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Is Obama Gorbachev?

    The eulogy for Walter Cronkite as “the most trusted man in America” on the CBS “Sixty Minutes” show said a lot about the condition of this nation — though it did not signify what CBS thought it did.  It wasn’t about the death of one hugely esteemed individual; it was about the broad institutional failure of TV news in general and the current grievous loss of legitimacy and authority in shaping a national consensus of reality.  Watching the old clips of Cronkite delivering the evening news years ago, one couldn’t help weighing the contrast with the current spectacle of snide, combative, overbearing idiocy acted out nightly by the likes of Kudlow, Olberman, Kneale, O’Reilly, Matthews, and Dobbs as they shout down their invited guest commentators, pander to their demographic, and diss their rivals for ratings.
      It was instructive to notice that the program following “Sixty Minutes” — in the supreme weekly slot of 8p.m. Sunday — was a childish and stupid “reality” show called “Big Brother.”  This said even more about the craven quality of the people currently running CBS. It was also a useful lesson in the diminishing returns of technology as applied to television, since it should now be obvious that the expansion of cable broadcasting since the heyday of the “big three” networks has led only to the mass replication of video garbage rather than a banquet of culture, as first touted.
      It should remind us more generally that when a society’s operations become broadly fraudulent and unreal, authority and legitimacy wither.  This is analogous to the position Barack Obama now finds himself in.  He was elected as the politician most trusted in America to change the fraudulent and unreal operations of the US government.  Don’t bother protesting that all politics is necessarily unreal and fraudulent. If it were so, you’d have to argue that the US Constitution was wholly a fraud, as well as Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton and the rest. It only has strong tendencies in that direction. (The Declaration of Independence was itself a direct strike against the fraud and unreality of British royal governance in America.)
     As president, Barack Obama is faced with the essential fraudulence and unreality of the US economy.  Notice that, as ominous as they are, the wars in iraq and Afghanistan have generated only minimal protest so far in the early Obama period, despite the fact that they are not operationally different from their conduct under Bush. There is no protest because, for now, a consensus exists that our troops are in these places for perceived reasons — to keep Mideast oil supply lines open… to keep Islamic maniacs busy in their own backyard instead of on US territory… to keep Iran in a vise… to maintain the American “empire” (take your pick). There’s something there to appeal to a broad majority of US voters. Unlike Vietnam, Iraq and Afstan are not perceived as out-and-out frauds.
     But the economy is.  Since September of 2008, when Hank Paulson began shoveling bail-outs to the very banks who screwed the world on fraudulent and unreal securities, and left American society comprehensively bankrupt, the consensus has only deepened on the perception of an historic swindle. And so far, President Obama has positioned himself as chief enabler to further swindling. One need look no further than the rulings this past spring of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) as authorized by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC, an official government agency, created 1934), which have allowed the biggest banks to pretend that the fraudulent paper in their vaults does not have to be recorded as a loss on their books.
     The US economy is now dying a slow and painful death because it had become based on activities that had nothing to do with producing real wealth. Instead, it became dependent on rackets, that is, behavior geared to getting something for nothing.  These rackets are often summarized under the acronym FIRE (for finance, insurance and real estate), a system set up to strip-mine profits from the wish commonly labeled “the American Dream” — itself largely a product of televised advertising and propaganda.  The end product of all that was the doomed economy of suburban sprawl, an infrastructure for daily life with no future in a world defined by fossil fuel scarcity. The unraveling of debt at every level now is directly related to the mis-investments made in that way of life.
     By now, it’s self-evident that the “change” voted for in November’s election was too horrifying to articulate.  It still is.  The suburban sprawl economy was all we had left.  Now it’s gone and we’re stuck with all its deleveraging after-effects — the worst case of “buyer’s remorse” since the fall of Nazi Germany. Thus, the only “change” that President Obama can really work for is the health care system, which is a life-and-death matter. The sordid rackets so ostentatiously infecting the system boil down vividly to lives ruined and bankrupted, and a system more frightful to deal with than disease itself. Probably the baseline truth is that health care will end up being rationed one way or another. It’s another prime symptom of population overshoot, and a reminder that life is tragic.
     As another blogger put it so nicely last week on the web (sorry, but I forget who or where), this isn’t a “recession,” it’s a collapse. The excellent Dmitry Orlov has outlined the process very nicely in his book “Reinventing Collapse” about the parallels between the demise of the Soviet Union and the prospects for demise of the US as currently constituted.  Mikhail Gorbachev presided over the Soviet collapse. He must have been a leader of very subtle abilities.  Not only did he survive to enjoy a busy second act of life with a Nobel Prize in his pocket, but he accomplished a nearly bloodless transition in a society long-conditioned to bloodletting as the primary political act.
     Here in the USA, where we have had over two hundred years experience with peaceful power transitions — even during the convulsions of 1860-65 — the outcome this time might not be so appetizing. It would be one of the supreme ironies of history if it turned out that the US was incapable of ending its most self-destructive rackets peacefully and bloodlessly, while the Russians shucked off its Soviet racket like an old sweater.  The way I see it, Mr. Obama just doesn’t have much time before his authority and legitimacy slough off and he is left with only his genial smile. The “hope” vested in him will end up in a Museum of Lost Hopes, along with the integrity of TV news and the rectitude of the medical profession. And funding for that museum will be cut by President Sarah Palin, representing Naziism US style — i.e. Naziism without the brains.
     Tom Wolfe wrote a fabulous op-ed in the Sunday New York Times commemorating the Apollo 11 moon landing of 1969.  In it, he speculated that the achievment itself spelled the end of the NASA program because it lacked a philosopher corps that might have furnished it with more meaning beyond its element of “single combat” between the US and the Soviets in the “space race.”   This meaning, he said, might have been supplied by someone like NASA’s chief engineer Wernher Von Braun, who once stated (in effect) before a congressional committee that  “…we must build a bridge to the stars, because as far as we know, we are the only sentient creatures in the entire universe. When do we start building that bridge to the stars? We begin as soon as we are able, and this is that time. We must no
t fail in this obligation we have to keep alive the only meaningful life we know of…. Unfortunately, NASA couldn’t present as its spokesman and great philosopher a former high-ranking member of the Nazi Wehrmacht with a heavy German accent.”
    The further trouble, of course, is now that we sentient creatures seem to be in the process of destroying our home planet, how might we justify our spread to other worlds? We’ve fallen short both in resources and philosophy.  In our current state of evolution we seem unlikely to ever again go further afield than the moon and not exactly worthy of making trips elsewhere anyway.  Stay tuned a few hundred thousand years….

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About James Howard Kunstler

View all posts by James Howard Kunstler
James Howard Kunstler is the author of many books including (non-fiction) The Geography of Nowhere, The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency and the four-book series of World Made By Hand novels, set in a post economic crash American future. His most recent book is Living in the Long Emergency; Global Crisis, the Failure of the Futurists, and the Early Adapters Who Are Showing Us the Way Forward. Jim lives on a homestead in Washington County, New. York, where he tends his garden and communes with his chickens.

307 Responses to “Is Obama Gorbachev?”

  1. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 10:53 am #

    Jimmiw sez:
    “Notice that, as ominous as they are, the wars in iraq and Afghanistan have generated only minimal protest so far in the early Obama period, despite the fact that they are not operationally different from their conduct under Bush.”
    Hmmm. Could that be because the coverage of these two wars has all but disappeared?
    Followed by:
    “The way I see it, Mr. Obama just doesn’t have much time before his authority and legitimacy slough off and he is left with only his genial smile.”
    If one truly has legitimacy and authority these attributes do not “slough off”. Sorry Jimmie, you purchased a pig in a poke. “Hope is For Dopes” is the new mantra.

  2. Dr. Girlfriend July 20, 2009 at 10:55 am #

    At least the Daily Show (and CR) still provides news in the proper context. But JHK is right about all the rest. I used to tune into Olberman, but he has devolved into just the other side of the FOX coin. And the ads every 5 seconds drive me nuts.

  3. Mark Ancona July 20, 2009 at 10:59 am #

    You are absolutely right.
    Television has co-opted reality for many of the nations inhabitants. Far too many individuals would rather sit in front of the idiot box, shoveling Doritos down their pie holes that participate in their own governance. Voting? A complete sham. News? I call it newstainment, the new paradigm of information dissemination. News of a plane crash with ninety two fatalities is blissfully announced by a cute little bubble head with a hint of a smile. Immediately afterward, we are subjected to intra-crew joking and subtle sexual reference prior to moving on to the weather.
    In this age of instantaneous information, I find that we actually learn less than more. To watch any of the “prime time” networks deliver the daily newstainment is to divorce myself from all reality and invite liars and con men into my home for the evening.
    These days I prefer to gather my news from alternative sources: Real People.
    I cannot say that I relish the idea of social collapse, but it may very well take that to wake up the opiated masses and return them to reality.

  4. M.F. July 20, 2009 at 11:00 am #

    as a doomer i say that we dont have to worry about the Long emergency. its only going to last 2 1/2 years more. 2012 and the ancient Mayan prophesy and the 26K year cycle will have repeated its star alignment once again, and the shit hits the fan.

  5. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 11:01 am #

    Furthermore, we got to the moon, we looked around saw and collected some dust and rocks and discovered what? The moon is not made of green cheese? OK. Cool. On to the next planet. “Hey, look. More rocks!”
    A bridge to the stars? We already almost built a bridge to nowhere, right here in Alaska. Why is a multi-trillion dollar bridge to the stars such a brilliant idea? Why must we weep because we failed to find the right cheerleader for this pompous romp?

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  6. Estewart July 20, 2009 at 11:03 am #

    We may have a peaceful transition away from oil. What you fail to mention is America’s ability to be creative. The opportunity to try out a idea and fail or succeed. What if we had a peaceful non-profit working towards creating sustainable communities?
    Thats what http://www.codegreencommunity.org is about.
    I recently wrote a blog about Florida’s First Earthship: http://digg.com/environment/Living_with_the_land_Florida_s_first_Earthship_video
    Peace and Love,
    Eric Stewart

  7. John Minehan July 20, 2009 at 11:03 am #

    No, it won’t be violent, if change to the governing structure comes. The Constitution is broad enough to accommodate “these United States” (as they were styled early on) as well as “the United States” (as it has been deemed since the Civil War).
    A smaller tax base means a weaker central government and stronger states and (I think) relatively dominant municipalities (think Austin, TX, for example).
    The flexibility and legitimacy of the Constitution means we won’t have the kind of violent collapse that the Sovs had in the hinter-lands with women’s heads stuck on the side skirts of the BMP-2s.
    I think you over-state the problem but propose the right remedy–Resilient Communities. Smart people like you, John Robb and Joe McCormick also need to look at the legitimacy and resiliency the Constitution gives our system overall.
    Interesting ideas you present.

  8. draffen July 20, 2009 at 11:05 am #

    The Russian Federation has a decent network of passenger and freight rail service, stable population and plentiful natural resources coupled with a relatively low per capita energy usage. They may fare decently during the “Long Emergency”.
    Regarding trips to the moon, Mars and beyond I have serious doubts unless the current financial and energy issues are sorted out. And that, I may add, is a long shot…

  9. Andrew July 20, 2009 at 11:13 am #

    Although I have mixed feelings about the investments made in the name of space missions, I recall a stunning statistic from (I think) a series called “Connections” by James Burke. In brief, the total monies spent by the US government on Apollo were on the same order of magnitude that Americans were spending, each year, on pet food and cosmetics. BTW – this is an excellent series on how technology evolves, including how techno-fantasies rarely come true.
    I see this mismatch in spending as evidence on how we are unable or unwilling to focus global resources effectively. Now that easily-reachable resources are rapidly dwindling, and populations are rapidly expanding, focusing on deploying the remainder of resources seems completely out of reach. The focusing mechanism can’t be the free market (as many believe) since there is no equality in a rich-poor free market. One economist asked his class “Do you know about the law of supply and demand?” A student replied, “Yes – the rich buy what they want and the poor die.”

  10. Jimini July 20, 2009 at 11:13 am #

    Lots of good points this week.
    Regarding the stupidity of TV, I think that’s only exceeded by the overwhelming commercialization. I notice it especially during sporting events, where a single time out can often generate three commercial periods of 2 minutes or more each. And if you get up early what do you find? Over a hundred channels of ‘paid programming,’ hawking every manner of needless shit.
    Regarding the US shucking off it’s rackets; how can we? I think recent events have conclusively revealed that the “real” government in charge IS the Wall St. shadow government. They’re not going anywhere, except maybe into a fortification if the masses get too unruly.
    Outer space. That era’s over, and thank god for that. We’ve got no business spreading our virulent behavior anywhere else in the known universe. If there are intelligent beings out there, doubtlessly they’ve got us on their radar with an eye toward neutralization.

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  11. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 11:14 am #

    This about sums up how our legitimate and authoritative leader operates (or can’t see the forrest through the trees-or can’t take his own advice).
    “President Obama got it right for a minute during his recent stop in Africa. “No business wants to invest in a place where the government skims 20 percent off the top,” he told the Parliament of Ghana.
    Then he flew home to a U.S. economy that’s losing a half million jobs per month and started pushing for a new round of tax hikes and costly regulations on American businesses, even though they’re already paying double the rate that Obama warned will kill off investment and job growth.”
    Story here:

  12. zwick July 20, 2009 at 11:15 am #

    Von Braun was a Major in the SS. He only wore the uniform for special photo shoots. He was obviously very intelligent, and, like many men with a dream, very pragmatic. Enough of that. We aren’t going back to the moon. We blew it. I can’t see any outcome for the West other than a 1984-type future (With a happy face plastered on it!) and a long, long slow grind down. I wish we could dramatically change the course, using violence or not, but that’s not in the cards. We will meekly shuffle off to our bleak and desperate future one outrage at a time,each outrage ignored by most. I’ve read your books ,James, and I was impressed with “World Made By Hand”. If only I could believe the future would be so.

  13. Anne July 20, 2009 at 11:19 am #

    Making trips to other worlds? Give me a break, Jim. That was never realistic even in the era of cheap oil. The nearest star is 4 light years away, IIRC, and what are the chances it has Earth-like planets where we could land? The most we could feasibly do is explore our own solar system more thoroughly, and get a better view of the distant stars.
    The space program has brought us many benefits and tremendous knowledge, but space travel and colonization is a scientist’s fantasy that is nearly as destructive, in its virulent forms, as the crazier ravings of the Christians who believe in the Second Coming of Christ.
    We have only one planet that humans can live on. We should really stop fucking it up asap. 99% of all species that ever lived are already extinct – that might be a clue for us. Unfortunately stopping the destruction doesn’t seem likely to happen, so we will leave it to a more successful lifeform, like cockroaches or sharks.

  14. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 11:19 am #

    “”Yes – the rich buy what they want and the poor die.””
    The rich have always bought what they want but they like the poor also die. The poor don’t have a monopoly on death nor do they have a monopoly on misery. Haven’t you been following the Michael Jackson story? Sweet Jesus, he only made it to age 50 and I don’t know that you could convince me that he had a single happy day in his entire life.

  15. orionoir July 20, 2009 at 11:20 am #

    our tv provider abruptly stopped providing (something to do w/ our not paying them) and i may the radical decision that we would all live without. most of all, i was sick of the behavior of nbc news… somehow, i couldn’t reconcile meredith being both co-anchor to the morning news *and* a preeminent game-show host.
    mysteriously, the tv has started working again, although we’re still not paying them. sadly, it is as manna from heaven. we are stupid in front of millionaire, titillated by unreality’s reality. even old matt blauer is captivating.

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  16. Dave Eriqat July 20, 2009 at 11:21 am #

    You know, I had cable television briefly about five years ago and I found I spent my entire time “watching” it actually flipping through the channels looking for something worth watching!
    I do not have any television now and don’t miss it one iota.
    With its vacuous content, it’s no wonder the MSM “news” is hemorrhaging viewers, but its answer seems to be to demonize and shut down the blogosphere, its primary competition today. There are plenty of Walter Cronkite types who operate their own “news” forums on a shoestring budget today.
    Dave – Erstwhile Urban Wanderer

  17. Frankie G July 20, 2009 at 11:21 am #

    although I’ve criticised you in the past, I must commend you on this nugget:
    “The US economy is now dying a slow and painful death because it had become based on activities that had nothing to do with producing real wealth. Instead, it became dependent on rackets, that is, behavior geared to getting something for nothing. These rackets are often summarized under the acronym FIRE (for finance, insurance and real estate), a system set up to strip-mine profits from the wish commonly labeled “the American Dream” — itself largely a product of televised advertising and propaganda.”
    This just about sums it up – great turn of phrase. Keep this up and I might start liking you again !

  18. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 11:22 am #

    “99% of all species that ever lived are already extinct – that might be a clue for us. ”
    And they did what to lead to their extinctions? What clue is to be derived from this? Looks to me like we will become extinct regardless of what we may “do”.

  19. gorditasmama July 20, 2009 at 11:24 am #

    James I read your post every Monday morning to start my week. I am watching America unwind day by day as the Obama and news sources do everything they can to draw our attention away from it. By the end of September most of the first round of unemployment will run out. By the end of the year it will be undeniable that we are on a speeding train heading for a collapsed bridge.
    Do you think anyone will tell us?
    I feel like a terminally ill patient that everyone refuses to level with.
    When will Obama give us the real deal?

  20. so left i'm right July 20, 2009 at 11:25 am #

    I too have theorized that palin will be the next president. not that she is deserving nor capable but rather prez.o will not tell us what we need to know to make this transition. but rather keep selling us the same shit stew. it will be so bad by the next election cycle that palin will come through as the shining star. at least to those whom can’t see – which is most.
    god help us all.

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  21. gorditasmama July 20, 2009 at 11:26 am #

    Palin is more like a Shit sandwich than stew. Stew is too
    intricate for her.
    (and that sandwich has 2 slices of cheap white bread)

  22. Consultant July 20, 2009 at 11:27 am #

    Obama isn’t the primary problem, we are.
    About 46% of the voting public didn’t vote for Obama. Even after the complete, undeniable disaster of the Bush/Republican years.
    The keys were handed to Obama after the house had been deliberately burned down and salt poured on the lawn. Those who voted for Bush-twice-helped burn down the house, and they’re still out here pouring salt on the lawn.
    I voted for Obama and still support him. But here is my beef with him. His 3 worst cabinet picks were Geithner, Summers and Eric Holder. Everyone who supports change needs to be shouting, hollering and putting pressure on Obama to get rid of these fools.
    Obama needed a tough law enforcer at Attorney General to restore legal legitimacy to our financial markets. This would give him legitimacy; make him real as President, help him maintain his authenticity; the subtle fabric that helped him get elected.
    From a political perspective, he needed the broad, sweeping investigations and indictments of the criminal financial class to maintain his legitimacy and provide support AND cover for his other major policy initiatives, like healthcare.
    His bigggest political error so far is not aggressively going after the financial criminals that wrecked the world economy.
    He still has time to recover, but not much. His past shows he has the capacity to change course. I’m hoping he steps up his bodyguards, gets a new Attorney General (Eliot Spitzer, Patrick Fitzgerald, etc.) and goes after these s.o.bs.
    Our survival depends on it.

  23. Consultant July 20, 2009 at 11:28 am #

    Obama isn’t the primary problem, we are.
    About 46% of the voting public didn’t vote for Obama. Even after the complete, undeniable disaster of the Bush/Republican years.
    The keys were handed to Obama after the house had been deliberately burned down and salt poured on the lawn. Those who voted for Bush-twice-helped burn down the house, and they’re still out here pouring salt on the lawn.
    I voted for Obama and still support him. But here is my beef with him. His 3 worst cabinet picks were Geithner, Summers and Eric Holder.
    Obama needed a tough law enforcer at Attorney General to restore legal legitimacy to our financial markets. This would give him legitimacy; make him real as President, help him maintain his authenticity; the subtle fabric that helped him get elected.
    From a political perspective, he needed the broadside, sweeping investigations and indictments of the criminal financial class to maintain his legitimacy and provide support AND cover for his other major policy initiatives, like healthcare.
    His bigggest political error so far is not aggressively going after the financial criminals that wrecked the world economy.
    He still has time to recover, but not much. His past shows he has the capacity to change course. I’m hoping he steps up his bodyguards, gets a new Attorney General (Eliot Spitzer, Patrick Fitzgerald, etc.) and goes after these s.o.bs.
    Our survival depends on it.

  24. Consultant July 20, 2009 at 11:28 am #

    Sorry for the double post.

  25. schizoid July 20, 2009 at 11:32 am #

    Since September of 2008, when Hank Paulson began shoveling bail-outs to the very banks who screwed the world on fraudulent and unreal securities, and left American society comprehensively bankrupt, the consensus has only deepened on the perception of an historic swindle.

    The majority of the American people are still clueless as to the origin of their current financial crisis. The very bankers who instigated the theft of America’s future provided a fox to guard their financial henhouse and the American people elected him as president.

    And so far, President Obama has positioned himself as chief enabler to further swindling.

    This news flash should come as no surprise because Obama’s largest campaign contributors were big time swindlers such as Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley etc.

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  26. TedC July 20, 2009 at 11:34 am #

    Reading the comments here for the last few weeks has really impressed, and depressed me about the number of people who really want a free lunch.
    All this negativity about taxes, government, etc.. WTF? How about, when your house is on fire, you just STFU and put it out yourself? Fire engines aren’t free, you know. How about we go back to nothing but dirt road cart tracks? who needs pavement?
    I think most people are angry about feeling ripped off. The greatest joke, though, is that the people ripping us off have convinced everybody that it’s the other guys fault. Nice to own all the media, isn’t it?
    Good luck, everybody. I think the bottom line is that this planet is good for about 1 billion people, max. Lotsa fun ahead getting to that number, for sure!

  27. Randall Flagg July 20, 2009 at 11:34 am #

    “This is analogous to the position Barack Obama now finds himself in. He was elected as the politician most trusted in America to change the fraudulent and unreal operations of the US government.”
    ‘Fraid not, Pal. Barak Obama was SELECTED by the filthy rich of this world to dupe the Murikan sheeple into believing that things would change for the better if they went to the polls and pushed the Diebold button for BO.
    Hope is a waste of time, man. Nothing will change. Everthing and everyone is totally fucked. The horror is coming. If your not part of the filthy rich, equiped with your own SOG, Xe or special ops boys, you’re going to be part of the hell on earth.

  28. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 11:36 am #

    “…it will be so bad by the next election cycle that palin will come through as the shining star…”
    If Palin is on record having criticized Obama’s policies that led to shit stew, why should she not be seen as “the shinning star”?
    Obama currently holds office because he was the anti-Bush. Everything Bush was for Obama was against. Except he wasn’t. He only said he was. Enough people believed him to elevate him to “shining star” status. Shit stew tends to dull the shine of the reigning star and add sparkle to the coming anti-Obama.

  29. Jaego Scorzne July 20, 2009 at 11:37 am #

    Perhaps the way to have a green planet is to move our industries to outer space…But it’s not going to happen if we have to fight wars for Israel or take care of alot of third world aliens who don’t belong here or in Europe. As a united people, who knows what we could accomplish. But we have no future unless we get rid of the politically correct self hatred the media has taught us. That’s why the aliens are here ultimately: self hatred. And the media will never stop. They’ve just come out with a supposedly sci-fi movie that’s nothing more than heavy handed moralism: aliens come to Earth and evil White Male Humans wont give them a chance. We’ve listened too much to hacks and hired guns like Lippman, Murrow, and Cronkite and not eneough to patriots like Joe McCarthy or men of vision like Von Braun.

  30. so left i'm right July 20, 2009 at 11:38 am #

    interesting comparison to the soviet union. one thought. in a “communist” society, society is all pissed off at the government – hence a smooth transition when it fails. in a radically polarized “democracy” society is pissed off at each other – hence the forethought of a violent transition when it fails.

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  31. zwick July 20, 2009 at 11:39 am #

    If we’re going to have a sock-puppet for President than I would vote for Palin. She’s sooo cute. But maybe she’ll have compiTITion from some other gal… like Penthouse playmate of the year? That would be nice. The European countries like Italy are already coming around to that. Why not the land of the free?

  32. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 11:39 am #

    “Eliot Spitzer”
    Eliot-Fucking-Spitzer? Bwahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhha. Oh….stop….just fucking stop……bwahahahahhahahahhahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahah!

  33. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 11:45 am #

    “Perhaps the way to have a green planet is to move our industries to outer space..”
    Yeah. There’s a fucking plan if it just wasn’t for those fucking Jews and the money we spend fighting their wars. What a bummer. Building “green cars” on Uranus ain’t gonna happen cause of the Jews. (Fucking MORON)

  34. Jaego Scorzne July 20, 2009 at 11:53 am #

    Heavy German accents don’t matter if the politics or ethnicity are right-just look at Kisinger or Brezinski. And how about Rahm Emmanual? Am I the only one who thinks that having dual Israeli/American citizenship is a conflict of interest? And not just Israel-it would be wrong whaterver the other country was.

