These paintings were done in 2011 – 2014, after I moved to Washington County, New York (15 miles east of Saratoga Springs). Washington County lies between the Hudson River and the Vermont border and the terrain is a series of foothills and ridges going east toward the Green Mountains. The Battenkill River is a major tributary of the Hudson. It runs from around Manchester, Vermont, down through my little town of Greenwich (an old factory village). The area contains many industrial ruins. My primary interest is the human imprint on this particular landscape. Interested buyers can contact me at jhkunstler@mac.com for sizes and prices.
PCB Dredge on the Hudson River at Fort Miller
ML’s New Farm in Greenwich in August – SOLD
The Ruins of the Railroad Trestles across the Hudson River at Thompson, New York
The Cambridge, New York, Community Garden in August — SOLD
Demolition of the Factory at Valley Falls, New York — SOLD
Factory Ruins on Hill Street, Greenwich, New York
The Hydroelectric Dam on the Battenkill at Clark’s Mills, New York, with Yellow Iris – SOLD
SUV and Cows on Dunbar Road – SOLD
Battenville, New York, in Late May
Cows and Corn, Greenwich, New York, Late September – SOLD
Looking East From Bacon Hill Across the Hudson Valley — SOLD
The Village of West Hebron From Patterson Hill — SOLD
Kayakers at the Spring hole on the Battenkill — SOLD
Low Water on the Battenkill With Kayaks
The Lone Pine on Owl Kill Road, Cambridge, New York
The Dix Bridge Across the Hudson River at Clark’s Mills
The Bridge at Battenville in Late April
You can own Jim’s paintings in book form. For information, click here.