala Harris has proven Barbara Walters wrong. If nothing else Kamala Harris’ elevation has taught today’s aspiring career girls a valuable lesson.

    • socialisthater July 22, 2024 at 11:04 am #

      Under the Democrat scum Administration, the main prerequisites for having a job in the upper echelon is being non-white, having a vagina, or being a sexual pervert. Everything else is secondary.

      As for women, using their “feminine wiles” to advance themselves in a male-dominated organization is nothing new. However, in the “Pervert Central” that is now the Democrat Party, that old-as-history technique of sleeping one’s way to the top is not nearly as effective. Good thing for Harris that she slept her way up the ladder when the Democrat hierarchy was still dominated by heterosexual men.

      • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 11:33 am #

        That has been the pathway to feminine power since the days of the caveman.

        Read Jean Auel, Clan of the Cave Bear, Ayla had it figured out long ago.

        • Anthea July 22, 2024 at 7:07 pm #

          @ JohnAZ:

          You seem unfamiliar with that series of books.

        • Anthea July 23, 2024 at 11:23 am #

          @ JohnAZ:

          Since your memory of The Clan of the Cave Bear seems defective (if you ever read the book at all), allow me to refresh it.

          Ayla, in The Clan of the Cave Bear, never married at all. She was an a modern human child who was adopted by a clan of Neanderthals after her family was killed in an earthquake. Her adoptive mother, Iza, decided while Ayla was still a small child that she was far to ugly to attract a mate among the Clan. (The Neanderthals considered her extremely weird looking.) Iza, the Clan’s medicine woman, decided to train Ayla as a healer, which would enable her to provide for herself–a matter of critical importance, since, if no one would marry her, she would have no hunter to provide for her.

          When Ayla is around 15, the Clan’s old leader, who has somewhat protected her, is replaced by a new leader who hates her, and she is driven out of the Clan.

          Her adoptive mother, Iza, had died a couple of years prior to this, telling Ayla on her deathbed to leave the Clan and “Find your own people.”

          The second book in the series, The Valley of Horses, begins after Ayla is driven out and begins her search for her own people (modern humans). She is about 15 at this time. She doesn’t find any for three years, during which time she lives alone, making a home for herself in a small cave in a verdant valley.

          There is no indication in any of the books in the series that Ayla “slept her way” to a position of power. In all the books, the modern humans whom she contacts are impressed by her skill as a healer, her magical ability to make fire with a flint and stone, and her domestication of a horse and a wolf.

  13. JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 10:35 am #

    Watching Cheadle.

    Typical response, I cannot answer your question on an active investigation.

    First GOP question, how come no SS person on the roof? I cannot answer – la di da.

    There were non-SS agentsthere working the rally.


  14. JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 10:37 am #

    Why didn’t local or SS people stop the shooter?

    It is under investigation.

    • Cankerpuss July 22, 2024 at 10:40 am #

      In ancient Rome the greatest threat to the emperors was the pretorian guard. Often it was the pretorian guard, sworn to protect the emperors, who conducted the assassinations.

      Just saying…

      • GreenAlba July 22, 2024 at 11:09 am #

        As someone said, ‘The sheep spends its life afraid of the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd”

      • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 1:01 pm #

        Many of the worst Emperors were dealt with that way by them. Interesting study: How was their judgement in terms of those that they killed and those that they supported?

    • Paula D July 22, 2024 at 10:42 am #

      It sure is. By the people. We, the people, don’t believe their bullshit story, and we are asking the relevant questions.

      Stand by for a wave of censorship, and a few targeted “suicides” of particularly effective investigators.

      The Official Report will come sometime next year and will be a pack of lies, only believed by those still wearing masks.

  15. Paula D July 22, 2024 at 10:38 am #

    The propaganda started on the night of June 27th, immediately after the debate ended, and has been consistent throughout the coup period.

    Joe Biden has suddenly lost cognitive function. Until June 27th, he was sharp as a tack, but now he is unfit to RUN for office.

    Left unsaid is whether he is fit to BE in office. You are not to ask that question, just like in February, when Robert Hur announced that Biden was unfit to stand trial, guilty as he may be, because he was too senile to understand the charges.

    Left unsaid, and unasked by anyone other than the peons who don’t count and are censored if they ask too many questions, was: “How can he be president if he is too senile to stand trial?”

    That question is not being asked now, and will not be asked. Biden will be left in the position of president until January, and then we will get whoever our ruling overlords have picked to be the new figurehead/puppet.
    If you want to speculate on who that will be, go for it. I don’t really care, myself.

    All I know is it won’t be RFK, Jr. He is an actual threat to them. We will be told that he got fewer than 5% of the vote, no matter how many votes he actually gets.
    That’s how they roll.

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    • TPTB-USA July 22, 2024 at 11:44 am #

      “Joe Biden has suddenly lost cognitive function. Until June 27th, he was sharp as a tack, but now he is unfit to RUN for office.” ~ Paula D

      No. The claim is that he has been convinced that he can not win the election against Trump. Base covered.

      • Paula D July 22, 2024 at 1:16 pm #

        Yes, that is the story about why he resigned. But the propaganda I am referring to has been ongoing since June 27th.

        Surely you’ve seen it.

        • TPTB-USA July 22, 2024 at 1:50 pm #

          The propaganda is just a trial run to see if they have all their bases covered.

          And, if this one doesn’t cover them all. then they always have “Mr. Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Hakim, and Chuck (Nine-Ways-From-Sunday) Schumer” as back-up.

          I’m on the West coast, and I can smell the stink from here.

        • TPTB-USA July 23, 2024 at 3:50 am #

          The new metric will be whether or not they can “win the election against Trump.”.

          “Kamala lost miserably when she ran for the presidency in 2020. Harris did not even reach the Iowa caucus because she received so little support from the public. She has not done a single noteworthy action as vice president, and people do not like her smugness or signature cackle. People have repeatedly said that Hillary Clinton is also not a personable figure, but they seem to respect her over Kamala Harris. It is too late to present the public with a new face. I firmly believe that the Democrats will begin to release information stating that Kamala Harris has a poor chance of defeating Donald Trump in the weeks leading up to August 19 to open the door for Hillary Rodham Clinton.”

          Kamala Harris is NOT the Democratic Nominee

          • TPTB-USA July 24, 2024 at 6:53 pm #

            … and it looks like she is going to run on the Alvin Bragg “get Trump” platform.

            Kamala will round-up all the TDS early votes, they will decide that she will not be able to “win the election against Trump”, and that will “open the door for Hillary Rodham Clinton”.

          • TPTB-USA July 25, 2024 at 12:41 pm #

            … and now it looks like “Joe Biden” is caught in a Chinese finger trap.

            Apparently, he decided that he could not “win the election against Trump” but he is still fit to serve, and this excuse (and passing the torch) has denied democrats their vote.

            What happened to democracy?

    • Breck July 22, 2024 at 3:36 pm #

      Last week it was assumed by many writers that Biden would “stand aside”. The question was: how does he do that?. There were different ways discussed. Does he resign and let Kameltoe in as La Presidenta? or, does he just say he ain’t gonna run for Prez no more? But still stay in office? After weighing pros and cons, the PTB decided upon the latter. So they did not want Harris to run for president as the incumbent. That should tell us something right there. Then we got wind of this “brokered” convention idea. Ah! so there you are. It’s not going to be Harris. She’s worse than a senile Biden, believe it or not. So now who is it? What rabbit will the PTB pull out of their magician’s hat?

  16. Cankerpuss July 22, 2024 at 10:38 am #

    Jim, thank you for posting that interesting theory of the assassination attempt involving Nikki Haile and Mike Pompeo. These days I don’t discount anything I hear anymore as the conspiracy theories tend to be the only things that make any sense.

    The secret combinations and ruminations of darkness run so deep in this Country right now. Their God is money and power. That’s all they worship. That is all they care about.

    I will be utterly surprised if Mr. Trump makes it to the election and I will be even more surprised if he is allowed to take power.

    There are forces at work now that cannot be stopped. We are on the train and the train is going to arrive at its location, wherever that location is. Nobody can stop it. Sit back, enjoy the show, and hope you come out unscathed on the other side.

    • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 11:36 am #

      Good! Their God is money and power/

      Last is their country, which they are destroying.

    • Breck July 22, 2024 at 3:40 pm #

      Puss, we must keep ever in our minds that for the Demoncrats et al. this election is existential. As in, ‘Ukraine must not enter NATO. It’s an existential threat to Russia’ (V.V. Putin). That kind of existential. Okey-dokey. Trump will not be president. Soros the Elder said that in 2020. And it’s even more non-negotiable now.

  17. Cavepainter July 22, 2024 at 10:40 am #

    C’mon folks, obvious that objective scholarship regarding what once was standard college curriculum has been messaged away with Woke gospel. Consequently, we’re no longer a nation of Enlightenment principles, rather more like the dissolute, self-absorbed and indulgent population of the declining Roman Empire. How else could the DNC have maintained for so long that Biden was a viable candidate?

    • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 11:37 am #

      They lie for a living.

  18. Bill of Rights July 22, 2024 at 10:41 am #


    What’s up with Trump telling the SS to wait for him to get his shoes after he got shot? Does he take his shoes off at speeches? Did they fall off when he hit the ground and got up?

    SS vs USSS

    Interesting how they always add the “US” prefix to the SS but not to any other federal government agency. It’s always just the FBI-CIA-DoD-DEA etc.

    • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 10:53 am #

      Hey, Trump is vain and wanted his shoes on, pictures show one was left behind. Surprise?

    • White German Shepherd July 22, 2024 at 11:28 am #

      President Trump said the SS tackled him so hard they knocked his shoes off, “and they were tight”.

      I imagine he doesn’t buy his shoes at WalMart. Any bets they cost over $1K? I’d want them back too.

      Then there’s that SS guy named Maxwell Smart. Didn’t he have a phone in his shoe? What network?

    • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 1:15 pm #

      Maybe karma for calling DeSantis, “Fancy Shoes”?

    • Paula D July 22, 2024 at 1:17 pm #

      I posted a video of the SS agent throwing his shoes off the podium.

      I think the SS agents took his shoes off.

  19. Yirgach July 22, 2024 at 10:42 am #

    I noticed the use of the word “coruscating” for the first time evah.

    That word was also a favorite of the great SF writer E.E. “Doc” Smith during the late ’30s – ’60s in the Lensman series. He used it to describe the effects of devastating nuclear forces employed in heat rays and blasters. Most of his novels are available on the Gutenberg Project.

    • River July 22, 2024 at 8:03 pm #

      Thanks for the SF recommendation! I’d never heard of E.E. Smith – looking forward to reading ‘Triplanetary’ one day soon.

      • Yirgach July 23, 2024 at 5:35 pm #

        Hope you enjoy it. Also look at the Skylark series, a precursor to the space opera genre of the Lensman series which influenced Arthur C. Clark, Jerry Siegel, Robert A. Heinlein and many others.

  20. Lyndy33 July 22, 2024 at 10:44 am #

    Let us not attribute to conspiracy what can easily be explained by ignorance, lazyness and a ‘not responsible’ mentality. No one has been responsible for anything for years, no one has been fired.

    In the AF way back in the 1970’s we had a joke: How is an Atlas missle like a government employee? It doesn’t work and you can’t fire it.

    SNAFU is not particular to guarding a presidential hopeful. Call it luck. God or whatever Trump got a wakeup call and is different now.

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    • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 10:51 am #

      Agreed with your last. Not much bombast in the acceptance speech.


      He is criticized for too much bombast by some and now for not enough bombast by others. For me, I like the full bombast Trump, ripping the hell out of the people that have just about destroyed the country.

  21. JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 10:44 am #

    Cheadle is starting to fall apart, this is going to be interesting.

    Jordan is nailing her to the wall.

    How many times had Trump org. Asked for more agent support? No answer. Dodge.

    Myorkas was asked for more and denied it, then the WaPo and NYT sources said bullshit. No answer. I have one, another Myorkas lie.

    • Cankerpuss July 23, 2024 at 10:21 am #

      It is infuriating to me that these fuckers can’t answer a direct question. I don’t know how the Congress critters can do this without blowing a gasket. “ANSWER THE GODDAMNED QUESTION YOU EGG SUCKING MORON!” That’s what would happen if I were Jim Jordan peppering questions on the fat, pasty SS woman.

  22. JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 10:47 am #


    How come the ranks of dems are all supporting Harris, but the leadership is not? How close was Biden getting to getting shot by the Deep State?

    • draupnir July 22, 2024 at 11:13 am #

      Please! They’d never shoot him–too obvious a display of power. At this point, any little nudge will send him off.

      • White German Shepherd July 22, 2024 at 11:30 am #

        Like COVID?

    • TPTB-USA July 22, 2024 at 12:31 pm #

      “How come the ranks of dems are all supporting Harris, but the leadership is not?” ~ JohnAZ

      For the answer to that question, you can either speculate, or wait and see how it plays out; but you can bet that there is a reason.

      • Blackbird July 22, 2024 at 8:16 pm #

        Big Mike.

        The Democrats – big and small – will “support” the Ho just like they “supported” the senile little-girl-sniffer. But they will go into spontaneous and prolonged orgasm for Big Mike.

        • TPTB-USA July 23, 2024 at 2:48 am #

          Like Jim and Armstrong, my bet is on Hillary.

          Armstrong comments “Something major is slated to occur this September, and I fear it will be a push toward World War III that no incoming president could undo.”.

          The other speculation is that the election will be put off, so is there some way for Hillary to gain power (v.p., then hop to president?)? Or, just have a Bush/Cheney relationship?

          • Blackbird July 23, 2024 at 6:53 pm #

            Ya know TP, if you’d been reading my comments the past 3.5 years, you wouldn’t have to ask these questions.

  23. socialisthater July 22, 2024 at 10:48 am #

    A common ploy by Socialists–be they Fascist/Socialists or Communist/Socialists–is to purge one of their own as soon as that person no longer is of political use to the regime. That is what just happened to Biden. Biden was never anything more than a demented tool of the Socialist Obama/Hillary/Soros Democrat scum cabal that the cabal used to project its semi-dictatorial power over the American people. They directed Biden The Tool to engage in all manner of treasonous, unconstitutional, unlawful evil against American citizens–a lot of it that they knew would be politically unpopular and repugnant. Biden will now be blamed for all of that evil that the cabal directed, all the while the cabal saying, “We didn’t know about or support any of that.”

    That said, the Democrat scum cabal now has a problem–Harris was part of all that evil–most notably allowing the open border to continue as she was “Border Czar”–and the American public knows it. And the few who don’t know it or don’t want to know it will surely get their nose rubbed into it daily by the Trump campaign. The Democrat scum cabal now faces its “What now, bitches?” moment. Stick with damaged goods Harris and get trounced in the 2024 election, or appear completely “undemocratic” and purge her for some other cabal Socialist darling to run in 2024 against Trump.

    In the meantime, expect the Democrat scum cabal to go scorched earth to wreck what’s left of the American Republic between now and November. If the Democrat scum somehow manage to win, they will immediately usher in a Socialist dictatorship under the premise that such a dictatorship is necessary to “fix” America. If they lose, they will blame Trump for the wrecked country that he inherits.

    • bobfitz03 July 22, 2024 at 11:54 am #

      “Joe Biden” will become the disposable waste bag into which the Democrats can pour all the Left’s failings and treachery.

      Dr Jill and Hunter just lost their air cover and can expect frosty receptions in the days ahead as they enjoy their new scapegoat status. Gone are the yacht parties in the Hamptons, long weekends in the Hollywood hills, and puff piece interviews with glossy magazine photo shoots.

      The Biden name is mud. The clan now faces relentless blame while they are flogged down the memory hole into oblivion.

  24. cowbell81 July 22, 2024 at 10:49 am #

    Maybe Joe Biden should be the VP choice for Kamala. That would be a 180! Or maybe she should choose Jill Biden as VP. lol

    I wonder what will come of the Dark Brandon theme? And now we have no good reason to chant “Let’s Go Brandon” anymore. Sad but interesting days ahead.

    • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 11:00 am #

      Do you think two women would have a chance?

      Watched Bill O’Reilly last night. He pointed out that Harris is stuck,

      cannot appoint a woman and be winnable

      Same with a “person of color”

      To have a chance, she must appoint a white man as a running mate.


      IMHO, Bill, when pig’s fly.

  25. JimHogue July 22, 2024 at 10:50 am #

    The metaphors!! What fun. Had to read it twice to get the plot twists. The insights and crystal ball stuff are plausible. I will stay tuned.

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  26. glendees July 22, 2024 at 10:51 am #

    Gracious Host: “Surely, Mr. Trump knows a thing or two about what really went down July 17.”

    As I recall, the assassination attempt occurred on Saturday the 13th.

    I don’t recall anything significant occurring on the 17th.



  27. dplainview July 22, 2024 at 10:54 am #

    “Surely, Mr. Trump knows a thing or two about what really went down July 17. ”
    Assassination attempt was July 13.

    • ron July 22, 2024 at 11:33 am #

      Came here to mention this.

  28. cowbell81 July 22, 2024 at 10:54 am #

    Thinking about what they are going to do with all those defunct Biden-Harris yard signs…I thought this was pretty funny:


    • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 10:55 am #

      How about bumper stickers?

      • tresho July 22, 2024 at 11:38 am #

        I feel strongly tempted to put a “Biden Harris” sticker on my car now.

  29. JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 10:55 am #

    Turner just asked Cheadle if she knew a Iran threat was in existence,


    Do you think coverage was sufficient for the amount of threat?


    Obviously wrong.

    • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 11:02 am #

      Cheadle is a well rehearsed talking head. Is she covering up?

      • Prospero July 22, 2024 at 12:46 pm #

        Regarding “Cheadle is a well rehearsed talking head.”

        Ms Cheadle’s obvious lie about the slightly pitched roof that the assassination patsy supposedly used was too steep for Secret Service to safely stand guard over Trump. She fails to explain how Secret Service agents were able to shoot and kill Crooks when they were stationed on a nearby roof with a much greater pitch.

        “Is she covering up?”

        Not so well with the pitched roof lie. However, Cheadle is now trying to cover up her involvement in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump by keeping her mouth shut.

        • Prospero July 22, 2024 at 1:19 pm #

          Oops! It looks like we both left the CHEAT out of Cheatle.

      • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 1:21 pm #

        Look at her face. Nothing but misery, ugliness, failure, and darkness. This is the typical fate of career women.

        • oldandtired July 22, 2024 at 2:05 pm #

          So why was this f*ck-up on Cheatle? Is she the majordomo at all of these events, or is their an agent in charge? If so, who was it? And what does that person have to say about what happened/almost happened?

          • TPTB-USA July 22, 2024 at 2:24 pm #

            “… or is their an agent in charge?” ~ oldandtired

            The segment I happened to see, she stated that multiple layers were each in charge, with the implication that no one may be accountable.

          • Anthea July 23, 2024 at 6:37 am #

            My guess is that the assassination attempt was carefully compartmentalized so that very few people were actually in on it–and Cheatle was not among them.

            Cheatle was probably selected for her position because of her known incompetence, indifference, and stupidity–thus making it easy for nefarious actors to do an end-run around her. (I would not be surprised to learn that hers was a no-show job.)

            If you were the PTB, the last thing you’d want in the head of the Secret Service is a competent, intelligent person whose intention was to organize and oversee a highly efficient and effective department.

            Cheatle was probably also selected for having a decidedly unprepossesing appearance. Most high-profile public figures are selected for an ability to at least project competence and intelligence, and for their at least moderately attractive appearance.

        • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 4:54 pm #

          “Look at her face. Nothing but misery, ugliness, failure, and darkness. This is the typical fate of career women.”

          Right. Yet when I pointed this out to OG, he said I was a “hater”.

        • Cankerpuss July 23, 2024 at 10:27 am #

          Perfectly said, Jarek. These career women suck at what they are doing. They end up bitter, burned out old hags, with no posterity and no future after retirement, sustaining ever present guilt for their dried up ovaries and empty wombs. Thinking shamefully about the children that might have been had they not aborted them. Leaving their money and inheritance to their cats. In the end having nothing.

          Yeah, feminism has worked out well for them. I pity them all.

    • rainmaker July 22, 2024 at 11:04 am #

      Anyway you look at it – Kim Cheatle is a failure. She failed to protect Trump, if that was her honest intent. If her intent was to off him, well she failed that too.

      • Yirgach July 22, 2024 at 11:13 am #

        Given her Pepsi background, I would prefer calling her “Cheatos”.

        • Cankerpuss July 23, 2024 at 10:28 am #

          She looks like she’s eaten way too many “Cheatos.”

      • Prospero July 22, 2024 at 3:01 pm #

        Ms Cheatle has the support of Kamala Harris: “We celebrate and we honor the women who made history throughout history, who saw what could be unburdened by what had been.”

        Kimberly Cheatle is the 27th Director of the U.S. Secret Service and she made history when she did nothing to stop the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. She has refused to resign her post because she is unburdened by what had been. You go girl!

      • oldandtired July 22, 2024 at 4:53 pm #

        So only coaches bear the responsibility for their teams wins or losses? How curious. The SS agents were hired. Got paid to train up. Get paid to provide security. And somehow it is the fault of their highest higher-up when they screw the pooch?

        Again, who was the agent in charge at the rally?

        How was a person not connected to the security detail allowed to get up on a roof and point a rifle in the President’s direction? And not get shot immediately?

        • Paula D July 22, 2024 at 7:17 pm #

          The agents were supposed to follow protocol and they didn’t.
          We know that they know how to do it, because they usually do it. But this time was different.

          There can be one or two incompetents in any workplace, although it would seem that the SS would have higher standards than your typical Dunkin Donuts or whatever.
          But when an entire team fails to do what they are trained to do, I would assume that a higher-up gave orders for them to stand down.

          Think of 9-11, when the entire USAF failed to show up on the east coast until all targets had been eliminated. Were they all incompetent? Or were the top people in charge responsible for the “failures”, because the USAF failing to do its job was what they needed to happen.
          In the case of 9-11 the top people were promoted. I take that as a major clue.

          • oldandtired July 22, 2024 at 10:25 pm #

            Paula, I think the SS screwed the pooch. Not because of what protocol was. Not because of some bs telling the Agent In Charge to stand down. They just f@cked up. That was it. That some young nut job was there with a rifle made what happened-happen.

            USAF? What? Shoot down passenger planes filled with Americans that were flying over American Cities?? Paula, “I’ll take that will never happen for $1000 please!”

          • Paula D July 23, 2024 at 10:54 am #

            Actually, they did shoot down plane 93 over Pennsylvania.
            Parts for miles around but the ”crash site” had little debris.

            No problem. The Mighty Wurlitzer told us the heroic passengers crashed the plane.
            They made a movie out of it, and the widow of one of the passengers tried to patent the phrase “Let’s roll”, so that she could make money every time someone used it.

            They create their own reality, they amplify it on all their outlets, and the American people soak it up. Only a few study it judiciously, but they have already moved on.

            This week it’s Biden. Assassination Week is over. And 9-11 is very old news.

            Up next week: War On Iran. Or something like that.

        • Cankerpuss July 23, 2024 at 10:31 am #

          This wasn’t an “oops, forgot about that building over there.” This was a “stand down” order to the SS. Just like the Kennedy assassination. I have no doubt about that.

          Even the daftest and least experienced security personnel would know that you don’t leave the best vantage point of the political podium available for a would be assassin to perch and pluck.

          This was intentional. They wanted Trump dead. They failed.

          • oldandtired July 23, 2024 at 12:45 pm #

            Cankerpuss, I disagree with you and Paula. There was no intent. Not on the part of the agents. The Boss told Billy Bob to make sure he brought the secure comms. Encrypted handy talkies. Billy Bob brought them, but forgot to see if they had charged batteries. So they went with Plan B. No comms between the detail and local LEO.

            Then? Cognitive Dissonance. They did not see the guy on the roof with a rifle as a bad guy on the roof with a rifle.

            They though he was one of us. Why? Because none of them had ever seen a bad guy on the roof with a rifle. It was not within their lived experience.

            A cascade of events. The bad guy saw his chance and took it.

            The government couldn’t plan a birthday party for a 5-year old.

    • tresho July 22, 2024 at 11:31 am #

      “Do you think coverage was sufficient for the amount of threat?


      Obviously wrong.”

      Obviously wrong, and obviously incompetent. I noticed the insufficiency as soon as I scanned the site, and so did many experienced ex Secret Service men.

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 1:11 pm #

        obviously incompetent

        That’s what they want you to think.

        Whether you subscribe #s 1, 2 or 3, you ultimately believe that the bad guy(s) failed and then left his/their dick(s) in the wind with ZERO contingency planning.

        #4 is the only theory that postulates that they are indeed actually very good at what they do.

  30. rainmaker July 22, 2024 at 11:02 am #

    People around me are not really talking about the attempted assassination. I get the feeling that people are thinking about it, and not liking the conclusions they are reaching, mostly concerning the FED.gov.

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    • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 11:04 am #

      The internet, even the Lib side, is making the cover up difficult to get put in place.

      Cheadle is trying but?

      • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 11:05 am #

        Also, the large amount of pictures documenting the attempt does not help the cover up.

        • ezinmn July 22, 2024 at 12:10 pm #

          And the timing of the assassination attempt, the day before the RNC convention, strongly suggests an organized plot. There are no coincidences.

        • OG July 22, 2024 at 1:04 pm #

          Also, the large amount of pictures documenting the attempt does not help the cover up.

          All right! JAZ is now a full-blown conspiracy theorist! Way to go, JAZ!

          But, of course, Photoshop does help the cover-up.

          • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 1:23 pm #

            Has Mike Adams failed you the way Ann Barnhardt has failed me?

          • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:43 pm #

            You have absolutely no evidence, nothing, that would support your latest cop-out.

  31. Forced-to-subsist-on-small-game July 22, 2024 at 11:03 am #

    I notice in the USA it has become a standard cultural meme to predict the sitting party at election time will “…figure out a way to postpone the election indefinitely.” They were saying that when Dubya had used up his officially alotted time.

    The only time meanwhile there has been an overt attempt to subvert the ‘democratic process’ such as it is or isn’t these days was orchestrated by a mob of halfwits in Halloween costumes on behalf of Trump.

    • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 11:18 am #

      Trump wanted Pence to delay the certification until information from the election fraud folks could be reviewed. It was Pence’s day of glory, he finally could plunge the knife.

      Those congress people could have headed those people off at the pass so to speak, unfortunately they hid in the “basement” so to speak.

      Very few people actually caused a problem as recorded by the security cameras in the Capitol.

      One week into the Trump return, Jan. 6 people will all be out of jail. Yes, an over step by a group of very pissed off people that Trump saw coming offering national guard to Pelosi. He tried to talk them down in his speech to them. Why would she refuse?

      Because she wanted Jan.6 to happen.

      My no. One target for Trump? Liz Cheney.

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 12:54 pm #

        Right. And then Jerome Powell and Jamie Dimon will lead the fiat ass-wipe US$ in its battle-to-the-death with gold and the world.

        God’s currency is gold and silver, JAZ. BRICS’ currency is gold and silver. The US$ is fiat ass-wipe.

        Does it not bother you to root against God?

        • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:39 pm #

          I do not understand your statement and Jan,. 6?

          Sometimes I think you do not read what I say.

          My opinion is that BRICS+ will be victorious over the west because of its conservative debt policies. It is telling that the number one factor people watch here is their credit rating, not their account balances.

          You are right about God’s affinity for Gold in his tabernacle then temple, cedar too.

          If the SHTF hard though, gold will be a nice rock. People’s skills will count.

          Remember in rural USA and Canada before the move to the cities, people did not have much money. Or gold. They survived by providing for themselves.

          • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:41 pm #

            Trump may surprise everyone and back BRICS+, they are closer to what he thinks is proper than the tax and spend policies of the west.

          • Breck July 22, 2024 at 3:56 pm #

            What about Bitcoin? as in the antidote to CBDC?

    • Paula D July 22, 2024 at 1:30 pm #

      Are you talking about Jan. 6th, Forced?

      Because that day was part of the democratic process, the day when Congress does, or does not, certify the election, as outlined in the Constitution.

      Hundreds of thousands of disenfranchised voters showed up at the Capitol that day to make it known that they wanted the election fraud looked into.

      For the very first time since the election of 2020, evidence was being presented to the American people, nationally, by Congress members who were showing them that the media had been lying about “the election was free and fair.”

      This is all part of the democratic process, unless you believe that stealing an election, and then stopping any investigations into allegations of election fraud, is somehow more “democratic” than thoroughly looking into all allegations.

      If you think that stopping a Constitutional procedure in order to cover up a stolen election, somehow makes “democracy” work, then you must be a Democrat.

      • Paula D July 22, 2024 at 1:33 pm #

        I had friends who were watching on C-Span. Just as the proceedings were getting to the juicy details, the whole hearing was shut down by Pelosi and McConnell, under the guise of “safety”.

        Kind of like not letting SS agents on a slanted roof.

        Safety First!

  32. JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 11:09 am #

    Connolly (D)

    Does the ubiquity of guns make your job harder?

    She is dodging the question. Of course, gun control had to show up.

  33. Anon1970 July 22, 2024 at 11:14 am #

    So God speaks Ebonics. Who knew?

    • ezinmn July 22, 2024 at 12:16 pm #

      For some reason I think JHK is allowing SC Congressman James Clyburn, a far left powerbroker, to play God in his writings.

      • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 24, 2024 at 2:58 pm #

        I’m thinking more like Chris Rock.

  34. beantownbill. July 22, 2024 at 11:20 am #

    Biden knows a lot of really interesting things that can’t be allowed to become public. I won’t be surprised if he dies before January 20th. I’m having difficulty getting my head around Kamala being president. I have to become more aware of my surroundings. Somehow I transported myself into an alternate universe.

    • rainmaker July 22, 2024 at 11:31 am #

      Kamala as President? Picture “Kamala vs the Houthis” She could issue them a reprimand in her whiny schoolmarm tone. That’ll fix ’em.

      • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 11:42 am #

        Did you notice that Israel knocked the shit out of the Houthis over the weekend?

        • OG July 22, 2024 at 12:46 pm #

          Bibi-gun the Nutty Yahoo is one bad mofo.

          • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:31 pm #

            My point is, under attack from three directions and handling it. If Iran gets the other Arab countries involved, it could be the end of some of those countries. No one is going to beat Israel, just themselves.

        • Paula D July 22, 2024 at 8:30 pm #

          You might want to look at Haifa and Akka now.

          Yemenis don’t back down.

    • Breck July 22, 2024 at 3:59 pm #

      “Biden knows a lot of really interesting things that can’t be allowed to become public”.

      I think not Bill. In case you’ve been out of the country for the past year or two, it’s obvious that Joe Biden has very few things left in his memory. And most of them are wrong.

      • Anthea July 23, 2024 at 7:45 pm #

        One of the characteristics of people with dementia is that they start to spill the beans about matters that have long been kept secret. Among us regular folks, these are usually family secrets.

        It’s when Grandma gets dementia that you learn that Grandpa was indulging in incest and/or was planning to divorce his wife and elope with a young chick while he had terminal cancer, or that strait-laced Great-Aunt Nellie had an abortion when she was fourteen, or that the sweet old lady you thought was your aunt is really your grandmother.

        There’s really no telling what Joe might have to say.

    • Blackbird July 22, 2024 at 8:33 pm #

      I can’t see the Ho as President either.

      I had expected her to be “assassinated” by “Russia-loving white nationalists” to make room for the appointment of the Hildebeast. Now I expect the Ho to be shoved aside to make room for Big Mike.