  35. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 11:54 am #

    “If we’re going to have a sock-puppet for President than I would vote for Palin.”
    You don’t have to wait for Palin. We already have a sock-puppet for President.

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  36. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 11:57 am #

    ” And not just Israel-it would be wrong whaterver the other country was.”
    But of course Israel makes it “really, really wrong” because those bastards are preventing green cars from being assembled on Uranus.

  37. Cthulhu July 20, 2009 at 11:57 am #

    I recently wrote a blog about Florida’s First Earthship”
    Well, with predicted sea-level changes, I hope the ship floats.

  38. draffen July 20, 2009 at 12:05 pm #

    A bridge to the stars? The nearest star is about 26 trillion miles away. How long would it take to get there and how much fuel would it take? Do the math. Who wants to go to a star, anyway – only to get fried – Chernobyl style? Finding a star with a “Class-M” planet that is favorable for (human) life is another matter entirely. Haven’t found one yet, so far, at least according to the news media. If found, it would probably be much farther away than 26 trillion miles…maybe hundreds or thousands of light-years away.
    This pesky problem called mortality gets very much in the way of reaching out for the stars. How to embark on a ten-thousand year journey to explore a planet in a distant solar system and live to tell about it? And do so on “schedule” and within “budget”? Wow! On top of that, there are laws of physics – and thermodynamics – that really put the damper on most Star Trek fantasies of colonizing the galaxy.
    We have some serious problems with our current spacecraft, “Spaceship Earth” that need immediate attention. With greenhouse gases and pollution in general reaching dangerous levels and global “growth” reaching critical mass, somehow I think more attention needs to be directed at fixing this spacecraft.
    On top of that there is the matter of energy – fossil fuel is running out fast and there needs to be a “fix” for this. Looks like there are plenty of engineering challenges here at “home” to be delt with. Crunch time is here…
    Also sick of all those TV commercials dealing with old men who can’t hold their pee and have sex. Disgusting!

  39. 3rd Generation July 20, 2009 at 12:06 pm #

    Chairman Benito Obama has already proven his gross incompetence and poor judgement with his guilty, weakling tax-cheat-of-the-month cabinet appointments, amongst many, many other things. He has run out of time. It’s only a question of when and where the First Window get broken… Detroit & Wall Street are odds-on favorites in Vegas for rioting, death and destruction. America is Dead. Pass the cheesedoodles and let’s watch NASCAR reruns to see if there is a different winner This Time…

  40. catawampus July 20, 2009 at 12:07 pm #

    I believe this is the post on Depression vs. Recession that Jim is referring to:

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  41. inflation July 20, 2009 at 12:08 pm #

    Tragic indeed Jim. Don’t know how it is going to play out in the U.S. The Soviets were so beat down they didn’t put up much of a fight. Their meltdown was a good thing for them in comparison. We can only hope the same will happen here and we finally wake up. But as you say, life is tragic and I fear something a bit worse for us.

  42. Consultant July 20, 2009 at 12:08 pm #

    Look how “the powers that be” went after Obama’s former pastor during the campaign. And these were Obama’s fellow Democrats.
    Think what would happen if he took on the criminal, financial class of America (see Eliot Spitzer).
    There’s a reason he’s a little gun shy. But he’s got to get over that-soon.
    Many of the screamers out here, bemoaning what Obama hasn’t done, are phonies. Bush voters, small guvment fools, racists, just plain fools.
    The rest of us have had enough of “the inmates running the asylum”. Calm down, fools, your medication is coming, and then you can take your nap.

  43. Jaego Scorzne July 20, 2009 at 12:09 pm #

    You got to get your head out of your anus and look up at the stars. They’re really beautiful. Beauty in all its forms be they earthly or celestial, may help you overcome your self hatred which you project on to other Whites in order vindicate yourself in the eyes of the “good people”-minorities and powerful aliens.

  44. thomas99 July 20, 2009 at 12:16 pm #

    For anyone who still has a stomach for network TV, ABC is airing a one-hour special hosted by Charlie Gibson at 9:00 pm (CDT) this Wed, July 22. Should be interesting to see how the mainstream press explains the coming apocalypse…you’re not getting any air time, are you Jimbo? ?

  45. whitehunter July 20, 2009 at 12:22 pm #

    If Sarah Palin becomes president, she will be installed by the same banking cartel that has given us the current occupant of the White House. No matter who becomes president, the same people are in charge.

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  46. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 12:33 pm #

    “Beauty in all its forms be they earthly or celestial, may help you overcome your self hatred which you project on to other Whites…”
    Wow man…I feel better already. Thanks for that. I already feel vindicated “in my eyes”. (Sheesh. You might be the biggest FUCKTARD to yet post at this blog. Mind you there are some real lou-lou’s.) Please feel free to jack-up the Thorazine levels cause the current dose ain’t gettin’ the job done.)

  47. John T Anderson July 20, 2009 at 12:37 pm #

    JHK: Obama may end up being compared to Ramsay MacDonald, Britain’s first Labor prime minister, who came into office as the darling of British socialists just before the Great Depression hit, and ended up leaving the bulk of his party behind in 1931 to form a National Government with the Conservatives, at the urging of King George V. The fate of his Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Oswald Mosley, who drifted out of Labor into fascism, is both tragic and instructive. — janderso, Olean, NY

  48. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 12:41 pm #

    “Think what would happen if he took on the criminal, financial class of America (see Eliot Spitzer).”
    Elliot Spitzer is PART of the criminal class you MORON. He was regularly busting brothels while at the same time procuring the services of prostitutes. And you want to utilize his little bulldog prosecutorial powers to do what? Wake the fuck up!
    The fact that this pathetical weasel is too stupid to remain hiding under a rock for the remainder of his life, out of shame, tells you how shameless our society has become. Shame on you, moron. for being too stupid to even recognize a shameful, corrupt public “servant” for what they are.

  49. Al Klein July 20, 2009 at 12:44 pm #

    I’ve often mused that when Reagan and Gorbachev met in Raykjavik back in 1986 they concluded a secret protocol. They both agree that, for different reasons, the economic and social model for both countries is unsustainable. Gorbachev, being gutsy and capable, says “We’ll go first” and he engineers the collapse of the Soviet Union. Reagan says, “We need a bit more time, say 20 years or so”. Gorby responds, “OK, I’m good with that. I can understand your task is more difficult, plus you Americans tend to be more subtle. We just pull the plug. You Americans will want to allow nature to take its course and let your crazy drive toward ‘profits’ bring you down. Good plan. Takes a bit longer than our approach, but as long as it’s peaceful, we can accept a bit of a wait.” So they shake hands and agree. At least it’s a peaceful way to wind down two unsustainable juggernauts.

  50. seb July 20, 2009 at 12:45 pm #

    I disagree that the Law of Diminishing Returns can be applied to television. Technology is perfect as an example, since humanity must endure wars, famine and epidemics. The selling of popular culture is irrelevant to this law. It is a degree-of-freedom removed, like suicide in a war.
    But, having invented TV for whatever man’s need was that it happens to satisfy, this new layer of technology, cable broadcasting (?),that’s not giving diminishing returns. It’s delivering fantastic profits. Scientists have everything to do with technology. There is science covering the efficiency of tubes and wires. Hating the product enough to remember the name still sells it. American culture and marketing isolates the members of the community and appeals to the least common denominator. As you stare slack-jawed at this screen, notice that you are not subjecting your mate to that vacuum behind your eyeballs. Can’t you afford TV for the family?
    Actually, I would not be so enamored as you, Jim, with the so-called superiority of this power structure over that of the British Empire, which is what it would be if we were a touch more loyal. That was the time (18th century) when to tout (“to solicit support”), for this system put in the fix.
    Everyone always looked at television as “the tube”, an electronic baby-sitter(c.f. you are being sat, you are preoccupied at this moment), and it raised us; we are the worse for it. The internet is its natural progeny. I am extremely disappointed at the returns on this technology, viz. springtime for the KKK. And, if television was slandered circa 1965 as “The Vast Wasteland”, it has little to apologize for due any extra tinkering-1980s vintage. BTW, the silver lining is that new Digital Television. You could get that and dump cable.

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  51. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 12:45 pm #

    ” Obama may end up being compared to Ramsay MacDonald…”
    Somehow I doubt that. He is a bit too obscure. He may, however, end up being compared to Ronald McDonald. Or possibly the Ham Burglar, if he continues down this moronic path of ginormous tax increases.

  52. Consultant July 20, 2009 at 12:50 pm #

    Assass, Maybe, but “pathetical”? Is that a word?
    Get acquainted with a dictionary. Please.
    Your screaming rants suggest you happily voted for Bush-twice.
    Two shots and a long nap for this one!

  53. seb July 20, 2009 at 12:52 pm #

    I forgot to post my blog’s address:
    How to Make Methamphetamine

  54. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 12:57 pm #

    Heres the dictionary site:
    May I suggest that your moronic self become acquainted as “pathetical” is quite clearly a word. Your screaming rants suggest you happily vote for Alfred E. Newman every election.

  55. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 1:07 pm #

    A slight disconnect regarding Healthcare:
    “Because the states and the federal government share the cost of Medicaid coverage for low-income people, any increase in eligibility levels, benefits, or payments to doctors would impose new costs on the states unless Washington agrees to absorb them entirely. In at least one of several bills circulating in Congress, the states would eventually pick up a share of the new costs, and the governors fear they cannot count on pledges in other bills that they will be held harmless.”
    Hmmm. The Governors are concerned that “they” will have to pick up a share of the “new costs”. Where the fuck do “they” ultimately think the money comes from?
    Story here:

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  56. spencer July 20, 2009 at 1:09 pm #

    Obama is SuperBush! See him in action at http://www.thenothingstore.com

  57. bahmi July 20, 2009 at 1:11 pm #

    I voted for W twice…despite the fact many people did, and now realize things did not turn out so well, it doesn’t necessarily mean anything Obama does is necessarily better. Obama supporters are hanging tough. Their guy apparently has enough pap and guile to satisfy them.
    However, who amongst this august group of clusterfuckers would ever imagine the leftists would go after free speech? Obama has decided that the voters are numbnuts and won’t go after him, so why not turn on the heat to the boiling point? I was never a Cronkiteer, he was clearly leftist and interjected his own brand of meddlesome drivelesque to any discussion of the issues.
    Today’s media are losing support, witness the Big 3 all saddled with poor ratings and their audiences shriveling. There is some rustling in the bushes of America and it may be that we are finally realizing that each party diddles us with their own brand of bullshit. Dick Morris’ book, “Fleeced” is case in point. Dick points out that the Obama administration is softpedaling the war situations and, of course, they no longer accept the “war on terror”. It should probably be changed to the Clusterfuck on Terror instead.
    It takes a special person to find Cabinet members who have evaded taxes. It takes a special person to have such a blatant agenda on “payback time” for the upcoming racial conflicts incited by such absurd court judgments as the New Haven firemen’s suit. It takes a special judge to say she did the right things in the case while in her jurisdiction. How do you say it’s right in my jurisdiction but it’s actually proven wrong in another jurisdiction but the judge is not to blame?
    The 9 Supremes are entrusted to our Constitution where judgment is to be rendered blindly, yet the 5-4 vote with the firemen’s case is nothing more than goddam blatant, taxpayer fucking politickin’ absurdity. Our Supreme Court is a political statement on these insane 5-4 votes, with conservatives and liberals BOTH being blind to the strict requirements of the court system.
    The administration fully believes that chaos helps their agenda along. It sure helped Goldman Sachs along…..

  58. seb July 20, 2009 at 1:18 pm #

    That was recession vs. collapse, not depression. If Kunstler is able with precision to predict, and I am not quite sure how he does it-I think there is more here than meets the eye- the complexity inherent in the system will lead to its collapse.
    I mean, Kunstler was able not only with broad strokes to sketch out the financial meltdown vis a vis the housing bubble, but he was already warning against the Palestinian rocket attacks which came about last winter, in 2002. That is, I think he did.
    Truthfully, I am a schizophrenic. That is, if you saw, “A Beautiful Mind”, imagine all of the sickness with none of the intellect. I actually wrote to Tom Wolfe, who is mentioned in today’s CFN, within a few days of my little breakdown, which was in the spring after the article mentioned. That is, in 1970, right after the events which gave us this:
    Gotta get down to it
    Soldiers are cutting us down
    What if you knew her
    What if you found her dead on the ground?
    I told Tom this and that, and I can tell you about Walter Cronkite, and I do not see the story the same way as you. I am suspicious. And do you know who else was suspicious? Frederich Neitzche, very suspicious man. Good writer.

  59. Andrew July 20, 2009 at 1:19 pm #

    Just to clarify – I’m not arguing the finality of death for either group. The argument is that in a scarce supply situation, the demand goes to those who pay more. If the scarce supply is critical to life (e.g. food), it is likely that those who can’t pay, die.

  60. Cognitive Dissident July 20, 2009 at 1:27 pm #

    JHK, it is strange that you can be so perceptive about the pending US collapse but too simplistic about the USSR “transition”. Of course the “Communist Party” is no longer in charge, but there is perhaps as much continuity as change – look at the lack of free elections or free speech, (geographically limited) imperial ambitions, power of the (ex-)KGB class, etc, etc.
    In addition, unlike the unfolding US problems, the USSR collapse was NOT due to a lack of oil – if anything, a global excess which led to a reduction in oil revenues for a debt-laden Soviet state.
    Finally, Gorbachev focussed on political “reform” while neglecting to fix the problems in the “real economy”. Here, Obama is making the problems in the financial economy worse by bailing out the crooks, while the political reforms are quite cosmetic.
    So – while I agree with your analysis of the situation in general – it seems that Obama is like Gorbachev only in terms of (a) “change” rhetoric and (b) leading the country to collapse by completely misunderstanding/ignoring/etc the fundamental problems, while being unlike in all other ways.
    It all begs the question as to what extent either of them were/are doing this deliberately as part of a wider intention to allow the “Power Elite” to profit from a crisis as they have *always* done historically.
    JHK, will you come off the fence on this one as it relates to Obama?

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  61. seb July 20, 2009 at 1:33 pm #

    You got me again. It’s my fault. I am superstitious, too. Heh, mainly that. Give me something to worship. I thought it was going to be a 1969 article. It was just a new article about a 1969 landing. In that case, I’ll be in it, weaved in between the lines. That tool better not forget me. He has embossed stationary and writes with about five different kinds of italics. He tells me, “That is a mean Eberhard Faber #2 you write with. Someday I am going to write an entire book in HARD PENCIL. So much agon goes into the grooves.”

  62. Consultant July 20, 2009 at 1:37 pm #

    They put the pill on the table, you take it. Okay?
    That’s how it works.
    Next time, they hold you down and make you take the pill. Okay? Act nice.
    You’re a good example of the Goldman Sachs people. Off their medication.

  63. k gleason July 20, 2009 at 1:38 pm #

    Much of the problem I think is people see the talking head / politicain as being ‘ on our / the viewers side’ instead of seeing him as a servant to the power elite and their coproartions’
    ‘ Watching the old clips of Cronkite delivering the evening news years ago, one couldn’t help weighing the contrast with the current spectacle of snide, combative, overbearing idiocy acted out nightly by the likes of Kudlow, Olberman, Kneale, O’Reilly, Matthews, and Dobbs’
    you left out Geraldo, nancy grace, howard stern
    and that woman hater whos FM show followed or preceded Stern here in so cal
    Ultimately TV ? advertising and later Rap became the programming devices of the power elites and politics part of the ‘ circuses and bread’ show..

  64. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 1:46 pm #

    “Next time, they hold you down and make you take the pill. Okay? Act nice.”
    Wow. I’m guessing they haven’t wiped your ass from your cranky reply. I’m sorry. Usually, your keepers realize that with you being restrained in a straight jacket, they will have to pick up the slack regarding your bodily functions. But these clowns sound clueless. You, obviously, must have checked into a government facility. Therein lies the problem, as a government bureaucrat can’t find their own ass with their own hands, much less find your ass. Pray the shot kicks in soon. Know that we are all rooting for you.

  65. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 1:53 pm #

    Kudlow, et al are commentators, not supposedly, news anchors. Cronkite was “Uncle Walter” only as long as you bought into his “neutral” delivery of the news. Unfortunately, if you did buy into that you were a moron. Buh-bye Wally, we shan’t see you likes again. (Thankfully,)

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  66. Consultant July 20, 2009 at 1:59 pm #

    Man, take the pill. You sound like you need it.
    Send JKH a picture of yourself taking the pill with a big glass of water.
    After you calm down (even if you don’t, which you probably won’t), the rest of us are going to get on with the task of cleaning up the epic mess left by Bush/Republicans and witless Democrats.
    And that includes the gangster criminals who pass themselves off as bankers and real estate agents.
    That’s it! Assass is a realtor. Should have known it.

  67. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 1:59 pm #

    Will they give you access to a dictionary there? I certainly hope so. Maybe they will read aloud to you from the dictionary.

  68. budizwiser July 20, 2009 at 2:00 pm #

    I reread your 2009 forecast and had a listen to the “doomer” Podcast. I think there must be some way to quantify this ever widening social schism that will eventually be “driven home” by the segments of the US culture that either waste personal passenger transportation and the rest of the population that has lost affordability of using any personal vehicles. (by the way – the pun is intended)
    I will continue to hope that I am prescient in my contention that an ever-growing unemployed auto-industries labor force will provide the nucleus of an inspired and if necessary violent social-construct capable of influencing those responsible for the nation’s welfare.
    Although, Obama is failing miserably at this time, there is still hope that an eloquent leader can step forward. A leader who can match the inspirational and organizational skills of Martin Luther King and bring about the kind of civil rights and disobedience necessary to change the culture of Washington and restore the rule of law for all men, no matter their wealth, no matter their standing in finance or Congress.

  69. Consultant July 20, 2009 at 2:02 pm #

    Agree. I think it’s going to take social activism like we haven’t seen in decades.

  70. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 2:04 pm #

    ” the rest of us are going to get on with the task of cleaning up the epic mess..”
    Look, I know that mess in your pants is epic. But you can’t do dink about it with your hands restrained. As for the “rest of us” I can only speak for myself but I’m guessing for once in your life, you may be on your own. You made you bed bud, now nightie-night! (Sweet dreams. And I mean that.)

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  71. cowswithguns July 20, 2009 at 2:11 pm #

    If Obama is actually able to transition us peacefully like Gorbie did in the Soviet Union’s twilight, I think that would be telling — in a very bad way — of what our country has become.
    The looting of the treasury that has been going on since Bush — and continues under Obama — is so blatant and is going to have so many negative, real world ramifications (and all just to make some rich robber barons whole) that it would be surprising if at least a few banksters weren’t tarred and feathered by a gang of unemployed carpenters during the transition.
    Unfortunately, though, the masses don’t understand blind credit default swaps, collateralized debt oblgiations, etc., and the victims of a collapse-induced riot are probably more likely to be akin to a poor immigrant family than some Bangkok-hooker-banging, old-lady-pension-stealing, worthless-401k-hocking well-dressed Wall Street thug.
    And speaking of Nazis, don’t you think Germany would be recalled in a much more favorable light if its people actually rose up and killed Hitler, thus stopping the war? But they didn’t, and woe be upon them for all of history.
    Posterity, I fear, will judge us the same way. The masses are so tightly clinging to their soon-to-be-zeroed-out 401ks and their dreams of one day being a rich asshole that they don’t want to do what’s right — stop the looting, starting with protests in all major cities.
    But, nowadays, we’re like cows — to the slaughter. Or are we — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQMbXvn2RNI&feature=related
    Also, regarding those who don’t think Elliot Spitzer would make a good AG just because of his penis — So what Spitzer was paying for some action? Illegal sure, but if he could have kept a muzzle on the Wall Street crooks and thereby salvage what’s left of our republic, I would have gladly looked the other way. An overactive penis doesn’t take away your legitimacy as a political leader, so long as you’re a good one. And if Spitzer wasn’t good, do you think he would have been taken down by the people who truly run this country (Wall Street)?

  72. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 2:26 pm #

    “An overactive penis doesn’t take away your legitimacy as a political leader, so long as you’re a good one. ”
    Riiiiight. The Clinton defence. Problem is it doesn’t hold up. Why? (You may ask but I doubt it so, I’ll ask it for you.)
    When one enters into marriage, one pleads loyalty and fidelity to ones spouse. This spouse is supposed to be the ONE person on this earth that one loves most. If you break your pledge to this most special person (Or as you moronically and simplistically attribute breaking a pledge to having an “overactive penis” (vaginas need not apply)) you’ll cheat on every other person on this earth.
    When you break you bond with with your spouse you have broken any and all bonds you may claim to have with humanity hence you have NO legitimacy as a political “leader”. End of story. You may try and rationalize this away. (As I can almost bet you will) but you will certainly be engaging in a fools mission.

  73. aszasz July 20, 2009 at 2:30 pm #

    “So what Spitzer was paying for some action? Illegal sure…”
    So what if some bankers were ripping off some bankees? Illegal sure…
    So what if some murders were murdering some murderees? Illegal sure…
    And of course he was only Attorney General. I mean why should a widdle AG have to follow the law?

  74. cowswithguns July 20, 2009 at 2:47 pm #

    Powerful men throughout history have had mistresses and, if you go back far enough, sex slaves. I’m sure even the morally superior George W. Bush had a few groupies on the side. But he just never pissed off the wrong people, so he never got caught.
    It’s all about natural selection. We can don a suit and tie, but deep down, we’re still monkeys. I think Spitzer had an affair simply because he was a man, who, like all men, has been shaped by hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. There’s no deeper meaning here. Sleeping with a woman who is not your wife has no relation to how you’ll treat your state.
    Sptizer’s only mistake was that he got in on with a hooker, which is, as pointed out to me here, illegal in our society.

  75. cowswithguns July 20, 2009 at 3:02 pm #

    This kind of attitude is how we got stuck with George W. Bush for eight years. Bush got elected because, unlike Clinton, he was supposedly able to keep his dick in his pants.
    Well, that’s all fine and dandy, but if you’re a moron that’s going to lead us into two unwinnable wars and allow Wall Street to loot our treasury, I’ll stick with the horny guy.
    The big moral issues some in here tout are meant to distract us from what really matters.
    Also, there are other ways to show you are a moral person — one way is don’t start wars.

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  76. Grouchy Old Girl July 20, 2009 at 3:09 pm #

    Last week I was reading Home from Nowhere and came across a quote of Winston Churchill that Jim had used in one of his chapters. The quote made me laugh although there is an element of grimness in it, and it might explain the American dilemma right now.
    Churchill apparently said something like Americans can generally be counted on to do the right thing, but only after every other alternative has been rejected.
    See, that’s what is going on now – you Muricans are still pissing away your time and money trying to make electric cars work, which has as much chance of success as re-inventing a proper, reality based economy, which your financial geniuses aren’t even trying to do since they are too busy propping up the fantasy based corrupt one.
    The shit has to truly hit the fan before reality will sink in, and then it’s going to get very nasty.

  77. James Howard Kunstler July 20, 2009 at 3:23 pm #

    I don’t like these stupid doomer phrases. They degrade the discussion. If you use them again, I’ll ban you from the comments section… for real!

  78. Grouchy Old Girl July 20, 2009 at 3:23 pm #

    Why are people so uptight about sex for god’s sake? There are many kinds of marriages and relationships, and some that even permit partners to indulge in occasional light hearted sexual fun with other people. No harm done. We don’t have to get the bible involved do we?
    If the line is that Clinton is untrustworthy because he couldn’t keep it in his pants, but Bush is a saint because he did (or didn’t ever get caught), then I’ll vote for that ole sinner Clinton every time. Morally he is much higher up the evolutionary scale than that noisy stupid monkey Bush.

  79. Chris C. July 20, 2009 at 3:28 pm #

    I agree with your statments regarding the complete garbage that is spewed from the television these days that passes for “entertainment” or even “news”. As an engineer/scientist I find it interesting to study the dichotomy between what technology “could” be doing for humanity, and what it is “actually” doing for us. Cellphones are another perfect example, of which I want nothing to do with other than to make a phone call every now and then.
    The internet is different, and I am grateful I did stumble upon people like yourself, Celente, Schiff, and countless others. Though it is disheartening to see that a video clip on Youtube about some backwoods Nascar fan blowing up a fish with firecrackers gets over 100,000 hits while a clip about the history of the Federal Reserve only receives 150, I have to take heart in the fact that the truth seekers ranks appear to be growing with each passing day, or so it would seem. I believe it has something to do with decentralization, in why the internet seems to be bearing fruit for the real news and why the TV news is a continual dead end. If only more people would “get it”, that a smaller, more decentralized system is a more healthy and robust system (and more apt to promote liberty), whether it be farming, cohabitation, or the internet.
    I have to laugh at all the arguments about who was President when this mess began. AS IF any of our problems today could be tracked back to one particular leader, and especially AS IF the president is really the leader of the free world as most of us would believe. I figured out a while ago that the Dems vs. the Repubs is just a ruse, a fool’s errand. When both parties are controlled and financed by the same banks, hedge funds, oil companies, etc., it doesn’t matter. The lesser or two evils is still evil. For me, the only choice it to vote for someone NOT affiliated with either party. A vote for them is a vote for more of the same, despite what Obama’s campaign slogan says.
    As far as the comments go about interstellar space travel, you have to think outside the box a little. One day someone will make the discovery that space can be “folded” or tunneled through to traverse enormous distances almost instantaneously. We do not know when such discoveries will occur but it is probable at some point in the next 100-200 years or perhaps sooner, given we don’t blow ourselves up first. There is already tremendous research on the area – quantum physics (particles appearing to communicate with other particles almost instantaneously when separated), the findings of self-similarity and concepts of changing lengths according to Chaos theory, and of course gravity and the Theory of Relativity, which we’ve barely scratched the surface of.

