Lurking in the Woodwork
As is always the case, history the trickster is taking us to a place we didn’t expect to go. Personally, I don’t lose a lot of sleep over Klaus Schwab, the James Bond villain who runs the World Economic Forum (WEF) and is behind the widely touted Great Reset campaign. The Great Reset proposes to reorganize all human endeavor going forward from the top town, directed by an elite cohort of technocrat commissars, to produce a “green” utopia — mainly for their own benefit.
It’s an elaborate joke, really. The human project is surely going somewhere. The direction is determined not by technocrat megalomaniacs but by the process called emergence, which means a self-organizing reality of more dynamic forces than any coterie of megalomaniacs could hope to control. These dynamic forces are not necessarily hidden; many are working in plain sight and you can make pretty good guesses as to what’s up with them. But they control the gameboard, not Klaus and his legion of economist-engineer nerds.
One of the forces at work is our old friend from physics class: entropy, the god of disorder, randomness, and uncertainty. He is very active lately in American affairs especially, to the degree that we have no workable consensus for running this society, so that all our standards and institutions are crumbling. It’s gotten so bad that we don’t even get the news about the crumbling because The News is one of the institutions that has fallen apart. Instead of events relayed in packets that comport with reality, we get “narratives” uniformly concocted in bad faith, that are knowingly in non-compliance with reality — which is as opposite as can possibly be from what The News once aimed to do.
The worst thing about the Trump years was that he enabled his adversaries to get away with turning bad faith into the greatest virtue of all. That’s what you got in the connivance of the anti-Trump Deep Staters and The News bringing you three years of RussiaGate, Robert Mueller’s coverup operation for RussiaGate, and Rep. Adam Schiff lying his ass off without any penalty. And now you’re getting more of it courtesy of Attorney General Merrick Garland allowing political adventurers like Deputy AG Lisa Monaco to go fishing for charges against Rudy Giuliani for the express purpose of burying him in “the process” and leaving him bankrupt. The Justice Department is a broken institution now, and there isn’t enough good will or good faith around these days to put it back together.
The Woke hysteria, on the other hand, is lately revealed to be a patent hustle, and is finally inviting pushback in the schools as parents begin to loudly object to “white privilege” struggle sessions for eight-year-olds and workshopping sexual confusion with children who are not ready for any version of sex, real or fake. The Great Reset’s connection to Wokery can be seen in the efforts of George Soros to finance the elections of district attorneys around the country, and that game is unwinding as their blatant incompetence is revealed. Kim Gardner, installed in St. Louis, now faces losing her law license for the malicious prosecution of former Governor Eric Greitens. The Missouri Supreme Court is conducting the investigation. A recall effort is underway to recall Soros-backed LA DA George Gascon, who doesn’t believe in prosecuting criminals. And the DA-equivalent, State’s Attorney, in Chicago (Cook County), Kim Foxx, another Soros installation, is on the rocks not just for covering up the Jussie Smollett hoax, but for allowing the county to become a free fire zone. What was Mr. Soros thinking?
Whoever thought a year ago that the fumbling old hack Joe Biden would be sitting in the oval office, fronting for his old boss, Barack Obama? Don’t you wonder how much Mr. Obama has in some fashion been behind all the culturally-destructive shenanigans since he “retired” across town to his Kalorama stronghold? Do you wonder how much of the shadowy activity in the DOJ has simply been an effort to protect Mr. Obama? The former president has done a good job of seeming to disappear into the woodwork. I think before long we’ll understand the role he continues to play in the country’s affairs, and it’s going to be an unappetizing discovery. It might provoke a whole different kind of reset.
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The World Made By Hand Series:
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