      But I don’t expect Big Mike to make it to the Honkey Chateau either. I expect the rayciss pussy-grabbing Golden Messiah to muscle him aside. Imagine the explosion of flying monkeys when that happens!

    • Cankerpuss July 23, 2024 at 10:34 am #

      Beantown, it doesn’t matter who is president. Really, it doesn’t. All of them keep doing the same thing as their predecessors. The spend money we don’t have. They operate with executive orders. They refuse to enforce immigration law. They continue to spend money we don’t have. They continue to keep USA in a perpetual state of war. I don’t give a rat’s ass who is President. The result is always the same.

  35. Ron Anselmo July 22, 2024 at 11:29 am #

    “as a convocation of mullahs might bless a goat about to be sacrificed.” ~ JHK

    Jim, this may be your best and most appropriate situational visual ever.

    One for the books, as future historians try to understand how a prior culture could get so fucked up.

    You and your writing are a blessing. Thanks as always. Keep it up.

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  36. Opie July 22, 2024 at 11:32 am #

    It’s all about gaslighting, problem is everyone is using that as their number one strategy. Case in point, just got off the phone with my internet provider. I’m on T-mobile using a prepaid policy using a hotspot device. It’s good to 5g. Worked like a charm until my cycle reset two days ago. Works great, then drops down to 5 or so on the speedtest. The problem she assured me was an incompatibility issue with the t-mobile system. I asked her how it was that after my first call my download rate went up to 25, only to drop back in five minutes. And more importantly how the device worked flawlessly for the year I had it. She just kept reading back the company line, never deviate from the party line. Never explain a plausible answer . Just buy our device. What we know right now is about all we’ll ever be allowed to know about any of this assassination business. Best just to move along and accept the narrative.

    • Blackbird July 22, 2024 at 8:36 pm #

      As with the phone company, you know the Narrative isn’t true, so don’t accept it.

      Accept what you know to be a lie and they win.

  37. ron July 22, 2024 at 11:34 am #

    It was July 13th for the Regime’s attempted hit!

  38. Mister Roboto July 22, 2024 at 11:36 am #

    So who would I vote for in a HRC vs. Nikki Haley election? Whoever the Libertarian Party candidate is, that’s who. (I do have some appreciation for Green Party candidate Jill Stein, but though she opposes vaccination mandates herself, her party supports lockdowns and vaccination mandates.)

    • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 11:44 am #

      Oh Boy, did you have a nightmare to dream up that pairing?

      • Mister Roboto July 22, 2024 at 1:01 pm #

        That was the pairing that JHK was suggesting would have panned out had the attempt on Donald Trump’s life succeeded. And yes, that really would be the stuff of bad acid-trips and other such nightmarish hallucinations!

    • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 1:28 pm #

      The monstrous reign of women.

  39. malthuss July 22, 2024 at 11:51 am #

    Crowd strike is based out of the Ukraine.

    • ezinmn July 22, 2024 at 12:41 pm #

      Not sure, but the outage last Friday could have been a test run for what’s to come on or around November 5th.

    • Paula D July 22, 2024 at 1:35 pm #

      I think it’s based in Texas.

      • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 6:31 pm #

        I think it’s based in Texas. – Paula


        Assuming Texas is correct, I am so glad you said “in” rather than “out of.” Otherwise I would be imagining Oklahoma or maybe even Mexico.

        • Paula D July 22, 2024 at 7:21 pm #

          Technically, Ukraine is out of Texas.

    • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 6:24 pm #

      Crowd strike is based out of the Ukraine. – malthuss


      I have never understood the use of the words “out of” rather than saying “in.”

      People will say “he works out of his car” when obviously what they mean is he works in his car.

      Who dreams up these asinine phrases?

      • Jarek July 23, 2024 at 1:09 pm #

        In his car is too vague. Almost like on his car. Out of his car is perfect. You have a tin ear, buddy.

  40. JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 12:01 pm #

    I look at Kamala Harris and think to myself:

    Is this how far we have sunk in this country? This is a candidate for the most powerful position in the world? Leftist donors are flocking to her including the Disney heiress.

    A telling question, is this the face of female Amerika?

    I just think about her “word salad” that is just as disjointed as Biden’s. I think about that cackle in the middle of international work.

    She is the picture of a second rate country of the future.

    Oh yeah, that IS what the Left wants anyway.

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    • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 4:10 pm #

      I think about that cackle in the middle of international work. – JAZ


      My wife is happy as a clam that Kamala is getting the nod from the Dems. I told her I would bet that some commenter will suggest that the GOP campaign will just run a collection of videos in a continuous loop where Kamala is cackling insanely and will ask the viewer rhetorically “Is this who you want interfacing with world leaders on behalf of the United States?”

      Bo said I was just a misogynist.

      • Jarek July 23, 2024 at 1:11 pm #

        Are you? It’s a title of honor. Men must rule. Women must follow. Thus and only thus can we save them from themselves.

    • Cankerpuss July 23, 2024 at 10:35 am #

      She will serve the same purpose as Biden did. A mushy brained idiot that the PTB can push around and blame for their misdeeds.

      It really is as simple as that.

    • malthuss July 23, 2024 at 11:58 am #

      Is this how far we have sunk in this country? This is a candidate for the most powerful position in the world?


  41. Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 12:17 pm #

    he’s sitting tight and calmly and holding his cards close to his chest.

    • ezinmn July 22, 2024 at 12:44 pm #

      I experienced ADD in 7th grade grammar class, but did you forget a comma after the word “calmly”?

      • mary.m July 22, 2024 at 7:08 pm #

        With the “and” it needs a comma.

        Without the “and” a comma would be wrong.

        • Anthea July 23, 2024 at 7:58 pm #

          @ mary.m:

          No it doesn’t need a comma with an “and.” A comma is needed in a compound sentence, that is, one that is made up of two independent clauses. A clause is a construction that contains both a subject and a verb and that could stand alone as a complete sentence.

          Q’s sentence contains one subject and two verbs. Hence, it is not a compound sentence and does not need a comma.

    • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 4:24 pm #

      Please note: Jim has fixed this error. Was that because I pointed it out or did his own proofreader point it out?

      Also, to ezinmn below, please note that in fixing the error Jim did not place a comma after the word calmly.

  42. Roundball Shaman July 22, 2024 at 12:22 pm #

    “… all of a sudden, Veep Kamala Harris is elevated to be the putative nominee of the Party of Chaos…”

    ‘Kam-ah-lah!?’ Say it loud and say it proud!… James Brown used to tell us.

    The World watches in horror and Monty Pythonish humor as The Indispensable Nation sacrifices itself upon the Unholy Altar of Terminal Wokeness and DEI incapacity and lack of inherent ability and integrity.

    No, Joe! You can’t go! How can you leave us when United States Incorporated most needs someone of your intellect and integrity and pallet for pudding. Change your mind. Say you were confused when you signed that letter and say you thought that was just another White House order slip for more Presidential Signing Pens.

    No Joe, you can’t go. Joe! ‘Say it Ain’t So’, Joe – like back in the Black Sox Days. You are in the only person in the Western World who can ‘Save Democracy!’. You told us so.

    We can’t just throw out the rules, can we? Hey all you hard-working and wide-eyed Primary Election workers who walked up-and-down dirty streets ‘til your feet hurt in good weather and bad… and all of you of We the People dutiful believers in ‘Democracy!’ who stood in line to cast ballots for the person you believed was going to save us all from destruction and protect ‘Democracy!’… … How Ya’ll Feelin’ Now?

    Naw, in America it’s all about Winning. Whatever it takes. ‘Cause it’s NOT HOW you Play the Game. Playing fair and by The Rules? How quaint. That’s only for suckers.

    It’s all about ‘Saving Democracy!’ and extending the Flush of Blue Sewage from Sea-to-Shining-Sea and turning US Incorporated into the greatest Marxist/Communist dictatorship of single-party thuggish rule ever seen on Planet Earth. Go big or go home… that’s today’s mantra. Turn The Shining City on the Hill into the Great American Ess-hole. Go big! Say it loud!

    Blue Teamers are now busily chasing around the ratty deck of Blue Ship America. Deal making… bending rules… ignoring rules… making (stuff) up… finding more DEI boxes to check off lists… feverish discussions fueled by panic and desperation and the selfish pursuit of personal power, vanity, zealotry, and dark Party agendas. A sad echo from the horrid Vietnam era… “Hey! We had to destroy Democracy in order to save it!”.

    But really – Harris? She surely will embarrass. Harris will… Make a Mess. Can she use her great abilities of perpetual smirking and giggling and chortling and piecing togther incomprehensible sentences to lead The Indispensable Nation to greater levels of
    Permanent War and Prosperity Through Poverty?

    So, what will it be in November, America? Will it be “Stand up and Fight!? like one loud guy says? Or will we back the DEI Avatar who will work tirelessly to bend her back way back or just get down on her knees and do what needs to be done to service America?


    (Cue the Bobby Vinton song.)

    “Blue on Blue, heartache on heartache
    Blue on Blue now that we are through
    Blue on Blue, heartache on heartache
    And I find I can’t get over losing you”

    (then segway into KC & The Sunshine Band.)

    “Please don’t go! Don’t GO!
    Don’t go away
    Please don’t go. Don’t go
    I’m begging you to stay…”

    And here’s one actually serious point: Don’t let anyone ever tell you that Presidential Debates are not important or don’t mean anything. It is ONLY because of one ‘Debate’ that the entire World got to see the real Biden…which set loose a wild cascade of events that will have profound effects both now and for many generations to come.

    • OG July 22, 2024 at 12:40 pm #

      Don’t let anyone ever tell you that Presidential Debates are not important or don’t mean anything. It is ONLY because of one ‘Debate’ that the entire World got to see the real Biden…which set loose a wild cascade of events that will have profound effects both now and for many generations to come.

      … and June 27’s revelatory Presidential debate was inexplicably held a full three months earlier than normal!

      Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk.

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 12:59 pm #

        We are being played like a fiddle.

    • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 12:45 pm #

      You are in the only person in the Western World who can ‘Save Democracy! – Roundball

      • Cankerpuss July 23, 2024 at 10:41 am #

        You must really live a boring life. I frequent many blogs and have never encountered a grammar cop on par as you, Q.Shtik.

        What is your motivation? Just to be a pain in the ass?

        Just curious.

        • Q. Shtik July 23, 2024 at 10:49 am #

          I frequent many blogs and have never encountered a grammar cop on par as you, Q.Shtik. – Canker


          Aw shucks, thanks for the compliment.

    • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 3:22 pm #

      someone of your intellect and integrity and pallet for pudding. – Roundball Shaman


      Difference between palette, pallet and palate
      Palette is related to art and pertains to colors and painting.
      Pallet is linked to logistics and denotes a platform for goods transportation.
      Palate is connected to our mouth and taste, both literally and metaphorically.

      • Target_on_my_Back July 22, 2024 at 9:11 pm #

        Pallets can also be broken up and used for firewood.

        • Ron Anselmo July 23, 2024 at 10:28 am #

          Yes, Target, as will be done in the not-too-distant future.

      • Cankerpuss July 23, 2024 at 10:42 am #


  43. Breck July 22, 2024 at 12:23 pm #

    “Trump is not jumping up and down going woo-woo-woo over all this. Rather, he’s sitting tight and calmly and holding his cards close to his chest. He will eventually be coming to settle accounts”.

    Jim, when has Donald Trump ever ‘settled accounts’? Ever? He seems to me to be more Canadian than Sicilian.

    • OG July 22, 2024 at 12:29 pm #

      You’ve obviously never played ice hockey.

  44. OG July 22, 2024 at 12:28 pm #

    OK … Jim now points us to a 4th theory vis-à-vis Butler, PA – three of which are full-blown conspiracy theories.

    1- Official Story: A 20 year-old loner gun-nut (yet again) coincides with our bumbling (but loveable) bumblers (yet again). God intervened because He wants Jerome Powell and Jamie Dimon running the US$.

    2- Dems did it but failed. God intervened because He wants Jerome Powell and Jamie Dimon running the US$.

    3- Iran & the CIA did it in a bizarre alliance. Iran recruited the 20 year-old loner gun-nut while CIA had the SS stand down and while profiteers short-sold DJT-NASDAQ on heinous inside information. God intervened because He wants Jerome Powell and Jamie Dimon running the US$.

    4- The Whole Enchilada: Trump was “in on it.” God does not want Jerome Powell and Jamie Dimon running the US$ and had nothing to do with the staged sham in Butler, PA.

    It’s become a steeplechase of wing-nuts.

    • OG July 22, 2024 at 12:33 pm #

      Credit where credit is due: Jim brought up #3 this morning but JAZ first brought it up late last night.

      • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:10 pm #

        The CIA? Does anyone remember a similar alliance in 1963 between the CIA and the Mafia. Alleged?

    • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 1:32 pm #

      2.5: Jill and Hunter did it, explaining why it wasn’t up to snuff. Limited experience and resources.

    • KappaJoe July 22, 2024 at 7:02 pm #

      Cui bono?

      MIC, globalists, and Neocons of both parties.

  45. OG July 22, 2024 at 12:36 pm #

    Remember Trump’s shoes? Let’s not memory-hole that bizarre bit of evidence.

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    • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:14 pm #

      What, that his shoes came off when he went down and was surrounded by agents (SS?)? There is a picture of the dais after Trump is gone, with a shoe left on it. I will bet someone went back for it, they were probably not $50 Skechers.

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 1:25 pm #

        Yes. The whole shoes thing is very, very strange.

        Why did both of his shoes come off in the first place? And why, with all that was going on, was he so insistent? [“Let me get my shoes! Let me get my shoes!”]. And why did a man who is so used to always getting his way, abandon his demand and ultimately leave without his shoes or even another whimper about them?

        I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again:

        Given the creepy red shoes motif in the Illuminati, I suspect that the seemingly inexplicable shoe tangent was comms.

        • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 1:34 pm #

          was comms? Don’t follow. Didn’t know about the red shoe mottif either. Can you explain?

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 2:29 pm #

            Put on your red shoes and dance the blues
            – David Bowie

            The Pope sometimes wears red shoes.

            I will explain further … but presently have errands to run.

        • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 1:51 pm #

          the seemingly inexplicable shoe tangent was comms. – OG


          What are comms?

          Is comms plural for comm? Like one comm, many comms?

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 2:34 pm #

            Comms are communications in plain sight between those “in the know.”

            Luciferians get a real kick out of flashing their comms to each other right in front of us dumb sheep.

            33 is an example. Watch how often 33 ends up in a headline. It is comms to all 33-degree masons that a black op has occurred.

          • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 6:07 pm #

            Watch how often 33 ends up in a headline. – OG


            I do not recall ever seeing 33 in a headline.

        • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 3:01 pm #

          And why, with all that was going on, was he so insistent? [“Let me get my shoes! Let me get my shoes!”]. – OG


          My theory is Trump is a cheapskate. He was wearing old socks full of holes. He wanted to get those shoes back on his feet, covering his socks. But the SS bum-rushed him off stage.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 4:37 pm #

            Perhaps … but why, then, did his shoes come off in the first place?

          • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 6:04 pm #

            why, then, did his shoes come off in the first place? – OG


            It’s the first thing they teach you in SS agent school. Pull the guy’s shoes off to see if he has holes in his socks.

          • Cankerpuss July 23, 2024 at 10:45 am #

            Now that, Q.Shtik is a funny and informative comment.

          • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 24, 2024 at 6:19 pm #

            Perhaps … but why, then, did his shoes come off in the first place?

            To paraphrase Del Griffith, maybe it could be as simple as his “dogs were barking” that day?

        • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 5:19 pm #

          “Why did both of his shoes come off in the first place?”

          I’ve already solved the “shoe debate”. As I said earlier, the guy in the bar told me that his friend learned from the disaffected independent religious dude that Trump freaked out when he felt the electronic buzzing in his shoes coming from the wired messaging from headquarters under the podium, and tore off those shoes right after his aborted attempt to grope the short female SS agent.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 7:20 pm #

            You are a waste of screen.

      • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 1:58 pm #

        There is a picture of the dais after Trump is gone, with a shoe left on it. I will bet someone went back for it, – JAZ


        I would hang on to that shoe for dear life. Some day it will bring a couple million $$ at auction, minimum.

  46. JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:07 pm #

    I will say this again.

    Who got to this kid? Who convinced him to commit suicide? What was he promised? It has stirrings of suicide bombers of the Middle East. He had three offshore bank accounts, who put money in them? The answer lies with the kid, even if a second shooter was there.

    It so-o-o reminds me of the JFK theory, one patsy shooter who misses then a close in shooter finishes the job, hiding in the confusion. In Trump’s case the patsy missed the head shot and Trump went down too fast for the backup to hit.

    This miss may be the beginning of the end of the Deep State, I hope.

    • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 1:35 pm #

      Plenty of time after he stood up again. Right over little missy’s head.

      • Paula D July 22, 2024 at 1:41 pm #

        When the patsy was already dead? Sure, Jarek.

        They can spin, but that spin would be a bit difficult.

        • OG July 22, 2024 at 2:01 pm #

          That’s what is so bizarre to me. They plan the biggest public assassination since 1963 and they have no contingency plan for a missed shot?

          [Note: Trump dives quickly … but no quicker than anyone else being shot at.]

          • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 5:23 pm #

            Yet according to OG, the PTB are smart and infallible. How could this be?

            Back to the Basement Bitchute Bros for more obfuscation (errrr, I mean clarification).

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 7:18 pm #

            There you go again, little girl.

            Your each and every criticism of me is nothing more than a blatant strawman.

            Let’s be honest here: there’s still plenty of room between having a contingency plan in place for a missed sniper shot during a world-changing assassination attempt and “infallible.”

            Separately, of course TPTB are smart. D’uh!

        • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 2:04 pm #

          Valid point, Paula.

          The Fox:

          The Official Story of a Lone Gunman Is COMPLETE BUNK”

          Dr. Chris Martenson presents “rock solid audio proof that there were at least two shooters targeting Trump and the crowd.”

          Even CNN has acknowledged the presence of gunfire from three distinct weapons: Three shots from Crooks (A), one from the countersniper (C), and five from the mysterious “Weapon B.”

          Watch as
          meticulously breaks down the audio evidence.

          Here are his conclusions:

          • There were at least two distinctly different [unfriendly] weapons being fired.

          • First three shots were further away than the weapon(s) that fired the next 5-7 shots.

          • Sonic cracks tell us that they were also fired at Trump’s & audience’s direction (and weren’t taking out Crooks, eg).

          • This means that the “lone shooter” story is 100% false.

          Jarek: In the general chaos, surely another shot could have finished the job. The second shooter shot after Crooks. But perhaps only at the risk of his own life, and in so doing, blowing the cover story. So your point may stand.

          • stelmosfire July 22, 2024 at 4:16 pm #

            Jarek, you’re agreeing with Paula? What in the Sam Hell is goin’ on around here? We really have entered bizarro world.

          • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 5:53 pm #

            What in the Sam Hell is goin’ on around here? – stelmo


            I’m pretty sure that Sam’s last name is Hill, not Hell.

          • Ron Anselmo July 23, 2024 at 10:23 am #

            Nice, giving credit where credit is due. You’ve been doing your homework.

        • KappaJoe July 22, 2024 at 7:10 pm #

          Patsy’s dead, put it to bed.

    • Paula D July 22, 2024 at 1:40 pm #

      What makes you think that the kid knew they would kill him, JAZ?
      They were his friends, the only ones he had. They were the only ones who didn’t ridicule or bully him. They wouldn’t kill him.

      And Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t take any shots at JFK. Witnesses saw him downstairs drinking a Coke in the breakroom during the assassination.

      Patsies don’t actually have to shoot.

  47. Prospero July 22, 2024 at 1:11 pm #

    How about that amazing photo Doug Mills took for the New York Times which appears to show a bullet whizzing behind Donald Trump’s head? Trump is in perfect focus, but the people in the background are out of focus, which means Mills was shooting with a long lens at an incredibly fast shutter speed.

    It has been suggested that this extremely fast shutter speed was intended to produce a picture showing Trump’s head exploding, but that didn’t happen during this first assassination attempt.

    • OG July 22, 2024 at 1:17 pm #


      That is the best explanation yet on why Deep State shill Doug Mills was inexplicably shooting a political rally at 1/8,000 second shutter speed.

      Thank you!

      • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:24 pm #

        OG why don’t you look it up for once. He has published about the entire experience in his own words. Quit asking really stupid questions without researching them first.

        Start with the one where they interviewed the four main photogs that got the shots including Anna Moneymaker. She is the one, along with the Mills right hand check shot that destroyed your theory. Blood everywhere.

        • OG July 22, 2024 at 1:37 pm #

          The only stupid question is the one unasked, JAZ.

          You have this ridiculous m.o. that anything that you’ve ever found on the vast internet should also be found by me but wasn’t because I’m lazy or shirking due diligence.

          I watched the ABC news interview of Doug Mills. The New York Times Deep State shill shed absolutely no light on why he inexplicably set his Sony A1 camera to the ridiculous 1/8,000 second shutter-speed setting.

          If you could simply provide links (like the rest of us!), I’d consider your cited information that you have discovered on the vast, vast internet but cease thinking that I should’ve already found what you found before I have a right to speak. It’s ridiculous.

          Let’s cut to the chase, shall we:

          Why did Deep State shill Doug Mills set his Sony A1 camera to 1/8,000 second shutter speed at a political rally? Does he have some bullshit explanation in the article that you found and won’t provide a link to?

          Of course, it does not even occur to JAZ that this info actually supports his conspiracy theory.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 2:19 pm #

            “I expect that you have already read everything I have read (but did not cite). Anything less is just stupid questions.”

          • elysianfield July 22, 2024 at 2:57 pm #

            “The only stupid question is the one unasked, JAZ.”

            A popular statement that is utter tripe. A superficial observation would show your position indefensible.

            You can consider my question rhetorical. The answer would be obvious, and was offered in bad faith.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 4:34 pm #

            I guess …

        • OG July 22, 2024 at 1:51 pm #

          Quit asking really stupid questions without researching them first.

          I never even asked a question!!! Stupid or otherwise.

          C’mon, JAZ. We are both simply men in search of the truth, right? There is no sense going all estrogen on us.

          • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 5:35 pm #

            “There is no sense going all estrogen on us.” — OG

            You seem to have an obsession with proving to everyone that you’re a man.

            Frequent quotes from you include “argue like a girl”, “soy eater”, “whiny bitch” etc.

            Frequent references to your semi-seniors’ beer league hockey playing.

            Shakespeare’s “protests too much” comes to mind. Also, Freud’s excellent projection rationale.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 7:12 pm #

            Or … you argue like a little girl, little girl.

    • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:19 pm #

      Continue watching the still photos that Mills took rapid fire according to him. Trump reacts, grabs his ear, looks at his right hand in reflex and then goes down.

      His right hand has blood on it.

      An agent wipes his hands and face on the deck almost immediately, the wiped face is very distinct when he gets up.

      Also, another photo, from his right side has a nice notch taken out of the ear.

      The photos tell the story.

      • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 1:36 pm #

        Also, another photo, from his right side has a nice notch taken out of the ear.

        The photos tell the story. – JAZ


        I have seen no such picture and if such a picture actually exists I would really really like to see it.

        • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 2:28 pm #

          Okay, I looked it up again and it is THE picture with the flag in the background, the picture that is going to win the election.

          Get the picture, and blow up his ear, the notch is at about ten o’clock on his ear. You have to get a good picture as you need resolution.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 7:11 pm #

            See? Without providing a link, you’re just noise.

            You really should learn how to share links, JAZ. It’s super-simple and it would boost your credibility here on CFN immensely!

          • Night Owl July 23, 2024 at 4:57 am #

            I’ve seen the pic many times on Twatter.

            The idea that he wasn’t shot is absurd. The idea that he staged it is absurd.

            I’ve seen a few decent minds go down this path recently (Delingpole, Bob of Bob’s cartoons, etc.) and it really highlights what the past few years of nuttery have done to all of us.

            Even intelligent people are getting sucked into thinking that absolutely nothing is what it seems.

            Observe, gather evidence, and keep your judgment balanced. And always ask “who benefits?”

          • Jarek July 23, 2024 at 1:19 pm #

            Yes some people are so far gone, so reactionary, that they don’t even believe we are in the middle of a mass, man made extinction.


            Sixth extinction
            The Sixth Extinction refers to the current mass extinction event caused by human activities, primarily climate change, habitat destruction, and pollution. It is predicted to be the most devastating extinction event since the asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs.


            Driven by human activities, unlike previous extinction events caused by natural phenomena
            Primarily affects species due to:
            Unsustainable use of land, water, and energy
            Climate change
            Estimated to eliminate 20-50% of all living species on Earth within this century

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 1:45 pm #

        Ummm … Hollywood fake “blood” smears just like real blood, JAZ.

        The SS towel could be used to remove real blood OR apply/smear Hollywood fake “blood.”

        The “picture” of Trump with “blood” on his hand before he dove like a gopher looks Photoshopped.

        It sure was unfortunate that the backside SS guy shooed away those photographers (at a political rally!), eh? Had he not done that inexplicable action, we’d probably have pictures of Trump’s “shot” ear.

        • OG July 22, 2024 at 1:53 pm #

          The “picture” of Trump with “blood” on his hand before he dove like a gopher looks Photoshopped

          … and is inconsistent with this video of the “shooting.”


          0:10 mark.

          • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 2:23 pm #

            Your stupid photoshopping excuse is so dumb, you would have to have multiple photogs all get together and figure out how to touch up the pictures all in one day.

            Can’t you even see your own stupidity in all the progression of excuses you use.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 4:27 pm #

            No. Smarten up.

            I’m suggesting that one picture was Photoshopped, JAZ. This one:


            Pause it at 4:42.

            The one where Trump’s right arm is on that weird angle for him to examine his hand. The one that “proves” that his ear was shot. The one where he has blood on his oddly held hand that does not match the video where he held his arm normally and his hand was bloodless.


            Watch the 4 seconds from 0:08 to 0:12. Then back-up and freeze at 0:10.

            I’m suggesting that just that one picture was Photoshopped with the arm/hand on the wrong angle because it was snagged from one of the “money shot” pix after the SS got their Hollywood fake “blood” all over his ear, face and hand.

            Geez! Sometimes it’s like arguing with a dog!

        • OG Is Nuts July 22, 2024 at 3:48 pm #

          occam’s razor

    • Paula D July 22, 2024 at 1:43 pm #

      That does make sense, Propero.

      As for the blood, I looked at the photo of Trump raising his fist, and it looks to me as if his thumb has some blood on it.
      The rest of the hand is folded, of course, so we can’t see if there is blood or not.

      • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:50 pm #

        Paula,, not the fist picture.

        Mills picture of him checking his hand immediately after putting it in on his ear. It is two shots after the whizzing bullet shot. Blood on the hand.

        Look at Anna Moneymaker’s shot of Trump face down on the ground blood dripping off his face, blood on his hand,looking as though it is wiped.

        • OG July 22, 2024 at 1:55 pm #

          And find it on your own because JAZ refuses to provide you with links to his research.

          • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 2:25 pm #

            That is right! Try it OG, you have used the one link since the beginning a poor video as opposed to very detailed photographs.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 4:16 pm #

            Ummm … I’ve shared dozens and dozens of links, JAZ. That’s what I do.

            You see, I understand that not providing a link to one’s claim is barely better than pulling a brick of cheese out of one’s butt.

          • Night Owl July 23, 2024 at 5:00 am #

            The ear pic is here:


            A graze from a bullet could certainly do that. If it was a light graze that is more or less exactly what one would expect to see.

    • stelmosfire July 22, 2024 at 4:32 pm #

      “Trump is in perfect focus, but the people in the background are out of focus, which means Mills was shooting with a long lens at an incredibly fast shutter speed.”

      The only thing it means is the photographer was using a low f/stop which would mean a shallow depth of field. Trump would be in focus everything closer or further would be out of focus. Low f/stop = high shutter speeds due to the lens gathering more light. Telephoto lenses generally have higher minimum f/ stop ratings and would therefore necessitate the use of a slower shutter speeds. So exactly opposite of what is stated

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 5:09 pm #

        Yet we all agree that Doug Mills using 1/8,000 second shutter-speed is right off the charts for photogging stationary people, right?

        Unless, of course, he was trying to capture a speeding bullet … that he knew nothing of. Right?

    • Blackbird July 22, 2024 at 9:00 pm #

      Mills was practically at Trump’s feet – no need for a long lens. He was shooting with his f-stop set at 1.6 – you can’t open up a long lens that much. There are only a few lenses that will fit a Sony A1 that can open up to f/1.6 and they are all quite short, the longest is only 50 mm. (For the curious: alphashooters.com/cameras/a1/sony-a1-lenses/)

      Actually, in the “Speeding Bullet” photo, Trump and his MAGA hat are out-of-focus. The Trump sign on the podium is in focus. That’s why you don’t use such a fast shutter speed in such an occasion – unless you have some not-particularly-obvious reason.

      Maybe Mills job was to show that the Speeding Bullet was too low to have grazed the top of Trump’s ear. Or maybe his job is to get us to swallow an obvious lie. Or maybe his job was just to take photos and this photo “just happened”. The fat lady ain’t singing yet, let’s not assume this story has ended already.

      • Night Owl July 23, 2024 at 5:07 am #

        There were most likely multiple shooters.

        As so often, the core story appears to be a lie. There is no way a 20-year-old kid could get a large ladder in position, carry a rifle onto a highly visible low roof, set up, and lay in position for an extended time without being seen and removed.

        And he was seen. There are multiple cellphone videos of passers by shouting that a man with a gun is on the roof.

        The acoustic evidence suggests multiple shooters, there video evidence of an individual on the nearby water tower, and there is evidence that there may have been a shooter in a window below where the kid was.

        Lastly, the idea that this kid could not only get in position, but nearly pull of a headshot on live TV just strains credibility. To me, it appears they had at least one pro sniper there, and Trump is alive only because he moved his head right before impact.

        • Blackbird July 23, 2024 at 7:01 pm #

          Welcome back Owl. Wondered where you’d disappeared to.

          I’m sure you recognize the voice behind “OG Is Nuts” – but don’t give the secret away. People learn more when they work for it.

          I agree with most of what you said above, except for this: “Trump is alive only because he moved his head right before impact”. That is certainly one possibility. Another possibility is that no bullet ever hit him. And that opens a whole new realm of possibilities that most don’t want to consider.

          • Night Owl July 24, 2024 at 9:27 am #

            Thank you my feathered friend. Yes, I have not ruled that out. I am going with what makes sense to me, but this also requires some suspension of disbelief, or rather the idea that Trump is still somewhat naive to the globalist threat.

            Given his recent announcements regarding Vance and a few others, he is either still partially blind, or he is truly in on it.

  48. Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 1:19 pm #

    I was just watching Leon Panetta on CNBC. Very unusual and interesting eyebrow movement.

    This is in contrast to a woman on TV the other night whose eyebrows were absolutely stationary as she spoke. They didn’t move an iota. It was very weird.

    • Jarek July 22, 2024 at 1:36 pm #

      Yes, people are very different in how they talk and think. Good observation, Q.

    • Land of the Banned July 22, 2024 at 3:27 pm #


    • Cankerpuss July 23, 2024 at 10:52 am #

      I usually don’t watch peoples’ eyebrows. Next time I talk to someone I will watch their eyebrows and see how much they wiggle and dance. Unibrows especially.

      Thanks Q Shtik!

  49. edpell July 22, 2024 at 1:42 pm #

    I want proof of life. Is Joey still alive?