  80. cowswithguns July 20, 2009 at 3:28 pm #

    Excuse me, instead of “big” moral issues, I should have said “bullshit” moral issues.
    Among the bullshit moral issues that have distracted the masses and allowed the looting of this country are gay marriage and abortion (the big two).
    If only our leaders — and us — had paid a fraction of the attention given to finding ways to, say, keep gays from corrupting our youth by getting married to blind credit default swaps, we would be in the mess we’re in now.

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  81. heavyenlightenedone July 20, 2009 at 3:33 pm #

    Great and universal Design!
    To make anything for today’s market, you need to observe the following canons;
    1) It must move, or some part of it must.
    2) It must be colourful
    3) It must make noise
    Be it a useless windmill, a t.v. show, a t.v. presenter, the t.v. itself,a pop star, a politician, any worthless gadget, a car, a lot of people.
    Such is the focus of the modern mind – like babies absorbing movement – baby animals also on a learning curve, but now applied to the general adult population.
    Once the preserve of the psychologist, every idiot is now employing hand gestures and head tilts – because every other idiot becomes bewitched, rather than enlightened.
    And there is no need to expand on the noise element.

  82. zzzzzz July 20, 2009 at 3:34 pm #

    “If the line is that Clinton is untrustworthy because he couldn’t keep it in his pants, but Bush is a saint because he did…”
    That is not the line. the argument began because someone thought it would be cool to loose Eliot Spitzer in some sort of watchdog capacity. I thought that was rather laughable because Spitzer as AG ,while busting prostitution rings, was an active participant. (He broke the law.) Immediately, the amen corner of legal relativists stated the familiar “just because a guy can’t keep it in his pants” bull shit argum

  83. zzzzzz July 20, 2009 at 3:40 pm #

    “Excuse me, instead of “big” moral issues, I should have said “bullshit” moral issues.”
    Of course you should have now that you have been made to look the part of an idiot. Woulda-coulda-shouda. Too little, too late.

  84. zzzzzz July 20, 2009 at 3:54 pm #

    “There are many kinds of marriages and relationships, and some that even permit partners to indulge in occasional light hearted sexual fun with other people. No harm done.”
    No harm done? Naw, not a bit. People never change their minds and realize that “light hearted” sexual fun may have been a mistake. And of course the resultant HIV/Aids, pregnancies and broken marriages that can result from such light hearted fun isn’t harmful. No problemo. None.

  85. dale July 20, 2009 at 4:04 pm #

    Keeerist! Kunstler ….this blog is starting to sound like a cross between the Christian Identity Movement and the small talk in a tattoo parlor . When Parrot Boy starts to sound thoughtful you know it’s time for a change. For those of you who find cable TV a waste of time, I can’t imagine what you are doing reading posts about how immigrants are screwing with your sense of self esteem etc. Compared to the most recent group of posters Fox News is a rich source of factual information. Jim…..If you can’t screen the screamers, paranoids and Nazis out of the mix, do the world a favor and pull the plug.

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  86. Arnold Stang July 20, 2009 at 4:16 pm #

    Is Obama Gobarkchev? Shouldn’t the question be, “Isn’t Neil Armstrong George Patton?”

  87. zzzzzz July 20, 2009 at 4:27 pm #

    “Compared to the most recent group of posters Fox News is a rich source of factual information.”
    Of course big dale drops in to save the day. Thanks big dale! (Not.)

  88. cowswithguns July 20, 2009 at 4:38 pm #

    JHK said: “The US economy is now dying a slow and painful death because it had become based on activities that had nothing to do with producing real wealth. Instead, it became dependent on rackets, that is, behavior geared to getting something for nothing.”
    Great line. The recent Goldman Sacks (the US Treasury) announcment of upwards of $3 billion in profit and the climbing DOW show just how disconnected Wall Street is from Main Street. This is all going on while tens of thousands join the ranks of the disillusioned unemployed each month.
    There’s an aricle on the corporate cheerleading Web site cnbc.com today (Monday) about how bull(shit)ish banksters are on “emerging economies” like China. Translation: Wall Street has sucked the life out of the USA and is ready to move on to more easily exploited terrain. So look for the DOW to rise even more while jobs continue to evaporate here in the US.
    But, hey, our 401ks should grow, right? Remember, they’re supposed to make us all rich. Go Asian slavery!

  89. cougar_w July 20, 2009 at 4:39 pm #

    [Palin 2012] She’ll run. She’ll run as a “populist” ranting against bankers (Jews) and the MSM (Jews), criminal immigrants (Hispanics) and welfare cheats (Blacks). Nobody will know what she actually stands for, but she’ll be elected anyway against the backdrop of 2 solid years of 13% national unemployment (18% in Florida) and a DOA housing market. On taking the Oath, her first act will be to nationalize the entire banking system to the last credit union, followed shortly by issuing a new currency, defaulting on the US debt to the Chinese, and declaring a cultural war on the subversive elements (Gays, Jews and Blacks) actively engineering (she will have examples) the means to destroy our Great American Dream.
    There won’t be a “free & fair” election in 2016, unless one were to include as “political speech” the anticipated street riots as the Gays, Jews, Hispanics and Blacks (and a small group of alarmed Anglo lefties from San Francisco) recognize their impending destruction.
    Not my idea of a swell outcome. It’s what most people (Whites) will want. It’s what they will get. Everything will then change forever and I don’t know how to avoid this. Perhaps a nation granted 200 years of solitude cannot endure.

  90. cowswithguns July 20, 2009 at 4:46 pm #

    Cougar: This is why progressives need to jump all over Obama and the Democrats in Congress to stop the continued looting of the Treasury. If they don’t, the Nazis like Palin are going to co-opt the argument progressives should be making — even, though, Palin and her ilk largely stand for shoveling money to the wealthy.
    Next comes Police State 2012.
    We don’t want that. We want Downsized, Localized, Community-Garden-Loving state 2012. So progressives: put down the poison Democratic Kool-Aid and get your asses moving.

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  91. zzzzzz July 20, 2009 at 5:02 pm #

    “Not my idea of a swell outcome. It’s what most people (Whites) will want. ”
    Wow. Not only can you predict the future but you can tell us what most people (White) want. Damn. You’re good.

  92. zzzzzz July 20, 2009 at 5:05 pm #

    Cow/Cougar or Cougar/Cow 2012. You guys will have to figure out who heads the ticket.

  93. k gleason July 20, 2009 at 5:33 pm #

    I saw a film about Cuba in its very poor times, w/o the soviets funding them
    average weight loss was 20 pounds per person
    They like the soviets had a system of barter and self reliance that was ‘ darwinian’ since individuals had to somehow survive DESPITE their govts.
    remember most food in USSR was grown on 1% of the land by the babushkas…
    USA has a long way to fall till its at or near rock bottom. Our economic collapse is still ‘ early’….
    Some here mentioned Gay marriage:
    As I watch / hear / sense all the time / energy being expended on the ‘ gay marriage ‘ issue I wonder what those supposedly progressive people fighting for it think about the ‘ good ole’ [ or late great] USA ] and our collective future….
    As every state in the Usa goes toward the entrophy of Michigan or as a poster here said ‘ 15% unemployment in fla’….where are we headed…?
    apparently gay marriage is THAT BIG an issue to those protesting for it…
    Maybe the media attention to it is just more ‘ circuses and bread’
    When each of the 50 states has unemployment of 15% or more
    Gaymarriage then may not seem like such a MAJOR issue to those fighting for/against it!

  94. georget July 20, 2009 at 5:48 pm #

    There’s a lot of emphasis on fraud and the fraudulent in this piece, including the colossal fraud of NASA having landed men on the moon, in a cold war bluff of the Russians during the early years of the space race.
    Consider the recent announcement from NASA that it would take scientists 15 years from now to design and build a craft to go back to the Moon. Why when we have allegedly been there 6 times already?
    J. F. Kennedy announced in 1962 that Man would travel to the Moon by the end of the decade. Just 7 years later Man allegedly did just that. But more than 35 years later in a World that is vastly technologically superior to the 1960’s, why would it take over twice as long to do the same thing today?
    Well gee, it might have something to do with having to build a craft that can actually shield the humans from the lethal amounts of radiation they will be exposed to when they do finally pass through the Van Allen radiation belts and actually make a trip to the moon.
    Following is a link to much more info on the fraud and 30 unanswered questions.
    And yes, I know, the easy thing to do is believe your government on ‘this one’, right?
    You wouldn’t want to be labeled a conspiracy freak, now would you?
    Anyway, it’s another great example of fraud at its grandest, similar to the colossal financial fraud we’re witnessing unfold.
    Fortunately for the NASA folks, they had a much more controlled environment to work with than the financial fraudsters, although they’re all getting away with it anyway except a few scapegoats like Madoff.
    I would recommend that references to this so-called once great accomplishment be thrown in the trash bin with the great financial system accomplishments we’re living through right now.
    The closest we can hope that a human got to the moon was MJ’s famous moonwalk.
    More science for More Science High!

  95. anthropoid July 20, 2009 at 6:02 pm #

    shay’s rebellion was the end of the spirit of 1776 and the declaration of indepenence…it signaled the loss of political control of the contry by the original rebels and their replacement by a cadre of operatives led by hamilton, jay, and madison. clearly the spectre of the common man controlling his political destiny through direct political action scared the living shit out of them ( hamilton mentions shay’s four times by name in the federalist papers)…when madison conjectured about protecting a minority from an “interested and overbearing majority” (federalist X) you have to see that democracy was in trouble…the constitution is the counter-revolution that replaced a foriegn-born aristocracy with a native planter elite…burr had the right idea when he shot hamilton…he just should have done it thirty years earlier…by the time he got around to it the damage was done.

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  96. linzos July 20, 2009 at 6:03 pm #

    Jim, What makes you think Sarah Palen is any more a Nazi than the president with all the czars?

  97. JamesLibra July 20, 2009 at 6:19 pm #

    I can’t believe that the U.S. is going to waste money we don’t have to start up the space program again. Besides, we need to get an engine that will get us up to the speed of light to get to the outer regions of our Solar System, and to the nearest star within a human lifetime. This will require huge amounts of energy. How can we expect to provide that needed energy for a rocket when we eventually won’t even be able to provide the energy to power our airplanes, trucks, and cars?

  98. cowswithguns July 20, 2009 at 6:20 pm #

    I want to respond to the poster who apparently thinks the moon landing is a hoax, but, instead, I’ll just post a link to a video of Buzz Aldrin punching some flat-Earth type.
    Good stuff. Go Buzz!
    BTW — The reason I’ve been posting so much today, if anyone cares, is I’m on a furlough day. But I’m one of the lucky ones, my office has been downsized in recent months.
    This is happening throughout California. One county — Imperial, I belive — has a 27 percent unemployment rate. Things are truly unraveling in the Golden State (I imagine JHK will dedicate an essay to this soon, if he hasn’t already). Hopefully the feds haven’t spent too much on the banksters and can afford to spend a little cash on California — lest it take the entire country down with it.

  99. RickInTacoma July 20, 2009 at 6:43 pm #

    We truly are a nation in denial, not a whole lot different than a drug addict. Treating a person is a whole lot easier than curing a culture. I believe Obama understands this but knows that to articulate it would be political suicide, or worse.
    I was reading the local paper yesterday and noticed a blurb about Charles Gibson planning a documentary for this Wed. night at 10 titled “The Truth About Oil”. I was hoping to really see some of that truth, given his national standing and exposure.
    Silly me. The writeup goes on to explain that, among other things, Gibson says that Americans aren’t ready to go to smaller cars, stop driving SUV’s, drive less, etc. That “our highways were designed for larger cars”, and that we have to accommodate the “soccer mom” phenomenon, etc. In other words (Dick Cheney’s), the American lifestyle is not negotiable. Oddly enough, demand proved quite elastic after a whiff of $4 gas last year; I’m surprised we’re not at $12 now.
    The plan then is to play up the need for alternative fuels to power the existing system. I’m sure you’re as disappointed as I am to see yet another wasted opportunity on national TV. But not surprised.
    I was in Germany most of June. They really do believe in places worth caring about and are thoughtful about how they occupy space and move from one to another. What a joy it was to experience so many of the alternatives talked about on CFN!

  100. k gleason July 20, 2009 at 6:53 pm #

    SUVs are getting bigger and bigger
    [ pun intended] in China…and asia outranks us/europe in new Billionaires
    ………………….draw yr own conclusions.

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  101. Jaego Scorzne July 20, 2009 at 7:20 pm #

    Wrong. All wrong. Palin was immediately recongnized and jumped on by the NeoCons, who are Zionists and mostly Jewish. They knew a good product, another “next door” type like Bush. Phylis Schlafley, a real conservative, asked to meet with her and they told her not to. She is owned and trademarked by them. If she runs, it will be with their money. She will not close the borders because they do not want them closed. Look, something weird is obviously going on. The White majority, as well as lots of Hispanics and Blacks, want an end to open borders. But both McCain and Obama were and are fervent believers in open borders. If the democratic process was working, at least one of the canidates would have been against open borders. But no. They’ve been open for decades and even as I write, the criminals are jumping over. So where do you get the idea Whites are getting what we want?
    The powers that be have obviously mastered the are of controling elections by financing both sides and by media bias. They can’t lose. And they are committed to a non White future for America. And so are you. Why? Our demise as a people and a nation is not an obvious good you know. And any idea that America can continue its existence when we are a minority surrounded by hostile groups, is ridiculous. Nations do not survive the death of their founding race. If all the Chinese died due to a plague, and you brought in Africans to live there, would that make them Chinese? Even if you handed them the Analects and the Tao Te Ching as they got off the plane, the answer is no. Nations are about a people, not a geography. Just so, the Indians were not the First Americans. An absurd idea.

  102. cuddletuffy July 20, 2009 at 8:04 pm #

    In my experience, being around a community of people who are very critical of Obama, you are wrong about who they are.
    First of all, the people I know are not bemoaning Obama, they are criticizing his policies. There is a big difference.
    Contrary to your claim, a good number of the criticisms are about what he has done. Those complaints are related to his: appointments of the Goldman Sachs/Federal Reserve mafia that continued and exacerbated the financial transfer of wealth from the citizenry to the oligarchy, known by Bush and Obama as, “bailouts”; his escalation of the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan; his commitment to the same policy toward occupation in Iraq, (note his policy commitment not his rhetorical stance are the same as Bush); his promotion of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State; his move to nationalize the auto industry with taxpayer money; his choice to increase spending and deficit levels far beyond the already insane Bush/Cheney/’00-’08 Congress budgets; his choice to spend more on the military than Bush/Cheney/’00-’08 Congress; his usage of state-secrets privilege to block investigations and prosecutions for torture and other war crimes in the court system; his vote to grant the telecoms, “retroactive immunity”, as his last big act as Senator from Illinois.
    Of the critics of Obama and our Congress that I know, not a single one supported Bush, is a Republican, and certainly none are fools. I think it is interesting that you can’t see the distinction between someone bemoaning a person and a rational citizen criticizing the continuance of insane policies like those of Bush/Cheney that are proven to failures.
    It makes one wonder if you have a personal relationship with Obama and support his persona, and thus project your persona based adjudication of him onto those who disagree with his policies and actions to date.
    That brings me to my final point on today’s blog. I don’t believe that Obama represented the most credible candidate of change to most Americans. I think he merely represented exactly what the DLC wanted him to represent, a nicer father who wasn’t Bush. If people were concerned about change they would been up in arms long before the inauguration because before then he: rejected campaign financing and ate more rabidly from the corporate trough than McCain; promised he would unilaterally bomb Pakistan if he so chose; granted, “retroactive immunity”, to the telecoms who helped Bush spy on all Americans without cause and legally obtained warrants; sat and said nothing, (in contrast to his views on the Iranian elections), while Israel bombed the shit out of the defenseless Palestinians in the little open air concentration camp they have erected in Gaza; appointed Turbo Tax Tim Geitner and a cabal of Wall St. insiders as his financial advisors;
    I don’t think Obama is our Gorbachev. I think his card will get pulled if he turns his back on the syndicate that he is the face man for. I do think Obama is the last remnant of America’s biggest and most destructive fantasy that was erected since 2000 – that Bush/Cheney were the problem and that if we just got rid of them, the problem would be gone. Furthermore, he has no mandate from his supporters. I think the ’08 presidential election was a referendum on personality – the brazen belligerence and cowboy idiocy/Vader evil of Bush/Cheney in exchange for a poised, intelligent and articulate man who was sentimentally compelling for historical reasons.
    Gorbachev likely spent years forging political alliances within the military, politburo … that helped him survive the dismantling of the empire. In fact, his alliances were likely built upon an explicit agreement and mandate with his allies. Obama hasn’t even been on the scene long enough to do that. In fact, it seems clear by his meteoric rise, that he bargained with the oligarchy for the opportunity to be president, whereas Gorbachev’s survival means he had to have bargained to enact peaceful change. Gorbachev had to have taken a long time building a network of powerful interests who realized that change was to their benefit to counter-balance the oligarchy who wanted to resist.
    Obama is a smart guy with a great smile and a lot of charisma and political savvy. It is likely he wanted to be President so bad, he made his Faustian bargain. It seems for now that he is representing who footed his bill last summer and fall.
    Furthermore, there is a huge disconnect between him and his mass of supporters. You see, my experience in talking with Obama supporters, is that they have confused supporting Obama the man with supporting substantive changes in policy that he should carry out. To one person, it is merely enough that he is, “the world’s biggest rock star.” Um okay, I thought that was Mick Jagger, and I’m sure glad he isn’t president. People are incredulous when I criticize his adventures in Iraq or on the bailouts. Nine months ago, those same people were criticizing Bush, (though maybe now they were merely bemoaning him), for Iraq and the bailouts led by Paulson.
    My point is, the time to lay out an honest case for the true nature of the mess was 18 months ago w/o contradiction. As things get worse, Obama is going to have to prescribe the problem and it will only reveal that he did the exact opposite of what he should have done when he first took office. His political opponents will beat him mercilessly with this hypocrisy and the corruption it implies. He will be revealed for what he did that was the exact opposite of what needed to be done. Therefore, I think he’ll keep supporting the empire project and trying to govern by PR release. He doesn’t fear the sheeple nearly as much as he does the oligarchs he seems content to represent this far.
    Perhaps there is a political message in his overt admiration for Lincoln. Perhaps he is shrewdly sending a political message that he will do anything to preserve the Empire – even if it means suspending habeas corpus, jailing political enemies, and fighting wars for causes he doesn’t even believe in. I hope not. It isn’t out of the realm of possibility though.
    Ideally, we’ll get someone like Ron Paul and like minded people, who’ve been rationally explaining what happened and why, elected next in ’10 and ’12. It is unlikely though. We are more likely to get a demagogue who is going to blame it on, “the blacks, and the Jews and (insert select bankers, insurers, who are now politically expendable) …”. I really hope I am wrong. We will see.

  103. Dahveed July 20, 2009 at 8:18 pm #

    Excellent post, Jim, thanks. Michael’s hair on fire and the economy on FIRE. Almost more than I can handle in one week. Keep up the fine work.

  104. Johnny Rico July 20, 2009 at 8:30 pm #

    It’s Astan, or AfPak. Not Afstan. I like to call it the Northwest Frontier.
    And you are very wrong. Both conflicts are operationally 180 degrees from where they were with Bush. Iraq has seen 2 American Deaths in July so far. A monthly record (so far). As Asoka can tell you, troops have been largely removed from the cities and don’t get involved (so I read). And Asoka will also be glad to know that Obama is already backing away from troop reductions this year (Johnny Rico is right again, sorry buddy, foreign policy just isn’t your thing). The official press release said they would start happening next year. Yeah, right.
    In the meantime Gates announced today that the size of the regular Army will be increased for three years by 22,000 troops to 569,000. Interesting. This is almost exactly the same as the 21,000 troop increase Obama approved for Astan.
    This comes about 2 days after mentions were made in the press about possibly increasing the number of additional troops being “surged” into Astan.
    In Astan there have been 30 US dead, for a total of 56 coalition(US, UK, Germany, Canada, France,Netherlands are the major contributors, basically NATO – it is called ISAF) dead so far in July. A record by a long shot. Only a week ago I predicted it would be a record, but even I didn’t predict how bad it would be. Yes prediction. I’m actually good at it.
    You need to read up on COIN on the Abu Muqawama website which is now part of CNAS (the new Democratic neocons. COIN is the “new” counter-insurgency mantra whcih is basically tactics and operations being sold as strategy. Like I always say, it’s all bullshit.
    Harshing on CBS. NPR and PBS are just as bad. Worse. They don’t even have news on the weekends. Just car shit with click and clack and Masterpiece Theatre.
    ABC used to be my favorite TV news source. It’s just one big clusterfuck ad now. I recommend getting cable with DVR. Fast-forward through everything with the sound off.
    My brother-in-law got NASCAR tickets. I’m gonna try to convince my sister she won’t like it, so I can go. Yeehaw!

  105. Johnny Rico July 20, 2009 at 8:46 pm #

    You’re from Alaska? Are you fucking kidding me? I thought everybody thought you were from Boston.
    Don’t answer. I don’t believe anything you say, but after fact-checking you for almost 3 years, I’ve found you are almost never wrong.

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  106. Johnny Rico July 20, 2009 at 9:01 pm #

    “What clue is to be derived from this?”
    Did you ever get an answer? You are off the hook today, Dude.
    What kills me is all the newbs who figure nobody has ever heard of the idea of not watching TV, but when they discover it themselves, they immediately jump to the conclusions that fantasies don’t happen often, we will never invent time-travel, Jim was the one that invented doomerism, and oil is finite.
    I don’t know what my point is. The clueless leading the clueless, I guess. I just started reading the comments and you are preempting me at every turn.

  107. Johnny Rico July 20, 2009 at 9:11 pm #

    “Palin is more like a Shit sandwich than stew. Stew is too
    intricate for her.
    (and that sandwich has 2 slices of cheap white bread)”
    This is both racist and sexist. Worst of all it is poorly formatted and not funny at all. Duh.
    You actually wrote a 20 word, ? sentence “comment” in MS Word while you were drunk. And then copied and pasted it into a blog post.
    I bet they love you over at The Oil Drum.

  108. Johnny Rico July 20, 2009 at 9:26 pm #

    “Sorry for the double post.”
    Triple post. The apology counts towards your #1 ranking as Jackass of the Day. The primary problem is you. I’m so sick of people who say they voted for Obama, but…
    Do you see me triple posting? No. Why do you think that is? It’s because nobody cares what I say and I understand that. You, on the other hand, are a Jackass. And you have to repost everything you say until you are sure the world has heard it.
    Just STFU.

  109. Dee Rohner July 20, 2009 at 9:50 pm #

    ” … two hundred years experience with peaceful power transitions … ”
    Where were you November 22, 1963 when John Kennedy found he had gotten fatally cross threaded to the national security state that Eisenhower had warned of?

  110. Jimini July 20, 2009 at 9:58 pm #

    Nice takedown of Hank Paulson.

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  111. jim e July 20, 2009 at 10:20 pm #

    Johnny, so good to see you out playin’ … you too bad!

