Round the Bend
Clusterfuck Nation
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The political insanity roiling the USA only gets worse, with no end in sight. On Wednesday, Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass), made the astonishing statement on CNN that “the American people wanted a confrontation, not a conversation,” between Presidents Trump and Putin in Helsinki.
Really? We wanted a mud wrestling bout and all we got was some lousy chit-chat? Next time, maybe Mr. Trump will bring a fungo bat to the room and “tune up” his counterpart — a popular negotiating technique from the rough-and-tumble New York City construction scene back in Mr. Trump’s halcyon days. Some people you just can’t reason with, especially the hell-spawned man-beast who personally directed Russian “meddling” and “interference” in our election and stole certain victory from president-designee Hillary. (I know this because The New York Times and The Washington Post said so.)
Another astonishment: in his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee this week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the US would not recognize Crimea as part of Russia and would demand the return of the region to Ukraine. Not to put too fine a point on it, Mr. Pompeo is pissing up a rope on that one. Russia will not give up its warm-water naval bases on the Black Sea anymore than the US will return its San Diego naval installation to Mexico, and Mr. Pompeo knows it. So do the posturing idiots on the senate committee, who apparently forgot that our own government officials fomented the 2014 Ukrainian coup that prompted Russia to annex Crimea and its military assets in the first place.
How many of you feel a gnawing disgust and contempt for both sides of the US political spectrum? The news, day and night, reveals a nation unable to think, unable to discern reality from fantasy, avid to dissemble and lie about absolutely everything, eager to support any racketeering operation designed to fleece its own citizens, and utterly ignoring the genuine problems that can drive us into a new dark age.
On balance, and just for now, I’m more disturbed by the side represented by the Democratic Party, aka the “progressives” or “the Resistance,” because they are responsible for politicizing the FBI before, during, and after the 2016 election and that was a dastardly act of institutional debauchery in an agency with the power to destroy the lives and careers of American citizens. The product of that corruption is a dangerous manufactured hysteria inciting hostility and aggression against another nation that could lead to a war that humanity will not recover from.
Nobody in that group of rogue FBI agents and their Department of Justice enablers has had to answer for any of this, especially those whose misdeeds have been identified in detail by the DOJ’s own Inspector General. Am I the only one in the country wondering why they have not been called to a grand jury? That is generally how the rule of law works when evidence of criminal misbehavior comes to light and a formal inquiry must determine whether indictments are warranted. You’d think The New York Times or The WashPo would want to ask Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein why he has not assigned a federal prosecutor to walk these cases into grand juries. What is he waiting for? What are the papers waiting for?
Mr. Trump seems completely over his head in all this. The permanent Washington bureaucracy and all its handmaidens on K Street and news media are determined to expel him from the Deep State’s craw like a lump of under-chewed hanger steak so they can get back to business-as-usual, namely asset-stripping what’s left in the nation that’s not nailed down. Mr. Trump lacks even the most rudimentary rhetorical skills to defend his legitimacy in office, and obviously his enemies deny that there’s anything legitimate about him, not least his presence in their swamp.
Nobody can say where all this is tending, but if we do not stumble into some version of World War Three before Christmas, I foresee a drawn-out, bloody house-cleaning in American leadership that will make the French Revolution look like a simple civic colonic.
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