  50. JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 1:45 pm #

    Cheatle, not Cheadle, sorry.

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  51. holdfastspike July 22, 2024 at 1:45 pm #

    Neither Trump nor Kennedy are running against a candidate, they are running against the deep state democrat regime. biden was removed because Trump lived

  52. Paula D July 22, 2024 at 1:45 pm #

    Have they told Biden yet that he quit?

    Because they have cleared his schedule for the week, although they told us that he was going to give a speech sometime this week. I think they still haven’t broken it to him.

    Would they really ruin National Ice Cream Day for Joe by telling him that he quit?
    And if they did, would he remember it by Wednesday?

    • TPTB-USA July 22, 2024 at 2:05 pm #

      This is another detail we are going to have to agree to disagree on.

      Joe Biden and Barack Obama have had years to perfect their con job, and yet they are still amateurs.

    • Prospero July 22, 2024 at 2:07 pm #

      “Have they told Biden yet that he quit?”

      Good question. A popular conspiracy website suggests that Biden didn’t sign his resignation document. Search for the following to see Biden’s previous signatures compared to the signature on his resignation document:

      Questions Swirl Around ‘Biden’s’ Campaign Resignation Signature

      One commentator asked if Biden is still alive and has also requested proof of life.

      • Paula D July 22, 2024 at 8:01 pm #

        Didn’t someone here once say that they worked in Wash., and they use automatic signing machines for all the signatures?

        That sounds legit to me.

    • KappaJoe July 22, 2024 at 7:25 pm #

      That’s a comedy bit:

      Pelosi: You have to step down, Joe.

      Joe: Will I get extra ice cream?

      Pelosi: Yes, sure.

      Joe: Okay I will resiminningitfetall.

      (next day)

      Pelosi: Here, sign the resignation document.

      Joe: What’re you talkin’ about?

  53. Jarek July 22, 2024 at 2:07 pm #

    Alex Soros (is he American?) backs Kamala. Obama does not. The two factions: Obama vs the Clintons.

    Was the gift of Huma to Alex a way to shore up the alliance?

  54. OG July 22, 2024 at 2:23 pm #

    What were SS actually doing down there behind the podium for a full minute?

    • stelmosfire July 22, 2024 at 4:37 pm #

      Doing a primary survey. Basic 1st aid stuff. C’mon man. Do some research.Also waiting for an all clear signal.

      • stelmosfire July 22, 2024 at 4:49 pm #

        At that point in time they could not have known if Trump had a bullet or a fragment in his head. Maybe a round in the chest not readily apparent. Who knows.

        • OG July 22, 2024 at 5:03 pm #

          So … is 6 people piling on the “shot” victim standard primary survey, basic First Aid protocol, elmo, or was this incident handed differently?

          • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 5:30 pm #


          • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 5:50 pm #

            C’mon guys. OG is right. The SS agents should have immediately hauled Trump up, unprotected, to prove to the crowd and millions of TV viewers that the Orange God was still in fighting trim, ready to take on Swamp Creatures by shooting lasers out of his eyes.

            Just the fact that he was hidden behind the podium for half a minute is HIGHLY suspicious! If they really wanted to prove to the world that there was nothing PTB-nefarious about the event, they’d have set up a transparent glass podium without cover for all to see. Well … but they didn’t, so that would be alerting everyone that they were in on it?

            More speculation that Jasper Bumfuck on a 200-follower account on a shit-site will have to get to the bottom of.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 6:15 pm #

            You get all that from:

            “What were SS actually doing down there behind the podium for a full minute?”


            “So … is 6 people piling on the “shot” victim standard primary survey, basic First Aid protocol, elmo, or was this incident handed differently?”


            You are none too bright and obviously have no clue how investigators investigate.

            I said, “Goodbye” to you last night but I make this exception today because your assumptive bullshit needs to be stomped into the earth.

            I’m merely asking questions here. The rest is just your own bullshit in your own head projected unto me.

          • stelmosfire July 22, 2024 at 6:17 pm #

            Of course your right OG. The only pig-pile I ever saw while working the ambulance was when we had a stripper named Candy flip her car on I-90.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 7:26 pm #

            How could I be possibly be “right,” elmo? I’ve only asked questions.

            I’ve been told before that I’m like Columbo.

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 4:59 pm #

        C’mon man. Do some research.

        Ummm … that’s what I’m doing …

        • OG July 22, 2024 at 5:00 pm #

          Like this one, for example:

          “How come, elmo, in the video you sent me earlier (supposedly backing your case), in all the footage of downed power-lines igniting fires, it was always vegetation that was what ignited and the very first to burn … but in Lahaina the trees were the only things not burned?”

          • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 5:29 pm #

            Oh God, no, he’s going back to Lahaina.

          • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 5:52 pm #

            Trump was clipped in the ear by a DEW.

            Anyone not notice that Trump wasn’t protected by any blue clothing?


          • OG July 22, 2024 at 5:54 pm #

            It’s a simple question. Surely an expert has a simple answer.

            If there is not simple answer to this simple question … then it obviously was a DEW attack.

            Simple logic out here in the real world.

          • stelmosfire July 22, 2024 at 6:25 pm #

            OG , you simple dolt. There is a huge difference between dry ground vegetation. ( grass, brush, downfall) and living trees in a residential area which possibly may have been irrigated. I’ve been to literally hundreds of brush fires. That’s what we call them around here. I’ve never experienced a crown fire. Which they have out west in extreme drought conditions. Must be a scary situation. C’mon man . Do some research.


          • stelmosfire July 22, 2024 at 6:30 pm #

            And by research I’m not talking about the sensationalists on “Bitshit”

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 6:48 pm #

            Really, elmo? After pretending that this question never even existed for almost an entire year … you now that?

            1- I am doing my research! Asking experts questions is research, don’t you know?

            2- You never answered my question.

            Of course dead vegetation is more flammable than live vegetation. Everyone knows that. But that doesn’t change the fact that green vegetation will burn and ignite with enough temperature.

            Do you think that only dead trees burn in forest fires?

            In the downed power-line videos that you sent me (and that supposedly supports your case that Lahaina was a natural, tree-avoiding inferno), vegetation always ignites first and then always is the first fuel to burn. Dead, green, mix of both. Always.

            How come in Lahaina (and in Paradise, CA) it was hot enough to leave every house in a fine toxic dust in its own footprint (like oh so many WTC towers), melt aluminum car parts and glass windshields but not torch any of the trees in the midst of this magical inferno?

            You can insult me all that you like, elmo, but, after you’ve pretended for most of a year that this question never existed, you need do better than that.

  55. JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 2:29 pm #

    I have finally figured out OG. He is a Dem troll, why? He is a Canadian, supposedly. He is anti-Trump from the word go.

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    • OG July 22, 2024 at 4:10 pm #

      You can speculate until the cows come home, JAZ, but surely we can all agree that I am irrelevant (aside from your constant ad homming, of course).

      Since I am irrelevant, let’s drop the quasi-analysis of me and, instead, discuss my points. Like men.

      JAZ cannot fathom a Trumpster who has had his final straw. I was a Trumpster but was having more and more doubts. I’ve expressed as much over these past several months here on CFN. And then that phoney bologna Butler sham did me in.

      Then he announces Jerome Powell at the Fed and Jamie Dimon at Treasury when nobody is paying attention!

      You’re dern tootin’ I’m anti-Trump. He’s obviously in on it.

      Operation Warpspeed

      • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 6:05 pm #

        “I was a Trumpster but was having more and more doubts. I’ve expressed as much over these past several months here on CFN.” — OG

        I’m not surprised to hear this timeline from you. Because you’re obtuse.

        • OG July 22, 2024 at 6:28 pm #

          Watch out, JAZ! If I’m “obtuse” recently realizing that Trump is a bad guy, then you’re a real fucking moron. You and half your country.

          Surprising you never enters my line of thinking. Ever. I don’t try for it and I don’t try to avoid it. You are irrelevant to me as I seek the truth.

          You are like a house-fly on the windowsill. Nothing more.

          • stelmosfire July 22, 2024 at 6:36 pm #

            Ok, so JAZ is a fucking moron and is equal to a house-fly. How very Christian of you. Shall we put him in the oven now?

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 7:00 pm #

            Try to keep up, elmo.

            JAZ and all Trumpsters are idiots by SF’s account that I’m obtuse finally realizing that Trump is bad – at this late date in July 2024. Obviously people who still have not yet realized that Trump is bad are still worse than obtuse, right? By SF’s account, I mean.

            On the other hand, SF is very much like a house-fly on the window-sill, elmo. He/she/it plays semantics and builds strawmen and spews ad homs until the cows come home. A lot of annoying, unproductive buzzing and wing-flapping but no real substance. No discussion. Just a 12 year-old girl smugly smugging in her little smugness.

            Sad but true.

            Personally, I believe that JAZ is a fine man. I was merely reacting to SF’s latest hissy fit.

          • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 7:26 pm #

            “Surprising you never enters my line of thinking. Ever.” — OG

            I’ve given you the reason twice: Brandolini’s law.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 7:32 pm #

            You are irrelevant to me as I seek the truth.

            You are like a house-fly on the windowsill. Nothing more.

          • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 7:32 pm #

            “Personally, I believe that JAZ is a fine man.” — OG

            The schizophrenia is palpable.

            This, coming from a “man” who calls JAZ “evil”, among other “mild” epithets.

            As far as the association that JAZ would be even more obtuse, what of it? One criticism doesn’t equal wholesale outrage. You’ll notice I’ve never resorted to name-calling and belittlement with JAZ. That’s your specialty. And JAZ is at least consistent, and not disingenuous.

          • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 7:33 pm #

            You avoided the gist of my remark. Did you even bother to look up Brandolini’s law, in your disingenuous search for the “truth”?

          • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 7:35 pm #

            “House-flies” [sic] don’t eat soy, dummy.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 7:39 pm #

            I did. Interesting, but this information will not change my journey towards the truth one iota.

            I’m investigating. I’m asking questions. If you get exasperated trying to disprove my conclusions, why care?

          • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 8:53 pm #

            “why care?” — OG

            Because those of us who’re on to your bullshit resent the fact that you constantly and passive-aggressively call us out by saying stupid shit like “wake up!”, and, when we challenge your confusing and conflicting assertions, respond to us with insults.

            You don’t want a “discussion” to get to the “truth”. You want to dominate the board with your idiotic non sequiturs and asymmetrically calibrated bullshit.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 9:45 pm #

            There you go once again … you telling me what I want. [Hint: Every time that you start a sentence with, “You want …” or “You believe …” or “You think …” or “You need …”, you’re always wrong.

            You’re ridiculous.

            Wake up!

            So … I guess that Brandolini’s Law is my advantage and your hard row to hoe.

            Have a nice day!

    • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 6:04 pm #

      JohnAZ, I resent the association.

      There are many Canadians (I’m one of them) who have nothing to do with any of OG’s feverish insanities and inanities.

      One of the things (but only one) that pisses me off about him is that he gives Canadians a bad name. Unfortunately, it’s historical in nature. Many Canadians are smug and hypocritical regarding attitudes towards Americans. Yet they burn just as much oil per capita than does the U.S., are just as unreservedly capitalistic, but have an even worse young Woke socialist population, with many other older Woke public servants, as well.

      OG counters all this by saying that Canada doesn’t matter on the world stage, but that’s such a weak cop-out. If political circumstances favoured Canadian power — similar to many other countries — then Canadians (with the world pegged to a Canadian petrodollar) would act the same.

      IOW, the countries are different in opportunity, not values.

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 6:23 pm #

        I’m not countering anything by stating that Canada is irrelevant on the international stage. Canada really is irrelevant on the international stage. I’m merely stating a fact and then dealing with reality.

        I give Canada a bad name? To whom? JAZ?

        I believe that people know that I do not speak for Canada or Canadians. D’uh!

      • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 8:20 pm #

        Believe me, nothing negative aimed at you.

  56. malthuss July 22, 2024 at 2:29 pm #

    KAMALA IS MIXED. Not ‘black’.

    • kellycat July 22, 2024 at 3:05 pm #

      and she is a witch….seriously. why? her father was from Jamaica, British isles, and in the area called Maroontown, which is known for its voodoo Practices. White Jamaicans never go there because it’s so dangerous.

      She was down there every summer and I believe that she like Obamas mother was initiated into there culture and today, since she is given the power to run the most powerful nation in the world must feel to her as if her relationship with voodoo has given her “special powers”

      • malthuss July 22, 2024 at 6:15 pm #

        Thanks. Chelsea C was seen wearing an upside down cross.

    • cowbell81 July 22, 2024 at 3:07 pm #

      She is just about as “Black” as is Amber Rose. Hey, this was actually called out by the media during the RNC!

      • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 6:10 pm #

        Kamala and Vance’s wife. This must conflict Modi, the latter of whom just met with Putin.

  57. Cavepainter July 22, 2024 at 3:04 pm #

    The war between Israel and the Islamist world is mischaracterized, it is between 12th Century beliefs and secular forms of representative governments evolved from Enlightenment reasoning. And yes, whatever the so-called collateral damage among so-called civilian populations is a necessary part of avoiding descent back to the 12th Century.

  58. kellycat July 22, 2024 at 3:06 pm #

    Mr. Kunstler,

    God is on our side, and more and more open miracles will be happening.

    • OG July 22, 2024 at 3:46 pm #

      Yes … but be careful! There are no “get out of jail – free!” cards in this game.

      His Word will be fulfilled. We have the Rise of the Great Deceiver and the Beast System during Seven Years of Trials & Tribulations before this gathering storm is over.

      Discern and have wisdom! The first man who rises to “give” us peace and prosperity is an evil man. Do not be deceived by him. Do not take the mark.

      • Groundhog July 22, 2024 at 9:33 pm #

        @ OG “Yes … but be careful! There are no “get out of jail – free!” cards in this game.”

        but……but……but you wrote in an earlier post that you DID have one of those cards. You have one because you are more special than the rest of us.

        Seven years eh? And at the end of that comes the Rupture of the Church I reckon. I interpret your last sentence to mean – “Do not take the mark of the Trump!” Right?

        I’ve run across more than my share of religious wingnuts on the internet. Getting involved in arguments with them is a losing activity. They’ve got nothing else to do all day long but argue. They are like Jehovah Witnesses, they love it and can defend their faith all day long. Some will put feathers in their war bonnets after doing internet battle. Fierce and personal debate get’s ’em feeling important and energized.

        If you have an active life in reality, fighting on the net all day long doesn’t really work out. You must choose one or the other.

        • OG July 23, 2024 at 12:21 am #

          I most certainly did not!

          I specifically said that not only do I not believe in the Rapture at all, but also that I have no delusions that I would be raptured even if others are.

          I have been tempered for what is next.

          7 years of Trials & Tribulations then Armageddon then Judgement Day.

          I advise that you do not take the Mark of the Beast. I believe that the Beast is AI but that is only a theory.

          Of course you were privy as to how spreading God’s Word made those people feel!

          You’re ridiculous. How are we to believe anything that you say after such a ludicrous claim?

          I couldn’t disagree more. I am retired and have tons of time to both argue details of Butler, PA or Bibi-gun the Nutty Yahoo or 10/7 or Lahaina or Luciferians or what-have-you online AND “have an active life in reality.”

          I’ve been watching for this since 1980. Buckle up, buttercup! This is gonna be some ride!

    • Breck July 22, 2024 at 6:20 pm #

      We will have to wait and see. When I think of God’s action in our World, I was struck by this statement made by The Rev. Fleming Rutledge in the first chapter of her book on Tolkien’s divine design in The Lord of the Rings.

      She observed that “God permits what God does not intend”. It is a very subtle thought. And has to do with how we, as Christians, are challenged to understand evil.

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 6:33 pm #

        It is very subtle. Thank you.

  59. Jarek July 22, 2024 at 3:52 pm #


    His staff did not know he was resigning. And the signature on the letter is not his.

    Has the Big Guy been betrayed? Our greatest president?

    • OG July 22, 2024 at 3:59 pm #

      All of these shenanigans are theatre. It is all being controlled and manipulated. All of it. This is the world’s biggest staged production ever.

      Wakey, wakey, folks!

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 4:40 pm #

        Dorothy is wearing her ruby-red slippers and Toto is pulling the curtain back.

      • Breck July 22, 2024 at 6:21 pm #

        ‘Wake up sleepy heads’.

    • cowbell81 July 22, 2024 at 4:08 pm #

      A vote for Vermin Supreme would fix all of this!

  60. OG July 22, 2024 at 3:56 pm #

    Adrenochrome, Moloch and the Red Shoes… (related links in description)


    God help us!

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    • OG July 22, 2024 at 6:00 pm #

      Just look at what our “elite” do when we’re banned:

      bohemian grove, cremation of care 2024


      President Richard Nixon’s comments from a May 13, 1971, tape recording talking about upper-class San Franciscans: “The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time—it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd.”

      • Breck July 22, 2024 at 6:22 pm #

        Dick Nixon could certainly get right to the heart of a matter in a way that has to be admired.

        • OG July 22, 2024 at 6:30 pm #

          Indeed! In fact, the more one knows about Watergate, the more one realizes how we’ve all been manipulated for a long, long time.

      • stelmosfire July 22, 2024 at 6:44 pm #

        OG: “The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time—it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd.”

        Well that’s debatable. I would think the “Saskatchewan Roughriders” name is at least as gay.

        • OG July 22, 2024 at 6:49 pm #

          You’re not really grasping how literal Dick was being.

      • benr July 22, 2024 at 9:36 pm #

        Is there a conspiracy hole you won’t crawl into?
        You might be more comfortable on infowars with good old alex jones or clyde lewis on ground zero.

        • OG July 22, 2024 at 11:52 pm #

          Peace be with you, benr.

  61. Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 4:32 pm #


    In the previous thread of comments did you notice my mention that there is a character named Jarek in a Netflix show titled Your Honor.

    • Q. Shtik July 22, 2024 at 4:33 pm #


    • Jarek July 23, 2024 at 1:23 pm #

      Interesting. I missed it. Why do you say the word “Honor” in your second post.

      • Q. Shtik July 23, 2024 at 2:04 pm #

        Because I forgot the question mark the first time.

        • Jarek July 23, 2024 at 2:08 pm #

          What’s the premise of this show? And who is Jarek in the show? These are the salient questions.

          • Q. Shtik July 23, 2024 at 5:58 pm #

            Google your questions.

            Jarek is a prosecuter in the court. Bryan Cranston from Breaking Bad plays a judge.

  62. Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 6:29 pm #

    If I were Biden, and still had half a functioning brain, I’d hire several food testers at high expense, add extra layers of locks on my bedroom door, stay away from swimming pools surveilled by strange men in dark suits, and get my meds from mail order accounts with a fake name and secret P.O. Box.

  63. GhostOfHam July 22, 2024 at 7:27 pm #

    I’m holing onto my hat, but I think they already taxed my shirt, underwear, and pants.

    Now, where’s my shoes and socks.

    Oh, that’s right. . . . that was last year.

    • Groundhog July 22, 2024 at 9:19 pm #

      Once we get in a full scale war with China, access to stuff like hats, shirts, underwear, pants, shoes, socks, etc. will change. The stores won’t be able to buy goods from China, so the source of some of your basic living needs will be changing to thrift stores, bargain basements, rummage sales, etc. There won’t be much of anything left in Walmart or Target. The few remaining affluent people will hire local tailors and seamstresses to make clothing for them. But you won’t be taxed as much because you are buying second or third hand stuff. In the later years that follow the war with China, no shoes will be available and you’ll be making them yourself or somebody locally will be doing that. Maybe making flip flops out of worn out automobile tires. Welcome to the Long Emergency.

      • GhostOfHam July 22, 2024 at 11:05 pm #

        That would make it Wong Emergency, no?

        • Groundhog July 23, 2024 at 11:21 am #


      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 8:11 am #

        That’s in part why I took up knitting (among other things)…

        Ribbed, chunky-knit underwear is stretch to the imagination, but might be sexy, maybe like (frontier) vintage lingerie.

  64. OG July 22, 2024 at 7:35 pm #


    A plea for sanity: Can we please get back to discussing topics and details of topics rather than this constant barrage of strawmen and ad homs?

    Are we not men?

    • Soul Forensics July 22, 2024 at 7:49 pm #

      People make fun of — rightly — OG’s board-flooding ever-changing hyper-conspiracy nonsense.

      OG now pouts about it like the whiny mean girl he projects onto others.

      “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”

      Short of that, Brandolini’s law applies.

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 10:02 pm #

        Ummm … I’m saying the complete opposite. I’m saying that let’s stop with the strawmen and ad homs and address the issues. Like men.

        And … “A plea for sanity” is hardly pouting.

        “Are we not men?” is hardly the “tack” of a mean girl.

        You really don’t let sense get in the way of your mud-slinging, do you, little girl?

        Yes, thank you. Brandolini’s Law does indeed apply. Note that Brandolini’s Law is exceedingly to my advantage and to your detriment.

        “Be careful what you wish for.”

      • Night Owl July 23, 2024 at 5:15 am #

        I used to wonder what fate his real-world victims shared.

        Judging by what we see on CFN, he’s probably got a collection of items stashed away in some underground dungeon fashioned from their skins.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 7:33 am #

          Soul Forensics; did you read that? ^^

          Poetic inspiration.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 7:31 am #

        I’d probably rather have a diversity-of-opinion than groupthink. I suppose groupthink, or something like it, is good for moving some projects forward, like as a murmuration, but might fall short in the creativity dept.

    • Paula D July 22, 2024 at 8:07 pm #

      I’m not.

      • benr July 22, 2024 at 9:33 pm #

        Not cogent, coherent, relevant, human?

        Next time you decide to attack someone do it in a manner that is not cowardly.
        Yes, I can read and respond even while floating in the middle of nowhere.

        • OG July 22, 2024 at 10:06 pm #

          Stay safe, benr!

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 10:05 pm #

        Apologies to you, Paula. As well as to SSL, GA et al. I was not considering the fine women here on CFN when I posted my plea for sanity. Partly because you behave like real, intelligent women while some “men” here are still mental children.

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 7:43 am #

          There’s no over-18 button to press to comment here and even if there was, there’s no mandatory electronic chips to rat on us otherwise.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 7:40 am #

        So you’re not gender-fluid then, Paula?, floating on your own fluidity like benr in the middle of nowhere?

    • JohnAZ July 22, 2024 at 8:23 pm #

      Pretty soon, Trump will win, the pipeline will be built and Canada and The USA will get back to USMCA as intended.

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 11:14 pm #

        I think that you’re right, JAZ. I think that Trump will win.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 7:45 am #

        Ironically, Trump might do well to stay out of sight and remain in his proverbial basement, except when/where absolutely necessary.

  65. OG Is Nuts July 22, 2024 at 8:55 pm #

    There once was a theorist named OG
    Who saw plots in each shadow and tree
    He’d whisper and claim, “There’s a grand secret game,
    And his tales were as wild as could be!

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    • gustafson.robert.22 July 22, 2024 at 9:38 pm #

      Bitchute was his website of choice.
      Its videos always made him moist.
      He’d say, “Damn, you gotta see this!”
      As his GLiT swelled to a shenis,
      And their links, onto CFN, he would foist.

      • OG July 22, 2024 at 9:47 pm #

        Well done, Gus! That was really clever.

        • OG July 22, 2024 at 9:54 pm #

          He’d stir about fake “blood” from Hollywood
          And read everything that he could
          From Lahaina mutterings
          To Catholic school shutterings
          And share it all more than he should

        • gustafson.robert.22 July 22, 2024 at 9:56 pm #

          Trying to get you back for over fifty “caught red-handed” posts, but I guess my artistry overwhelmed you.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 22, 2024 at 10:04 pm #

            The bohemian grove vid was good though.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 10:09 pm #

            All water under the bridge, my good man.

            Ultimately we all just want the truth. I learn much from youse and, who knows?, maybe someday someone here will learn something from me.

          • OG July 22, 2024 at 10:19 pm #

            C’mon, “see this!” and “shenis”? Top notch! Brilliant!

  66. OG July 23, 2024 at 1:47 am #

    Thomas Matthew Crooks appeared in a Blackrock commercial.

    Blackrock is invested in Austin Private Wealth.

    Austin Private Wealth short-sold DJT-NASDAQ expecting a large profit after Trump died.

    Blackrock owns the building in Butler, PA with the slanted roof.

    I tell ya, JAZ, it sure does appear that there is a faction out there who really wanted Trump really dead.

  67. OG July 23, 2024 at 2:00 am #

    I didn’t follow the RNC very closely. So this is old news (but new to me):

    During his speech at the RNC, Trump threatened Hamas that there’d be Hell to pay if our hostages aren’t released by the time he assumes office!

    I know that this will make JAZ happy but what about the rest of you goyim?

    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 2:54 am #

      Trump appears to sometimes flip his positions, just like Vance’s previous ostensible opinion of Trump. See what he does/doesn’t do, over what he says I guess, especially for an election. Maybe like all politicians.

    • SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 3:24 am #

      The hostages he was referring to are American citizens. As an American President saying he would leave them behind because they happen to be Jews would not go down particularly well. Do those deep goyim thoughts provide clarity to you?

      • OG July 23, 2024 at 3:37 am #

        Yes, albeit contradictory. My source specifically said that the hostages held by Hamas are Israeli and not American.

        One of you must be right.

        Do you have a source that shows that some of the remaining Hamas hostages from 10/7 are indeed American?

        • SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 3:10 pm #

          Here ya go. Admittedly it does appear that the remaining 8 are dual citizens, however, since they were already citizens they are still basically Americans so.

          • SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 4:14 pm #

            wow i forgot to post the link.


        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 6:08 pm #

          They are Gaian/Terran hostages, so everyone’s.

      • Jarek July 23, 2024 at 1:27 pm #

        Many American Jews have dual American/Israeli citizenship.

        • SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 3:06 pm #

          si, dual citizenship should definitely be illegal and banned

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 6:09 pm #

          “We announce the birth of a conceptual country, NewTopia. Citizenship of the country can be obtained by declaration of your awareness of Newtopia. Newtopia has no land, no boundries, no passports, only people. Newtopia has no laws other than cosmic. All people of Newtopia are ambassadors of the country.” ~ John Lennon, from the film, ‘The US vs John Lennon’

      • Jarek July 23, 2024 at 1:27 pm #

        The proper form would be goyische I believe.

        • SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 3:04 pm #

          ok, do my deep goyische thoughts provide clarity to you lol?

          • Jarek July 23, 2024 at 3:34 pm #

            Yes, cupcake, yes!

          • SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 4:11 pm #

            icing and little confetti candies and all!!

  68. The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 2:42 am #

    …have you caught that little convo on YouTube between George Gammon and Robert Barnes on the Trump assassination attempt? Woo-wee, this one will rock your weltanschauung. Here it is in a nutshell:” ~ JHK

    Why is that still on You Tube? Does You Tube not eventually get around to deleting videos like that or have they changed? And/Or is that some kind of ‘limited hangout’?

    If there was another shooter or there were other shooters (against Trump), why/how did/could they miss? They can do the deed with one or two shots at the same time as the patsy, yes? And yet, the patsy gets easily, if not immediately, put out (apparently).

    Because that was just before the GOP convention, it would seem to make sense that it would be televised live, yes? If practically everyone has a cellphone cam, sometimes, or often, with livestreaming, unsure how much difference tv makes, if for the older viewers perhaps?

    • OG July 23, 2024 at 3:50 am #

      Good point about Youtube. yt is owned by Google. Censorship central.

      The brainiacs on CFN know that everything on BitChute is hair-on-fire lies while:

      1- They’ve spent far less than 5 minutes even evaluating BitChute’s content.

      2- BitChute allows and promotes free speech while yt blatantly and openly shuts it down.

      Those here with closed minds are in for a very bumpy ride.

  69. SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 3:02 am #

    I hate these fluffy beautiful word bubbles that these people put out thinking they are speaking to an audience that hasn’t noticed their murderous, thuggish ways. For example, if someone within Hillary Clinton’s inner circle actually cared for her they would tell her something like “bitch you are so dumb, Joe Biden doesn’t even know what a soul is and everybody knows you ain’t got one.” But alas, i preach to the choir. It would not shock me if Hillary did try to orchestrate her way into the mix. Is that why she appeared to immediately endorse Kamala? Get in good while the gettin was good? It looks like Eric Holder is gatekeeping the VP slot so Obama’s fingerprints are still all over this. And speaking of Nikki Haley, one of her PACs is all in for Kamala. Dots not feathers fly together. You can pay me for that one later lol ;0). But for real, love your post Mr. K and will be researching some of this info this week!!

  70. SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 3:16 am #

    i honestly think Joe Biden is dead. That call in he made to the Harris campaign or whatever that was supposed to be sounded sketchy and very AI ish and Kamala almost referred to it as a recording rather than a call but caught herself real quick. We know now he had a medical emergency, perhaps a ministroke, in Las Vegas last week that was essentially hidden from the public. He probably never actually had covid at all but it seems like they are overdosing him on paxlovid if that is a thing. Kamala will be “President” soon. But people forget so quickly. She literally started the war in Ukraine. And if you think she really cares about Gaza well baby boo she is still meeting with Netanyahu but she is doing it “later in the week”. In a way i would love to see all the tweenkies who are tik toking for her (paid and unpaid) drafted to fight in the WWIII she would happily start. But let me behave for peace in this late night hour lol.

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    • Night Owl July 23, 2024 at 5:20 am #

      This crossed my mind as well. Polly over on Twatter floated the idea that the plan was to get rid of Trump and Joe-Joe in the same week, creating the chaos needed to plunge the US into utter lunacy, and that does seem rather logical.

      If they are truly giving him Paxlovid for his fake Corona infection, I suppose that would finish him off quite handily and allow a clean transition. Jill would relish the state funeral and all its trappings.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 7:01 am #

        What crossed my mind was something like that: Trump gets his ass assass’ed, like after the most recent attempt, and so then US plunges into the toilet without a plunger (and then, maybe, in swoops The Grate Reset Guys to the rescue, yay).

        • Night Owl July 23, 2024 at 7:44 am #

          Way, way back during the Covid Hoax, I posted about plans found in documents from the German Federal Government, plans that talked of a “post-democratic” plan for governance.

          Was quite the talk of the town in the alt-media over here. Given what the Davos nutters have uttered about democracy and what a problem it is for us all, I have little doubt that something like this is the actual plan.

          • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 7:57 am #

            Yes, and it’s not like these sorts of people and their ideas/agendas/tactics/etc. simply disappear forever once enough people become wise to them. It’s an ongoing battle.

            Did you ever see this weird suit that K Schwab once (or often) wore? Is this real?


            Complete with a monocle?

          • JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 11:46 am #

            Good post, NO

            Yeah, what do these global “experts” think the ideal government is for a country or even the world? Assume BRICS+ succeeds in pulling down the dollar and the US Deep State goes into convulsions, what is next? Throw out the US Constitution as a model? What is going to take its place?

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 7:03 am #

        It would be like a real life version of one of those amusement park shooter games where, instead of a bunch of gopher’s heads popping up and down, it’s Trump heads.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 7:05 am #

        If you graze his ear, you get a cute little stuffed mouse or frog.

      • SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 3:11 pm #

        Yeah it would be the opportunity to do a hard great reset rather than the soft great reset they’ve been trying to pull off.

    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 7:22 am #

      i honestly think Joe Biden is dead.” ~ SoftStarLight


      Unsure how much different from the usual that would seem in any case.

      If so, perhaps he will return in December in one of our host’s essays, as some sort of ghost of Christmas past.

      • SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 3:14 pm #

        Oh that’s just my dialect puddin pie, don’t let it get you twisted. Lol, what a great idea for a little Christmas tale by the fireside!!

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 6:04 pm #

          Maybe I can theme-ize you and make you my year-round Christmas pal.

          • SoftStarLight July 24, 2024 at 3:38 pm #

            Where do i send my Christmas card :0)

    • BackRowHeckler July 23, 2024 at 11:32 am #

      Biden could be dead but technically still alive SSL. That was Nelson Mandela’s status for about 6 months; at his actual death he was hooked up to a machine that kept his blood pumping and electrodes hooked up to his skull gave the semblance of brain waves. There were political reasons for doing this, one of which was the fear that announcing Mandela’s end would precipitate a widespread massacre against remaining White SAfricans.

      As far as Gaza goes Harris is skipping Netanyahu’s address to Congress due to a previous commitment which is attending a Sorority Boule in Indiana.

      • SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 3:16 pm #

        Yes but she is going to be holding a private meeting with Bibi sometime later in the week. Would love to be a cute little butterfly on the wall for that one.

  71. SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 3:37 am #

    i have no sympathy for Joe Biden. Just look at the misery and suffering these people have unleashed onto the world. Maybe Trump is all part of it but it sure does seem like the system top to bottom hates his guts. It is very true that they only appeared positive toward him in their media coverage because they were luring him in to waste all of his campaign dollars thinking he was opposing Joe and not the one unburdened by the glass ceiling because Daddy Willy is so sweet and kind after. And yes, they wanted that shot of the shot, no doubt. But they are so consumed by hate. Look at that ghetto bitch Sheila Jackson Lee who was literally posting on X all kinds of hate on Trump while she was literally withering on her death bed. So no, i have no patience or sympathy. Jesus take the wheel!! Love you, good nite xoxo

    • Night Owl July 23, 2024 at 7:46 am #

      Behind the scenes it probably looks like the death of the Skeksi emperor from The Dark Crystal.

      • SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 3:18 pm #

        What is this story? I will definitely have to check it out. Sounds very interesting!

        • Night Owl July 24, 2024 at 9:23 am #

          It was an ’80s children’s movie (on the surface at least) with puppets. Done by Jim Henson.

          Great film, and I still go back and watch it sometimes. Definitely worth a watch, particularly if you liked Henson.

    • JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 10:41 am #

      System hates his guts?

      What has he done? In 2016, he beat the Deeep State at their own game. He (OHMIGOD) beat the flying lizard.

      He will never be forgiven.

      Face it folks, this is a divided nation, haves and Have-nots. Haves want to protect what they have from the government and the Have-Nots want to steal what the Haves have.

      Extremely simple, go no farther, That is the politics of the USA.

      It is actually the politics of the world. Think about the WEF, target the Haves of the world and steal their wealth. Think about BRICS+, divest the money of the USA and spread it over the world.

      Trump represents the Haves to the Have-Nots, trying to protect the illegal stealing of wealth. They hate him as he blocks what the Progressives want, to emasculate the USA .

      God’s plan is in place, it may be much bigger than the USA.

      The latest, just now, Cheatle has resigned..

      Goodness, think about that, the organization that tried to off Trump got hammered yesterday and after spending yesterday AM covering for them, she has been given her marching orders.

      The real source, Mayorkas, should be impeached again next, he is the direct connect to THE group.

      The USA is divided in half. The Progressive half has found a way to increase its % and will keep that border open until they have formed the uniparty. Trump better be real careful and refuse any connection to the Deep State such as the SS. He is toast if he doesn’t, the Group have exposed themselves.

      Has any party in the USA history just refused to leave office? The Group just tried to kill the opposition, could they just refuse to leave?

      • Paula D July 23, 2024 at 11:14 am #

        The attitude expressed here: “Think about BRICS+, divest the money of the USA and spread it over the world.” shows why so many countries, in BRICS or not, are divesting from the US.

        If a country invests in US treasuries or puts money in US banks, it is now the property of the US? That is what you and your owners think?

        See, most people don’t think like that. They think it’s still their money.
        And when the US steals their money, they don’t like it.

        And other people look at the thefts and say “It’s not safe to put money in the US. They are thieves”.

        And then JAZ calls BRICS a “threat”, because they don’t want to put their money in the US any more.

        • JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 11:38 am #


          Yeah, they are a threat, every thing that has happened in the last 4 years is a threat.

          BRICS+ is a threat as it has spoken out that its goal is the collapse of the dollar as the world’s dominant currency. The world has found a way to knock the King off the mountain. Paula, if you are an American citizen, it will affect you. How much of your investments are outside the USA?

          Also, all money changers are thieves, the world wants to be bigger thieves than the USA has been and it is starting to work.

          If you do not consider the downfall of the US dollar a threat to you personally, well?????

          • JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 11:40 am #

            Besides. The main point was that the USA is divided in half and I do not see any way for it to reconcile. the split is being caused by income inequality, which has dragged down every empire.

          • Paula D July 23, 2024 at 12:56 pm #

            “all money changers are thieves” sounds like a justification for theft.
            As I said, that attitude is why so many people are looking to get their money out of the US. Why would you give your money to self-admitted thieves for safekeeping?

            And actually, the reason that the US was considered a safe place to bank for so many decades is that we had banking laws, put in place by the FDR administration after the spectacular banking lawlessness of the 20s. The bankers have been buying up influence to destroy those laws since the 70s, but the enforcement apparatus was in place, so it was difficult to completely destroy immediately.

            Your attitude of “Everyone steals, so our rulers should force people to give us money so that we peons will benefit” isn’t convincing to people with money to save or invest.

            BRICS is a workaround from the increasing lawlessness of the US. The US has used sanctions, theft, and manipulation of SWIFT, to try to destroy other countries, which they say openly, and the other countries are sick of it, and have formed an alliance to escape.

            The dollar will still be the reserve currency, but the power of dominance is on its way out.

            Whose fault is that? I lay the blame solely on the crooks and criminals that have taken over this country.

            You blame the victims for finding a way out


          • OG July 24, 2024 at 1:01 am #

            “Crooks.” Ha!

        • SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 3:25 pm #

          This is a great point. i would like to be a safe place to do banking.

        • Ron Anselmo July 23, 2024 at 11:21 pm #

          “See, most people don’t think like that. They think it’s still their money. And when the US steals their money, they don’t like it.” ~ Paula D

          Paula – It’s not their money, it’s been collateralized. Their deposits in any form, are in essence, loans to the banks. The banks are insolvent, to the tune of $500 Billion in unrealized losses.

          When they have to unwind their balance sheets, depositors will all of the sudden realize that the money was not theirs – they are creditors of the banks.

          Worse, they’ll be told to get in line — the back of the line. In other words, broke, and they’ll never see “their” money again.

          • Paula D July 24, 2024 at 12:43 pm #

            Yes, that is true for us, the people of the US. The whole 30s bank reforms are gone, even if the vast majority of citizens don’t realize it yet. As you say, there is going to be a rude awakening when the confiscate our money. That is probably part of the reason they have been working on the plans for total police state totalitarian control of the population.

            But if you were a sovereign state, looking for a safe place to put your funds, would you put it in the US, knowing what you do?
            That is what upsets JAZ so much, the fact that other countries no longer want to play homie’s game.

          • Ron Anselmo July 24, 2024 at 3:21 pm #

            Paula – you’re right, I wouldn’t give them one thin dime.

      • SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 3:21 pm #

        Nancy Maced her..

        • OG July 23, 2024 at 5:52 pm #

          Nancy Mace is a fine-looking woman!

          • Ron Anselmo July 23, 2024 at 9:36 pm #

            Not finer looking than Dreamy!

          • SoftStarLight July 24, 2024 at 3:37 pm #

            ;0) <3

  72. OG July 23, 2024 at 4:15 am #

    An interesting scenario [not mine]:

    Are we on the timeline where Hillary Clinton is the new candidate but then gets arrested in October because of the Oklahoma City bombing and trying to kill JFK Jr. because he was going to expose her thus essentially making Trump president because no one runs against him and then exposes and arrests the deep state kicking off Nuremberg 2.0 and then holds the rally of all rallies and then JFK Jr. comes out and says, “I told ya”?

    We on that one?

    – We The People News

    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 7:08 am #

      Cankles N’ Cackles for the win.

    • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 25, 2024 at 9:35 am #

      OG – Been reading the Illuminatus Trilogy, by chance?

      If not, you’d enjoy it. And you already see the fnords.

  73. JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 10:53 am #

    Cackles is off and running, it took no time at all to get her going, did it? One week and her campaign is in place, her delegates are in place, she has endorsements from everyone but Obama.

    In one week.

    Gee, you think this was planned a while back? Trump shot, Biden dumped, Jill shut down, Cackles campaign in full swing, Cheatle dispatched (watch out), all in the same week.

    Ya’ think?

    If you did not believe in the Mob before, that is politics, if you do not now, you are a fool.

    The real problem, the real enemy of patriotic USA, is the refusal of the Hidebound Democrats to realize their party has become a monster, a uniparty that has taken over the central government, the Deep State, and they are going to authorize the takeover.

    Every citizen needs to examine within themselves what the USA means to them, right now.

    • tucsonspur July 23, 2024 at 2:03 pm #

      Yeah, what’s Obama up to? The debate was before the shooting and planning must have been underway because Biden was on very shaky ground, gaining defectors and losing donors.

      It’s a very efficient machine and they know how to ‘get’ votes. There’s not much time so its full speed ahead. The hope is that Kamala can’t swing the swing states.

    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 6:14 pm #

      “…you are a fool.” ~ JohnAZ

      I’m a fool for love.

    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 6:17 pm #

      …their party has become a monster, a uniparty that has taken over the central government, the Deep State, and they are going to authorize the takeover.” ~ JohnAZ

      Some people like to call the US, the USSA, so what the hell… I am hoping peak oil smashes the USSA political setup to hell.

      • The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 6:19 pm #

        …Well and all other political setups as well, including the loony-duck currency country. elysianfield is not bothered by their pension drying up or whatever, so it’s onward and downward!

      • JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 7:07 pm #

        BRICS+ is trying to control the faith in US Treasury’s as the legal tender for the world. OG is right, they are using gold, accumulating gold to get the job done.

        A very disturbing trend exists inside the gold market though. The gold bullion banks, used by the countries of the world to buy and sell gold, started taking in US Treasuries to buy gold. I wonder if anyone rally knows how much gold in the banks is really fiat US Treasuries.

        I wonder, a question, what is Trump’s and Harris’s position on the BRICS+ buildup of gold? Do they really give a damn about the movement of wealth at all.

        Especially Harris, does she even understand anything about the issue at all?

        Or much of anything else we discuss on this platform?

        • The Man They Call Zazelle July 24, 2024 at 5:53 am #

          I’ve mentioned being wary of gold before because governments would control it. I mentioned the metaphor of Goliath handcuffed to David and swining him around and against the rocks.

          I could be wrong, but suspect that investing in gold essentially means that the State still controls you.

          I’ve also suggested that a gift economy might be the way to go and recall offering an essay in that regard by the late David Graeber.

        • MrMangoOnMyShoulder July 25, 2024 at 10:06 am #

          I trust bullion banks as much as I trust the other banks, or shares in the stock market.

          1/10th ounce gold, physical.

          That said, once the world explodes, not sure if the neighbor would take that for eggs, corn, beef, or flour. They would probably be more likely to take physical labor in return for goods than physical gold. At least early on in the LE (when it will matter most).

  74. JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 11:29 am #

    Think about what is happening right now, what the Deep State is doing.

    Investigators are slowly, IMHO, too slowly, peeling the investigatory onion. The Deep State is trying desperately to cover their tracks. Cheatle better watch out, go into hiding, otherwise she is dead.

    1). The central point, who got to the kid to convince him to commit suicide? Or did they promise him protection?

    2). Is there a second shooter? What is that shadow on top of the water tower? How about the opinions about two guns from the audio track? The last shot sounds like the sniper. Number 3.

    3). How did the SS allow the patsy get to where he was?

    4) Why is Cheatle protecting the Mob? Is she so much of a Leftist nut to think Trump needed to be killed?

    5) Once Cheatle’s cover was blown yesterday, was she shown the door?

    6) Is the bi-partisan appearance here stem from some genius figuring out that the Mob Left and Mob right have now broken the assassination glass ceiling. It is open season on all candidates with the same scenario, hire or inspire a patsy and ensure a kill with the second shooter. It has been used before.

    7). Watching the Cheatle resignation settle the blame game investigation is a disaster, the entire Deep State will be off the hook. Next will be a rubber stamp Warren Commission 2.

    8) Why was a woman, an associate director of the FBI, behind Trump, looking at the shooter’s position prior to the shots and then calmly sitting back filming the dais.

    9). Why did SS agents shoo the backside of the platform but not the front? All four of the photogs whose miracle pictures have been published were in the “pit” in front of the dais. Why were the photographs not even presented yesterday? I believe the water tower was on line from the back.

    10). The response of the snipers? Everyone in the crowd was looking around, “Where were the shots coming from?” The snipers are set up facing the shooter’s position, the last shot, very obviously from the audio track, was heavier, from the snipers. They shot him in the head, not an easy shot, how did they detect his position line up and shoot a tough shot in the few seconds that it occurred?

    Is it going to take a “Designated Survivor” incident that will finally stop the escalation of violence between the MAGA and Deep State factions? Does the entire Deep State need to be blown up to stop them?

    I will guarantee you, Corey would want this shit stopped.

    I am really concerned that the whole thing is going to be shut down right now and the Deep State is going to get away with it.

    Sidebar If the Mob is the source, and Antifa, (catch the Soros connection)is part of the deal, Kamala May be the next bullseye as they try to get rid of the USA government.

    • OG July 23, 2024 at 12:45 pm #

      It is refreshing to witness you pursuing your very own conspiracy theory, JAZ.

      Way to go!

      • tom clark July 23, 2024 at 1:38 pm #

        JAZ for President! He’s got all the questions…and all the answers.

        • Jarek July 23, 2024 at 1:55 pm #

          Still gonna vote Democrat, little guy? You have no questions and no answers. You just “find yourself” voting for the donkeys.

        • JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 6:56 pm #

          Lots of questions, I thought that is what this blog is about.

          Very few answers, some ideas, a definite sense of right and wrong and deep faith that in spite of all the opinions here, God’s plan is underway.

      • JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 7:09 pm #

        Hey, OG, the blog has been trying to figure out who the Capstone is composed of for a while.

    • The Man They Call Zazelle July 24, 2024 at 6:20 am #

      Fool Me Once…

      That’s one of the great things about being an anarchist is we don’t really have to bother ourselves much with those kinds of bad-actor State government issues like that. We already have & get it.

      Our headspaces, if not our situations/predicaments (because of course we’re being held hostage against our will as [what they call] their ‘nationals’), are already divorced from the State.

      If your husband, wife, lover or even friend keeps jerking you around, unless cluelessness, punishment and/or forgiveness or whatever exist on a whole different plane of reality for you, generally, it’s eventually time for a separation and/or divorce.

  75. tucsonspur July 23, 2024 at 1:29 pm #

    When you go to a Trump rally you want to hear him speak, but I now wonder if it’s a good idea to get within earshot of the former president.

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    • astera July 23, 2024 at 1:49 pm #

      I agree with this and it’s sad… Also, when is this “I-Have-No-Life-And-I-Just-Post-On-CFN-All-Day” Super Bowl contest between John, AZ and OG going to end? It’s really becoming tiresome.

      • tucsonspur July 23, 2024 at 2:10 pm #

        Hey, no chuckles? But yeah, I know.

        • tucsonspur July 23, 2024 at 3:16 pm #

          ‘Life is an obscure hobo bumming a ride on the omnibus of Art.’

        • astera July 23, 2024 at 9:04 pm #

          o yeah, and got the earshot thing, thanks

      • Jarek July 23, 2024 at 2:25 pm #

        “life” is overrated. The Spirit, or “Life” matters more.

        • astera July 23, 2024 at 3:17 pm #

          I capitalised “Life” for a reason. For a reasonably smart person, what is it that you do not get?

          • Jarek July 23, 2024 at 3:32 pm #

            You capitalized all the words. Go back and look!

        • OG July 23, 2024 at 3:23 pm #

          People judging other people’s lives as non-existent will too be judged.

          I had no idea that our arguments (on JHK’s free-speech platform*) about the most significant geopolitical events of recent times [Lahaina, 10/7 and Trump’s Magically Clotting Ear] are supposed to entertain astera.

          Have you ever even heard of astera?


          Maybe it’d be less “tiresome” for you if you started different threads rather than plowing through OG versus the Strawmen Ad Hommers.

          *I buy Jim a coffee on the 4th of each month. Jimbo – what a career! Well done, sir!

          If you’re reading this sentence, you too should buy Jim a coffee each month.

          • astera July 23, 2024 at 3:47 pm #


            Maybe it’d be less “tiresome” for you if you started different threads rather than plowing through OG versus the Strawmen Ad Hommers.

            *I buy Jim a coffee on the 4th of each month. Jimbo – what a career! Well done, sir!

            If you’re reading this sentence, you too should buy Jim a coffee each month.”

            Now I know how exactly psychotic you are. Once agreed to a lot of your positions, but you’ve gotten increasingly out of order and you are a dominatrix (aka f**got) who is hellbent on uncovering the truth even it means your version of the truth.

            I have been to Lahaina.. multiple times, before and after the apocalypse… have you? actually in your entire life???

            It’s tragic what happened and i lost relatives in this disaster…did you?

            There was definitely a lot of shady shit going on..don’t disrespect my family by acting like you know it all. Please, just shut up already.

          • stelmosfire July 23, 2024 at 4:20 pm #

            ASTERA: “I have been to Lahaina.. multiple times, before and after the apocalypse… have you? actually in your entire life???”

            Personally I’d never heard of Lahaina before this tragic wildfire. I went round and round with OG about this subject. I almost dread bringing the subject up again. I wasn’t there so i can not bear witness as to what happened before, during, or after this terrible event. OG claims laser beams and thousands dead. Missing school buses filled with children. Specifically targeted houses and neighborhoods. I claim a tragic out of control horribly mismanaged wildfire driven by hurricane force winds and months of drought. Perhaps we can get an opinion? Thanks.

          • OG July 23, 2024 at 4:29 pm #

            No. That’s not how free speech works. D’uh!

            You can choose to stop reading me here in the free world but I’m not going to stop my search for the truth* because you don’t like what I say (yet … keep … reading me … ?).

            I’m sorry that you lost relatives in the Lahaina DEW attack. That’s terrible!

            No, I have never been to HI. Regardless, I want justice for them, for you, for all of us. I want to stop these evil fucks before they do it again. I want them in jail where they belong.

            Lahaina 8/8 Lest we forget.

            *There are no different truths! I had never even heard the term “That’s your truth!” until 2011. It’s a ridiculous concept.

          • OG July 23, 2024 at 5:04 pm #

            elmo, you forgot:

            FBI grad, Vegas Turkey Shoot incident commander [whatever the flip that is!], Maui Police Chief/Coroner John Pelletier and his inexplicable traffic jam that eye-witnesses claimed they were the last ones out and thousands caught in the police-generated gridlock behind them.

            You forgot the bizarre 5+ miles of 12′ high blackout fence guarded (on the outside) 24/7 ostensibly to “keep the dust in” !!!

            This is why, in real debate, each person presents their case themselves. Capiche?

          • astera July 23, 2024 at 8:09 pm #

            “Personally I’d never heard of Lahaina before this tragic wildfire. I went round and round with OG about this subject. I almost dread bringing the subject up again. I wasn’t there so i can not bear witness as to what happened before, during, or after this terrible event. OG claims laser beams and thousands dead. Missing school buses filled with children. Specifically targeted houses and neighborhoods. I claim a tragic out of control horribly mismanaged wildfire driven by hurricane force winds and months of drought. Perhaps we can get an opinion? Thanks.”

            If it is me you are asking for an opinion from, the best I can say is it was a perfect-storm natural disaster. I’ve been there during hurricane/typhoon dumps when the entire beaches of the islands were brown with runoff from the slopes. As you said, this was a very dry season and it didn’t help to have the windward winds winding up due to the storm. Again, I do believe some shady/incompetent stuff was going on…but I guess we’re going to have to get used to it since the Trump half-ssination happened.

            There are many plausible reasons to think it was some kind of setup…stealing prime land from the indigenous population (which wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened….or the last…look at Gaza). None of that would surprise me. The point is that thousands of people died and first responders wouldn’t / couldn’t help them. And Lahaina is a very cloistered and congested area. God be with them all.

      • benr July 23, 2024 at 10:49 pm #

        I think you mean OG and half the posters on this site.

  76. Jarek July 23, 2024 at 2:05 pm #

    New York Post

    Embattled Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle admitted on Monday that the near-assassination of former President Donald Trump was the “most significant operational failure of the Secret Service in decades” — but still refused to resign as she faced tough questions from lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

    “The Secret Service’s solemn mission is to protect our nation’s leaders. On July 13th, we failed,” Cheatle told members of the House Oversight Committee in a hearing. “As the director of the United States Secret Service, I take full responsibility for any security lapse.”

    She claimed during questioning that the building from which Crooks opened fire was “outside the perimeter” of Secret Service protection — and that the reason for her agency not having counter-snipers on the building was because the agency prefers to have “sterile” rather than “sloped” roofs.

    Jarek: Sterile roofs? She is the ultimate sterile roof. But she’s going to be well rewarded for all this. She takes full responsibility too! Hillary used to say this too – in a supremely arrogant tone. If she took full responsibility she’d resign. And obviously Hillary took no responsibility and didn’t think she ever did anything wrong to begin with. Or she took full responsibility as a sacrifice to Satan – as in the death of the Libyan ambassador.

    How many theories are we up to? Another one: Factions. One faction was in on it, the other one wasn’t. Within the Democrat party. The Capstone tolerates a bit of this. It’s inevitable. They are vying for pride of place in the new Order. Thus they post no threat. The Republicans? Same (alas). American Caesar, saved by God, poses no threat to them whatsoever. Indeed, he will be a most effective tool.

    • OG July 23, 2024 at 2:42 pm #

      “American Caesar” with Jerome Powell at the Fed, Jamie Dimon heading Treasury and J.D. Vance already chomping at the bit to go to war with Iran.

      What could possibly go wrong?

      • SoftStarLight July 23, 2024 at 3:39 pm #

        Neither Vance nor Trump want war with Iran. i’m not saying they ain’t part of things but i will be pushing back when i feel it is needed.

        • OG July 23, 2024 at 3:59 pm #

          Like the vast bulk of his Republican brethren, Vance is a strong supporter of Israel and of Israel’s war in Gaza. He has argued that the United States has a critical role in establishing a balancing coalition against Iran in the Middle East. Vance has consistently supported a hard line against Iran, having expressed outright admiration for Trump’s decision to assassinate Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, and has even described his late-found opposition to the Iraq War in terms of Iran’s growing regional influence. Vance has expressed few, if any, qualms about the size of the defense budget or the influence of the defense industrial base on American politics.


          JD Vance says we need to hit Iran Hard not these weak little bombings.


          [Oh … so scary … Bitchute hosting a 0:50 video clip of J.D. Vance on Fox News.]

          • JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 6:45 pm #

            Saudi Arabia (AKA the USA MIC) vs, Iran

            Sunni vs, Shia

            BRICS+ is starting to narrow the gap.

            1943, USA agreed to defend the Saudi kingdom in exchange for oil. I believe that is also going to be a victim of BRICS+. Saudi is already making noises about OPEC cutting off the USA. The Prince does not like Biden.

        • OG July 23, 2024 at 4:15 pm #

          And, yes of course, SSL. Please pushback always. You pushback with facts and reason and logic. That’s what we’re here for. To talk things out.

          Strawmen and ad homs, on the other hand, are “tiresome.”

        • astera July 23, 2024 at 6:02 pm #

          I really hope you are right.

        • Blackbird July 23, 2024 at 7:28 pm #

          “Neither Vance nor Trump want war with Iran.”

          And how do you know this Miss Starlight? Do you have – as many here have – a direct connection to Trump’s mind? In a Being Donald Trumpovich kind of way? Sadly, I don’t have that kind of insight into Trump’s thoughts and intentions. I can only speculate based on his past performance.

          My speculation tells me that one thing President Trump will do during his Second Coming, that he didn’t do the first time around is go to war with Iran – in order to “save” Israel.

          Let’s hope I’m wrong.

          • messianicdruid July 23, 2024 at 8:20 pm #

            Christians fighting Muslims as Satanists laugh behind their hands.

          • astera July 23, 2024 at 8:27 pm #

            Hope you’re wrong, too.

            Thank you for this laugh: “In a Being Donald Trumpovich kind of way?”

            On a related note, I also got a big laugh from a commenter on another site, who said, “Trump must be really great at real estate because he lives rent-free in so many peoples’ heads. ROTFLMAO

  77. Jarek July 23, 2024 at 2:37 pm #


    Glory to the real Poland, neither of the East or the now fallen West. They and the Irish may save themselves because the Church has lost influence and because they aren’t overly intellectual. Thus when the Irish chant Irish for the Irish, they mean actual White Irish people. They’ve not interested in “souls” the way the Priests would be. Nor in stale Liberal ideology that a Black or Muslim born in Ireland is as Irish as a real Irishman.

    Very few people will ever be smart and learned enough to justify their prejudices. In fact, they are correct. But since they can’t win in logical debate, only their instincts and prejudices will save them. Christianity would have stopped this movement I’m afraid.

    The Polish border guards are now armed (only now!) and have permission to shoot in order to defend themselves against the Muslim invaders brought in by Putin. In Putin’s defense, if Poland would get the hell out of NATO and stop supporting the madness in Ukraine, I believe he would stop this counter-attack.

    Alba believes that Black or Brown people are just as Irish or English as people born there with roots going back thousands of years. She thought it was just a coincidence that black “Cheddar Man” appeared when Megan Markle was introduced as Harry’s girlfriend. She was amazed that I thought it was no coincidence. Later on, one two of the anthropologists on the project admitted they had no idea what color Cheddar man’s skin was.

    Anglin posted a meme of Harry with his arm around Cheddar man instead of Megan. Good old Anglin, Islander, Mary, and Alba.

    • TPTB-USA July 23, 2024 at 6:45 pm #

      People are getting a little testy. Wait until it comes to a boil.

      Is there such a thing as a world civil war?

      Perhaps prisoners could be sent to the moon until things are sorted out?

      Polish MP Calls Out Ursula belongs in Prison for Destroying the EU on behalf of the WEF

      • TPTB-USA July 24, 2024 at 1:16 am #

        Perhaps a world wide revolution would be a better selection of words.

    • GreenAlba July 23, 2024 at 7:43 pm #

      Always the same. I don’t comment for a while and Jarek puts on his lying-toad costume because he’s missing me. Nothing new under the sun.

      • stelmosfire July 24, 2024 at 11:13 am #

        “Jarek puts on his lying-toad costume because he’s missing me. Nothing new under the sun.”

        Alba you’re cracking me up over here.

      • Jarek July 24, 2024 at 6:43 pm #

        Oh? Which part?

        It’s all true as you well know.

        • GreenAlba July 25, 2024 at 10:53 am #

          Everything you said in relation to me was bollocks. I don’t understand your obsession with Cheddar Man and the Markle woman. She seems like an unpleasant person, but she’s about as black as I am and somewhat lighter than Charles II, the ‘black boy’ king, whom you never mention.

          Charles II was an actual king. Harry isn’t even in line for the throne, unless William and all his family die. Why would anyone care who he marries? There are other things you could be obsessing about. Do tell me all about the harms that resulted from Charles II being a bit tanned.

  78. OG July 23, 2024 at 3:50 pm #

    Houthi Drone Boats Strike Oil Tankers In The Red Sea


    Footage has emerged showing a Houthi suicide drone striking an oil tanker approximately 100 nautical miles northwest of Yemen’s port city of Hodeidah. The drone hit the tanker on its port side, raising concerns about a potential oil spill.

    This incident underscores the challenges facing the United States-led Operation Prosperity Guardian, aimed at protecting southern Israel by curbing the Houthis’ activities in the Red Sea. President Joe Biden previously acknowledged that U.S. strikes in Yemen were not stopping Houthi attacks on global shipping but vowed to continue them nonetheless.

    Worse: I heard that Putin recently agreed to start providing the Houthis with BRICS missiles.*

    That’d be a bit of a game-changer for Bibi-gun the Nutty Yahoo, eh? Iranian missiles from Hezbollah in the north and Russian/North Korean missiles from the Houthis in the south.

    But don’t you worry about it, though. You see, your elected Democrats and Republicans are aiming to give the most standing ovations in the history of these things. So clearly … well … don’t youse worry. Biden was bad and pooped his pants so now Donnie Magic Ear will …

    Anyway, it really is wake-up time.

    *BRICS’ missiles are the best. And they’re pumpin’ ’em out like rabbits. NATO, on the other hand, did it the “capitalist” way: invested trillions in a DC orgy of grift and have a dwindling supply of last-generation missiles. And very, very little rolling off assembly lines.

    “Buckle up, buttercup!”

    • stelmosfire July 23, 2024 at 4:33 pm #

      *BRICS’ missiles are the best.

      The West is the best
      Get here and we’ll do the rest
      The blue bus is calling us
      Driver, where are you taking us?

      Nothing about red shoes though. hum?

      • stelmosfire July 23, 2024 at 4:37 pm #

        Almost 60 years since “The End” was recorded. Are we any closer?

        • OG July 23, 2024 at 5:17 pm #

          Indeed. 60 years closer.

          Us Boomers hit the era jackpot! 1946-present was the cushiest ever for average Joes.

      • OG July 23, 2024 at 5:14 pm #

        Brilliant reference, elmo. I haven’t spun The Doors in a while. I think that I will right now. [L.A. Woman, though.] Thanks!

        I did provide a link to a video vis-à-vis red shoes yesterday.

        It probably got lost in the shit-storm of SF’s unproductive yet constant strawmen and ad homs.

        While I cannot vouch for this particular video, I can tell by its title that it will introduce those unfamiliar with the significance of red shoes and start them down that rabbit hole.

        Adrenochrome, Moloch and the Red Shoes… (related links in description)


    • JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 6:38 pm #

      OG, Putin has been supplying missiles to Iran for a while, those missiles are not staying in Iran.

      Also, wonder oh Biden and his chums in NATO put all those sanctions on Russia. What happened? Remember WW2 which got the US out of the Great Depression?

      Well, the Russians have discovered Asia. They have discovered “making bullets” is very good for an economy. Making missiles is wonderful. Defense spending is the cat’s meow. Something the MIC discovered 70 years ago.

      So we alienate Russia and make its GDP go up, China too. In the meantime, our manufacturing dries up and we print fiat money to take its place.

      Good foreign policy.

      • JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 6:39 pm #

        Wonder boy Biden

        • stelmosfire July 23, 2024 at 7:19 pm #

          i still want to hop the blue bus. Where is the door/entrance?

          • JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 7:20 pm #

            If you mean the Blue Train, the Liberal sucker play, Why?

  79. JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 7:19 pm #

    They are asking today who is this Kamala Harris, treating the US public like they are stupid?

    She is a Democrat,

    She has a plan for the Middle class!

    Yeah, how to destroy it feeding the immigrants she was supposed to control and ignored.


    Trump got the same results by trusting Pence to run the Covid reaction as Biden got from Harris on the Border situation. Could it be that at that early date, Harris was wielding the same knife for the back of Biden as Pence was for Trump?