  112. k gleason July 20, 2009 at 10:30 pm #

    clearly aszasz[he? she?] had made comments about a bridge to nowhere so it was clear alaska was ‘it’
    I give the LA Times a ‘ greenie’ award this week
    for an article on a company that has extra onions
    they save a million$ by turning them into power
    they turn 100 million pounds of onions into power to save a million$ !!!!
    and ill give the Wall St Journal an honesty award
    MAY 21 09 HEADLINES:
    ..This less than 2 months ago…SO JHK…. WHY IS ROUBINI SO CHEERY?
    If online is your preferred way to read there’s a nifty site called
    From it:
    500,000 Will Exhaust Unemployment Benefits by September, 1.5 Million by Year-end
    The Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program began in June 30,2008. Benefits under the act have now been extended twice. Unless Obama extends the program a third time, it’s the end of the line for many receiving unemployment benefits.
    Please consider First wave of jobless exhaust unemployment benefits…
    For those that like serious bedtime reading for a few dollars shipping and the price of one PENNY
    The Coming Currency Collapse and What You Can Do About It (Sep 1980) by Jerome F. Smith

  113. Kiwi Nick July 20, 2009 at 11:41 pm #

    Hi Howard,
    I don’t like the new format for this blog. Problems:
    * The useful content is squashed into the middle 20% of the screen, which is incredibly inefficient.
    * The comment tabs often don’t work. When I click on them, nothing happens (not even the browser progress symbol is going). Or I click on tab 11 and it gives me tab 9.
    * It’s time-consuming to wait for each tab to come up while reading the comments.
    * The font size in the comments is rather large.
    May I suggest a format much more like http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1208028 ?
    The format there is a lot more efficient on screen space (45% comments), and they pack a lot more comment into each page. Even the other 55% is chock full of navigation, poster details, reply/abuse, etc. And if you resize the browser, the useful content resizes to suit.
    And the navigation between pages of content is reliable (no javascript trickery).
    If you want help on this, please sing out – depending on the web technologies being used (use the email address just to be sure).
    Now, as for the rather bleak state of affairs described in and around the above link, I’ll address that in another blog comment tomorrow.

  114. Mike July 21, 2009 at 12:13 am #

    Fuck, this is depressing stuff… but I can’t stop reading it week after week. I guess there’s always the 357 magnum retirement plan to fall back on.

  115. asoka July 21, 2009 at 1:34 am #

    Cowswithguns said: “Things are truly unraveling in the Golden State (I imagine JHK will dedicate an essay to this soon, if he hasn’t already).”
    JHK will have to act fast because the window of opportunity may slam shut. Schwarzenegger and the CA legislators have come to an agreement to address the $26 Billion shortfall.
    Oops! There goes another doomsday fantasy…
    (to the tune of “oops there goes another rubber tree plant”)
    SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and California’s legislative leaders agreed Monday on a plan to close the state’s $26 billion budget shortfall

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  116. rocco July 21, 2009 at 1:39 am #

    Excellent evidenced based post on the condition of our world. I grew up on Star Trek, and all the books about Space the final frontier, peace, free clean energy from mysterious crystals. It will be a slow grind,and Palin will become the next President, and Fox news will make sure the “other” folks are to be blamed not the Disaster Capitalism leaders. I am sorry to all the Doomers out there, it will be not one single massive crash like the big bang,but a slow,gray,crawl into the middle ages. Hopefully the insects will do better. I cry for the kids of today.

  117. asoka July 21, 2009 at 1:54 am #

    In the midst of all the gloom and doom I thought it might be nice to do a reality check since Obama’s economic stimulus is just beginning to kick in and already there are signs the real estate market is stabilizing and is not going to hell as predicted by so many here not too long ago. I could list many more, but here are a few.
    Of course, these positive developments will have a positive spiral effect leading to more employment and an even faster recovery rate. Sorry, doomers.
    INDIANAPOLIS–Indiana will use $164 million from the federal stimulus package for low-income housing projects in an effort to create 6,500 affordable apartment units across the state, Lt. Gov. Becky Skillman announced Monday.
    NEW YORK (Reuters) – The U.S. housing market is showing signs of stabilization, according to inventory data released on Monday by national real estate brokerage ZipRealty. Emeryville, California – based ZipRealty reported a drop in the number of Multiple Listing Service-listed homes for the 12th consecutive month in June.
    Austin secures nearly $600000 for homeless veteran housing. The city of Austin will get $583,843 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to help put local veterans in homes they can afford, according to a statement from U.S. Congressman Lloyd Doggett (D-Austin).
    The grants, funded under the HUD-VASH program, combines HUD Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
    Housing values have slipped in three-quarters of America’s major metropolitan areas, but pockets of prosperity still exist, including the Pittsburgh area.
    A new bizjournals study indicates that the nation’s strongest housing markets are located in Texas, the mid-South and the industrial Northeast.
    Pittsburgh housing prices hit peak in 1Q Pittsburgh housing prices have grown 1.1 percent in the past year, according to first-quarter 2009 data from the Federal Housing Finance Agency.

  118. eightm July 21, 2009 at 2:16 am #

    Wake up stooges, the present economic crisis is just the beginning and will last for many years because:
    COMPUTERS, AUTOMATION, OPTIMIZATIONS, CHEAP THIRD WORLD LABOR has made creating jobs in the USA, EU and JAPAN no longer worth it. Most jobs have been or will be automated, most production processes have been or will be automated and optimized, and many are done in countries where the average monthly pay is anywhere from 100 dollars a month to 600 dollars a month. CAN YOU COMPETE WITH THAT ?!?? SERIOUSLY, CAN YOU EVER POSSIBLY COMPETE WITH THAT ?!?!??
    But the saying goes, you can compete if you “INNOVATE”, if you create “NEW PRODUCTS”, more research, etc. This is absolutely not true as demonstrated by JAPAN. They have been researching and trying to innovate for decades and have been in a depression for 20 years.
    The only real innovation is CHEAP RENTS, and MASS TRANSIT. more BUSES, BUS RUOTES, MORE HOMES AT A DECENT RENT PRICE, LIKE FROM 300 TO 600 DOLLARS A MONTH EVERYWHERE (big cities and suburbs, LA, PARIS, TOKYO or remote suburbs) for a two bedroom 1,200 sq feet or 90 sq meter home.

  119. asoka July 21, 2009 at 2:50 am #

    “…a bunch of white people decided to sell a crap-ton of bad mortgages, chop them up into junk-ass derivative marm, and sell it to one another while leveraging it all out the ying-yang and getting it bona-fide ratings from Moody’s and backing it all on a daisy-chain of gossamer horseshit from AIG, only to have the whole arrangement implode in a furious supernova of massive systemic risk that nearly destroyed the entire global economy, but believe me, ALL THOSE HONKY-CRACKERS WERE JUST HAVING AN OFF DAY, NO WORRIES! And hey, the good news is that all those white people learned from their experience, and came up with an awesome plan to get American taxpayers to put everything right, and make them all unbelievably wealthy again.
    You know, there’s always someone who’ll point out that it’s not fair that there’s a National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, when a National Association for the Advancement of White People would be decried as racist. But you know what? There is a National Association for the Advancement of White People! We just pronounce it, “Troubled Asset Relief Program.”
    –Jason Linkins

  120. Kurt Cagle July 21, 2009 at 4:33 am #

    I’ve given up on seeing meaningful change at the Federal level, though there are some hopeful signs; while I think that the infrastructure stimulus package will have a number of positive effects, the biggest net effect will be that it is going to shift the locus of innovation away from the mires of Washington and New York & towards local communities.
    Collapses are neither uniform nor always comprehensive. Seattle just inaugurated their light rail system this last weekend, becoming the twentieth major metropolitan city in the US to have an LRT system. With Vancouver’s Sky Train, Portland’s LRT and BART/Caltrans in the Bay Area, this means that you can in fact travel efficiently via train over much of the West Coast.
    What I sense is that even as Scottsdale, Vegas and Denver go dark, the West Coast itself (at least from San Jose northwards) will likely stay vibrant long enough to establish itself in a solar economy in 15-20 years time. It’ll be scaled back, admittedly – far fewer cars on the roads, far fewer aircraft, far more bikes, LRT, trains, even dirigibles, but that IS happening here.
    Washington, DC is imploding. Obama was handed a devil’s bargain by Paulson – let Goldman Sachs take over the economy, or we let it all collapse. They’re hoping they can pull another LTCM “rescue” that essentially involves hiding away the problems until some alternate solution presents itself, and is at the same tI have less hope for Los Angeles, though given theime taking full advantage of the system to enrich its chief investors. CITI’s “rescue” is largely being driven by GS, which has in effect been given carte blanche to do anything it wants to, and it is using the opportunity to become THE US central bank.
    However, I don’t see this lasting much longer. GS is awakening too many angry bloggers (what I see as the real final bastion of investigative reporting) on both sides of the aisle, and they are making it increasingly difficult for GS and others in its orbit to continue with business as usual. Eventually, and I’m guessing before the end of next year, Obama will have to repudiate what they are doing if he hopes to salvage anything at all.

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  121. Kurt Cagle July 21, 2009 at 4:34 am #

    I’ve given up on seeing meaningful change at the Federal level, though there are some hopeful signs; while I think that the infrastructure stimulus package will have a number of positive effects, the biggest net effect will be that it is going to shift the locus of innovation away from the mires of Washington and New York & towards local communities.
    Collapses are neither uniform nor always comprehensive. Seattle just inaugurated their light rail system this last weekend, becoming the twentieth major metropolitan city in the US to have an LRT system. With Vancouver’s Sky Train, Portland’s LRT and BART/Caltrans in the Bay Area, this means that you can in fact travel efficiently via train over much of the West Coast.
    What I sense is that even as Scottsdale, Vegas and Denver go dark, the West Coast itself (at least from San Jose northwards) will likely stay vibrant long enough to establish itself in a solar economy in 15-20 years time. It’ll be scaled back, admittedly – far fewer cars on the roads, far fewer aircraft, far more bikes, LRT, trains, even dirigibles, but that IS happening here.
    Washington, DC is imploding. Obama was handed a devil’s bargain by Paulson – let Goldman Sachs take over the economy, or we let it all collapse. They’re hoping they can pull another LTCM “rescue” that essentially involves hiding away the problems until some alternate solution presents itself, and is at the same tI have less hope for Los Angeles, though given theime taking full advantage of the system to enrich its chief investors. CITI’s “rescue” is largely being driven by GS, which has in effect been given carte blanche to do anything it wants to, and it is using the opportunity to become THE US central bank.
    However, I don’t see this lasting much longer. GS is awakening too many angry bloggers (what I see as the real final bastion of investigative reporting) on both sides of the aisle, and they are making it increasingly difficult for GS and others in its orbit to continue with business as usual. Eventually, and I’m guessing before the end of next year, Obama will have to repudiate what they are doing if he hopes to salvage anything at all.

  122. zzzzzz July 21, 2009 at 6:13 am #

    asoka sez:
    “Of course, these positive developments will have a positive spiral effect leading to more employment and an even faster recovery rate.”
    For the sake of all that is holy just go the fuck away and shut the fuck up… forever. You are such a moronic imbecile that you are beginning to suck this blog into your moron-0-tronic black hole.

  123. Kiwi Nick July 21, 2009 at 8:42 am #

    For anyone who still has a stomach for network TV…

    For those who CAN’T stomach US TV anymore … get a good laugh from The Chasers pulling a prank in Manhattan … If you’re quick (ie Tue night New York time) you can LEGALLY grab the episode that includes a prank of opening a Starbucks inside a Starbucks. I hope JHK doesn’t mind these pranks happening almost under his nose!
    Link here http://www.abc.net.au/tv/chaser/noflash/
    The episode gets replaced Wed afternoon or evening (Sydney time: GMT+10:00) with the next episode.
    DISCLAIMER: This has nothing to do with Peak Oil or Peak Finance. It’s simply to show good TV still exists (just).
    DISCLAIMER2: There’s only two more episodes until the Chaser packs up for good: tomorrow (Wed) and in 8 days’ time.

  124. TedC July 21, 2009 at 10:30 am #

    To Jim –
    I agree with one of the earlier posters – this blog is pretty out of control. Too many arguments, too many freaks. Also, the screen format is way too skinny.
    You might consider posting on dailykos – the format is really good, and the community is excellent – the comments are almost always worthwhile.

  125. wagelaborer July 21, 2009 at 11:23 am #

    The Russians didn’t shuck off the Soviet sweater. Their leaders sold them, their State assets and their national resources to the Russian mafia,and international speculators, in cahoots with American “advisors” like Lawrence Summers, now head of Obama’s National Economic Council.
    Millions of Russians were impoverished and millions died (referred to in US corporate media as “life expectancy dropped” – yeah, by 9 years in one year?)
    Polls show that the majority of Russians would druther have their old system back.

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  126. wagelaborer July 21, 2009 at 11:28 am #

    But hey, we’re told we should celebrate the Russian fall, which foreshadowed our coming fall.
    After all, impoverished people do desperate things. And Americans could buy blond babies and blond wives! So who cares about the people forced to sell themselves and their children? “We” won!

  127. Harmon July 21, 2009 at 11:55 am #

    Randall Flag uttered:
    ” All this negativity about taxes, government, etc.. WTF? How about, when your house is on fire, you just STFU and put it out yourself? Fire engines aren’t free, you know. How about we go back to nothing but dirt road cart tracks? who needs pavement?”
    Well, having lived for many years in an area where there are no firetrucks that will come to my door, where most of the roads are dirt (gravel, mostly) and where I have two miles of mud to get to the gravel road, I sincerely object to paying taxes. And frankly, I prefer dirt roads — keeps things slow and local. I think all money for paved highways should be cut, and that money put into rails instead. People can live with dirt roads just fine, and yes, they can live without fireman as well. People can use some sense or they can die, and good riddance.

  128. asoka July 21, 2009 at 1:00 pm #

    More evidence the doom and gloom scenario just isn’t happening… more evidence of Obama’s success in turning around the Bush recession.
    This success will just keep spiraling up. Health reform will take pressure off small business and even more jobs will be created, more revenue generated… an upward progressive spiral toward economic health.
    Leading economic indicators point to improvement
    July 21, 2009

    More plans to build homes, higher stock prices and fewer people filing first-time claims for jobless benefits sent a forecast of U.S. economic activity higher than expected in June.
    It was the third consecutive monthly increase for the New York-based Conference Board’s index of leading economic indicators and another sign pointing toward an improving economy. The measure rose 0.7 percent last month; analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expected a gain of 0.4 percent.
    The group also said activity in the six-month period through June rose 2 percent, with an annual growth rate of 4.1 percent. That’s the strongest rate since the first quarter of 2006.

  129. k gleason July 21, 2009 at 1:32 pm #

    Meanwhile at or near the north pole there odd
    ‘gunk’ in the ocean…and lots of it
    Scientists are surmising its moss/ algae that the permafrost has held for thousands of years

  130. budizwiser July 21, 2009 at 1:41 pm #

    The real beauty of the frauds being perpetrated by various corporations and their government enablers is that they have managed to obscure the schemes to such a degree that no one can even agree on what to call the heist.
    Now, that all the decks of various cards have been shuffled, and the fingerprints become increasingly faint, the hucksters have realized there is little more left to steal. And there is little more for evil men to worry about.
    So now Americans can look forward to the last of the great train robberies – inflation. Sooner or later, the very few winners of this global Ponzi scheme will begin turning their hard-stolen profits into even greater “earnings” by bidding up commodities on their ever-so corrupt stock exchanges and future’s markets.
    While CF nation talks of peak oil or resource shortages and technology – as if important – the most pressing dangers of tomorrow reside in corporate board rooms and Congress, ready to use their last weapon, the global exchange markets, to secure their kingdoms and the extinction of simple comforts and leisure time for the masses around the world.
    While CF Nation factions lament the need for technological innovation – clearly our collective failures rest with the loss of our attention to the direction and robustness of our two-hundred-thirty-four-year-old experiment in self government.
    It was the “rule of law” and not technology that created the greatest nation earth has known, and it is the lack thereof that is destroying it right now. There can no technological “fix” to our future’s dilemmas so long as those who wield the tools of trade and control the purse of our government are beyond the laws of common men.

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  131. k gleason July 21, 2009 at 1:41 pm #

    foxes in charge of the house
    Look at his picks:
    Janet…as governor she supposedly vetoed over 60 bills that would have secured Arizona border…now shes ranting about white people and working on ‘ immigration reform’
    From wiki: As Governor, Napolitano set records for total number of vetoes issued. In 2005, she set a single session record of 58 vetoes, breaking Jane Dee Hull’s 2001 record of 28.[11][12] This was followed in June 2006, less than four years into her term, when she issued her 115th veto and set the all-time record for vetoes by an Arizona governor. The previous record of 114 vetoes was set by Bruce Babbitt during his nine years in office.[12][13] By the time she left office, the governor had issued 180 vetoes.[14]
    Emmanuel..who while Bush 1 sent troops to the middle east he was a congressman, he went to Isreal at that time and fought for ‘them’

  132. jerry July 21, 2009 at 2:15 pm #

    President Obama ran a campaign that was a platform of delusional ideologies. He thought he was the “somebody” that was spoken in the speeches of Black Power–“I am somebody!” He told us he was the somebody who could bring change to America. He told the voters that he was the person who could fulfill the empty pots with hope that would grow into something worth being proud of once again.
    Instead, he entered the presidency backwards; his back to the people who elected him, while facing the kleptocrats and oligarchs that ushered him into the Oval Office with their checkbooks.
    President Obama has done nothing for the economy but erode it. He continues to bring along worker bees groomed by the queens running the financial and corporate super-hives. They continue to empower those entities which have destroyed the economy.
    Obama has only one more chip to lay down on the crap table, which appear to have all been spent in the last 7 months. That chip is for the public option health care program. If lost, the people lose and Obama has lost his credibility. He may have nothing else to offer. The incompetent and self-destructive GOP are fully aware of Obama’s weaknesses and his inability to wield his power because he has allowed his ship to take on way too much of Goldman Sachs’ toxic water, as well as the cowardice of the Democratic congress.

  133. Jaego Scorzne July 21, 2009 at 2:23 pm #

    A very racist post. Congratulations, you have shown your true “colors”. Like all Blacks, you think that that Whites have an infinite amount of money that they are hoarding and that should be taken away from them by force. After all Blacks “built this country” and deserve-ALL OF IT. Well this isn’t South Africa and you aren’t going to be able to do what you did there. When Mbeki took power, he said, “we will suck the Whites dry” and they did. That’s what the Blacks would do here if they could. But there are too many other people at the trough. Sorry no reparations. And expect less welfare from here on in too.
    Some people think this horrible mindset is the result of slavery. But the Blacks in Britain, who went there voluntarily, have it too. And after one generation, they started saying that “we built this country”. It’s some weird program built into the Black Brain.

  134. george July 21, 2009 at 2:58 pm #

    Who was that great philosopher that said the people would rather die than think? Nobody wants to think about the future, because the implications are too frightening to contemplate. America today reminds me of the obsessive compulsive hand washer who would rather risk injury and lifelong misery rather than confronting his sickness.

  135. Ed Nauseum July 21, 2009 at 3:11 pm #

    When you rearrange the letters in JAEGO SCORZONE you get COJONES GAZER

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  136. observer July 21, 2009 at 3:18 pm #

    1. I like the format–easy to read, big type, no distracting animations. Who cares if it’s skinny as long as you’re not printing it? No change needed.
    2. In all the discussions I’ve seen here and elsewhere about immigration, no one EVER mentions that the Mexicans, legal and illegal, are growing our food, and have been for many decades. If they are all deported and the border is “closed,” where are our fresh fruits and vegetables going to come from and what will they cost?
    3. Apparently no one else read the two E.P. Heidner pieces that were linked here last week, since the first one was largely about the demise of the Soviet Union and no one (including JHK) has mentioned Heidner. A Google search of Heidner’s name will take you there. Are the two “Collateral Damage” pieces true? I have no way of knowing, but they are certainly worth considering and investigating.

  137. Harmon July 21, 2009 at 3:36 pm #

    Randall Flag uttered:
    ” All this negativity about taxes, government, etc.. WTF? How about, when your house is on fire, you just STFU and put it out yourself? Fire engines aren’t free, you know. How about we go back to nothing but dirt road cart tracks? who needs pavement?”
    Well, having lived for many years in an area where there are no firetrucks that will come to my door, where most of the roads are dirt (gravel, mostly) and where I have two miles of mud to get to the gravel road, I sincerely object to paying taxes. And frankly, I prefer dirt roads — keeps things slow and local. I think all money for paved highways should be cut, and that money put into rails instead. People can live with dirt roads just fine, and yes, they can live without fireman as well. People can use some sense or they can die, and good riddance.

  138. TedC July 21, 2009 at 3:48 pm #

    Amen to your observation about the rule of law. That’s what made us great, and what is so obviously lacking now. I no longer feel bound by rules that others are so willing to flaunt. My pitchfork is sharp! I will be glad if I get the chance to pick off one of these f@$ckers…

  139. asoka July 21, 2009 at 3:58 pm #

    “Up until the last couple hours, this vote was in doubt,” McCain said. “And so I’d like to give credit to the president for being very firm on this issue and to the Secretary of Defense, who gave as strong a speech as I’ve ever heard in my life.”
    Obama had threatened to veto any bill that authorized the F-22 funding.
    Forty-two Democrats and independent Sen. Bernie Sanders, of Vermont, joined 15 Republicans to defeat the F-22.

  140. cowswithguns July 21, 2009 at 3:59 pm #

    California’s budget woes solved? Are you kidding me — by cutting programs for the poor, borrowing money from Wall Street and accounting trickery — and no new taxes to boot?
    Due to the cuts, California is going to take down America’s economy while it spirals down the drain. Too bad we didn’t save up some of that money we spent on Wall Street to bail out our largest state.
    As for your “green shoots” fantasy — if you actually take profit announcements by the likes of Goldman Sacks(America’s Treasury) and higher housing starts stats in an already glutted market as good signs, you must be a hedge fund manager or a PR guy for the White House.
    And regarding the “doom” comment, Asoka, I recommend you listen to JHK’s latest podcast dealing with so-called doomers.
    It’s not doom if you think the current system is fucked and merely a tool to funnel money to rich, greedy people at the expense of future generations and those currently in need, all the while making people dumber and lowering their expectations through TV programs like Big Brother.
    If you think keeping that system alive is a smart thing to do, then you, my friend, are a doomer.
    And to Ed the anagram master: Ball Watcher — that was a good one. I appreciated that.

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  141. bahmi July 21, 2009 at 5:59 pm #

    We are witnessing slavish media suckupmanship that lessens the hard realities in our country. Obama wants to control the media and the media sucks up only too willingly. By controlling the media, Obama lessens the fact the country is taking on water faster than the bilge pumps can remove it. He’s for transparency as long as Gibbs redefines the word “transparent”. Ask the Kingfish a tough question and he gets surly, insulted, churlish. He’s above the questions of mere mortals. There will be no malpractice suits but no tort reform?? Say what….? This guy is a lawyer, a professor of law? Did he tell the lawyers he’d protect their incomes, and tell us he’d protect practitioners of health? Brother, have you heard the latest Babel?
    Obama thinks he’s a tough guy and won’t crack under the pressure. Let’s see how he extracts money from all components of the health system. Let’s see if he can lower my supply expenses, business condo fee, water bill, local fire tax bill, private property bill, labor costs, state unemployment taxes, liability insurances, accountant’s fees, etc etc. Let’s see, Obama being the “Man”, if he can force all contributors to the greater health scenario to mandatorily accept lower incomes in service of making Obama look good.
    Doctors will be happy to give big chunks of their incomes, nurses, techs of many sorts, etc etc. National health care just means the professions won’t be as attractive for those considering entering said professions. That will surely help us take care of 50 million new patients, huh?
    When I see a cocky dude like Obama spouting all his bullshit, I want to utilize all the Internet tools I can to spread the word that this guy is lookin’ fer a fight…might well be some folks who will take him up on it, too.
    We need better, we don’t need socialism, social Darwinism, eugenics, reparations, apologies ad nauseam. It’s clear the guy needs a helluva lot of help…..with his ego.

  142. tyzig July 21, 2009 at 6:43 pm #

    Mr. Kunstler, how can I take your commentaries seriously when at the end you say that Sarah Palin is going to be president (of the Nazis, no less)? She does not have that much support and I think she has a VERY long shot at becoming President. This is a little too much sarcasm. Let’s get real here.

  143. Cthulhu July 21, 2009 at 7:10 pm #

    When you rearrange the letters in JAEGO SCORZONE you get COJONES GAZER
    Ace Zero Jogs On
    Nacre Oozes Jog
    Coronas Jeez Go
    Acorn Jeez Go So
    Car Jeez Go No So

  144. Cthulhu July 21, 2009 at 7:21 pm #

    2. In all the discussions I’ve seen here and elsewhere about immigration, no one EVER mentions that the Mexicans, legal and illegal, are growing our food, and have been for many decades. If they are all deported and the border is “closed,” where are our fresh fruits and vegetables going to come from and what will they cost?
    A thought experiment.
    Will Americans pick lettuce for $60/hour?
    I say yes.
    Will lettuce become too expensive?
    (forget about the fossil fuel expenses, 1500 mile salad, etc)
    $60 an hour is 1 dollar a minute.
    Gringos are fat and lazy, so they an only manage 4 heads of lettuce a minute.
    That’s 25 cents a head for labor.

  145. Cthulhu July 21, 2009 at 7:31 pm #

    INDIANAPOLIS–Indiana will use $164 million from the federal stimulus package for low-income housing projects
    This hurts private housing, its not a green shoot.
    NEW YORK (Reuters) – The U.S. housing market is showing signs of stabilization, according to inventory data released on Monday by national real estate brokerage ZipRealty. Emeryville, California – based ZipRealty reported a drop in the number of Multiple Listing Service-listed homes for the 12th consecutive month in June.
    Owners give up on selling. Its not a green shoot.
    Austin secures nearly $600000 for homeless veteran housing.
    This hurts private housing, its not a green shoot.
    Housing values have slipped in three-quarters of America’s major metropolitan areas, but pockets of prosperity still exist, including the Pittsburgh area.
    Collaspe happens here and there, not everywhere at once.
    Its not a green shoot.

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  146. Jaego Scorzne July 21, 2009 at 8:26 pm #

    The Left has destroyed rational, civil discourse in the Country. You are exhibit A. As the old saying goes, “A racist is any conservative winning an argument with a liberal. Attorney General Eric Holder (Black) wants us to talk about Race. But when Whites try to, they just get told to shut up. That’s because neither the Feds nor the Blacks really want dialogue, they just want us to bow our heads and take our medicine. Well, that day is over with. Get used to the new way: Equality. If you don’t like it, move to Africa, land of freedom.

  147. Jaego Scorzne July 21, 2009 at 8:34 pm #

    You better get back to your body, it’s disapating all over the Arctic Sea. All that build up just for this. You have returned as rotting sea weed.

  148. Jimini July 21, 2009 at 9:06 pm #

    I gotta agree with several posters on this board when I say this site is in serious need of a moderator. You’ve got entirely too much ignorant shit posted here in response, unless of course, that’s the point. I dunno, I like the blog as an alternative viewpoint, but I’ve gotta say that the comments have degenerated to little more than a market basket of fruits and nuts.

  149. wots left July 21, 2009 at 10:39 pm #

    James,I haven’t read all the comments but I did read some. I do read your posting each monday and I am leaning toward agreeing with a lot of what you have to say.
    I do not live in your country but I can see that it has a great deal of influence in the English speaking world. A comic irony considering your Country’s past and origin. I do hope that the TPTB that run this world don’t completely F%#K it up.
    As an individual I often think of the power of one “Rosa Parks” and no I am not black but of white anglo saxon origin.
    cheers mike

  150. tcprdg July 21, 2009 at 11:58 pm #

    Mr Kunstler,
    You’ve earned an audience, and you’ve chosen to open your site to comments. There’s a responsibility in there somewhere, isn’t there?
    It (your blog) is feeling a bit beyond rogue these days — mostly due to the comments.

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  151. asoka July 22, 2009 at 12:46 am #

    jimini said: “You’ve got entirely too much ignorant shit posted here in response, unless of course, that’s the point.”
    Sometimes I think that may be the point. I post positive upbeat news and provide statistics and facts that contradict the general fatalistic view that “we’re fucked”… and others throw fits, go ad hominem, and scream “shut the fuck up” or talk about invisible nameless puppet masters or preach the superiority of the White Aryan race… fruits and nuts indeed… armed and dangerous.
    This blog may be an intentional demonstration of clusterfuck in miniature.

  152. Nudge July 22, 2009 at 5:48 am #

    Asoka, why explain by deliberate action that which can be more easily explained by simple neglect?
    I know a thing or two about blogs. Leave the door open to all, and all will arrive to do deposits/withdrawals/redecoration as they so choose. Ever try running a “free store”? More things leave than are donated; it requires constant influx of stuff. Like your apartment, too, it requires constant effort to keep things clean and orderly.
    Blogs are not unlike this. On the simplest level, you can filter the commentary (as Jim does) .. and if you want to get more involved, you get to know the participants and filter them instead.
    If the CFFN commentary section occasionally seems to be turning into a cesspit of sorts, well, that means it’s time for everyone who’s commented in this thread to take a good look in the mirror and ask themselves what kind of a blog they want to participate in. AFAIK Jim is not asking himself this question, so it’s up to you. Without some kind of work along these lines, most blogs tend to degenerate down to around the level of the topix.net forums.

  153. BenCorp July 22, 2009 at 6:04 am #

    Mbeki never, ever said anything remotely like “we will suck the whites dry”. I’m a white South African and I can assure you I would have heard about it if he had. In fact if you look at the policies he initiated under US global capital pirate organisations like the World Bank and IMF he has done everything for whites but put on a little black tie and serve them cocktails at sunset.
    80% of whites enjoy higher incomes today than they did at the end of Apartheid. Blacks are 2% poorer as a group dispite the minting of thousands of black millionares. Mbeki(was) and the ANC are a rich, profiteering, rentier, bourgeoisie whitie’s best friend.
    Just to give you a little idea of how complete the betrayal of the majority in SA was. SA Reserve Bank freedom from political oversight and inflation targeting are enshrined in our constitution. How would all you US Fed haters like that?!
    Ps. Jaego, I’ve met plenty of redneck pieces of trash like you. Don’t ever come to my country, you’re too dumb to survive here.

  154. BMR789 July 22, 2009 at 8:48 am #

    As another blogger put it so nicely last week on the web (sorry, but I forget who or where), this isn’t a “recession,” it’s a collapse.
    That would be
    “This isn’t a recession. This is collapse.”
    By Gregor Macdonald

  155. dale July 22, 2009 at 10:15 am #

    In all fairness to the doomer crew, you are not necessarily posting commentary to rebut their views, but simply commentary that is the exact opposite of their views. You are simply the white to their black. While in their world, failure to predict accurately is no cause to dispute the validity of predictions. In yours, next year we will have a car that runs on puppy dog kisses by Obama decree. From a reasonably objective point of view, one of you is about as easy to refute as the other.
    I also do not agree that blogs police themselves. Racist posters can so poison the atmosphere that viewing the blog can be insulting to the average persons intelligence. Those sorts or comments should be filtered out. That is the only way to stop that sort of garbage from finding a forum.

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  156. Ed Nauseum July 22, 2009 at 10:19 am #

    “A racist is any conservative winning an argument with a liberal”
    No, actually, a racist someone who holds the belief that “race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others”. Someone who writes things like this:
    “It’s some weird program built into the Black Brain”
    Sorry, I gave you one too many O’s to work with.

  157. zzzzzz July 22, 2009 at 10:34 am #

    You’re from Alaska? Are you fucking kidding me? I thought everybody thought you were from Boston.
    Neither. Try Ohio.

  158. Jaego Scorzne July 22, 2009 at 10:37 am #

    So in other words, South Africa is being sucked dry as I said. The Blacks unknown to them-selves, were working for the Banking Elite when they overthrew the old regime-with lots of help from chumps like you. Over a million Whites have fled this Black Kleptocracy; fled the crimes, the murders, the rapes-or you do you claim the those haven’t gone way up since the Fall? If you do, you’re a liar. And fled affirmative action-Whites can’t even have a fair sized business now without Black co-ownership. There’s no place for young Whites now. And for the average Black-Mbeki’s own brother said that they were better off under White rule. So, who benefitted from all this? The Xhosa Tribal Elite, a few Internationalists, and the top two percent of White South Africans who are in with them. Sounds like what’s happening here. And here’s a hot tip-it’s going to get worse. You’ll be another Rhodesia in twenty years. Have fun. Always remember how right you were! And how much you made the Afrikaners suffer.

  159. Chris C July 22, 2009 at 10:45 am #

    It isn’t that hard to see where the money is going. It didn’t get sucked up into outer space. It’s our money. It was stolen, not earned. The IRS should confiscate it and redistribute this ILL GOTTEN wealth.

  160. Jaego Scorzne July 22, 2009 at 10:48 am #

    The Races are different just like breeds of dogs are. You don’t think that german shepherds and pit bulls are the same do you? Or that the differnce is just “cultural”? We know why some of the differences exist too. Blacks have more testosterone than Whites-just as Whites have more than East Asians. Blacks are naturally more aggresive than Whites-just as Whites are more aggresive than East Asians. It’s not just cultural. Ask anybody who works in a nursery whether Asian babies act the same as Black babies.
    They don’t. The Asian babies are much quieter. Again, Whites are in the middle.
    The hormonal differences and the brain differences have been known for a long time but are currently suppresed due to political correctness. There’s nothing wrong with Blacks any more than there’s anything wrong with pit bulls. But I consider them dangerous and prefer German Shepherds. Blacks will feel differently. That would be fine if we still have the rule of Law and freedom of association. But they are being forced on us now and we are being held back to let them go forward. It is an unteneable situation. As Stein’s Law puts it, “That which cannot continue, will cease.” We must separate even as Marcus Garvey always said.

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  161. dale July 22, 2009 at 11:15 am #

    Racism is like a nasty bacterial infection. If you stop it quickly, lance the boil (remove the posts) the opportunistic infection will quickly abate. Such poison abhors disinfectant.

  162. asoka July 22, 2009 at 1:26 pm #

    I agree that, using Occam’s Razor, simple neglect is the best explanation.
    It simply occurred to me that the blog could possibly be an intentional demonstration of clusterfuck itself.
    There may be other explanations as well.
    But the fact that the CFN conversational environment often deteriorates into inane miscommunications (or outright insults and attacks) could be indicative of how the larger national clusterfuck works.
    Or not.

  163. Jaego Scorzne July 22, 2009 at 1:30 pm #

    So much for Freedom of Speech and the sharing of viewpoints. You would have fitted well in Stalin’s Russia. Pravda means Truth and all. Well Obama’s America wont be much different so enjoy. Too bad you wont be one of the ruling class in this classless society. No class indeed. As I have said before, the Left destroyed rational and courteous discourse in this counntry and Comrade Dale is a good example. Didn’t you know that hearing things you don’t want to hear is part of a free society? Do you expect freedom to be easy? Where did you get such a self indulgent notion? TV?

  164. asoka July 22, 2009 at 2:13 pm #

    BenCorp said: “So sorry to all the decent Americans out there, but the sooner you collapse, the better for us.”
    Quite all right, mate. We feel your pain and we are responsible for much of the suffering in the developing world through a combination of coups, invasions, occupations, bombings, and economic hit men.
    So collapse (if you believe that is what is going to happen) is just karmic payback.
    Meanwhile, in the USA, WalMart and Costco parking lots are jammed packed. People are still using cars, not walking or bicycling. The restaurants are full. I see absolutely no evidence of Soviet-style collapse on the horizon after reading about its imminence for years on CFN. Year after year people spending like crazy on fireworks, year after year the same July 4th parades. Life is not changing and one would assume collapse equals change.
    Y2K was really going to fuck up everything according to JHK. Now peak oil is going to lead to the “long emergency” according to JHK.
    Both scenarios ignore the capacity of human intelligence and will to address and overcome crises (in rational and nonviolent ways that were not imaginable when the warnings about collapse were being written).

  165. dale July 22, 2009 at 2:28 pm #

    Malicious hatred is not “free speech”, and this isn’t a street corner soap box, where that kind of disgusting garbage belongs. In the final analysis this is JHK’s blog and it’s up to him if he wants to put up with this trash.

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  166. M. Kindl July 22, 2009 at 2:40 pm #

    “President Sarah Palin” ! Kunstler, I love it! You have a Dada sense of humor: when reason fails, choose unreason!

  167. k gleason July 22, 2009 at 3:01 pm #

    for more INFORMATION:
    Green Shoots or Stinkweeds?
    Why economic recovery has not begun
    By Jack Rasmus

  168. asoka July 22, 2009 at 4:01 pm #

    Thanks for your comment, though I disagree with what you say.
    A lot of what the doomers are providing are opinions about what is going to happen in the future (for example, Soviet-style collapse, Y2K meltdown, $10 a gallon gasoline, etc.) then when it doesn’t happen they invent another hypothesis about yet another disaster planned or aided by the puppet masters, the media, the Jewish bankers, the hedge fund or investment traders, the banks, the auto companies, the POTUS, etc.
    I am not predicting the future. I am providing facts about positive economic developments actually happening, not forecasted. White to their black? Not quite.
    Though just as the doomers like to paint a black downward spiral to apocalypse, I say an upward spiral is also possible.
    I say things go down and up and down and up, cyclical.
    They seem to think things are going down, fast, toward oblivion, over a cliff, unavoidably, etc., linear.

  169. Qshtik July 22, 2009 at 4:20 pm #

    No Dale … the last thing you want to do is get a moderator involved in the blog comment process. Then, all of a sudden, the discussion takes on his or her slant on things. Just let the racists (like Jaego) and other assholes rant on … it’s like handing them a rope to hang themselves with. For example, I would NEVER try to prevent Sara Palin from having a national audience. Just let her talk. She’ll nail down the lid of her political coffin with her incoherence.
    My favorite tactic against racists like Jaego Scorzne and other nut-jobs is sarcasm such as the following (edited) reply I posted on Kunstler’s previous essay titled Wobble Time:
    “Jaego, I am definitely with you on this IQ thing. I say we start with a two-pronged program: extermination and sterilization. As implied by your post, initially our targets would be IQ-based. We get rid of the Australoids first (I gather from google these are Aborigines, right?) Wasn’t there an Aborigine chick a couple of decades ago who was a great tennis player – Goolagong I think was her name. But no matter … she goes with the rest of them).
    We perfect our techniques with these relatively harmless Australoids and then move on to the really problematic blacks. Don’t ya just hate those REALLY B-L-A-C-K ones! The ones sooo black they give off a sort of dark purple aura. I’m gettin all excited and tingly …
    So we crank up the ovens … I suggest natural gas burning ovens since nat gas is very plentiful, and incredibly cheap vs oil. Also, much smaller carbon footprint. Simultaneous to the extermination program we sterilize both newborn blacks AND their mothers while we’ve got them at our mercy in the stirrups. If we didn’t nip the birth rate in the bud it would be like “shovelin shit against the tide” as the expression goes, with that many more to exterminate later.
    Now, I’m not sure who comes next on the IQ shit-list but I trust you’ve got the numbers. Who ever’s next – and surely they’re a bunch of swarthy bastards – we get rid of them too. And what about Eskimos … they can’t be too bright? I’m just guessing so I defer to you. Also, people who live in rain forests. They’re backward as hell. How do they stand it with no clothes and all those insects? Yuk!
    We work our way up till we get to whites …. I AM assuming we whites are at the top of the IQ pyrimid … right? We keep the whites but then there are whole other categories that I think have to go, e.g. women with butterfly tattoos near the ankle, short people, of course, and people who like rap “music.” I’m sure you would agree that there are reasons other than IQ for eliminating people. We can discuss the details later.
    Come to think of it, the way this may wind up is we get rid of EVERYBODY but you, me, and a dozen or so smart young white chicks (preferably with big tits).

  170. dale July 22, 2009 at 4:53 pm #

    While I would agree pretty much wholeheartedly with your last post, I would also say it sounds a bit more balanced than your usual.
    Whether the doomers like to acknowledge it or not, “technological progress” which has been able to assimilate increasing population with simultaneous rising living standards, shows no convincing evidence of being at an end. Sometimes it “feels” like it is, or should be over, but that is just subjectivity, most likely fueled by our lack of perspective for the long view of history. Will that pinnacle of progress be reached eventually? Probably, and if it does I tend to agree with them it will not likely be pretty for people for quite some time. The doomers are right when they point out that these sorts of societal overshoots have occurred a few times in the past and are generally followed by periods of chaos and declining population. There is no reason to believe that we are immune to such a cycle.
    The second point of their argument, which you pointed out and that is easily the most damning, is their insistent belief in one set of future based predictions. They choose to believe these predictions in spite of all evidence that such predictions are worthless. The best example of this are underestimates of oil and gas reserves, “reserves” have been grossly underestimated consistently since the first estimate was made and have continued to be so ever since. Even their guru Hubbert, when he predicted peak oil used numbers for remaining reserves which are no better than any other such predictions (I.e. Grossly underestimated by several factors). If Hubbert’s Peak Oil theory turns out to be a timely prediction, it would seen to be little more than a lucky coincidence. When you mention this uncomfortable fact to them, either silence or (more likely) a personal attack invariably follows.
    Like many doomers I do not see any technology on the horizon that will preempt actual PO. I’m not sure that is a problem however for two reasons; major shifts in technology are seldom if ever foreseen and a major shift may not even be necessary. I’m sure with serious effort people here could, in a couple days, name hundreds of major and minor changes in lifestyle and minor technological changes which would reduce fossil fuel consumption far beyond anything currently predicted. While it would no doubt be uncomfortable, I have no doubt that a reduction in U.S. Gasoline consumption of 50% is possible within a few years. Declines of 20-30% would hardly be a serious problem.
    The main problem we seem to face is political paralysis and the inability of our political system to cope with any meaningful change or long term planning. Now that is a serious problem and Obama is sadly, part of that problem, and not a cure for it, as far as I can see.

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  171. abbeysbooks July 22, 2009 at 6:23 pm #

    I agree the format is hopeless. If JHK can’t get a blog format to work I doubt he can get anything else to work. The chance for a solidarity oriented community is great here, but he doesn’t seem to get it at all so he better hold off blaming Obama for not getting it. He is just projecting.
    As for daily kos, NO NO NO NO! that place is full of brown shirt Nazi troll rating auto banning storm troopers. If you doubt me just go search majorflaw (the original leader) for his comments and research his activity for the last few years and you will get all his underlings caught in your net. It USED to be a wonderful place, but no more. For its expose see http://www.davefromqueens.com as Dave got them all, exposed them and gave himself a fatal heart attack doing it. But he made that whole rotten place transparent. so did I at http://www.myleftwing.com but not nearly so well as Dave. Dave did get rid of majorflaw and condoleaser at least but I suspect they are back with different ID’s. You can check out my diaries there especially the ones with Robert Altemeyer who wrote The Authoritarians. His Conservatives Without Conscience.
    JHK needs to ask himself some serious questions about what he wants and where he wants to go with this blog. He could take the dkos approach as to format but I suspect he doesn’t want to take all that on. He has the opportunity to do it but I think he has other more interesting things to do. But if he is very ambitious……then who knows.
    But this format sucks and I wouldn’t have gone beyond this page if I hadn’t read your post and wanted to reply.
    Oh and I am a radical liberal who sees flaws everywhere.

  172. abbeysbooks July 22, 2009 at 6:37 pm #

    Sorry for the omission but John Dean used Altemeyer’s research for his Conservtives Without Conscience and encouraged Altemeyer to write a more accessible account of his research. The Authoritarians was first made available via ebook at http://www.theauthoritarians.com (I think that’s right but google if it isn’t)and you can also order a hard pbk copy on lulu. It is beyond wonderful but read a few chapters free for yourself. Altemeyer put it out there fast because he thought the US and western civilization was in serious trouble under the Bush people. And we were. We have our Augustus I think and just maybe he can bring about the Universal State Toynbee details in his history. That way we will have bought some time for us. Don’t have any more kids!
    These people are never going to change so there has to be a paradigm shift. Fossil fuels are going to continue to ruin the planet no matter what. And huge huge populations of people are going to die. The physically strong (read Thunderdome and Road Warrior) will take over. The Barbarians are coming (Coetze) but not quickly. I really don’t think it is possible to be ready, just to prolong your own safety for awhile. If you stockpile food get ready to hire an army to protect it. Much better to start studying on wild edibles and begin to forage and eat them now. And learn how to build cobb houses anywhere at all.

  173. abbeysbooks July 22, 2009 at 6:42 pm #

    The reason we continue to need to import slave labor is that big ag needs them. Ifc you start growing your own, lern about wild edibles you are not going to go to the supermarket so much. Barbara Kingslover did this and told of it in her book about a year of eating locally (something like that) and avoiding the supermarkets.
    Also the new movie Food,Inc is a massive eyeopener on the food industry. You won’t want to eat after seeing that one. disgusting. and because of its facotry organization, yes we need the immigrants to grow and harvest our food.
    As Rudolph Steiner teaches, keep going to the root of a concept or idea to get at the truth.

  174. abbeysbooks July 22, 2009 at 6:47 pm #

    Yes it is easy to read. But to get that you have to forego solidarity in this community. It is much easier to eliminate the trouble makers (they are always around in these sites) and keep the web of connected individuals growing.
    Oh and a marvelous link for understanding all about food is:
    http://www.lavidalocavore.org/ Jill Richardson started out on dailykos before the nazis took it over. She was known as orangeclouds12 (think the number is 12) at dkos and her diaries there are worth saving.

  175. abbeysbooks July 22, 2009 at 7:14 pm #

    It simply occurred to me that the blog could possibly be an intentional demonstration of clusterfuck itself.
    Yes we have a microcosm here tht reflects what’s going on behind every green door. And other colors as well.
    Nice insight.

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  176. abbeysbooks July 22, 2009 at 7:26 pm #

    In a few thousand years we are all going to be cafe au lait so get used to it and get with the program.
    Black children have a different way of learning as Dienes the incredible mathematician turned educator said at a seminar at Temple U. They have a kinesthetic component to their learning that when addressed leads to mastery. They are not so good at rote learning of math as they are at reinventing math, or learning how to figure out the mathematics that will come in the future.
    Races and cultures are diverse, having strong and weak points for other cultures.
    As for Asian babies being quieter, do not forget whose wombs they grew in. A quieter mother I reckon who conditioned them that way.
    My friend used to play music for her baby in the womb. She didn’t like rock but she loved Mozart. (I suspect my friend had those preferences also.)Now what music do you play for your babies, children and of course those in the womb?

  177. abbeysbooks July 22, 2009 at 7:49 pm #

    JHK did not invent doomerism. The sci fi writers have been at it forever. Try H.P. Lovecraft for starters.
    Kunstler’s genius was in being able to popularize it. To give gigs on it, to get a good blog going about it, to attract people to him. He was in the right place at the right time.
    And he needs to promote his book.

  178. abbeysbooks July 22, 2009 at 9:29 pm #

    Here’s a linktosomeone who has been living in a cave in Utah without spending any money for 10 years. An ex anthropology major from U of Colorado.

  179. abbeysbooks July 22, 2009 at 9:39 pm #

    Please read Lovecraft and Houellebeq. You will be inspired. I hope you see this reply but this software sucks so bad you probably won’t.

  180. crisismode July 22, 2009 at 10:11 pm #

    I have never seen a bigger bunch of absolute Flaming Assholes on any blog in my life, than I have on this forum’s comment section.
    Kunstler has the rare ability to bring out the Major mega-jerks of the universe onto his site.
    Congrats James! You did well!
    All the rest of you . . .
    meh, not so much.

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  181. Cthulhu July 22, 2009 at 10:24 pm #

    Dale wrote:
    While it would no doubt be uncomfortable, I have no doubt that a reduction in U.S. Gasoline consumption of 50% is possible within a few years.
    So what? Any decrease in fossil fuels here will be burned in China and India.
    Are we smarter than yeast? Imagine putting one yeast cell into a bottle of nutrients, and this yeast doubles every minute. Let’s say we start at 11 am.
    Q At what time is the bottle half full?
    A 11:59
    Q If you were the average yeast cell, at what point would you think 3% of the resources have been used, and 97% of the resources were still available?
    A 11:55
    Q Suppose that at 11:58, three new bottles are found. Three times the amount of resources previously known. At what time are all 4 bottles full of yeast?
    A 12:02
    based on Dr Albert Bartlett’s presentaion

  182. Jaego Scorzne July 23, 2009 at 1:35 am #

    So, you absolve the Blacks of everything? What Godlike powers you have! But we hold them accountable for their actions. Who is being more respectful to them you and your’s or me and mine? That’s right, we are. You are utterly condescending to them whereas we treat them like men. As America’s First Black President, Bill Clinton said, you have “the soft fascism of low expectations”. And not condemning atrocities is just that.

  183. Jaego Scorzne July 23, 2009 at 1:56 am #

    You have quite an imagination, pal. As you said, give someone eneough rope and they’ll hang themselves.
    No, surprisingly eneough Whites are not the smartest people. Ashkenazi Jews are followed by Northeast Asians-Han Chinese, Korea, and Japan. What some of us think happened: for a thousand years, the smartest White Men became celibate priests. Nothing in these other cultures can equal the dysgenic policy that Europe followed for so long. And on the plus side, Chinese Aristocrats bred outside of marriage with concubines. And the Jews always valued intelligence and sought it out in partners for their children.
    So you seem to know how to use a computer and have research skills. Great. So look up IQ and the crime statistics kept by the FBI called the Uniform Crime Report. Just because the newspaper doesn’t identify Black suspects anymore doesn’t mean no one is keeping track. Actually when the descriptions don’t identify race, then you know it’s a Black. Anyway, none of the facts I have given is just my opinion, but based on hard research. What I said in the paragraph above about White IQ is my opinion and I identified it as such. But for the rest, you will find out the Truth yourself.