    I am having shivers over the Democratic response to Harris, a totally uncredentialled, untalented and the best word, SILLY excuse for a candidate for president.

    I will bet HRC is having a fit with this SILLY individual being one step closer to the presidency as the first woman president.

    • JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 7:54 pm #

      I came across this today. I dedicate it to all the folks that think Kamala is the answer to all America’s problems.

      Bear Witness Central

      Kamala Harris. Who is She?

      Geoffrey Higginbotham USMC

      March 15, 2021

      This is enough to uncover what may be going on right now. Harris is the most dangerous threat to the Constitutional US that exists today. She is an out and out Communist and a “silly” lady who is being manipulated by the world communist organizations. She has surrounded herself with communists throughout her life, including her husband. If she wins in November, we will remember Biden fondly.

      As she arises, watch out. She may be the poison that has infected the Biden WH, IOW, all the stuff we have been wondering who the source was, well watch and see.

      She may not be such a silly lady.

  80. The Man They Call Zazelle July 23, 2024 at 7:56 pm #

    So Biden just happens to get Covid after or around about Trump just happening to get shot at…

    If this were a relationship, when would you throw down the gauntlet?

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  81. OG July 23, 2024 at 8:15 pm #

    These are interesting 4+ minutes:

    Trump Highlights Personal Ties with Kim Jong | Donald Trump Full Speech at RNC 2024 | N18G


    3:30-7:45: Trump describes being shot days earlier.

    Trump, the ultimate witness to his own “shooting,” testifies the following:

    “I … felt something hit me really, really hard.”

    “My hand was covered with blood.”

    “Just absolutely blood all over the place.”

    “There was blood pouring everywhere.”

    “I had God on my side.”

    “Nobody ran and by not stampeding, many lives were saved.”

    “There’s an interesting statistic [sic]: the ears are the bloodiest part – if something happens with the ears – they bleed more than any other part of the body, for whatever reason. The doctors told me that. I said, ‘Why is there so much blood?’ He said, ‘It’s the ears – they bleed more.’ So we learned something.”

    JAZ, of course, covered all bases in his fight with reality by claiming both that there was “lots of blood” and that there was “hardly any blood.”

    Paula, on the other hand, counters Trump’s doctors with: “Your ear is made of cartilage. It doesn’t have a massive blood supply, but that doesn’t matter, all blood coagulates when it hits the air, no matter what body part it came from.”

    Yet Donnie Magic Ear clotted tickety-boo after only one minute and we all know this for a fact because he had a post-it on it while stating the above bullshit to the American people.

    Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

    • astera July 23, 2024 at 8:33 pm #

      I can’t believe you idiots are still fighting over this half-ssination. SMDH

      • JohnAZ July 23, 2024 at 8:37 pm #

        Not me, the photos proved it for me.

        No more fighting.

        • Bethel@70 July 23, 2024 at 9:10 pm #

          Mr. Trump has already participated in at least one other false flag event. A few days after the Las Vegas “mass shooting” on October 1, 2017 he visited some of the “wounded” in the hospital for a photo op. Unfortunately I did not keep a link to the pictures. He parroted the “official” narrative about the incident.
          On a side note, Mr. and Mrs. Adelson of Las Vegas visited him for a private dinner at the White House a few days before Oct. 1. Adelson’s newspaper, the Las Vegas Review Journal, was instrumental in establishing the party line nationwide.

          • OG July 23, 2024 at 10:09 pm #

            Yes. There are going to be a lot of very disappointed little Trumpsters when the truth is revealed.

      • OG July 23, 2024 at 10:06 pm #

        Right. We shouldn’t discuss black ops on a geopolitical site.

        Good thinking.

    • Paula D July 24, 2024 at 12:51 pm #

      I heard Trump say that. He is wrong. The ears do not bleed more than any other part of the body.

      The scalp does, but not the ears.

      I don’t know why the doctor told him that, if he did, but that is not correct.

      • Paula D July 24, 2024 at 12:53 pm #

        Also, the blood coagulation process does not depend on the body part that is injured. Blood coagulates the same no matter where it comes from.
        I posted a description of the process last week.

        • Q. Shtik July 24, 2024 at 1:08 pm #

          But if the blood is actually V8 Juice it doesn’t coagulate.

  82. GreenAlba July 23, 2024 at 9:14 pm #

    The Biden version of the Iwo Jima pastiche, from Bob @Bob’s Cartoons.

    ‘When you need to go …’


    • TPTB-USA July 24, 2024 at 1:23 am #


  83. OG July 24, 2024 at 1:25 am #

    Rumour has it that Xi stroked out a couple of days ago.

  84. OG July 24, 2024 at 1:51 am #

    Shot ears do not clot tickety-boo in one minute with pressure, let alone without. D’uh!

    If you cannot grasp that simple fact and face reality (Trump is in on it), then you will get what you deserve.

  85. OG July 24, 2024 at 1:55 am #

    I keep asking this question but nobody ever answers: Why was the ground-changing June 27 Trump/Biden Debate held three months earlier than normal?

    Hint: Democrats and Republicans are in cahoots.

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    • SoftStarLight July 24, 2024 at 3:55 am #

      There is an active live drill psyop that is working to convince me that Trump is the Antichrist. It’s really late and i’m super tired and cannot process any additional information. However i will return to prove you incorrect. Please do make a big note that earlier today i stated that Trump and Vance did not want war with Iran and tonight Trump posted that he is meeting with Bibi but way more importantly he is working for peace in the Middle East and he included a letter from Abbas he recently received that he signed and everything and said everything was going to be ok. And all of these anti-Zionist people were like wow ok this could possibly by something good? And they are never happy with anything so there you go. When forces are trying to make me feel like i’m the one not seeing reality correctly that means i’m right over the target. i do my homework. i’ll check in tomorrow. Good nite room <3

      • JohnAZ July 24, 2024 at 10:27 am #

        Trump is the Anti-Christ, that IS a joke.

        the Anti-Christ is global, Trump wants no part of that, America First.

        The Anti-Christ will use the internet and social media to control, Trump, using X. Does not mince words, and is not trying to be all things to all people as the Anti-Christ will have to be. The Anti-Christ will manipulate all the people to his line of thinking, Trump has never done that, He says it like he feels.

        It amazes me how some folks sign up to what the Media says about Trump, his family, and MAGA, most, are out and out lies. If an Anti-Christ does show up, he/she will be media oriented, masters of social media, and a computer whiz. Those three will be a requirement to Take over.

        Hint: Trump or Biden are none of the above, that is why the real Anti-Christ is working hard to get rid of them, also to get rid of the USA, a gigantic block to his takeover plans.


        Not Putin or Xi, they want only to take care of their own countries.

        Not Trump or Biden, discussed above.

        Nor Bibi, too controversial.

        Klaus Schwab? Getting closer, but he just retired. Look for his cabal or replacement.

        Bill Gates? Hmmmmmm? Not very appealing.

        Alex Soros? Getting really warm.

        Elon Musk? Manipulates everything, out foxing the foxes, Neurolink 666? Elon may be a tool for the Anti-Christ but does not have the appeal for the people. He is also not a power driven person.

        Think? Could the Anti-Christ and the beast be organizations or maybe AI? Is the takeover of the planet going to be the singularity? Can one person be all things to all people, or is a global organization or an awakening of “SKY-Net” what is going to dominate humankind.

        If you believe in Revelation, have to believe that Israel is going to be victorious against whatever is thrown at it. If you believe the Holy Mother at Fatima, control of Russia is key to the future. Russia? Or the socialistic world it espoused at the time? Jesus’ seven letters to the churches appeals to the individuals of those churches to correct their spiritual errors, Jesus hates the fence sitting mealy mouthed attitude of government. Down with the Nicolaitans. God is eventually going to deal with Babylon and the Kings of the Earth, a good summary of what he feels about human government.

        How about the Deep State of the USA being the Anti-Christ or the Beast, take your pick? It wants to control the world, always has. Is it Babylon? Or is it just one of a bunch of Babylons scattered all over the world? God will subdue the Kings of the Earth and repopulate using His people.

        Humans by nature are evil, and no where else in the world is that evil more present than in today’s USA.

        • OG July 24, 2024 at 11:14 am #

          We are made in His image, JAZ. Humans are, by nature, good.

          If you believe in Revelation, have to believe that Israel is going to be victorious against whatever is thrown at it.

          Please provide chapter and verse to back this claim.

        • Socrates-Detroit July 24, 2024 at 12:49 pm #


          I wonder, do YOU believe in Revelation? You seem have some pretty authoritative comments, as if you get it, but others do not.

          Yet several passages in Revelation in particular, and the Bible in general are subject to interpretation.

          And often, these interpretations can vary depending on the context and understanding of the reader.

          And how does one acquire context and understanding? Probably a lifetime of prayer and fasting and bible study, like a priest-monk or a nun.

          Since Revelations was written, the Christian Church evolved, with five Bishops over five Churches (Jerusalem, Antioch, Constantinople, Rome, Alexandria) had seven Ecumenical Councils to resolve issues of doctrine between 325 and 787.

          Then in 1054, the Church of Rome (Catholic Church) LEFT the other four churches to become the “ROMAN Catholic Church”. That’s the birth of “the West”.

          And this schismatic denomination spawned other Protestant denominations, all of which are further way from Christ and the Apostles than Orthodoxy. And yet, living in the US, the “West of the West”, we have non-Orthodox interpreting the Bible and telling us what it really says, including the “Rapture”. That may be some people’s view. Maybe yours.

          What do you make of Revelations 2:8-9

          8. And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write 9. I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan

          Or Revelations 3:9, to the angel of the Church of Philadelphia

          9. Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie–indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you

          In my opinion, it appears both passages say that those who say they are Jews but in reality, are not, are not good, since they are associated with Satan in these two passages. Is the synagogue of Satan literal or figurative? I don’t know.

          When St. John wrote this, Smyrna was a wealthy, prosperous city allied with Rome, which had a large and active Jewish community that actively opposed Christianity. St. Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, was one of the first of the early hierarchs. He was martyred by being burned to death.

          The Christians in Smyrna (mostly Greeks and Armenians) were destroyed by the Turks (Islam) in 1922, when the Turks burned the city, expelled or killed the Greeks, including killing Bishop Chrysostomos, but not before the mob tore his beard off and gouged his eyes out. The Turks were careful not to kill the Westerner ex-pats in the city.

          But what of 3:9? The Church of Philadelphia is long gone. Is that a literal passage?

          Was prophecy 3:9 fulfilled? Did people who called themselves Jews, but were not, ever bow down to the Church of Philadelphia and worship the Lord, as 3:9 says? Maybe we missed it, maybe it happened in 400AD or something? Or will it be fulfilled in the future?

          I simply offer another view.

          Finally, I finish by saying that, Revelations 22:18-19 warns against “adding” or “taking” away from anything “written in this book”, lest God will “add to the plagues written in this book” or “take away from the Book of Life”.

          Something for everyone to consider before invoking Revelation or the Bible to support their arguments here.

          • Jarek July 24, 2024 at 6:49 pm #

            Good job. The Zios always leave out Christ’s spiritual anti-Semitism.

            To be a Christian means being against the Jewish religion. To be a Jew means to be against the Christian religion. It’s that simple.

            One or two exceptions: The Kairite sect that rejects the Talmud. And the Ethiopian Jews who had lost their connection with other Jews and never received the Talmud.

        • SoftStarLight July 24, 2024 at 3:34 pm #

          Call me hopelessly vintage. i really was just hoping for an American First breakthrough and was praying the Spirit would engulf Trump to do the right thing. Honestly its Trump or bust. There is no other politician that exists in America that will try to challenge the established globalists powers. And if he is really part of it then it is already over and there is no need to discuss politics because its all a template anyway.

      • Paula D July 24, 2024 at 1:00 pm #

        SSL, China is working for peace in the middle east also.

        They got 14 Palestinian groups together (I didn’t even know there were that many factions), and they all agreed on cooperating to go along with the existing peace plan that calls for a separate Palestinian state.

        I would guess that the west is also down with this plan, or we wouldn’t have been subjected to 9 months of anti-Israel propaganda.


        • SoftStarLight July 24, 2024 at 3:35 pm #

          Well Trump has indicated he wants peace with China as well. i am hoping like hell its not pretend as that is really all we have at this point.

        • Socrates-Detroit July 24, 2024 at 4:59 pm #


          What is this “anti-Israel propaganda”? Where is it?

          Tell us where you see it.

          As for China, here is what I think (and I could be totally wrong).

          China is conveying to the US government, specifically the Israeli Lobby, that if the US encourages Taiwan to “declare independence” and seek recognition

          (something China has said it would consider a “causus belli”, that is a cause for war, in which case China would use force to take the island, something China does NOT want to do),

          then China will begin meddling in the Middle East to the detriment of Israel.

          China is using the Israel Lobby to affect US policy. Though in this case, the Chinese are right, both regarding Taiwan and Palestine.

          The Israeli Lobby will take this message to heart and ensure the US does not let the situation with Taiwan get out of hand.

          China is just playing the Palestinians for their purposes.

          I will look hard for anti-Israel propaganda. Give us some examples.

          You do understand even Arabs have smartphones now–it’s not like Fallujah in 2007, when the US could large censor the news here, but when European media did not, and the Europeans could watch the US military being “as bad as the Germans in WW2, maybe worse”, as more than one European remarked at the time.

          Again, give some examples of “anti-Israel propaganda”.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 6:22 pm #

            the US government, specifically the Israeli Lobby,

            Adding: “or do I repeat myself?”

          • Jarek July 24, 2024 at 6:52 pm #

            Anti-Semitism was a capital crime in the Communist Soviet Union. Apparently Paula is still living with this mind set. What a dinosaur! A living fossil….

          • Socrates-Detroit July 24, 2024 at 6:59 pm #

            I omitted… In Fallujah there were no smartphones, so most Americans didn’t realize the extent of what was happening, because it was not that difficult for the US government to lean on US media.

            However, in Europe, where there was still some anti-imperialism in the press, they showed a lot. And maybe that’s why Europeans were more vocal against the US in Iraq.

            Would you agree with that?

            @Paula Since YOU were aware of Fallujah. So I guess in addition to bombing and shelling the place, US soldiers/Marines also starved the natives and blew up the hospitals, and kept food and medicine from flowing, and a lot of US soldiers just skipped the rules of engagement and killed the Arabs for sport, right?

            @OG The Israeli Lobby controls the US government, but is not literally the US government. It’s a fine line.

            The one guy who does not have an AIPAC monitor…well, his wife mysteriously died recently. Just like that. Maybe she was COVID vaxxed? Rep Thomas Massie, R-KY. One of the few in government who actually does “put America first”. May her memory be eternal.

          • Socrates-Detroit July 24, 2024 at 7:00 pm #


            Excuse me? What “anti-semitism” are you talking about?

          • Jarek July 24, 2024 at 7:20 pm #

            Soc-Det: I don’t understand your lack of understanding. I won’t repeat myself since I couldn’t explain it any more clearly.

            Paula is a Russian Communist. Maybe that will help you understand the context of my comment and thus my comment.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 7:29 pm #

            Rhonda Massie
            May her memory be eternal.

          • Paula D July 25, 2024 at 4:58 pm #

            You don’t call it anti-Israel propaganda, SD, as I pointed out last time.

            You call it righteous and important coverage of an ongoing genocide.

            As I pointed out, we both see the same thing, but we interpret it differently.

          • Paula D July 25, 2024 at 5:02 pm #

            Also, the US kept food and medicine from flowing to Fallujah for over a decade, just like they kept it from the rest of Iraq. Just like they keep it from Syria now, although in Syria they have added literally stealing the wheat that Syria grows.
            Just like they have done in DPRK for decades, and Cuba, and Venezuela.

            Do you not remember Madeline Albright acknowledging that the US blockade had caused the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children?
            Do you not remember her saying it was worth it?

            Now extrapolate that to the other countries I mentioned.

            And then tell me that Gaza is an unprecedented war crime. Oh, and a “genocide”.

    • JohnAZ July 24, 2024 at 9:52 am #


      Biden looked horrible in that debate, before and after, not nearly as bad.

      Is there a gross subversion going on here, are the reset gang trying to eliminate both of the old fuddy duddy candidates to put in their modern Woke candidates. The Dems succeeded, I wonder what threats they put against J&J. The gang failed against Trump, so far. Did you see what the USSS said about protecting Trump? No more outdoor rallies? How can you be any clearer, you want to get Trump, do it outdoors so we have an alibi.

      These are the reset boys, the thugs that want the WEF reset, do I hear Soros? Let me tell you, they do not give a damn about the people, only their power.

    • GreenAlba July 24, 2024 at 10:10 am #

      From Ed Dowd:


      “Conjecture: If I were in the shadows and had an agenda of ushering in a reset to control the end of the current ponzi debt based fiat system with a CBDC and a surveillance state I would need to tame and bridle the populist/maga movement. I would abandon the useful idiots on the left and embrace the right and infiltrate and bribe my way to my agenda under the cover of a “win.”

      “If Trump ends up in office, and we observe personnel choices or actions that strip any of our liberties away under contrived circumstances, we will know then the above theory has some merit.

      Clearly the current cult regime must go. But be on alert for a new cult and hidden agendas that may come to pass.”

      • JohnAZ July 24, 2024 at 10:39 am #

        The deflationary aspects of CBDC will cook the US goose. We are currently based on about a 40-50% debt to principal financing scheme.

        Trump got burned, the Taj Mahal, by not being conservative with his bucks and allowing speculative appeal to cloud his judgement.

        With CBDC on the books, some up di up is going to make all the bean counter decisions and shrink the Debt risk taking crowd such as Trump or Musk.

        Deflationary! That is what the PTB are trying to avoid right now, the collapse of the debt system and the Depression that will follow.

        AKA, kicking the can down the road.

        • JohnAZ July 24, 2024 at 10:41 am #

          I agree though, if Trump starts Making Deals with the money changers, it may bring on deflation and the economic disaster it will cause.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 11:25 am #

            if Trump starts Making Deals with the money changers

            Powell & Dimon. The Dream Team.

          • stelmosfire July 24, 2024 at 11:31 am #

            “it may bring on deflation and the economic disaster it will cause.”

            Perhaps some deflation will be good for the economy. Everything is overvalued. Houses and the stock market being the two most glaring examples. The stock market is nothing but funny money. Pensions and fed money pour in non stop and the values just keep going up. It’s a false economy. Real estate actually has an intrinsic value , it’s just been grossly over-valued. People base their net worth on the increased value of their primary residence. That is totally bizarro thinking. Sell it and live on the street . Now you have some money in your pocket. Otherwise you’ll buy another place and you are basically where you were yesterday. You can downsize or relocate but that will just drive up the prices even more as the available housing unit count shrinks.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 11:47 am #

            The stock market is nothing but funny money. Pensions and fed money pour in non stop and the values just keep going up. It’s a false economy.

            Exactly! Our problem, of course, is that the Rothschilds run the US Fed. They “create” “money” by pulling nuggets out of their entitled scrawny butts.

            Gold & silver are God’s money. God truly created money.

          • Paula D July 24, 2024 at 1:07 pm #

            You are so right about real estate, saint. Houses are actually a money sink, not a source of wealth.
            But the propaganda for a couple of decades has been the opposite. You are supposed to cheer when your house theoretically rises in value.
            Why? You get no dividends from that. Instead you get higher property taxes.

            I remember before the 2008 crash going into my bank to cash my check, and they had giant signs all over the place.
            Did I want to go on a swank vacation?
            Did I want to remodel my kitchen?
            Did they have a deal for me! All I had to do was take out a second mortgage, what they called “refinancing”, on the value of my extremely valuable house, and I could go off and sip tropical cocktails on some beach.

            What a scam.
            Meanwhile, more and more people showed up on the street, begging for spare change. But I’m supposed to think that rising house prices are a good thing.

          • TPTB-USA July 24, 2024 at 7:17 pm #

            Deflation, or inflation?

            Under President Milei, the worst economic crisis in decades puts Argentine ingenuity to the test

        • OG July 24, 2024 at 11:24 am #

          Deflationary! That is what the PTB are trying to avoid right now, the collapse of the debt system and the Depression that will follow.

          No, JAZ. Actually, it is the complete opposite: TPTB have looted the wealth of mankind and are now engineering the collapse of their old debt system.

          • Q. Shtik July 24, 2024 at 12:42 pm #

            Pensions and fed money pour in non stop and the values just keep going up. – OG (or maybe someone he’s quoting)


            Have you noticed the market is getting killed today?

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 1:40 pm #

            The S&P 500 is indeed down 1.68% today but is up 80.56% over the past 5 years.

            For comparison sake: Gold is up 0.47% today and 69.29% over the past 5 years.

          • Q. Shtik July 24, 2024 at 2:05 pm #

            “Nasdaq having worst day of year” – CNBC

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 3:24 pm #

            Indeed! Thanks for that, Q. NASDAQ is down 3.47% today. Even with those losses, however, it is still up 17.68% YTD.

            BRICS will pull the pin on the US$ one day.

      • OG July 24, 2024 at 11:18 am #

        If Trump ends up in office, and we observe personnel choices or actions that strip any of our liberties away under contrived circumstances, we will know then the above theory has some merit.

        Trump announced, immediately after being “shot” in the head, that Jerome Powell will continue running the Fed while Jamie Dimon will leave his $36mil/year position as CEO of JP Morgan Chase to head the Treasury.

        Case closed.

        • Q. Shtik July 24, 2024 at 12:55 pm #

          Case closed. – OG


          It is highly unlikely that Trump (assuming his election) would be planning to do away with the Federal Reserve and/or the Treasury. Given this fact, do you have some particular beef with Powell and Dimon heading these organizations?

          “Case closed” implies that you DO have a beef.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 1:01 pm #

            Yes I do. Jerome Powell and Jamie Dimon are the very epitome of global-banker evil.

            Trump is assigning the guarding of the henhouse to foxes.

          • Q. Shtik July 24, 2024 at 1:17 pm #

            Yes I do. – OG


            OK, so who do you suggest he appoint instead?

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 1:22 pm #

            Non-swamp dwellers. Is not that Trump’s entire shtick?

            Trump claims to want to “drain the swamp” but only ever brings in more and more swamp creatures!

            Trump is in on it.

          • Q. Shtik July 24, 2024 at 2:07 pm #

            How ’bout Jim Cramer and Morgan Brennan (she of the great tits)

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 3:27 pm #

            I only use my tv for pro sports. I know that Jim Cramer is a shill. I had never heard of Morgan Brennan before. I Googled Images and you are indeed correct about her!

          • Q. Shtik July 24, 2024 at 4:06 pm #

            I know that Jim Cramer is a shill. – OG


            A shill for who or what? And how do you know this?

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 6:17 pm #

            Jim Cramer is a shill for the market bulls. I know this because I watched him shill on CNBC for years and years.

        • Jarek July 24, 2024 at 6:55 pm #

          In The Late Great Planet Earf, Hal Lindsay says the Anti-Christ will make a miraculous recovery from a head wound.

          Is Trump the Anti-Christ? We all thought it would be Jared Kushner, right? But he was too much of a dweeb. We wanted a better one and now here he is.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 7:23 pm #

            Lindsay was using this as a (the?) source:

            And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
            2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
            3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
            4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
            5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

            – Revelation 13:1-5 [KJV]

          • malthuss July 26, 2024 at 10:00 am #

            OH PLEASE.

            Is HL so psychic?

      • BackRowHeckler July 24, 2024 at 2:45 pm #

        Alba, a few UK you-tubers are spreading a rumor that the new PM and the new Home Minister have cooked up a plan that requires citizens to take illegals into their private homes, by law. A refusal could be construed as a Hate Crime. Any truth to it? Apparently the Kenya plan has been scrapped, as has the offshore floating barracks plan. Forcing British — and Scottish — families to accommodate ‘Newcomers’ from Somalia, Eritrea & Yemen, not just a few but entire families, and perhaps providing ‘Culturally appropriate’ meals for them, seems to be the next logical step.

        Any truth to the rumor, or is it just a load of right wing hyperbole?

        • GreenAlba July 24, 2024 at 4:01 pm #

          Sounds like a load of nonsense, brh. But who knows what they will cook up on the way to 2030?

          Most people don’t have spare rooms. Problem solved. I certainly don’t.

          It was Rwanda, not Kenya, on which billions have apparently been spent on the ‘trial’ policy of sending half a dozen (or whatever) migrants to Rwanda.

          Talking of which, I just watched an excellent presentation on what actually happened in Rwanda in the ’94 ‘genocide’, and the current status quo (by James Corbett).


          • OG July 24, 2024 at 6:12 pm #

            I’ll never forget that French guy giving a speech on how they controlled the men into machete-weilding murderous mobs with frequencies. These frequencies are now known as 5G.

            Buh buh buh baby
            You just ain’t seen nuh nuh nuh nothin’ yet
            Here’s somethin’, here’s somethin’
            That you’re never gonna forget, baby
            You know, you know, you know
            You just ain’t seen nothin’ yet
            Nothin’ yet
            You ain’t been around
            At least, that’s what they told me
            Gotta go to school

            – Randy Bachman

          • BackRowHeckler July 24, 2024 at 6:30 pm #

            After watching ‘Hotel Rwanda’ with Don Cheadle I ordered a few books on the subject.

            One Chinese freighter loaded with crude machetes and cheap transistor radios is all it took to murder 900,000 people in 90 days — which affirms my prediction that widespread use of primitive weapons will be a feature of modern warfare. In Poland, a soldier patrolling the border was recently killed with a spear chucked over the fence from Belarus by a ‘Migrant’. A homemade spear, hurled by a spearchucker!

          • GreenAlba July 24, 2024 at 6:40 pm #

            brh: Hotel Rwanda is the propaganda version. I think you would find Corbett’s presentation fascinating. He includes a couple of chunks from Hotel Rwanda to highlight the gaslighting.

            It’s not that the quoted number of people weren’t killed – it’s who they were and the context.

          • Jarek July 24, 2024 at 6:59 pm #

            As always, Alba tries to mitigate the crisis in various ways. “It’s not happening around here.” And now, I don’t have spare rooms. Problem solved!

            You are right: The Camp of the Saints is Coming. They can sleep right in the same room with Alba and her husband. They’re used to it. Problem solved!

          • GreenAlba July 24, 2024 at 8:57 pm #

            You are such a clown, toadie.

            It isn’t happening. It. Isn’t. Happening. What brh said. It isn’t not happening because people don’t have spare rooms. It isn’t happening because it isn’t happening. I said who knows what they might do between here and 2030, so go away and be quiet, little toadie. You are getting too desperate.

          • GreenAlba July 24, 2024 at 8:59 pm #

            Re spare rooms, perhaps you need to work on your sense of humour, but it’s not really a thing among the master race, is it?

          • Jarek July 25, 2024 at 1:04 am #

            Alba believes that Brown Muslims are just as English as a Celt or Germanic whose ancestors have been there for ages.

            It’s the Law after all. Alba has enormous respect for the Law but little for righteousness it would seem. She thinks them the same you see……

          • GreenAlba July 25, 2024 at 10:57 am #

            You’re still lying, toadie. Go and do something better to improve your soul.

  86. OG July 24, 2024 at 11:40 am #

    Your stupid photoshopping excuse is so dumb, you would have to have multiple photogs all get together and figure out how to touch up the pictures all in one day. Can’t you even see your own stupidity in all the progression of excuses you use.
    – JAZ

    I’m suggesting that one picture was Photoshopped, JAZ. This one:


    Pause it at 4:42.

    The one where Trump’s right arm is on that weird angle for him to examine his own hand. The one that supposedly “proves” that his ear was shot. The one where he has blood on his oddly held hand that does not match the video where he held his arm normally (and his hand was bloodless!).


    Watch the 4 seconds from 0:08 to 0:12. Then back-up and freeze at 0:10.

    I’m suggesting that just that one picture was Photoshopped with the arm/hand on the wrong angle because it was snagged from one of the “money shot” pix after the SS got their Hollywood fake “blood” all over his ear, face and hand.
    – OG

    … crickets … crickets … crickets …


    the photos proved it for me.
    – JAZ

    JAZ does not let facts and truth interrupt his hero worship.

    It’s sad, really.
    – Dr Evil

  87. stelmosfire July 24, 2024 at 11:49 am #

    My state just received fed money and is planning on using my tax dollars to replace two bridges . The Sagamore and the Bourne bridges over the Cape Cod Canal. $4,500,000,000.00 has been proposed. The current bridges are in good shape but they are often plagued by traffic back-ups. $4.5 billion for two not particularly large bridges. Make work build-back-better money you see. All so people can get to their vacation homes in the busy summer season without being delayed by a traffic back-up. $4.5 billion! for two average bridges. . The Big Dig was an $8 billion project that ballooned to over $20 Billion due to corruption and cost overruns. These bridges will take years longer than proposed and suck money like a black hole. Massachusetts is corrupt to the core. But hey, I’ll be able to get to P-town with my ass-less chaps 30 minutes sooner. Thank you US Taxpayers.

    • Paula D July 24, 2024 at 1:10 pm #

      Why don’t they just run trains over already existing rails? Hundreds of people fit onto trains. That would cut traffic easily.

      Too sensible? Yeah, you’re right. Probably a lot of bribes and money laundering going on there.

      • stelmosfire July 25, 2024 at 8:37 am #

        I would conjecture that the P-town travelers would just as soon pull a train over the old bridge.

    • SoftStarLight July 24, 2024 at 3:31 pm #

      lol, well a half hour does save you some time there

    • Ron Anselmo July 25, 2024 at 12:13 am #

      SEF – in this summer heat, Greta says watch those ass-less chaps on dark leather seats.

      • stelmosfire July 26, 2024 at 8:11 am #

        Ron the outbound trip will probably be ok. I’ts the return in bound ride where things will get a little crusty.

  88. OG Is Nuts July 24, 2024 at 11:58 am #

    If you believe in Revelation, have to believe that Israel is going to be victorious against whatever is thrown at it.

    Please provide chapter and verse to back this claim.

    Ezeziel 39 OG. You need to spend more time in a genuine Bible study

    • OG July 24, 2024 at 12:09 pm #

      Ummm … first off … Ezeziel [sic] is not Revelation. JAZ claimed “If you believe in Revelation, have to believe that Israel is going to be victorious against whatever is thrown at it.”

      Second off, my asking for citation when someone makes Biblical claims is Bible study.

      Why are you so confrontational? We all just seek the truth. Be in good spirits! Enjoy the day.

  89. OG Is Nuts July 24, 2024 at 12:09 pm #

    Here is another outrageously un Biblical quote by OG the “Christian”

    We are made in His image, JAZ. Humans are, by nature, good.

    New Testament. The estimate of man in the NT, and more esp. in the teachings of our Lord, rests basically upon the Hebraic understanding of human nature and the OT interpretation of human racial history. The four gospels do not undertake to articulate a doctrine of man as such; they do portray the activities of our Lord as He met men and women in concrete and often crucial situations; and out of these situations emerged rather definite teachings with respect to the nature of man.

    Men were regarded as sinners, and the lot of the human race was that which resulted from its sinfulness. Jesus addressed His disciples with the words, “If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts…” (Luke 11:13), thus suggesting man’s universal involvement in the sinful predicament. He recognized that sin’s defilement reached the springs of human action and operated outward from a hidden sanctuary (Matt 15:11; Mark 7:15) and suggested that “out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a man…” (Matt 15:19, 20a; cf. Mark 7:21-23).