  184. Jaego Scorzne July 23, 2009 at 2:35 am #

    Thank you for your admission. Liberals are seldom so honest about their ultimate vision of genocide against the White Race. What do you think Toynbee would have thought of it? Utter Disgust I’m sure.
    Blacks have their gifts, for sure. And as children they develop motor skills much quicker. And they seem just as bright at first. But then they begin to fall behind. And by the time high school comes, they are far behind. And they will never catch up. It’s interesting the way you spoke about their learning style-as if it was innate. But then you went back to the cultural when you talked about Asians. Yes, Black anti-intellectualism and violence is cultural-but it’s cultural because it’s genetic first. If it was just cultural, then there would be exceptions. But there aren’t. Black crime is always much higher. Individuals differ of course, but not the averages across cultures. Why? Well the classic criminal is a high testosterone, low IQ individual and the Black Race produces an incredible number of these. As Arthur Jenson said when asked what could be done, “Nothing”. That’s not to say Blacks couldn’t be healthier and less criminal in their own organic society. But once they have us to lean on and to blame it all goes to hell as Daniel Patrick Moynihan pointed out in his report on the effects of welfare on the Black Family. Such a truthful report couldn’t be written today by a Senator-they’d be driven out of public life just as you want me driven off this site. Silencing of dissent is the nature of Modern Liberalism which is morphing (moveon.com) into communism. Never confuse this monster with the true liberalism of J.S. Mill or Jefferson who said, “There is no Truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world”.

  185. QuietStorm July 23, 2009 at 5:51 am #

    The public space program has not made any progress for 40 plus years. However, do you really believe we have not made any progress in 40 years in secrecy?

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  186. bahmi July 23, 2009 at 6:32 am #

    So far, Jim rides shotgun with Obama and treats the Kingfish very moderately. While a few days down the road from the writing of this piece, many things have happened that show Obama may not have his “genial smile” much longer.
    Obama just botched the Henry Louis Gates fiasco bigtime. Obama felt he had to go to the race card immediately after he heard about the incident. He didn’t know the details of the health care bill before him but wanted to ramrod it through. He didn’t know the details of the Harvard event but felt he had to solidify his black voter base by issuing a totally idiotic, but typical, remark for him.
    Obama is fast proving himself an idiot. In the last month, we’ve see his racism, the absurd elitism of Sotomayor, and his penchant for not knowing the issues before he issues a smartass comment made to make him look smart.
    While W was a fool, it does not give Obama a free hand to diddle us with absurd comments about which he is scantily acquainted with the basic fundamentals of information.
    Obama is well on his way to mediocrity. I feel for supporters of this idiot, they invested their emotions in this guy and now find he is an embarassment. Trouble is, they should have invested real thought into this guy, not merely emotions. The right wingers and moderates will have lots of fun with Obama. Cheney was insulted constantly, well,step aside. Now the Obama team gets a chance to be pariahs.
    No word on the White House victory garden? I bet the weeds got ahead of Michele…tsk, tsk.

  187. thomas99 July 23, 2009 at 10:00 am #

    Charlie, we hardly knew ye!
    Was anyone as surprised as I was that the much hyped Charlie Gibson special “Over a Barrel” never aired least night, at least not here in the Twin Cities market. A lot of babbling from the Big O on supposed health care reform earlier in the evening, but no opportunity for a major network to utter those two dirty words all of America needs to hear, “peak oil”. Jimbo, pull out all the stops and go after these guys!

  188. zzzzzz July 23, 2009 at 10:34 am #

    “Was anyone as surprised as I was that the much hyped Charlie Gibson special “Over a Barrel” never aired least night…”
    Relax. It was bumped due to Dear Leader’s press conf. It is to air on Friday July 24 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT

  189. Qshtik July 23, 2009 at 11:25 am #

    Jaego said “Silencing of dissent is the nature of Modern Liberalism.”
    I can’t speak for “Liberals” but to repeat MYself … the last thing I’d ever do is try to silence you. In fact I LOVE reading your rants. First I hand you the rope, then you tie a perfect noose, slip it over your own head and snug it up around your neck. In your next few posts I expect you’ll toss the rope end over a high tree limb and tie it to your saddle horn. In a final raging post I expect you’ll smack your horse on the ass and yell “giddyup.”

  190. zzzzzz July 23, 2009 at 11:42 am #

    Can people quit being such fucking babies? There are things which are posted here that are true, false, outrageous and sometimes intentionally incendiary. So fucking what? Deal with it on your own (or don’t). Quit asking for mommy to intervene. Are you really this thin skinned or so pathetically “politically correct” that you need or, worse yet, want a referee? If so, FUCK YOU if you can’t take a joke.

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  191. wagelaborer July 23, 2009 at 12:35 pm #

    I agree with zzzzzzz. Free speech can be offensive, but so what? Everyone has the right to state their opinion.
    Why would you demand that JHK spend time monitoring the comments? Maybe he has better things to do. Maybe he feels that putting his opinion out there once a week and then turning it over to us to comment on is all the time that he wants to spend on it.
    If you feel that racism is offensive, spend a little time arguing against it. Just asserting that it is wrong is not persuasive.
    Personally, I liked the South African who pointed out that white Europeans have murdered more people than black people ever have. That’s just a fact. Note that the other guy ignored the fact and just reasserted his opinion. That is not persuasive.
    As to intelligence, it’s difficult to say what is genetic and what is cultural.
    I, personally, took a lot of time and study to make my kids smart, because it was important to me.
    Research that I read showed that the human brain grows most in the first three years, and with stimulation, it develops more neural pathways.
    So I talked to my kids, carried them around and showed them the world (and labeled it for them),played games with them, read to them, etc. Those who don’t do that have dumber kids. Is it genetic? We don’t really have a way to separate it yet.

  192. Cthulhu July 23, 2009 at 12:53 pm #

    I think I understand Asoka now.
    He takes the “Blue Pill”.
    It wasn’t kool-aide after all.

  193. jerry July 23, 2009 at 1:29 pm #

    There will be no recovery of any sort until the investment banking crime syndicate get put back into their boxes. Obama continues to bring on Goldman Sachs worker bees into his hive. His most current ranch hand is Hormats to be delivered to Hillary Clinton allowing GS to have insider information as Hormats goes around the world making economic deals for Obama.
    I don’t know if Obama is Gorbachev or not, but it is clear that he is invested in the financial crime syndicate destroying this country.

  194. dale July 23, 2009 at 1:58 pm #

    “Free Speech” is a widely misunderstood term. You do not have free speech in my house for example, if you are in my house and start spouting racism you will soon be out on the curb with the rest of the garbage where you belong. You do not have “free speech” to shout “Fire!” in a theater. In Germany you do not have free speech to advocate Nazism.
    Free speech should have certain responsibilities. If you stand on a street corner soapbox and shout racist bile you will likely pay the consequences for your idiocy. If you hide out on the internet and a screen name shouting the same crap you are just a coward IMO. As the Dalai Lama has pointed out; ‘there are two emotions that increase with use, love and hate.’ In that respect, I try to have sympathy and compassion for the poorly educated and poorly socialized racist posters here who are most certainly doing more damage to themselves then anyone else.
    As I said before this is “JHK’s house” and if he wants to allow racism to flourish here that is both his right and eventual responsibility. If he winds up getting identified with such speech, it will not be without reason. In any case I know the screen names of the posters who are currently offering up this nonsense here, and will skip reading them in the future, but I won’t be surprised if their numbers increase proportional to the acceptance their “free speech” receives. Like cockroaches, they tend to congregate.

  195. envirofrigginmental July 23, 2009 at 2:17 pm #

    I’d like to go back to JHK’s original problem with the US (mass) media. I don’t think TV news has to go the way of the Museum of Lost Hopes.
    I invite you to watch Canada’s (CBC) “The National” every night for a couple weeks (our national newscast). No gloss, no glitter, no shouting rampage-aholics, no big hairdo’s, no skin-like-cream-cheese anchors, no slash and burn journalism… just a bunch of rather plain folk delivering the news. Don’t get me wrong… it’s not PERFECT!!! But I sure am glad I get my view of the world this way than the way you’ve been getting it.
    It IS possible to change it. You just have to stop feeding the fire.

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  196. cowswithguns July 23, 2009 at 3:17 pm #

    Interesting stuff in here. Racism is definitely offensive, a sign of ignorance and provides way to justify treating certain groups of people like trash.
    Intelligence is likely BOTH culturally cultivated and genetically based, and there are certainly groups within ALL races that have higher or lower IQs depending on their multi-generational sexually selected traits. It’s called evolution. But, regardless, intelligence or lack of it, should not mean someone’s life is worth more or less.
    There are plenty of smart people who have made this world a bad place.
    Also, going back to JHK’s original post, for an example of how dumbed-down TV is just ponder this whole “jobless recovery” concept being throw around.
    What a great pseudonym — the jobs evaporate for the middle class and working poor, but, hey, the rich guys get richer.
    But we have 401ks, so that makes everything better, right? Right?

  197. zzzzzz July 23, 2009 at 3:36 pm #

    Holy Cow, this is not to be believed:

  198. wagelaborer July 23, 2009 at 4:22 pm #

    Dale brings out the old “can’t yell fire in a crowded theatre” lie. As a matter of fact, my grandpa was killed by people who just didn’t yell fire – they set off a smoke bomb at a crowded dance.
    So let me assure you that the “limits on free speech” line is not really to protect you, it is to keep you from forbidden speech.
    Of course you have the right to kick people you don’t like out of your house. However,from that to demanding that JHK kick people that you don’t like out of his blog is a mighty big stretch.

  199. Ed Nauseum July 23, 2009 at 4:39 pm #

    The racist’s whole argument hinges on the IQ test and its results. But what does the IQ test measure? Intelligence? And what is that?
    And, yes, I know I’ve left myself wide open to a “moron” from OEO/zsazsa/aszasz/ZZZZZZ.
    But I’ll say this in his favor: As much as he disses Obama I’ve never seen him do it on the basis of race. Substance only. I respect that.

  200. k gleason July 23, 2009 at 4:40 pm #

    zzzzzz | JULY 23, 2009 3:36 PM | REPLY
    Holy Cow, this is not to be believed:
    ‘Personally, I liked the South African who pointed out that white Europeans have murdered more people than black people ever have. That’s just a fact.’

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  201. zzzzzz July 23, 2009 at 5:31 pm #

    Some very interesting insights into Israeli/U.S. relationship:

  202. zzzzzz July 23, 2009 at 5:49 pm #

    “As much as he disses Obama I’ve never seen him do it on the basis of race. ”
    There is no shortage of morons distributed amongst the various races. Moronic acts are completely colorblind. That being the case it is not necessary to mention race as a factor behind a persons actions unless that person seems to be promoting certain causes that will only benefit a particular race or ethnic clan.
    I don’t care so much for what a person is as WHO a person is.

  203. asoka July 23, 2009 at 8:39 pm #

    * Reduce Costs — Rising health care costs are crushing the budgets of governments, businesses, individuals and families and they must be brought under control
    * Guarantee Choice — Every American must have the freedom to choose their plan and doctor – including the choice of a public insurance option
    * Ensure Quality Care for All — All Americans must have quality and affordable health care

  204. asoka July 23, 2009 at 8:54 pm #

    “There are questions here, folks,” said Dobbs on his nightly CNN program. “Questions that could be easily resolved if only the president would produce a copy of his birth certificate, a copy other than the one he already released.”
    Not content with the document already certified by the State of Hawaii, or the notice of birth in published in the local papers, Dobbs speculated that this issue would remain relevant, until it was adequately dealt with to his satisfaction.
    Saying, “we need some real solid proof other than these ‘documents.’ A photo or footage of some kind, clearly depicting Obama’s alleged parents engaging in some kind of unprotected intercourse or sexual congress while holding up an American newspaper with a date corresponding to his birth in August of 1961 would go a long way towards dispelling these rumors, but unfortunately the White House has been less than forthcoming on this matter.”
    If the White House was “forthcoming” then the “birthers” would question the validity of the photo showing the sexual act of the alleged parents, or demand to know if conception resulted, and then to prove that the conception actually resulted in the birth of Obama.
    Meanwhile, they have no plan for health care reform, no plan for economic recovery, no plan for making the country secure from enemies foreign and domestic, etc. because their focus is exclusively on tearing down Obama. The birthers are thereby helping Democrats chance of staying in office for years to come. God bless them!

  205. Jaego Scorzne July 23, 2009 at 9:33 pm #

    No, Asoka the question of Obama’s birth is not going away. And yes Asoka, it is important. It has to do with that mysterious White thing called the Law. The Law states that only a person born in the United States can be president.If we start(!) breaking the Law, where will it end? We will have nothing but chaos. Apparently, Obama was born in Kenya and naturalized in Indonesia. Before it was hushed up, an English Journalist talked to people over there who talked about how they held him as a baby, etc. But in general, they have done an extraordinary job in covering his tracks. His school records, including law school, have been completely sealed. He has spent over a million dollars over the last years fighting a dozen or so lawsuits by various people, some of them quite prominent. Needless to say, the media has clamped down on this to protect their boy with all their strength. But to no avail, it’s now hitting the big time. God bless Lou Dobbs.
    The latest case is a doozy. An officer refused to go back to Iraq saying that Obama is not really the president and can therefore make no valid decisons. The Army has dropped the case. Now as you may know, the Army just doesn’t give up like that. They either don’t believe he is really president, or they were told to give in to avoid more publicity. It’s going to be the scam of the century right up there with the truth about our money system being a ponzi scheme. And he had the gall to talk about transparency! There is little that can be done right away. If he was investigated, found to be fradulent, and then impeached-the Blacks would burn down the cities. So that wont happen. But this should weigh very heavily against him being reelected in 2012.
    The birth certificate they put online, has the registration number blacked out. A lawyer I read said it wouldn’t stand up in court. Also, apparently another certificate from another hospital has now shown up but is not being produced for inspection either. They are getting desperate. A godsend for future historians however. They will point to this event and say this is when America fell, when the imposter rose to ultimate power.

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  206. Jaego Scorzne July 23, 2009 at 10:09 pm #

    Well, the Blacks have done pretty well too this century, Idi Amin’s Uganda, Rwanda, and now Mugabe’s ethnic cleansing of both Whites and Blacks from other tribes. One group of Liberals actually said the peace prize he won should actually be taken away. Big stuff! That’s almost admitting they were wrong to give it to him. His treatment of other Blacks is what moved them-his henchmen had raped, murdered, and dispossesed thousands of Whites but who cares-they were just White racists. And as We know from Professor Ignatiev and others, all Whites are racists and deserve death. Not to kill them is showing mercy. But I’m ranting again. You wont care until it’s you or your’s under the machete. And yes, Blacks have killed all these people often with fairly primitve means. Imagine Mugabe with Nuclear Weapons?
    Blacks have killed fewer people because up to now, their numbers were much smaller and their weapons much more primitve. But international crime figures show far more rape and murder in Afrcian Cultures than in White Cultures or Asian Cultures. The conclusion is clear: if they were able to get up to our level, they would be as bad or worse.
    Whites have nothing to be proud about as far our death tolls either. But one thing has been deleted and forgotten: there were huge anti-war protests before both WW1 and WW2. The protestors before WW1 were called “isolationists”. The protestors before WW2 were called “Anti-Semites”. But the war mongering elites won, people like Warburg who is called Daddy Warbucks in Little Orphan Annie. And the rest is history. But the point is that alot of Euro-Americans saw the Abyss and tried to stop us from jumping in. The media would like us to believe that Vietnam was the begining of the anti-war protests, but that’s another one of their lies.

  207. Johnny Rico July 23, 2009 at 10:45 pm #

    “It (your blog) is feeling a bit beyond rogue these days — mostly due to the comments.”
    Ummmm? Which days were those, again? How is this month different from last year?
    Thanks for the complaint, though. I bet Jim doesn’t see many of those every week. Jackass. What are you, a Cambridge cop?

  208. Johnny Rico July 23, 2009 at 10:59 pm #

    @JS –
    Occasionally I will read one of your comments. My reaction is one of the following. Either I don’t laugh or I feel sorry for you.
    So tell me, help me out, do you think you are being funny or do you actually believe that stuff?
    If you believe that stuff, would you mind sourcing one of your “facts” occasionally?
    What books are you getting this stuff from?
    Machetes are actually more efficient at killing given the parameters of those particular killing grounds you speak of, so theoretically given howitzers and machine guns, the death tolls would have been much smaller.
    But don’t think about that for too long, your head might explode.
    Given your fascination with black people killing black people, you might want to look at All the massacres that have happened in Africa, including those in countries where AK-47s are cheap and available. Compare the death tolls with those where machetes were used.
    Whites, of course, never kill other whites. Not historically at least. That’s not to say it couldn’t happen sometime in the future. You knew that, though.

  209. Qshtik July 23, 2009 at 11:22 pm #

    Mr Kunstler,
    If I may completely change the subject for a moment … I just happened to look at the very top of your blog site and noticed there is a link titled “paintings.” I looked at your handiwork and I am astonished. I think you’re a great writer but you may be an even greater artist. All the commenters blazing away with both barrels on your blog should calm down for awhile and check out your paintings. They are fantastic!

  210. Cthulhu July 24, 2009 at 12:19 am #

    There’s been many comments regarding racism on this blog. I agree that there have been racist comments. But not my comments. Can I be against illegal mass immigration and not be racist? Can I be against Isreal’s treatment of Palestinians and not be anti-semitic? Can I acknowledge differences between blacks and whites and not be racists? I think I can.
    As far as IQ, or propensity towards violence, or any other trait, I never deal with ‘a race’, I only deal with one individual at a time; and any individual is judged by me by their own characteristics.

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  211. cowswithguns July 24, 2009 at 2:35 am #

    Generally, I don’t agree with Cthulhu’s posts, but his recent post reminded me that as ugly as racism is, fears about it should not stiffle criticism of the political, policy or otherwise organized actions of a country, tribe or ethnic group.
    When I see footage or read accounts of the Holocaust, I often tear up. But the Palestinian ghetto and the lack of a future it offers for its children also saddens me.
    The pain and death the “winning” of the West brought to the American Indians makes me sick. But I also recognize that the tribal casinos sprinkled across my home state of California are causing untold social problems — and are pretty tacky to boot.
    I recognize the horrors of slavery and ashamed of its legacy in my country, but I won’t hesitate to criticize my black president’s handling of the Wall Street rape of Main Street. (For the record, I hate Bush.)
    In other words, we can’t get so sensitive that we lose — or censor — critical thought. But at the same time, if the weeds of ignorance get out of hand, it might not be so bad for JHK to pull them — with an iron fist — once in awhile.
    I leave you with a quote from Jefferson: “If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.”

  212. Jaego Scorzne July 24, 2009 at 2:53 am #

    There’s a powerful new cognitive tool known as the “average”. In regards to this subject-you keep track of how many Black “individuals” commit murder, and compare it to how many White “individuals” commit murder. Now according to the FBI, Blacks commit 50% percent of the murders in this country. Now considering that Blacks are only 12 or 13 percent of poputlation, that means they are about fourt times more dangerous than Whites. And break it down more: that vast majority of murders are comitted by men. So therefore, six percent of the American Population (Black Males) commit 50% of the murders and even more of the rapes. Break it down more: the vast majority of these Black Crimes are comitted by young Black Men under thirty.
    The conclusion is that Blacks as a people are dangerous to themselves and others. And young Black Men are deadly. Do not plan to spend the Long Emergency anywhere near them if you want to make it. That was one of the first things Brother Job asked in “A World Made By Hand”: Are there any Blacks here. From statistics come power. We are ruled by men who consults statiticians religously. Sure you can treat people as individuals-once you know them. But until you do you have to pre-judge them (prejudice). And statistics are the scientific basis of prejudice which is just another name for discriminative wisdom. Manjusri’s Sword.
    The trouble with Blacks is that if you are friends with the good ones you get all the rest with them. Plus, the good ones wont accept your rational prejudice. So you have to hide and pretend and that’s not friendship. It really is best to stick to your own kind in general unless you can really reveal yourself. And that’s very rare even among your own kind what to speak of interracially or interculturally. Mature people can look over their own fence and appreciate other kinds of people. But Whites have forgotten who they are and now have opened the garden gate to theieves and robbers. Some Japanese deeply admire the West, but they would never betray their own people for any such personal or cultural appreciation. Only Whites are so stupid. We will pay very dearly for such illusions.

  213. Johnny Rico July 24, 2009 at 3:00 am #

    “There’s been many comments regarding racism on this blog. I agree that there have been racist comments. But not my comments.”
    Yes, there seem to be some real racists on this blog. Luckily, they go away. This JS seems to be the newest one. They get bored because nobody pays attention to them.
    Do that. DON’T PAY ATTENTION TO THEM. Let me and the other regulars deal with them.
    Let OEO, Doom, Asoka, and me take care of them. Notice that we regulars never call each other racists we just try to invent new ways of calling each other stupid. This is true love.
    You are still on probation.

  214. asoka July 24, 2009 at 4:21 am #

    Jaego Scorzne said: “… keep track of how many Black “individuals” commit murder, and compare it to how many White “individuals” commit murder.”
    TOTAL HOMICIDES IN USA 2003-2007: 75,000
    ALL BLACK OFFENDERS: 5,000 X 5 YEARS = 25,000
    In the United States murder offenders are disproportionately black and murder victims are disproportionately black.
    “Of single victim/single offender incidents, 91.9 percent of black victims were murdered by black offenders, and 82.5 percent of white victims were murdered by white offenders. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 5.)”
    SOURCE: FBI UCR 2007

  215. Johnny Rico July 24, 2009 at 5:00 am #

    @asoka –
    Sit this one out. Or calm down. Or get better analysis.
    I named you as a partner, OK. With OEO. OK. So simmer the fuck down. We’ll take care of this douche. Just relax.
    Your numbers drift to nonsense after the first paragraph. We get the point.
    Go back. Think about it. Do some more research.
    You have nothing to prove to anybody. We know everything there is to know about you.
    JS is the douche. This is on an operational level. Everybody knows JS is the douche. You have street cred. So take your time. But make sure you strike a crushing blow.

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  216. Ed Nauseum July 24, 2009 at 9:31 am #

    The racist crap is ridiculous but I think COJONES GAZER delivered a self-inflicted “crushing blow” with the “birther” nonsense.

  217. zzzzzz July 24, 2009 at 10:11 am #

    “The trouble with Blacks is that if you are friends with the good ones you get all the rest with them.”
    Here’s the re-write:
    The trouble with PEOPLE is that if you are friends with the good ones you get all the rest with them.
    JS, you are a MORON of historic, monumentally, fucktarded dimension. Your reasoning skills are on par with a mite that occupies the gonads of a gnat. (A dead one at that.) I’d suggest you shut your pie hole but that sucking orifice has never been used for any purpose other than vacuuming the excrement of the bile-filled interbred moron-a-trons branching from your family tree. That is all.

  218. Qshtik July 24, 2009 at 11:01 am #

    “The trouble with Blacks is that if you are friends with the good ones you get all the rest with them.”
    Come on Jaego, cut the crap. You know damn well that the trouble with blacks is that they’re BLACK.
    I sense that the whole commenting community at this blog is reaching exhaustion with your relentless BLACK bullshit. How ’bout switching to the JEWS or the IRISH. They always make for a great rant … what with their noses and their bad teeth. Surely with 6 billion people in the world there’s gotta be some other group that you HATE. Come on Jaego, you’ve got that noose around your neck, now just toss the other end over the tree limb.

  219. dale July 24, 2009 at 11:59 am #

    Anyone seen any statistical studies of I.Q. in Albanians? Every Albanian I’ve ever met looked vaguely violent to me. I suspect they smell funny as well, although I never get close enough to find out.

  220. zzzzzz July 24, 2009 at 1:43 pm #

    “Every Albanian I’ve ever met looked vaguely violent to me. I suspect they smell funny as well…”
    Not funny. I know your intent was to satirize J.S.’s FUCKTARD comments but it ain’t working. Reason? You went through a mental process to single out an actual ethnic group to make your humorous point. You then assigned less than wonderful attributes to said group. In short you ended up out JS-ing, J.S. Almost too stupid for words.
    Advice? Leave humor to the pros.

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  221. asoka July 24, 2009 at 1:59 pm #

    McCain campaign general counsel, Trevor Potter, on the McCain campaign investigation of birther claims:
    “We never saw any evidence that then-Senator Obama had been born outside of the United States. We saw rumors, but nothing that could be sourced to evidence. There were no statements and no documents that suggested he was born somewhere else. On the other side, there was proof that he was born in Hawaii. There was a certificate issued by the state’s Department of Health, and the responsible official in the state saying that he had personally seen the original certificate. There was a birth announcement in the Honolulu Advertiser, which would be very difficult to invent or plant 47 years in advance.”

  222. dale July 24, 2009 at 2:01 pm #

    BAHAHAHA….(fuck, that is funny) “Albanians”…. taken from a very funny Peter Falk movie of a few years ago with the same intent, satirizing precisely the same sort of racist thinking. You were suppose to notice the connection. You also didn’t notice, apparently, that there is actually no insult to Albanians in the statement.
    Listen up, bud….for some one who so consistently throws around insults, with so few reasons, I don’t think you are in any position to evaluate anyone else sense of propriety.

  223. k gleason July 24, 2009 at 2:14 pm #

    DOW HITS 9000
    Due in part to GS PROFITS!!!!
    gee where did thos e’ profits’ come from
    last week 4 banks went under…
    and this is from the web
    maybe fatburger can re emerge as slimburger
    7 Franchises That Went Bankrupt
    by Emily Maltby
    Monday, July 20, 2009provided by
    When these well-known brands went bust, franchise owners were left to soldier on with a tarnished brand.
    More from CNNMoney.com:
    • Crocs Lose Their Footing: Sandal Company Nearly Bankrupt
    • The 100 Fastest Growing Small Business
    • Getting Dragged into a Bankruptcy
    Bankruptcy Monster Eats Cookies
    Mrs. Fields
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    In August 2008, Mrs. Fields Famous, the parent brand of 1,200 TCBY and Mrs. Fields Cookies stores, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. It didn’t last long.
    In October, the company emerged, having restructured its $196 million in debt down to $50 million. Its franchisees kept operating throughout.
    Rebuilding From the Ground Up
    Cork and Olive
    Richard Carlton
    This Florida wine retail franchise grew to eight company-owned stores and nine franchisees before filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in June 2008, just four years after it opened.
    All the company-owned stores shuttered, laying off 40 workers. News of the filing didn’t reach franchisees until a laid-off worker from a company applied for a job at a franchisee’s store.
    Today, the franchisees meet regularly to discuss how to keep their brand alive without the parent company.
    Bennigan’s: Still Here
    Plano, Texas
    Courtesy of Benningan’s
    The restaurant chain closed all of its corporate locations when it filed for Chapter 7 in July 2008. Its 138 franchisees were left in PR hell, struggling to convince patrons that they were still open for business.
    In October 2008, the Eastern District of Texas’ bankruptcy court approved the acquisition of Bennigan’s by private equity firm Atalaya Capital, which quickly swept in to reopen the closed corporate stores. The effort has been a success — many franchisees now own and operate former corporate stores in cities such as Santa Clara, Calif.; Charleston, W.Va. and Chicago.
    Left in Limbo
    Long Island City, N.Y.
    Catchy 1-800-MATTRES jingles couldn’t pull in enough sales as the economy dipped.
    The well-known mattress company chipped away its operating costs, closing almost 20 showrooms and warehouses, before throwing in the towel and declaring bankruptcy in mid-March.
    Dial-A-Mattress filed for Chapter 7 — the kind that involves liquidation –before switching several days later to Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which gave it a shot at rehabilitation.
    The company tried to sell its assets to competitor Sleepy’s that same month, but one of its franchisees attempted to scuttle the sale.
    Consolidated Mattress Co., a franchisee that operates 1-800-Mattress’ telemarketing business in certain regions, objected to the deal because it gave Sleepy’s the option of rejecting existing franchise agreements.
    1-800-Mattress went to auction in May and Sleepy’s won with a bid of $25 million. The bankruptcy court approved the sale, adding that if Sleepy’s chose to reject franchise agreements, that would be an appropriate business judgment decision. Franchisees are waiting for the next shoe to drop.
    Repeat Offender
    Bally Total Fitness
    It was a déjà vu for the health club chain in December 2008 when it filed for Chapter 11, a mere 14 months after emerging from its first Chapter 11 filing in July 2007.
    Just weeks ago, Bally signed an agreement to emerge from bankruptcy by restructuring the $1.5 billion in debt it had accrued and by granting 94% of the company’s equity to lenders such as J.P. Morgan.
    A Glutton for Debt
    Santa Monica, Calif.
    Courtesy of Fatburger
    Fatburger Restaurants of California and Fatburger Restaurants of Nevada, both subsidiaries of Fatburger Corp, filed for Chapter 11 in April. According to the Wall Street Journal, the parent company was not included in the filing, but the two subsidiaries accounted for 72% its total revenue in 2008.
    The bankruptcy came under pressure from G.E. Capital Business Asset Funding, which Fatburger owned nearly $3.9 million for defaulted loans.
    The company’s 90 franchise owners are waiting to see what happens next.
    A Smaller Buffet
    Buffets Inc.
    Eagan, Minn.
    Citing the depressed economy, Buffets Holdings filed for reorganization under Chapter 11 in January 2008. The steak restaurant chain, which controlled outlets such as the Old Country Buffet, HomeTown Buffet, and Ryan’s, had $964 million in assets and more than $1 billion in debt.

  224. Qshtik July 24, 2009 at 2:17 pm #

    Hey, wait a friggin minute! My WIFE is part Albanian … or is it Greek? The ancestors lived near the border which was always changing so they never knew for sure whether to say they were Albanians or Greeks. But anyway … she’s gentle and smells fine.

  225. dale July 24, 2009 at 2:17 pm #

    “I also suspect you drive worse than a one armed Albanian with the crabs” -(with apologies to the script writer of ‘Tune in Tomorrow’

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  226. dale July 24, 2009 at 2:19 pm #

    “But anyway … she’s gentle and smells fine.” – Well, you’ll be relieved to know, I’ve not been close enough to tell 😉

  227. dale July 24, 2009 at 2:33 pm #

    Wait a minute….Jaego?? ain’t that thar one of them Albanian names?

  228. Phaedrus July 24, 2009 at 2:51 pm #

    The ignorance and pointless posts are a consequence of a “Grand Illusion”. Unfortunately, many suffer from this “Grand Illusion”. We are all stupid in many ways. The illusion that each one of us faces is that “we” are highly intelligent and everyone “else” is stupid. We think because we read a few books, obtained a degree, are capable of pulling information off the internet, ect. that we are smart. Truth is we are not. There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom. Just because we can understand processes about our world in fine detail does not mean we have the capability to control it. The “Grand Illusion” is at work. It is the same reason why this “human” experiment could end in what JHK calls “The Long Emergency”. Although, I expect that he would prefer we do something about it. It is just sad that we choose to spend our lives bickering about these pointless things in such a way that we forget there is even a world out there. Confusion, fragmentation and boredom have rooted themselves in the lives of Americans (as JHK might point out because of suburbanization?) just as is has this blog. We COULD change the way in which we live and interact as a society. Many of these problems could be solved by not just treating the SYMPTOMS, but treating the DISEASE. It absolutely escapes me how much common sense is dismissed in favor of “intelligent” solutions. Or should I say illusions?

  229. dale July 24, 2009 at 3:37 pm #

    BTW – I’ve noticed an amusing presumption of the part of you and Rico lately to set yourselves up as the scions of political retort or humor on this blog. If you are regarded as such people here, that would be more of an example of the decline of English usage, than any qualities exhibited on your part. Your wit on this blog is roughly equivalent to “clever” in about the same way that a boom box rumble car is equivalent to “quality audio”. You make the same mistake the owners of these misbegotten deaf making machines do, mistaking volume and power for quality. Or, more likely in the minds of the 20-something generation, having never actually experienced quality, you have no idea what quality actually is.
    Nothing you have posted here is even remotely as amusing or clever as the guy who created the anagram out of Jaego’s name. That actually requires a little thought, as apposed to your screeds in which, an in your face string of four letter insults, passes for a witty response.
    I realize this condition probably arises as a result of the poor quality of education even those who pass as college graduates receive now days, but it isn’t too late. I would suggest starting with ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ along with a copy of Cliff Notes or some other source to point out the incredible intellect Swift had, and his ability to create fantastic satire that could also pass simultaneously as a child’s story.
    Perhaps after a few such examples of real literature my feeble attempts at homage won’t go so far over your head you couldn’t find them with a telescope.

  230. Jaego Scorzne July 24, 2009 at 4:30 pm #

    Actually Albanians do have a reputation for violence. But since they are mostly Muslim Europeans, the reason is probably cultural not genetic. Yes, we on the far right consider culture, nurture, and the environment to be very important-not just genetics or nature. But you all on the left completely discount genetics when it comes to human beings. Who is really the open minded ones? We are.

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  231. Qshtik July 24, 2009 at 4:50 pm #

    Way back in grammer school an IQ test was administered and I scored 112. It turns out that the absolute median for everyone in the country who took this particular version of an IQ test was 112. Even as a kid I was somewhat dismayed to discover how extraordinarily average I was and I have been careful ever since not to assume I’m smarter than other people … even though I still suspect I am (wink wink).

  232. Jaego Scorzne July 24, 2009 at 5:20 pm #

    How about Muslims? Who here wants to be a dhimmi? I’ll refuse to convert, but I must say I like the stuff about temporary marriage in Shi’ism and of course, the Seventy Virgins. QSHIK, don’t worry, there will also be lithe, bejeweled, dark eyed “youths” to wait on you. It’s wrong here, but everything is OK there. I wonder if that inclues cutting off heads.
    Oh I know, I know, you’re married. As Paul Lynde used to say, “I’m a married man!!!!!”

  233. dale July 24, 2009 at 6:01 pm #

    Next time ya all git down hare to lower Mississippi, ya all siddle on over and talk smart to us at the Klavern. You sure put together them hate words good, almost like you was raised by somethin’ other than poor white trash. Hell….come on down, we’ll even try our best not to give a shit that you’re a fucking Albanian!

  234. Qshtik July 24, 2009 at 7:21 pm #

    Dale ….. Now THAT is funny.

  235. Qshtik July 24, 2009 at 7:24 pm #

    I’m still laughing uncontrolably with tears streaming down my face and my wife is asking “What the HELL is wrong with you?”

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  236. zzzzzz July 24, 2009 at 9:44 pm #

    “You also didn’t notice, apparently, that there is actually no insult to Albanians in the statement.”
    Appearing violent and suspecting they smell funny aren’t insults? Sweet shit, you really are an idiot as well as not funny to boot. Please, once again, leave comedy to the pros.

  237. zzzzzz July 24, 2009 at 9:52 pm #

    “I’ve noticed an amusing presumption of the part of you and Rico lately to set yourselves up as the scions of political retort or humor on this blog.”
    Really? Not certain what examples you are referring to but since the shoe fits, make mine Limmers, size 11 medium.
    “Perhaps after a few such examples of real literature my feeble attempts at homage won’t go so far over your head you couldn’t find them with a telescope.”
    Your attempts are quite feeble but that is OK, a moron’s got to start somewhere. May I suggest Highlights for Children?

  238. zzzzzz July 24, 2009 at 9:56 pm #

    Qshtik replied to COMMENT FROM DALE | JULY 24, 2009 7:21 PM | REPLY
    Dale ….. Now THAT is funny
    Oh God help us…the blind leading the visually impaired. Yuk, yuk, yuk. (Or do Albanian’s say Yak, Yak, Yak???) (Fucking MORONS)

  239. zzzzzz July 24, 2009 at 9:59 pm #

    “I’m still laughing uncontrolably with tears streaming down my face and my wife is asking “What the HELL is wrong with you?””
    Did you simply tell her that you are a M-O-R-O-N? That should be explanation enough.

  240. zzzzzz July 24, 2009 at 10:03 pm #

    “Way back in grammer school an IQ test was administered and I scored 112. ”
    Yikes! I’m sorry I didn’t see this posting. I never make fun of actual retards, only people who act like retards. I apologize for anything I may have said that offended you.

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  241. Socrates July 25, 2009 at 7:51 am #

    Obama could well be the U.S. Gorbachev – a transitory figure who rises to power on a platform of “reform” only to end up presiding over a watershed collapse of a political and economic system that was in an unstoppable process of imploding. I enjoyed this theme of the column.
    Less enjoyable was the usual gratuitous and undeserved ad hominem attack on Sarah Palin, labeling her a “Nazi” without the brains. While that phrase may tickle Kunstler’s funny bone, it falls flat with a lot of independent readers here who could care less about the eternal Democrat vs. Republican popularity contest.
    Unlike Mr. Kunstler, I lean much more to the right in my worldview but can appreciate many of the insightful critiques Kunstler has to offer about our society, economy, and politics in general. It would just go over so much better if he could avoid the urge to engage in petty partisan sniping and focus on issues.
    I especially find it ironic that Kunstler chose to slam Palin as a “Nazi” while lamenting the fact that an actual Nazi, Werner von Braun, could not serve as a public relations rep for NASA in the early 1970’s! Gee, I guess only genuine Nazis are fit for public service in Kunstler’s world. Go figure….

  242. Ed Nauseum July 25, 2009 at 9:08 am #

    “Nazi, scmazi, says Wernher von Braun”
    -Tom Lehrer

  243. zzzzzz July 25, 2009 at 9:48 am #

    “I especially find it ironic that Kunstler chose to slam Palin as a “Nazi…”
    “Nazi” is used when one wishes to control the monologue. If one is declared a “Nazi” the discussion is over, as Nazi attributes are so despicable that those who fall into this category are not worthy of further consideration.
    Using this term in referring to Palin, however, is ludicrous. The single act of carrying her son, who has the condition of Down’s Syndrome, to term is proof enough. The Nazi’s had no time for children with this “inconvenient” condition. They were too busy trying to turn brown eyes blue (Gives new meaning to the Crystal Gale song.) to fool around allowing mental “rejects” to survive.
    Sarah Palin ain’t the Messiah. She is someone who appears sincere in her beliefs and walks the walk. Is she human? Oh, yeah. She carries the same baggage as all of humanity. Is she a Nazi? Please. And this false tag coming from a man of Jewish roots who should be very slow and precise in playing the “Nazi” card. Shame on you Jimmie. Try and get a fucking clue. When you throw out the charge so cavalierly you do your predecessors who suffered under the hands of real “Nazis” an injustice.

  244. Qshtik July 25, 2009 at 10:56 am #

    Palin’s problem has less to do with derogatory labels, party affiliation or goofy religious fundamentalism than her inability to extemporaneously string together a coherent sentence. She makes W look like Demosthenes.

  245. Qshtik July 25, 2009 at 12:08 pm #

    Let me toss this Professor Stanley Fish blog, with its (currently) 172 comments, into the cage like a slab of raw meat for Jaego and the rest to chew on …

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  246. Jaego Scorzne July 25, 2009 at 12:40 pm #

    Sarah Palin is like someone from the mid or early twentieth centure. Fiercely patriotic, a true red, white, and blue lover who has little understanding of American History or Tradition. Like Reagan perhaps. People like this fought in WW2 and defeated the Nazis. Yet now, actually for decades now, people like this have been labelled Nazis by the Jewish Literary Establishment and those influenced by them. One is forced to conclude that gratitude is not a Jewish virtue-at least not to non-Jews.
    I’m not a fan of the Palin/Reagan types who adore the traveling Red, White and Blue death machine. After all, the Founding Fathers admonished posterity not to get involved in foreign intrigues and European Wars. But surely the Palins and Reagans deserve better than to be labeled Nazis-especially by the Jews.

  247. Qshtik July 25, 2009 at 1:45 pm #

    Aha!! Jaego, I think I’ve discovered another group (real or imagined) that you hate. The fact that you capitalised “Jewish Literary Establishment” tells me you think they meet, perhaps on wednesday evenings, in the schul basement to plot strategy.
    I think I’m going to make it my mission to identify all the groups of people you hate and to save time I’ll work in reverse by asking you to name even ONE group you DON’T hate. How, for example, do you feel about women?

  248. zzzzzz July 25, 2009 at 2:20 pm #

    “Palin’s problem has less to do with derogatory labels, party affiliation or goofy religious fundamentalism…”
    Hogwash. She is at least (and I stress at least) as coherent as one Mr. Biden and far more discretionary and responsible in her public comments. Palin’s treatment in the mainstream press is ALL about politics. Nothing less.

  249. zzzzzz July 25, 2009 at 2:20 pm #

    The end of the false Gates controversy can be found at the following link. The headline says it all:
    “Black officer at Gates home during arrest said scholar acted strange, supports arrest”

  250. asoka July 25, 2009 at 2:37 pm #

    Boxer and Kerry Challenge Palin’s Ideas
    “Palin argues that “the answer doesn’t lie in making energy scarcer and more expensive!” The truth is, clean energy legislation doesn’t make energy scarcer or more expensive; it works to find alternative solutions to our costly dependence on foreign oil and provides powerful incentives to pursue cutting-edge clean energy technologies.
    Palin asserts that job losses are “certain.” Wrong. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and American Clean Energy and Security legislation will create significant employment opportunities across the country in a broad array of sectors linked to the clean energy economy. Studies at the federal level and by states have demonstrated clean energy job creation. A report by the Center for American Progress calculated that $150 billion in clean energy investments would create more than 1.7 million domestic and community-based jobs that can’t be shipped overseas.
    Palin seems nostalgic for the campaign rally chant of “drill, baby, drill.” But she ignores the fact that the United States has only 3 percent of the world’s proven oil reserves, while we are responsible for 25 percent of the world’s oil consumption.
    In fact, the governor’s new refrain against global warming action reminds us of every naysayer who has spoken out against progress in cleaning up pollution.
    Whether it was the debate over the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Superfund law or any other landmark environmental law, one pattern has always been clear: Time and again, pessimists — often affiliated with polluting industries — predicted job losses and great costs to taxpayers. Each time, our environmental laws have cleaned the water we drink, the air we breathe and the communities we live in at far lower cost than initially expected.”

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  251. wagelaborer July 25, 2009 at 2:39 pm #

    Newsflash. Being black doesn’t automatically make you a civil libertarian. Being a cop makes you more likely to be fond of the police state,complete with being able to bully people with impunity.
    I remember arguing with a black, lesbian cop about the cops who pulled open environmental protestors eyelids and poured Mace into them.
    She thought that was just fine. I didn’t.

  252. dale July 25, 2009 at 4:21 pm #

    “Yikes! I’m sorry I didn’t see this posting. I never make fun of actual retards, only people who act like retards. I apologize for anything I may have said that offended you.” – ZZZZZZZ
    boom, boom, boom, rumble, rumble, rumble, boom, boom, boom

  253. dale July 25, 2009 at 4:38 pm #

    Fuckin’ ZZZZZ, MF’er must be a Norwegian. Everyone knows Norwegians ain’t got no sense of humor.

  254. george July 25, 2009 at 4:41 pm #

    I managed to catch the last five minutes of Obama’s news conference last Wednesday. While I agree that he put his foot in his mouth when he commented that the Cambridge Police were acting “stupidly” by arresting Louis Henry Gates at his home, I found his remarks on race and policing to be thoughtful and even-handed. Unfortunately, the Right Wing media took his comments out of context and used it as proof that Obama is not fit to be president. Never mind that leading Republican contenders for president [i.e Sarah Palin]are even less qualified and have a long history of questionable behavior, what matters to the idiot pundits like Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck is Obama’s off-hand remark, which he apologized for, and what that means about the “real” Obama. In the words of the fictional tv anchorman Howard Beale, the right-wing pundits are “peddling shit for truth” and a nation of NASCAR idiots are buying it to the point of undermining Obama’s credibility. What kind of a nation are we when a convicted drug addict who was married four times,dropped out of high school to work at his dad’s radio station and used his family’s connections in Washington to avoid duty in Vietnam has more credibility with the American electorate than Obama, who led an exemplary life?

  255. asoka July 25, 2009 at 7:16 pm #

    New Boss NOT Like the Old Boss
    “The more aggressive antitrust policy was described in interviews with officials at the White House, the Justice Department, other agencies and Congress. It is a major policy reversal from the Bush administration, which did not prosecute cases in which some dominant companies engaged in potentially anti-competitive behavior, often because those officials maintained such behavior was not harmful to consumers.”

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  256. abbeysbooks July 25, 2009 at 10:48 pm #

    Check out this link at commondreams.org: http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/07/08
    Kunstler has another on his side and this is from 2007.

    The second problem—and this is another big one—is that it incorrectly assigns blame to the individual (and most especially to individuals who are particularly powerless) instead of to those who actually wield power in this system and to the system itself. Kirkpatrick Sale again: “The whole individualist what-you-can-do-to-save-the-earth guilt trip is a myth. We, as individuals, are not creating the crises, and we can’t solve them.”

    Targeting the industries and corporations that must be destroyed.

  257. Qshtik July 25, 2009 at 11:29 pm #

    Balderdash! Biden is infamous for the occasional ill-advised comment, not incoherence. Huge difference. Palin however, without notes or a teleprompter, is utterly incoherent and not much better WITH notes (Exhibit A: her recent resignation). Uncommonly pretty? Yes. Articulate? No. I cringe with embarrassment for her when she speaks. It’s a shame really … all that ambition coupled with great teeth, shapely gams and an excellent choice of eyewear, foiled by a fatal flaw.

  258. Qshtik July 26, 2009 at 12:25 am #

    Asoka, your relentless and boring wonkiness is really wearing on me. I can envision you as a moderately successful mid-level sycophant in the Bill Clinton administration. You are such an unabashed believer in the power of big government to do good. I’ve met others like you and I could never understand it. Come clean, I’ll bet you are subscribed to The Nation magazine.

  259. asoka July 26, 2009 at 12:35 am #

    Newsweek: “The recession is over”
    “The Great Recession, which rolled over our financial lives like one of P.J. Keating’s giant pavers, is most likely over. Home sales, while still far below the levels of a year ago, have risen for three straight months—a first since 2004. The stock market has rallied 44 percent since March, thanks to renewed optimism and improving earnings from big companies like Goldman Sachs and Apple. In June, seven of the 10 indicators in the Conference Board Leading Economic Index pointed upward, including manufacturing hours worked and unemployment claims. Macroeconomic Advisers, the St. Louis–based consulting firm, says the economy is expanding at a 2.5 percent annual rate in the current quarter. Economic activity “will increase slightly over the remainder of 2009,” Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress.”

  260. asoka July 26, 2009 at 12:41 am #

    Qshtik, I have a solution for you. Please do not read or respond to any of my posts. Just skim past them. Then you will not be bored. Thank you.

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  261. Jaego Scorzne July 26, 2009 at 12:48 am #

    Of course Obama isn’t a racist. Just because he went to a racist church for twenty years doesn’t make his a racist. And just because he called his grandmother, who was afraid of a Black who was harrasing her, “a typical White Person”, so what. Blacks can’t be racists, only Whites can. In fact, all Whites are racists. And all racists are Nazis. And all Nazis deserve death. So therefore, all Whites deserve death. Thus the plan to genocide us via miscegenation as described by Abbybooks and Professor Noel Ignatiev.
    So in other words, so what if Obama is a Racist, what are you going to do about it.

  262. Jaego Scorzne July 26, 2009 at 12:56 am #

    Have you considered the Ministry? Your incredible optimism would be right at home there. You could have so kind of finacial ministry. Read the “Being There” by Kosinski. “Spring will come and the Garden will grow again.” What is a bank after all, but a kind of temple?

  263. Qshtik July 26, 2009 at 1:20 am #

    For a change, I am in general agreement with the thrust of a Jaego Scorzne post despite the poke-in-the-eye of the Jews. What I am writing about though is the word used to modify “patriotic.” Why must it be “fiercely?” It’s like Catholics who attend church once a year (midnight mass on Christmas eve) being described as “devout?” Show me Sara waving a flag as she hobbles back to Wasilla with some limbs blown off and I’ll show you “fiercely patriotic.”

  264. asoka July 26, 2009 at 1:21 am #

    I do not believe God exists.
    Nietzsche makes sense to me.
    The Bible is nonsense to me.
    With that perspective I am not sure what ministry or divinity school to apply to.

  265. asoka July 26, 2009 at 1:30 am #

    “Show me Sara waving a flag as she hobbles back to Wasilla with some limbs blown off and I’ll show you “fiercely patriotic.”
    At the time of Desert Storm Sara Palin was 27 years old and could have volunteered to fight. After 9/11 Sara Palin (then 37 years old) could have enlisted to fight for our country and defend our country from the evil Islamic radical extremist terrorists she believes are out to get us, but she avoided military service and decided to keep an eye on the Russians from her home. It is just as well. She is a quitter who can’t take pressure and can’t keep her oath to protect and defend and probably would have ended up as a deserter from the armed forces.

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  266. Qshtik July 26, 2009 at 1:36 am #

    Try the “Church of What’s Happening Now.”

  267. asoka July 26, 2009 at 1:42 am #

    You are not supposed to be reading or responding to my “wonkish” “boring” posts.

  268. Qshtik July 26, 2009 at 1:48 am #

    But what about The Nation magazine? Fess up. You subscribe to it don’t you?

  269. Qshtik July 26, 2009 at 2:06 am #

    Asoka, Jaego makes an excellent point: your optimism is “incredible.” The Recession will be over when the Tooth Fairy leaves a quarter under your pillow.

  270. asoka July 26, 2009 at 2:14 am #

    I am citing Newsweek and Newsweek is citing objective measures of which the tooth fairy was not included.

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  271. Jaego Scorzne July 26, 2009 at 2:45 am #

    What attracts you to Nietzsche? I wouldn’t have thought that an egalitarian would go for him. I like him because of his rejection of democracy and his defence of true Aristocracy-that of being not merely blood. Also his great, leaping style. He truly had the joyful wisdom. I much prefer that wording as opposed to “the gay science”.