    These and similar passages indicate the emphasis of our Lord upon the solidarity of the human race in the predicament of sinfulness. While He made reference to the “sins of the flesh,” His emphasis was more frequently upon the “sins of the spirit,” such as covetousness, pride, and self-sufficiency. Such forms of evil were most frequently seen as barriers to entry into the kingdom, as witness for example the dealing with the rich ruler (Luke 18:18-24). Underlying these analytical statements of Jesus is the statement by John, to the effect that He needed no one to instruct Him concerning human nature, for He knew what was within man (John 2:25). This suggests a realistic view of human sinfulness upon the part of our Lord.

    He saw all men as needing “healing” (i.e., salvation), and referred in irony to those who felt no such need. Even those who appear outwardly to be “righteous to men” were held to be inwardly “full of hypocrisy and iniquity” (Matt 23:28). Mankind was likewise indicted for “hardness of heart,” this being held to render necessary many of Jehovah’s earlier permissions of such evils as divorce—and even here the suggestion is that this was not part of man’s original order of conduct (i.e., before the Fall) but the result of the sin-order (Matt 19:8).

    While our Lord gave full recognition to the evils and ills which are part of the experience of the race, He never regarded these as final, for He always viewed man from the standpoint of God’s redemptive power and will toward humanity. While He saw that recompense, in the form of suffering here and hereafter, came as a result of sin, He saw the sin-order as modified by the order of grace. With this in mind, He sought out sinners, without minimizing the gravity of the evil which was part of fallen man’s endowment. He recognized that man, in the deepest layers of his being, harbored a pernicious mood of revolt against his Creator.

    The four gospels thus portray man—seen through the eyes of Jesus Christ—as having suffered an original catastrophe which cast its long and melancholy shadow across human experience and human history. The nature of man thus bore the disastrous effects of the Fall; but as a foil to this, it was made clear that mankind possessed a residual capacity for sonship with God through grace.

    You’re not a Christian OG. I say that without fear of being called judgement. You have none of the Fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

    On top of that you are a fornicator who rationalizes his sexual sin.

    • OG July 24, 2024 at 12:33 pm #

      The four gospels thus portray man—seen through the eyes of Jesus Christ—as having suffered an original catastrophe which cast its long and melancholy shadow across human experience and human history. The nature of man thus bore the disastrous effects of the Fall; but as a foil to this, it was made clear that mankind possessed a residual capacity for sonship with God through grace.

      Exactly! That more eloquently says what I said. Thank you.

      You have none of the Fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

      Of course I have love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We all do (in varying degrees).

      You don’t even know me. You’ve never even met me. Smarten up.

      You’re not a Christian OG. I say that without fear of being called judgement.

      Talk about a cop-out! “I’m judging you even though our Lord told me not to … because I’m exempting you from His guidance for me.” Now, that’s some serious carte blanche Christianity you’re enjoying over there, OIN. Good luck with that.

      Judge me without fear all that you like, OIN. I will continue living my life, pushing my understanding of God’s agenda and, of course, will ultimately abide by His to decision on whether He will forgive me of my many, many sins on Judgement Day.

      God bless you, OIN, as we each seek truth, my good man. Perhaps we will even embrace in fellowship in Lord Jesus’ kingdom after His stars fall from the sky.

      • OG July 24, 2024 at 12:39 pm #

        You have none of the Fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

        Says the man who goes by the moniker: OG Is Nuts.

        It truly does write itself.

        • OG July 24, 2024 at 12:44 pm #

          It’s time to put OG in the bullseyes. HeeHeeHee
          – OG Is Nuts

          Death threats are universally well-known to be unChristian.

          May God have mercy on your soul.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 1:31 pm #

            You may know that your published death threat of me was empty … but I don’t. How could I?

            In fact, published death threats are a crime, OG Is Nuts.

            Cease & desist.

            Jim is like God watching over CFN. He sees all but mainly has a cool, measured laissez faire governing style.

            That said, I’m sure that he’d agree that posters threatening other posters with their murder is unacceptable behaviour here on CFN. Smarten up.

          • SoftStarLight July 24, 2024 at 3:30 pm #

            Yep, we are being watched every second of every day y’all

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 5:48 pm #

            You’re right, SSL. And that’s why I regularly take shots at the in-bred Rothschilds – I know that their minions/AI are/is reading my thought crimes.

            They want me off their planet? Fuck that! I want them justly locked up on our planet.

            They can go bite the big rutabaga as far as I’m concerned.

    • JohnAZ July 24, 2024 at 3:09 pm #


      Man is a split personality. Evil in nature but given the chance for redemption by Jesus, the human essence of God.

      Revelation (later) casts a very dark prognosis for mankind.

      • OG July 24, 2024 at 3:37 pm #

        Yes … but we’ve also learned from Messi that “eternity” doesn’t mean what we’ve been led to believe. Most of mankind will be damned to Hell for alom time but that’s not the end of it all.

        In the very end, all souls will join in unison with the Lord.

    • Groundhog July 24, 2024 at 8:13 pm #

      One of the worst things that can happen to a forum is having it over-run by contending Bible thumpers. Imagine having your forum taken over by people arguing about details concerning Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny – as if they were real living characters.

      • stelmosfire July 25, 2024 at 8:44 am #

        Buggs bunny is not real? Sacrilege!!! I’ve seen him with my own eyes on TV. I’ve never seen Jesus.

  90. OG July 24, 2024 at 12:56 pm #

    OK … that was a colossal waste of time and space that was! Now back to the real task at hand:

    JAZ, where, in Revelation, does it say, “Israel is going to be victorious against whatever is thrown at it”?

    I ask because it is my understanding that Revelation actually says that Israel will have the whole world turn against it and that it is then blown to smithereens in the Battle of Armageddon.

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    • JohnAZ July 24, 2024 at 2:37 pm #

      The first 144000 people to be judged and entering heaven will be Jews. 12000 from each tribe.
      Rev. 7

      There are actually three wars in Revelation

      Rev. 8 & 9 The Trumpets. A third of mankind is killed.

      Rev.11. The two witnesses. 7000 killed.

      Rev. 16. The seven bowls of god’s wrath. No numbers here but it sounds pretty bad. The end result is the gathering of Kings (evil humans) at Armageddon.

      Rev. 18. The destruction of Babylon, the prostitute who corrupted all the kings, no number here.

      Rev. 19. Jesus and his hosts defeat the Kings of the earth, and kill all the armies of the kings. And birds fed on their flesh.

      rev.20 The thousand years. When they are over, Satan will be released and will build up armies on earth again, God destroys them with fire from heaven. Then the final judgement.

      Rev. 21. Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

      • JohnAZ July 24, 2024 at 2:53 pm #

        Looking at Revelation, there is no reference to where Armageddon is located. Looking at Wikipedia, there is no firm description of Armageddon, but a guess that it might be Mt. Sinai.

        God saves Jews first, Israel, then allows the Kings of the earth to gather at Armageddon to be destroyed totally. When God is done, there will be very few people left on the new earth, but they will be His people. Even after the New Jerusalem is in place, God will be here on earth with us and will continue to deal with evil people.

        It is the outside world that the kings represents, God will protect the 144000 first. Israel may be the lone survivor in place for the New Jerusalem.

        OG, Revelation is not the place to go for your negative projection on the Fate of Israel.

        • OG July 24, 2024 at 3:57 pm #

          Ummm … I go to the Bible in search of the truth. It is your m.o. to approach things with your mind already closed, JAZ.

          You speak of “Jews” and the modern state of Israel as if they were one and the same. Yet we all know that the Palestinians are the Semitic ones and that modern-day Israelis are Khazarians.

          You can “think” that Bibi-gun the Nutty Yahoo slaughtering Gazans is “God-ordained genocide” all that you like … but I believe that you’d be much more comfortable for alom time if you’d quit it.

          God bless you, good sir. You are a fantastic sparring partner.

        • Q. Shtik July 24, 2024 at 4:19 pm #

          Looking at Revelation, there is no reference to where Armageddon is located. – JAZ


          It is located in south central NJ near Vineland 🙂

        • GreenAlba July 24, 2024 at 5:17 pm #

          The term ‘Starmergeddon’ has already been coined for the agenda our new PM is working towards.

      • JohnAZ July 24, 2024 at 2:57 pm #

        Make that five wars.

      • OG July 24, 2024 at 4:26 pm #

        4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.
        5 Of the tribe of Juda were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand.
        6 Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nephthalim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve thousand.
        7 Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thousand.
        8 Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand.
        9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;

        – Revelation 7:4-9

        It looks like a tie to me.

        • Jarek July 24, 2024 at 7:05 pm #

          Only 144,000 Jews make it compared the vast multitude of from the rest of humanity?

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 7:14 pm #

            That is correct: according to Revelation 7:4-9.

            And, it appears, even those 144,000 souls will be real Semitic Jews (as opposed to the modern-day Israeli Khazarian “Jews”).

        • Groundhog July 24, 2024 at 7:59 pm #

          “It looks like a tie to me.”

          It looks like a psychedelic inspired fantasy to me. Don’t you yet know that such things don’t happen and never have?

      • Q. Shtik July 24, 2024 at 4:52 pm #

        OMG, and Jesus H. Christ, the stuff you religious nuts will believe!

        • OG July 24, 2024 at 5:37 pm #

          It’s quite a book!

      • Groundhog July 24, 2024 at 8:02 pm #

        “Rev. 21. Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.”

        This is what happens when you eat too many magic mushrooms! You’ll “see” all sorts of shit.

        • OG July 24, 2024 at 8:33 pm #

          Absolutely! Psilocybin allows the user to “understand” things foreign to those that are not experienced.

          I been lying on your feathers
          You keep talkin’ about the weather
          I’m a psilocybin pony
          You’re a flick fandango phoney
          It’s a sticky contradiction
          It’s a thing you call creation
          Everything is science fiction
          And I ought to know

          – Ric Ocasek

  91. elysianfield July 24, 2024 at 2:26 pm #

    Well, ladies and germs;

    Found this posting on the Internets…posting here for the benefit of OG. Is it true?*

    A Swiss billionaire, who lives in Wyoming, Johann Georg Wyss has ties to shooter Crooks, but also had ties to Maui police chief John Pelletier, who, with the FBI, covered up the Lahaina fires, AND, was the commander of the Las Vegas mass shooting massacre, who along with the FBI stonewalled his own department, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and the mayor. But it doesn’t stop there, he actually meet with the ‘Las Vegas shooter’ Stephen Paddock (CIA asset) in Paso Robles, CA multiple times over a two year period. Also meeting one month before the Las Vegas shooting at an Indian casino in Solvang, CA, Chumash Casino. He has illegally donated hundreds of millions illegally to the Democrats.

    *who the hell knows…

    • JohnAZ July 24, 2024 at 2:56 pm #


      So there might be a Leftist group that is running all of this?

      No kidding!!!!! And not just Wyss. Any connection with Schwab or Soros, or Rockefeller. Or Rothschild?

      • elysianfield July 24, 2024 at 2:59 pm #

        I have no idea.

        • JohnAZ July 24, 2024 at 3:21 pm #

          Read Wyss on Wikipedia.

          Suffice it to say, he is known as “the new George Soros”. Contributing millions to environmental causes and to defeat Trump.

      • SoftStarLight July 24, 2024 at 3:28 pm #

        no doubt he’s connected to them

      • OG July 24, 2024 at 3:45 pm #

        You’re so focused on Right v Left that you’re missing the whole point, JAZ.

        Lahaina 8/8 was the mass murder of US citizens on US soil by US authorities.

        Put down your Donnie Magic-Ear action figure and join the discussion at the adult table.

    • SoftStarLight July 24, 2024 at 3:27 pm #

      Wow, just saw that in tiger droppings. Looks like the money laundering is being done through ActBlue.

    • OG July 24, 2024 at 3:46 pm #

      Thank you for posting this explosive information, EF. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

    • Paula D July 24, 2024 at 3:57 pm #

      Seriously, EF? Don’t you usually play the part of Cynical Debunker? Why are you now playing the part of Shit Stirrer?

      Why would a Swiss billionaire who lives in Wyoming have “ties” with a 20 y.o loner in Pennsylvania?
      What kind of “ties”?
      Are the “ties” with young Crooks the same kind of ties he had with John Pelletier and Stephen Paddock?

      And he has “illegally” donated hundreds of millions “illegally”?

      You were a cop. If you do something illegal twice, but it’s the same thing, is that double jeopardy?

      • OG July 24, 2024 at 4:13 pm #

        Don’t you usually play the part of Cynical Debunker? Why are you now playing the part of Shit Stirrer?

        We are trying to discover the truth here, Paula. Don’t be giving people shit for reporting the truth. [Note: I’m not saying that the story is true; I’m saying that the fact that this story is on the “Internets” is true.]

        This is not your classroom. Join the conversation or don’t. Start a different thread or don’t. But don’t give people shit for bringing interesting information to the table. You’re better than that.

        Why would a Swiss billionaire who lives in Wyoming have “ties” with a 20 y.o loner in Pennsylvania?

        I don’t know. Maybe because he’s a Luciferian asshole.

        And perhaps Crooks wasn’t as alone as you presume.

        What kind of “ties”?

        I don’t know. This story just broke. Let’s investigate – that’s how one gets to the truth.

        Are the “ties” with young Crooks the same kind of ties he had with John Pelletier and Stephen Paddock?

        Hold your horses! This investigation is only minutes old!

        And he has “illegally” donated hundreds of millions “illegally”?

        Odd that. Granted.

        This is part of wake-up time. People will fight reality tooth-and-nail. They will adamantly and even vehemently try to avoid topics that it’s going get downright explosive between now and everyone knowing wtf was really going on these past many centuries.

        • Paula D July 25, 2024 at 5:07 pm #

          I did join the conversation, OG.

          I teased EF, and then I pointed out the flaws in the story. You don’t really think I was trying to tell him to shut up, do you? I was just messing with him.

      • elysianfield July 24, 2024 at 9:38 pm #

        “Seriously, EF? Don’t you usually play the part of Cynical Debunker?”

        Guilty as charged.

        If the events are separated, it is not double jeopardy if individually tried.

        Paula, there are so many issues at present, I will not form an opinion that would rise to the level of a belief. To out of hand reject the veracity of the posting because of my predispositions would be an affirmation of a personally held opinion…. Is the information accurate? Who the hell knows? I posted below a video of cell phone tracking that might be Crooke and what appears to be very suspicious movement. Accurate and true? Who the hell knows?

    • Q. Shtik July 24, 2024 at 4:24 pm #

      He has illegally donated hundreds of millions illegally to the Democrats. – elysian


      It was only necessary to use the word “illegally” once.

      • Groundhog July 24, 2024 at 7:55 pm #

        We don’t care. Why do you?

      • elysianfield July 24, 2024 at 9:26 pm #

        A cut and paste…not my fault, coach.

    • Jarek July 24, 2024 at 7:09 pm #

      We still know almost nothing about the Las Vegas massacre. To explain it would be to “give the shooter tokens” and the Praetorians don’t want to do that!

  92. GreenAlba July 24, 2024 at 4:13 pm #

    Kamala and one of those Freudian slip thingies.

    She wants to reduce population, no, she means pollution. Oops.


    • OG July 24, 2024 at 4:16 pm #

      It sure does roll very naturally right off of her tongue, doesn’t it?

      • GreenAlba July 24, 2024 at 4:17 pm #

        And she doesn’t notice she’s said it, either, and correct herself. As most of us would.

  93. Soul Forensics July 24, 2024 at 4:43 pm #

    Well, here’s a surprise. The Nipah virus, aka the horror virus, has been detected in a few people in India. 40%-75% case fatality rate. Transmitted by …. yep, bats and pigs. Also by food or (gasp!) people.

    The stories write themselves. The MSM budgie cage-liner paper will soon report that Pfizer et al are feverishly working on a “vaccine”.

    Watch for an uptick in masks on the streets and in the stores, and challenges to those who dare to go bare-faced and smile.

    • stelmosfire July 24, 2024 at 5:05 pm #

      Be afraid, be very afraid. I’m kinda convinced that a deadly virus will come along and wreck havoc upon the human race. I just think it will be natural and be spread by natural means( maybe a simple cough or sneeze.) Can you say “CaptainTrips’

      • stelmosfire July 24, 2024 at 5:09 pm #

        If such a pandemic occurred I would not be out in public for months and anyone coming into my fenced yard would be subject to extreme prejudice.

        • stelmosfire July 24, 2024 at 5:12 pm #

          Then again, if such a collapse occurred, would life really be worth living ?

          • stelmosfire July 24, 2024 at 5:16 pm #

            Get Off My Lawn!!!

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 5:23 pm #

            There’s more to life than life.

            The homeless amaze me. Such a noble will to live.

  94. gustafson.robert.22 July 24, 2024 at 5:16 pm #

    “Trump claims to want to “drain the swamp” but only ever brings in more and more swamp creatures!

    Trump is in on it.”

    It just means he’s a self-serving, schmoozing, rudderless people-pleaser. No formalized under-table agreements with any PTB required.

    • OG July 24, 2024 at 5:25 pm #

      Like, for example, Miriam Adelson?

      • OG July 24, 2024 at 7:06 pm #

        With all this given knowledge that Trump is obviously “in on it,” let’s not lose sight of Miriam Adelson’s financing of Donnie Magic-Ear’s 2024 campaign.

        And I’m still waiting:

        Why, on God’s green earth, did Donnie Magic-Ear give the Democrats their get-out-of-jail-free card and inexplicably agree to a Trump/Biden Debate on June 27 – 3 months earlier than normal!?

        Wakey, wakey.

    • OG July 24, 2024 at 5:34 pm #

      Trump is in on it.

      Keep in mind, Gus, that we’ve already established that a shot ear (with a “bit” blown off) cannot magically clot (with pressure, let alone without!). That is, Trump is obviously in on it.

      In Donnie Magic-Ear’s own words:

      “I … felt something hit me really, really hard.”

      “My hand was covered with blood.”

      “Just absolutely blood all over the place.”

      “There was blood pouring everywhere.”

      “I had God on my side.”

      “Nobody ran and by not stampeding, many lives were saved.”

      “There’s an interesting statistic [sic]: the ears are the bloodiest part – if something happens with the ears – they bleed more than any other part of the body, for whatever reason. The doctors told me that. I said, ‘Why is there so much blood?’ He said, ‘It’s the ears – they bleed more.’ So we learned something.”

      That’s gas-lighting, Gus. They are gas-lighting us.

      • OG July 24, 2024 at 5:35 pm #

        *Keep in mind, Gus, that we’ve already established that a shot ear (with a “bit” blown off) cannot magically clot (with pressure, let alone without!) in one minute.

        • gustafson.robert.22 July 24, 2024 at 5:48 pm #

          It depends on the size of the wound.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 5:54 pm #

            A minor snip results in a “wound” that will clot in 8 minutes with constant pressure but this bullet wound was so big that a chunk of flesh was blown off of it!

            You are being gaslit.

            You can’t have it both ways, Gus.

            No ear ban bleed as much as we saw AND then magically clot in one minute without pressure. It’s ridiculous. They’re goofin’ on ya.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 24, 2024 at 6:19 pm #

            I don’t see chunks blown off. I see what could easily be a scratch or graze. I’ve definitely clotted much faster than 8 minutes with many small wounds.

            Plus, how strong can that fossilized geezer’s blood pressure be anyway.

          • Soul Forensics July 24, 2024 at 6:26 pm #

            It’s useless arguing with him, Gus. His mind is made up even as the event unfolds in real time.

            I already explained to him that I received a deep side-calf slice wound many years ago in a jeep accident, almost one-inch wide and six inches long, without a drop of blood issuing from it.

            But Dr. OG knows all.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 6:33 pm #

            The Doctor Bandaging Trump’s Ear Said Trump Might Live to 200


            Precious little is publicly known about the medical treatment that Donald Trump has received since a gunman injured the former president in an assassination attempt over the weekend. But one man in the know is Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Trump’s former White House physician.

            In an interview Monday, Jackson said Trump was missing “a little bit at the top” of his ear in the wake of the shooting. “I went up and dressed his ear this morning,” Jackson told right-wing media figure Benny Johnson. The white bandage on Trump’s ear has become so much of a talking point at the current Republican National Convention that some attendees have even started bandaging their own ears to show their support to the wounded presumptive nominee.

            Your fortunate clot stories are apples and oranges. NOBODY has bled as much blood as we were shown from a bullet wound to the ear (the body part that bleeds the most) and then clotted tickety-boo in one minute without pressure. It’s ridiculous. It’s gas-lighting.

            Plus, how strong can that fossilized geezer’s blood pressure be anyway.

            Weak blood clots slower, not faster and old people have higher blood pressure.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 6:42 pm #

            I already explained to him that I received a deep side-calf slice wound many years ago in a jeep accident, almost one-inch wide and six inches long, without a drop of blood issuing from it.
            – SF

            Of course I already explained that your injury to your leg (with all its blood-soaking meat) is completely irrelevant to an ear shot by a bullet. D’uh!

            I’m not a Dr. but I can read what Dr.’s tell us.

            “There’s an interesting statistic [sic]: the ears are the bloodiest part – if something happens with the ears – they bleed more than any other part of the body, for whatever reason. The doctors told me that. I said, ‘Why is there so much blood?’ He said, ‘It’s the ears – they bleed more.’ So we learned something.”
            – Donald J. Trump (aka Donnie Magic-Ear)

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 6:44 pm #

            But Dr. OG knows all.

            And yet you get upset when I state the obvious: you argue like a 12 year-old girl, little girl.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 6:51 pm #

            It’s useless arguing with him, Gus. His mind is made up even as the event unfolds in real time.

            Indeed. Once the criminal has been identified, I’m very rarely wrong. Like Columbo.

            Trump was in on it and you’re a gaslit fool to think otherwise.

            Butler, PA on 7/13 was obviously a black op. It was obvious by the very next morning.

            SF, on the other hand, still will not yet discuss JFK as it is still unfolding.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 6:55 pm #

            But Dr. OG knows all.

            An ad hom and a strawman in just five words. That takes an especially bright 10 year-old girl to accomplish so much with so little.

          • Soul Forensics July 24, 2024 at 8:22 pm #

            “I already explained that your injury to your leg (with all its blood-soaking meat) is completely irrelevant to an ear shot by a bullet. D’uh!” — OG

            It’s very relevant to the larger point, obvious to most, but apparently too complex for you to digest.

            That point? Each incident is dependent on a host of factors, many of them unrelated one to the other, and to which you (or anyone else) will ultimately be unaware of, or not privy to.

            (Even in the realm of ear-only cuts, your “facts” leave out much. A nick to the helix doesn’t automatically cause bleeding, according to the Cleveland Clinic.)

            But when you can only use “facts” to confirm your bias, this doesn’t matter because it’s too messy and indeterminate. You, OTOH, are black and white, because black and white stories are easy to digest for simpletons and ideological obsessives.

            Furthermore, and to a larger point of “photo evidence” that OG likes to use (but only when it suits him):

            Is anyone confident about the good faith of those who post pictures on their channels, hoping to get a scoop, thus more eyeballs and $$? With all the edited pictures and edited video clips swirling around the past week or ten days, who’s to say at least some (many?) are AI generated or enhanced?

            And we already have photos of Trump purported to be taken in media res that have turned out to be of Trump at rallies from two years ago.

            These are questions about procedure that a mouth-breathing ideologue like OG can’t imagine or (worse) admit to.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 8:58 pm #

            What a bucket of hog-wash!

            Ok … your sliced calf in an automobile accident is relevant to Trump’s ear having a bit blown off with a sniper’s bullet.

            Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk.

            A nick to the helix A nick to the helix doesn’t automatically cause bleeding, according to the Cleveland Clinic., according to the Cleveland Clinic.

            wtf are you talking about, you dolt?

            His ear did bleed, you dope. It’s part of their story, you moron.

            It’s great all these reality-deniers who keep switching between “gobs of blood,” “lots of blood” and “hardly any blood” and, even, “doesn’t automatically cause bleeding” while they ignore the particular case that we’re discussing!

            “He can’t be right! His methods are too like Columbo and not like the approach that I approve of.

            “Donnie Magic-Ear bled that much but then clotted tickety-boo (from his shot ear, no less!) without pressure and in only one minute and I know this for a fact because I disapprove of OG’s investigation and his hat tricks.”

            What a fucking moron!

            Right. We can’t look at any evidence ever again. We can’t ever discern anything ever again. AI exists now therefore anything anyone ever uses as a source is untrustworthy.

            Why even be here then?

          • Soul Forensics July 24, 2024 at 9:28 pm #

            “His ear did bleed, you dope. It’s part of their story, you moron.” — OG

            I’ll admonish you yet again that your continuous name-calling is frowned upon by your God. This cannot but be damaging to your standing in His omnipotent eyes.

            You see, this is where your spazz-outs go beyond mere comic relief to a level of delusion that a parodic Norm Macdonald couldn’t imagine.

            Various reports by your sources have stated that the ear “bled profusely”, “didn’t bleed at all”, or “didn’t bleed since it wasn’t even hit” (since the whole thing was staged, and fake Hollywood ketchup was added, but then, in contradiction by your later claim, Trump was never shot.)

            Now it seems you’re back on the “Trump would have bled out” thesis (or “fact”).

            When you get your story straight, then you can challenge others who challenge you. (Though that wouldn’t be me ‘cuz of, you know, Brandolini’s law.)

            “Why even be here then?” — OG

            I already answered this a few days ago. I’m not repeating myself, because, you know, Brandolini’s law.

            (If OG doesn’t like an answer, he simply ignores it, and challenges on the same point later on down the road.)

    • SoftStarLight July 24, 2024 at 5:46 pm #

      i’m going to form a new party called the Unburdened Party. Will you join me?

      • gustafson.robert.22 July 24, 2024 at 5:49 pm #


        • SoftStarLight July 24, 2024 at 5:55 pm #

          Cool!! i’ll look into the requirements of forming the party!

      • Jarek July 24, 2024 at 7:15 pm #

        Let’s crucify care. Perhaps a care bear can be used to symbolize this.

        • gustafson.robert.22 July 24, 2024 at 7:37 pm #

          This ceremony is sounding cheaper than the grove one.

          • Jarek July 24, 2024 at 7:58 pm #

            Would you be able to drive nails into the care bear’s hands as it looked at you?

            I broke in order to save a duck on the road. The guy next to me smooshed him. My heart is broken. I’ll never forget him trying so hard to get past me only to be killed anyway.

            If I could have killed him with a shotgun in order to eat, I’d feel a lot better about this. It’s all intent based on need. You have the right to kill many ducks if you need to, but not one if you don’t.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 24, 2024 at 8:05 pm #

            I’m ready to gruesomely annihilate the purple care bear, and will absolutely join you in defending and avenging that duck to the ends of the earth.

            Then we celebrate with a turducken dinner.

          • Q. Shtik July 24, 2024 at 8:52 pm #

            I broke in order to save a duck on the road. – Jarek


            Does “I broke” mean I applied the brakes?

          • Jarek July 24, 2024 at 10:02 pm #

            I’ve always said Q is a genius when it comes to exegesis. Q wants me to say I applied the breaks or some such thing. His tin ear!

            Og never gave nothing to the tin man
            That he didn’t already have.

          • Q. Shtik July 24, 2024 at 10:29 pm #

            Q wants me to say I applied the breaks – Jarek


            First of all, those things on a car that are used to make the car stop are brakes, not breaks.

            Second, I am trying to get you to concede that I “broke” to save the duck just doesn’t sound right. I could be wrong, it may be absolutely correct.

            Maybe Alba or some other expert on language could chime in.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 24, 2024 at 10:49 pm #

            Believe past tense of braking a car is “braked,” but maybe Jarek used “broke” with intentional ambiguity and as a pun, to reference both the automobile-pedal action and what his heart did when he saw the helpless and endangered duck threatened by cold, soulless human brutality.

          • Jarek July 25, 2024 at 12:51 am #

            Masterful, Gustaph. I didn’t even pick up on that. You have understood me better than I did myself perhaps. Perhaps I used that word so that you could have this epiphany and share it with the group.

          • Jarek July 25, 2024 at 12:54 am #

            English English can’t judge us in regards to our vernacular. Read Emerson’s essay, The American Scholar.

          • GreenAlba July 25, 2024 at 11:13 am #

            Quite true, Jarek. I just sit quietly bemused when I read ‘dove’ instead of ‘dived’ or ‘spit’ instead of ‘spat’ or whatever. I wouldn’t dream of judging you for your departure from English of a more longstanding pedigree. Even English English has verbs for which some use the strong rather than the weak form or vice versa. English English grammar and spelling were both rather more free-style at one time anyway.

            I do get slightly annoyed by the ubiquitous ‘one has to wash his hands’ (whose hands?) instead of ‘one has to wash one’s hands, but observation suggests pretty much everyone in the US says it, so, whatever … there are more important things to worry about.

  95. Jarek July 24, 2024 at 7:17 pm #

    Bibi said, Our flag is your flag.

    And the corollary is, Our flag is their flag. What a terrible thing. We warned you but you mocked us to scorn.

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    • OG July 24, 2024 at 8:02 pm #

      Bibi-gun the Nutty Yahoo has said very many anti-American things. For decades. I understand why DC loves him (cha-ching!) but it is baffling why so many US tax-payers kiss his hairy butt.

  96. Jarek July 24, 2024 at 7:41 pm #


    They were working with the Palestinians in other words. If you go work for them, they probably won’t beat you up. Muller and Rulo did that. Hopefully they wouldn’t do that again at this point.

  97. OG July 24, 2024 at 7:59 pm #

    SF’s little-girl brain in action:

    “He can’t always be right. He must be wrong sometimes. Therefore, he’s wrong this time! He’s wrong and I know it!

    “Now … I can’t argue facts and reason and logic with him. He’s got me ‘hands down’ on those. So … what I’ll do is … I’ll hector and ridicule him. I’ll ad hom and strawman him and then people even dumber than me will join in.

    “I sure am glad that adult life is just like Grade 7.”

    • Soul Forensics July 24, 2024 at 8:27 pm #

      OG told me “goodbye” a few days ago, but he constantly responds to me, and has now taken to the high school mean grrrl approach of talking in public using the third person.

      • OG July 24, 2024 at 8:42 pm #

        You are correct, SF. I did indeed try to say “Goodbye” to your hectoring, ridiculing, ad homs and strawmen a couple of days ago … but it is against my nature to not defend myself from your little-girl attacks while I’m frying bigger fish.

        It is too bad that you don’t even understand what speaking in the 3rd person is but it is par for the course, little girl.

        I’ll make you a deal that all CFNers would surely endorse:

        Let’s, you and I, stick to pure facts, analysis and logic (sans ad homs and strawmen) and nothing else.


        • Soul Forensics July 24, 2024 at 9:10 pm #

          “It is too bad that you don’t even understand what speaking in the 3rd person is but it is par for the course, little girl.” — OG

          Also, OG: “SF’s little-girl brain in action:”

          “SF”, here, is the same, of course, as “he”, which, by definition, is a third-person reference.

          If you had any conscience or self-evaluation, you’d be embarrassed by these simple corrections, but you’ll just ignore this, and continue to bore and dominate the board with your repetitive lucubrations.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 11:01 pm #

            Ummm … when someone “speaks in the 3rd person,” they are speaking of themselves.

            Ricky Henderson was famous for it. “Ricky’s gonna steal second!” he’d exclaim.

            Me speaking of you in the 3rd person is normal and natural and unremarkable and not noteworthy.

            “I can act all intelligent and educated but if I come off like a horse’s ass and you correct me, well … then … you have no conscience or self-evaluation.”