  272. Jaego Scorzne July 26, 2009 at 2:49 am #

    There used to be a church in my town all you snail darter lover lefties might like. It was called the Church of Euthanasia. They would go to demonstrations with signs like, “Save the planet, kill yourself”. I don’t know if they spread to other places. Their leader was an attractive drag queen.

  273. asoka July 26, 2009 at 3:48 am #

    It is but a small step from joyful wisdom to optimism.

  274. zzzzzz July 26, 2009 at 10:22 am #

    “I am citing Newsweek and Newsweek is citing objective measures of which the tooth fairy was not included.”
    Fucking Newsweek. Newsweek is the fucking tooth fairy. The tooth fairy of FUCKTARDS.

  275. zzzzzz July 26, 2009 at 10:32 am #

    “Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama’s Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: “I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God.””
    Now STFU asoka-the-producers.

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  276. Jaego Scorzne July 26, 2009 at 12:33 pm #

    It might seem like a small step, but it in fact it is a big one; in fact it is a mis-step. Zarathustra’s Teaching is not about life but Life. And Life includes not just pleasure, but pain. And not just victory but defeat. It is not optimistic and not pessismitic either but in fact, realistic. A realistic assesment of the situation today has to be pessismistic. It is winter in the garden and spring may not come this year in time to sow a crop. The Four Horsemen are saddling up. The Joyful Wisdom, ever pliant, accepts the situation and prepares to prepare. There will always be good times and bad times-and the waves above and below the median will always be huge as long as men are as they are. One who follows the Joyful Wisdom can always be relatively optimistic exactly because he is realitic first. And a Society which was ruled by people who followed the Joyful Wisdom could be somewhat optimistic too. But America has always been ruled by optimism to the point of hubris. And our President is the most optimistic of all. It is terrifying if you know the situation. Personally I have some resources and am making preparations. As for the rest, I resign myself to fate-also part of the Joyful Wisdom. We are never, never, never in complete control. We must learn to take pleasure in the cycles-even when they don’t favor us. The people who predicted the crash, like Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, and of course our own Mr Kunstler, say the economy is not going to recover.
    Btw, many cultures are ruled by pessimism-also a perversion of the truth. They typically take refuge in strict, punitive, religion like most of Islam is. As one wit once said, puritanism is the fear that someone, someplace, is having a good time. They must be stopped. The Joyful Wisdom embraces either viewpoint when appropriate, but is greater than either. As has oft been said men of many different traditions, in Truth there is Freedom.

  277. Qshtik July 26, 2009 at 1:36 pm #

    A Tale of ASOKA’s Irrepressable Optimism (a not-far-from-reality fiction):
    Across the nation droves of the grim-faced formerly employed exit office buildings and defunct mega-mall shops clutching pink slips and personal possessions. Dazed men sit briefly on curbs and benches gazing blankly downward, head in hands. Cell-phone-clutching women wipe away tear and mascara rivulets as they look around trying to recall which direction to walk. DC technocrats statistically sample unemployment offices, run the data through cook-the-books Excel algorithms, crunch it, spin it, massage it, sprinkle it with seasonal adjustment, squish it through the sausage machine, shit out a steaming turd, wrap it like a present and email it to CNBC for delivery to the world at precisely 8:30AM on Thursday by a breathless attractive female journalist with hair extensions and perky knockers. “Here it is … Initial jobless claims, 549,000 vs 550,000 estimated by independant analysts.” ASOKA jumps for joy at “the improvement,” high-fives the Tooth Fairy, calls Chuck Schwab and buys 1000 shares of the double levered S&P 500 ETF.

  278. zzzzzz July 26, 2009 at 3:25 pm #

    “ASOKA jumps for joy at “the improvement,” high-fives the Tooth Fairy, calls Chuck Schwab and buys 1000 shares …”
    Riiiight. Comrade asoka-the-producers buys stock. Not on your fucking life, moron.

  279. k gleason July 26, 2009 at 5:09 pm #

    JIM K
    Hope you comment on ‘ self re inforcing feedback loops’..ie the dow and GS profits soon
    it as proof that Obama is not fit to be president.

  280. k gleason July 26, 2009 at 5:16 pm #

    Have you looked at a chart of the dow over the last 2 years?
    also someone on the radio said this week unemployment numbers are released and to look at U6…a new term to me
    as in those who are giving up looking for a job
    unemployed 6 months or more
    what economists talk about is numbers and ‘ growth’
    theres a nutty piece by an x chair of the fed in this weeks wall st journal
    alan somebodys his name

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  281. thiatt July 26, 2009 at 5:21 pm #

    Our species going extinct is a certainty, the question is when?
    Most of the 99% that have gone before were gone long before Man had any impact on the planet.
    It is only the human race that worries about extinction.
    In our future we will see that “Preventing” will be almost impossible to do, “Adapting” will be the only choice. But if you study History or Biology you will soon realize that has always been the only choice.

  282. george July 26, 2009 at 7:21 pm #

    The recession is over already? The Bank of Canada, no doubt acting on orders from that pudgy, middle-aged pathological liar with the intellectual capacity of an amoeba who currently occupies 10 Sussex Drive, has been peddling that tired line here in Canada for the last month. I guess the recession is over if you are one of the fortunate few who occupy the top one per cent of income earners, but for the majority of working people in Canada and the United States, things will only get worse as the Neo-Con Zombies do everything in their power to undermine President Obama and establish a “free market” theocracy in Washington permanently. In the Words of Harold Melvin and The Bluenotes, “Wake Up Everybody.”

  283. Qshtik July 27, 2009 at 1:00 pm #

    ZZZZZZ, in crafting a scathing retort to a lame post a well chosen epithet or expletive can be very effective. You can hardly go wrong using, for example, the universal default putdown, “asshole.” However, the continual use of such words eventually destroys their effectiveness. I note that you overuse “M-O-R-O-N” and “FUCKTARD” (a word new to me which I assume means fuckin retard?) I’m surprised that someone as astute as yourself is unaware that they’ve lost all their putdown power due to the “law of diminishing returns.” Secondly, you only make YOURSELF look foolish when you deride a post which is obviously NOT moronic and its author is obviously NOT a fucktard. In other words, you should save the really viscious stuff for the truly deserving. Further, if you would sprinkle in something fresh once in awhile it might help. Calling someone an “Asswipe” or suggesting their teenage daughter has “penis-breath” come to mind. Or tell them their stench “would knock a buzzard off a shitpile.” Moron and fucktard are so yesterday.
    I would welcome the view of other commenters on this subject.

  284. k gleason July 28, 2009 at 1:57 pm #

    whos ‘schiff’?

  285. k gleason July 28, 2009 at 2:05 pm #

    Jimini | July 21, 2009 9:06 PM | Reply
    I gotta agree with several posters on this board when I say this site is in serious need of a moderator

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  286. abbeysbooks August 1, 2009 at 8:51 pm #

    I agree with you and you r comment was very good. But it isn’t going to make any difference. these troll types are hopeless and just do this to get attention so when you figure out who they are just skip them. If JHK wants them to be gone he can ban them. They will come back as sock puppets so you will have to start the processw of identifying them all over again but it does get easier each time.

  287. shiko August 2, 2009 at 1:51 pm #

    Oh, that was good!
    I have been thinking along same lines even since Obama was elected.
    As my adult life started under Gorby and I was witnessing how he went from respect to ridicule. Obama seems walking same path.
    He, like Gorby, is a man of illusional thinking.
    Gorby thought he could both reform the former USSR politically and economically which was a grand illusion. He could not relinquish power, open society and also make economically necessary but painful reforms. It was either one or two. To reform the USSR economically he should have maintained full political power and push for China like reforms.
    Obama holds similar illusions regarding ability to reform USA. It is ironical as Biden was telling that Russia should get more realistic about their place ion the world. It looks like he is talking to wrong party and gotta look at the mirror first to see someone he need to talk to.
    It is USA gotta start thinking of its place in the world and start making realistic adjustments. Economically speaking, Ruissia’s capacity to produce military gear in time of necessity is higher now than that of USA. if necessity comes, Russia would overproduce USA. Because all Russian manufacturing capacity is still there while American manufacturing capacity moved elsewhere. Hence, USA is nothing but a giant on clay feet.
    The real wealth comes from manufacturing and not as Jim puts it from those financial rackets.
    Another thing I want to add is that USA has effectively exhausted its resources while Russia still has a plenty of it. More than anyone else in the world.
    Regarding space exploration.
    Humans gotta think what they want and where their priorities lie. Making new gadgets for consumers and conquering the nearest space by which I mean space around our Sun.
    This space actually contains a huge resources which can become our jumping pod for our future development and further jump into outer space.
    It is tragic to see our abilities wasted on nothing more than consumers goods. What a waste and I really hate idea of us going back to earth and caves. It would be a tragedy of wasted opportunities and a terrible verdict on what a damn losers we are.

  288. shiko August 2, 2009 at 1:52 pm #

    Oh, that was good!
    I have been thinking along same lines even since Obama was elected.
    As my adult life started under Gorby and I was witnessing how he went from respect to ridicule. Obama seems walking same path.
    He, like Gorby, is a man of illusional thinking.
    Gorby thought he could both reform the former USSR politically and economically which was a grand illusion. He could not relinquish power, open society and also make economically necessary but painful reforms. It was either one or two. To reform the USSR economically he should have maintained full political power and push for China like reforms.
    Obama holds similar illusions regarding ability to reform USA. It is ironical as Biden was telling that Russia should get more realistic about their place ion the world. It looks like he is talking to wrong party and gotta look at the mirror first to see someone he need to talk to.
    It is USA gotta start thinking of its place in the world and start making realistic adjustments. Economically speaking, Ruissia’s capacity to produce military gear in time of necessity is higher now than that of USA. if necessity comes, Russia would overproduce USA. Because all Russian manufacturing capacity is still there while American manufacturing capacity moved elsewhere. Hence, USA is nothing but a giant on clay feet.
    The real wealth comes from manufacturing and not as Jim puts it from those financial rackets.
    Another thing I want to add is that USA has effectively exhausted its resources while Russia still has a plenty of it. More than anyone else in the world.
    Regarding space exploration.
    Humans gotta think what they want and where their priorities lie. Making new gadgets for consumers or conquering the nearest space by which I mean space around our Sun.
    This space actually contains a huge resources which can become our jumping pod for our future development and further jump into outer space.
    It is tragic to see our abilities wasted on nothing more than consumers goods. What a waste and I really hate idea of us going back to earth and caves. It would be a tragedy of wasted opportunities and a terrible verdict on what a damn losers we are.

  289. cjmo75 August 13, 2009 at 12:01 pm #

    Mr. Kunstler,
    Although you sometimes paint a grim portrait of the future of this once great country, I agree with you on every point you make. American citizens just cannot come to terms with reality. I’m 34 years old, unemployed, and broke. Why? It’s not because of anything I did. I always worked hard. I always saved. I always did everything I was “supposed” to do. My story is a common one. It’s further evidence of the elimination of the middle class. I’m poor. I’m lower class. I’m lower class because I’m just an average American with an average education and an average earning potential. My father can’t understand it. When he was my age, he was no different than I, except that he could afford a mortgage, a new car,and always had spending money. What is the difference between us? It’s not me, that’s for sure. It’s years of indulgence, overspending and lies by our political leaders. Thank you for your refreshing honesty and willingness to speak the truth. There should be more men like you, and they should have positions of power. We wouldn’t be in this predicament if that were the case.

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    Your GranTurismo Game several. 7 liter V8 serp gives 460 horsepower (338 kW) along with, while using “sport” key initialized, their serious throaty audio might be entirely loved due to the experience deplete. Your indication along with skyhook suspension creates your travel a restful nevertheless a new fulfilling expertise plus the auto shows their genuine heart if your roadways be a little more demanding. Your Maserati Steadiness Software (MSP) have been made in order that the modern GranTurismo Game gives their unique having figure in a issue.

    The modern Maserati GranTurismo Game speaks of convenience, high-class along with sportiness. Your treat cottage can be the effect of intensive ergonomic desk analysis wherever anything your new driver requires is due to uncomplicated accomplish. Every single details can be the effect of a new meticulously number of the optimum resources along with quality. Top game account seating along with his or her included headrests are actually newly designed to deliver additional convenience on the new driver along with traveling and give greater assist, specially underneath speeding. A new grille concluded to all brand-new Ecochrome is situated less than your headrests for you to risk-free a good sportier search in comparison with their forerunners, your Maserati GranTurismo. The trunk moldings are generally concluded throughout dark-colored natural leather nevertheless buyer could pick a conclude corresponding top seating. Backed seating convenience can be even more superior due to a greater knee place and also a more at ease rear screen. Your seating for the GranTurismo Game might be concluded inside brand-new BluSofisticato sewing.

    Your fresh made controls carries a sportier along with carved search, using Trofeo design and style gearshift paddles. Your controls proper grip have been superior to deliver a less arduous coping with, specially through additional ambitious devices. Your completes can be bought in natural leather, natural leather along with Alcantara along with as well as fiber-Alcantara. Your pedals are generally alternatively decked throughout MC Game Range throughout aluminium. About ask, your crucial screen through the GranTurismo MC Stradale might be equipped in order that your knobs might be quickly go through in a circumstances. Your car”s sporty along with redefined perimeters proceed while using Ecochrome lean indoor whether or not the Alcantara deal can be purchased in case you like a more vibrant search. For example Alcantara for the crucial face insures, core armrest, entrance screen, manages, the midst of your dashboard plus the core canal.

  305. dfhfhhy768 January 1, 2013 at 3:05 pm #

    Suggestions On an Extremely Powerful Lats Training Using Rear Strenghtening Physical exercises
    Most bodybuilders commit plenty of occasion implementing his or her chest muscles, that is certainly pretty simple to comprehend. A number of bodybuilders, on the other hand, don’t realize that it must be equally imperative that you develop your current shoulders in promoting all round energy and also a highly effective visual appeal. Solid latissimus dorsi, as well as lats, along with backbone erectors are in reality important for keeping away from rear harm, mutual destruction, along with undesirable good posture. Ahead of many of us show you information on the top physical exercises within your current lats training, we will create another thing crystal clear: Establishing your current lats isn’t really gonna always be always easy. This is the hard muscles class growing, which in turn calls for that you recognize what exactly you happen to be undertaking. Despite the actual engaged, on the other hand, lats physical exercises are nevertheless a new sought-after portion of powerful exercises for the reason that visual appeal of your respective rear could tap out your big difference involving a new rookie and also a get better at bodybuilder. A new well-developed list of lats provides that will V-taper, which in turn results in your impression of needing a good more substantial plus much more highly effective chest muscles. Allow me to share the top physical exercises that will encompass quite a powerful lats training. 1. Your Dumbbell RowTo start off this specific exercising, stay looking at a new full-length hand mirror using your foot a new neck wider a part plus your hips a little bias. Low fat onward until eventually your current chest can be placed at the 45-degree viewpoint. Take care to hold your current rear direct. Carry a new dumbbell throughout every single side, parallel on the hand mirror. Make certain that your current back along with arms are generally correctly arranged while using floorboards. Pick up your hand weights way up little by little until eventually that they effect your current ribcage. Because you pick up your weight loads, pick up your current back also even though retaining your current rear direct. Make sure you maintain biceps along with elbows tranquil during the entire activity. Breathe with the starting up situation plus the breathe out because you create your pick up. only two. Your Dumbbell DeadliftAdopt a similar starting up situation like with your Short period along with maintain sight devoted to your current depiction inside hand mirror. On this occasion, pick up your weight loads by simply little by little transferring your current biceps out and about sideward. This specific exercising is designed for possessing a solid along with flared list of lats. It is usually powerful throughout introducing wider for a total rear. Like with the 1st exercising, breathe in starting up situation along with breathe out for the pick up. 3. Dumbbell PulloversFor this specific exercising, you’ll want to sleep the night, deal with in excess while on an exercising regular which has a dumbbell placed between arms. Retain the bodyweight in a very straight situation after which it decrease the idea little by little guiding your brain, retaining your current biceps a little bias. Whenever you experience a new expand, move your dumbbell approximately only earlier mentioned your brain after which it do it again your activity approximately 10-15 distributors. This specific exercising is ideal not simply pertaining to thickening your current rear, but in addition doing work your current key plus your stomach muscles. Currently you already know principle physical exercises associated with an powerful lats training you must combine these people straight into your current schedule pertaining to at the least 6 several weeks after which it become knowledgeable all-around higher approaches. These kind of physical exercises accommodate an abundance of activity and still provide important backing rewards. Consequently, precisely what additional do you think you’re expecting? Start off adding these kind of physical exercises straight into your current exercises currently and you’ll absolutely expect a new better rear and also a more efficient visual appeal.

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  306. dfhfhhy768 January 1, 2013 at 3:07 pm #

    Benefits and drawbacks Regarding Looking Using a Puppy
    Looking plus a puppy can be a somewhat debatable sports activity today and also there are a few puppies far better with that as compared to some other, several puppies are usually far better? with? a certain form of looking as compared to other folks, for this reason looking using a puppy can be a well-known sports activity between looking lovers. Right now there aren? big t virtually any certain teams listed inside the U . s . Run Golf club ( AKC ) regarding looking on your own apart from the particular hounds which can be identified with an our ancestors backdrop inside their family tree inside the looking website. These kinds of qualities differ from puppy to be able to puppy: several employ a produced scenting capacity although some have got great strength etc. One of the most popular hounds is the: Beagle, Norwegian Elkhound, U . s . Foxhound, African american And also Bronze Coonhound among others at the same time. The particular well regarded AKC Showing off Party can be a somewhat huge band of looking puppies for anyone searcher in which take pleasure in looking plus a puppy in the woody or perhaps watering surroundings. A number of the puppies in which participate in this kind of party is the: U . s . H2o Spaniel, Fantastic Retriever, Language Cocker Spaniel, In german Shorthaired Suggestion among others at the same time. Relocating about the intriguing portion, the particular fascinating factor concerning the aforementioned puppies ( as well as the sleep of which, needless to say ) will be that all reproduce provides a unique normal habits. Looking alongside basic puppies will really increase the looking performance yet picking the most likely form of puppy is essential since several puppies do well at monk trying to find illustration although some other are usually far better provide regarding squirrel looking. The particular terriers have been at first produced regarding looking tiny game titles and also getting rid of vermin of course, if you want about looking squirrels as an example, an operating terrier will be the ultimate way to take action. The particular looking puppies are usually recommended regarding almost any looking while they can demonstrate their particular performance when appropriately qualified. The key downside relating to looking puppies will be the education method is pretty intricate and also may well not arrive the particular predicted final results any time trying to find initially with all the puppy. About the part of education any looking puppy, additionally it is any make a difference of energy due to the fact education your pet dog appropriately regarding looking functions usually takes around 12 months and perhaps you should have only 1 possiblity to take action due to the fact several blunders are usually irreparable. Among a great irreparable blunder is the not enough early on socialization. We all advise that you are doing a small amount of study just before picking the looking puppy ( remember the sort of video game you are likely to utilize the puppy with ), commence it coming from an early on age group and also items is going easily. That being said, looking plus a puppy provides the benefits and drawbacks. Is generally considerably employing a puppy will be that when canine has been appropriately qualified coming from an early on age group, the probability of finding a lot more pets will be increased since this kind of puppies can do a number of the do the job. The key downside could be the complete education method will take time and also each puppy differs from the others inside a unique approach thus there’s no these kinds of factor being a common education method appropriate for many breeds. Conclusion: Looking using a puppy can be quite a extremely fascinating and also engaging knowledge yet education your pet dog regarding looking will take lots of time and also training to carry out that appropriately.

  307. dfhfhhy768 January 2, 2013 at 9:31 am #

    “0. 1%ers?? As well as Insider secrets With World-class Custom motor coaches
    To the saturday, I had put together a happiness with looking at an enjoyable kind along at the Mooloolabah ITU Community Tumbler Triathlon for any gals. A ultimate successful of your kind appeared to be Vendula Frintova plus nancy trained by way of Darren Jackson, your greatly regarded shopper with Basketball player Examination. The fact is, Darren obtained some with her some athletes accomplish while in the top rated all five by using Kate Roberts out of Southern area Photography equipment plus Eva Groff with the U . S . (and her on basketball player being competitive appeared to be as well while in the top rated ten). This doesn’t have a lot better than this. Looking at a kind, reminded people with the best way sports being successful depends upon providing any minimal element which will makes a contribution to succeeding success is definitely completed to your most effective within your skill. The truth is, any basketball player while in the kind contains a qualified private coach, clinically proved exercise and diet program, exercise bikes plus devices truly worth a large amount, admission to the perfect natural information and facts and has now uncovered methods of help brain section of their total sport activity. Owning all these significant ticketed merchandise into position lets a strong basketball player so that you can take a position to the get started set being aware of they can be never in the weakness. They’re able to come to feel positive. Not surprisingly, if perhaps any basketball player includes all these features into position, in that case being successful is because of the best way perfectly each one variable is definitely completed daily. One of the tricky elements of being qualified basketball player is a education so that you can which will a strong basketball player determines to coach plus create ourselves so that you can optimum benchmarks. Enjoy by way of this is certainly that must be not only a topic of owning a in advance of brought up features into position, nonetheless seriously, their education so that you can that you choose to increase its cost. Such as, taking in the appropriate food items for the duration of exercising, remaining accurately hydrated, owning rescue food items out there posting exercising plus competitions, providing a person’s kind food items will work as well as variety keeps going. Each one aspect in a basketball player progression application includes a number of concentrations which will a lot of some athletes conduct, nonetheless exclusively the best some athletes bring each one part so that you can optimum place in support of a winners find innovative methods of plant the very last attainable 0. 1% get. I actually strongly try to remember a campaigns most people left for in the make an attempt to succeed a Yellow metal Honor along at the Quarterly report 2000 Olympics. Most people completed all of our natural exercising so that you can previously ??Gold Medal?? ordinary each one time, most people made use of prototype ships that were longitudinally plus side to side more rigid, obtained fins suited to a hull that were hydro-dynamically more streamlined, biomechanically modified all of our man or women plus company put in place while in the watercraft. In addition, most people made use of breathing methods to enable united states chill out just after exercising, made use of mental send adjusting systems to develop a ??alpha mental wave?? think to increase all of our rescue. Most people have visualisation work outs each day plus made use of program crafting to bolster all of our familiarity with a kind system and then to generate united states extra extremely versatile so that you can variations. Most people attemptedto go away virtually no diamond unturned. All things considered, most people acquired your Bronze Honor. Never whatever we sought. Having said that, Concerning self taught themselves executing many of the previously plus working with a mind with hunting for nearly anything which may present united states a further 0. 1% around operation appeared to be just what exactly made possible united states so that you can succeed a Bronze. Obtained most people never taught with this, we might attended 4 .. While you invest some time by using Darren Jackson plus perceive the pup take a look at her application, just what exactly results in being hence very clear, is a education so that you can which will they’re hunting for a 0. 1%ers. I actually make sure Darren is coming along issues that a lot of custom motor coaches are usually not executing. At this moment, We’re never visiting reveal her insider secrets here, nonetheless I’ll express by using superb self-belief based upon all of our seek advise from Darren as well as countless custom motor coaches out of many different physical activities, globally, this Darren is coming along elements several. It is far from continually visiting signify her some athletes succeed, but it surely continually usually means people conduct as good as once they could not practice with this and get the following doctrine with interested in a 0. 1%. Not surprisingly, taking care of with Darren??s application is definitely the best way your dog functions all of our expert services. Your dog styles both of her some athletes making use of the Basketball player Examination AthleteDISC. Darren as well profiled him self (using a CoachDISC profile) plus consistently acquires reviews pertaining to her operation for a private coach. Both of Darren??s some athletes is aware ourselves plus Darren is aware these folks perfectly very. This gives the pup so that you can personalize her strategy to learning these folks and then to grow one of the best kind technique for these folks. We’re also never announcing the following elevates its operation by way of 10% or even just 1%, having said that, its yet another model on the 0. 1%er. Most people believe that being aware of this review pertaining to a person’s some athletes might a lot develop its operation eventually as well as what the heck is essential is definitely that Darren??s some athletes find out your dog is seeking any minor fringe he could obtain. Working with a private coach because of this doctrine supplies her some athletes a good with self-belief around ourselves plus its groundwork plus everyone believes this is certainly very important so that you can being successful. Inevitably, the best way perfectly don’t know you your some athletes? Should there be the chance you could possibly develop the following, although exclusively by way of 0. 1%, its beneficial ?C mainly while it is definitely this sort of significant plus impactful vicinity. Most people will assist you to. Come across additional information for the AthleteDISC shape to get some athletes plus CoachDISC shape to get custom motor coaches and also call us today to understand how you will assist you to further more grow a person’s learning.