            Says the fucking moron who tried to tell a 22-year Bay Street veteran what Bay Street is like … even though he’s never been there and obviously has no fucking clue what goes on there!

        • JohnAZ July 24, 2024 at 9:12 pm #

          Are you effing kidding me?

          Your “analysis” of the Trump assassination attempt was sheer bullshit. You based your entire dissertation on one crappy video that sorta agreed with your idea. Then in spite of many contrary photos by people a lot smarter than you and analysis by people a lot smarter than you, oh no, over and over, “I know it all and all those people are stupid.”

          SF, stick to your guns.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 11:11 pm #

            What? There is one picture that disputes my theory and it looks Photoshopped to beat the band, JAZ.

            Yes, there indeed are people that are smarter than me. Lots of them, even. They cluster on Wall Street and Bay Street. But people “a lot smarter than [me]”? Those are very rare. Once you get into, what?, the 170 range, they’re EXREMELY rare.

            See the graph here:


            and keep in mind that I tested 154.

            Yes, by all means, argue my points. Like men. Argue facts, analysis and logic. But “SF, stick to your guns” when his “guns” are nothing more than ad homs and strawmen?

            JAZ, you’re better than that even if I am proving horrible things about Donnie Magic-Ear.

  98. Kornado July 24, 2024 at 9:02 pm #

    Unless I’ve missed it, why isn’t there a close-up pic or video frame of Trump’s ear the exact moment it was hit?

    Wouldn’t an image of blood spraying or the ear moving be sufficient evidence for doubters?

    Also, I’m curious if say Chris Martenson could analyze the timing of the shot and his reaction time of grabbing his ear. Maybe this example is a stretch but while he’s up all night researching…

    Someone mentioned how would other shooters coordinate timing, but maybe his line just before was the signal, it’s an interesting, ironic line isn’t it?

    ‘if you really want to see something sad, take a look at what happened over–‘

    I see that the blog has reduced itself to a lot of name-calling which is fucking weird when so much seems at stake. So surreal but real.

    • OG July 24, 2024 at 9:19 pm #

      Great questions! Thank you!

      Unless I’ve missed it, why isn’t there a close-up pic or video frame of Trump’s ear the exact moment it was hit?

      Because Butler, PA was a black op, Trump’s ear was not shot and, instead, we are being gaslit.

      Wouldn’t an image of blood spraying or the ear moving be sufficient evidence for doubters?

      Not now. Not 11 days later. Too late. A picture of his “shot” ear before huddling under SS for an entire minute that is released now would highly suspect of a Photoshopping Deep State plant.

      You are correct. JAZ, Gus, even benr argue like men. SF, OTOH, argues with little more that a constant stream of ad homs and strawmen.

      I will try to refrain from calling SF “little girl” but … can you even imagine how much soy a man must consume to “think” like that?

    • JohnAZ July 24, 2024 at 9:30 pm #

      In case you missed the discussion, the SS cleared out the back of the Dais just before the shots rang out, it is on video. The four photogs that got the shots were in front of the dais, so that is why no back shots exist.

      I wonder if the mystery woman, an assistant FBI director has any shots in her video, which was not mentioned by Wray today.

      This is starting to smell to high heaven like the beginning of a Deep State cover-up. Watch and see how the supporting evidence, like the mystery woman, is ignored, Wray said that the gun MAY have been a collapsible stock which would have made it harder to detect. WTF? Doesn’t the FBI have the gun? What does he mean, MAY?

      No mention of the whizzing bullet, no mention of undertrained SS agents ordered by Mayorkas, no mention of the shadow on the water tower, no mention of the three audio track sounds, no mention of why Crook was not approached under suspicion, let alone when he was detected on the roof, no mention of why Trump was allowed to go onstage with all the “wondering” going on, etc.

      AOC actually said a very intelligent thing at the hearing, I about fell out of my seat.

      Her question to Cheatle, why would a protection perimeter be set that is less than the range of a ar15, the gun of the hour? Cheatle refused to answer. If you look at the map of coverage, there is a sector left out of the plan.

      Guess where? Centered on the shooter’s building.

      There is something really rotten in Denmark. Let’s see if the Deep State can really investigate itself or if it is just another cover-up.

      • JohnAZ July 24, 2024 at 9:41 pm #

        See EF below, another example.

        Remember the connections on ownership of the building, proud anti-Trumpers all.

        I do not get these people, they are trying to kill Trump, the main focus of the anti- Deep State group, MAGA.

        Why would anyone want more government control over themselves?
        What is the motivation for the Haves in the Leftist crowd? Do they enjoy paying taxes to a really stupid government that does nothing?

        I do not get it.

      • OG July 24, 2024 at 9:44 pm #

        In case you missed the discussion, the SS cleared out the back of the Dais just before the shots rang out, it is on video. The four photogs that got the shots were in front of the dais, so that is why no back shots exist.

        Well that is awfully strange, eh? I mean, why, on God’s green earth, did he do that? It sure was unfortunate as had he not done something so completely inexplicable (moving setup pro photographers during the headliner’s speech at a political rally), we’d have pro pictures of Trump’s shot ear before the SS got to it and not all these arguments.

        I wonder if the mystery woman, an assistant FBI director has any shots in her video, which was not mentioned by Wray today.

        Of course not. That video is for Luciferians only.

        I tell you this: if she was not “in on it,” then she’s one cool cat.

        This is starting to smell to high heaven like the beginning of a Deep State cover-up.

        Only because your nose is not trained, JAZ. It smelt exactly like cover-up on Day Flippin’ One.

        Black ops are easier and easier to identify after you’ve done the work and understand the m.o. of these evil fucks.

        There is something really rotten in Denmark.

        Attaboy, JAZ! You’ll be hanging with the cool kids by Grade 11. We’ll all be hot-knifing at your place at lunch.

        Let’s see if the Deep State can really investigate itself or if it is just another cover-up.

        Obviously not. Instead, let’s revolt!

  99. Soul Forensics July 24, 2024 at 9:15 pm #

    “Deal?” — OG

    Why would I make a deal with someone I’ve already pegged as one not to play their game since it would be violating Brandolini’s warning?

    • OG July 24, 2024 at 9:19 pm #

      For the good of all other CFNers, you psychopath.

      • Soul Forensics July 24, 2024 at 9:34 pm #

        OG now assumes that he has the support “of all other CFNers” in pressuring me to challenge him by wasting my time by orders of magnitude greater than the effort he puts into spewing out repetitive, pasted inane replies and insults.

        You can’t make this stuff up.

        • OG July 24, 2024 at 9:47 pm #

          No, little girl. I believe that all other CFNers would prefer the proposed deal:

          I’ll make you a deal that all CFNers would surely endorse:

          Let’s, you and I, stick to pure facts, analysis and logic (sans ad homs and strawmen) and nothing else.


          Sometimes she acts 12 but often 10 and, even, 8.

  100. elysianfield July 24, 2024 at 9:17 pm #

    CFN’rs, a bit of forensic evidence you are not privy to.

    Doug Casey, apparently a Former CIA operative for a dozen years, provides disturbing information regarding a potential link between Crooke and the FBI. Using cell phone data recorded by ad revenue companies, he is able to provide a possible link between the shooter and the agency, See the provided YouTube link, starting at approx. 6 minutes, to see what was found.


    …Ain’t technology grand?

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    • OG July 24, 2024 at 9:30 pm #

      A quick recap: We presently have 4 camps:

      1- Official story: A lone gun-nut (yet again) took advantage of our bumbling (but loveable) bumblers (yet again). This one is the most ridiculous of all, imho.

      The Big 3 Conspiracy Theories

      2- The Democrats & SS tried to kill Trump but failed.

      3- Iran & the CIA surprisingly teamed-up and tried to kill Trump but failed.

      4- The Whole Enchilada: Trump is in on it and there never was a real intention to kill him.

      • JohnAZ July 24, 2024 at 9:44 pm #

        Why do you persist in this, it is all old news now. Can’t you find something else to say?

        Listen closely, it makes no difference any more.

        • OG July 24, 2024 at 9:54 pm #

          Old news? It happened just 11 days ago and it’s GLT-worthy! GLT-worthy events are rare. The truth of Butler, PA is important.

          The USA is ran on smoke-and-mirrors, most people are completely unaware and “it makes no difference any more”?

          I could not disagree more, BK.

          Can’t you find something else to say?

          Absolutely. I’m no one-trick pony.

          The Toronto Blue Jays sure were a big disappointment this season! They’ll be “sellers” at the trade deadline.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 9:58 pm #

            My bad. I thought that I was replying to BK … not JAZ.

            I had thought it strange – BK saying that.

            Sorry for the confusion.

            Yes, JAZ, it does matter if Donnie Magic-Ear is gaslighting us. Of course it does!

        • Kornado July 24, 2024 at 10:01 pm #

          Makes no difference anymore?

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 10:08 pm #

            JAZ is so invested in his Donnie Magic-Ear action figure that he’ll confront any fact, analysis or logic that he doesn’t like.

            Trump will war Iran. That’s all that matters (to JAZ).

      • Kornado July 24, 2024 at 9:56 pm #

        My idea I mentioned before was that ‘they’ forced Trump to do it through blackmail, prison, bankruptcy, etc., so like your 4 with an addendum I guess.4a.

        Hell, maybe they even did shoot him for authenticity. I’ve heard experts express that’s too risky, but maybe they coerced him with the risk because the alternative blackmail and fallout would be worse than dying.

        If he died, he could be a martyr. By agreeing to do it and surviving heroically, the grand narcissist could convince himself it was the right thing to do, he gets to be President and do what’s right for the country blah blah blah.

        Any blowback to my idea seems wild, unless you believe the official story, or don’t believe in the deep state, or you’re here from the Deep Shit.

        Otherwise Trump Maga people can regard him as the tragic figure and can still support him.

        LTC Steven Murray podcaster speculated on the possibility too of a Deep State compromise, and he worked in that world.

        • OG July 24, 2024 at 10:05 pm #

          I believe that you are more right than wrong. I believe that all those Trump/Epstein pix exist for a reason: blackmail.

          I don’t buy that his ear was shot. Setting aside the ridonkey marksmanship required for now, human ears with a bit blown off of them do not bleed as much as we were shown but then magically clot tickety-boo without pressure and all in one minute. It’s ridiculous. It’s gaslighting. It’s goofing on us.

          • Kornado July 24, 2024 at 10:16 pm #

            rubber bullet? Not stepping on your persistent tickety boo blood flow theory, it was just an additional thought.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 10:47 pm #

            Of course. All things should be considered as our goal is the truth.

            Personally, I don’t like the ‘perfect shot’ theory (rubber or lead) to stage a fake assassination attempt because: 1) if it were that, there would be all sorts of pix of Trump’s ear if it was really hit (instead of, inexplicably, ZERO) and 2) black ops don’t run like that. Too many failure points. Too many contingencies. Too random.

            Hollywood fake “blood” applied by SS during the one-minute piling-on is the result of Occam’s Razor. It is the easiest way from here to there. It makes the most sense.

          • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 12:48 am #

            Occam’s razor my ass. Your gel would have had to be put on and wiped off before he hit the ground by the USSS. Anna’s photo as when he hit the ground, everything already in place?

            Physically impossible.

            Kornado why are you feeding his bullshit?

            A rubber bullet? Was it a rubber bullet that killed one and injured two? Think!!!! So the shooter shot at Trump with a rubber bullet then fire eight more regular?

            You are grasping at OG straws. Why?

        • gustafson.robert.22 July 24, 2024 at 10:13 pm #

          Interesting thing about the ear graze injury is, if the injury was real, the attempt to kill was real. There’s no shooting that close safely.

          And real injury fits evidence better than fake injury.

          • Kornado July 24, 2024 at 10:27 pm #

            I understand what you’re saying, it was just an additional thought.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 10:48 pm #

            And real injury fits evidence better than fake injury.

            How so?

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 10:50 pm #

            it was just an additional thought

            And a good one. We should always consider EVERY possibility and angle as NOTHING is beneath these evil fucks.

          • gustafson.robert.22 July 24, 2024 at 11:02 pm #

            Cameras running the whole time, and bloody ear on standing looked too real to have been makeupped in one minute underneath a pile of SS with cameras rolling and snapping during that minute, catching Trump’s face while down even. There is no incongruency that suggests a makeup job. Your clotting assertions are fully flimsy. There is nothing that happened not perfectly explainable as, and better explained by, real injury ratger than fake. Your typing 50k characters of repeating, ungrounded counter-assertions doesn’t change the reality of the situation evidence-wise.

          • OG July 24, 2024 at 11:29 pm #

            Cameras running the whole time,

            showing absolutely nothing. There is one peek-a-boo shot of Trump’s face while down there … with inconsistent blood streaks to when he “rose.” In fact, there is much speculation that that pic was staged and shot earlier (thus explaining the inconsistent blood streaks).

            bloody ear on standing looked too real to have been makeupped in one minute underneath a pile of SS with cameras rolling and snapping during that minute, catching Trump’s face while down even.

            Right. Black op pros couldn’t apply that Hollywood fake “blood” in one minute. Pretty sure.

            There is no incongruency that suggests a makeup job.

            There is that suggests are real bullet wound.

            Your clotting assertions are fully flimsy.

            A minor cut on the outer ear will bleed and bleed without pressure. With pressure, one can expect this minor snip to clot in 8 minutes. With constant pressure.

            Donnie Magic-Ear, OTOH, had a bit blown off of his ear, and
            “Just absolutely blood all over the place.”
            “There was blood pouring everywhere.”
            but clotted tickety-boo in one minute WITHOUT pressure.

            What’s “flimsy” is your grasp on your Mommy-state psychological blanky.

            There is nothing that happened not perfectly explainable as, and better explained by, real injury ratger than fake.

            You’re always looking to justify the official story, Gus. You fight tooth-and-nail for it. You’ll even lie for it.

            You don’t seek the truth. You cling to your blanky and it’s wake-up time.

            ungrounded counter-assertions

            Right. While it’s so mainstream to believe that Donnie Magic-Ear was saved by the grace of God to put Jamie Dimon in as the head of Treasury.

            Good thinking, Gus.

            Did you read EF’s post upthread?

            A Swiss billionaire, who lives in Wyoming, Johann Georg Wyss has ties to shooter Crooks, but also had ties to Maui police chief John Pelletier, who, with the FBI, covered up the Lahaina fires, AND, was the commander of the Las Vegas mass shooting massacre, who along with the FBI stonewalled his own department, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and the mayor. But it doesn’t stop there, he actually meet with the ‘Las Vegas shooter’ Stephen Paddock (CIA asset) in Paso Robles, CA multiple times over a two year period. Also meeting one month before the Las Vegas shooting at an Indian casino in Solvang, CA, Chumash Casino. He has illegally donated hundreds of millions illegally to the Democrats.

            Wouldn’t that be something if it turned out that I was, in fact, right the whole time.

            Gee! Imagine that.

          • OG July 25, 2024 at 12:48 am #

            *There is no incongruency that suggests a real bullet wound.

          • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 2:16 am #

            And remember, if he hadn’t turned his head one second before, he would be dead now.

            Obviously part of the OG bullshit, he turned his head and planned on his ear getting shot followed by the miracle minute that his face was made up, gelled, and wiped clean also his hand,

            Annas picture was photoshopped?

            Mills pictures were photoshopped. All in one day.You want to believe the troll, add it all up.

    • malthuss July 25, 2024 at 4:46 pm #

      DC has been predicting USA collapse for 50? years.
      slowly than all in a day maybe?

      • Q. Shtik July 25, 2024 at 11:22 pm #

        then not than

  101. Kornado July 24, 2024 at 11:01 pm #

    thank you, i agree.

  102. gustafson.robert.22 July 24, 2024 at 11:51 pm #

    For the record, I’ve made peace with OG’s typing addiction and attempted fascistic (in the vernacular rather than Jarekian sense) wielding of simplistic, personal conspiracy dogmas.

    OG, it’s POSSIBLE you are right about a makeup job, but delusional to say the sum of physical evidence available now points that way. You are operating on hunch and intuition. Nothing wrong with that, only with failing to acknowledge it.

    • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 12:41 am #

      Gus, are you kidding me? You encouraging him?

      Make up job my ass, he was down for one minute, are you telling me that USSS made up his face, put gel on his ear, wiped it off, put blood in his hand and wiped it off in one minute.

      Welcome to Disneyland or maybe the North Pole.

      • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 12:42 am #

        Oops, saw your post above, my apology.

        Just another troll return.

        • gustafson.robert.22 July 25, 2024 at 12:59 am #

          I’m fine with someone believing it was a makeup job while acknowledging current evidence does not exclude real injury in any way or point towards faked injury in any way—admitting it’s simply an intuitional belief that available evidence does not strongly support, but maybe does not fully and conclusively rule out either, at the moment.

          • OG July 25, 2024 at 1:41 am #

            But … the real injury theory is impossible, Gus.

            Donald Trump does not REALLY have a magic-clotting ear, silly billy.

      • OG July 25, 2024 at 1:46 am #

        USSS made up his face, put gel on his ear, wiped it off, put blood in his hand and wiped it off in one minute.

        So … SS can’t apply make-up in a minute but Donnie Magic-Ear can clot tickety-boo from a gun-shot wound in a minute without pressure?

        Seriously, folks! One minute is a long time to smudge here, drop there while the magic-clotting business is so ridiculous that they’re goofing on us.

        Wakey, wakey.

  103. King of Comedy July 25, 2024 at 12:04 am #

    The CEO of Men Who Talk About Other Men’s Hairy Asses But Are Definitely Not Gay For Palestine, Mr FrontHole, is a like a mathematical or physical constant. It’s a constant of complete bullshit that has spent more time up his ass than one of his buttplugs before he pulls it out of there and presents it to the world but it’s a constant nonetheless. You can set your watch by his stupidity and for the life of me, I don’t get why people waste time debating this Canadian assclown instead of ridiculing him with no quarter given. But to each their own.

    On the question of why Netanyahu draws water in certain quarters here, my personal theory is that being American means one is born with a visceral dislike of Jihadi vermin and Netanyahu is pretty good at making Jihadi vermin go bye-bye. So even if one is not particularly fond of the Abrahamites, Jihadi vermin going bye-bye kind of overrides that. It’s pretty simple from that perspective. For instance, imagine the love and admiration the nascent Napoleon who will initiate the genocide ™ of the Hamas fanboy/fangirl vermin protesting in places like DC today, imagine the love and admiration that great man will enjoy when it all goes down There’s your King of America.

    • OG July 25, 2024 at 1:37 am #

      The King of Fellatio! I’m surprised to see you posting tonight. You see, JAZ told us that you were banned here on CFN (presumedly for all the homoerotic verbal pornography that you were posting on this otherwise fine comments section).

      I guess not as you are right back to your butt plugs.

      God bless you.

      Have you at least tried to stop thinking about butt plugs or has that become unimaginable for you?

    • Anthea July 25, 2024 at 10:39 am #

      @ King of Comedy:

      Your lack of self-awareness is very striking. It’s hard to imagine how anyone could give a more loathesome account of themselves.

  104. JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 12:37 am #

    Okay, CFN just keep encouraging this idiot in his quest to ?justify his own existence? Don’t you see what he does, I do now. He will just take any data or information and bend it to his way, he makes shit up as he goes.

    That is worse than cherry picking, it is fraudulent.

    Is OG a AI troll?

    • OG July 25, 2024 at 1:07 am #

      “There’s an interesting statistic [sic]: the ears are the bloodiest part – if something happens with the ears – they bleed more than any other part of the body, for whatever reason. The doctors told me that. I said, ‘Why is there so much blood?’ He said, ‘It’s the ears – they bleed more.’ So we learned something.”
      – Donald J. Trump at the RNC

      A minor cut on the outer ear will bleed and bleed and bleed without pressure. With pressure, one can expect this minor snip to clot in 8 minutes. With constant pressure.

      Donnie Magic-Ear, OTOH, had a bit blown off of his ear, and
      “Just absolutely blood all over the place.”
      “There was blood pouring everywhere.”
      but it then magically clotted tickety-boo in one minute WITHOUT pressure.

      It’s the WTC Bldg 7 of Butler, PA. It’s the proverbial smoking gun.

      No data bent. No making shit up. No cherry-picking. No fraud.

      Yes, mind-blowing.

      “Holy shit! Trump is in on it!”

      Wakey, wakey.

      CFN just keep encouraging this idiot in his quest to ?justify his own existence?

      I’m irrelevant, JAZ. I’m not the problem here. You’re bothered by my showing you reality. “Shoot the messenger!”

      Trump is in on it.

      Sad but true.

      They even want us to know now, JAZ. It’s wake-up time.

      It’s not about me. It’s about you.

      Is OG a AI troll?

      “A man hears what he wants to hear
      And disregards the rest”
      – Paul Simon

      • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 2:18 am #

        Troll speak.

        Troll, I want to to write on the blog one hundred times:

        Trump is in on it.

        • OG July 25, 2024 at 2:42 am #

          Indeed. A thousand even. This is the biggest news of the entire year and most people have no clue and most of the rest are nonchalantly pooh-poohing it.

          TRUMP IS IN ON IT!!!

          TRUMP IS IN ON IT!!!

          TRUMP IS IN ON IT!!!

          Think, JAZ: Donnie Magic-Ear couldn’t clot that bullet wound tickety-boo in one minute with pressure (let alone without!) even if I didn’t exist. I have nothing to do with the fact that Trump’s in on it. I merely presented you with the truth.

          OK … now that we have that settled (Trump is in on it), what are we going to do about it?

          Here’s where it gets fun!

          • stelmosfire July 25, 2024 at 9:26 am #

            OG, you my friend are grasping at straws. I’ve been to a shooting where someone took a shot to the liver. Not really much external bleeding. Internally, yes. He was dead in minutes. I had a guy who was stabbed. We treated him for one stab wound. Turns out he had maybe 12-13. I never found them. Piss poor primary survey on my part. He lived. Shit happens that is stranger than you can imagine. Believe it or not everything is not some grand conspiracy.

          • stelmosfire July 25, 2024 at 12:34 pm #

            I think the term is “Bleeding like a stuck Pig”

          • stelmosfire July 25, 2024 at 12:38 pm #

            Actually the correct medical term is, “That motherfucker be bleedin’ like a stuck pig!”

    • Q. Shtik July 25, 2024 at 11:50 am #

      Is OG a an AI troll?

      • stelmosfire July 25, 2024 at 1:56 pm #

        Q, OG is not AI, just a gullible troll. He believes everything he reads on the internet. No matter how sensational.

    • elysianfield July 25, 2024 at 1:00 pm #

      I don’t think OG is a troll. However, in support of your comment, Canadian trolls would cost much less, considering the exchange rate….

  105. Jarek July 25, 2024 at 12:57 am #


    Jewish comedian preaching to Tucker about the Noahide Law. Tucker gushes, I like the Noahide Laws! You dumb goy. Christianity is considered Idolatry by them.

    Et tu Tucker?

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    • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 2:51 am #


      Matthew was a Jew and wrote his book from a Jewish perspective.

      Read Matt 28:11-15.

      It is a direct statement of the Jewish attitude about the Messiah or not.

      You recognize that again the Sanhedrin and High Priests paid the guards to lie to their superiors and spread the lie about the resurrection. Jews up to today believe the Lie that was spread and reported by Matthew. The Sanhedrin knew that if the Jews were told that Jesus fulfilled scripture and was the Messiah as a consequence, they would lose power. Just like today, power above all.

      I feel bad for the Jews. They have to follow 10 commandments and 613 rules to be “good” Jews whereas Christian have to follow two, Love your God above all else, and love your fellow man. Jews ARE ethnocentritic, they believe they are one notch above the world by doing the 613 thing.
      Not even this rabbis offering the Noah laws as consolidation negates the two commandments of Jesus.

      Think about the two, and the Golden rule, if they were practiced you do not need the 10 commandments and the 613 rules.

      Some Jews today, Jews for Jesus are starting to acknowledge that Jesus’ submission message is the real Messiah, not the power Messiah the Jews wanted to overthrow Rome.

      • Jarek July 25, 2024 at 3:28 pm #

        Yes, Revelations says that only 144,000 Jews will attain unto the Kingdom whereas multitudes of other nation will do so. It doesn’t seem to be a very good religion.

  106. OG July 25, 2024 at 2:19 am #

    Occam’s razor my ass. Your gel would have had to be put on and wiped off before he hit the ground by the USSS. Anna’s photo as when he hit the ground, everything already in place? Physically impossible. Kornado why are you feeding his bullshit? A rubber bullet? Was it a rubber bullet that killed one and injured two? Think!!!! So the shooter shot at Trump with a rubber bullet then fire eight more regular. You are grasping at OG straws. Why?
    – JAZ

    I post this now for a 3rd time because JAZ missed it the first two times. Either that or he pretends to have missed it and then acts like it doesn’t even exist.

    Your stupid photoshopping excuse is so dumb, you would have to have multiple photogs all get together and figure out how to touch up the pictures all in one day. Can’t you even see your own stupidity in all the progression of excuses you use.
    – JAZ

    No. Smarten up.

    I’m suggesting that one picture was Photoshopped, JAZ. The “Anna” picture – only it’s not Anna, it’s Doug Mills of the New York Times. This one:


    Pause it at 4:42.

    See how in this picture (the one that supposedly “proves” that my theory is wrong) how Trump’s right arm is on that really weird angle for him to examine his own hand? See how his palm is facing us rather than his own eyes notwithstanding he claimed to be looking at it and the videos show him looking at it without the retarded angle?

    You know, the one that “proves” that his ear was shot. The one where he has blood on his oddly held hand that does not match the video where he held his arm normally and his hand was bloodless.


    Watch the 4 seconds from 0:08 to 0:12. Then back-up and freeze at 0:10.

    I’m suggesting that just that one picture was Photoshopped with the arm/hand on the wrong angle because it was snagged in Photoshop from one of the “money shot” pix after the SS got their Hollywood fake “blood” all over his ear, face and hand.

    Funny how you call me fraudulent while I call this NYT picture fraudulent.

    Explain to us why his arm in this picture is on that weird angle while on video he really does look at his hand like a normal person.

    Explain how his hand is bloodless on the CBC report immediately after the “shooting” yet bloodied identical to the “money shot” in this picture.

    Reply to this posting this time. You can’t keep hiding, JAZ. There is no where to hide on CFN.

    • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 2:32 am #

      I will not respond to bullshit, troll. everything you have cooked up is bullshit. you keep repeating the same bullshit that has been repudiated by all the photos presented.

      Just believe what you will, and go on to your next bullshit story.

      Also, take a hint, your troll ness is not making much inroads on the blog.

      • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 2:52 am #


      • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 2:54 am #

        YOU call the NYT picture fraudulent? Exactly what gives you the right to do that.

        A good idea? Keep your opinions to yourself?

        • OG July 25, 2024 at 3:05 am #

          Really? Again? You’re kidding! OK …

          Because his hand is facing the camera with the identical “blood” smears as the “money shots” in a retarded angle that nobody would ever use to examine their own hand here in the real world.

          Because his arm/hand were positioned like a normal person in the CBC-aired video – making this picture impossible without Photoshop.

          Because his hand is bloodless on the CBC video but retarded and blood-smeared identically to the “money shot” in the NYT fraud Photoshopped photo.

          What gives me the right? God gives me the right.

          Perhaps a better question would be, “NYT fraudulent? Do tell!”

          Judith Miller. Iraqi WMD. The NYT are in on it. The NYT are Deep State. They have been for decades.

          A good idea? Keep your opinions to yourself?

          CFN is for the complete opposite, JAZ. If you are against my free speech, then you are against free speech.

      • OG July 25, 2024 at 2:54 am #

        You’re not listening, JAZ. All the photos fit my theory perfectly … except for the Photoshopped one detailed above.

        ZERO of my theory has been repudiated. Saying something does not make it so.

        And, your theory with Donnie Magic-Ear’s impossible clotting prowess has been debunked. “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”

        Thanks for the advice and the hint. FYI: I do “make inroads” with several posters here (e.g. BK, SSL sometimes, BB, Det-Sox et al) but, more importantly, I understand that fighting for truth will not win you popularity contests.

        It’s easy to be wrong. It’s hard to be right.

  107. OG July 25, 2024 at 3:32 am #

    BBC, CNN et al NEVER covered Trump rallies. EVER. But they were all there and reporting live from Butler, PA on 7/13.

    Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk.

    Take Occam’s Razor to that and we can easily cut out the ridiculous official story.

    Once you do that (and any thinking person has no choice), you are a conspiracy theorist.

    Welcome aboard! [Warning: It gets pretty freaky now. Hint: Stay away from the punch bowl unless you want to trip.]

    • OG July 25, 2024 at 3:40 am #

      Jeff Berwick just mentioned a couple of things that his research has uncovered. In discussing it with gun experts, they said:

      A ‘nick’ of the ear from that bullet from that distance would do WAY more damage and would probably rip one’s ear off.

      The sound of that bullet hitting your ear would deafen the ear temporarily (if not permanently).

      • gustafson.robert.22 July 25, 2024 at 8:01 am #

        Even Berwick, who fully supports the staged, fake assassination attempt theory, acknowledges the live possibility of the real injury, real assassination attempt explanation, in that video (in other words, he avoids your annoying dogmatism, OG).

        It’d be nice to go more in depth about grazing injury possibilities at what calibers and distances. Berwick does not do this. This means digging deep into evidence before making dogmatic proclamations, OG.

        Your claim above about the “obviously photoshopped” arm angle of the bullet shot is terrible. One can see that exact arm movement in the video.

        There are good reasons to entertain a staged hypothesis. The “coincidences” of all the coverage, the timing, the miss, the dramatic “photo-op” results.

        • OG July 25, 2024 at 10:58 am #

          Yes, Berwick says “anything is possible,” Gus. While Donnie Magic-Ear extends Powell at the Fed and raids Dimon for Treasury and has Vance chomping at the bit for a war with Iran.

  108. OG July 25, 2024 at 11:09 am #

    If everything is on the up-and-up, then why, on God’s green earth, did Trump debate demented Biden three months earlier than normal?

    • elysianfield July 25, 2024 at 12:58 pm #

      …Because Trump told them “any where, any time?”

  109. JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 11:17 am #

    If you read Higginbotham’s letter I posted above, you might feel the disgust about the rise of Kamala Harris I feel.

    This woman has risen to possibly the presidency by doing almost nothing. The idiots in the media are already building her vast experience level. Uh-huh. How many jobs have the Mob given her that she has just ignored?

    She got into the California limelight by sleeping with Willy Brown. In a moral society, that would be disqualification for anything else.

    She fed on putting drug users in jail as prosecutor, Blacks in California have a long memory.

    She did nothing as Senator except contesting Trump’s SCOTUS appointees.

    As VP, how many times have you seen her make the news by doing something? By doing something anything positive? Her ignoring the border has been by Mob decree or her not wanting to do anything. It has led to a total disaster at the border.

    She has supported the “protesters” even helping raise money to bail them out of jail. It does not matter what they are protesting either, a Soros connect, perhaps?

    I am very afraid for the soul of the USA, she is a communist through and through. I was raised in a country that despised communism, socialism, enough to fight a two theater war to stop its spread. Boy, are those days gone.

    Now we are stuck with the spectre of a full fledged communist possibly becoming the dictator the Deep State Left wants.

    Mark my words, she gets elected, it is over for the freedom leading USA. The American people will have put a totalitarian government in place in their search for the Federal tit.

    • OG July 25, 2024 at 11:20 am #

      “She got into the California limelight by sleeping with Willy Brown. In a moral society, that would be disqualification for anything else.”

      Ya! Vote Donnie Magic-Ear and morally grab ’em by the pie!

    • OG July 25, 2024 at 11:24 am #

      That’s one bizarre “Mob”? So … they’re the “Mob” but they go into EVERY election on a 50/50 split and just hope for the best?

      Ya think?

  110. OG July 25, 2024 at 11:17 am #

    “The man who brought us Operation Warpspeed doesn’t mean us harm! Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk. Why would God save his life from the lone gun-nut if he means us harm?

    Stop talking! Your thoughts hurt my head!”

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  111. BackRowHeckler July 25, 2024 at 11:49 am #

    I think Netanyahu spelled it out pretty clearly yesterday, explaining what we are up against in the war against Hamas: Civilization vs Barbarism and Chaos. And what he was describing was playing out nearby on the streets of DC, hostis humani Generis– enemies of the human race — hateful mobs vandalizing our historic monuments and burning Ameican & Israeli flags, their faces wrapped up in rags to hide their identities.

    • OG July 25, 2024 at 11:59 am #

      Maybe they would behave better if Bibi-gun the Nutty Yahoo stopped genociding Gazans. Just a thought.

    • TPTB-USA July 25, 2024 at 12:13 pm #

      I can envision how an innocent Palestinian, including family, relatives, and even future generations, could view “Bibi” Netanyahu as their enemy, as well as anyone who supports him.

      What is the answer? Treat others with dignity and respect.

      At this point, it should be obvious that “Bibi” has gone too far, and Americans should question why, with few exceptions, their representatives have an “AIPAC guy” (who tells them what to do).

      I would suggest that the citizens of the world have had their fill of the deceptions and lies.

      • OG July 25, 2024 at 12:25 pm #

        – Arthur Fonzarelli

        • elysianfield July 25, 2024 at 6:36 pm #

          …Up your nose with a rubber hose!
          _Vincent Barbarino

      • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 1:00 pm #

        treat others with dignity and respect/

        Uh-huh, who? Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Israel. ISIS? Al-Queda? Iran, Iraq?

        Who has treated anyone with dignity or respect?

        Hint? Nobody.

        Hamas jumped the line and killed 1400 + and took hostages. Israel clobbered them and killed 10’s of thousands .

        Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and killed a little under 4000. The USA clobbered the Japanese and killed millions. Japan needed to be nuked to finally give up.

        Al-Queda attacked the Towers and killed around 4000. We ended up in Afghanistan for 20 years.

        You know what stupid people continue to forget?

        Mess with the bull and you get the horn.

        And the phoniest statement is that civilians should not be harmed, civilians are what is responsible for putting the government assholes in place that start these things. Civilians hide combatants. Civilians will be involved. In WW2, civilian status was forgotten about. Since then the idea that civilians are sacrosanct has lost every war we have been in, why?

        Because civilians breed combatants. Every war has been one of continuous replacement of the enemy, wearing down the US side. The source? Civilians. Ukraine is starting to run out of replacement civilians, Russia will pound them down until that reserve is gone.

        Bibi will keep pounding down the Gaza Strip until there is no source for combatants. Then Lebanon and Yemen. That is war, which the Israelis learned from the Germans.

        • TPTB-USA July 25, 2024 at 1:48 pm #

          Have I shown disrespect towards “Bibi”?

          It would appear that he doesn’t respect my vote.

        • Groundhog July 25, 2024 at 1:49 pm #

          “Al-Queda attacked the Towers and killed around 4000. We ended up in Afghanistan for 20 years.”

          Al-CIA-da attacked the Towers. Blaming this attack on a small paramilitary organization in Afghanistan is ridiculous. But Americans will believe any slop shoveled their way by tv and the mass media.

          “Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and killed a little under 4000. The USA clobbered the Japanese and killed millions. Japan needed to be nuked to finally give up.”

          Japan would have given up without nukes being used, it just would have taken a bit more time. The reason Japan attacked us at Pearl Harbor is because we took sides against Japan in a conflict going on between that country and the French in Indo-China. We cut off a large part of Japan’s access to foreign trade in our support of the French. The French assholes had NO business in Asia to start with, and our support of the French motivated Japan to attack – why wouldn’t they? Japan is an island nation and very dependent on various imports. We had no business intervening in Asian affairs. The official story behind the attack at Pearl Harbor was nothing but a bunch of bullshit – like all of our other excuses for starting foreign wars.

          ” Mess with the bull and you get the horn.”

          The USA bull used to have horns, not anymore. Our military is becoming obsolete and morale is bad with all the LBGT+ crap having infected it. Before long, if you mess with the USA bull about the worst that will happen is the bull might shit on you. Tossing bullshit is about all we are capable of right now.

          • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 5:33 pm #


            You are right. Remember though, the real reason we did not like what Japan was doing was the invasion of Manchuria and coastal China and the atrocities that were going on there.

            The USA favored a SE Asia cut off of oil to Japan as sanctions to correct that behavior. Japan wanted their empire.

            Japan started the war with us in Hawaii as a diversion and prevention of our helping the SE Asia group. Their real goal was to absorb SE Asia into the Empire to get the resources. They actually accomplished that.

            They knew the fleet in Pearl Harbor was a serious threat to their plans. The idea was to knock out the whole kit and caboodle on Dec. 7. Fortunately, the carriers were at sea.

            Yamamoto, top admiral, schooled in the USA knew America and said it best after Pearl Harbor.

            “I am afraid that all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant.”

            He was right.

            Those missing carriers knocked the hell out of Japan at Midway.

          • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 5:37 pm #

            On 9/11, I ask what about the people on Flight 93 that reported the activity of Muslims in taking over the plane, box cutters. They were in communication with folks on the ground. They fought the bums and crashed the plane rather than let it be used by the hijackers.

          • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 5:41 pm #

            You are right about our military, emasculated by the Leftist mob. Bragging rights over the weapons sent to Ukraine have started drying up recently. Biden and Harris both have said the USA is head over hells better than the rest of the world, militarily. They must be smoking wacky weed.

        • OG July 25, 2024 at 1:56 pm #

          1,400, JAZ?

          Even “Jewgle” says this:

          The October 7 attacks on Israel killed 1,139 people, including 764 civilians and 373 Israeli security personnel. A further 251 persons were taken hostage during the initial attack on Israel to the Gaza Strip.

          Plus it is widely accepted that almost all of the civilian deaths that strange day were by the hands of the IDF in their Hannibal Doctrine bullshit.

          The “atrocities” have all been debunked. Hamas were instructed/duped into a military operation. The IDF stood down and sacrificed their young border guards. Then they swept in and slaughtered their young hippies in yet another rabbi-caught-spray-painting-swastika, USS Liberty, Thou shalt war by way of deception creepozoid bullshit.

          As TPTB-USA states, “the citizens of the world have had their fill of the deceptions and lies.”

        • Groundhog July 25, 2024 at 2:00 pm #

          “Al-Queda attacked the Towers and killed around 4000. We ended up in Afghanistan for 20 years.”

          And we accomplished absolutely NOTHING and wasted around a trillion dollars doing it. There’s an old historical meme out there that for some reason, empires attack Afghanistan just before they die. Happened to the Brits and the Russians, and now it’s happened to us. We are a fading and dying empire. We are very dangerous in this state, feebly lashing out and biting everyone and everything within reach. We are a dangerous wounded predator, that’s why the rest of the world is exercising caution with us.

          • OG July 25, 2024 at 2:48 pm #

            And we accomplished absolutely NOTHING …

            That’s not true, Hog. The Taliban were shutting down the poppy fields in 2001! The US military accomplished 20 years of heroin profits for the Luciferians.

            … and wasted around a trillion dollars doing it.

            It wasn’t “wasted.” It was transferred from your name to the Swamp.

            The Swamp is teaming with Luciferians.

          • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 5:42 pm #

            Yup to both.

    • The Israel Lobby July 25, 2024 at 12:47 pm #

      Thank you, BackRowHeckler, that was useful.

      • OG July 25, 2024 at 1:57 pm #

        Catchy handle.

        Welcome aboard!

      • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 2:14 pm #

        fuck you

  112. Hickory July 25, 2024 at 12:42 pm #

    I generally don’t give free advice and insight to opponents, but here you go for those who generally vote republican-
    Going forward try to pick leaders who most of the country can consider to be of good character…
    trustworthy, honest, truthful, good judgement, humble, and dedicated to country over party and self.
    If you can find anything like that in what is left of the party activists, insiders, and candidates.

    The specific policies package is of secondary concern.
    There is one person in the republican camp who I would put in that category of worthy to consider-
    Liz Cheney. She would garner wide respect, beyond just the WW Wrestling and Q-Maga crowd that dominates the republican tribe now. You’d have to kick out all of the crazy extremists who dominate the scene now.

    Its a shame for the country, which needs at least two adults at the table of discussions.
    Try to find non-partisan news outlets…Fox and Tucker Carlson/Rush Limbaugh types have destroyed you.

    • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 1:09 pm #

      Do you have a problem with 20th century America?

      Liz Cheney, you forget what a neo-con Nazi her father was with Bush 2. She is the same. She is a traitor, troublemaker, liar, manipulator and she paid the price for her malfeasance.

      Think what an establishment GOPer, (RINO) stands for? Nothing! They are rubber stamps for the government takeover by the Left.

      Read Higginbotham’s letter about Harris, she is a communist through and through.

      We face a major fork in the road for the future philosophy of the USA.

      • OG July 25, 2024 at 2:03 pm #

        Don’t worry. Donnie Magic-Ear will save us like he saved himself: with blood clots!

        Wait! What?

    • Mike B July 25, 2024 at 1:55 pm #

      This is a gorgeous tribute to Biden:


      • OG July 25, 2024 at 2:07 pm #

        Hahaha! I’m only a buck seventeen in. I needed a good laugh. Thanks!

        • Mike B July 25, 2024 at 3:10 pm #

          The Democrat party is dead. They have betrayed their own president to the point that he capitulates.

          The other party rallies around a racist, an adjudicated rapist, a fraud, a tax cheat.

          The Democrats betray a man who is basically decent but old, that is, older by a whole FOUR YEAR than the aforementioned rapist/fraud.

          We’re fucked.

          • Hickory July 25, 2024 at 3:16 pm #

            I disagree Mike.
            Just helping President Biden to see the clear writing on the wall. I expected just one term for him.
            Thank goodness he was able to step up to the plate 4 years ago and save the country from trump in 2020, winning by over 7 million votes. History will be forever grateful for his starring role in that.
            What an outstanding 50 year career of service.
            I sure hope he has a good time once his term is finished.

            Now for the next task at hand…keeping the felon carnival barker court eligible for the nasty deeds he has done.
            And keeping the US AI development from failing solely into the hands of the Fox/Fundamentalist/Q-Maga trinity.
            And keeping Democracy in this country from being whittled down yet further still.

          • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 3:21 pm #

            Lol that election was totally stolen. Joe Biden never won anything. He was not a DEI but a retard hire.

          • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 3:28 pm #

            They betrayed their own president. And yet you want to be part of them.

          • stelmosfire July 25, 2024 at 3:30 pm #

            Joe Biden? A decent old man.? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok I I just crapped my pants. And Hillary Clinton is a well meaning church going Christian. Pardon me while I puke in my mouth.

          • Jarek July 25, 2024 at 3:34 pm #

            Yes, Biden is the greatest President in history. Washington, Lincoln, etc are just poor imitations of him, forerunners, wooden indians.

            Kamala? What can she do but tarnish the Big Guy’s legacy? He was, is, and will always be, the Big Lebowski.

          • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 5:52 pm #

            Well now we have a candidate that started on her back. That
            is an out and out Communist. Who was declared the most liberal member of the Senate and did not deny it.

            I do not understand, aren’t there others out there?

            As for Trump, do you not understand that Trump bested and pissed off a lot of people in NYC building his empire. You are witnessing their revenge. Especially The Mob. Do not even think that the DA and judges are good little boys.

            Anybody think Butler may have been a contract on Trump by Iran or the Mob. or both?

    • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 2:13 pm #

      This is quite comical. Leftists do not care about any of those qualities you mention. You are simply creating rules for others to live by so you can then enforce them to live by those rules and use them as a weapon. Liz Cheney is essentially a bottom feeder sea pig guzzling the feces of her owners. Fox News is state media and only faux Republican leaning.

  113. OG July 25, 2024 at 2:13 pm #

    The USA is now GLN (Gaslit Nation).

    Joseph Goebbels would marvel at Donnie Magic-Ear.

    • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 2:15 pm #

      Maybe you should concern yourself with Canada, Og.

      • OG July 25, 2024 at 2:35 pm #

        I am, SSL. America is “the shining light on the hill.”

        And you’re all going zombified believing a farce like Butler.

        They are not gaslighting you for good reasons, SSL.

        If the American people don’t snap out of it, Canada’s FUBARed!

        • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 2:42 pm #

          If you truly believed America was a “shining light on the hill” then you would not believe that every single last person was in on the conspiracy. Given the very limited options we have here we have to make the best decisions we can. Trump has already proven that he is geometric levels better than the other options and at least has the possibility to win even if it is long odds given the completely fraudulent nature of the entire structure. Is he the perfect option. Hells to the no. And not participating in the process at all only ensures that the worst of the worst will take over everything and totally enslave us.

  114. SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 2:26 pm #

    I have been doing some preliminary research on how to form a political party. Of course there are various hurdles you have to go through with the FEC to get officially started. So it looks like the first true step would be to organize informally at first. Ideally forming a network across the country of affiliation. Once you have a real ground game the technical steps become much easier because you would have a cadre of people how together could take care of everything. Also we would have to work on the platform.

    i’m thinking the first plank of the platform would be the complete rejection of globalist ideologies and persons. Please brainstorm additional planks of the platform with me if you are so inclined :0).

    • OG July 25, 2024 at 2:37 pm #

      If you get this off the ground, SSL, I’ll gladly send your party ten bucks.

      • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 2:45 pm #

        And you would need to move here and become a citizen. You can become a citizen because you are a familiar. We won’t be accepting any foreigners either within or without.

        • OG July 25, 2024 at 3:04 pm #

          Well, I sure do appreciate the invite, SSL. There’s that wonderful Southern hospitality and charm!

          • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 3:06 pm #

            Of course!!

    • BackRowHeckler July 25, 2024 at 2:42 pm #

      You know SSL, if you’re serving iced pitchers of Mint Juleps with the best bourbon and the freshest mint — its gotta be the best and the freshest — at the first meeting … then I’m in. After a few pitchers we will all feel ‘Unburdened’. Its a long drive from Louisiana to Connecticut, so I might have to stay over, do a little fishing in the creek.

      • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 2:48 pm #

        LOL, we could call this particular subset of the party the Lush Brigade. In some areas you can fish in the ditches! You’ll feel right at home.

        • BackRowHeckler July 25, 2024 at 2:52 pm #

          Well, if you want to invest in a few litres of Kentucky Straight Bourbon I’ll send in a donation right now. I say let’s get this (Unburdened) Party started.

          • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 2:58 pm #

            i’ll have to go through the rule book to see if this is some sort of inappropriate enticement for participation lol. I came up with Unburdened as a play on the recent rise of Kackles and also because it is a nifty recognition that we won’t be taking donations from any mega corporate or special interests. Just people who want to be part of the Party.

          • BackRowHeckler July 25, 2024 at 3:10 pm #

            ‘Unburdened’ is a good name. So as not to make it exclusively a ‘Southern’ party, I’ll need to interject some New England flavor, namely my Covid Elixer from back in the day, but made with Cranberry juice, not OJ. Not to worry Titos Handmade Vodka will not change. Also, hard New England apple cider is made around here, I’ll contribute a few barrels of that too. This thing needs to be North & South, SSL. Let’s bury the Divisions of the past.

          • BackRowHeckler July 25, 2024 at 3:11 pm #

            Also, f##k the rule book. We’re making our own rules here.

          • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 3:18 pm #

            North, South, East and West Americana baby!! Oh i don’t care about any rules but until we gain total and invincible power we will have to go along to get along ;0). We could place you as the lead for the new Alcohol Firearms and Tobacco Purveying Agency lol!

          • stelmosfire July 25, 2024 at 3:42 pm #

            I’ve got 20 gallons of wine in the basement. It’s been there for 3-4 years. Probably 12 % ABV. . It’ll kick yer ass 2 ways to Sunday. I’m afraid of the shit. If’n I get started there’s no going back.

          • stelmosfire July 25, 2024 at 3:48 pm #

            Ok Q, 6 ways to Sunday. Tomato-Tomaato.

          • BackRowHeckler July 25, 2024 at 3:59 pm #

            Well, I am a gun nut, and I like to drink … what other qualifications do I need. I think I’m a perfect fit as ATF Director. SSL, I accept the job.

          • BackRowHeckler July 25, 2024 at 4:01 pm #

            OK Stelmo, that settles it. You’re the new Secretary of State. With that kind of stash in your basement I dont think you should settle for less.

          • OG July 25, 2024 at 4:25 pm #

            I am a gun nut, and I like to drink

            That cracked me up, Heckler. You gotta respect the man who says that!

          • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 7:13 pm #

            Wow!! The Lush Brigade is gonna take all the high ranking positions in the party lol!

  115. SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 2:27 pm #

    Dimitry Orlov triggered me when i listened to that podcast. As i recover i’ll speak on it.

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  116. OG July 25, 2024 at 3:03 pm #

    “Sure, they could blow JFK’s head apart. They could drop 3 Manhattan skyscrapers with 2 commercial airplanes 1 Tuesday. They could even drop every structure to a fine toxic dust but leave the foliage and the plastic blue recycle bins completely unharmed.

    But apply Hollywood fake “blood” make-up in one full minute? That’s crazy talk!”

    • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 3:13 pm #

      Ok, you asked for it so you know how i really feel about it. I don’t care if Trump J13nd the the globalists like they J6ed us. I don’t see the proof that he is part of them. I don’t think its pretend at all that they hate him. The hate is actually organic and you can tell. Who hated JFK? I wasn’t alive then but from everything i understand a large and decisive majority of Americans loved him. That was not organic. 9/11 was clearly not organic. I know what you are trying to say about J13 but honestly i am not sure yet if it is completely hoaxed. But even if it is then frankly my dear Canadian friend Rhett told me not to give a damn. Especially after everything they’ve done to us. Trump is definitely a billionaire and has connections. But if you think even the globalists are a monolith they aren’t. They are factionated too and from everything i can see Trump is not in their club. I think at one time he wanted to be in their club but now he simply wants to dissolve their club.

      • OG July 25, 2024 at 3:31 pm #

        OK. Thank you for that honest assessment, SSL. It’s wonderful to disagree but in a respectful manner.

        For the sake of argument, though, set aside all thoughts of Trump and simply answer this direct question:

        Is it possible for a trained, rehearsed professional to apply a WWE blood-packet in one minute given that WWE stars do it in one second?

        • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 7:12 pm #

          Not sure what you mean, Og? Would you mind giving me a little more context regarding that question? i know you mentioned that there was more blood than there should have been but then there was none or something to that effect.

          • OG July 25, 2024 at 9:29 pm #

            That’s ok, SSL, you don’t need to know what I mean or why I mean it. It is a simple question:

            In your opinion, would it be possible for a trained, rehearsed professional to apply a WWE blood-packet in one minute given that WWE stars do it in one second?

  117. Soul Forensics July 25, 2024 at 4:44 pm #

    Play-along bingo with OG!

    A new internet game that’s fun for the whole family!

    Everyone gets their own bingo card, 4X4 (16 total) squares.

    Each time OG types an OGism, claim a square. First one who gets all 16 on their card wins a three-hour receiving-end diatribe from OG by phone (you have to pick up the tab), and a free can of flat Great Western lager. Here’s the bingo card list:

    1) Bibi-Gun the Nutty Yahoo

    2) D’ uh!

    3) We all know that

    4) Dove like a gopher

    5) Wake up!

    6) I seek the truth

    7) That dog don’t hunt

    8) Hyuk Hyuk Hyuk

    9) Donnie Magic-Ear

    10) They’re goofin’ on ya

    11) What’s your GLiT?

    12) Wanna buy a bridge?

    13) I tested for a 154 IQ

    14) God Bless You

    15) Smarten up!

    16) I’ll pray for you

    The game shouldn’t take long to complete. Also, don’t skim the frequent long posts. Many’s a time they contain over 5 OGisms in just the one!

    • OG July 25, 2024 at 5:00 pm #

      That’s good, SF.


  118. malthuss July 25, 2024 at 4:50 pm #

    I have ODed on OG.

    Have you?

    • OG July 25, 2024 at 5:03 pm #

      Well, then … you’ll be happy to hear that my adult children are coming to the prairies for a visit. I won’t be on CFN very much July 27 – Aug. 7.

      So GLN USA with your tiny GLTs.

      • Q. Shtik July 25, 2024 at 10:59 pm #

        Ask them to stay another month.

        • stelmosfire July 26, 2024 at 8:28 am #

          It’s not that OG isn’t smart, it’s just that so much of what he knows just ain’t so.

          I stole that.

    • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 7:11 pm #


    • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 7:17 pm #


      Nah, love debating with the man, such an easy target.

      And you get to read the same stuff at least ten times.

      Seriously, he is entitled to his opinion based on his sources. He just does not listen to other sources. Once his mind is made up, concerning any possible conspiracy, that is it.

      Times ten.

      I have decided to respond once and that is it. We have wasted a week talking about the stupid assassination attempt. There are so many more fish to fry.

      • OG July 25, 2024 at 7:30 pm #

        Respect back at ya, JAZ. Cheers!

  119. Jarek July 25, 2024 at 6:29 pm #


    What idiot or group of them chose this for the site of the Olympics? The whole idea of the “Olympics” is grotesque at this point. The Internationalists hate Westerners and Western culture.

    Alba considers the idea of White nations or even Whites themselves as “far right”. Western Culture has nothing to do with “whites”. Just look at Cheadle man.

    The image of Cheadle should be preserved and used to frighten young girls. You don’t want to grow up to be a cheadle, do you?

    • SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 7:08 pm #

      Do you mean Cheddar man? That would be kinda interesting to say do you want to grow up to be a cheddar? You can already hear some people saying cheddar is beddar and other silly things. Kids will be kids. It is a shame what is happening but it seems like there is nothing that can stop it now other than a complete breakdown of these existing societies, including ours. Very scary.

      • Jarek July 25, 2024 at 11:13 pm #

        Cheatle, the head of the SS. But there was a Cheddar man, supposedly the first people in Britain after the ice left. Black of course. Anglin replaced Megan with Cheddar.

    • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 7:10 pm #

      Have you heard about the polluted Seine river where the water events will occur?

      Wonder why the Olympic Committee doesn’t maintain say six venues in top condition with improvements each games?

      • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 7:11 pm #

        It would ensure a fresh face every generation (24 years)

    • GreenAlba July 25, 2024 at 7:51 pm #

      “Alba considers the idea of White nations or even Whites themselves as “far right”. ”

      Could you please provide a citation, Toad? You’re really surpassing yourself this week with your outrageous calumnies. It can’t just be me who’s noticing.

      Twenty Hail Marys and ten of whatever else you do. Or if you’ve gone totally and unashamedly pagan, just eat a dragon’s foot or something and give it a rest.

      • Jarek July 25, 2024 at 11:08 pm #

        Read your own posts. Problem solved!

        • GreenAlba July 26, 2024 at 7:40 am #

          You made the accusation. You need to provide the proof, Toad.
          Everyone on here knows how you operate.

          The toad problem is not yet solved.

  120. SoftStarLight July 25, 2024 at 7:16 pm #

    There is a Rabbi, Yaakov Shapiro who was speaking on the Redacted show today and he said that Zionism is naturally anti-Semitic and he said that he doesn’t want anything to do with Israel. Kinda surprised me to hear this type of information but also intrigued me. It turns out that when i am speaking out against Israel i am actually speaking up for the Jewish people. See, i never do wrong things, unlike others lol.

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    • JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 7:29 pm #

      Well seeing as the only Semites in the ME right now are the Arabs, and the Jews are basically Eastern European, Zionism is probably centered on those Semites. Right?

      Are American Jews of ME extract or European?

      Anti-semitism in the US maybe a misnomer.

      It makes no difference, Israel is going to kick butt every time they are attacked, by rockets, missiles or boots on the ground. It just pisses off so many people that Israel can take care of itself.

      Just think, the Jews can kick butt and obey the Ten Commandments and 613 Mosaic rules, all at the same time.

      Talk about walking down the street and chewing gum at the same time!

  121. JohnAZ July 25, 2024 at 7:20 pm #

    BTW, I watched a You tube today where the guy showed how a lever action rifle could approach the speed of a ar 16 rifle. Not a bolt action though.

  122. beantownbill. July 25, 2024 at 8:15 pm #

    Speaking of alcohol as in the posts above from Elmo and Marlin, you guys probably never drank 100% pure laboratory ethyl alcohol, 180 proof C2-H5-OH. I did. My roommate in college was a chemistry major; he pilfered a bottle out of the chem lab. We drank some of it. Wow! I remember it was oddly sweet, and I was too afraid to drink a lot. But I’ll tell you, per glass, it was the strongest beverage possible. It made any other drink taste like water.

    • BackRowHeckler July 25, 2024 at 8:56 pm #

      Sounds similar to the ‘Torpedo Juice’ my neighbors used to make when I was a kid. They were Mohawk indians down from New York State, two brothers, one lost an eye the other a hand in a kamikaze attack off Okinawa. Anyway, they claimed it was ‘pure alcohol’. 180 proof? Maybe. All I know is when the distilled a batch of it it was “Katy bar the door.’ — you knew trouble was brewing.

      • elysianfield July 26, 2024 at 12:08 am #

        Bill, BRH,
        200 proof alcohol is deadly to drink, it will kill you in moderate amounts. 180 proof can be manufactured at home, but with a column still only…the vast majority of home distillers use pot stills, which produce a product in the neighborhood of 130 proof…Maximum, and usually lower. Higher proofs are then obtained by redistilling the alcohol earlier produced, an involved process, and one that becomes dangerous with succeeding attempts.

        Don’t ask me how I know this.

        • JohnAZ July 26, 2024 at 12:39 am #

          All of you. Visited a rum distillery on Grand Cayman. They said that acetone comes off before alcohol and if the distilling is not done correctly and the acetone removed, the “shine” becomes toxic.

    • malthuss July 26, 2024 at 12:51 am #

      the good old daze.

    • stelmosfire July 26, 2024 at 8:54 am #

      There is no reason why a person can not drink pure 100% ethanol (grain alcohol) This outfit in Maine sells it in 55 gallon drums. It will keep for years and would be worth more than gold. when times get tough. Thing is it’s tough to keep your socks on once you start hitting the shit Spirtitus(Polish, 97.2 % ABV.) is also known to rock your world.


  123. Trash Poet July 25, 2024 at 11:21 pm #


    He was a threat to them
    The fires burned out of control
    He was a long-time Dem
    Before he started to roll

    It’s a sticky contradiction
    Juggling too much news
    Lovecraft science fiction
    And the right to choose

    Sniper on the water tower
    Two more under-wraps
    Operatives vying for power
    Arbitrary lines on maps

    Shots ring out
    “Hit the deck!”
    There’ll be no doubt
    Not one little speck

    Old man sittin’ next to me
    Making love to his tonic & gin
    Still searching for ecstasy
    Against the deafening din

    Sonic booms in the east
    Forest fires out west
    A beggar’s banquet feast
    Forget-me-not lest

    And so it’s down to this
    A candle and a rope
    I surely cannot miss
    I’ve a helluva scope

  124. malthuss July 25, 2024 at 11:31 pm #



    Working in eastern China 20 years ago, I came across the victim of a gang-land hit: a man was attacked (in my four-star hotel) by henchmen who chopped his hand and foot off with meat-clevers. Bystanders in the hotel did just that: stood by, observing.
    I cursed everyone up and down and waded-in, using my belt as a tourniquet on his leg, as he seemed to be bleeding-out. Even the hotel “security guards” just stood there watching while I screamed in mandarin for the police, (it took them 20 minutes to travel 1/4 mile down the street).
    The dude lived; lost a hand and foot. I’ll never forget it.

    • malthuss July 25, 2024 at 11:35 pm #

      Trump wants to invite in millions of extra swing d–ks into the US from China and India. Both of those places killed tens of millions of female babies.
      It’s probably a 150,000,000 extra d–ks that they have no wives
      Trump comes along to offer them Western wimmen here in America.

      Anon comments he d rather see a 1,000 cops die a year under Kamala Harris than elect
      Don the Con. Change my mind

      • JohnAZ July 26, 2024 at 12:31 am #

        You remind me.

        Remember that China put restriction of only one child per couple 50 years ago?

        Well, you cannot fool Mother Nature. The Chinese family number one son has the responsibility to take care of the parents in old age. So couples aborted or killed all the female babies so that the one child was number one son. So today. Guess what no females to grow the population and an excess of troublesome young men. I have not heard that Trump wants to import them. I would definitely believe that China would be sending over their excess men to politically take over chunks of America.

        Think about this possibility for the reset. Muslims concentrate in upper Midwest. China in West Coast, Hispanics in Southwest and Texas, Blacks in the south. One day, poof, everybody goes their own way and just secedes. I know for a fact that CAIR and La Raza have charters that include converting their areas to Sharia law and Mexican rule, respectively. China takes the West Coast, there goes a big chunk of the American economy. The Blacks are working on taking Georgia, Atlanta, now.

        So where will the European Caucasians go when they become the minority in these areas and start being discriminated against.

        It sounds far-fetched but I know charters do exist to make takeovers happen.

        Where did you see about Trump doing this? It is much bigger than just the Chinese.

        • JohnAZ July 26, 2024 at 12:35 am #


          One more, Harris has been called the most socialist member of the Senate when she was there, She just smiled and said nothing. She is considered Left of Bernie Sanders.In other words, an enemy of the Constitution.She is a Communist, Marxist. And maybe four months from being president.

          Oh America, what you have done to yourself.

    • gustafson.robert.22 July 26, 2024 at 8:37 am #


  125. OG July 26, 2024 at 9:13 am #

    I just saw Donnie Magic-Ear speaking in Charlotte, North Carolina.

    Wow! Did his shot ear with “Just absolutely blood all over the place” and “There was blood pouring everywhere” bullet wound ever heal up quick, eh?

    They’re goofing on you.

    Wanna buy a bridge?

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    • OG July 26, 2024 at 9:24 am #

      DME’s ear now looks exactly like it was never even shot at all!

      I guess that someone who can magically clot their own bullet wounds in one minute can also magically heal them too.

      Ummm … the emperor is buck naked. D’uh!

    • stelmosfire July 26, 2024 at 10:39 am #

      Well OG, I would be inclined to believe that a body part with an extemely vascular structure as you claim about the “Donalds Magic Ear” would be more inclined to heal quickly after the initial injury. Of course that’s just me. I happen to be a very fast healer. Everyone is differant obviously. Perhaps when you get a puck in the nose you bleed like the cunt that you are. Mommy, Mommy I’m bleeding , Kiss my boo-boo.

  126. tom clark July 26, 2024 at 9:38 am #

    Don’t you ever take a break?

  127. malthuss July 26, 2024 at 10:14 am #


    modern warfare???? Or just primitive africa in year 2000?

    Read a free book,’Negros in Negro land’.

    that will show you african DNA.


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  7. ?"Only Half Gone!" - Tyler Durden - FullDisclosure.news - July 22, 2024

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  8. “Only Half Gone!” – Bugaluu :: News - July 22, 2024

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  9. “Only Half Gone!” | Entrepreneur Canada - July 22, 2024

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